ARAB TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2014 31 High note Cezary’s Picks Just enter to play Jones, that fourth, but not the last… By Cezary Owerkowicz Special to the Arab Times parable says ‘The last will be the first’ and the first will be last and so it has happened. He was always ‘The Fourth’, a bit lonely apart from the team and the noisy and crowded success, giving the feeling of being at opposite police. This is the character. John Paul Jones born John Baldwin after the war couldn’t live without music. Both his parents earned their living playing music. Since they couldn’t leave the little boy alone they took him along wherever they went. When he was six he began playing the piano and immediately started performing with his father during hunter banquets and cocktail parties. When he was 13 he got his first bass guitar. At an early age, he appeared to show flair for music arrangements. The one who first noticed his abilities was Micky Most, the legendary producer, who nominated the 20-yearold ‘boy’ as a music manager of several of his productions. Impressed by his Owerkowicz achievements he said the records of Herman’s Hermits tinkered by Jones are going better than Beatle’s. The only weakness of Jones was that he was workaholic. Musical erudite, multi instrumentalist with great sound imagination wasn’t likely to spend his life to the end at record studio. He joined Led Zeppelin group and then everything changed under the magic baton’s touch — everything except him. A Relation He had ambivalent relation to show business and status of the Rock Star. It is noticed by Zeppelin biographers. During the tours he stayed aside, choosing his own self company. At the moment, after the concert when crowds of fans overrun artistes gloom overtook him, he just disappeared. But he never complained of his colleagues. He felt fantastic with them around him on the stage; he loved being there with them and invented new compositions. For him this was the most important thing. He tried to get as much as possible because he was convinced that ‘one good card’ would soon come his way and this is where he made a mistake. The just released re-editions of Led Zeppelin remind us of the madness. The critics, as usual, complained, the compatriots were not ready to a value on the group, the trade was off balance, and huge sums of money were involved — it was a pure scandal. But The Quartet achieved unbelievable success: before Led Zeppelin II album was released there was an order for 400,000 copies from the US only. Britain got the next perfect export goods. PR created the legend that musicians were under a pact with some dark powers, as genial Romantic violinist Niccolo Paganini, composer Adrian Leverkuhn from Mann’s novel ‘Doctor Faustus’ or father of American blues, Robert Johnson. The talent of musicians, their perverse behavior and sudden enormous financial success were difficult to believe and explain within normal scale. The bright success was so bright that it aroused suspicions about something weird. Only The Fourth was absolutely not compatible with the legend. Unlike other groups, the Led Zeppelin team musicians had very good internal relationship, maybe built on the base of common business than on common characters. Lead singer Robert Plant was curly, handsome and rather a bit vulgar in meaning. Guitarist Jimmy Page was ethereal, pale and delicate, Bonzo (John Bonham) played percussion wildly, bare-chested and always perspiring profusely. John Paul Jones was totally from a different fable. Concentrate When Led Zeppelin hit the ground after untimely death of John Bonham, Jones had almost a soft landing. The end of the ensemble helped him to concentrate on music, although it did not fill the stadiums to capacity and the pocket to the brim. He is quoted as saying, ‘When the whole world doesn’t look at me finally I feel free’. During the next decade the Briton was working on the van- guard album of vocalist Diamanda Galas. He wrote string arrangements for R.E.M. album ‘Automatic for the People’, composed electronic music. ‘In life it is good to create the challenges. If not, you will never know what is lurking around the corner,’ he explained. ‘Such attitude does not allow you to rest on your laurels. For me it became a necessity. I have always to prove myself.’ He is a very consistent. Even when in his 70s he felt in love with minimalism, listening to ‘In C’ by Terry Riley. At the same time he began composing electronic music in cooperation with such composers as Stephen Montague, Barry Anderson or Dennis Smalley. However he never dropped the acoustic instruments only changed a set of them. At last he visited Poland with the vanguard electronic. He said, ‘Before I start the tour with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings playing three weeks on mandolin country and bluegrass, I will also compose an Opera. For me there is no difference what kind of music it is. I have the same attitude to each one of them.’ Regarding the latter he mentioned it is not any rock opera. We would expect the classical piece with symphonic orchestra. He works with an experienced director, Helen Cooper. They have ‘translated’ in music language the Swedish playwright August Strindberg ‘The Ghost Sonata’. ‘I just completed writing music and started to orchestrate the score’, he said. ‘I cannot yet disclose the names of performers but they are renowned world class soloists. There is a plan to present the project in 2016, something completely new for a man who during his entire life has recorded rock pieces on the base of guitars. Ensemble Between his various works there is also that group which reminds about the sound of his basic ensemble. It is a super-group Them Crooked Vultures – a combination of Dave Grohl (Nirvana, Foo Fighters) and Josh Homme (Kyuss, Queens of The Stone Age). Rooted in blues tradition the music brings the memories of Jones’ stormy 70s. ‘It reminds me a bit Led Zeppelin: tracks, lights, huge amplifiers… Continuously playing hard rock is however too simple for me. I love it but I was there already. I played with the best group in the world. So what else could I achieve’? He is open for many ideas. During the festival in Norway he had planned to perform solo on his electronic piece before the performance of the local group. However, Jazzmen saw it was a unique occasion to ask him to play together. ‘Our trumpet player, Arve Henriksen met him a day earlier and asked him about it, and he just agreed, even though he had never heard them playing.’ Jones tells us: ‘There was a challenge and — lessons for me. I only asked ‘What kind of music you play? Arve answered: We never talk about it. Then I had no idea. I entered the stage with my bass and we started. When we finished it appeared that we played our first common music for 80 minutes.’ My cooperation with that group ‘Supersilent’ brought several concerts with elements of jazz and rough electronic rubbing themselves with improvisation. The fans became familiar with ‘New Jones’and stopped asking him for ‘Stairways to Heaven’. The famous ballade came again to us in Oct, when there was the reedition of Led Zeppelin albums: famous ‘IV’ and ‘Houses of the Holy’. As it was with first three albums of British musicians, fans would expect more surprises: on the additional discs they would find unpublished new versions of cult pieces. The June (summer) editions made the top of the bestseller lists. We will see how it will be in (autumn). Additionally Robert Plant presents new album ‘Lullaby and … The Ceaseless Roar’. At last he won the Grammy Award for album with bluegrass singer Alison Krauss. Jones says: ‘Led Zeppelin was a very musical, driving in many directions group. Every song we tried to play differently. In ‘No Quarter’ was no part where I had to play solo in any concert. I never knew what I wanted do. I went to the electric piano and just started hitting the keys.’ Makes sense, ‘Just enter to play.’ ❑ ❑ ❑ Editor’s Photo courtesy of ‘Failaka Island, The Ikaros of the Arabian Gulf’ book by Tareq Sayid Rajab At low tide a fisherman enters the fish trap and with the help of a hand net scoops the trapped fish from the shallow water inside ‘al Hadhrah.’ The catch is usually plentiful. In the past these fish traps were made from reeds but now metal nettings, which lasts longer, is used. Pioneers of Kuwait Sheikh Mubarak’s political alertness saved Kuwait A shrewd and far-sighted leader This is the eleventh in a series of articles on founding fathers of Kuwait. – Editor ❑ ❑ ❑ By Lidia Qattan Special to the Arab Times uring the first years of his rule Sheikh Mubarak had to be on constant military and political alertness to abort the plotting of his archenemies, when this immediate danger subsided he still had to be very shrewd in taking advantage of the tension preceding the First World War to safeguard the interest of his country, indeed to save it ! Sheikh Mubarak had been on the alert to what was going on in Europe long before he came to power. He knew that unless he acted skilfully in the political game of the European powers before the partition of the dying Ottoman Empire actually took place, Kuwait, being the closest to Iraq would have been lost. He also knew that he had to seek an alliance with the strongest power with vested interests in the region, on which to depend for protection against an attack from more powerful neighbours. Hence when he came to power his first intention was to engage in a treaty of mutual interest with England. The British hesitated at first, but changed their policy when the Railway-project became the issue of the other European powers. Foreign traders had noticed Kuwait’s importance and its strategic position at the head of the Gulf long before it attracted the attention of Europe at the turn of the century as the terminal of the Baghdad railway project, which was considered to become a very important artery for international trade with financial and geo-political implications. The thought of building a railway connecting the Mediterranean basin with the Gulf originated with the British at the time the French opened the Suez Canal in 1869 and Britain was excluded. Seeking an alternative traderoute to India, and for moving troops and reinforcement in case of a Russian infiltration through Persia, G. Britain studied the possibility of connecting Alexandretta on the Syrian coast with Kuwait on the Arabian Gulf. The project was made feasible, but it was considered too expensive to be carried out, hence it was postponed. In the tension preceding the First World War the railway project took a fresh consideration. At once Kuwait became the talk of European political and banking circles. Even the Emperor of Germany disclosed his interest when he sought to know more about Kuwait in a social meeting with King Edward VII of England! Both German and Russia were eager to capitalize on the project; therefore they sought an agreement with the Ottoman government. Finally, when in D Note: Cezary Owerkowicz is the chairman of the Kuwait Chamber of Philharmonia and talented pianist. He regularly organises concerts by well-known musicians for the benefit of music lovers and to widen the knowledge of music in Kuwait. His email address is: cowerkowicz and [email protected] click Latest Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah with Russian officials aboard their ship. 1898 the Russians Count, Kapnist got the permit to build a line from Tripoli in Syria, via Baghdad ending at Qathema, the British got worried and sought a treaty with Sheikh Mubarak. Treaty Since the turn of the nineteenth century the British had been aiming at establishing their status quo in the region through signing agreements with the various rulers of the Gulf on the Arabia coast. They were becoming increasingly apprehensive of the intention of the two major European powers — France with Russia and the Ottoman empire with Germany both posed to gain a footing in the Arabian Gulf through the railway line project that was supposed to end at Qathema (Kuwait). Having closed the door on all European powers at the south of the Gulf by agreements with rulers on the Arabian coast, the British then felt they had to have Kuwait in their alliance to prevent infiltration from the north. In a memorandum addressed to his government, the British official stated.... “The Sheikh enjoys a large measure of practical independence. It is necessary to deal with him directly for the protection of British trade”. British concern Lidia Qattan grew stronger when the Russians got the Turkish grant on the 30th of December 1898 to build the railway. Determined to stop them, the British hasted to meet with Sheikh Mubarak and drew-up a treaty of mutual interest. For the Sheikh this was the only means by which he could safeed to kindly participate in the memorable event and make it a great grand success. The Invitation Card shall be sent shortly. Kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to [email protected] or call our Kuwait Chapter office at 22445588, extn.314 between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm, Sunday through Thursday. Continued from Page 30 The venue for this celebration is the prestigious Arab Organization Building (Arab Fund), Shuwaikh Kuwait. All our esteemed members are request- Nov 10 IWA to hold seminar: On Monday, Nov 10 from 5 pm to 8 pm, the Indian Women’s Association (IWA) under the guard his position and the future of his country, hence, before he signed it, he insisted on the addition of an explicit statement confirming the defence of Kuwait by Britain if attacked by a foreign power. Though the British Government did not make such an agreement with any other Arabian rulers in the Gulf in similar treaties, in their eagerness to ensure the deal, they granted to the Sheikh the security he was seeking as long as he honoured his part of the agreement On the 23rd of January 1899 the treaty with Mubarak was signed but was kept secret. It had to be disclosed one year later when the Ottomans, trying to compensate for the Balkan losses in the Turk-Russian war, made an agreement with Germany to build the railway with its terminal at Qathema ( Kuwait ). Forced to reveal the treaty with Sheikh Mubarak, the British foreign office sent its Ambassador to meet with the High Porte and with the German Government. While the British were holding talk with the Ottomans at Istanbul and with the German Government in Berlin, Sheikh Mubarak was meeting with count Meternich, head of the Germany surveying team, which arrived to Kuwait for discussing the leasing or selling of some land at Qathema. During talk the Sheikh stood firm, holding no recognition of the High Porte authority over Kuwait and refusing to sell or rent any piece of Kuwaiti land to a foreigner, which, according to his statement, was against the will of his people. Attention The attention to Kuwait’s importance at the international level, spurred towards the turn of the century by the railway projects, resulted in an increasingly intrusive policy on the Gulf by the Ottoman Turks with an eye on patronage of Dr Gargi Jain, wife of the Ambassador of India will present a seminar titles ‘Breaking the Chains of Addiction’ at Auditorium W6-500, GUST University. The program includes presentations on various aspects of addiction, their prevention and cure. The panelists include various experts in the field. The seminar is open to all and completely free. To reserve your seat, please contact 24898680. Nov 13 TCB-IEI World Quality Day: TCB Cert Kuwait. This called for Sheikh Mubarak’s shrewdness in dealing with the political game of the great European powers. So while the British were trying to gain exclusive privileges on Kuwait with agreements of mutual interest, the first of which was signed on the 23rd of January 1899, both the Germans and the Russians were also trying to gain a footing in Kuwait through an agreement with the Ottoman Turks. This prompted the British to send three warships to Kuwait harbour with an armed contingent ready for any eventuality. At the same time the made other treaties with Sheikh Mubarak in which he proved considerable far-sight in dealing with a foreign power in safeguarding the future of his country. Such was the case of the treaty signed on the 4th of May 1900 to curtail the arms trafficking to Afghanistan. It was a lucrative business in which every sheikdom in the Gulf was engaged and to which the British government in India was firmly opposed. By honouring the deal the Sheikh gained the British trust, which proved valuable in time of need. While safeguarding the future of his country Sheikh Mubarak had to deal with the immediate threats form his archenemy, Yousef Abdullah Al Ibrahim, who could not rest while Sheikh Mubarak was in power. Having gained the support of the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Jasim Al Thani in an attack on Kuwait by land and sea from the south, he sought the alliance of Mohammed Ibn Al Rashid, Amir of the great Shamar tribe, to attack Kuwait from the north . Mohammed Al Rashid was the archenemy of Sheikh Mubarak, his old grudge intensified when he gave sanctuary to the Imam r Abdul-Rahman Faisal Al Saud, who fled to Kuwait after the destruction of his last stronghold, Riyadh, hence he was more than willing to do battle against Sheikh Mubarak, but his timely death aborted the plan of Yousef, which was to be carried out in 1898. Disappointed but never defeated Yousef travelled to Ha’il, accompanied by the sons of the late Sheikh Mohammed and Sheikh Jarrah, trying to gain support from the new Amir of the Shamar tribe, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Rashid was willing, but cautious in fighting Sheikh Mubarak. The Sheikh was a formidable foe admired by his friends and feared and hated by other Arab chiefs who had their own ambitions to fulfil. Prominent among his enemy was his father, Mohammed Al Rashid, who said to him with his dying breath: “ Son, Beware of Mubarak, fight him with all you have … promise me!” Eventually, backed by the Ottoman Turks, he could fulfil his promise to his father with a defeat that shattered Sheikh Mubarak’s ambitious dream of expansion to the south. To be continued Worldwide has great pleasure to announce the celebration of World Quality Day on Nov 13, 2014 in Kuwait. The event is professionally supported by The Institution of Engineers (India) Kuwait Chapter. A seminar titled ‘Excelling Business — The ISO Way’ will be conducted. The program will start at 6.30 pm and continue till 9.30 pm. Some of the prominent quality professionals in Kuwait will speak on the event to highlight the importance of Quality in industries, business and in our lives. Continued on Page 32
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