Redwood City Council Tentative Items for Future Agendas

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Redwood City Council
Tentative Items for Future Agendas
November 17, 2014 - Special Meeting
( INTERNAL DEPARTMENTAL NOTE: Draft staff reports, for processing, are due in the electronic application
on October 23, 2014 by Noon)
One Council Member will be absent.
6:30 p.m. - Reception Honoring Irma Hofslund's 108th Birthday
7:00 p.m. - Special Joint City Council/ Successor Agency Board Meeting
Special Orders of the Day ~ Proclamation in Honor of Irma Hofslund's 108th Birthday
~ Recognizing Electronic Arts (EA) and Provident Credit Union
for their Employer Sponsored Child Care Programs
Consent Calendar
A) Stormwater Treatment Measures & Maintenance Agreement for the
development at 1831 E Bayshore by the Steve and Doreen Werthmann
Revocable Trust
B) Agreement for Professional Survey Services with MacLeod and
Associates Inc. related to Water Main Replacement Capital
Improvement Program and Redwood City Recycled Water Project
Phase 2A
C) Agreement to develop CalOpps software application for the City of
Foster City
A) Annexation 24 Don Court, Assessor's Parcel Number 058-040-130,
to the Oak Knoll Sewer Maintenance District
B) CEDA (Figtree) PACE Additional Implementation Documents
Public Hearing
A) Downtown Parking Program Ordinance amending Article VII of
Chapter 20 (the "Parking Ordinance") of the code of the City of
Redwood City to implement various modifications to the Parking
Program (First Reading/Introduction 10/20/14)
November 24, 2014 - Closed Session Meeting Only
6:00 p.m. - City Attorney's Annual Evaluation
December 1, 2014
6:00 p.m. - Audit Committee Meeting
December 8, 2014
( INTERNAL DEPARTMENTAL NOTE: Draft staff reports, for processing, are due in the electronic application
on November 21, 2014)
7:00 p.m. - Joint City Council/ Successor Agency Board Meeting
Special Orders of the Day ~ Recognition of Barbara Bigelow, Chamber of Commerce
Consent Calendar
~ Redwood City's Annual Water Conservation Poster Contest
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Public Hearing(s)
A) Amendment Number 1 with MIG, Inc. for Downtown Precise Plan
Environmental Review Services
B) Transportation Impact Fee Projects, Schedule, and Account Reports
C) Fifth Amendment to an Agreement with Shums Coda & Associates,
Inc. for Building Plan Check and Inspection Services
D) City Contract with the Redwood City Improvement Association
A) Increase in Budget for Consulting Firms
ORDINANCE(S) - First Reading
Ordinance Amendment - Chapter 41 Flood Plain Management
1) Consideration of Historic Landmark Designation and Historic
Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) for a residence located at
139-143 Duane Street / 3039 Broadway Street (APN 052-232-110)
2) Consideration of Historic Landmark Designation and Historic
Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) for a residence located at
802 Edgewood Road (APN 052-010-180)
3) Consideration of Historic Landmark Designation and Historic
Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) for a residence located at
823 Blandford Boulevard (APN 052-043-040)
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Future Meetings - Tentative Dates & Items
December 15 (Special Meeting - if needed)
January 12 - (Agreement for Auditing Services & Public Hearing for the 2015 Rates for
Solid Waste Unscheduled Services Provided by Recology San Mateo County)
January 26 - (Emergency Preparedness Training at 5:30 pm)
February 9
February 23 - (Midyear Budget)
March 9
March 23
April 13
April 27
May 4
May 18 (Special Meeting)
June 8
June 15 (II Budget Session - If Needed)
June 22 (Budget Public Hearing)
July 27
August 24
September 21 (Special Meeting)
September 28 (Light Meeting)
October 12
October 26 (Special Meeting)
November 9
November 16 (Special Meeting)
December 7 (Consent Calendar - Canvass of the Election/Tribute Meeting)
December 14 (Installation of New Council/Mayor/VM Selection)
Caption - bolded items are completed/regular font items have started/italicized items have not been received.