Our Lady of Victory & St. John Vianney Parishes Ministering to the people of West Haven, Connecticut “Let us then pursue what leads to peace and to build up one another (Romans 14:19).” November 9, 2014—Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Office for the Parishes (Our Lady of Victory Rectory) Phone: 203-934-6357 or 203-934-6000 Fax: 203-932-3315 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.olov.org Office of Religious Education Phone: 203-933-0044 E-Mail: [email protected] Our Lady of Victory School 620 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-932-6457 Fax: 203-932-6456 Website: http://olov.eduk12.net Beacon on the Hill Parish Social Ministry Center 634 Jones Hill Road Phone: 203-931-9989 Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Sat. 4:30PM (SJV); Sun.: 8:00AM (OLOV), 9:30AM (SJV), 11:00AM (OLOV) Weekday Masses 7:30AM Masses: Mon., Wed, & Fri. (OLOV) 7:30AM Masses: Tues. & Sat. (SJV) Our Lady of Victory Church (OLOV) 600 Jones Hill Road West Haven, Connecticut St. John Vianney Church (SJV) 300 Captain Thomas Boulevard West Haven, Connecticut PARISH STAFF Priest: Rev. Joseph R. Cronin, Pastor Deacons Deacon Dean Macchio Deacon Paul Sabo Pastoral Associate: Sister Ellen McNulty, O.P. Music Ministry: Eduardo Perez, Director Jaclyn Chiarelli, Assistant Director Office Staff: Ann Talevi, Business Manager Patty Boyne, Morning Office Manager Betty Pergolotti, Afternoon Manager Lucy Adante, Evening Manager Maintenance: Nick Corso, OLOV Custodian Ernie Conte, SJV Custodian Trustees: Frank Gentilesco & Connie Hubbard, OLOV Tim Ellis & Ann Talevi, SJV Religious Education Office LoriAnn Ruiz, Director of Religious Education Our Lady of Victory School Ardell Bartolotta, Principal Lucy Adante, Office Manager Cecelia Castillon, Receptionist Beacon on the Hill: Rose Ann Gulisano, Director Anita Pagogna, Clothes Closet Mngr. Robert DeFonce & Mr. & Mrs. Greig Food Pantry Mngrs Barbara Messina & Marianne Hartnack, Diaper Bank Mngrs. Valerie Kilmartin & Claire Sullivan, Durable Medical Equipment Weekly Mass Intentions SATURDAY, November 8– Weekday 7:30AM (SJV): Catherine McKeon Req. by Marla Rapini 4:30PM (SJV): Peter Murphy Req. by Wife & Family SUNDAY, November 9—Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00AM (OLOV): Verna Gilhuly Req. by Richard, Marie & Julianne Miska 9:30AM (SJV): Eva Widger Req. by the Senior Exercise Group 11:00AM (OLOV): Richard S. Kramer Req by Wife, Gloria & Sons, Richard & Edward MONDAY, November 10—St. Leo the Great 7:30AM (OLOV): Emma Piscatelli Req. by Karen Naples & Dennis Piscatelli TUESDAY, November 11—St. Martin of Tours 7:30AM (SJV): Doris M. Reed Req. by Her Family WEDNESDAY, November 12—St. Josaphat 7:30AM (OLOV): Delores Cassidy Req. by the Breakfast Group THURSDAY, November 13– St. Frances Xavier Cabrini NO MORNING MASS FRIDAY, November 14— Weekday 7:30AM (OLOV): Leonard Robertson Req. by Wife SATURDAY, November 15– St. Albert the Great 7:30AM (SJV): Deceased Members of the Belard & Novak Families Req. by the Barnes Family 4:30PM (SJV): John Recardo & Ralph Cavallaro Req. by Family SUNDAY, November 16—Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM (OLOV): P. Michael Garufi & Diane Markey Req. by Family 9:30AM (SJV): Gary Lewis Req. by Karen Naples & Dennis Piscatelli 11:00AM (OLOV): Lydia Casalini Req by Family OLOV Sanctuary Light Dennis Joyce, Req by Family SJV Sanctuary Light Michelle Grillo, Requested by Mom, Laura & Grillo Family Fr. Joe’s Notes THANK YOU! My dear friends, The weather is becoming colder and the leaves are falling off the trees. Halloween is behind us, and Thanksgiving is yet to come. Stores are decking themselves out for Christmas as I write this. We’re approaching Advent, but we are still in the end of Ordinary Time. We’re in a time of transition. We have to make the most of these times. We can look back and see all we have faced; we can look forward to new things yet to come. It’s a chance to see what has been and anticipate what will be. My family is in a time of transition. I will be heading up to Topsfield, Massachusetts today for the wedding of my niece, Evelyn, and her fiancé, Daniel Bernays. She’s the first of the next generation to tie the knot; not just of my nieces and nephews, but of all the people in her generation on both sides of our family. My parents are now the old generation and we are the ones passing the torch to the next group who are starting new and exciting lives. It’s a new time of adjustments in family dynamics. So we celebrate the beginning of something new as we look back at all that brought us to this point. We hope for good things yet to come as the family grows even larger. Last weekend, Deacon Dean buried his mother. Linda helped her family to prepare by reassuring them of her faith in Christ and the love she had for her family. They sent her off to God with assurances of faith in the Resurrection, but it’s still a time of sorrow. They’re in a time of transition, adjusting to their new normal. It will affect countless areas of their lives, many in ways they can’t begin to understand right now. In this time of change, they can look back at a lifetime of memories with a woman they love. The transition is difficult, but with faith and love, they will move forward as a family. Please, keep them in your prayers as they grieve their loss and celebrate her life and faith. We all face times of change in our lives. Some are joyous and some are sad, but they’re inevitable. We can use them as times for reflection. We can see how we arrived at this point to make plans to improve in the future. We can eagerly expect good things to come and be happy that our God is with us on the journey. Make the most of those times between the big moments. Use them to adjust. Like the chilling of the climate in fall prepares us for winter, the moments of change in life prepare us for where we will be going next. We just ask God to be with us and guide us along the way. Hopefully yours in Christ, Fr. Joe We would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make the special All Souls’ Day liturgy a beautiful celebration. We are most grateful for the Lazarus Committee, Bereavement Ministry, and Music Ministry who planned the Mass. Thanks to the greeters, ushers, servers, Eucharistic Minister, and lectors. We are grateful for the Hospitality Committee hosting the reception in the hall. We thank the Knights of Columbus for lining the walkway with luminaries, despite the fierce winds. Most of all, we thank everyone who attended and prayed for our departed brothers and sisters. There is great comfort in knowing you have the support and prayers of the parish community in a time of grief and pain. Your presence was a powerful message of hope and love. Thanks to all who make this such a beautiful and powerful celebration! ? Ask Father ? Question: Father, I get the image of God as Father and as Son, but what is the Holy Spirit? Answer: The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. That’s the quickest, easiest, and most direct answer, but one that doesn’t help explain what it means. To define the Holy Spirit is a difficult thing. The Father has given the Law and Jesus has come to speak to us by sharing in our humanity, but the Spirit of God is something that’s not so direct. The Holy Spirit inspires humans to speak the truth of God, but does not speak for itself. The Spirit reveals the Word of God to us and opens our eyes to Christ in our lives. The power of the Spirit is to point out other things: the plan of the Father in Creation, the love of Christ for the world, the unity of all believers in the Church. The Spirit is the Paraclete, an advocate and a consoler of mankind. It is the dynamic presence of the divine in Creation, moving and directing us along the path to sanctity. It’s difficult to see that which is always reflecting something else. That is why it is so hard to define and explain the Holy Spirit. It’s like the love of a couple. You can see the two people, but their relationship itself is a powerful, real thing that affects their lives and the lives of others around them. Think of the Holy Spirit as the love of the Father and the Son that shapes and moves the world God has created. Page 3 Parish Information Page Sacraments Ministry & Organizations Baptism Homebound Ministry Contact our parish office to arrange a baptism. Baptismal preparation class usually takes place the first Sunday of the month at OLOV, 12:15PM. Please call to schedule with us before attending. Marriage Please, contact the rectory if you, a family member or a friend is unable to come to church. We have people to visit at home and our Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion. Please, call us to make arrangements. Call the rectory to make arrangements to be married at either church. Participation in marriage preparation class is required. Call for more information. Knights of Columbus Our parishes have their own council, #14326, that meets the second Tuesday of every month in the hall at SJV at 7:30PM. Confessions The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to Choir all every Saturday afternoon from 3:00-4:00PM at St. John Vianney Church. You may also call to Rehearsals are on Tuesdays, 7make an appointment if needed. 9PM for Adults. Children’s choir practices on Tuesday, at 5PM. Sacrament of the Sick Should anyone need Anointing of the Sick, call Father at the rectory to make an appointment. OLOV Smoke-free Bingo Play starts Tuesdays at 7:30PM in the hall at OLOV. Doors open at 6:30PM. ———————————————————— Prayer Groups & Bible Study The social group meets on Mondays as scheduled. Bible Study On Tuesday, November 11th, we will study Job, Chapter 13 - A Plea for Confronting God All are welcome to join us! Rosary and Divine Mercy SJV: in the chapel Thursday afternoon at 1PM. OLOV: in the church at 5PM every weekday (except legal holidays) we recite the rosary. Our prayer group meets two Sundays per month at St. John Vianney. See Calendar for dates. All are welcome to join us! - Weekly Offering: All Souls: Cub Scouts One pack of Cub Scouts meets on Fridays in the hall at OLOV once a month. Call 203-933-0237 for dates and information. Another pack meets at St. John Vianney on Thursday evenings in the hall. CO-DA Solutions Lord of Peace Prayer Group OLOV Social Group (Women’s 12 step Codependency Meeting) Learn to create healthy relationships. A women’s group of Co-dependence Anonymous meets Monday evenings from 7-8PM at SJV in the chapel. Collections: November 2, 2014 Weekly Offering: Monthly Offering All Souls: $9,559.00 $1,534.00 Page 4 - SJV $2,674.80 $ 1,335.36 $ 329.00 Benefiting Our Lady of Victory School CHRISTMAS GREENERY SALE Poinsettia (red) 4 1/2” Pot Poinsettia (red, white or marble) 6 1/2” Pot Poinsettia (red, white or marble) 8 1/2” Pot Wreath w/Bow Cemetery Pillow $7.00 $11.00 $20.00 $15.00 $17.00 Poinsettia (red) 4 1/2” Pot Qty _____ Poinsettia (red) 6 1/2” Pot _____ Poinsettia (white) 6 1/2” Pot _____ Poinsettia (marble) 6 1/2” Pot _____ Poinsettia (red) 8 1/2” Pot _____ Poinsettia (white) 8 1/2” Pot _____ Poinsettia (marble) 8 1/2” Pot _____ Wreath w/Bow _____ Cemetery Pillow _____ OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL RAFFLE The school is raffling off a 50” VIZIO E Series Smart LED HDTV Tickets are only $10.00. The drawing will take place Sunday, November 23rd, 12:30p.m. at the Christmas Boutique. Stop by school or rectory and get your ticket. You can’t win if you don’t play! WEEKLY READINGS Monday, November 10: Ti 1:1-9, Lk 17:1-6 Name:________________________________________________ Tuesday, November 11: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:710 Telephone: _________________________________________ Wednesday, November 12: Ti 3:1-7, Lk 17:11-19 Email Address:____________________________________ Thursday, November 13: Phlm 7-20, Lk 17:20-25 Amount Enclosed:________________________________ Return this form to school by November 14, 2014. Make checks payable to Our Lady of Victory School Friday, November 14: 2 J n 49, Lk 17:20-25 Saturday, November 15: 3 jn 5 -8, Lk 18: 1-8 Sunday, November 16: Pr v 31:10-13, 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 Page 5 Please pray for: Judy Alexander, Jason Adams, Kaye Alonso, Peter Alonso, Brady Antaya, Valeria Aspreli, Anthony & Catherine Augliera, Michael P. Augliera, Salvatore M. Augliera, Jason Ballaro, Kathleen Behringer, Josephine Boccanfuso, Gary Bonci, Billy Bruneau, David & Nina Burke, Vanya Calerucci, Lenore Campaniolo, Mary Ann Capardi, Michael Carter, Michael Cote, Robert G. Cretella, Gina Cuccaro, Joe & Marie Cullen, Judy Cunningham, Bob Curran, Ray Curran, Eleanor D., Kayla D., Deana DeMaio, Barbara DeMayo, Anthony R. DeNigris, Samuel & Carolina DeNigris, Frank Jr. & Jack Dini, Robert D. DiVerniero, Mark D’Onofrio, Marie Duffy, John Dymarcik, Mary Errato, John Farina, Connie Feuhrer, Therese Gill, Alex Gregory, Hunter Grove, Paul Hotchkiss, Rachel Radziszewski Houston, Edna Hall, Harrison Iamartino, Dolores Iuteri, Frank Joyce, Jim Kurlander, Rita Kapinos, Eva Grace Kelly, Tracey Kippur, Thomas Lague, Laurrain, Maurice Lapre, Helen Leavitt, Louise MacLennan, William Magrino Jr., Tina Markantonakis, Anthony Mastriano, Jimmy Maxwell, Mary Ellen McMillan, Michael McNamara, Angela Meloni, John G. Messina, Norman & Lillian Misheloff, Ralph Monaco, Kate Moriarty, Paula Nanacchio, Maureen Ochoa, Dawn Marie Palmisano, Ignazio (Iggy) Palmisano, Gina Parisi, Lorita Patchell, Louise Porto, Walter Radziszewski, Ana Rambilus, Peggy Reiss, Peter Rossi, Alison Rydzewski, Anthony Sagnella, Danielle Santoro, Ann Sault, Marian Serphillips, Jack & Joan Shea, Camille Speigler, Jim Stearns, David Swanson, Raymond & Audrey Sweeten, Margaret Tango, Anthony Terrasi (son), Caroline Thibideau, Barbara Tonucci, Juana Torres, Mike Vanucci, Thomas Venditto, Josephine White, Dick Wicker, baby Jack York, Youssef, Donna Zamlonski THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE It’s time again for our annual Thanksgiving food drive. Slips of colored paper are in the pews with lists of items needed. We ask that you please take one or more of these slips and return the bags of food to church the weekend of November 15 & 16. Bags will be placed before the altar as Thanksgiving offerings to God. After the Masses, the bags will be brought to the Beacon on the Hill to sort and store for delivery to various agencies in our region. Your support is greatly needed! Please, help us make this a wonderful holiday for many families in need. We thank you for your generous cooperation! We could also use help loading cars with bags of food after the 9:30AM and 11:00AM Masses the weekend of November 15 & 16 and also unloading the vehicles at the Beacon on the Hill. UPDATE NEEDED It is time to update our list of homebound parishioners. If your relative or neighbor can no longer join us at Mass, please call the Parish Office with this information by November 17th. Page 6 ST. JOHN VIANNEY - MEMORIAL BRICK WALKWAY In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we are selling personalized bricks for a walkway. The bricks are 4” x 8” and may have up to three lines engraved (a maximum of 18 characters per line). The cost for the first brick is $100, $90 for the second, and $80 for the third or more bricks purchased. Checks are made out to St. John Vianney. Fill out the order form, attach payment, and drop it in the collection basket in an envelope “Anniversary Brick”. You may also drop it off at the rectory. All forms and or any questions go to Patty Boyne at (203) 934-6357 or email: olovrectory @yahoo.com. Print what you want engraved on the brick. One letter per box. Leave a space between each word. Give us your contact information should we have questions. Name: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ +++ —-OPTIONAL ART MAY BE ADDED —- +++ For $10 extra per brick, you may add an image to the brick. If so, you have only 15 characters of text per line each of the three lines. There are five options listed below. Check one options if you chose. ___ 1) Celtic Cross ____ 2) Latin Cross ___ 3) Knights of Columbus Logo ___ 4) American flag ___ 5) Rose ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH COOKBOOK As part of our 50th Anniversary, we will be publishing a cookbook. Now is the time to share your favorite recipes with your family and friends. We will be collecting recipes over the next few months. Please submit a sheet that contains the following information: Recipe for St. John Vianney’s 50th Anniversary Cookbook Category: Recipe Title: Ingredients: Directions: Comments: Submitted by: Telephone # to contact, if any questions: Please either drop recipe off at rectory, drop in collection basket at either church or mail to OLOV 600 Jones Hill Road, West Haven. Page 7 Christmas Shopping? Think SJV 50th Anniversary “Church Merch”! Skip the mall and the Black Friday crowds this year and consider giving a unique and special gift that supports your parish. Here are some great holiday gift ideas from the St. John Vianney 50th anniversary committee Tee Jersey Hoodie Onesy Go to the Café Press website at www.cafepress.com/sjvolov and shop for SJV logo apparel. Order now and wear your SJV apparel to the Christmas Sing Along on December 12th to be entered in a drawing for a special raffle prize! Baseball Hats – a limited number of adjustable baseball hats in maroon with white logo are available for purchase. Stop by the “Church Merch” table after Masses and pick up a SJV logo baseball cap for only $10.00. One size fits all! SJV Christmas Ornaments Christmas ornaments commemorating the 50th Anniversary of St. John Vianney Parish are here! Beautiful CT made, Ernie Conte designed pewter ornaments of the old church building and the St. John Vianney Statue are $10.00 each or the set of two for $18.00. They make a great stocking stuffers, hostess gifts or gift tags! On sale at the rectory office! Call the rectory at (203) 934-6457 If you would like any additional information or help with your shopping! Page 8 PAINT NIGHT PLAN AHEAD! LESSONS & CAROLS OUR LADY OF VICTORY Sunday, December 7 4:00PM TREES OF WEST HAVEN ST. JOHN VIANNEY Saturday, December 6 10:00AM—4:00PM 5:30PM-6:00PM Sunday, December 7 10:30AM—6:00PM CHRISTMAS SING-A-LONG On Saturday, November 15th we are hosting a “Paint Night” to benefit Beacon on the Hill. It’s a fun way to spend the evening with friends and you each get to go home with a 16x20 masterpiece painted by YOU! It will take place in St. John Vianney Hall from 7-9p.m. The cost is $35 per person, advanced tickets are highly recommended and can be purchased on www.paintsipfun.com, just find our date and check out –the link will also be on our website and our Facebook page. Beginners Encouraged— All painting supplies will be provided. The event is BYOB and if you’d like, please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Bring friends—all are welcome! Come and join the fun! Our Lady of Victory School Christmas Boutique SJV—FATHER’S REYNOLDS HALL Friday, December 12 6:30PM Sat., Nov. 22 9:00am-4:00pm & Sun., Nov. 23 8:00am— 1:00pm CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE OLOV– 4:00PM (Children’s Mass) OLOV—Midnight Raffle Drawings Breakfast & Lunch Service Amazing Craft Items Variety of Vendors CHRISTMAS DAY SJV—9:00AM OLOV– 11:00AM See our newly re-designed webpage at: ww.olov.org Page 9 With questions call Cecelia at (203) 932-6457. SUN 9 NO CCD 2PM Lord of Peace Prayer Group-SJV 16 Blood Pressure Coffee and… CCDOLOV 9:45-10:45 Thanksgiving Food Drive 23Christ the King “Giving Trees” CCD-OLOV 9:45-10:45 8am-1pm Christmas Boutique OLOV Hall 2PM Lord of Peace Prayer Group-SJV 30 NO CCD MON 10 9AM Veterans Day Prayer Service in OLOV Hall 5PM OLOV Rosary NOVEMBER WED THURS TUES 11 NO CCD 2PM Bible StudySJV 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM NO CCD 7PM RCIA Inquiry SessionOLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 17 5PM OLOV Rosary CCD-OLOV 4-5PM, 5:15-6:15, 6:30-7:30 7PM RCIA Inquiry SessionOLOV Rectory CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon OLOV BINGO 7:30pm FRI 13 14 5PM OLOV Rosary 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 5PM OLOV Rosary 6:30-8PM Cub Scout Pack 288—OLOV Hall Thanksgiving Food Drive 7PM Adult Confirmation –Rectory 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room Diaper Bank 9:3011:30am Blood Pressure after 4:30 Vigil Mass –SJV K of C Meeting – SJV 7:30PM 18 19 20 21 22 2PM Bible Study SJV 5PM OLOV Rosary 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 5PM OLOV Rosary 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 6-8:30pm Biblical School-SJV St. Joseph Room 5PM OLOV Rosary 3PM Christmas Fair Set-Up 6:30pm Confirmation Rehearsal-SJV 7PM CONFIRMATION—SJV 9am4pm Christmas Boutique OLOV Hall 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon 24 25 CCD-OLOV 4-5PM, 5:15-6:15, 6:30-7:30 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 15 12 OLOV BINGO 7:30pm 5PM OLOV Rosary SAT 26 27 28 5PM OLOV Rosary HAPPY & BLESSED THANKSGIVING 9:00AM MASS AT SJV OFFICE CLOSED 2 3 4 5 5PM OLOV Rosary OLOV Choir Children 5PM Adult 7PM 5:30PM Wellness Team Mtg— Beacon 5PM OLOV Rosary 3PM Breakfast with Santa SetUp 2PM Bible Study SJV 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon “Giving Trees go up.” 29 OLOV BINGO 7:30pm 1 12:00 Social Group luncheon 5PM OLOV Rosary CO-DA Solutions-SJV 7-8PM 2PM Bible Study SJV 7-8:30PM Bereavement Support Group-Beacon 5PM OLOV Rosary 7PM Liturgy Committee MtgBeacon OLOV BINGO 7:30pm Page 10 1PM SJV Rosary & Divine Mercy 7PM Parish Social Justice Committee –Beacon 5PM OLOV Rosary 6 8AM Breakfast with Santa 9:3011:30AM Diaper Bank ZARNOWSKI POWER EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Toro • Husqvarna • Echo Shindaiwa • Billy Goat • Fradan 301 Savin Avenue, West Haven (203) 933-1181 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP Visa • Mc • Amex • Discover Burns & Kelly Insurance ................... ................... 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Michael Heffernan, LLC ATTORNEY AT LAW 32 Years as a Probate Judge Let His Experience Work for You Fine Wines • Liquors Probate • Wills • Powers of Attorney Living Wills • Workers’ Compensation 295 Main Street • West Haven, CT 06516 • [email protected] phone 203.932.3621 Beer • Kegs • Lottery 934-0101 904 Ocean Ave. West Haven fax 203.932.3624 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Keenan Funeral Home 238 Elm Street • Est. 1898 • West Haven • 933-1217 511595 Our Lady of Victory Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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