ol June/July 2014 Inside this Issue Keynote & General Speakers Announced Breaking News – Senate Passes H.R. 803 • 2 From the President • 3 From the Executive Director • 4 Annual Training Conference Call for Presentation • 5 2014 Awards Nominations & Upcoming Chapter/Division Events • 6 Leaders Wanted • 7 New Student Representative on Board of Directors & New Editor for Journal of Rehabilitation • 8 Keep your information updated • 9 Exhibit at NRA Annual Conference & Silent Auction • 10 Annual Training Conference Registration Form • 11-13 Opening Speaker - October 31, 2014 - Richard Deming Dr. Richard Deming is medical director of Mercy Cancer Center in Des Moines, Iowa. He received a bachelor’s degree at South Dakota State University and his medical degree at Creighton University. Dr. Deming is known in the community for the compassionate care he provides cancer patients and their families. He is involved in many national, state and community organizations and is the recipient of numerous awards. General Speaker - November 1, 2014 - Steve Wooderson Mr. Wooderson will update the participants on the current status of legislative activity regarding the Workforce Investment Act and other national priorities impacting the public vocational rehabilitation program. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to hear how the disability community has rallied to have their voice heard in the halls of Congress and what is expected in the weeks and months ahead. He will also share a perspective on the challenges, opportunities and leadership needed to create a new vision for the future of the program. Keynote Speaker – November 1, 2014- Jeff Huffman Jeff will be discussing the Garden Inn Marriott which will have 20% of its workforce be individuals disabilities and will serve as a He will be discussing the Garden Inn Marriott which will have 20% of its workforce be individuals disabilities and will serve as a training hotel for them. He will discuss how the Arc of Indiana and the Indiana partnered with the Garden Inn to make this happen and will also discuss how might happen in other industries as well. 1 Breaking News - U.S. Senate passed H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The U.S. Senate passed H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act on a roll call vote of 95-3. Following several Floor speeches by those HELP Committee Members who were directly involved in the drafting of this bipartisan, bicameral legislation, 3 roll call votes were taken and the Substitute bill (also known as the Manager's package of amendments) was adopted on a voice vote. Whereupon, a final roll call vote was taken on H.R. 803, as amended by the Substitute bill, which was adopted on a roll call vote of 95-3. Once we have had a chance to assess the Substitute bill, we will advise you of any changes to the bill that heretofore have not been made public. As we said in today's earlier Washington Wire, H.R. 803, as amended, does NOT move the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to the U.S. Department of Labor, but retains RSA in the U.S. Department of Education; does NOT downgrade the Office of the Commissioner of RSA from a Presidential appointment confirmed by the U.S. Senate to a Director appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Education; dilutes the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development standards by permitting degrees outside of the rehabilitation field (e.g., a business degree), even though there is currently flexibility in the Rehab Act for States who do not have an adequate supply of Masters-degreed VR Counselors to use the highest standard in the State; preserves the inservice training money, but eliminates the set-aside that this money be used for in-service training, among others. Two amendments by Senators Jeff Flake and Mike Lee, respectively, were defeated on roll call votes. Senator Lee's amendment dealt with evaluation reporting requirements and Senator Flake's amendment making the appointment and certification of new local boards permissible instead of required. Once again, both amendments were defeated on roll call votes. The bill now moves to the U.S. House of Representatives which at this time is not expected to take up H.R. 803, as amended, until after the Fourth of July 4, recess. The amendment process in the House is much more structured than in the Senate and if a bill does not reach the Floor under suspension of the rules in the House, a rule which the House Rules Committee provides, will accompany the bill to the Floor which will set the parameters for offering amendments. Contemporary Rehab Published by National Rehabilitation Association PO Box 150235 Alexandria, VA 22315 Association Officers Ellen Sokolowski President Tarea Stout Incoming President David Beach Immediate Past President Staff: Fredric K. Schroeder Executive Director Patricia Leahy Director of Government Affairs Michael Romero Membership Operations Manager Veronica Hamilton Office Manager Sandra Mulliner Administrative Assistant Kim Joy Membership Assistant Subscriptions to Contemporary Rehab are available to members only. The cost is $150 for membership. Member Service: Please direct all address changes, including email changes, and inquires to Contemporary Rehab via email to [email protected] or call 1-888-258-4295 That said, some are hopeful that H.R. 803, as amended, will be brought to the Floor under suspension of the rules. All information on the timing of the bill reaching the House Floor is current as of this date [June 25, 2014] and could change. 2 From the President NRA Members: I recently had the opportunity to be part of a panel at the Texas Rehabilitation Association. Members of that panel included Commissioner Janet LaBreck from RSA and Steve Wooderson, CEO of CSAVR. The Work Investment Opportunity Act was discussed, but rather than focusing on the negative, the focus was on getting “our story” out. The issue of Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) remains. Your credentials and education DO matter. They particularly matter to the person who is sitting on the opposite side of your desk, their parents, and other organizations you may collaborate with. They matter. How often though have we lamented that we would like to be able to bring a consumer, parent, employer to Governmental Affairs, etc to be able to meet with members of our Congressional or state delegation, but are unable to afford this as an association. It is time that we need to think outside of the box in order to get our message out about the rehabilitation profession. We all have a cell phone that has a camera,that can videotape, some of us may have iPads. Can we take those devices, find those individuals, either consumers, parents or employers who feel that you as a counselor have gone beyond what you should have done in the successful job placement of your client and want to pay you back; obtain their message and share it with members of the state legislature as well as members of our Congressional delegation to show them what the rehabilitation profession does and the benefits of Vocational Rehabilitation not only for the consumer but the employer as well? Do we need to consider beginning to collaborate on a state level with other disability organizations that have similar issues to ours? We can collaborate with them and they in turn may advocate for our issues. Brain Injury Associations come to mind. Could collaborations be developed so that there is mutual benefit in membership and education? In your local elections if you should happen to hear that a local candidate has in their platform the issue of doing away with the Department of Education and/or privatizing Social Security, would it be beneficial to begin a collaborative effort with the local State Education Association as well as AARP?. There is a saying that “Out of chaos comes opportunity.” We have the opportunity to reinvent the method in which we transmit our message about what we do, have it spoken by those that most benefit from it, and transmitted to those that need to hear it. Credentials do matter and you matter as a rehabilitation professional. matter to the people that you serve. Never forget that you In other parts of this periodical you will find information regarding the national conference in Des Moines, Iowa. Maintaining your credentials also matters, so do plan on attending, networking and participating in some excellent training. Additionally, it is time for identifying and electing future leaders in this organization There is also information regarding the positions to be elected in the organization. Sincerely, Ellen Soskolowski Ellen Soskolowski President, 2014 National Rehabilitation Association 3 From the Executive Director Let me begin by expressing how privileged and honored I am to be part of the National Rehabilitation Association family. This is a critical time for private and public vocational rehabilitation programs and for the individuals with disabilities we serve. As you know, it appears that the bill reauthorizing the Rehabilitation Act will soon pass the Senate and will be on its way to the House of Representatives. The Rehabilitation Act is included as Title IV of what will now be called the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA), but once the Act is passed and signed by the President, the work is far from over. Next will follow the crafting of regulations to implement the new law. The regulations will have a direct impact on services to individuals with disabilities. It is important that we, the professionals providing the day-to-day services, have our voices heard during that process. As our Director of Government Affairs, Patricia Leahy, is so fond of saying: “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” Truer words were never spoken. We must be at the table, and we must be active and organized. Our experience and perspective matter. People with disabilities need and deserve state of the art, life changing, professional services. Fredric K. Schroeder Executive Director National Rehabilitation Association There are many challenges ahead: the elimination of the in-service training set-aside for state VR agencies and the plan to discontinue funding continuing education activities. These and other challenges have the potential to weaken the ability of rehabilitation professionals to stay current and to continue providing world-class services. But we are not just about protecting what we have built. The field of rehabilitation is breaking new ground every day. Today, we are assisting people who a very short time ago would have been considered too significantly disabled to have any chance of going to work. The challenges are many, but the rewards are limitless. Please reach out to your colleagues and encourage them to join in the effort to continue building the strongest and most effective public and private rehabilitation program possible. Our collective action is vital in enabling people with disabilities to attain full and equal integration. I look forward to working with each of you as we continue to be the voice of the rehabilitation profession—the voice of optimism and hope. Fredric K. Schroeder Executive Director National Rehabilitation Association 4 NRA CALL FOR PRESENTATION & POSTER SESSIONS FOR ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE The National Rehabilitation Association and the Iowa Rehabilitation is accepting proposals for the following Sessions: Pre-Conference Session Poster Sessions Conference Presentation The proposal forms can be found on the NRA website at www.nationalrehab.org 5 2014 Call for NRA AWARDS NOMINATIONS IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN. GET BUSY, LOOK AROUND, AND COMPLETE A NOMINATION PACKAGE FOR THAT DESERVING SOMEONE!!!! The Awards Committee will be accepting nominations until August 1, 2013. Award descriptions as well as the nomination form are below. Don’t put it off, take the time right now and nominate someone you feel is deserving of an award. Nominations will be accepted through August 1, 2014 and can be submitted electronically to [email protected] Attn: Eleanor Williams. The 2014 NRA Awards will be presented at the National Conference in Des Moines, Iowa October 30 – November 2, 2014. Submit an item for a future CR Newsletter Submission Due Dates: August 15, 2014 October 15, 2014 December 15, 2014 Details on submission maybe found online at: http://goo.gl/7o4khO or click here to download the Award Submission Packet Save the Date – Upcoming Division & Chapter Events Delaware Rehabilitation Association Conference October 2, 2014 New Castle, DE Additional Details: Contact DRA President, HarrietAnn Litwin at [email protected] 6 Leaders Wanted……NRA Call for Nominations The National Rehabilitation Association has had the opportunity to see many great leaders who have made a difference in our organization at the national level. Now is your opportunity to be that person! Please consider nominating outstanding leaders or stepping forward to run for office for either President-Elect or Board Member at Large. Each of these positions requires a three-year commitment to the association and the expectation that you will participate in the scheduled board meetings. The National Rehabilitation Association Board of Directors is a board that meets throughout the year. Typically 12 meetings are held throughout the year. In person meetings are held in conjunction with the Governmental Affairs Summit and at the Annual Training Conference. There may be a mid-year meeting as well. The in person meetings are held prior to the conferences start. Teleconference meetings are held throughout the remainder of the year and typically last two hours in length. Expenses for the in-person board meetings are typically self-funded. Some board members have been able to seek funding from their employer, chapter or region. Nominees must be current members of the Association; they must have their nominations approved and be willing to serve if elected. Please note that affiliate members of the Association may not run for a seat at the national board of directors level. Each candidate must, at the time of nomination, provide a digital photo( in jpg format) for publication in the election material and ballot. The photo will appear along with each candidate’s profile. If you are interested in finding out more about these opportunities, please contact David Beach via e-mail at [email protected] Interested candidates must send a resume, brief bio/a platform statement of 100 words or less and a digital photograph for publication. See sample below. The deadline to receive all materials is August 1, 2014 Nomination Criteria Continued on Page 9 7 Student Board Representative Named Ms. Rebecca Sametz is seeking her PhD from Michigan State University (MSU) in Rehabilitation Counseling Education. Ms. Sametz completed her dual Master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling (RC) and Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) from Western Michigan University (WMU). Ms. Sametz is currently serving as a Student Rehabilitation Counselor and Teacher Assistant for the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) in Grand Rapids, Michigan. ’ Rebecca Sametz, MA, RC, VRT Student Rehabilitation Counselor/Teacher Assistant Bureau of Services for Blind Persons 350 Ottawa Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 356-0644 PHONE (616) 356-0199 FAX Ms. Sametz previously served as the Graduate Assistant for the Sports Education Camp for Youth and Transition Age Athletes with Visual Impairments, WMU Vice Chairperson for the Graduate Student Advisory Committee, and President of the WMU Student Rehabilitation Counseling Association (SRCA). Ms. Sametz is a student representative on the National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) membership committee and Board Member of the Michigan Rehabilitation Association (MRA). Ms. Sametz advocates for students to learn more about - and to be involved in – professional associations. Prior to attending Western Michigan University, Ms. Sametz completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Kentucky. Her research interests include job satisfaction, as well as the importance of acceptance of disability by coworkers on job performance. New Editor for the Journal of Rehabilitation Named Dr. Wendy Parent-Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling and a Ph.D. in education from Virginia Commonwealth University. Professionally, Dr. Parent-Johnson has held positions at Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of Georgia and the University of Kansas. Prior to the Center for Disabilities, Dr. Parent-Johnson worked as research professor and associate director of the Lawrence site of the University of Kansas Center on Developmental Disabilities and the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies. Dr. Parent-Johnson has published numerous book chapters and journal articles and has co-authored several books, while also providing hundreds of presentations and workshops during her career. Her areas of interest and research are supported/customized employment and transition from school to work for individuals with severe disabilities, inclusive post-secondary education, job coach certification, health care transition, and employment first, among others. Dr. Parent-Johnson has served on the Board of Directors of the National Rehabilitation Association since 2008. Dr. Wendy Parent-Johnson, CRC 8801 Sunset Circle Brandon, SD 57005 Work: 605-357-1468 [email protected] 8 Leaders Wanted……NRA Call for Nominations (Continued from page 7) Nomination Criteria: Nominations must include a resume containing both educational and professional experience, and a 100 word statement of the nominee’s goals for the Association. (Note: NRA will edit statements in excess of 100 words.). It is preferred that all submissions be submitted in the following manner: Your State Chapter: Your Home Address: (City and State) Your Employer: Education: Undergraduate College and degree, Graduate School and degrees, etc NRA Background: Years in the association, positions held, volunteer efforts,etc. Statement: Your 100 word statement explaining your goals, positions, reasons you are running for office Stay Connected – Is your NRA Membership Profile Updated? Ensure to keep your information up-to-date to receive the latest information and member news from the National Rehabilitation Association. Two easy ways to update your information Online – you may update your contact information by logging into your profile at www.nationalrehab.org Email – Contact us via email at [email protected] with your updated contact information. 9 Reserve Your Exhibit and Advertisement Space for the Annual Training Conference Our National Annual Training Conference brings together rehabilitative and assistive technology (AT) professionals nationwide, supporting individuals with disabilities, to become actively engaged in our communities, to gain new knowledge in our field and to network with colleagues and industry nationwide. We invite you to take this opportunity to reserve an exhibit table, where you can connect with the Midwest and National rehabilitation and AT market, as well as reach out to more than 300 expected attendees for this year’s conference. Visit our website for more information on exhibiting, sponsoring and advertising in the program book. http://www.nationalrehab.org/cwt/external/wcpages/programs_events/annual_conference__exhibiting_opportunities.aspx NRA Annual Training Conference – Silent Auction Many folks are already hard at work preparing for the October NRA Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. With a theme of Meeting of Two Rivers: Where Opportunity and Rehabilitation Unite”, there are sure to be plenty of opportunities to enrich our professional skills, network with others and enjoy a wonderful, vibrant city! Please consider making the National Rehabilitation Association HAPPY by becoming a SAD (Silent Auction Donor)! Traditional gift baskets- with themes and contents reflective of a particular state chapter-are always welcomed and encouraged. Other contributions/donations such as jewelry, sports memorabilia, gift cards and artwork are also welcomed and appreciated. Be creative! Last year's Silent Auction brought in an impressive $3000 in revenue. We're looking forward to exceeding that this year! All donations are tax-deductible and proceeds go towards supporting and enhancing NRA's membership activities. I am pleased and honored to serve as chair of the 2014 Silent Auction committee, and I look forward to collaborating with all of you! Would you kindly include the Silent Auction on your upcoming agendas? Be sure to spread the word, too! Then, simply send me an e-mail response noting your willingness to participate, along with your contact information and I will send additional information on where/how to send donation items. Thank You So Much! Best Wishes, Kera Oestreich (Iowa) | [email protected] 10 2014 Annual Training Conference Registration Instructions Registration Fee Rules & Instructions: Print or type and complete all sections of the registration form. Retain a copy for your records. To be eligible for the early bird rate, your registration and payment must be postmarked by September 5, 2014 Registrations postmarked after September 5, 2014 will be invoiced at the regular fee Badges must be worn to all events to be eligible for certification credits. In addition, attendees must sign in at each session to receive educational credits. FULL Conference Registration Includes: Registration include: Materials, Certification Processing, Access to Exhibit Hall with Professional Vendors, Reception and Breaks, Awards Banquet. Student ID is required to receive student rate. Early Bird Postmarked by September 5, 2014 Regular Postmarked after September 5, 2014 Member $255 $275 Non-Member $325 $350 Student Member $75 $100 Student Non-Member $125 $155 SINGLE DAY Registration includes: Materials, Certification Processing, and Access to Exhibit Hall with Professional Vendors, Reception and Breaks. Does not include awards Banquet. Student ID is required to receive student rate. Single Day Fee Member $120/day Non-Member $150/day Student Member $90/day Student Non-Member $110/day Additional/Optional Conference Items Award Dinner (Guest Ticket) $50 per person Special Certification Processing – LISW and RESNA $10 per certification Payment NRA accepts Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Please include your billing address and card security code on the form when paying by credit card. If paying by check, make checks payable to National Rehabilitation Association and mail to the address on the registration form. Registration and payment information must be received by the above deadlines in order to qualify for discounts and/or avoid l ate fees. Methods of Registration Fax: Complete the registration form, include payment information and fax it to 703-836-0848 Attn: Event Registration Mail: Send completed registration form with payment to: National Rehabilitation Association, PO Box 150235 Alexandria, VA 22315 Internet: Online Registration is available. Please visit the event information page and click on the “REGISTER” button. Please note if you register online, you will need to use a credit card as your method of payment. Cancellations and Refunds A $50 processing fee will be assessed on ALL cancellations before October 1, 2014. There will be NO REFUNDS after October 1, 2014 Questions? Please contact NRA at [email protected] or call 703-836-0850 ext. 304 Annual Training Conference Registration Annual Training Conference – Registration Form October 30- November 1, 2014 I – Attendee Information Name: Job Title: Agency: Address: City, State, Zip: E-mail: Phone: Fax: II – Select Conference Registration Fee III - Attendee Profile Full Conference Registration Please complete the following demographic information: Are you a First Time Attendee? Member Early Regular Postmarked by September 5, 2014 Postmarked after September 5, 2014 ______ $255 _____ $275 Yes No Do you plan to attend the Awards Dinner? Yes No Certification Non-Member ______ $345 ______ $365 Student Member ______ $170 ______ $190 CRC CDMS CCM Student NonMember ______ $210 ______ $230 CWA CVE CVE LISW (Add $10) RESNA (Add $10) CVE SINGLE DAY REGISTRATION Member – Single Day Non-Member Student Member Student NonMember Additional Conference Items ______ $120/Day ____Friday ____Saturday ____Sunday ______ $150/Day ____Friday ____Saturday ____Sunday ______ $90/Day ____Friday ____Saturday ____Sunday ______ $110/Day Awards Dinner (Additional Guest) ______ $50/per person ____Friday ____Saturday ____Sunday IV – Reasonable Accommodations Requests (please describe your needs on the lines below) Deadline to arrange any special services is August 30, 2014. Any request after that date will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Hearing Vision Transportation Dietary ___Hearing Assistance ___Large Print ___Special Transportation ___Vegetarian Meal ___Interpreters ___Braille ___Other Conference Location: Des Moines Downtown Marriott Hotel – visit the NRA website for information on hotel reservations: http://www.nationalrehab.org/annualconference Conference attendees are responsible for all travel expenses and hotel reservations. The Downtown Des Moines Marriott is located at 700 Grand, Des Moines, Iowa. Visit the NRA Conference website for hotel reservations including a reservation phone number of 515-245-5500. Guest room rates for this conference are $104.00 per night plus applicable taxes. The rate is good for Single, Double occupancy. Conference attendees are responsible for securing and paying their own hotel reservations. As an attendee of the NRA conference, parking is available at a rate of $20.00 per day with unlimited in and out parking privileges. Annual Training Conference Registration Conference Attendee Name: V- Payment Information Credit Card – Please complete the credit card section below. credit card Summary: Card Type (Visa/MasterCard/AMEX/Discover)____________________ Card Number: _______________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________________ CVV _____________________ Cardholder Name ________________________ Policy and Procedures Please note: registration received without payment will NOT be processed. Cancellations and Refunds A $50 processing fee will be assessed on ALL cancellations before October 1, 2014. There will be NO REFUNDS after October 1, 2014 Name Badges: All registrants will be provided a name badge for use during the meeting. Badges must be worn to all events to be eligible for certification credits. In addition, attendees must sign in and complete session evaluations at each session to receive educational credits. TOTAL CHARGE AMOUNT: $__________________Date _______________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE_______________________________________________ 2. Provide name, phone, and email address of the contact person for this charge (if different than the attendee): Name _______________________________ Phone ______________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________ Americans with Disabilities Act and Special Dietary Needs: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NRA uses only facilities that are in compliance. Attendees with special needs for facilities, visual or audio aids, or dietary requirements are asked to call the NRA Headquarters at 703-836-0850 or email [email protected] Mailing Information Billing Address (if different that above) National Rehabilitation Association PO Box 150235 | Alexandria, VA 22315 __________________________________________________________ Phone: 703-836-0850 | Fax: 703-836-0848 __________________________________________________________ Check – (Payable in U.S. funds to National Rehabilitation Association. (Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing). Enclose with a copy of your registration form and mail to NRA Registration Office. Annual Training Conference Registration Email: [email protected]
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