Term 4, Week 5, 6th November, 2014 Dates to Remember: Reflection Friday, 7th November HALLOWING OF MY ACTS You breathe on my attempts to be a person of kindness. You touch my soiled efforts to reach out in forgiveness. You hold carefully my desire to offer comfort and care. You receive my every prayer no matter how crumpled it is. You give all of this a scared hue, a liberal blessing of your love. P-5 Disco Thursday, 13th November P-5 Celebration of Learning & Yrs 6-12 Celebration of Excellence Friday, 21st November Year 12 Graduation and Farewell St Eugene de Mazenod Church Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm Christ the King Church Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary @bne.catholic.edu.au www.steugene.qld.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 Karl Rahner From the Leadership Team DEAR PARENTS AND FRIENDS BEACON It was a privilege to be with the fortyeight Yr 11 and 12 students who walked in the Relay for life on the weekend. Our team raised $2800.00 for Cancer. Apart from the fundraising for a worthy cause, the commitment of these young people to walk for six hours, and the community and camaraderie they displayed was very special. Their parents and our College can indeed be very proud of them. Four years ago we began our journey into senior schooling. Programs were devised and written and the general shape of our senior schooling visioned. At that time we were fortunate enough to enter into a partnership with the Beacon foundation, a not for profit organisation who were committed to enhancing the post school options for young men and women across Australia. They supplied a framework for our careers education and training and became an integral part of the year ten curriculum. Students explored their post school dreams within a real world context that Beacon facilitated. Speed careering, mock interviews for employment, presentations and visits to work places are some of the areas explored. Our students become Beacon ambassadors and we stage our own Careers expo. We take them to our national capital, Canberra to challenge them as to what sort of citizens they will become and we SET plan with students and parents as to what future courses of study or work they will engage in. At the end of the year, (this Friday) Year Ten students sign a Beacon charter and pledge themselves to a future that includes education and employment. It is a rich journey and students move towards maturity at their own pace. Mark Shields is our new Senior Maths teacher and Maths Curriculum Leader. Mark is currently Head of Maths at St John’s College, Roma. On Thursday next week (November 13) we celebrate learning and excellence in the College and this takes pride of place in our annual calendar. From 4.30 to 6.00 pm, Prep to Five classrooms come to life displaying learning in their classrooms and the performing arts in the Performing Arts room in our Celebration of Learning. Come along and join in the celebration by spending time in your child’s classroom and enjoying the displays both static and interactive. This is also a wonderful opportunity to visit other classes and ‘check out’ what lies ahead for them. At 7.00 pm the Celebration of Excellence takes place in Rodrigo Hall where Yr 6-12 students in the middle and senior school are recognised for their academic, spiritual, cultural and sporting prowess. This night of nights also reflects on the year that’s been. Student leaders in Yrs 5, 9 and 12 will be announced in their ministries of Faith and Mission, Community, Culture and the Arts and Spirit. Our College Captains for 2015 will also be announced. Students in Yrs 6-12 are required to wear their formal uniform for the evening. There’s a sausage sizzle on the Senior Basketball Court between 6.00 and 7.00pm. Important meetings on Wednesday next week, November 12: 25th Anniversary Fair Meeting at 6.00 pm in the Staff Meeting Room. There’s pizza for dinner! Along the way we have had much to celebrate. We were National award winners (twice), our students have secured some brilliant employment opportunities beyond their wildest expectations, and we celebrated wonderful teamwork with Beacon. This year sees St Eugene’s graduate to a different level of Beacon Partnership. We become Alumni in the Beacon register of schools and colleges across the nation. We can still access the richness of the foundation but now we are perceived to be capable of self-sufficiency and serve as a mentor school to others in this region. And so we welcome other schools who come and visit to see what can be achieved for their students in their context. We thank the Beacon Foundation for a great partnership that has young people as the focus for the Australian future. Have a great week Mark Shakhovskoy P-12 HEAD (MIDDLE/SENIOR YEARS) STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEXT WEEK Monday Judy Barbe at AITSL Focus on Profession Meeting today and tomorrow Natalie Elliott at Finance Officer Cluster Meeting November P and F Meeting at 7.00 in the Staff Meeting Room See you at the P-5 Disco tomorrow night...the foot tapping starts at 5.30 and goes till 7.30. Tuesday Alana Osborn at Practical Resiliency Program today and tomorrow Wednesday Denis Anthonisz, Mark Shakhovskoy, Megan Wilson and Gwynfa Johnston at St Peter Claver looking at RTC/Behaviour Support processes Blessings and regards DENIS ANTHONISZ - PRINCIPAL Michelle Buiatti and Anne Duncan at Worklinks LLN Unit PD EXCURSIONS NEXT WEEK Tuesday Iris Wessling and Nathan Kneen taking 2/3 and 4-6 Choir to perform at Day Respite Caboolture Wednesday Yr 5B at Sewerage Treatment Education Centre From the Leadership Team SPIRIT OF ST EUGENE AWARDS RELAY FOR LIFE 2014 During the month of October, many of our wonderful students were seen to be displaying qualities like that of our St Eugene de Mazenod. Congratulations to all those nominated this month. This year St Eugene College undertook the Relay for Life at Pine Rivers show grounds on the 1st and 2nd of November. 45 students from year 11 and 12 and 10 staff attended the event which ran from 3pm Saturday until 9am Sunday morning. The event raised over $70,000 for the Queensland Cancer Council with the College contributing over $2,800. The College’s “That 80’s Band” opened the event and played for the first one and half hours of the walk, helping to keep all of the walkers well entertained with their great repertoire! The winners for October are: Georgia Morgan Maxwell Phillips Aidan Young A big congratulations to all of the walkers at the event, with some students completing over 25km during the 18 hours. An amazing feat, well done! Georgia Morgan – Junior Georgia is a kind and caring student. She is a quiet achiever who is happy to help those in need. Maxwell Phillips - Middle Maxwell is a positive influence on his peers. He provides support to his peers when they are in need. Maxwell is kind and caring nature. He leads by setting positive examples and is always willing to have a go! Aidan Young - Senior Aidan always demonstrates impeccable manners and servitude in his daily interactions with staff and students at St Eugene. He is a great role model for junior students. Congratulations to all of October’s nominees and to our very worthy winners this month. These were our final awards for the year and I would like to thank everyone for supporting these awards this year and may you all have a very safe and Merry Christmas. Marti Lazaro Kind Regards Peter Orton HOSPITALITY NEWS Hospitality students had all manner of visitors last week as the year 10 Gado Gado dishes wafted delicious aromas from the classes. Many students had never eaten the peanut dipping sauce and thoroughly enjoyed the lightly blanched vegetables that completed the healthy meal. The year 11’s produced Mongolian Beef to delight the tastebuds. We are always rustling up something fabulous and this week, parties will be held for primary classes to cap off a party planning unit for year 10. SPORTS TEAMS PHOTOS Years 6—12 Summer and Winter sports teams photos are currently available for viewing at Reception. They can be purchased online through Advanced Life . A reminder that no money is to be handed into the College for payment of these photos. College News YEAR 3 – 5 SWIMMING CARNIVAL ATSI NEWS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grandparents/Parent/Carers Support Group When: Time: Where: and Who: Guest Speaker: Senior Police Liaison Officer Deb DeBree Deb’s major role is to engage and liaise with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the Pine Rivers district and across the Brisbane north area in relation to policing information and justice issues that impact on the community. Deb works very closely with other Police Liaison Officers, sworn police as well as government and non-government agencies (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous). Morning tea will be provided. Date: Friday 7th November Time: 10.30am – 12pm Where: De La Salle Campus Southern Cross Catholic College 307 Scarborough Road, Scarborough RSVP: 3490 1769 Danita Martin Participation Officer and Renee Parter Participation Officer or at: [email protected] [email protected] MELINDA MITCHELL YEAR 10 HEALTH EXCURSION Last week on the 30th of October, the Year 10 Health class embarked on an excursion with Miss Canham. We went to three different health centres within the local community. Our class visited the Child Youth Mental Health Services centre and two other organisations by the names of Intercept and Headspace. During the day we were spoken to by counsellors and youth workers who helped us to learn more about mental health and the different ways that mental illnesses can affect teenagers in their daily lives. Each of these centres have amazing, youth friendly facilities that we would recommend for all teens who are suffering from a mental illness, or those kids who just need a break! These services all aim to provide help for teenagers who are suffering from depression, anxiety, bullying, self-harm and selfesteem issues. Each of the service centres were colourful and inviting and they gave us an insight into the processes and procedures which take place within mental health facilities. This excursion showed us just how essential it is to maintain a healthy mental state of mind and informed us of some of the struggles that teenagers like us may be facing. Overall, the day was interesting and informative for everyone who attended! Emma Davis and Marissa Foat, Year 10 Health Friday 7th November. 9.00am – 12:30pm Morayfield Regional Aquatic Leisure Centre. All students from years 3 to 5. Parents are welcome to join us. The entry fee for spectators is $3. PAULINE COLLIER PE TEACHER & P-7 SPORTS COORDINATOR MUSIC INFORMATION EVENING If you are interested in finding out what the St Eugene College Instrumental Music Program has to offer your child, please come to the Instrumental Music Information Evening on Wednesday, November 19 in Rodrigo Hall at 7.00pm. What instruments are taught at St Eugene College? Come along to the Instrumental Music Information Evening to find out and to hear some of our current students performing. What performance opportunities are available for St Eugene College musicians? Come along to the Instrumental Music Information Evening to find out. What commitments and costs are involved in being part of the St Eugene College Instrumental Music Program? Come along to our Instrumental Music Information Evening to find out. The St Eugene College Instrumental Music Information Evening: will be held on Wednesday November 19 at 7.00pm in Rodrigo Hall. Students are most welcome to attend with parents. CHESS NEWS Last Tuesday, 30 students ranging from year 1’s to year 12’s attended the Brisbane North Inter-School Chess Championships at Nundah State School. This has been our largest team ever and we had 4 newcomers Luca Rosson, Robert Knox, Matthew Weldon and Skye James who played brilliantly. There were over 400 students from many schools competing over 7 games with short breaks in between. Unlike our previous competition earlier in the year, the day was not a team event but an individual competition. The students aim for the day was to play their best, be good sports and beat their former PBs (personal best score). Most students achieved these three goals and 4 students won a High achievement ribbon - Liam George 2G, Cooper Hunter 2G, Phoenix Malone 3G and Jace Abela 8M3. Cooper Hunter 2G won 6 of his 7 games, an excellent effort. A big thank you to Shannon Croghan for assisting us on the day ensuring all students were at the right table and recording the student’s results. Well done to all the students. You did the school very proud. Mrs Brenda Todd College News CREATIVE ARTS NEWS Years 8-12 Section: Musical 2015 “GREASE is the word!!!!!!” After a great many meetings and deliberations with a wide range of different people in our school community, we are extremely excited to announce that the 2015 St Eugene College musical is………….GREASE! We will be presenting a version of this fantastic show that has been rewritten specifically for school students to present. We look forward to performing 3 amazing performances to our fun and lively audiences who we just know will be singing along with us to the ever famous songs of this musical! As mentioned earlier this term, those students currently in Years 5 -11 are invited to audition for the musical on Wednesday afternoon 12th November from 3 pm onwards in the hall. As next year’s show had not yet been decided upon at the time auditions were announced, we ask that all students stick to the original request to sing any musical theatre song of their choice for their audition. To maintain fairness and equality throughout the process, we ask that auditionees NOT sing a piece from Grease. Audition pieces should show off a student’s vocal range and ability and should be accompanied by as much gesture, movement, expression, characterisation and entertainment value as possible. Students will be asked to nominate whether they are trying out for a lead role, minor role or place in the ensemble. Successful auditionees for roles will be later called back to read and do scene work for casting of these parts. Opportunities for Junior students to be part of the musical via choirs and dance troupes etc will be advised first thing next year. Please don’t hesitate to come and ask staff for any advice or assistance leading up to auditions. Dance Troupe Auditions Just a reminder that auditions for the Years 4-6, 7-9, Years 10-12 dance troupes and Boys’ Hip Hop Crew (any age) will take place on the first 4 school days of Week 8. Students should currently be preparing their own dance for auditions that showcases their extension, flexibility, strength and entertainment quality. Please don’t hesitate to come and see for any further information about these auditions! Congratulations!!!! – Talent Quest Winners!!! Well done to all the talented entertainers who so courageously entered this week’s talent quest. What a difficult job to somehow try and judge a competition like that, with so many high quality acts competing against each other?! Equal 1st Place – Sam Halpin and Shannon Kamilus 2nd Place – Ruby Gilbert 3rd Place – Sidney Shorten Special thanks goes also to our crew who assisted with the running of things on the night and the dedicated staff and parents who helped out also! Congratulations to our Culture and The Arts Leaders, Jasmine Pratt and Craig D’Cruz on the initiation and organisation of this outstanding idea and event. What a fabulous tradition you have begun?!! We have been extremely blessed to have the two of you leading our community in this role this year. Well done on your inspirational leadership throughout the year! Best Wishes, Kathy Stewart (Acting Head of Creative Arts) DUNLEA RESOURCE CENTRE Bookfair The Bookfair will be held from 17th -21st November with many books for P-12 students at very cheap prices, to enable our students and families to stock up on Christmas gifts and holiday reading. Library Borrowing Borrowing will cease from November 14th to give us time to restock the shelves and chase overdues. Remember though that EBooks can be borrowed for downloading at our library’s website anytime. Please remind your children to return any overdue books as soon as possible. Once borrowing ceases, we advise students to borrow from their local libraries and to stock up at Bookfair and Bookclub Student Book Clubs Book Clubs are held at the Burpengary Library after school. The Teen Book Club is held on the 4th Friday of the month from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The 8 and under Club is held on the 1st Thursday of every month from 3:30-4:30pm, and the 9-12 years Club is on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 3:30-4:30pm. Book club membership also gives participants access to special deals such as free reservations of popular books, prize draws etc. Bookings are required and can be made by phoning 3888 5366. Congratulations to the following winners: Years 3-7 Section: 1st Place – Jessica Hurd Poppies For Sale 2nd Place – Olivia Turner and Isabella Spice These are available for purchase to commemorate Remembrance Day (11th November) for 50c each. Please purchase from the library. 3rd Place – Thomas Kerrigan Cont/... College News CAREER NEWS MEGT has the current positions available: School Based Apprenticeship Cert III in Automotive Light Vehicle (AUR30612) Open to students in Year 11 who are motivated, presentable, Keen to learn and reliable. Duties include general automotive work and assisting tradesman. Preferably two days per week 8am-5pm All applications, please Email: [email protected] Careers Australia has the current positions available: Certificate II in Electrotechnology Career Start (UEE22011) START DATE Term One - week commencing 9th Feb 2015 DAY One day a week – day to be confirmed TIME 8:45am (9:00am start) to 3:00pm DURATION 35 Weeks LOCATION Careers Australia – Bowen Hills Campus To apply; All applicants please ensure your cover letter and Resume’ are addressed to Anna Sayers. Please direct any queries regarding this qualification to our MEGT consultant: [email protected] 16-18 Thompson Street, BOWEN HILLS COST No cost to the student. Funded through VETiS funding For further information please come and see Mrs Prince in T1 or email her at: [email protected] ENROLMENTS To request an enrolment form, please contact the VET coordinator at school OR contact : WENDY PRINCE Celeste Grice, Pathways Coordinator VETiS P: 0437 491 697 E: [email protected] PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) PPE will be provided by Careers Australia. Students are to supply their own steel capped boots. PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS A reminder that Family Portraits are this Sunday 9th November 2014 St Eugene College. If you have not already made your booking, could you please do so as soon possible. If you need another flyer with the details and an order form please contact Debbie Turner on: 0431 016 141 or ask at the office. We will confirm your appointment time after your reply has been returned. DEBBIE TURNER Busy at Work has the current positions available: Zarafas Redcliffe 3 x positions – Cert III in Hospitality To apply please forward resume to: [email protected] Available to Year 10 or 11 students. Springbock Foods North Lakes 1 x Cert III in Business [email protected] Available to Year 10 or 11 students. Cont/... College News TUCKSHOP NEWS Volunteer Roster Roster for week commencing 10th November 2014: Monday: Cath Stratford Tuesday: Jo Arthur & Liz Garrard Wednesday: Jodie Sumner Thursday: Julianne Keating Friday: April Cooke Online Ordering Another way you can order is online at www.flexischools.com.au. Follow the instructions online, and your child’s order will be printed at the tuckshop and delivered to their class for children in grades 1 to 5. Children in grades 6 to 12 who order on FlexiSchools need to pick their order up from the senior tuckshop. PAULA PORTER—TUCKSHOP CONVENOR UNIFORM NEWS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8am to 10am Tuesday & Thursday 2pm to 4pm ANGELIQUE MURPHY - UNIFORM CONVENOR PREP TO YEAR 5 Date: Friday 7th November Where: Rodrigo Hall, St Eugene College Cost: $5.00 includes entry, food (sausage sizzle) and a popper Time: 5.30 – 7.30pm Tickets are available for purchase from the classrooms until Friday or at the door. Parents please note that if you have any children who are in Prep – Year 3 then you need to remain on the premises with your children. This Disco is only for children from St. Eugene College. Parent volunteers are most welcome! Please phone Leiza 0413380974
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