GREENWOOD GRAPEVINE Greenwood College — An Independent Public School 79 Coolibah Drive, Greenwood WA 6024 [email protected] Ph. 9243 9200 Fax: 9246 2456 ABN: 31 997 963 629 Goodbye and Goo d Luck Year 12s! Greenwood College Calendar for Term 4 All dates are subject to change, please contact front office or teacher for confirmation October 2014 issue includes: TERM 4 Sun 2 Nov Mon 3-7 Nov Fri 7 Nov Sat 8 Nov Mon 10-14 Nov Mon 17-21 Nov Mon 10-28 Nov Mon 10-11 Nov Thur 13 Nov Tues 18 Nov Wed 26 Nov 28 Nov 1-12 Dec 1-2 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3-5 Dec Greenwood College Music Dinner Yr 10 Exams Beach Volleyball Stars & Stripes Cheer Comp IEC Exiting Interviews Yr 11 Exams WACE Exams School Review Yr 12 Graduation Dinner Volunteers Morning Tea Yr 10 Drama Rehearsals Open Board Meeting Last Day Year 11‘s IEC Swimming Lessons Yr 10 Drama Production Yr 7 Orientation Day Yr 8 Orientation Day Yr 10 Outdoor Education October 2014 Principal‘s Message Pg. 1 Year 11 Timetable Pg. 4 Councillor Notes Pgs. 8-9 China Visit Pgs.14-15 Leavers Assembly Pgs. 26-27 Page 1 Principal’s Message “Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time” - Josh Billings Reflection It is amazing how quickly the time goes by in our busy lives, I was talking to a group of Year 8 students this week and they marvel at how fast the year has gone for them and that there are only a few months left until they will be moving into Year 9. At his time of year I always reflect on our wonderful Year 12 students and what a positive impact they have made on the college. In my awards ceremony speech I mentioned the fact that they have continued to support and grow the culture of the college - by supporting what we stand for and how we behave and act. They will always have my respect and admiration for that. They have conducted themselves in a truly exemplary fashion in their last few weeks. The Leavers‘ Assembly was extremely well done with the efforts of the Year 12 Drama students, Joanna Starr and Jess Evans particularly appreciated. Thank you also to David Mahood and Miriam Lenghel for their outstanding contribution as 2014 Head boy and Head girl. Year 12 Awards Ceremony The recent awards ceremony is testament to the calibre of this group of students. It was a wonderful celebration of achievement and recognition and I know I speak for the whole Greenwood community when I say we are all exceedingly proud of you. As a group, the Year 12 students have really achieved excellent standards across the board. Congratulations to Anji Tao (pictured left) the ATAR Dux for 2014 and Joanna Starr (pictured right) the Vocational Dux. Jessica Evans, Edriss Hosseini, Rachelle Knox, Kun Li and Anji Tao who have been inducted into the Greenwood College Honours Society achievement in ATAR and Vocational courses—a fantastic effort. Thank you also to the Home Economics faculty who provided a sumptuous supper as always and many thanks to Mr Williams, Mrs Hollis and Mrs Pugh for coordinating the event. Also Mr Frisina must be acknowledged for his outstanding multimedia presentation; he unquestionably makes my speech much more interesting! The Year 11 ushers certainly assisted in making sure that everything ran smoothly. Well done also to all those Year 12 students who have represented Greenwood out in the community through traineeships, work placement and external TAFE courses. You have been a real credit to your school. Well done particularly to Denise Mizero (pictured right with Mr Bowdell and her father) who completed a Public Sector Traineeship and Meserat Kebede who completed a Cert IV in Business Management (pictured left with her lecturer Richard). Also congratulations to the following students who completed their school based traineeship—Stephanie Benthien/Lina Gaskin/Alanna Mecavin who completed Business, Santa Biwot/Jessica Nagy who completed Retail and Peterine Kamara who completed Hospitality. Results cont. Li teracy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) for 2015 with the last group of Year 10 students having just completed the tests. Students will receive individual information about their latest OLNA results by the end of the term. We are very pleased with the outcome with Mrs Joanne Harris approximately 95% of students Writing, 94% of students Principal Reading and 91% of students Numeracy who have either passed or are expected to pass. Those students who have been identified as not passed or unlikely to pass the test will participate in a special vocational program next year which will well equip them for further training or work. Planning We are continuing to plan for 2015. Our Year 9 students are undergoing training for our Year 7 Mentor Program (7mate) and we look forward to welcoming all our 2015 Year 7s and Year 8s to their induction days. The Volleyball teams are gearing up for the Melbourne competition. At the end of this semester we will lose a small number of our IEC students to schools closer to where they live. Best wishes to all those students leaving us at the end of the year! 2014 College Survey Many thanks to all the 148 parents, 367 students and 66 staff who recently completed the 2014 College Survey. Mr Mayes has collated all the information and the results have been extremely encouraging with an average 88% of parents, 75% of students and 92% of staff providing positive responses. We compared this data with the responses in the 2012 survey of a similar ilk and there has been an increase of approximately 8%. This is good news for us as seeking feedback is vital in planning for the future (specific information on opposite page). Now we will look at all the items carefully and analyse specific areas for improvement as well as celebrate our successes! Capital Works I am extremely pleased with the landscaping upgrade in front of Home Economics and IT. The area is already looking very good and when the foliage grows, it will provide a spectacular area for students to congregate at lunch and recess. The increased seating has meant it will be a very well utilized area next year as the College grows. I have recently had the first meeting regarding the student toilet and change room upgrade. Overall we will be receiving $1.23 million with the project starting February and completed by September 2015. We are all excited that our students will receive modern facilities. New Uniform The photo shown displays the new short sleeved polo shirts which are already on sale. They are less likely to fade, crease and the fabric is designed for comfort. Exams For our Year 9, 10 and 11 students, it is vital you remain focused These new polos are already generating in the next few weeks as many of you have very important a great deal of interest both with students exams coming up. Year 10 students will also be involved in a and parents alike. transition program in Maths for the rest of the term. By Conclusion completing preliminary work in their designated Year 11 Lastly I would also like to heartedly congratulate Mrs Merrin and courses, our students will have the best start for next year. her band of hard working and talented dance students. The Choreography night was sensational as always, highly Results Overall our NAPLAN results were very pleasing with steady entertaining and extremely professional (see pictures page 16 & improvement in Reading, Spelling and Numeracy. Writing is an 17). area we believe we can improve upon and will become an explicit focus next year. We have now finalised the Online Greenwood College October 2014 Page 2 Greenwood College Community Survey Results Mr Mayes Deputy Principal In 2012 and 2014, the Greenwood College Community participated in surveys to ascertain their feelings about various aspects of the College‘s educational and social programs. The results of these surveys were very pleasing and reinforce that the majority of parents, students and teachers are very happy with the achievements of our College. Analysis of parent responses showed that they are confident about the high standards of education, care, safety and communication processes demonstrated in our College, that their children like attending Greenwood and that they would recommend our College to others. Parents acknowledge that the College has clear goals and a positive identity and has assisted their children‘s personal and social development. Student responses demonstrated a wider range of views but where still overwhelmingly positive. The majority of students agreed that teachers have high expectations of their students, care about their well-being and that the College staff and students show respect for each other in a well-managed and pleasant environment. Based on the survey responses, the Greenwood College staff are very happy with the College and in their assessment of their performance in all areas as evidenced by a 92% positive responses rate to survey questions. It was pleasing to note that the average percentage of positive responses from parents increased by 8.4% from 2012 to 2014 and by 7.6% for students. These are very positive and pleasing trends and can be attributes to the many strategic initiatives the College has innovated over the past few years. A sample of the data collected appears below: Percentage scores and Pie Graph showing the highest percentage of positive responses (agree or highly agree) of parents, teachers and students to questions relating to education, care, behaviour, safety and communication. Parents Teachers Students 89% 98% 91% You can see that the entire community responded positively to the College‘s educational and care programs. Percentage scores and Pie graph showing that parent, staff and student perceptions of our College relationships, image and leadership were relatively similar and also overwhelmingly positive. Parents Teachers Students 90% 90% 77% The results from these surveys will be presented to the next College Board and next full staff meeting and used to evaluate our performance across a range of educational, behavioural and pastoral care areas with a view towards continual, positive development and improvement. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 3 Year 11 Timetable The academic year is drawing to a close for our Year 11 students. You can help your son or daughter by encouraging him/her to remain calm, focussed and motivated in the approach to study and examinations. All students need to ensure all school assessment and assignment deadlines are met so that their WACE next year is not in jeopardy. Students who have not completed all work will be expected to attend school during the exam week. Mr Pohara Deputy Principal Upper School Below is a timeline for Year 11 students: WEEK DATE STUDENTS 5 Friday 14 November Last day for non-exam students 6 Monday 17 - Friday 21 November Exam week 7 Monday 24 - Thursday 27 November Exam consolidation week Thursday 27 November is the last day for All students all students Finally, I wish all Year 11 students the very best over the Christmas break and look forward to working with you in 2015 and ensuring that you have a successful year! Attendance Regular attendance at school is fundamental to your child‘s learning. Consistent attendance and participation are essential for your child‘s social and academic learning. As parents or legal guardians of an enrolled child, you are responsible under the School Education Act 1999 to ensure the attendance of your child at school every day. It is important to assist your child‘s achievement and learning by making regular school attendance a priority in your child‘s life. The Department of Education‘s Student Attendance policy requires that parents/guardians provide an acceptable explanation to the school principal for any absence of their children. Principals must authorise all absences. The Act defines health, religious and cultural observances as reasonable cause for a school absence and the absence would be recorded as ‗authorised‘ by the principal. As the parent/guardian you must obtain the principal‘s approval for any planned absence. 0407 087 450 Parents are reminded that they can advise the school of their child’s absence by SMS. Failure to contact the school will result in your child/ children being marked as UNEXPLAINED on their attendance record. sms Mrs Joanne Harris - Principal Punctuality/Absentee Greenwood College recognises that punctuality and regular attendance at school is a major factor affecting student academic success and building positive habits for their future. The College therefore adopts a zero tolerance approach to unexplained absences and lateness to school. Students who are late to school without an acceptable reason provided by parent note, phone 9243 9200 or SMS 0407 087 450 to the school will be placed into lunch detention. Late students MUST report to the relevant Deputy Principal or Student Services Manager to explain their lateness and receive a lunch detention notice. Teachers will not allow late students into class without a formal late note. Mr D Mayes—Deputy Principal Greenwood College October 2014 Page 4 Student Services Summary Mr. Williams Student Services Manager Year 9 Co-ordinator It is the ―Goodbye Season‖. The Year 12s said their goodbye to Greenwood College at their Leavers‘ Assembly on Friday October 17 and Greenwood College formally farewelled the Year 12s at our Awards Night on Wednesday October 29. Lots of hugs, handshakes and high 5‘s were seen as well as a few tears. Saying goodbye to a school has an unpredictability factor. I certainly (as do others) remind the 12s to soak up their last weeks and days at Greenwood College. ―Don‘t wish it away‖ I repeatedly say. People who have left school will understand this. Once it‘s gone, it‘s gone. Not everyone has the best time or memories of their school days. But most people do and that‘s why we continually say to kids, ―your school days are the best days of your life‖. They are! I look forward to seeing how certain Year 12s will react when it dawns on them that there is a last day, recess, lunch, class of school. To hear that bell for the last time; to wear that uniform for the last time; to buy that last cheesey at the canteen; to hand it that last assessment for the last time……………..I could tell by the faces at the Leavers‘ Assembly that the 12s were reflecting and reminiscing. Not all, but most. Leavers’ Assembly When I first arrived at Greenwood College in 2011, Mrs Harris had a few plans, ideas, requests one of which was to tighten up the Leavers‘ Assemblies. First thing we changed was moving the 12s from the back of the gym to the front. The Class of 2011 didn‘t like that idea at first, however, they worked out why I wanted the shift. They were front and centre to what was happening on stage. They could make eye contact with people who were on stage and speaking to the 12s. It was more personal and there was more of a connection. It was all about them and it took their minds back to when they were in Year 8 in that very same spot. The Class of 2014 appreciated this and their behaviour before, during and after their Leavers‘ Assembly was exemplary. A fantastic legacy to leave behind. Quite a few Principals have sleepless nights leading up to the Year 12s last day. Mrs Harris sleeps very well! The assembly was entertaining, sentimental, humorous and an appropriate dedication to the past five years of their life at Greenwood College. I have to thank Jess Evans, Joana Starr, Georgia Good, Hannah Bebbington, Fiona Le, Sinclair Ngaba, Hannah Rojas, Miriam Lenghel and David Mahood for their exceptional efforts in piecing the assembly together. Thanks also to Mr Mazzulla, Mr Frisina and the Media Crew for their help in making this years Leavers‘ Assembly the best ever. Year 12 Awards Night The highlight of Term 4 and probably the year was the Year 12 Awards Night, held on Wednesday October 29 at Kingdom City Wangara; a venue we last used in 2012. Simply it was a sensational evening and a very fitting way to formally say goodbye to our Year 12 students in front of Special guests, staff, peers and most importantly, their families and friends. Sincere thanks to all the student helpers who gave up their time during the day and evening. Thanks to Ms Hutton and the Home Economics staff for their efforts in providing such a lovely supper. A massive thank you to the Front Office staff, Mr ―Friz the Wiz‖ Frisina for his IT expertise and creativity, Raylene Shipham, our super Chaplain and Mrs Anne Pugh, our super School Officer, for all their support on the day and the weeks leading up to the ceremony. And finally to Ms Hollis, Year 12 Coordinator, for the way she has nurtured, guided and supported her Year Group over the past five years. I say this is each year; It is worth noting that the event is planned and run by the school. We book a venue but all the nuts and bolts and what is seen on the night is a direct result of very hard work by a team of people. Many schools outsource the responsibility of such an event and at significant expense. Greenwood College is proud to ―own‖ the Awards Night making it just that little bit more special. A more detailed report and photographs on the Year 12 Awards Night will be available in the next Newsletter edition. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 5 Raylene Shipham Chaplain Chatter Chaplain Direct line: 9243 9237 As I write this, it is only the end of week 3 and we have already had so many things happen or about to happen during this Term. We celebrated the Leavers‘ Assembly on Friday 17 October which was very professional and entertaining. It was extremely well received by the whole audience. We will be officially farewelling our Year 12‘s on Wednesday 29 October at their graduation and this will be my parting sentiment to them as they leave the comfort and security of school. We are also currently preparing for our student council elections that will take place on the 5 November, we have had an overwhelming response of students who want to nominate and this just shows that there is a positive culture regarding leadership in our school community. Results will be announced on Friday 7 November. City youth continue to run their lunch time program on a Thursday. They provide a vibrant youth group on a Friday evening from 6:30pm- 9:15 pm. The next few weeks are full of many wonderful events at youth. Below is the program coming up: 7 November: Women‘s conference for the girls and guys go to flipout. 14 November: Water fight night 21 November: Youth alive North Metro As always feel free to contact myself in student services if you have any concerns or questions regarding your children. Thinking of you all as the downhill to the end of the year begins. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 6 Congratulations! Students of the Week Congratulations to Gemma White (Yr 8) for her great attitude and work ethic in mathematics and achieving an excellent mark in a recent assessment. Well done to Rachael O‘Meara (Yr 8) for her invaluable assistance packing up after the whole school assembly. Student of the Week and a $25 voucher goes to Katherine Beard (Yr 8) for her great attitude and work ethic in mathematics. Welcome to the Library ... Mrs Kington Teacher/Librarian Welcome in and see what is happening in the Library. New displays, books, magazines, games and signage all keep the library up-to-date and welcoming. Whilst in the library why not: Borrow one of our new books, magazines or graphic novels? Check out the new games or play Chess, Upwords, cards or Uno? Have a look at Worldbook online to discover new and exciting things. Don‘t forget you can recycle your old batteries by placing them in the recycling bin provided near the photocopier. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 7 Year 8—Rachael O‘Meara and Tasman Tawhai Welcome back to all year eights for the final term of the year. On 21 October, a number of Greenwood‘s best athletes travelled to compete in the Interschool Athletics Carnival. The day was enjoyed by many students and the results obtained were very pleasing by students with Greenwood placing 3rd in ―B‖ division. Congratulations to all participants. Personally as a competitor I found it a bit challenging but equally a rewarding day. On Friday 7 November students from Year 8, 9 and 10 competing. will be competing in the Beach Volleyball Cup. Good luck to those It was great to see all at the year 12 assembly. It was very entertaining and it was presented well. It won‘t be too long before we are having our own Year 12 assembly—a scary thought! Bye for now... Year 9—Despina Koulianos and Gavin Anderson Hello everyone and welcome to our first newsletter article for Term 4. Firstly, all Year 9 students will have their first formal exams, which will be held in week 4. For all you that tend to not study for any test what so ever, we believe it is time to change that routine because you will need all the study time you can get. Volleyball news: The year 9‘s will have their first beach volleyball tournament at Greenwood. The teams have been selected and we know firsthand that all Year 9 boys and girls are very eager to participate. Remember to be sun safe because the sun will be out all day. This has been drilled into our heads by Mr Woodard….. thankfully. The Beach Volleyball Competition is being held on Friday, November 7 at Scarborough Beach. A quick reminder to everyone attending; bring bathers as you will get many chances to cool down and have a swim. A new initiative being introduced by Mr Williams is the ―7 mate‖ program. It is an opportunity for the Year 9‘s to nominate themselves to help out the new Year 7‘s coming to Greenwood College next in 2015. It is about making the Year 7‘s feel as welcome, settled and comfortable as possible for the first week or two of Term 1 next year. Lastly I would like to reassure everyone that the behaviour of the Year 9‘s is still at a very high standard. Our attendance is 89.70% for the year so far. Come on Year 9‘s, lets hit that 90% mark! Year 10—Bella Peardon and Thomas Larkins Sadly we are at that time of the year again when we say goodbye to our year 12 students as they head out of high school and into the big world. We would like to congratulate every one of the year 12s for making it through this far, passing exams and trying their best in exams. We wish you all the best and good luck for your future. On Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 October, Mr D‘Agostino‘s two Year 10 classes visited the beautiful Hyde Park and busy Perth city for a photography excursion. Although we had to endure hot weather on both days, each class was able to take a number of fantastic photos at both locations. All up it was a great day, full of fun, photos and food. Friday 17 October, all of the dance students of 2014 had their annual choreography night, ―Welcome to Hollywood‖. It ran very well. All the dance students would like to thank Mrs Merrin for choreographing all the dancers and putting on a fantastic show. On 18 October, the Greenwood Titans were lucky enough to compete at the Chetovich Cup. This is a gymnastic event in which the best Australian gymnasts compete. It was a very special privilege to be chosen and we would like to give a massive ―shout-out‖ to the Titans coach, Hannah, who has coached the team all year to make a better team. Thank you, Hannah. The Greenwood Titans last competition is in a few weeks and this is the biggest competition for the year. The Titans will be judged by judges who have come from America. Good luck Titans! On Wednesday 22 October, Greenwood College competed in the Interschool Carnival. Everyone who went put in 110% and had an awesome time. As most of the Year 10s know, we have begun our upper school studies for Mathematics. If you are doing a Maths subject in Year 11 and 12, then it is highly desirable that you purchase the textbook for $50 from the Front office as some classes will be doing their work from them for the rest of the term. On a very similar note, we are starting yet another set of exams. Now, compared to what we‘re up against in the next couple of years, these will be a breeze! Just remember to organise yourself, study and stay focussed, particularly if you are doing any kind of ATAR course in Year 11 and 12. Thanks for reading! Greenwood College October 2014 Page 8 Year 11—Jessica Laden and Brendan Burnside Hello everyone and welcome back to the last term of Year 11! Already these first few weeks have been jam-packed with critical events. In fact, as early as Week 1, the whole school was treated to the Leavers‘ assembly of 2014. The Year 12s are officially out of the school, leaving us as the reigning seniors, finally! Congratulations, everyone deserves a pat on the back! On the Monday before school even started for lower-school students, all Year 11s doing ATAR Maths were at school, in the zone, as we all started our Semester 2 exams, or at least we should have been! By now everyone would have received their results back, and they are a definite reminder of the effort we put into preparing for the exam, good or bad. Now, with Year 11 Maths sorted, we have commenced Year 12 work. How exciting! Some of us have chosen to continue on our pathways, while others are repeating the same units. Whatever the case, good luck and try hard! Recently, the Interschool Athletics Carnival and Dance Choreography night have been held during week 2. Both events had been prepared for since last term and beyond and a special thanks goes to the staff and students alike who planned or prepared for them. A great cheer and pat on the back goes towards you! We‘re sure you were all awesome and look forward to what next year will bring. Being Year 12 takes great responsibility, planning, thinking and lots of hard work! Everything that is to do with the leavers‘ jackets is in its closing stages. We have completed and finalised the cost, design and company—both payment and nicknames should‘ve been handed back. Sizing will commence shortly so all Year 11s need to be on the ball. Speaking of Balls, all of those who have been asked and those wanting to volunteer, are required at Thursday lunchtimes in M3 (Mr T‘s classroom) to discuss next years highly anticipated Year 12 Ball. We stress the fact that it is next term and so all planning needs to be speeding along smoothly. All cooperation will be grateful! School is almost over, however, the biggest hurdle is still to come. The Semester 2 exams are drawing nearer and we all should‘ve started preparing for them already. In week 6—yes 3 weeks away—all Year 11 ATAR students will be tucked down hard at work to complete the exams in the time period. Some of the exams will have a weighting of over 50% of the Semester 2 results, so everyone and we mean everyone, needs to make sure they are ready and focused for the onslaught that awaits them. But for now, enjoy being the seniors of the school. Look at the Year 12s, that‘s us in less than a year. Keep your heads up and pens down. The finishing line is in sight. We are your Captains speaking…. Signing off !!!! IEC —Nycolle Paes Leme Da Fonseca and Moses Mayuom Hello everyone! It‘s nearly time for many students in the IEC to graduate. This means that their time in the IEC is finished and they will be moving into mainstream classes. Students who live a long way from Greenwood College might have to move to a school nearer to their home. We would like to wish those students good luck. We will all miss you! Luckily, many students will stay on at Greenwood College and start next year in mainstream. We will give you some more details about the Graduation Ceremony in the next newsletter. A message from Moses: On 21 October, Greenwood College took part in an Athletics Carnival. I think all of the students loved it, and played their part in supporting the school very well. We finished in third place. I was really pleased to participate in the 100m, 200m and 400m running. Next time it would be great to see more students from the IEC in the carnival. Thank you to the teachers who gave us their time on the day! See you next time! Uniform News The uniform shop will be open for students on Friday 30 January 2015 from 10am—3pm. This is “once only whole day event” so make sure you write it in your diary. Please remember the uniform shop only takes CASH. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 9 Interschool Athletics Carnival Mr Guard Head—Physical Education On Tuesday 21 October a committed band of Greenwood College athletes attended the ―B‖ Division Interschool Athletics Carnival at the West Australian Athletics Stadium in Perry Lakes. While there were a few minor adjustments to the final team on the morning due to a couple of late injuries and withdrawals, as has become the norm at these events, our students were once again brave, focused and determined in their approach and worked extremely hard throughout the day in representing the college. In a great reward for perseverance and effort, after spending most of the day battling it out to catch the leading schools, we came home with such a rush in the afternoon events that we finished 3rd in a really strong field. This is an outstanding result for our school and everyone involved should be proud of our achievement. While it was our interschool athletes who had have the honour of representing the school, it is also everyone who competed, supported, ran and supervised the events at the house carnival that set things in motion and began a wave of momentum to the Inters for our runners, jumpers and throwers. Miss Logan and I couldn‘t be prouder of the student‘s efforts, and although both us and the athletes would be the first to acknowledge that a harder training regime would ensure stronger all round performances, the ability of our athletes to ―hang tough‖ against opponents with bigger bodies, from bigger schools, with bigger talent pools to draw from is inspiring. Given that our House Carnival precedes the Inters by almost 6 weeks is testament to our athletes perseverance and commitment levels. With over 75 competing athletes, it is difficult to single any out individuals as everyone played their part in our success, however, there are two students who need to be mentioned as they both won age champion awards while competing for the last time for the school. Firstly Asad Hosseini won Year 10 Champion Boy for his outstanding efforts on the day as he dominated his division‘s running and jumping program. Unfortunately Asad is leaving us to take up a scholarship at Scotch College and we hope he makes the most of this opportunity and wish him well in the future. Secondly Emma Phillippe again won the age champion for her division completing a clean sweep of medals from year 8 through to year 12 at interschool level, which is an absolutely outstanding achievement and one that has probably not been achieved by many students in the history of school sport. We will miss her leadership in and around the team and also wish her well in her future endeavours. While both students will be missed and hard to replace individually, I am confident that our team will find a way to spread the load and maintain our culture of engagement in our Athletics program and continue our run of success that has seen us place, 3rd, 3rd, 4th and 3rd in the last 4 seasons. Final Placings: Mt Lawley SHS Perth Modern School 1242 1214 Greenwood College 1061 Willeton SHS Ellenbrook SC Governor Stirling SHS Applecross SHS Darling Range SC Como SC 1056 998 989 925 900 800 First Second Third First Second Third Age Champion Results: Year 10 Boys Asad Hosseini Mt Lawley Perth Modern Year 12 Girls Emma Philippe Governor Stirling Mt Lawley 84 points 49 points 43 points 131 points 49 points 43 points Emma Philippe and Asad Hosseini Greenwood College October 2014 Page 10 Volleyball (High) Schools Cup 2014 Mr Woodard Physical Education Teacher Greenwood College competed at the W A Volleyball Schools Cup for another year from 4 –7 September. This year there were more schools than ever competing at the Schools Cup. One school sent 22 teams. There were over 140 teams competing over the four days. We sent nine teams of Volleyball players to this competition, seven of which made it to semi finals and four teams then progressing through to Grand Finals. It could have been more however the Year 9 Boys had to forfeit due to four players in an AFL Grand Final at the same time on the Sunday. SILVER MEDALS EQUAL THIRD PLACE Open Boys Division ―A‖ (pic below) Year 8 Boys Division ―A‖ Open Honours Girls (pic below) Year 10 Girls Honours ―A‖ Year 9 Honours Girls Year 9 Boys Division ―A‖ Year 10 Boys Division ―B‖ Year 10 Girls Division ―B‖ EQUAL FIFTH Year 8 Girls Division ―A‖ Well done to all teams on their performances. Although we did not win any gold medals this year, a number of teams exceeded my expectations and the future does look promising based on the results. The medal winners obviously did really well but other teams who finished third place played semi final games that were close and could have gone either way taking sets off their opponents and sometimes beating the schools who won medals in the round robin phase. A player who shines in their age group is voted the ―best of the best‖ ie. MOST VALUABLE PLAYER in their division. A Greenwood player was awarded this. Congratulations to Marco Lenghel (Yr 12 student —picture below) - Open ―A‖ Boys. Thanks to all the coaches especially Mitchell Collins (who coached two teams), Ms Logan, Ingrid Hand and Nicole Leighton for their time, effort and support. 1 Secondhand Books The Greenwood College Melbourne Tour Volleyball Fundraising Committee will again be taking second-hand books for sale. A letter will be sent out shortly, with any books that are for sale to be returned to the office. These books must be put in a plastic bag along with the form supplied in the letter, listing all the books you wish to sell. Details will also be supplied in the letter regarding where and when secondhand books can be purchased for the up coming Year 11 and Year 12 students. If there are any further queries, please contact Sharon McGorlick on mobile 0403 125 285 after 6pm or at [email protected]. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 11 Mr Hill Aviation News Aviation Coordinator Recently, a cross-curricular excursion was held with Science students utilising the College‘s aviation connections. Year 11 and 12 Integrated Science students were studying a module entitled ―The Science of Flight‖. With this in mind, the students travelled to Jandakot and participated in a 15-minute flight. The route travelled was Jandakot – Murdoch University – Fremantle Harbour – Coogee Marina – Adventure World – Jandakot. Footage of the flights were used with two GoPro cameras. Many thanks to Mr Frisina for compiling the short video for the coming School Assembly. The Year 8 model aircraft building is nearing completion with some really fine craftsmanship being displayed (see photos). Congratulations to Chris Mills in Year 10 on achieving his ‗A‘ Certificate glider pilot‘s licence. He allowed himself 4 days to achieve this goal, and had sat and passed his test by the end of the 2nd day‘s training. Well done! Safe flying to you and your family. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 12 School Information Calendar for 2015 2015 Term Dates School Development Days (Pupil Free Days) Public Holidays Term 1 Mon 2 Feb—Thurs 2 April Thursday 29 January Monday 26 January Friday 20 January Monday 2 March Monday 20 April Monday 27 April Term 2 Tues 21 April—Fri 3 July Monday 1 June Term 3 Tues 21 July—Fri 25 Sept Monday 20 July Term 4 Tues 13 Oct—Thurs 17 Dec Monday 12 Oct Friday 18 Dec Greenwood College Parents and Community Members You’re all welcome! On behalf of Mr Brett Tooker and the Greenwood College Board we would like to invite you to the annual Greenwood College Open Board Meeting 2014 Date: Time: Venue: Wednesday 26 November 6.00 pm Greenwood College Staffroom Please RSVP to: [email protected] Greenwood College Light refreshments provided October 2014 Page 13 Mr. Dunn China Visit 2014 Intensive English Deputy Four Greenwood College teachers travel to China for exchange activities with our Sister School. The Report (Part 1) Between September 21st and 27th 2014, four teachers from Greenwood College visited our sister school in China, Changxing Jinling High School, Zhejiang Province. Mr Dunn, Mr Filidei, Mr D‘Agostino and Mr Bowdell ran teacher workshops, AFL lessons and English lessons for staff and students at the school. What an experience it was, we felt overwhelmed by the kindness and hospitality afforded to us by our hosts and really enjoyed the experience of teaching and interacting with the local students. All the planning and paperwork was worthwhile in the end as we completed a successful and enjoyable exchange trip. Planning for this exchange visit began in 2013 after Principal Mrs Joanne Harris and Deputy Principal Mr Terry Dunn signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Jinling High School to facilitate our Sister School status. A selection process for the teachers came next to decide who would represent Greenwood College in China in 2014. Then came the approval process involving lengthy written applications, form filling and submissions to our School Board, Regional Director, Director General and finally to the Minister of Education. Whilst the process was not without setbacks, final approval was gained late in term 2 this year. Several planning and preparation meetings later we were ready, or as ready as we could be. We arrived in Shanghai after a delay in transit in Hong Kong, it was 8pm local time. Immigration and security checks over we were greeted by our colleagues from Changxing Jinling High School and warmly welcomed by the greeting party. We boarded the school bus and commenced our 3 hour journey to Changxing. Our hosts had brought some fresh water chestnuts for us to snack on before we were scheduled to stop at a roadside store that specialised in a savoury rice snack known as Zòng. Unfortunately we arrived after the store closed so we made do with numerous exotic and packaged snacks that we had never seen before. This wouldn‘t be the first time that our taste buds would be challenged. The road journey was long and bone jarring at times. I could see Mr Bowdell fighting an unwinnable battle to stay awake, his head slowly drooping into sleep only to be jolted awake again as we jolted over the next bump in the road or passed a truck with only millimetres to spare. We arrived at the Zijin Hotel at midnight after a long and tiring journey. Fortunately our hosts helped us overcome the communication barrier in checking in, few people in regional China speak English, it was going to be a memorable trip ! Monday morning and we‘re up early and meet in the dining room of our hotel. This is a 3 star hotel and a little rough around the edges, comfortable enough but the Zijin had seen better days. Breakfast was disappointing. We were aware that it would be different and willing to try new things, but frankly we couldn‘t see ourselves eating here every morning. It was time to go for a walk and explore the choices outside. Mr Filidei practised his newly acquired basic Chinese phrases on the hotel reception staff. Fan-Lu was very kind and understood that we wanted coffee and offered to walk with us to point out the local Starbucks nearby. Armed with umbrellas we found our breakfast location for the remaining time we were to spend in Changxing. Coffee and toast never tasted so good. Day 1 and we are due to meet with the Principal and Deputies in the Board Room. Jinling High School has been built on a grand scale. An enormous dual carriageway avenue with manicured garden beds lead us to the central administration building. It has a curved design and is 5 stories high. Mr Chen the school Principal makes a formal welcome speech to our group translated by our contact English teacher Luhua. He welcomes us to the school and reaffirms the school‘s commitment to our budding sister school relationship. My response is similar and well received, we exchange gifts and are served green tea . The gift that Mr D‘Agostino has prepared in advance is very impressive. It‘s a collation of photos taken by himself and Greenwood students that showcase our school and the iconic sights of Perth. The print is large and will be framed and displayed in a prominent position at the school. It‘s a great way to commemorate our visit and will be an interesting talking point for visitors to the school. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 14 China Visit 2014 cont. We hit the ground running as my 2 hour workshop with the Jinling teachers was up next. My colleagues were able assistants. The topic, ―Teaching Speaking, A Communicative Approach‖. Considering that many students who study English overseas rely heavily on text books and have little opportunity for speaking or practising English it was a well received workshop. The teachers were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the chance to speak with us and improve their repertoire. In the role playing group, Mr D‘Agostino reported a noisy and boisterous group who showed great enthusiasm during the scenarios. Throughout the week we were involved in numerous workshops and lessons. Mr D‘Agostino‘s and Mr Bowdell‘s lecture about our Education system and the inclusion of a student made video ―A Day in the Life of a Greenwood Student‖ was well received. Our life styles at home are vastly different to our Chinese colleagues. Student lifestyles are also vastly different. To illustrate this, the school hours for Jinling students are 6.30am – 9.30pm, six days a week. On Sunday students travel home to be with their parents, however for six nights of the week they spend on campus boarding in the dormitories. The teachers also work long hours, including 2 nights per week taken up with night duty, supervising students. We gained a new appreciation for our own working conditions. Mr Filidei gave a series of Science/English lessons with classes of 90 plus students. The students were engrossed and were treated to a well paced and interesting lesson that was entertaining and instructive at the same time. I assisted Mr Filidei by giving out prizes of koala and kangaroo badges. These items were keenly contested. It was ironic that they were made in China. At the conclusion of each lesson the students mobbed Mr Filidei for his autograph and handshake. I was happy to spend the time in Mr Filidei‘s shadow because when there was no room to approach him for an autograph , then they asked for my autograph, we felt like Rock Stars. It was the first time for many of the students to speak with a foreigner face to face. It was a humbling yet somehow a strangely addictive experience. Our new found ‗Rock Star‘ status was to be repeated in all of our classes. Another teaching highlight during the week was an introduction to AFL. Again a large class of 60 plus students. We had brought over 2 footballs for this lesson and would leave them with the Phys. Ed. Department. After some introductions and warm ups we broke into 2 groups. Boys and girls had a chance to kick, handball and mark the footballs. The students were committed and enthusiastic, they loved it. By the end of the lesson we could see the potential of many of the students as they were quick to learn and genuinely enjoyed the skills practise and the physical contact when contesting for the ball. We finished with a kicking competition and gave out prizes at the end. The feeling that we had regarding the Chinese sports classes was that they are highly structured and had a military feel. This was probably a contributing factor to enjoying our different approach to sports. Part 2 will conclude this series in the next Newsletter issue. In the next instalment : Read about our local sightseeing in Changxing, the food; both weird and wonderful, Mr Bowdell singing for staff and students, Tour of Beijing with Mrs Armstrong, plans for Greenwood students to experience China in the future. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 15 Dance/Cheerleading News Mrs Merrin Dance Teacher Cheerleading On Saturday18 October the Greenwood Titans were invited to compete in the Chetkovich Cup at the HBF Stadium. As they had won the Interschool challenge they were selected to compete in this prestigious event. They were put into teams and were paired with Olympic and Commonwealth games athletes which meant they were also up against the same calibre of people. The Titans scored 20 points for their team and came in 3 rd place which is a fantastic effort. The team had a fun day mixing with world class athletes and getting autographs from some of their idols. The last competition of the year will be held at the HBF stadium on 8-9 November. Good luck for your last competition of the season. With the growing popularity of cheerleading at Greenwood we have decided to make two teams next year. One of the teams will be travelling to the Gold Coast in July 2015 to compete in the Aussie Gold International championships. Try outs for both teams will be held on Wednesday November 19 th from 3:05pm-5:00pm in the gym. Information about the try outs will be sent home soon. Choreography Night On Friday 24 October, the Greenwood College Dance students put on their annual Choreography Night ―Welcome to Hollywood‖ which was held at the Sacred Heart College Performing Arts Centre. The show kicked off with a USA medley and showcased many different genres including hip hop, tap, lyrical, jazz, contemporary, acrobatics, Bollywood, Irish and cheerleading. All of the students had been working hard all year on these dances and they performed very well on the night and should be very proud of their efforts. Award winners on the night were; Year 8 Runner up highest marks- Tianna Ronzitti Highest marks- Arnet Terry Runner up most improved- Serena Hendrie Most improved- Madison Purvey Year 9 Runner up highest marks- Reikki Newman Highest marks- Jessica Dower Runner up most improved- Shakira Gregory Most improved- Angus Eastwood Year 10 Runner up highest marks- Jazmin Sandercott Highest marks- Amy Fletcher Runner up most improved- Rachelle Daniel Most improved- Prim Wansopha Year 11 Runner up highest marks- Sian James Highest marks- Melody Fricker Runner up most improved- Lauren King Most improved- Amber Rollo Year 12 Highest marks- Emily Casarsa Most improved- Chloe Heawood I would like to say a huge thank you to the parent support team who helped make the night come together and to Bec Logan, Raylene Shipham, Lou Mazzulla and Paul Frisina for helping out on the night. Photos are still available on the password protected website, there is currently a special $3 per image and if you have ordered a DVD they will be out shortly. (Photos courtesy of Don Benson Photography). Greenwood College October 2014 Page 16 Dance/Cheerleading cont. Greenwood College October 2014 Photos courtesy of Don Benson Photography Page 17 Drama News “A Blurred Evening” Mr Mazzulla Drama Teacher The end of Term 3 saw the Year 11 Drama class perform ―Blurred‖ by Stephen Davis. This thought provoking play looks at what happens to teenagers on their way to leavers following the end of school. The challenging nature of the text provided students with an opportunity to delve into the lives of their peers who had just finished their exams and were heading to what many claim is the defining moment of their time as teenagers. The play facilitated many interesting discussions as students grappled with the difficult task of playing realistic characters and enacting situations they are yet to experience. The end result was a highly memorable representation of the text. The Year 11‘s produced a truly genuine production that showcased their maturity as young adults as they handled the adult themes with sensitivity and skill. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 18 Mr Mazzulla Drama Teacher Drama Greenwood College October 2014 Page 19 Mr Utting Outdoor Education Teacher Year 11 Dwellingup Camp Survival Serenity Challenge Discovery Adventure Problem Solving My personal preparation was pretty good leading up to this camp. I attended early starts so I was able to canoe well. I brought everything I needed including a pillow which made the trip comfortable. I had enough food for the three days which didn’t leave me hungry. Nothing could have prepared me for that deadly four hour bike ride up those never ending hills; no human should ever have to experience the pain my legs endured. On the other hand going to early starts every Thursday allowed me to get used to canoeing and learn all the skills without having sore arms through the 8 km canoe ride on camp. The crazy rapids were a bit too much to handle though, resulting in a quick dip in the icy cold water and being bashed against the rocks, and Mr Johnson had to save me. -Lauren Burrell, Year 11 Outdoor Ed camp 2014 Reflection Initiative Teamwork Greenwood College October 2014 Page 20 Student Spotlights Art Art Department Students produce a portfolio of artwork over two years. Here are some samples of their work. Jessica Evans (Yr 12) Kyoto Sakanoto (Yr 12) Rylen Laraya (Yr 11) Amanda Ellis (Yr 11) Year 8 Abstraction Art Mrs Papasergio—Art Teacher This art display is by Mrs Papasergio Year 8 Art class. The students used images from a still life drawing of toys and abstracted it using the style of Paul Klee. Abstraction is not as easy as it looks and I‘m sure you will agree they did a great job. Media oil pastel and ink resist Greenwood College October 2014 Page 21 Mr D‘Agostino Photography Yr 10 Perth/Hyde Park Greenwood College October 2014 Photography Teacher Page 22 Photography Yr 11 Fremantle Greenwood College October 2014 Mr D‘Agostino Photography Teacher Page 23 Photography 1st. PRIZE WINNER Student: Felix Tholen Greenwood College is extremely proud of Felix Tholen for being awarded the first prize in the Chevron Focus Environment 2014 Photo competition. Felix captured an amazing image of the Western Australian coastline and entered it into the ‗Protecting the Planets Sustainability‘ category with a supporting caption describing the image and its connection with the topic of sustainability. From thousands of entries across the state, he managed to stand out as a unique and well composed image and picked up for himself a cheque for $250 and also the school benefits from his talent by also being awarded $1000 for his efforts. These funds will go on to benefit all photography students at Greenwood College in the future….Thanks and well done Felix. Mr D’Agostino—Photography Teacher Greenwood College October 2014 Page 24 Staff Emails [email protected] Principal [email protected] Deputy Principal (Upper School—Years 11/12) Academic Issues [email protected] Manager Vocational Education, Training and Career Advisor [email protected] Deputy Principal (Intensive English Centre/International students) [email protected] Manager of Student Services, Behavioural Attendance, Pastoral Care [email protected] Head of Learning Area—Society and Environment [email protected] Head of Learning Area—Maths [email protected] Head of Learning Area—English [email protected] Head of Learning Area—Science [email protected] Head of Learning Area—Physical Education [email protected] Enrolment Officer and General Enquiries Farewell Year 12s Greenwood College October 2014 Page 25 Year 12 Leavers Assembly Mrs Hollis Maths Teacher ―Professional‖, ―entertaining‖, and ―well organised‖ were words used to describe the 2014 Year 12 Leavers Assembly. As the year coordinator, organising the Leavers Assembly is usually a stressful and frustrating process. However, this year, the process was anything but frustrating due to the hard work of a number of students who took it upon themselves to organise various sections of the assembly. Georgia Goods and Hannah Bebbington collected photos and put together a beautiful multimedia presentation. They gave up their own time to interview a number of teachers to include in the presentation. The photos are a reminder of how much this year group has grown up, and what a good time they have had over the past five years. Sinclair Ngaba and Hannah Rojas entertained the whole school with their singing of ―Airplanes‖ – we all knew Hannah could sing but who knew Sinclair was a budding rapper. The drama crew put together a professional version of ―Perfect Match‖ that saw Georgia Goods (cat lady) and Chloe Heawood miss out on the chance to win the heart of Abdi Furqan. Linda Olsen won over Abdi‘s heart with her promise of home cooking. No game show is complete without a suave host, Brody Hinkley, a beautiful assistant, Rachelle Knox and Greenwood‘s own residential director, Lou Mazzulla. The surprise of the assembly was a dance item put together by Ericka Contra that included Phuc Le, Anji Tao, Chenya He, Kyoko Sakamoto, Hannah Rojas and Ericka Contrata. The girls bumped and jumped to a medley of hip hop music that impressed even the dance teacher. Jesscia Evans and Joanna Starr are known as the mums of this year group and they felt it was their duty to leave a guiding message to the younger students of the school. Their debut video ―Surviving High School 101‖ was a big hit and included many helpful pieces of advice such as getting to caregroup on time, preparing prior to an assessment, your hair style is important, and don‘t upset me (Mrs Hollis). Miss Astone has not been able to teach her students this week as the students are having a great time putting her whiteboard markers out of her reach. The video was such a hit that many parents have asked for a copy. Maybe the girls have found their calling in life. The highlight of the assembly for the Year 12‘s is the student awards and this year was no exception. Jess Evans, Georgia Goods and Phuc Le worked hard over the course of a term choosing appropriate awards, organising nominations, and putting together the accompanying multimedia presentation. The winners of the awards were a top secret affair with only three people knowing who would grace the stage prior to the assembly. David Mahood and Miriam Lenghel gave their last words of wisdom at a whole school assembly. They drew on the wisdom of those before them and attributed many famous phrases to particular staff. These included Mrs Harris “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent” …..Mr Pohara “Huston, we have a problem”…..Mr Williams “I am the law. Lay down your weapons and be prepared to be judged”….. and Mrs Hollis “Go, make my day” and “Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash”. Well done to these two great school captains. After the assembly, the Home Economic ladies put on a great morning tea for students, parents, and staff. Over an hour later, students were still signing shirts, taking selfies, and hanging out with teachers. A big thank you to the Home Economic ladies from the Year 12s. So to all the students involved, thank you for making my job so easy. Award Nominations Winner (see pics overleaf) Ditzy (a bit vague) Alanna Mecavin, Chloe Heawood Rachelle Knox Dynamic Duo Rachelle & Sharnee, Abbie & Lucy James Eccles & Brody Hinkley Munchies Marcus Higgins, Chenya He Ira Ybanez Liam Humphreys, Jordan Poplawski Jessica Nagy Drama Queen Lina Gaskins, Georgia Good, Mustafa Saleem Ladies Man Scott McGhie, Dennis Cheng Hasitha Amarasinghe Out of Uniform Nikki Beugelaar, Sam Ironmonger What is your name? Abdi Furqan, Tan Veeraphun Bossy Boots Jess Evans, Phuc Le Emily Casara Foghorn Anita Fitzgerald, Kaine Russon Linda Olsen Best Laugh Marco Lenghel, Sarah Le Muji Amiri Most Gullible Stacy Waddell, Ericka Contrata Nikki Beugelaar SWAG Jamie Muntz, Daxter Thuantak Sinclair Ngaba Millionaire Abdi Furqan, Marco Lenghel Thank God for puberty Miriam Lenghel, Hannah Bebbington Do you even go to this school? Greenwood College October 2014 Xiang (Rain, Sean) Li Parham Bakhtiari Haftlang Caitlin George-Kennedy Page 26 Year 12 Leavers Assembly Fun Awards Greenwood College October 2014 Page 27 Congratulations!! Year 12 Subject Award Winners Duncraig Lions Club Award Miriam Lenghel Don Idle Citizenship Award Edris Hosseini Caltex Best All Rounder Award Sarah (So Eun) Lee Commitment to Excellence Award Jessica Evans UWA Excellence Award Fragkiskos Gile Australian Defence Force Award Phuc (Fiona) Le ECU Scholarship Award Lucy Hay Curtin Principal‘s Award Parham Bakhtiari Haftlang Matthew Langford Marco Lenghel City of Joondalup Citizenship Awards Abbie Hill Callum Macliver Greenwood College Sports Award Emma Philippe David Mahood Honours Society Jessica Evans, Edris Hosseini, Rachelle Knox, Kun Li, Anji Tao Academic School Dux 2014 Anji Tao Vocational School Dux 2014 Joanna Starr Greenwood College October 2014 Page 28 Congratulations!! Year 12 Subject Award Winners Automotive Engineering and Technology 1CD (Steve Kolody Spray Painting) Asia Khongthon Materials Design and Technology (Wood) 1CD (Adventure World) Edris Hosseini Certificate III in Visual Arts: Photography (Jacksons Drawing Supplies) Sharnee Dower Children, Family and the Community 1AB (Goodlife Health Club Kingsway) Meseret Kebede Food Science and Technology (Hospitality) 1CD (Luke Simpkins MP) Abbie Hill Certificate III in Visual Arts (Jacksons Drawing Supplies) Kyoko Sakamoto Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology (TANG Computers) Jerico Siron Workplace Learning 1CD (TANG Computers) Joanna Starr Chemistry 3AB (SCOPE Orthodontics Greenwood) Kun Li Human Biological Science 3AB (Greenwood Physiotherapy) Callum Macliver Integrated Science 1CD (Slater-Gartrell Sports) Ira Ybanez Physics 3AB (SCOPE Orthodontics Greenwood) Anji Tao Drama 1AB (Michael McCall) Miriam Lenghel Media Production and Analysis 1CD (Michael McCall) Hannah Rojas Music 1CD (The Good Guys Malaga) Hannah Rojas Geography 3AB (Steve Kolody Spray Painting) Abbie Hill Psychology 2AB (Adventure World) Joanna Starr Career and Enterprise 1AB (DOME Café) Vager Amedi Career and Enterprise 1CD (WA Institute of Martial Arts) Jessica Evans English 3AB (Andrea Mitchell MLA) Abbie Hill English 2CD (Andrea Mitchell MLA) Holifiah Bahar English 1CD (Adventure World) Jessica Evans English as an Additional Language or Dialect 3AB (Michael McCall) Fragkiskos Gile Anji Tao English as an Additional Language or Dialect 1CD (Michael McCall) Mujtaba Amiri Mathematics Specialist 3CD (Steve Kolody Spray Painting) Kun Li Mathematics 3CD (Sanzone BP Greenwood) Kun Li Mathematics 3AB (Sanzone BP Greenwood) James Eccles Mathematics 2CD (Slater-Gartrell Sports) Rachelle Knox Mathematics 2AB (Luke Simpkins MP) Jerico Siron Mathematics 1DE (The Great Escape Hillarys) Mujtaba Amiri Hung Nguyen Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (Northside Residential Greenwood) Asia Khongthon Outdoor Education 1CD (Northside Residential Greenwood) Matthew Langford Physical Education Studies 1CD: Volleyball (Northside Residential Greenwood)Enrico Bornman Greenwood College October 2014 Page 29 Farewell Class of 2014 Furqan Abdi Chenya He Jessica Nagy Dayna Adam Chloe Heawood Sinclair Ngaba Hasitha Marcus Higgins Hung Nguyen A.Gamaralalage Abbie Hill Linda Olsen Vager Amedi Brody Hinkley Harshkumar Patel Mujtaba Amiri Edris Hosseini Emma Philippe Holifiah Bahar Liam Humphreys Thitikorn Parham Bakhtiari Samuel Ironmonger Phuengkam Haftlang Peterine Kamara Zachary Pickering Hannah Bebbington Meseret Kebede Jordan Poplawski Stephanie Benthien Asia Khongthon Veeraphun Prasuwan Nikki Beugelaar Yeseop Kim Balpreet Rao Santa Biwot Rachelle Knox Saul Rodgers Enrico Bornman Matthew Langford Hannah Rojas Seth Brecio Phuc Le Kaine Russon Emily Casarsa Oliver Lee Kyoko Sakamoto Yi-Hsiang Cheng So Eun Lee Mustafa Saleem Ericka Contrata Marco Lenghel Jericho Savior Sharnee Dower Miriam Lenghel Brandon Shackleton James Eccles Kun Li Jerico Siron Jessica Evans Xiang Li Simeng Song Anita Fitzgerald Zhijie Liu Joanna Starr Michela Gaskin Callum Macliver Chas Symes Caitlin George- David Mahood Sundrene Tababan Kennedy Scott McGhie Anji Tao Fragkiskos Gile Alanna Mecavin Daxter Thuantak Georgia Good Shannon Miles Stacey Waddell Benjamin Gray Denise Mizero Ira Ybanez Lucy Hay Jamie Muntz Greenwood College October 2014 Page 30 Sponsors of our Year 12 Awards Night A very big thank you to all the following supporters of our Year 12 Awards Night Duncraig Lions Club Caltex UWA Australian Defence Force ECU Curtin University City of Joondalup Steve Kolody Spray Painting Adventure World Jacksons Drawing Supplies Goodlife Health Club Kingsway Luke Simpkins MP TANG Computers SCOPE Orthodontics Greenwood Greenwood Physiotherapy Slater-Gartrell Sports Michael McCall The Good Guys Malaga DOME Café WA Institute of Martial Arts Andrea Mitchell MLA Sanzone BP Greenwood The Great Escape Hillarys Mrs Macs—Head office Morley Northside Residential Greenwood Greenwood College October 2014 Page 31 Community Advertising WACE Plus Education January Jump Start Program 2015 Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision – Introduction to New Courses For all students from Year 6 to 12 This revision program offers students a window into what they can expect in their new courses in 2015. Course will be conducted on the Hale School Campus 10% discount for Greenwood College students For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit Email [email protected] The ConocoPhillips Science Experience is taking place at ECU Joondalup from 20-23 January 2015. ECU is offering four days of interactive hands-on workshops. A welcoming team of scientists and engineers will expose students to the following science disciplines/ careers: Engineering (includes Motorsport, Robotics, Physics, Civil and Chemical Engineering) Sport and Health Science (Sport Analysis, Coaching, Nutrition) Medical science (Nursing, Paramedic, Biomedical science techniques) Environmental Science (Astronomy, Chemical Forensics, Reptiles and Animals) Social Science (Psychology). This event is suitable for current Year 8, 9 or 10 students who want to be exposed to science careers or have an interest in science. There are no interviews or entry tests as advanced science ability is not required. The program costs $150. You can register online or call the ConocoPhillips Science Experience office on the number below. Not familiar with the ConocoPhillips Science Experience? Watch our YouTube video by searching “Science Experience ECU” where you will find a video showcasing our 2014 event. Feel free to visit the science experience website for all the information you may need, including costs and sponsorship at If you would like to contact the ConocoPhillips Science Experience office, please call (03) 8288 1001. Greenwood College October 2014 Page 32
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