November 1, 2014 Volume 16, Issue 11 FROM THE PASTOR St. Paul Lutheran Church The St. Paul Messenger Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. And when the LORD your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you...take care lest you forget the LORD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. (Deuteronomy 6:4-10,12) Life is busy! (But not too busy for God.) So much to do! (But what’s the purpose of all of it without God?) I’ll get back to church when things slow down. (What would happen if we made a commitment to coming back to church and setting aside time to pause for the Word throughout the week? Would things slow down?) All these things I HAVE to do!! (God teaches us that we GET to do what we do by His grace-- to glorify Him, serve for His kingdom, and serve our neighbor in love.) I’m not qualified to teach my children the faith. (Look again at Deuteronomy 6. See also the headings of the Small Catechism. I’d love a phone call, email or conversation to start, “Pastor, I want to teach my children the Christian faith. How do I go about doing that? How can our congregation support and encourage families to do this?”) Use those WE GET TO GROW IN THE WORD AND PRAYER inserts!! Take to heart, spread, engage, respond to the Scriptures, hymns, prayers, and comments on our Facebook Page: St Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool—Liberty Center. If these ways aren’t working for you, let’s talk about it and find a way, together as a congregation. As His faithful children, let’s use the time that God gives us wisely. Let’s gladly hear and learn preaching and His Word. Let’s be devoted to the teaching and preaching of the apostles! Let’s see how God’s Word will accomplish the very purpose for which God sends it! Let’s see how God will call many to faith and strengthen the faith of those who already believe through His Word which, dwells among us richly! I’ll see you Sunday to show you God’s grace, mercy, and peace through Jesus Christ!! Pastor Witte Page 2 The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 St. Paul Shut-Ins We keep in our prayers the following: DELORES ATKINSON—Alpine Village Assisted Living #317, 1032 S. Perry St., Napoleon, OH 43545 RITA KESSLER– Home—6859 Co Rd U, Liberty Center, OH 43532 MARY MYLES—Home—T 074 County Road 4, Liberty Center, OH 43532 LOUISE TROWBRIDGE—Home—25999 County Road HJ, Archbold, OH 43502 CAROLYN WEIS, The Lutheran Home, 1036 S. Perry St., Napoleon, OH 43545 Remember our shut-ins with a note, card or a visit when appropriate. BGSU Concessions – Appreciated We’ve had four sessions of working at BGSU Concessions. We have been told that we are appreciated. We are reliable, efficient, and easy to work with. So now we are being offered extra booths and the opportunity to work the hockey season. We have received payments for two outings, totaling $1,232.50. Currently these funds are being used to reduce the debt we have against our own special project accounts. Once we get that covered, we can apply these funds for other projects. So it is a worthwhile project. We hope more people will assist us with it. Our schedule looks like this for the time being: Friday, October 31 Hockey vs. Minnesota State Saturday, November 1 Hockey vs. Minnesota State Wednesday, November 12 Kent State Friday, November 28 Ball State Be There at 4:30 Be There at 5:00 Be There at 5:30 TBD If you are over 18, check out the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Some of the game times are not available yet since the game will be televised and they will schedule the time. We could also use some babysitters so that parents can help at BGSU. If you are interested in doing this, please speak to Dan Seedorf. Volume 16, Issue 11 Page 3 The St. Paul Messenger November Birthdays Joshua Witte—1 Landon Weis—2 Nicole Burton—2 Bridget Knipp—4 Gladys Demaline—4 Miranda Phillips—4 Nolan Cordes—5 Alison Witte—9 Bill Spiess—9 Trisha Hoover—10 Michael Oberhaus—14 Mara Pittman—14 Jason Gonder—15 Mindy Lewis—16 Rob Mohler—16 Brentley Hiltner—17 Landis Burmeister—19 Scott Sonnenberg—19 Dan Rabe—22 Heather Myers—23 Dustin Lewis—27 Tracy Armey—27 Meagan Ross—30 Ken Myles—30 November Anniversaries David & Linda Myles—4 Bill & Deb Spiess—10 Lee & Lisa Rabe—15 Paul & Linda Bergstedt—17 Craig & Sherry Myers—20 Scott & Tracy Armey—22 Rob & Tiffany Mohler—24 November Baptismal Birthdays James Sidell—1 Andre Atkinson—1 Michael Engler—2 Brenda Bartels—2 Eric Oberhaus—3 Andrea Zacharias—3 Angela Chapa—3 Lora Pittman—5 Ahna Nash—5 Mara Pittman—5 Zaine Pittman—5 Dorothy Frankforther—7 Donjean Smith—8 Jeff Nash—11 Joan Hardesty—11 Taylor Sexton—14 Hannah Swearingen—16 Ken Glanz—16 Rob Mohler—17 Levi Anderson—18 Donna Minnich—19 Robert Minnich—19 Stephen Minnich—19 Kyle Minnich—19 Jason Perkins—20 Madison Overmier—21 Kenna Cordes—21 Joshua Witte—21 Jackson Zeiter—22 Greg Slee—22 Tabitha Bergstedt—23 Ashley Babcock—25 Nicole Myers—27 Mariah Bostelman—28 Claudia Wittenmyer—28 William Wittenmyer—28 Bridget Knipp—30 Kevin Oberhaus Page 4 The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 Harvest Gathering Now through December 7th, we will be collecting food, personal hygiene and cleaning products. These items will be sorted according to need and given to The Caring Cupboard in Liberty Center and Henry County Christmas Cheer programs. If you wish to give a monetary donation to The Caring Cupboard, make your check payable to “The Caring Cupboard” and drop it off at The Henry County Bank, Liberty Center, c/o Cindy Overmier. For monetary donations to “Henry County Christmas Cheer,” send your check to: Henry County Christmas Cheer, c/o LeRoy Helberg, Q610 County Road 19, Napoleon, OH 43545. List of Needed Items: (Please check expiration dates on all food products) Please No Microwave Items Canned Vegetables, Fruits, Soup, Stews, Meats Macaroni & Cheese Mixes, Spaghettios Spaghetti Sauces, Tomato Juice, Broths Noodles, Macaroni, Rice, Spaghetti Potato Mixes, Stuffing Mixes Cereals, Pancake Mixes, Syrups Crackers, Peanut Butter, Jelly Pudding, Jello, Cake Mixes, Frostings Fruit Juices, Coffee, Tea, Kool-aid, Chocolate Drink Mixes Toilet Tissue, Facial Tissue, Paper Towels Baggies qt./gal. size, Tinfoil Bar Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant Laundry Detergent, Bleach, Dish Soap Kitchen & Bath Cleaners Bandaids, Women’s Products, Wet Wipes The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 Page 5 Stewardship for October DATE ATTENDANCE 10/05 10/12 10/19 10/26 TOTAL 97 130 89 100 SUNDAY AVERAGE 416 104 COMMUNION S. SCHOOL 73 SUNDAY AVERAGE $ 2,253.00 $ 2,344.58 $ 2,181.54 $ 1,673.00 12 15 65 82 OFFERINGS SUNDAY AVERAGE OFFERINGS 14 $ 8,452.12 73 Special Projects/Memorials for Sept.—$ 2,687.85 Mission Door Offering—Oct.—$164.00—$32.73 BG Concessions—$752.90 Gifts and Memorials Debt Retirement Women of the Church from Soup & Pie Organ Fund Delores Atkinson LeVerne Gerken’s 75th Birthday Norma Weis SALLY ELLING MEMORIALS M/M Tom Mohler M/M Jim Rettig M/M Tom Kern M/M Erv Sonnenberg M/M Robert Elling THANK YOU ! SALLY ELLING MEMORIALS Marlene Buchhop Jon Leatherman M/M Michael Hamlin M/M Sean Fahringer Tracy Hoff M/M Harold Smith Marcille Katon Peg & Carol Rauch M/M Chuck Bostelman M/M Weldon Drewes M/M Elmer Junge M/M Craig Goldsmith Bernice Moore Mary Myles STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Matthew 22:21 Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” So what is Jesus saying? Doesn’t everything belong to God? Yes—and God has a place for everything. Some of what He gives us goes to Caesar. Some must come back to the work of His Church. And some goes to support the families He has given us. All belongs to God—and He has work for us to do with what He has given us in the Home, in the Church, and in Society. Page 6 The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 OFFICIAL ACTS MARRIAGE AMANDA NAGEL to RYAN McCLURE On Saturday, October 25, 2014 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Lord of Life and Death called to His Eternal Glory, CAROLYN SPIESS on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo. Services were held on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Liberty Center, with Rev. Keith Witte officiating. Interment was at Young Cemetery. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ November Greeters Selected The Board of Evangelism has selected the greeters for November. Greeters are requested to greet for Sunday morning worship service. Greeters are asked to be on hand by 9:30 a.m. If there are handouts for that day, they will be labeled as such. Greeters should welcome all who come to worship, and request visitors to sign the Registration Book. If a person is unable to greet, please call Dan Seedorf at 419-265-2798, and he will see that a greeter is in place. A big “Thank You!” goes out to all who help to make our worshipers feel more welcome. November Greeters are: November 2: November 9: November 16: November 23: November 30: The Derek Meyer Family The Ray Carpenter Family Pam Myles/Traci Conmay The Scott Armey Family The Harold Smith Family Volume 16, Issue 11 The St. Paul Messenger Page 7 PRESCHOOL HAPPENINGS It’s hard to believe its November!!! We have a busy month in the preschool room. We will learn about Community Helpers, dinosaurs, and Native Americans, Pilgrims, and Thanksgiving. We will have a dino dig for the children to explore and search for dinosaur fossils. We are also excited to set up a log cabin and teepee for the children to play with. We will have a table for them to have a pretend feast. Then on the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving we will have a feast. Five Little Turkeys Five little turkeys standing at the door, One waddled off, and then there were four. Four little turkeys sitting near a tree, One waddled off, and then there were three. Three little turkeys with nothing to do, One waddled off, and then there were two. Two little turkeys in the morning sun, One waddled off, and then there was one. One little turkey better run away, For soon it will be Thanksgiving Day. Page 8 The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 Special Music Enhances our Worship The musicians of St. Paul have been busy preparing for special music for our worship services. Our thanks go out to so many who offer their time and talent for the glory of the Lord! We have been blessed with the violin and piano music provided by a new face in our congregation, Malik Khalfani. We hope to hear more from him as he finishes his senior year at Maumee High School. Combining our choirs has turned out to be a blessing. Offering their worship assistance on Sunday, October 19, and Reformation Sunday (October 26) brought many compliments and uplifted us as we offered our praise to our loving Lord. Those who are currently participating in the group are Carol Carpenter (handbells, accompanist), Marielle Glanz (choir), Deb Nash (handbells and choir), Jeff Nash (handbells), Ahna Pittman-Nash (handbells), Lora Pittman (handbells), Mara Pittman (handbells and choir), Dan Seedorf (handbells, clarinet, and choir director), Loretta Seedorf (choir), John Swearingen, Jr. (handbell director, clarinet, and choir), and John Swearingen, Sr. (handbells). If you are interested in helping with this group, rehearsals are on Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. or talk to Dan Seedorf or John Swearingen, Jr. We will hear from our own Hannah Swearingen on the harp soon. With the Senior Ensemble, our worship will be enhanced, especially when we consider that David played the harp as he sang his psalms to the glory of God. The Little Lambs and Cherubs, under the direction of Deb Nash, with Myrna Gibson at the piano, are practicing before their Sunday School classes so that they can share their joyful voices to the glory of Jesus their Savior. We’ll hear from them soon. Perhaps you have other musical talent that you would like to share with the congregation. Talk to Dan Seedorf to get things moving your way. He’ll gladly help you in anyway that he can to help you offer your talent for the glory of the Lord. We praise God that He has blessed us with so much talent. Our special music enhances our worship. We are a singing congregation and we love to rejoice through our music. Senior Combined Choirs rehearse on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. with some Thursday evenings at 7 as needed. Who wants to gladly hear and learn God’s Word, together as God’s Family?? If so, we’ll see you in Adult Bible Study on Sunday Morning at 9:00!! Right now we are delving deeper into the parables of Jesus Christ. After all, who doesn’t like a good story or image to teach us about how our God rules? Volume 16, Issue 11 The St. Paul Messenger Page 9 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE November, 2014 DATE ACOLYTES CRUCIFER DEACON USHERS Nov. 2 Mackenzie Armey Madison Overmier Nathan Smith Nov. 9 Alyssa Woods Cassidy Chapa Nov. 16 Bailey Izor Benjamin Aschliman Brian Baker Claudia Wittenmyer Mike Elling Bill Zeiter, Sr. John Engler Nov. 23 Levi Anderson Olivia Zacharias Ken Glanz Lee Sonnenberg Tom Mohler Bill Zeiter II Erv Sonnenberg Harold Smith Ray Carpenter Rob Mohler Tom Mohler Paul Bergstedt LeVerne Gerken Jeff Nash Nov. 26 Alexis Mohler (Thanksgiving Emily Pippin Eve.) Nathan Smith Ken Glanz Leo Rabe Kirk Rumsey Kody Woods Nov. 30 Garret Seiler Tom Mohler Dan Woods John Overmier Harold Smith Madison Overmier Mackenzie Armey LWML FALL CHRISTIAN LIFE WORKSHOP Jesus, Always the Same Guest speaker—Rev. Dale Kern who will portray the Rev. John Adam Detzer, a Circuit Rider Preacher who established Lutheran congregations in this area beginning in 1845. Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:30 to 11:15am Emmaus Lutheran Church, Wauseon We will be collecting nonperishable items or monetary donations for Lutheran churches in the area that have food pantries. Preparing communion for November are Harold & Kathy Smith Providing flowers for November are Paul & Linda Bergstedt Page 10 The St. Paul Messenger Volume 16, Issue 11 YOUTH & FAMILY NEWS Family Fellowship Supper Baked Potato Bar November 19 @ 5:30 Bring a topping to share and enjoy some potatoes and fellowship! Family Mission Trip June 5-9, 2015 Help us reach 100 likes! We have a new Facebook page! St. Paul Lutheran Church & Preschool‐Liberty Center. Login and like us! Share our page with your friends! The more likes we have, the more people our posts reach and the more our page is suggested to others! Volume 16, Issue 11 The St. Paul Messenger Page 11 Let us pray to the Lord: For all Christians, who are made righteous because of Jesus; that the LORD continue to deliver us from all afflictions, evils, and temptations (Psalm 34:19). For all who serve and lead the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod; for Rev. Matthew Harrison, our synodical president; for Rev. Terry Cripe, our district president; for Stephen Niermann, our Circuit Visitor; for Rev. Keith Witte, our Pastor, that God bless the work of their hands for the sake of our church and world (Hebrews13:17). For Ryan and Amanda McClure, joined in marriage on Oct 25; that Christ would always be present in their marriage so that they love and honor each other until death parts them (Colossians 3:18-19; Matthew 19:6). For those who are sick, suffering, in pain, mourning, or under severe temptation; including Fred Wheeler; Judy Thompson; Dee Hyde (daughter of Harold and Kathy Smith); Emilie Rabe; the family and friends of Carolyn Spiess; those who suffer from Ebola; that God hear their cries (and our cries) for help and deliver them from all their troubles (Psalm 34:17). The weekly edition of our prayer requests may be found in every Sunday bulletin and on our church website: If you would like to include someone’s name in our published prayer requests, (printed or online) please secure permission from the individual and then contact Pastor/church office. You can say, “We at St. Paul, Liberty Center, believe in the power of prayer and would love to lift you up in our weekly and daily prayers. Would it be ok if I share your name so that it’s on a printed list and published online?” BIRTHS We rejoice with Michael and Sarah Butcher on the birth of a new baby daughter, MADELYN MAE, born on August 27, 2014 at Toledo Hospital. She weighed 7lbs. 9 ozs. and was 20 inches long. God’s Blessings!
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