Oct. 2014 The monthly newsletter of Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber of Commerce Featuring The Debut of the 2014 Survey of NW CT Businesses Sponsored by A grant from Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:00 a.m. At Fairview Farm Golf Course & Banquet Facility 300 Hill Road, Harwinton Breakfast will be served. $30 p.p. Members / $50 p.p. Non-Members RSVP to the Chamber at 860-482-6586. Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board Brooks, Todd & McNeil Insurance UCONN Torrington Dymax Corporation Northwest Community Bank Webster Bank 9 Days Best of Japan TOKYO * KYOTO * OSAKA Train Auction November 1st - 4pm KidsPlay Annex, 69 Main Street, Torrington This is your chance to purchase one of the beautiful artistic creations. March 22-30, 2015 Celebrate the tradition of Japan! Begin your journey in Tokyo, the heart of Japan, ride the world’s first bullet train to the historic city, Kyoto, enjoy a Sake Tasting and explore the culture of Japan. Your memorable 9-day journey concludes in one of Japan’s largest cities, Osaka. If you’re lucky, you may even see the cherry blossoms. Tickets $50 PREVIEW PARTY OCTOBER 30TH - 5-7 PM KidsPlay Annex, 69 Main Street, Torrington Tickets $5 FULL DETAILS ON PAGE 11 PAGE 2 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 MEMBER NEWS MINIATURE ART AUCTION TO BENEFIT PRIME TIME HOUSE The number of artists in Litchfield County has grown and galleries are popping up everywhere. Recently ‘TOHO’ (Torrington Heart of the Arts) has been used to describe the city, particularly its flourishing art district. Consider then that Prime Time House was at the forefront of this movement over a decade ago in holding several successful miniature art auctions which recognized and paid tribute to this creative community. Once again we are holding a similar event on October 11th, at the end of national Mental Illness Awareness week, at the Warner Theater Atrium. Over 35 artists have donated a newly commissioned small work of art for display and purchase at the silent or live auction. Artwork is limited to 6” by 4” or 24 square inches for dimensional art. Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door which includes wine, beer and light refreshments. For more information contact Kathi at (860)618-2479 ext. 103 or [email protected]. NEW CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES AT NORTHWESTERN Mental Health First Aid: This course reviews mental health, mental illness, mental disorders and their prevalence in the community. Financial Security – The Basics: It’s never too late to put sound financial practices into place. Develop your action plan today! For full course descriptions go to www.nwcc.edu and click on the Catalog link for the Fall 2014 schedule of courses or call 860-738-6444 for more information. LITCHFIELD SALTWATER GRILLE INVITES YOU TO STOP BY Litchfield Saltwater Grille offers live music every Friday night starting at 8:30pm. Also, new for football fans…3 large flat screen TVs, food and beer specials every Monday, Thursday & Sunday! Stop on by, they would love to see you. Visit www.litchfieldsaltwatergrille.org for more information. SOUTH FARMS IN MORRIS OPENS CORN MAZE The South Farms Corn Maze opened Saturday, September 13th at 21 Higbie Road, Morris, CT. Starting on September 19th, the AmandaBakes Airstream food trailer will be onsite weekly with offerings of hot cider, coffee, and cocoa in addition to Warm Apple Crisp with homemade whipped cream and made from scratch seasonal cookies. Regularly on Sundays, in addition to the AmandaBakes Airstream, corn maze guests can stop at The Morris Marketplace for a bite to eat at the Marketplace Grill and pick-up the freshest selection of foods at the areas farmers’ market on a real working farm. Regularly scheduled hours are Saturday 10am to 5pm, and Sunday 11am to 4pm. Special hours and private events can be arranged for larger groups during off-hours, by emailing [email protected]. The entrance fee for guests 4-years and older is $6, children 3-years and younger are free. Parking and ticketing for the maze is located at the South Farms “White Barn” parking lot. Closings and maze conditions will be posted on the South Farms Facebook page. COLLETTE HURST QUINTET TO PERFORM The Collette Hurst Quintet will perform jazz standards, classic pop songs, and original music at the Litchfield Hills Wine Market Benefit Wine Tasting for the Friendly Hands Food Bank on October 4, from 2 to 4:30 pm. Friendly Hands is a non-profit charity organization that has been working to meet the needs of low-income families and individuals in the greater Torrington area for over twenty-three years. Supported by local residents and businesses, it strives to provide meals to well over 500 families serving 2,500 people each year. The event will feature wine, food, and music. www.collettehurstquintet.com PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER A pasta dinner to benefit Friendly Hands Food Bank will be held Friday, October 10 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM at St. Peter/St. Francis School Cafeteria, 360 Prospect Street, Torrington. Tickets are $10, children under 6 are free. Food will be prepared by Scarpelli’s. Tickets available at Friendly Hands, (50 King Street, Torrington) Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tickets will also be available at the door. TORRINGTON CIVITAN CLUB TO HOST AUTUMN TAG SALE & FLEA MARKET Torrington Civitan Club will hold their Autumn Tag Sale & Flea Market on October 4th from 9 am - 3 pm, rain or shine at RJB contracting parking lot, 588 Winsted Rd. Torrington. The event will feature a gift basket raffle, mum flower sale, Civitan tag sale table, and a variety of vendors. Vendor space is 10’ x 10’ and costs $30 if received by Sept. 27th, thereafter cost is $40 cash or money order only. Cost is non-refundable. Spaces assigned first-come basis day of event. Vendor set up begins 7 am and breakdown begins 3 pm. On-site parking and sanitary facilities. For info call: Kathy at 860-482-3851 or Stephanie at [email protected]. JACI CARROLL’S KATHIE HANRATTY TO BE HONORED Kathie Hanratty, president of Jaci Carroll Staffing Services, will be inducted into the American Staffing Association’s Leadership Hall of Fame Oct. 13 during the opening general session of Staffing World® 2014 in metro Washington, DC. The award was created in 1985 to recognize outstanding individual contributions made through dedicated service to ASA and the staffing industry. Hanratty is a second-generation staffing professional, having followed in the footsteps of her mother Jaci Carroll, who was inducted into the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame in 1997. This marks the first time a mother and daughter have been named to the ASA Leadership Hall of Fame. The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing recruiting and workforce solutions industry. ASA and its chapters advance the interests of staffing firms of all sizes across the sectors through legal and legislative advocacy, public relations, education and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical and professional practices. Hanratty has served in many leadership positions within the industry and in her community including ASA chairman in 1999 and serving on the ASA board of directors for more than a decade. Locally she has served on a variety of boards of directors for area organizations. SCOVILLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY TO HOST “BUILD YOUR MARKETING TOOLKIT” WORKSHOPS Scoville Memorial Library, in collaboration with Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber, will offer a two-part workshop series. Matt Service of Service Internet Solutions will present Build Your Marketing Toolkit: A framework for small businesses and organizations. On October 30th session will teach attendees: what marketing really is (and isn’t); how marketing has changed in ways that benefit small businesses; the importance of setting goals and objectives for their marketing efforts; the 4 pillars of marketing success - a framework that shows how different marketing activities all fit together; and, will help small businesses reflect on their own marketing program. It’s okay to start small, to start where you already are. The November 6th session, “Campaigns that Drive Action: Newsletters & Announcements Featuring Email and Social Engagement” will teach attendees: the different types of newsletters; what to write about in your newsletter or announcement and how to consider using images; subject line best practices; when to send your newsletter; the importance of understanding how connected email and social media are…they have to be done together; and, what types of additional tools might be useful. To register, visit the following websites: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event? llr=o8yj8vn6&oeidk=a07e9s311upa5acc93c and http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event? llr=o8yj8vn6&oeidk=a07e9s33sija0369b8d. Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber of Commerce 333 Kennedy Drive, P.O. Box 59, Torrington ~ 860-482-6586 ~ Fax 860-489-8851 ~ nwctchamberofcommerce.org JoAnn M. Ryan, President & CEO - [email protected] Anita Rosa, Vice President Finance & Operations ~ [email protected] Sherri Dadomo, Director of Events ~ [email protected] Lauren Smith, Director of Programs ~ [email protected] Nancy DePecol, Director of Sales ~ [email protected] YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 3 From The Desk of JoAnn M. Ryan Chamber President & CEO There’s nothing creepy, So don’t be weepy, It’s only the Chamber’s Halloween. There’s a huge full moon, You’ll continue to hear about us soon, While we focus on increasing the awareness of NW CT. You’re not a bore, Why not come to meet SCORE, Any challenge you face will be addressed. Have some candy corn, Our programs won’t make you mourn, There’s plenty to fill your bag with knowledge and suggestions. No goblins or ghosts while drawing up your plan, To our Leadership programs everyone ran, It’s time to receive the benefit of education to carve your success. I hear you’re dressed up as a witch, But remember the Manufacturers’ Coalition you can’t ditch, It’s one way to strengthen many strong employers with jobs waiting for you. It’s our ghoulish wish, Take time to help FISH, No pantry should be empty especially at this time of year. Don’t be slimy, Please be timely, There are only a few days remaining to help the United Way. Please come to the All Aboard Auction for a train, This will bring you much fame, And you’ll be helping KidsPlay and the Chamber Foundation. Please don’t boo, At anything we do, You’re always in our thoughts with the resources we provide. The Chamber is not even haunted, Nothing can leave us daunted, Our volunteers are with us every step of the way. There are no ghosts, Of that we can boast, We’re surrounded by people who really do care. No pumpkins, cats or vampires hanging around our tombstone, Although it sometimes feels like we work to the bone, To increase the awareness of economic, cultural and civic opportunities. You might think we’re spooky, Maybe even a bit kooky, Laugh often we say and enjoy each day. Trick or treat, Not just any old feat, We’re promoting economic growth while enhancing the quality of life in NW CT. Happy Halloween! NEW MEMBERS The Edison Grill, LLC Interview Skill Coaching Academy 860-485-1401 - www.edisongrill.com Jeremiah & Michelle Czyz 178 Birge Park Road, Harwinton Type of Business: Restaurants 978-604-0943 - www.iscacademy.org Mark Efinger 12 Hurlburt Road, Great Barrington Type of Business: Consultants Goshen Farmers Market Resources Management Corp. 860-307-5426 - www.goshenfarmersmarket.com Tina A. Torizzo P.O. Box 45, Goshen Type of Business: Non-Profit Organizations 860-868-1830 - www.resourcesmanagementcorp.com Diane Johnstone 9 Bryan Plaza, P.O. Box 348, Washington Depot Type of Business: Investment Advisor PAGE 4 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 Real Estate 600+ Acres in Highland Lake neighborhood with 500' frontage on Rt. 800 and near Route 8 of Exit 46. Lender owned and must sell. (we have others, too!) Tom Hill III, CCIM/SIOR Tom Hill Realty & Investment, LLC 203-206-8631 Advisory Services / Fee work Listing Presentations Strategic Planning How can I help you? Many more commercial opportunities on: www.tomhill.com Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber of Commerce welcomes our newest Corporate Sponsors: Thank you for your commitment and support. YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 7 INS G E B 8 S S A CL TOBER OC Meet Our First Segment Instructor! Cindy Donaldson Returning for her second year as our 1st segment instructor is Cindy Donaldson! Cindy is a marketing and sales strategist with over 25 years in the industry. Considered an innovator and thought leader on personal and company branding, Cindy’s strength is creating “buzz” and excitement for industries that traditionally didn’t have to do outbound marketing & sales such as Insurance, Health Care, and Municipalities. Cindy was a top award winning salesperson for the Sir Speedy Printing franchise; beginning her career in North Carolina and then transferring to Connecticut. She later moved on to start Brookhollow Marketing, working with small to mid-sized companies. In 2008, one of her clients, Founders Insurance Group, asked Cindy to become their in-house Director of Marketing & Sales, she held that position until 2013. During her tenure, she gained national recognition for Founders’ social media marketing, branding & sales efforts. Cindy quickly became a go-to in the insurance industry for marketing and sales strategy and was asked to sit on several Carrier marketing think tanks and is a member of the Agents Council for Technology. She holds her CT & NY Property and Casualty Insurance Producers License. In 2013, the Entrepreneurial bug bit once again and Cindy launched Red Barn Consulting – a Marketing & Sales Strategy firm and in January of 2014 launched Agency University, LLC a training company for independent insurance agencies nationwide. LOOKING FOR MENTORS, GRAPHIC DESIGNERS AND WEB DEVELOPERS TO GET INVOLVED! YEA! Business Mentors commit to seven classroom visits, taking place from December 10- February 11 and continued out-of-class support through email and phone. You’ll have the opportunity to assist your student group in the process of developing and writing a business plan and creating an investor presentation used to request funding. We also encourage you to share your business experiences with the group over the course of your meetings. Previous students have indicated that hearing first-hand accounts from members of the business community make a significant impact on what they are learning. YEA! Graphic Designers commit to one classroom visit; the remainder of the work is done via email or phone. Graphic Designers act as volunteers, however, if a student group is appropriately funded at the Investor Panel Event, designers will be compensated $75 per group. Graphic Designers create the following for each of their business groups: brochure, business cards, web template, logo, letterhead. YEA! Web Developers consult with the student groups and ultimately create a website for one or two student groups. These web sites will have a significant impact on the students’ ability to launch and run their own REAL, albeit modest, business or non-profit organizations. Web Developers act as volunteers, however, if a student group is appropriately funded at the Investor Panel Event, Developers will be compensated $75 per group. Developers create a simple website for the students. Students needing more elaborate web sites may negotiate pricing with the web developers, for work to be completed after funding is obtained. To become involved, contact Lauren at 860-482-6586 or email [email protected]. PAGE 8 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 9 9 Days Best of Japan – TOKYO * KYOTO * OSAKA March 22-30, 2015 $3,288 per person based on double occupancy (Single Supplement: $770 p/p) Roundtrip International Airfare in Economy Class (Newark/Tokyo Osaka/ Newark) 4-5 star hotel accommodations 4 nights in Tokyo & 3 nights in Kyoto Daily International buffet breakfast, 3 dinners JR Bullet Train Pass, coach transfers English speaking guides & escorts Celebrate the tradition of Japan! Begin your journey in Tokyo, the heart of Japan, ride the world’s first bullet train to the historic city, Kyoto, enjoy a Sake Tasting and explore the culture of Japan. Your memorable 9-day journey concludes in one of Japan’s largest cities, Osaka. If you’re lucky, you may even see the cherry blossoms. Call the Chamber at 860.482.6586 for more information today! PAGE 10 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 11 Thank You so much! The 10th annual WOW! Forum took place on September 26th at the Neag Performing Arts Center in Torrington with over 250 women taking part in this spectacular conference. The Chamber would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to making this day a success! Event Sponsors Advisory Committee Premier Sponsor Chair Monica Diulio, Northwest Community Bank Barron Financial Group, LLC Speaker Sponsors Dr. Deb Hemlock Directional Boring Litchfield Magazine The Warner Theatre Members Luncheon Sponsors Alcoa Howmet Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield BD Charlotte Hungerford Hospital HealthyCT Northwest Community Bank TD Bank Reception Sponsors BerkshireStyle Conquest Consulting Elevator Service Company, Inc. Litchfield Bancorp Litchfield Woods Health Care Thomaston Savings Bank Vice-Chairs Zavatkay, Northwestern CT Community College Donna Marconi, The Warner Theatre Beth Aleksinas, Bramasole Wellness & Fitness Diane Carroll, The Washington Agency Vinni Carey, Town of Thomaston Darlene Clouther, The Clouther Agency Sherri Dadomo, NW CT Chamber Dana Forchette, University of Connecticut Torrington Dawn Gutowski, J&B Industries Tia Haberern, Torrington Savings Bank Kristin Lamanna, Bowen Agency, LLC Gina Lestage, Alcoa Howmet Melissa Root, Litchfield Bancorp Cathy Roscello, Torrington Water Company JoAnn Ryan, NW CT Chamber Heather Santoro Gina Scherbner, Union Savings Bank Susan Smith, Mary Kay Independent Sales Director Sandra Thibault, Barron Financial Group Toni Tucker, BerkshireStyle Sandra Wainman, Alcoa Howmet Special Appreciation to Hatfield & Co. Jewelers, Lily & Vine and Write Way Signs PAGE 12 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 13 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 Northwest Ambassador October Report Goshen Ambassador – Charlene Dutka, Ciesco Catering Miranda Vineyard, October 5th is their Annual Harvest Festival, 12:00-7:00 and free admission with a non-perishable food item. The band, The Grove will be performing...plus more events. Sunset Meadow Vineyard, October 17th, 5:30-7:30, Wine Tasting to Benefit Litchfield Land Trust. October 23rd - 6:00 p.m. Paint, Sip and Create...plus more events. October is a beautiful time to take a drive through Goshen. Action Wild Life is always a great place to have lunch, stop at Nodine's Smokehouse and pick up a sandwich and then pick up chocolates from Milk House Chocolates. Colebrook Ambassador – Wendy Healey, Torrington Savings Bank High in the Andes -- Colebrook Historical Society Friday Night Gathering on October 10th On Friday evening, October 10th, at 7:00 p.m., the Colebrook Historical Society will host a social reception, followed by a presentation, "High in the Andes" by Julie & Ken Andresen, Cheryl Heller & Gary Sheft. Buckle your seats for a trip with our presenters for an evening filled with Machu Picchu, pisco sours, a tapir with her own Facebook page, and wild life in the Amazon. No bug spray required! The gathering will be held at the Colebrook Historical Society, corner of Routes 183 and 182A in the center of Colebrook. All are welcome. Cornwall Ambassador-Dianne Heiny Cornwall Days: Saturday October 10th through Monday October 13th. Visit Cornwall Bridge and West Cornwall for sales, steals, & deals; the Farm Market, Cornwall Bridge Pottery, Housatonic Fishing Shop, Northwest Hardware, Housatonic Rug shop, Cornwall Bridge Package Store, The Wish House, Ian Ingersol Cabinet Maker, The Souterrain Art Gallery, and the Hunt Library and Cornwall Library's book sales. Kent Ambassador – Kathy Kane, Joey’s Fashions Kent Memorial Library Book Sale & Car Raffle October Hours Saturday: 10:00 – 5:00, Sunday: 12:00 – 5:00, (weather permitting) Car Raffle - 2000 Corvette Convertible for $10.00 Drawing Sunday, October 26, 2014 at the Annual Kent Pumpkin Run Kent Pumpkin Run, Kent Town Hall,October 26th, Kids Fun Run @ 11:15 AM followed by the 5 mile run / walk @ noon. Music, Refreshments, Face Painting, Halloween fun and much more. Post Race party for all Congregational Church Harvest Fair, October 25th, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Quilt Making, Shopping, Music, Games, Food, Children Activities Litchfield Ambassador – Edgar Auchincloss, People’s United Bank With the summer coming to a close, students are back to school in Litchfield. Declining enrollment trends in recent years find members of the Board of Selectmen pursuing merger discussions with neighboring communities. Several new business ventures have chosen to locate in Litchfield, among them a new distillery, an expanded art gallery and a wine shop. There is a good deal of anticipation about the redevelopment of the old jail facility. Residents are excited about the construction of a new Stop & Shop and love Candidate Mark Greenberg’s “Barking Dogs” ad on TV. Torrington Ambassador – Lynn Gelormino, Warner Theatre Torrington will be receiving $1 million from the State Department of Economic & Community Development to continue brownfield cleanup of 100 Franklin St. Torrington Library’s Annual Book and Bake Sale Saturday, Oct 11th from 10:00-3:00 Torrington’s Trunk or Treat will be held October 25th from 4:00-6:00pm on Main Street with rain date of October 26th Torrington High School and Warner Theatre Center for Arts Education have developed an extended day program specializing in the performing arts for THS students Coffee-n-Chat Whine & Unwind Tuesday, October 28th 8:00 a.m. Monday, October 6th 5:30-6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Hosted by Prime Time House, Inc. Falls Village Inn 836 Main Street, Torrington 33 Railroad Street, Falls Village Start your day off with some networking. Cash Bar Complimentary Hors d’oeuvres PAGE 14 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 YOUR CHAMBER CONNECTION - OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 15 RENEWING MEMBERS A to Z Computer Services Golden Insurance Group, LLC Sharon Health Care Center AFLAC Steven Caruso Guaranteed Rate, Heath Ladona State Farm Insurance & Financial Services HealthyCT Benefit & Compensation Consultants K-Tech International, Inc. Bowen Agency, LLC L.G. Landscaping Services, Inc. Brandywine Senior Living at Litchfield Lightstat, Inc. Camp Jewell YMCA Chatterley’s Restaurant Community Systems, Inc. Dimples and Stripes Entertainment Foothills Visiting Nurse & Home Care, Inc. Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy Torrington Beauty Academy Town of Harwinton Valerie Manor Wellmore Behavorial Health Wittmann Battenfeld, Inc. Northwest Connecticut Human Resource Association Operation Fuel Lori Riiska, CPA, LLC William P. Ryan, DMD, LLC Santoro’s Cleaners, Inc. Renewals as of September 22, 2014 YPO is generously sponsored by Fall Networking Event & Corn Maze October 16th (Rain Date– Oct. 21st) Corn Maze Admission4 & up $6, 3 and under free 5:00-7:00 PM Hot Cider, Coffee, Apple Crisp, and more available for purchase The White Barn at South Farms, 21 Higbie Road, Morris CT RSVP– [email protected] *We consider a “Young Professional” a person 21-39 years old who lives or works in the Northwest Corner of CT. PRSRTSTD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 90 Torrington, CT 333 Kennedy Drive, P.O. Box 59 Torrington, CT 06790-0059 860-482-6586 Address Service Requested CHAMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thank You To Our Corporate Sponsors Alcoa Howmet AT&T Bank of America BD Borghesi Building & Engineering Co. Brooks, Todd & McNeil Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Commercial Real Estate Group, Vance A. Taylor Connecticut Light & Power Company Conquest Consulting, LLC Cook Funeral Home Founders Insurance Group, Inc. Fuel Cell Energy Litchfield Bancorp Litchfield Woods Health Care Center & Valerie Manor Northwest Community Bank O&G Industries, Inc. P.Sam’s Bar & Grille & Chatterley’s Restaurant People’s United Bank The Register Citizen Republican-American Sterling Engineering Corporation TD Bank Thomaston Savings Bank Torrington Savings Bank Turri-Masterson, Inc. Union Savings Bank Valley Energy Co., Inc. Webster Bank All events listed below will be held at the Chamber offices at 333 Kennedy Drive, Torrington unless otherwise noted. OCTOBER 2nd 3rd 6th - 7th 8th 9th 13th 15th 16th 22nd 23rd 27th 28th 30th - Membership Services Committee Meeting - 8 AM Manufacturing Expo - 9 AM - Noon at Torrington Middle School Whine & Unwind at Falls Village Inn, 33 Railroad Street, Falls Village - 5:30 PM Junior Leadership Northwest sponsored by Torrington Savings Bank - 5 PM State House of Representatives Candidate Forum at Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Founders Hall, Park Place East, Winsted - 7:30 AM School-to-Career Pathways Meeting - 7:30 AM WOW! Forum Advisory Committee Meeting - 12 Noon Business After Hours hosted by Northwest Community Bank and Red Thread, 416 Winsted Road, Torrington - 5-7 PM Government Relations Committee Meeting - 8 AM Leadership Northwest Orientation Dinner sponsored by Founder’s Insurance Group at Fairview Farm Golf Course & Banquet Facility, 300 Hill Road, Harwinton - 5:30 PM Columbus Day - Chamber offices closed. Insurance Committee Meeting - 8 AM Leadership Northwest sponsored by Founder’s Insurance Group Business After Hours hosted by Geer Village, 77 South Canaan Road, Canaan - 5-7 PM Young Professionals Organization Fall Networking Event at South Farms, 21 Higbie Road, Morris (rain date October 21st) - 5-7 PM Retail Therapy hosted by Morsel Munk, 70 South Main Street, Winsted - 5-7 PM Board of Directors Meeting - 8 AM NW CT Chamber Education Foundation Board Meeting - 9 AM Junior Leadership Northwest sponsored by Torrington Savings Bank Coffee-n-Chat hosted by Prime Time House, 836 Main Street, Torrington - 8 AM Economic Summit at Fairview Farm Golf Course & Banquet Facility, 300 Hill Road, Harwinton - 8 AM All Aboard Litchfield County Preview Party at KidsPlay Annex, 69 Main Street, Torrington - 5-7 PM NOVEMBER 1st - All Aboard Litchfield County Art Auction at KidsPlay Annex, 69 Main Street, Torrington - 4 PM 3rd Whine & Unwind at Litchfield Saltwater Grille, 26 Commons Drive, Litchfield 5:30-6:30 PM 6th Membership Services Committee Meeting - 8 AM 7th Manufacturers’ Coalition Meeting - 8 AM 11th Veterans’ Day - Chamber offices closed. 13th Government Relations Committee Meeting - 8 AM 19th Insurance Committee Meeting - 8 AM Leadership Northwest sponsored by Founder’s Insurance Group Business After Hours Bazaar & Boutique sponsored by TD Bank at Whiting Mills, 210 Holabird Avenue, Winsted - 5-7 PM 20th Retail Therapy hosted by Litchfield Hills Nursery, 393 Torrington Rd., Litchfield - 5-7 PM Young Professionals Organization Workshop at P.Sam’s Bar & Grille, 1301 Torringford West Street, Torrington - 5-7 PM 24th Junior Leadership Northwest sponsored by Torrington Savings Bank 25th Coffee-n-Chat hosted by The Roberts Tax Group, 79 Main Street, Torrington - 8 AM 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Holiday - Chamber offices closed.
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