COVER SHEET CHURCH: HOLY NAME OF JESUS BULLETIN NUMBER: 511468 DATE OF PUBLICATION: July 21, 2013 REMARKS; NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: CONTACT PHONE NUMBER DARIA OPOLSKI 203-323-4967 except Thursdays On Thursday please call 914-325-7921 E MAIL ADDRESS [email protected] Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church 325 Washington Blvd. Stamford, CT. 06902 Rectory 203.323.4967 Fax 203.327.2229 Convent 203.323.4546 [email protected] Fr. Paweł Hrebenko, Administrator Parish Council Chairman: Piotr Brakoniecki Fr. Damian Pielesz, Parochial Vicar Parish Finance Chairman: John Kulowiec 203.348.5536 Msgr. Thaddeus F. Malanowski, Weekend Assistant Trustees: Peter Sebastian Sister Katharine Toher, SMMI, Coordinator of Religious Education Zygmunt Zajkowski Zbigniew Maćkowiak, Organist Daria Opolski, Parish Secretary Henryk Merwa, Custodian 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 21, 2013 MASS SCHEDULE: WEEKDAYS: 6:30 AM ( Convent Chapel), 7:00 pm (Pol.), Wednesdays: 12:15 PM (Eng. Senior’s Mass) SATURDAY: 9:000 AM (Pol. in Convent Chapel), 5:00 PM Vigil Mass (Eng) SUNDAY: 7:00 AM (Eng.), 8:30 AM (Pol.), 10:00 AM (Eng.), 11:30 AM (Pol.), 6:30 PM (Pol.) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Fridays in the Church: 6:00- 6:45 PM. CONFESSIONS: Friday 6:00 PM- 6:45 PM, Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM BAPTISMS: Sundays after 11:30 AM Mass. Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. Call for schedules and to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate of recommendation from their parish stating they are registered and practicing Catholics. MARRIAGE: Plan your wedding by contacting Fr. Hrebenko at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Mon. to Wednesday and Friday - Closed Thursdays & Weekends Religious Education Students and Parents are required to attend Sunday Mass weekly. Our church is handicapped accessible . 16th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES AND INTENTIONS SATURDAY 07/20/2013 SUNDAY 07/21/13 5:00PM 7:00AM 8:30 10:00 11:30 6:30 PM 6:30AM MONDAY 07/22/13 7:00PM 6:30AM TUESDAY 07/23/13 7:00PM WEDNESDAY 6:30AM 07/24/13 12:15PM 7:00PM THURSDAY 6:30 AM 07/25/13 7:00PM 6:30AM FRIDAY 07/26/13 7:00PM SATURDAY 9:00AM 07/27/13 5:00PM 7:00AM SUNDAY 07/28/13 8:30 10:00 11:30 6:30 PM July 21st, 2013 † John Kozlowski - Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ross God blessing for Katherine McRoy & Matthew Mendell - from family † Leon Hurlo - od syna z rodziną † Chris, Stanley, Peter, Stefania & Martin Bienkowski - from Victoria Dombrowski † Irena & Zygmunt Grzelczak oraz ich syn Zygmunt - od Moniki Grzelczak † Stanisława Mruczek - od męża z dziećmi † Marion Baron - from brother O Boże błogosławieństwo z okazji urodzin dla Jan V - od najbliższych Irena i Stefan Maslowski - od Mietka i Nadi Maslowski † Antonina i Alfred Adamczyk - od siostry z rodziną For parishioners † Peter Lesta - Marge Hogan W intencji próśb i podziękowań do M.B. od Cudownego Medalika † Anna i Anna Jr. Zalewska od Hieronimy z rodziną † Krzysztof Mazur - od rodziny † Urszula, Anna , Marceli Morzyszek - od dzieci, wnuków i rodziny † Eryk Kogut - od najbliższych † Stefania, Jerzy i Jan Kukowki - od Elżbiety z rodziną † Paul Tirpack - Marek Kaminski † Rev. Fr. Stanley Koziol - form Ted & Sharyn Symeon † Alex Boguski - odżony z dziećmi † Edward Dombroski - from daughter Martha Dombroski † Eryk Kogut - od najbiższych † Stanisław Popielarczyk - od synowej PARISH DEVOTIONS: FATIMA ROSARY CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION: 13th of each month following 7:00PM Mass. ROSARY SOCIETY PRAYER GATHERING: Every First Saturday of the Month following 5:00 PM Mass. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Every Monday at 7:00PM Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS: Every Wednesday at 12:15PM Mass. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA every Wednesday at 6:30AM and 7:00PM (Pol.) Mass. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET NOVENA every Friday at 6:30AM English Mass and 7:00PM Polish Mass. HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE: every Wednesday 11:00AM - 12:00PM in Convent ALTAR SERVERS TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - Abraham showes hospitality to three visitors (Genesis 18:1-10a). Psalm - He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 15). Second Reading - The mystery hidden from generations past has been manifested; it is Christ in you, the hope for glory (Colossians 1:24-28). Gospel - Jesus converses with Martha and Mary about service and contemplation (Luke 10:38-42). 5:00 PM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM Saturday, July 20, 2013 Alicja Kurpinowicz, Ochocinski family, Ewa Misiak Sunday, July 21, 2013 Jakub Wszolek, Sebastian Saba, Karol Samelko, Jakub Bester Sebastian CZaja, Babinski family, Karol Suchowiecki Wolpiuk family, Daniel Dabek, Sebastian Sieminski OFFERTORY/ KOLEKTA Dear Parishioners, Weekly goal to meet our basic expenses: $5,500.00 July 7th Offertory Second Collection $3,514.00 $1,796.00 Thank you for your continued generosity to our Parish. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za Waszą ofiarność. ****************************************** RESTAURATION FUND In the loving memory of † Alexander Zajkowski By John & Susan Ostrosky $25 *** Please remember in the charity of your prayers the soul of: Joan Zelinsky who were buried from our parish. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. *** Please remember the sick and homebound in our parish: Bruno Szulimowski, Genie Bakes, Genevieve Karwoski, Frances Kowaleski, Nick Kowaleski, Mary Oscar, Teresa Rogoski, Henry Skibinski, Helen Smith, John Yanicky, Marian McConnan, Roseanne Malanowski, Rev. Francis Posluszny, Helen P. Kuzlik, Iracema Galvani Quinete, Henry Niewinski Jr., Bernadette Jachimczyk, Julia Klimsiak. May the Healing Hand of the Lord comfort them! *** Do you know someone who is carrying grief and sorrow over past abortions? Project Rachel Ministry in the Diocese of Bridgeport offers free and confidential help to those seeking healing after abortion loss. We invite you to come back to God who is Love and Mercy. Contact us at 203.416.1619 or [email protected]. . FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK This year the Mission Co-Op Collection will take place this weekend in the Parishes of the Diocese. We welcome Fr. Bartlomiej Gadaj, Redemptorist who will preach at all Masses and ask your generosity in supporting this important aspect of the Church’s life. We are grateful for his presence and sharing with us God’s Word. The second collection will be in support of missions world-wide. Please be advised that we are going to our old schedule of daily Masses. Beginning with August 1st all daily Masses, Mon.-Sat., will be at 8:00 AM in the convent. This weekend “Dozynki Raffle” tickets will be sold after Masses, Our parish needs your help with this important and biggest fundraiser. Thank you in advance for supporting this raffle. We have very attractive prizes! Please promote our Dożynki among your family and friends. Thank you all for your help with this important event for our Parish. In Christ, Fr. Paweł Hrebenko ****************************************** Diocese of Bridgeport Celebrates 60 Years!! On August 6th, we will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the inception of the Diocese of Bridgeport. Please use this occasion to pray for the Diocese and for the naming of the fifth Bishop of Bridgeport. A warm welcome to our parishioners and guests attending our church today. We wish you a pleasant Sunday and a blessed week. Chȯr parafialny zaprasza wszystkich chętnych do wspȯlnego chwalenia Pana poprzez śpiew i muzykę. Prȯby odbywaja sie w każdy poniedzialek o godz. 19:30. Kontakt z organistą tel (312) 929 9594 WE THANK OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS.HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ADVERTISING YOUR BUSINESS IN THE BULLETIN & HELP TO SUPPORT US? Słowo od ks. Proboszcza Drodzy Parafianie, Baptism/Confirmation Sponsorship Certificate When asked to be a sponsor, a certificate is needed from your home parish. If the parish priest does not know you personally, or by sight, the only other way of knowing you as practicing catholic is by tracking of contributions by check or envelope. *** Przypominamy, że wszelkie zaświadczenia o przynależnosci do parafii wydajemy tylko osobom zapisanym w biurze parafialnym. Dotyczy to również udzielania Sakramentu Małżeństwa oraz Sakramentu Chrztu. Prawo do wszelkich zniżek w opłatach za naukę w szkołach katolickich oraz do odpisów podatkowych posiadają tylko parafianie, którzy zapisani są w systemie składania darowizn dla parafii lub Koscioła i mogą to potwierdzić (system numerowanych kopert itp.) Pre-baptism class/Katecheza przed-chrzcielna Tegoroczna zbiórka na cele Misji odbędzie się w ten weekend w parafiach naszej diecezji. Witamy Ojca Bartlomieja Gadaja, Redemptorystę, który będzie głosił Słowo Boże na wszystkich Mszach i prosił o Waszą hojność we wspieraniu tego ważnego aspektu życia Kościoła. Jesteśmy wdzięczni za jego obecność i pomoc . Przypominamy również, że od 1-go Sierpnia wracamy do naszego starego rozkładu Mszy sw. Tak więc codzienne Msze sw. od Poniedziałku do Soboty odprawiane będą w konwencie o 8:00 rano. Ze względu na zmianę terminu Dożynek, intencje mszalne z dnia 18 Sierpnia, o godz. 11:30 i 6:30 zostaną odprawione o tydzień wczesniej czyli 11 Sierpnia. Za tę zmianę przepraszamy i prosimy o powiadomienie krewnych o zmianie terminu Mszy. . LOSY NA LOTERIĘ DOŻYNKOWĄ będą sprzedawane po Mszach Św. w przedsionku kościoła. Bardzo prosimy o zakupienie losów oraz o pomoc w ich rozprowadzaniu. Mamy bardzo atrakcyjne nagrody, promujcie naszą imprezę wsród swoich rodzin i znajomych. Za Waszą pomoc w sukcesie tej akcji z góry serdeczne Bóg zapłać. W Chrystusie Panu, Ks. Paweł Hrebenko **************************************** Pre-baptism catechesis for new parents is required. They usually take place on the first Monday of the month after 7:00 PM Mass. Call to register at least one month prior to expected birth date. Katecheza przed-chrzcielna jest wymagana dla rodziców z pierwszym dzieckiem. Spotkanie zazwyczaj odbywa się w pierwszy Poniedziałek miesiąca po wieczornej Mszy sw. Prosimy rejestrować się telefonicznie w naszym biurze parafialnym przynajmniej miesiąc przed narodzinami dziecka. Zapraszamy na Dzien Skupienia dla Osób Rozwiedzionych 27 Lipca 2013 Amerykańska Częstochowa 654 Ferry Road. Doylestown PA 18901 temat:"Czas pustki więc pozwól sobie na łzy..." kontakt po wiecej informacji: (862) 232-3373 [email protected] *** Program nauczania religii poszukuje kilku woluntariuszy do nauki religii w nadchodzącym roku szkolnym. Najlepiej by te osoby biegle mówiły po polsku i angielsku. Osoby te powinny znać i kochać naszą wiarę i dawać temu swiadectwo przez przykład swojego życia. Osoby, które nie czują się na siłach uczyć w pełnym zakresie mogą rozpocząć jako pomoc w klasie z nauczycielem. Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o kontakt z S. Katharine Toher, S.M.M.I. D.R.E. *** Registration for the 2013-2014 Religious Education Program is now open. Registration forms were emailed the week of July 3rd, if you did not receive a registration form please call (203) 323 4967 or email [email protected]. If your child did not attend the Religious Education classes last year, please contact the rectory office *** DOŻYNKI SIERPIEŃ 17-18, 2013 Nie jest jeszcze za późno aby włączyć się w przygotowania do Dożynek, jesli możecie w czymś pomóc serdecznie zapraszamy. 773 - 741 -7773 773 -741 - 7774 40 kanałów telewizyjnych Defending Our Religious Liberty The federal government is failing to look at the dire consequences that the passage of the health care mandate will have on our society. In forcing religious organizations to pay for insurance coverage that violates their religious principles, it will be harming the poor and underprivileged who are served by the Catholic Church. Faith-filled charities may no longer be able to help those in need, because they will not be able to afford the severe fines imposed on them by the government for non-compliance. To voice your opposition to the federal health care mandate, please call the Capitol switchboard in Washington, D.C. at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Congressmen or Congresswoman and/or U.S. Senators. Ask them to support legislation that will overturn the mandate. *** “Pro-woman, Pro-man, Pro-child.” Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is July 21-27. Celebrate and reverence God’s vision of human sexuality -discover NFP! Join us for a special Rosary and Mass, Saturday, July 27 at St. Ann’s Church in Bridgeport. Rosary at 3:30; Mass at 4:00pm; light reception to follow. For more information on NFP, contact the Couple to Couple league at, or Angela Mantero, Director of Marriage and Family for the Diocese of Bridgeport at [email protected]. The Religious Education Program is looking to fill several teaching positions for the upcoming academic year. Ideally, the individual should be fluent in both Polish and English. The persons should know well and love our Catholic faith and desire to share it with our children. For those who feel that they need some training in order to do this, they can be placed during the upcoming year in the classroom to assist a veteran teacher before teaching a class on their own. This is very important ministry in the church-- one impacting the church’s future. Please contact me at the telephone number 203-323-4546 or email [email protected] if you are interested in helping in this wonderful and rewarding ministry. Sr. Katharine Mary Toher, S.M.M.I. D.R.E. . WSZYSTKIM PARAFIANOM I GOŚCIOM ŻYCZYMY BOŻEGO BŁOGOSŁAWIEŃSTWA SZCZĘŚĆ BOŻE!
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