[Table_MainInfo] Equity Research Report 24 Oct 2014 [Table_Author] Research Analyst [Table_Title] PAX Global 327.HK Dennis Chien 852 3983 0835 [email protected] [Table_Target] Rating Target Price Upside Potential Company Data (as of 24 Oct mkt close) 327HK Share Price (HK$) Market Cap Outstanding Shares (HK$ mn) (mn) 52wk Low (HK$) 52wk High (HK$) P/E (x) P/B (x) 3.45 EV/EBITDA (x) 11.16 Div yld (%) - ROE (%) 15.74 Net Debt / Equity (%) Net Cash Gearing (%) Auditor Fidelity Share Price Chart (HKD) Expansion in overseas markets faster-than-expected. PAX has [Table_Summary] continually made breakthrough in overseas market for the past few months including partnering with Derpos to expand Turkey market, cooperate with Egyptian govt., joins hands with three big Indonesian banks, being selected by ASB Bank in New Zealand, etc. We expect substitution effects continues at a faster pace where PAX will be able to gain larger market share against peers. The U.S. law shifts the frauds liability from banks to merchants commencing in Oct 2015. PAX has double its team size in the U.S. operations to 35 people, mainly focus on I.T. engineers and salesmen. We expect such action is due to the opportunity rise from EMV migration, weaken competitiveness of competitors, and a more profitable market with aggregate demand of around 2mil ETF-POS terminals each year. According to Payments Security Task Force, a cross-industry group formed by Visa and MasterCard, expected that at least 47% of merchant terminals will be enabled for EMV chip technology by end of 2015 in the U.S. We believe the behind reason is mainly due to change of the U.S. law commencing in Oct 2015, where the liability of any frauds will shift from banks to merchants. Replacement cycle in the U.S. is on-going while potentially there are another 53% of merchant terminals that needed to be replaced after 2015. We expect PAX’s operations in the U.S. will form a larger scale and heading toward breakeven in the coming year. Maintain our Buy rating with target price of HK$9.22. We revise up our FY14E/15E/16E net profit by 16.0%/18.6%/21.2% to HK$382mn/ 477mn/ 597mn. PAX is trading at 17.2x FY15E PER, 35.3% lower than its peer average. We believe the valuation discount will be narrowed given by continuous growth in global market share and weaken competitiveness of competitors. We revise up our target price of HK$9.22, based on 21.3x FY15E PER, a 20% discount from peers average. 7.36 8,098 1,100 2.71 8.49 23.18 PwC Major Shareholders HiSun Technology (maintained) Expect Faster Growth in Overseas Markets Buy (maintained) HK$N/A 9.22 (from HK$8.89) +25.3% Ticker BUY 33.08% 9.04% Forecast and Valuation Year to 31 Dec Revenue (HK$ mn) YoY Net Profit (HK$ mn) YoY Basic EPS (HK$) YoY P/E (x) Dividend yield (%) P/B (x) FY2012 1,313 19.0% 183 0.6% 0.176 0.7% 39.1 4.2 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E FY2016E 1,472 2,034 2,505 2,926 12.1% 38.1% 23.2% 16.8% 227 382 477 597 23.8% 68.5% 24.9% 25.3% 0.218 0.347 0.433 0.543 23.7% 59.1% 24.9% 25.3% 32.7 22.3 18.1 14.9 3.6 3.3 2.8 2.3 Source: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) estimate Sources: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) Please read the analysts and company disclosure and the disclaimer in the last page Equity Research Report Financial Summary Income Statement (HK$ mn) Total Revenue China market Overseas market Cost of sales Gross profit Other income Operating expense Operating Profit Associates Finance costs Income tax expense Minority interest Others Net Profit EPS No. of shares outstanding (mn) Growth y-o-y Revenue Net Profit EPS FY2012 1,313 919 394 (849) 464 30 (271) 223 (40) 183 0.176 1,038 FY2013 1,472 1,046 426 (931) 541 50 (325) 266 (40) 227 0.218 1,039 FY2014E 2,034 1,224 810 (1,273) 761 58 (372) 446 (65) 382 0.347 1,100 FY2015E 2,505 1,371 1,134 (1,542) 963 70 (476) 557 (81) 477 0.433 1,100 FY2016E 2,926 1,508 1,418 (1,770) 1,156 88 (545) 699 (101) 597 0.543 1,100 19.0% 0.6% 0.52% 12.1% 23.8% 23.65% 38.1% 68.5% 59.14% 23.2% 24.9% 24.86% 16.8% 25.3% 25.34% Balance Sheet (HK$ mn) PPE Others Total Non-Current Assets Inventories Trade and bills receivables Deposits and other receivables Cash at bank and on hand Others Total Current Assets Trade payables Other payables and accruals Borrowings Others Total Current Liabilities Non-current liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities Share capital Total reserve Total equity Net Cash FY2012 10 0 10 244 544 10 1,358 26 2,183 225 131 0 27 383 0 0 104 1,707 1,811 976 FY2013 8 0 8 465 638 6 1,698 17 2,824 446 275 0 25 746 0 0 104 1,983 2,087 953 FY2014E 12 0 12 488 883 9 1,826 116 3,322 518 320 0 29 866 0 0 110 2,353 2,464 960 FY2015E 13 0 14 558 1,053 10 2,204 117 3,942 609 376 0 52 1,036 0 0 110 2,812 2,922 1,168 FY2016E 16 0 16 679 1,254 12 2,619 116 4,680 690 426 0 63 1,178 0 0 110 3,406 3,516 1,440 Cash Flow (HK$ mn) FY2012 Profit before tax 223 Interest income (11) Depreciation of PPE 3 Others (20) Changes in working capital (2) Income tax paid (29) Net operating cash flows 202 Purchase of PPE (3) Investment in ST bank deposits Interest received 12 Net investing cash flows 1 Proceeds from issuance of ordinary sharesRepayment of ST bank borrowings Increase in restricted cash Net financing activities cash flows 0 Net (decrease) / increase in cash 203 Exchange gains/(losses) 3 Cash at beginning of year 1,152 Cash at end of year 1,358 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E FY2016E 266 446 557 699 (15) (18) (23) (27) 4 3 3 3 (28) (34) (3) (3) 54 (162) (88) (189) (42) (40) (65) (81) 292 260 385 405 (1) (7) (4) (6) (100) 15 18 23 27 23 (89) 18 22 8 0 0 0 323 171 403 426 17 (44) (25) (12) 1,358 1,698 1,826 2,204 1,698 1,826 2,204 2,619 Ratio Analysis Profitability GPM OPM NPM ROA ROE Liquidity & Solvency Current Ratio Quick Ratio Cash Ratio Total debt to equity Net debt to equity Working Capital AR days Inventories days AP days DuPont Analysis Net Profit Margin Asset Turnover Leverage Ratio FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E FY2016E FY2012 35.3% 17.0% 13.9% 8.3% 10.1% 36.7% 18.1% 15.4% 8.0% 10.9% 37.4% 22.0% 18.8% 11.4% 15.5% 38.5% 22.3% 19.0% 12.0% 16.3% 39.5% 23.9% 20.4% 12.7% 17.0% 5.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.0 5.0 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.5 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Net Cash Net Cash Net Cash Net Cash Net Cash 149 118 160 149 139 211 138 137 223 142 124 216 145 127 216 13.9% 0.6 1.2 15.4% 0.5 1.4 18.8% 0.6 1.4 19.0% 0.6 1.4 20.4% 0.6 1.3 Source: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) Valuation of Peers Name Ticker INGENICO VERIFONE FUJIAN NEWLAND SZZT SHENZHEN XINGUODU ING FP PAY US 000997 CH 002197 CH 300130 CH PAX GLOBAL 327 HK Mkt Cap HK$ mn 43,220 29,866 15,306 5,165 4,556 8,098 Last Px (Local Cur) 78.58 34.05 23.65 15.59 31.43 Simple Avg. 7.36 Current 28.7 N/A 45.4 61.6 59.0 48.7 23.2 P/E ratio FY2014E 23.8 22.9 37.2 41.0 78.6 40.7 21.4 FY2015E 19.5 17.2 27.2 30.4 38.8 26.6 17.2 P/B ratio (x) 5.1 3.6 7.1 3.8 3.3 4.6 3.5 ROA (x) 6.3 (9.1) 6.6 4.0 4.4 2.4 9.0 ROE (x) 18.6 (24.4) 14.3 6.8 5.4 4.1 11.6 Gearing (x) 2.7 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.2 2.0 1.3 Source: Bloomberg, CIS(HK) estimate Please read the analysts and company disclosure and the disclaimer in the last page 2/3 Equity Research Report Disclaimer The information, tools and material presented herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or a solicitation to sell or an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for securities, investment products or other 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