St. Mark catholic Church and school

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
St. Mark
Church and school
Wilmington, NC 28403
1011 Eastwood Rd.
910 392-0720
1013 eastwood rd.
910 452-2800
November 9, 2014
Dedication of
the Lateran Basilica
Weekend Mass Schedule ~ Horario de Misas
Saturday 5:00 pm—nursery available
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am;
nursery available during 9:30 and 11:30 only
1:30pm Spanish
(español los domingos a las 1:30,
todos los demás en Inglés)
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday 8:30am;
Tues 8:30am and 6:00pm
Holy Days please check the bulletin and website
Días Santos por favor revise el boletín
y página web
Reconciliation ~ Reconciliación
Saturdays 3:30pm—4:30pm
Sábados 3:30—4:30
Call the office for individual Reconciliation
Llame a la oficina para hacer una cita
Adoration of the Eucharist
Fridays 9:00am until 9:00pm
Adoración de la Eucaristía
Viernes 9:00am hasta las 9:00pm
Baptism ~ Bautismo
Parish office 910 398-6509
Marriage ~ Matrimonio
Parish office 910 398-6509
Contact the Parish office six months in advance
Comuníquese con el sacerdote
seis meses antes de la boda
Anointing of the Sick or Funerals
Unción de los Enfermos o de Funerales
Parish office 910 398-6509
"The mission of St. Mark Catholic Church
is to invite, inspire, educate, and lead people
to know and love Jesus Christ;
to understand and live their Catholic faith;
to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel
through love and service to one another."
"La misión de la Iglesia Católica de San Marcos
es invitar, inspirar, educar y guiar a la gente
para conocer y amar a Jesucristo,
entender y vivir la fe católica
y proclamar la Buena Nueva del Evangelio
a través del amor y el servicio a los otros ".
First Reconciliation—First Communion
Primera Reconciliación—Primera Comunión
Anne Doyle, 910 398-6511
Confirmation for Youth
Confirmación de la Jovenes
Confirmation for Adults
Confirmación para Adultos
Parish office 910 398-6509
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Paul Townend, 910 792-1931
[email protected]
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Special Announcements
Today’s Gospel
Ministry Announcement—Volunteers Sought
Since the Passover of the Jews was near, Jesus went
up to Jerusalem. He found in the temple area those who
sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the moneychangers seated there. He made a whip out of cords and
drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and
oxen, and spilled the coins of the money-changers and
overturned their tables, and to those who sold doves he
said, “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s
house a marketplace.”
His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for
your house will consume me.
At this the Jews answered and said to him, “What sign
can you show us for doing this?” Jesus answered and said
to them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it
up.” The Jews said, “This temple has been under
construction for forty-six years, and you will raise it up in
three days?”
But he was speaking about the temple of his Body.
Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples
remembered that he had said this, and they came to
believe the Scripture and the word Jesus had spoken.
John 2: 13-22
Spring Fair in Honor of the Feast of St. Mark
Cuando se acercaba la Pascua de los juidos, Jesús
llegó a Jerusalén y encontró en el templo a los vendedores
de bueyes, ovejas y palomas, y a los cambistas con sus
mesas. Entonces hizo un látigo de cordeles y los echó del
templo, con todo y sus ovejas y bueyes; a los cambistas
les volcó las mesas, y les tiro al suelo las monedas; y a los
que vendían palomas les dijo: "Quiten todo d aquí y no
conviertan en un mercado la casa de mi Padre”.
En ese momento, sus discípulos se acordaron de lo que
estaba escrito: El celo de tu casa me devora.
Despues intervinieron los judios para preguntarle:
"¿Qué señal das de que tienes autoridad para actuar así?"
Jesús les respondió: "Destruyan este templo y en tres días
lo reconstruiré”. Replicaron los judios : "Cuarenta y seis
años, se ha llevado la construcción del templo, ¿y tu lo vas
a levantar en tres días? "
Pero él hablaba del templo de su cuerpo. Por eso,
cuando resucitó Jesús de entre los muertos, se acordaron
sus discípulos de que había dicho aquello y creyeron en la
Escritura y en las palabras que Jesús había dicho.
Evangelio según san Juan 2, 13-22
Did you know???
St. Mark’s has a new Facebook Page
and Twitter feed.
Visit and like our Facebook page at
or follow us on Twitter at
for updates from the parish, daily readings, and
Catholic inspiration.
Questions or ideas? Send them to
[email protected]
We will be holding a planning meeting for our First
Annual Spring Fair which we will celebrate on the Feast
of St. Mark, which is Saturday, April 25, 2015. The
planning meeting will be on Thursday, November 13th
from 6:00—7:00PM in Room 7.
This is a great opportunity to help us build community
and have a fun event for our Parish. We desperately need
your help and input to make this celebration a great
Please join us for this planning meeting,
especially if you have experience from other parishes with
similar events.
Fr. Pat
The Altar Guild Society Needs You
The Altar Guild Society needs
the help of you, the
parishioners, to enable us to
continue our stewardship of
the last fourteen years. That
stewardship is care of the Altar
and care of the linens used
during Mass.
Cleaning the Altar is a one to two hour weekly
commitment for ONE month a year. We have openings in
all months. Also, we have openings in all months for care of
the linens, the machine washing and ironing of the small
cloths used to serve Communion. Your commitment here is
also ONE month. Training is provided; support is available
during your month of service.
Many of our recent retirees from the Altar Society have
been with us since our founding. We regret their leaving;
we honor their service. We ask that you help continue their
service and commitment to St Mark.
Please call Carol Russo at 256-0723 to volunteer for
this most important and fulfilling Stewardship.
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays from 9:00am—9:00pm (with exceptions)
Why would I spend one hour with Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament?
There are many reasons to spend time with Our Lord in
Eucharistic Adoration. At St. Mark you have that
opportunity every Friday from 9:00AM to 9:00PM. If you
would like to be a committed adorer please contact:
Bonnie Laurino at 910-508-8820 or
Debbie Kotas at 919-656-5785
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Time, Talent & Treasure
Time and Talent
St. Mark
Calendar of Events
Nov 9
Andrew’s Toy Box in the Gathering Space after all
morning Masses
Children’s Faith Formation Catechists, Room 2 after
9:30 and 11:30 Masses
Mass, Sanctuary
Mass, Sanctuary
Little Lambs during Mass, Rm. 6
Mass, Sanctuary
Misa en Español, Sanctuary
CROSSWALK , (Post Confirmation), Parish Hall
Nov 10
Daily Mass, Chapel
Assistance League Rehearsal, Rms. 5 & 6
Adult Scripture Study, Room 7
St. Cecilia Chorale, Sanctuary
Nov 11
Daily Mass, Chapel
Daily Mass, Chapel
Charismatic Prayer, Chapel
Baptism Preparation in English, Room 7
Catholicism Adult Formation, Parish Hall
Nov 12
Daily Mass, Sanctuary
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, Rms. 5 & 6
Courageous Women, Room 7
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Church Library
Children’s Faith Formation (Gr. 1-5), School
RCIA Inquiry, Library
RCIC/Children’s Faith Formation (Gr. 1-5), School
STS Middle School Faith Formation, School
7:00pm Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
RCIA Class, Rm. 7
Men’s Prayer Group, Rm. 7
Daily Mass, Chapel
CENACLE Prayer Group, Sanctuary
Bible Study, Rms. 5 & 6
Women of the Word, Rm. 7
Gabrieli Schola Cantorum Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Intro to Christian Morality, Rm. 2
BSA 215, Parish Hall
Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
K of C Planning Mtg., Rms. 5 & 6
Men’s Basketball Outreach, School GYM
St. Mark Feast Day Planning, Room 7
Nov 13
Nov 14
8:30am Daily Mass, Chapel
9:00am Eucharistic Adoration, Chapel
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Atrium Rm. 3
Nov 15
Nov 16
BSA 215 Adult Training Day, Rms. 5 & 6
Reconciliation, Confessionals
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Atrium Rm. 3
Vigil Mass, Sanctuary
“Bread for Life . . . “ in the Gathering Space after Mass
“Bread for Life . . . “ in the Gathering Space after all
morning Masses
Mass, Sanctuary
Mass, Sanctuary
Little Lambs during Mass, Rm. 6
Mass, Sanctuary
The Secular Franciscan Order, Room 7
Misa en Español, Sanctuary
Confirmation I & II, School
Confirmation Parents (English), Parish Hall
Confirmation Parents (Español), Rms. 5 & 6
When in doubt, please check with your ministry/group leaders.
Are you new to St. Mark Parish? We are anxious
to WELCOME you to our parish family. Registration
is available via our website, or hard copies of our
registration form are available in the literature rack
outside of the chapel or outside room 10 in the
education wing of the church. Please complete a
HAVE ONE and drop it in the offertory or return it to
the office so that we can WELCOME you.
If you have questions, or if you have
completed a registration, but have not received a
response, please call 910 398-6508 or email:
[email protected]
Stewardship Thought
“For we are God’s fellow workers…”
1 Corinthians 3:9
We are called to help God build His kingdom
on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and
voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of
our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill
God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help?
Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do
you participate in one of the many parish
ministries? Do you give generously in the
offertory collection each week?
Mass Attendance—Oct 25/26
Sat 5:00
Sun. 7:30
Sun. 9:30
Sun. 11:30
Sun. 1:30
Stewardship of Treasure
OFFERTORY for the week of Oct 25/26, 2014
Loose Cash
Total for Oct 25/26
YTD as of October 25/26
- $1,803.82
(Parking, Parish Hall, Activity Ctr.
and Columbarium Prev. Bal.)
Debt Reduction Received YTD
Construction Debt YTD
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Ministers of Holy
C o m mu n i o n
Training Sessions will
be held during the
Times and dates will be
published in the bulletin one
month prior to each training. If
you have questions regarding
EMHC’s please call Ron
Probst at 910-620-2717,
questions regarding Camillus
please call David Powell at
910 350-8936.
“You have put
on Christ, in Him you
have been baptized.
Alleluia, alleluia!”
Baptism Preparation classes
in English are held on the
second Tuesday of each month
at 7:00pm.
Clases de preparación
Bautismal en español se
celebra el primer sábado de
cada mes y comenzará
puntualmente a las 9:30 am.
For more information please
call (910) 398-6509.
Couples must contact the
office six months prior to their
planned wedding date to enter
Pre-Cana preparation.
For information about
wedding preparation contact the
office of the Pastoral Secretary,
at 910 398-6509.
Liturgy and Worship
Intentions for Nov 8—Nov 16, 2014 / Usher Team C—Usher Team A
Mass Schedule
Mass Intention
5:00 pm
Requested by
† Kenneth Bush
Helen Bush and family
† Helen Mulroney
St. Mark Parish
7:30 am
† Peter Cusack
loving sister, Catherine Frost
9:30 am
CTK 6:00 pm
† Megan Paye
the Paye family
11:30 am
† Michael Skurski
his loving family
Spanish Mass
1:30 pm
Pro Populo
8:30 am
† Mary Roback
her loving family
8:30 am
† Dominic Sendi
Bernie & Eileen Karam
6:00 pm
† John Timofai
Irene & Eugene DaSilva
8:30 am
† Jean Nollienger
in thanksgiving
Sue Hayes
Grace Hubbard
8:30 am
† Bro. Cletus Reiderer
Jim Klein
† Dorothy Caterino
her loving family
Team C
Team A
Spanish Mass
8:30 am
Kimberly & Michael
Rhodes (5th Wed. Ann.)
5:00 pm
Pro Populo
Phil & Cathie Welch
CTK 6:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
† Hob Hartman
† Michael Catts
† John Swanson
Ellie Hartman and family
Joanne & Jerry Catts
Florence Swanson
1:30 pm
† Manuel Alvarez
Mary Katherine Turner
Additional intentions are now available, with two Masses on Tuesdays
and concelebrated Masses on Wednesdays and Fridays.
You will be notified if intentions should have to be moved to different dates.
For a Mass Intention for a loved one, living or deceased (†), please contact Cathie Welch
in the church office—Room #10 or call (910) 398-6508.
Sanctuary Candle
& Flowers
Scripture Readings
November 9—November 16, 2014
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
is offered this week
in Memory of
Mary & Ernest Welch
by their loving family
Our Deceased
We pray always and
everywhere for all the souls
of the faithful departed
family and friends
of our
St. Mark
Parish Community.
this week are provided by
our St. Mark
Parish Community
To make donations for altar
flowers or the sanctuary candle
in honor or in memory of a loved
one, please come by or call the
parish office (910) 398-6508.
Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10
Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Liturgy and Worship
The Power of Prayer—Please Pray for Our Sick
May They and Their Caretakers Know God’s Peace
Please make your prayer requests by emailing: [email protected] or by calling the church office (910) 392-0720.
Laurie Adams
Rose Arato
Bobby Bailey, Sr.
Helen & Nicholas Bak
Evelyn Bass Hood
Angela Beal & Baby Chance
Scott Braswell
Dawn Brown
Frank & Jeanne Bua
John Burton
Joyce Bussewitz
Mayela Cajar
Karolyn Campbell
Pauline Cannone
Charles Cassella
Mark Cassella
Lou Celender
Alice Choma
David Coleman
Robert Colon
Tony Croom
Danny Decker
Kitty DeMaria
Mary Derck
Darrell & Sharon Dismukes
Krystyna & Tony Droz
Margie Duke
Jeanna Elsisy
Brian Ennis
Anna and John Evanko
the Foreman Family
Christine & Bernard Foppe
David Foreman
Betsy Frase
Taresa Gausman
Infant Ryleigh George
Claudia Good
Sue Good
Susan Goodlow & Infant Twins
Bob Gustafson
Sue Hack
Bill Harrigan
Joanne Harrigan
Kim Hashim
Sandy Hill
Anne Hirchak
Bob Huntley
Bob Johnson
Janet Philips Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Clint Jones
Sean Karl
Joseph Kloiber
Phyllis Knight
Ann Kurtz
Ted Lang
Doug Langan
Darlene Larkins
Michael & Rosemary Lauro
Betty Leddick
Courtney Lenaburg
Bob Lord
Ira Lowe
Alison Magnin
Trudy Mallon
Joan Malloy
Tony Manha
Rose Martyn
Maddie McPherson
Alex Monticello
Mary Catherine Moore
Jane Mruczek
Emory Oeser
Michael J. Oeser
Leigh Oliverie
Charlotte O’Neill
John O’Neill
Mildred Paluch
Judi Paschall
Robin Pestone
Billy E. Philips
Amelia Quarto
Beth Richards
Jess Roggina
Rich Romanowski
Lucille Romeo
Phil Rose
Gregory Sarajak
Bernadette Secondo
Connie Siers
Margaret Smith
Major Aaron Smithley
Rose Sordellini
Ed Stapleton
Diane Starzee
Marjorie Steck
Jim Stock
Lonnie Taylor
Phillip Thalheimer
Lori Tufts
Felice Van Eron
Jennifer Van Eron Viscosi
Carmen Vera
Fr. Joe Vetter
Joe Wagner
Fr. John Walsh
Helen Zawisza
If your name or that of a loved one has been removed, it is because it appeared for six weeks or more and you did not request an
extension. If prayers are still needed, you may request that a name be placed back on the list at any time.
To request that a name be added to the list of Prayers for the Sick, please call Cathie Welch at (910) 392-0720, ext. 249 or you can email
your request to: [email protected]
Sacramental Emergencies After Hours: In the event of TRUE LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES ONLY
Those needing the Anointing of the Sick after regular office hours or weekends please call (910) 399-1591.
The Spirit of the Liturgy
Alex Hill, Director of Music and Liturgy, 910 398-6514 / [email protected]
Mass – the beginning and the end of all things
During these last weeks of Ordinary Time which form the end of the liturgical year, our Mass readings and prayers begin to focus on “the
four last things” – Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. The Church throughout history has asked her members to think on these four realities,
not to instill an unhealthy fear of death but rather a healthy regard for life, and to ensure that we live that life with faith and secure hope. Jesus
Christ suffered and died, and has promised that we too shall suffer and die with him, but that we shall also rise with him. His Resurrection is
our promise of eternal life. The Mass we celebrate each Sunday is our foretaste of the “end of all things” when Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God,
makes all things new in his glorified Body, the Eucharist. We should look forward to Sunday Mass as the “apotheosis” of the week, the
culmination or climax where we finally become who God intended us to be.
But isn’t Sunday the first day of the week, not the last? Should we instead look at our Sunday Mass as the origin of our week, not the
end? After all, Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the first day of the week at
Pentecost. We should depart Mass on Sunday as if we are being “sent out” (Latin “missa”) into the world, ready to begin the task of
evangelization. Mass is our new beginning.
The truth is, Sunday Mass is both the beginning and the end of all things. As the Second Vatican Council so beautifully stated, the
Eucharist is the SOURCE and SUMMIT of our Christian life. Receiving Christ in the Eucharist is our foretaste of Heaven at the end of time
and our renewal in his Resurrection. It is our re-creation by the Spirit, as when God brought the world forth from nothing and brought One
Church forth from discord.
Instead of squeezing in Sunday Mass as an end-of-the-week “obligation,” or getting it out of the way as a beginning-of-the-week chore,
consider it as the center of your week, the place from which everything else radiates. As Paul Inwood’s setting of Psalm 16 says, “O Lord, you
are the center of my life.”
Here is another (much older) hymn which can help you understand the preeminence of the Lord’s Day:
On this day, the first of days,
God the Father’s name we praise;
Who creation’s Lord and Spring,
Did the world from darkness bring.
On this day, th’ eternal Son
Over death his triumph won;
On this day the Spirit came
With his gifts of living flame.
God, the blessed Three in One
May thy holy will be done;
In thy word our souls are free,
And we rest this day with thee.
Words from the Le Mans Breviary, 1748,
Translated by Henry W. Baker (1821-1877)
Save the Date for the “St. Cecilia Celebration!” On Sunday November 23rd at 4:00 pm, all are invited to St. Mark parish for the Diocese
of Raleigh's “St. Cecilia Celebration,” in honor of the patroness of music whose feast day is November 22 nd. Sponsored by the music
ministers of the Cape Fear Deanery, the event features beautiful sacred choral and organ music, congregational hymns, and a reception
afterward with seasonal foods in the Parish Hall. Join us for an afternoon of inspirational music and fellowship in honor of the patron saint of
church musicians! For additional information, please contact Alex Hill, Director of Music and Liturgy: [email protected]
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Spiritual Growth Opportunities & Support
Biblical/Scriptural Learning for Adults
Support Ministries
Weekly Bible/Scripture studies are a staple of St. Mark Parish
Life. For more information, please see descriptions of our groups
via ACCESS under Available Activities or contact the leadership
of our Study Groups.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ladies from the parish meet on the 2nd and 4th
Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the library to knit or
crochet shawls for those in need of consolation for loss or
illness. If you would like more information or you would like
to participate, please contact Jackie Ennis 910 686-3659.
Monday Evening Adults meet at 7:00pm in the Cana/
Conference Room #7 during the school year. “The current group
is full for The Lamb’s Supper study. The next study will begin
in January.”
Courageous Women now meets on Wednesday mornings
(every other week) in the Cana/Conference Room #7 at 9:30 AM.
For more information or to join this group, please contact Carolyn
Landenberg (910) 679-4048 or email [email protected] .
Thursday Morning Bible Study is held in Rooms 5 & 6
beginning with social time at 9:00am and class begins promptly at
9:15. Nursery is available during this weekly study Contacts are:
Mike Hession at 910-232-3676 or [email protected] or Sue
Hack at 910-512-2380.
Women of the Word Thursdays 11am - 12: 30pm. For more
W hitaker
[email protected] or 910-371-0724. See inside the
front cover of the bulletin today for a special announcement.
Prayer Groups
St. Mark Respect Life
Mary (910) 319-7911
Deacon Orlando Perez [email protected]
CENACLE OF LIFE - Every Thursday after morning Mass.
We will pray two rosaries for life after the 8:30 AM Mass. Please
come and join us in praying with Our Blessed Mother before Her
Son in the tabernacle for an increased respect for the dignity of all
human life.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
For information, contact Allison Lamporte at (910) 279-6860 or
[email protected]
Charismatic Prayer Group
The Blessed Trinity Charismatic Prayer Group meets for
prayer, praise, sharing and intercession on Tuesday evenings
following the 6 PM evening Mass in the Chapel.
The first
Tuesday Mass intention is always for Life, Marriage and Religious
Freedom. All are welcome to attend any prayer meeting. If you
want to know more about the prayer group or the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal, contact any member of the leadership
team: Carl Rilling at 910 392-6064, or Mary Jo Harrington at
[email protected].
Men’s Morning Prayer Group
We’re looking for a few good Catholic men to engage in
spiritual combat. Every Thursday morning before the break of
dawn, men meet for an hour or more to pray the rosary and
study the Mass reading for the upcoming Sunday. Once
fortified, you’ll be able to more actively participate on Sunday
through better understanding of the scriptures. No experience
necessary. We provide everything. All that’s missing is you.
Join us Thursday mornings in Conference Room 7 at 6:30
Empty Cradle
Empty Cradle support group meets at St. Mark Church
on the third Wednesday (Nov 19) of each month except
December, at 6:30 pm. We are a support group for parents
that have experienced ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, still
birth and infant loss. For more information, please contact
Nora Golden at: [email protected]
Faith Development & Fraternities for Adults
Wondering? Seeking a welcome? Saint Mark's program
of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) can help you. If you
have questions about the Catholic faith, please drop by for
Inquiry any Wednesday evening at 6:00pm in the church
library or contact Sandy at 910 686-9056 or Paul at
910-792-1931 or you can send an email to Paul at:
[email protected]
The local fraternity meets at 1:00pm on
the third Sunday of the month in the Cana
Conference Room (7) in the education wing
of St. Mark Church. For information on the
Secular Franciscan Order, please contact
Brenda Wells at (910) 256-8765 or Margaret
Horan at (910) 579-3212.
Knights of Columbus 12017
St. Mark Catholic Church
Dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism,
fund-raising programs and social events. Meets
the 3rd Thursday of each month. (See Contact: James Laraia, 937
-609-1753, [email protected]
Fr. James E. Waters Columbiettes Auxiliary
The Columbiettes is an auxiliary of the Knights of
Columbus committed to Marian devotion and extensive
community social outreach. Members are Catholic
women in good standing. Being married to a Knight is
not a requirement of membership.
The Columbiettes are currently selling
To order yours contact: Pat Conlon,
910 790-3751, or email: [email protected]
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a fraternal group
for men of Irish descent and is complimented by the Ladies
Ancient Order of Hibernians. For more information on
these groups, and the charities they support, please
contact: Maureen and Jim Quinn 910 686-5151.
Faith Formation and School News
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Pre-K thru Gr. 5
St. Mark Catholic School News
Anne Doyle, (910) 398-6511
[email protected]
910 452-2800 [email protected]
Our next 2nd grade/Year 2 RCIC Parent Meeting
will be Feb. 4th, 2015
First Reconciliation 2014
Please pray for our children as they are preparing to receive First
Reconciliation in November. Our SMCS 2nd graders will receive
First Reconciliation Tuesday, Nov. 18th and our Children's Faith
Formation 2nd graders/Year 2 students will receive First
Reconciliation on Wednesday, Nov. 19th. We pray for the children
and their parents as they deepen their relationship with God and
experience God's grace and forgiveness.
November Service Project
Some of the Children's Faith Formation classes are helping fill
Thanksgiving baskets for the Outreach Program that Sr. Isaac does
at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary and for a few of our families here
at St. Mark. The children enjoy making cards for the families and
passing on their prayers and good wishes.
Advent Angel Tree will be up December 8th
Each year the Children's Faith Formation office
helps our families at our mission church, Christ The
King in Riegelwood, NC, filling needs to make
Christmas morning a little brighter for the children and
their parents. We do this by putting Angels on the
Christmas tree which will be located in the Gathering
Space, and parishioners pick angels, and bring back the item
unwrapped. Then we have some great volunteers that fill the wish
list of the needy families. Mark your calendars - our Angel Gifting
Tree - will be in the Gathering Space with angels on it starting
Monday, December 8th. Unwrapped gifts can be placed under the
tree OR dropped off at the Children's Faith Formation office. All
gifts need to be dropped off by Saturday, December 20th!
Annual Gifting Masses Scheduled
Each year, here at St. Mark, we designate
a special weekend in December to
remember those children who, without
help, will not have a Christmas gift to
play with. Catholic Charities will be distributing
toys to needy boys and girls again this year.
We invite every parishioner, at ALL of our
weekend Masses on December 6/7,
to bring a new unwrapped gift item,
(appropriate for a boy or girl up to preteen). Our Christmas Tree will be up in the
Gathering Space that weekend. Please place your
unwrapped toys for the girls and boys there.
Given these continuing hard times and
unemployment circumstances, please think of
those who are less fortunate, and if you are able,
bring a gift for a child. How wonderful
to teach our own families about
sharing blessings—especially at Christmas time,
when we remember the greatest Blessing ever
given—God’s own Son in the person of the Baby Jesus.
Ms. Mary Myers, Principal
Second Graders are preparing
to meet Jesus in the sacrament
of Penance and Reconciliation.
We are learning the value of a
daily examination of conscience
and how important it is to feel
remorse for the bad choices we
make. We understand that God
reaches out to us in mercy, and
trust that His love will strengthen
us on our way.
In other news, we are expecting lots of mail from our
Flat Stanley project! Stanley will be sent to places far and
wide with friendly letters from Second Graders! This fun,
interactive Social Studies and Language Arts activity puts
our letter writing skills to the test, as well as helping us
learn about different places in our country!
Youth Ministry
Melissa Quaranto
910 398-6510 / [email protected]
“Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on,
so that everyone may know, love and confess Jesus Christ.”
Youth Ministry 2014-2015
Join us tonight at 5:30pm
for our first ever Glow Run!
Come find out what it means to be
the Light of the World
and bring your running shoes!
All youth are welcome to participate in our first ever Glow
Run at St. Mark’s! Glow sticks, a custom bandana, music,
food, and fun … all this in exchange for a $2 donation and
a non-perishable food item.
STS (for Middle Schoolers)
will meet this Wednesday, November 12
from 6:30-7:45pm.
FaithLife (Confirmation I and II)
meets again next Sunday, November 16.
There will be a parent meeting at 6pm.
Upcoming Service Opportunities:
Saturday, November 22 (10am-3pm) – Volunteer an hour at the
Youth Table at the St. Mark Craft Fair. Consider putting your
talents to work and creating a product for sale to help support our
youth programs.
Sunday, November 23 at 4pm – Come help us put together
care packages for our brothers and sisters away at
college. Consider donating homemade cookies or brownies!
We are still accepting names!
The first 20 we receive will be sent one of our care packages.
Mark your Calendars!
Christmas trees are scheduled to arrive on
Friday, Dec 5
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Parish Life and Community News
Happening TODAY
What’s New?
Thanksgiving Day Dinner at St. Mark
Andrew's Toy Box provides toys and gifts to precious sick
children from infancy through age 18 on a year round basis
throughout the diocese of Raleigh. This ministry was featured as
the cover story of "NC Catholics" in the December, 2013 issue.
To keep the giving going, Andrew's Toy Box relies on toy
drives, donations, and the sales of inspiring Christmas storybooks
written by our parishioner, Mary Fimbel, and her sister, Michelle
Boggiano. "The Amazing Giving Tree Secret" and "Jesus'
Birthday Gift" beautifully convey the real meaning of Christmas
and are the perfect gifts for children ages 3 and up. Signed
copies are available for sale after all Masses next week-end, Nov.
8 and 9 at the Andrew's Toy Box ministry table. All proceeds
benefit Andrew's Toy Box.
Please stop by next weekend to find out more about this
ministry and see if there is some way that you can help make a
sick child’s life a little brighter.
This Week
Volunteers Needed
We need an active Social Committee.
If you enjoy planning get-togethers, this
opportunity might be just right for you.
Ask your friends to join you—the more the
We are looking for volunteers who
would be interested in serving on St.
Mark’s Social Committee to help organize
our upcoming Spring Parish Festival and
other social events. Please prayerfully consider donating your
time and talent to add fun and fellowship to all of our parish
We will be holding a planning meeting for our First Annual
Spring Fair which we will celebrate on the Feast of St. Mark,
Saturday, April 25, 2015. The planning meeting will be
Thursday, November 13th from 6:00—7:00PM in Room 7.
Looking Ahead
15th Annual LAOH Craft Fair - November
22nd 10-4 at St. Mark Catholic Church.
There will be something for everyone! 50+
vendors & artisans showcasing their unique
Crafts, homemade gifts,
handcrafted jewelry, doll clothing, artwork,
Irish gifts/jewelry, holiday items and much
more! Start . . . or finish up your Christmas
shopping with us!
For more information, contact Cathy Lynch via email
[email protected]
Get ready for some Great Goodies!
Columbiettes Bake Sale
after all Masses November 22 & 23
Homemade breads, cookies, cakes
and desserts for sale.
Come and get some delicious baked goods for your
Thanksgiving dinner. All proceeds benefit Columbiette charities.
On Thanksgiving Day, from 1:00-3:00pm, Thanksgiving
Dinner will be available in our Parish Hall. We are reaching
out to those in our community who may not have family in
the area and would like to share this meal with our Parish
Family. If you know a neighbor who does not have a place
to go for this holiday, please invite them to come along with
There is no charge for this meal. In order to know the
amount of food to prepare, it would be helpful to let me
know if you plan on attending and whether or not you will
be bringing a guest. If you are in need of a ride or can
share a ride, please let me know that also. If you have a
special "side dish" or “favorite dessert” you would like to
share please feel free to bring it with you Thursday,
November 27th for our community Thanksgiving Day
Ron Probst (910)620-2717
[email protected]
At our Sister Parish this Month
Widows, widowers, single and divorced are invited to get
acquainted at the tenth meeting of Single, Single Again Ministry
of Wilmington. Take the opportunity to meet others in the single
state and make friends in a welcoming and safe environment. We
are a branch of the original Single Single Again group of Raleigh
still ministering in its twentieth year.
Bring a friend and join us at the tenth gathering of the Single
Single Again Ministry of Wilmington on Saturday, November
15, 2014 at All Saints Catholic Church (formerly St. Jude the
Apostle), 18737 US Highway 17 North, Hampstead NC 28443.
We begin with potluck setup at 3:45pm, Mass at 5pm, Dinner at
6pm, Discussion/Social hour until 8pm.
Contact: Joe Silva, [email protected], 203-921-5978.
Wilmington Catholic Radio—93.1 FM
Carolina Catholic chats with
Catholic Apologist Tim Staples!
For their November show, CC will chat with Tim Staples,
Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at Catholic
Answers, a radio program which airs on Wilmington Catholic
Radio. Tim just spoke here in Wilmington at the fourth radio
conference on the topic of evangelization. As director of
apologetics, Tim is called to present a rational basis for the
defense of one’s faith against objections. In this show, you will
hear about Tim's conversion to the Catholic faith and his
newest book, Behold Your Mother: A Biblical & Historical
Defense of Marian Doctrines, which is due out this month.
This show can be heard on 93.1 FM the second and third
weekends of November on Saturday 15th at 11:00 AM, or
Sundays Nov 9th and 16th at 6:00 PM. This show can also be
heard on the web at by clicking
on the Carolina Catholic tab.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
More News & Staff Directory
Coming the First Week of Advent
Does your family currently use At
Home with the Word? We hope that you
do and that you enjoy being able to review
the upcoming weekend readings. Many
of you may bring your copy to Mass so
that you can follow along during the
Liturgy of the Word.
The 2015 issue will be available for St.
Mark parishioners (one per family) on the
weekend of December 6/7. Please pick
up your copy then.
Helping the Homeless
HOURS 9:00AM-4:00PM, Mon.—Fri.
PHONE 910 392-0720 ~ FAX 910 392-6777
Rev. Patrick A. Keane
[email protected]
Rev. Michael J. Burbeck
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Orlando Perez 910 398-6507
[email protected]
Sandy Ellsworth / Denise Morrison 910 398-6509
[email protected]
Become an Inspiration
Join Circles of Support
Mentors Needed. As a program of the 10 Year Plan to End
Chronic Homelessness and Reduce Homelessness in the Cape
Fear Area, Circles of Support strives to help individuals and
families that have been homeless achieve housing stability.
Mentors provide support with the tasks necessary to get and stay
housed. Mentoring is done in teams, and mentors will have
weekly contact with the “neighbors.” On average, being a mentor
takes about 2-4 hours per month. Mentor Training will be held on
Thursday, November 13th , from 5-7 pm. Training is free and
refreshments will be provided. To become an inspiration to
someone emerging from homelessness, or for other ways to
volunteer, contact Teresa Cheney at [email protected] or
call (910) 798-3900 ext. 121.
Church Office
Cathie Welch 910 398-6508
[email protected]
Mary Myers 910 452-2800
[email protected]
Melissa Porter 910 398-6517
PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR [email protected]
Caleb Strittmatter 910 398-6515
[email protected]
Frank DeMonte 910 398-6512
[email protected]
News from the Good Shepherd Center
Alex Hill 910 398-6514
[email protected]
On November 15th from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Good
Shepherd Center will host the first annual “Downtown
Holiday Arts & Crafts Market” at St. James Parish. Artists and
crafters from New Hanover and surrounding counties will
represent a wide range of original art, photography, jewelry,
soaps, textiles, fresh baked goods and more – all available for
purchase, just in time for the holidays. Admission is $5, and
includes the opportunity to win original pieces donated by the
artists in drawings held throughout the day. Proceeds from the
artists’ booth fees will benefit Good Shepherd Center and will help
to fund their mission to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and
foster transition to housing for those in need in the tri-county area.
Paul V. Abbe 910 398-6526
[email protected]
Sincere thanks to our advertiser of the week:
Please support our advertisers. They make this bulletin possible.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday, 11 days prior to publication.
For information, contact Cathie Welch 910 398-6508.
email submissions to: [email protected]
you may Cc to: [email protected]
Deanery & Diocesan News
Faith Formation/School News
Liturgy & Worship
Mass & Sacraments
Parish Directory
p. 10
p. 7
p. 4 & 5
p. 4
p. 9
Parish Life/Community
Special Announcements
Spiritual Growth
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Anne Doyle 910 398-6511
Pre-K thru Grade 5 [email protected]
Grades 6-12
Melissa Quaranto 910 398-6510
[email protected]
[email protected]
Wilmington Catholic Radio
p. 8
p. 2
p. 6
p. 3
Ken Dieppa, Chair 832 534-3772
[email protected]
Melissa Dupuis, Chair 910 619-6609
[email protected]
James Laraia, Sr.—Grand Knight
937 609-1753
Pat Conlon 910 790-3751
[email protected]
Mary Fimbel 910 319-7911
Paul Townend 910 792-1931
[email protected]
Joseph Damitz 910 686-4279
[email protected]
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Connect with the Diocese
You will find the Diocese, your favorite
ministries, parishes and schools on our
Diocesan Facebook page! Like us here:
You are invited to follow the Diocese and Bishop Michael F.
Burbidge on twitter @RaleighDiocese and @BishopBurbidge.
Diocesan tweets include current news items. Bishop Burbidge’s
tweets include daily reflections and reports from events he is
attending. If you are not on Twitter, you
can still receive the Bishop’s messages
by simply texting follow bishopburbidge
to phone number: 40404.
Diocese launches new video series, "Raleigh to
Rome" - a weekly Catholic news brief of local and
global Catholic news hosted by Billy Atwell. Watch
and subscribe to the Raleigh to Rome You Tube
Celebrating a Special Anniversary
As we prepare to celebrate the
90th Anniversary of
establishment of the Diocese
of Raleigh…Did
Know? At the establishment of the Diocese of Raleigh in
December of 1924, there were 6,000 Catholics registered
in parishes that were spread across the 100 counties that
comprise the State of North Carolina. Now, the Diocese of
Raleigh is the eastern 54 counties of North Carolina. In
2014, the Diocese of Raleigh has nine parishes that have
over 6,000 registered members.
Mass for Deceased Clergy
Bishop Burbidge will celebrate the annual Mass for the
Deceased Bishops, Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of
Raleigh on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at Our Lady of
Guadalupe Catholic Church in Newton Grove at 11:00 am
at the altar in the parish cemetery. The faithful are most
welcome to attend the Mass, as we pray for those Bishops,
Priests and Deacons who so faithfully served the mission of
Christ and His Church throughout North Carolina. The
Mass will then conclude with the blessing of the graves of
the deceased clergy buried in throughout the parish
cemetery. In the event of inclement weather, the Mass will
be celebrated in the parish church.
Looking at the Year Ahead
World Meeting of Families and
Don’t miss the fall registration for the
World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia,
Sept. 22-27, 2015! Text “world” to 51555 for
up to the minute updates and visit:
All families will need to register individually through their
website according to the WMF organizers. Hotel rooms will be
available to those who register first. Weekend rates will surely
climb if there is an official announcement of the Pope’s visit.
Deanery and Diocesan News
Available Support
Project Rachel Support Group
Abortion is one of the most
common procedures in the US,
experienced by millions of women;
many of the women suffering from
a n
a b o r t i o n
a r e
Abortion creates
a wound in a post-abortive woman
(or man) often resulting in spiritual
and emotional problems.
Project Rachel ministry assists
women and men who have been touched by abortion to find
healing. There is a support group beginning in the Raleigh/
Triangle area in November. If you have experienced an
abortion and would like more information about the support
group, contact Project Rachel at (919) 852-1021 or email
[email protected]. For more information go to (website) Note: all calls and
appointments are kept strictly confidential.
The purpose of life is to get to Heaven, and to
bring everyone with me that I can. What have I
done to help bring me and my spouse to
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends
are Nov 7-9, 2014 in Atlantic Beach, NC and Feb 6-8, 2015
in Asheville, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended.
For more information visit our website at:
or contact us at
[email protected]
or phone us at 704-315-2144
Divorced? Remarried?
Planning to marry someone who is divorced?
Do you have questions about freedom to marry in the
Catholic Church? Did you know that the Tribunal is
available to answer these and any other questions you may
have about remarriage in the Church? Please contact Mrs.
Vikki Newell (919-821-9759) with your questions, or you
may wish to visit our website for further information.
We welcome the opportunity to help you.
For questions about divorce,
here at St. Mark you may contact:
Deacon Orlando Perez
910 398-6507
[email protected]
Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church
and the Diocese of Raleigh, ministers to those with samesex attractions (Courage) and their loved ones
(Encourage). Courage and Encourage have been
endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Family.
Browse the global website:
for more information and resources.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica—November 9, 2014