TERM ONE, WEEK 4 19TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Dates to Remember: Sunday, 22nd February P&F Welcome Mass and Family Fun Morning Reflection “I invite all of the institutions of the world, the Church, each of us, as one single human family, to give a voice to all of those who suffer silently from hunger, so that this voice becomes a roar which can shake the world.” Wednesday, 4th March OP Information Evening The countdown is on! There is only 150 days until our 25th anniversary celebrations begin! Make sure you mark Saturday, 18th July in your calendars! Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary @bne.catholic.edu.au www.steugene.qld.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 Pope Francis, launch of the Caritas International ‘Food for all’ Campaign, 2013. From the Leadership Team Dear St Eugene Community I have learned this week that the college has had in the past a “No enrolment refused and no student removed” position, under the Oblate charism and ideals. Such statements are idealistic and like any values position, carries conflicting demands that clash with competing ideals and practices. When a beauty queen wins her crown and states that her goal is to ‘end all wars’ or ‘to feed the hungry in the world’, she is expressing a noble sentiment that is easier said than done. To refuse no one and to ask no one to leave has ramifications that can sometimes do more harm than good. The oblates also demanded high standards and discipline from those benefiting from their work. My own position and that of the new leadership team, is that the moral dilemmas and ethical decisions associated with such a position are difficult and rarely black and white. Do we prioritise the good of the individual over the good of the majority? This is quite an ethical dilemma! Burford (2005) makes a distinction between a moral choice and an ethical choice. A moral choice is one where the individual perceives that there is a clear decision between right or wrong; an ethical choice is where the individual perceives that there may be two or more rights, or two or more wrongs, in making a decision. Ethical decision making such as this, to enroll of not enroll…to exclude or not exclude, is more likely to be problematic for leaders than moral decision making for several reasons. Firstly, the information presented to us is often more complex than the moral choice. Secondly, these complexities stem from many parties being involved in the decision often with differing needs and viewpoints. Thirdly, it is difficult at times for leaders to be aware of their own personal biases, yet others may see these clearly. Fourthly, at times it is difficult in high stakes environments for leaders to be able to forecast and predict the future consequences of their actions which is an essential component of ethical decision making. In the risky world of educational leadership all who belong to a community need to be able to trust their leaders. According to Branson (2005), this means they should be able to rely on their leaders decision making processes and have confidence in the leader’s actions and hope the leader will safeguard their future. A community requires a consistent, somewhat predictable, and ultimately trustworthy leader. To aide you in this predictability, I can state clearly that my ethical decisions are based on what decision will produce the greatest good? What would have the largest positive impact on the majority of students and families? Kind regards JIM MIDGLEY PRINCIPAL Just one thing note Last week all families received a notice form the P&F titled Just one thing. It was a plea to consider assisting with just one community contribution to the life of the College community. I thought it was well written and appropriate opportunity for families to nominate an event to assist at or any minor way they could help out during the year. It would be really appreciated if you could locate that note in the bottom of the school bag and fill out and return it to the P&F through school. Parish / College Fair I know the fair is not for another 6 months, however the P&F are starting to plan already. One event that requires forward thinking is the major art union raffle. A large number of prizes will be in the draw. We are currently arranging for the printing of the tickets. In the past we have purchased the prizes which obviously limits the profitability of the exercise. This year we are hoping to have a dozen or more significant prizes. I’m writing to see if any business owners or generous parents have the desire or the contacts to contribute to the prize list? It would be great if you could contact me with any suggestions. Welcome Back BBQ This Sunday after mass commencing around 10.30am, the P&F will run the annual Welcome Back BBQ. What a wonderful opportunity for new families to meet and for experienced families to celebrate the start of the school year. I understand games are organised for the students and that a free sausage sizzle is provided. Please RSVP as requested elsewhere in the newsletter. I look forward to meeting you there. Grade 8 Camp success I spent last Thursday evening with a tremendous bunch of students and staff at the grade 8 camp. Students participated enthusiastically and made a good impression for the start of the school year. Thanks to Tegan Parry and her team for the time and effort that went into this important culture and character building few days. Opening mass and leadership presentations Thanks to the great crowd who attended the start of year mass. Peter, Alison and Ali did a great job and I found it to be a very rewarding spiritual experience. I am very confident that the new student leaders will set a fine example in community leadership this year. Parent Teacher night Thanks to all families who managed to find time to attend the parent teacher night presentations. I was most impressed with the details shared in class meetings and especially the work of the Year level co-coordinators in middle and senior years. Maximising learning time during the school day While we would encourage families to make necessary appointments after school hours we understand that this is not always possible. In the case where you need to collect your student during school hours we ask that you: 1. Write a note or make a note in the student’s diary explaining why they are leaving and exactly what time they are required to leave; 2. The note is to be shown by the student to their teacher – the PC or class teacher in the morning and the teacher whose class they are in at the time of departure; and 3. Meet your student at Student Services at the agreed time. It is imperative that students understand their responsibility in these rare occasions when they have to leave the school for an appointment. Showing teachers the note and making sure that they are at Student Services at the agreed time is their responsibility. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter and in working with us to minimise interruptions to the learning day. College News MIDDLE YEARS NEWS APRE NEWS Making Learning Visible – Celebrating Academic Excellence At the Year 6-12 Assembly this week we celebrated outstanding academic achievement and improvement from the end of Semester 2, 2014. I would like to congratulate the sixty-one students who received an Outstanding Academic Achievement Award which is earned by achieving an ‘A’ grading in 50% or more of their subjects. Another 44 students received an Outstanding Academic Improvement Award – a new award at St Eugene – which is awarded to students who showed significant improvement across their subjects between Semester 1 and Semester 2. At St Eugene College we place high value on setting learning goals and working with persistence to improve. Ash Wednesday The season of Lent began this week with Ash Wednesday. This also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion appeal. This year’s Project Compassion stories focus on the ways in which Caritas Australia is working around the world to empower vulnerable people to establish sustainable food sources and develop income streams for life. Your donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work towards a more just and fair world, where the basic human right for food is met and sustained. I have no doubt that a number of students who didn’t receive awards worked very hard last year to achieve personal bests. Other students know that they have room for improvement and should see 2015 as a fresh start. I took the opportunity at assembly to remind all students that their number one occupation at the moment is that of full time student. Between being at school and study time, learning should be taking up the majority of their working week. To be an effective learner requires a sense of curiosity, a great deal of persistence and a desire for feedback. I told the students that their responsibility as learners is to know what they are learning (that is, what is the learning intention); to understand how they are progressing with that learning and how to keep moving forward. If students don’t know the intention of a lesson; activity or set homework they should ask the teacher. Teachers take their responsibility to plan for learning very professionally – it is their full time occupation. Thank you to all who supported our Caritas Café on Shrove Tuesday. All funds raised supported Project Compassion. Donations may also be made online via the website at www.caritas.org.au/ projectcompassion. Please put your compassion into action this Lent by supporting Project Compassion 2015. Please follow up with your student with regard to the goals they have set for themselves for this term, semester and year. The more specific a goal is, the better. Check if they have developed a study timetable – one that fits in their extra-curricular activities and some leisure time. Assessment schedules are now complete and have been shared with students. These can be found on the college website. If any student would like assistance to develop a study planner they can receive help from staff by letting their PC teacher know. Being a successful learner requires effort and organisation. I look forward to celebrating many more academic achievements as the year progresses. MARISA DANN - P-12 HEAD (MIDDLE YEARS) House Spirit Points As part of trying to encourage House Spirit amongst the students, St Eugene has an annual House Spirit Competition. There are various events that students can get involved in for each house to pick up points. The two main ones so far this year has been the war cry battle in preparation for the swimming carnival and house attendance at the Swimming Carnival. The points to date are: Dunlea Mitchell Ryan Carroll 300 125 150 175 There are two Discos coming up in a few weeks and participation in these also comes with House Spirit Points, so make sure you encourage your child to come along, have some fun and pick up some points for their House. LOUISE OLLEY - ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL (MIDDLE YEARS) BUD Music Ministry BUD (Believe Understand & Do) Music ministry was formed to enable younger members of the Parish to participate in the ministries for the celebration of Mass. Presently the focus is mainly on the participation in the music ministry for the 5.00pm on the first Sunday of the Month at St Eugene Church Burpengary. Practice is generally held on the 1st Sunday of the month starting at 4.00pm prior to the Mass. St Eugene College students who are interested in participating in BUD Music Ministry (singing or playing an instrument) may contact Sharon Flux Ph: 3888 1768 email: [email protected]. The next BUD Mass is on Sunday 1 st March at St Eugene Church Burpengary. Practice begins at 4.00pm for the 5.00pm Mass. If you are interested in joining us you are very welcome to turn up for the practice at St Eugene Church at 4.00pm on Sunday 1st March. There is also an optional practice for the March Mass this Saturday 21st at 2.00pm. P&F Welcome Mass and Family Fun Morning All St Eugene families are invited to our P&F Welcome Mass, commencing at 9:30 am on Sunday 22 February. Mass will be celebrated in St Eugene de Mazenod Church, Springfield Drive. Family Fun with games and sausage sizzle will follow. College Mass each Tuesday There is a mass held in St Eugene Church every Tuesday morning during school term time at 7:30 for students, families and staff of St Eugene College. The Saint Mary MacKillop Chapel is always open during office hours for private prayer. Everyone is welcome. Junior Assemblies We welcome families to our junior assemblies. The class listed below indicates the particular class leading prayer at each assembly. They will take place on the following dates: 24 February 3 March 17 March 25 March 5 Gold 5 White 5 Blue 4 Gold ALISON BATES (P-12 APRE – JUNIOR/MIDDLE YEARS) College News OP INFORMATION EVENING JUNIOR YEARS The Parent information evening on OP Scores, how they are calculated and their significance will now be held in Wednesday 4th March not on Wednesday 25th February as is in the College calendar. YOURTUTOR WEEKLY TIP #4 Quick Tips for Parents: Can’t find a tutor? With ‘yourtutor’, the best come to you, in seconds. Parents always ask “Really? In seconds? How?” From 3pm– 11pm, the best of the best experts are available online, ready for tricky or frustrating homework questions. Students must apply their own critical thinking, expertly guided by the professional tutors online. The college is providing access to ‘yourtutor’ to help with after hours study, for confidence, support for parents, and learning improvement. Students from years 6-12 have received activation codes. Activate now at: yourtutor.com.au/start. Once activated, you can log in whenever you have a question. From 3pm—10pm, Sunday to Friday. PAT BEGGS - P-12 AP (SENIOR YEARS) CONGRATULATIONS Dermot Fritsch (Yr 11) was recently selected in the U16 Queensland Bandits Baseball Team. The team played in the U16 National Youth Championship in Sydney in January. The Bandits finished with a bronze medal and Dermot was awarded the Golden Glove Trophy (fielding award). STUDENTS OF THE WEEK 16th February, 2015 Congratulations to the following students for their fine efforts: Bailey Sumner Prep White Gabriella Schmidt Prep White Ally Broad Prep Gold Charlotte Olsen Prep Gold Isaac Dunsdon Prep Blue Jonathan Jackson 1 White Tahlia Morris 1 White Teagan Sullivan 1 Gold Sonny Gatfield 1 Gold Cayleb Bourke 1 Blue Oscar Donaldson 1 Blue Isabella Schmidt 2 White Dominique McLaren 2 Gold Katie Shields 2 Blue Byron Disley 2 Blue Khiana Morris 3 Blue Ella Aldridge 3 Blue Malachi Robie 3 White Saige Carey 3 White Reise Beil 3 White Emilee Quinn 3 Gold Jessica Lane 4 Blue Ethan Buckley 4 Blue Carys Lavia 4 White Thomas Tatkovic 4 Gold Isabelle Gonano 4 Gold Mark O’Brien 4 Navy Hunter Casey 5 Blue Caiden Delaney 5 Blue Zac Whelan 5 White Brock McIlwaine 5 Gold Emma Humber 5 Gold College News SPORTS NEWS LIBRARY NEWS Sports Stars District Swimming: Last Wednesday night 4 of our students swam at the Caboolture District Primary School trials, Riley Fiorin from year 6 was a standout placing second in backstroke and butterfly, third in freestyle and fifth in breaststroke. Unfortunately his times were not fast enough to put him through to the next level. Year 4 student Lachlan Grace placed fourth in breaststroke and sixth in freestyle. Other swimmers Carys Lavia and Harrison Brown also competed well swimming some personal best times. These students should be very proud of their efforts. It was wonderful to be there to see them compete. Ten minutes of reading to your child (of all ages) a day is the best investment you will make in your child’s future. With older students, you would more likely share a book or read it together modelling the importance you place on reading. Secondary students need encouragement to continue their reading habits and sometimes Ebooks are more enticing. Keep involved and support their reading, no matter your child’s age. Go to www.tenminutesaday.com.au for some helpful ideas. Remember, the greatest gift you can give your children is a love of reading and books. District Softball: At the 12 year old girls softball trials last week three of our girls were successful in making the Caboolture District team. Kiera Waters, Jade Allan and Bree Ryan will compete as part of that team at the Sunshine Coast Regional Trials in March. Congratulations girls, well done and good luck. District Trials: Please see Mrs. Collier if you are interested in attending any of the following trials. 10 & 11 Years Girls Softball Trials Where: Caboolture East State School, 44 Manley St. Caboolture. When: Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th February, 3:45pm – 5:00pm What: Running shoes, hat/cap, water bottle, glove Who: Girls who are turning 10 & 11 years old 10 & 11 Years Boys Rugby League Trials Where: St. Eugene College When: Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th March, 3:45pm – 5:15pm What: Jersey, shorts, socks, footy boots, protective gear and a water bottle 12 Years Boys AFL Trials Where: Caboolture East State School, 44 Manley St. Caboolture. When: Thursday 26th February, 3:30pm – 4:45pm What: Boots, water bottle. Who: Boys who are turning 11 & 12 years old Running Club Training is starting for those keen to get fit for cross country. All students are welcome to join in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8am to 8:20am. Please wear suitable clothing and bring your uniform to get changed into. We will meet on the junior oval at 8am and I look forward to seeing lots of enthusiastic runners there! MRS. COLLIER - JUNIOR SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR World Book Online WBO will make research so much easier for all our students doing research assignments. There are 5 levels of text in Ebooks and encyclopaedia articles, catering for Preps to University levels. It is accessible to all our students, staff and families and can be used at school or home at any hour. Plus it has the facility to “read text aloud” for all levels. It also includes short videos for most topics. Older students will find the APA referencing information provided for each article at the bottom of the screen enabling them to do a copy and paste into their Bibliography. Log-in Details: http://www.worldbookonline.com/ User ID: stec (school use); steh (home use) Password: s4505 Having WBO so readily accessible could save many students much time and effort. Burpengary Library Author Visit- Suitable for 8-16 year olds Discover the inspiration behind Tristan Bancks’ hilarious My Life series and his acclaimed novel Two Wolves. Find out how your life can be turned into funny and interesting stories and get all your tricky writing questions answered. Hang out, be inspired, share stories and writing experiences with Tristan. Chat about everything creative and pick up useful writing and filmmaking tips. Hang out with Tristan: Thursday 26 March Burpengary Library 3.30pm. Bookings are required. WEP Student Exchange Information Session 18 February 2015 / 6:30-8pm Lake Kawana Community Centre 114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: [email protected] Online: http://www.wep.org.au WEP Australia is a not-for-profit student exchange organisation registered with the QLD Education Department. Every year, WEP facilitates secondary exchange programs for motivated students, wishing to learn about different cultures and ways of living. Student exchange allows secondary students to live with a carefully selected, volunteer host family and attend school with the locals. It's an exciting adventure from which students return with memories and skills for life! Cont/... College News LIBRARY NEWS CONT... ADMIN NEWS cont.. Stephen Boucher UNIFORM NEWS Hi and welcome back! Late we know, but this is the first chance we've had to say hello as it is just starting to slow down in here and we can take a breath. The College’s adopted and much-loved veteran was recently awarded a “Meritorious Medal” by the RSL of Australia for services rendered. Amongst all the commendations was listed “Youth Activities- Stephen has been the adopted veteran at St Eugene College at Burpengary for over 20 years. They take great pleasure in having him attend functions at the school and for him to tell his stories.” Congratulations Steve, thank you for all that you have done and given our school community over the many years and we hope to continue our strong links with you. Steve can be found at local shopping centres around Anzac Day and Remembrance Day selling RSL memorabilia. Chess Tuition For all ages and experience levels continues every Tuesday from 3:15-4:15pm in the library. Costs for the remainder of this term are $70. Interschool Chess Tournament An interschool tournament for Yrs 7-12 will be held on March 3 at Churchie, South Brisbane, and March 12th at Nundah State School for Prep-Yr 6. We will travel together on the bus for a full day of chess playing. Any interested students need to leave their names at the library, now. JANICE CHILCOTT—TEACHER/LIBRARIAN PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS Our annual Welcome Back BBQ is on this Sunday 22nd February 2015. A great day will be had, with the P&F donating a sausage sizzle, ice block, drinks and great games...see the back of the newsletter for more exciting information! ADMIN NEWS Please be advised that all advertised Board Meetings, including Finance, have been postponed until Term 2. FREE SKOOLBAG APP FOR MOBILES Did you know that our College has our own Skoolbag iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our Parent/Student community. We invite parents and students to install the Skoolbag School App as soon as possible to begin to access its benefits for free! Installing the app is very easy, just search for our school name "St Eugene College Burpengary" in either the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store or go to http://www.steugene.qld.edu.au/documents/skoolbagParentInstr uctions for a list of instructions to commence using this free service. Firstly we would like to sincerely thank everybody who made uniform appointments and kept it all running smoothly with their attendance. Remember, from around August onwards, keep an eye on the newsletters for try-on dates for 2016. Apologies for the delay of certain sizes of socks. All orders will be sent to classrooms as soon as they arrive . We also have some winter stock available now if you would like to purchase early this year. FLEXISCHOOLS (www.flexischools.com.au) is still a fantastic and easy way to order. Please keep in mind delivery to class is currently 3 days at this stage. The items will be placed in your child’s teacher’s pigeon hole for distribution. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am to 10.00am Tuesday & Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm Kind Regards ANGELIQUE—UNIFORM CONVENOR TUCKSHOP NEWS Next Week’s Roster commencing 23rd February: Monday HELPER NEEDED Tuesday HELPER NEEDED Wednesday HELPER NEEDED Thursday Leiza Dunlop & Leanne Camerlengo Friday Leone Keen & Melissa Robertson As you can see, we are in urgent need of volunteers for the tuckshop! Even if it is just for an hour or so when you drop your child to school, any assistance will be gratefully accepted. If you could be of any assistance please contact me at: [email protected] or through the office on 3491 4600. The tuckshop menu is available on the college website: www.steugene.qld.edu.au. A reminder that tuckshop vouchers are no longer available from Finance. Remember the easiest way you can order is online at www.flexischools.com.au. Follow the instructions online, and your child’s order will be printed at the tuckshop and delivered to their class for children in grades 1 to 5. Children in grades 6 to 12 who order on flexischools need to pick their order up from the senior tuckshop. PAULA PORTER - TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Updated Tuckshop Menu College News PLEASE COME AND JOIN US THIS SUNDAY... 22nd
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