St. Bruno Catholic Church 204 N. Gordon Street Pinckneyville, IL 62274 618-357-5510 Fax 618-357-6050 [email protected] MASSES: Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Confessions: Saturdays at 4:55 pm Rosary: Sat. 4:55 pm & Sun. 7:25 am Adoration: 1st Friday of Month 9-10 am Novena: 1st Monday of Month 6:00 pm Scripture Study: Every Tuesday 7:00 pm St. Bruno School 210 North Gordon Pinckneyville, IL 62274 Phone 618-357-8276 St. Vincent DePaul Society Phone 318-6765 Rev. Augustine Ibezimako Administrator REFLECTION The Lateran Bascilica – called “mother and head of all the churches of the city and the world” is the cathedral of Rome. It was the first cathedral built after the edict of 313AD that granted christians religious freedom. It was built on the ancient palace of the Laterani family which the Emperor Constantine himself gave to Pope Miltiades. Pope Sylvester celebrated the dedication around 324AD. The feast of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica which we celebrate today is a reminder and expression of love and veneration of the Roman church unified in obedience under one shepherd – the Pope. It also calls to mind that the temple of stones is a symbol of the living church, the christian community: “. . . You are God’s building . . . Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?” (2nd reading) Our bodies are spiritual stones building up this temple. It was in this sense that Jesus said: “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up . . . But he was speaking about the temple of his body.” (Gospel) Both temples: the material buildings and the spiritual stones (community of believers and individual bodies) work together and take care of each other for the greater glory of God. While the word and sacrament celebrated in the material buildings nourishes the spiritual stones so that they are transformed into what they receive and so conformed more and more to the Lord Jesus Christ – who is the foundation and cornerstone: “ . . . I saw water flowing out from beneath the threshold of the temple . . . south of the altar . . . wherever the river flows, every sort of living creature that can multiply shall live . . .” (1st reading), the community of believers have the sacred duty of taking care of their physical bodies and the physical structures – the church, where they gather. Therefore, take some time today and reflect on how you are taking care of your body. How much effort are you making to spiritually nourish your body with the word of God and the sacraments like Reconciliation and the Eucharist? Physically, do you take care of your body by being careful with what you eat or drink? What about the physical structure where you are now? How committed are you with your donations? When last did you consider a raise in your weekly contribution for the upkeep of the church? We know how much it takes to run this church every week. Most weekends we fall short of this. Let us rededicate ourselves today to the sacred commitment of taking care of God’s temple both spiritual and temporal. God bless you. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Monday, November 10 NO MASS Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Kathleen Kelley Tuesday, November 11 — Veteran’s Day! 6:30pm Zac Epplin Sunday, November 16 8:00am Tyler Stern 10:00 a.m. Dale Pyatt Wednesday, November 12 8:30am Bob Dobrinick, Gerri Luke, Celeste Mentel Thursday, November 13 11:00 am “Yesterday’s Kids” Mass & Potluck at KC Hall — Our Parish Family Friday, November 14 8:30 am Our Parish Family Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Billy Kelly Gift Bearers Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Billy Kelly Family Sunday, November 16 8:00am Bob & Cindy Ferrari 10:00 am Dan & Michelle Breslin family Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Rob Ebbler, Margie Eisfelder, Brenda Epplin Sunday, November 16 8:00am John H. Wesseln 10:00 a.m. Our Parish Family Tuesday, November 11 6:30pm Abigail Barnes, Sarah Barnes Sunday, November 16 8:00am Bill & Vicki Weatherford, Ben Porter 10:00 a.m. Bobby Kelly, Mike & Theresa Kelly, and Fred Kreger Rosary Leader Wednesday, November 12 8:30am Logan Lindner, Kelton Linze Saturday, November 15 4:55pm Shirley Bigham Thursday, November 13 No Servers Needed Sunday, November 16 7:25 a.m. Cecilia Porter Friday, November 14 8:30 am Gabbi Alongi, Macy Epplin Greeters Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Zoey Brammeier, Kylie Harvey, Hayley Blair Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Shirley Bigham Sunday, November 16 8:00am Olivia Dill, Mayci & Molly Doerflein 10:00 a.m. Clayton Bathon, Noah Sprehe, Hunter Loos ………………………………………………………… Sunday, November 16 8:00am Greg & Jane Folden 10:00 a.m. Joe Malinski The Book of the Dead Everyone is welcome to place the names of all their loved ones who have passed in the Book of the Dead at the front of church to be prayed for throughout the month of November. Scrip Workers Saturday, November 15 5:30pm Martha Numi Sunday, November 16 8:00am Tricia Doerflein 10:00 a.m. Courtney Loos ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OFFERING TOTALS — 11/2/14 Sunday Offering Online Giving Loose Donations TOTAL — — — $5,735.00 295.00 258.57 $6,288.57 Weekly Average Offering Needed — $5,250.00 Thank You for Your Donations! Schwan’s & St. Bruno Team Up for Tech St. Bruno has teamed with Schwan’s to raise funds for technology. It’s this easy . . . order from now until December 3 using the instructions below and St. Bruno School will receive 20% of product and 40% of e-certificate sales! You can Order by phone at 1-855-870-7208 (provide Campaign ID: 15197) or order online at and enter ID: 15197 then click “Buy Now” for e-certificate or “Shop Now” to place an order. November 9, 2014 Giving Back This past weekend you donated 70 items to those in need. Thank you!!! Next weekend is “Piggy Bank” Sunday. Please bring in your loose change to make a “big” change in someone’s life. Are you in need of assistance? Confidentially call our St. Vincent DePaul Society —618-318-6765. Condolences and prayers to Allen Jackson and family on the passing of his wife Roberta A. Jackson May Roberta rest in peace and may God’s perpetual light shine upon her. Chicken & Dumpling Dinner St. Mary Magdalen, Todd’s Mill is hosting its annual Chicken & Dumpling Dinner and Fall Raffle on Sunday, November 23 at their parish hall (5047 Todds Mill Road, Pinckneyville, IL) Dinner will be served from 11am until 2pm with the raffle drawn at the conclusion of the dinner. Carryouts are available, please bring your own containers to purchase by the quart. Catholic Daughter’s Meeting Catholic Daughters will hold their November meeting this Monday, November 10th at 7pm at the KC Hall. Committee members for November are: Betty Brand, Angie Bruns, Phyllis Epplin, and Sarah Shasteen. Knights of Columbus Meeting The Knights of Columbus meeting is this Wed., November 12 at 7:30pm in the KC Hall with a light meal prior to the meeting. CONFIRMATION PARENTS There is a Confirmation Parent Meeting this Wednesday night, November 12 at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Parents of all school and PSR students receiving Confirmation this year are asked to attend. School Items Due to the Veteran’s Day holiday, St. Bruno School will have NO SCHOOL on Monday, Nov. 10 or Tuesday, November 11. Thank you to all the Veterans past and present. Please pray for their safety and thank them for their service. Christmas Craft Fair St. Bruno School’s Christmas Craft Fair is this Saturday, November 15th in the gym from 10am—2pm. Basket Bingo St. Agatha Parish in New Athens, IL will host a Basket Bingo on Sunday, November 23 at their parish center. Doors open at 12noon with play beginning at 1pm. Baskets are valued at $50. Bring a can of food and receive one free bingo card per person. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI It is time to send in your nomination for distinguished Alumni of St. Bruno School. The nominee must be a graduate of St. Bruno Catholic School and have made great achievements in life that are not limited to professional achievements but also outstanding service to our parish, our community and communities at large. Please send in your nomination including: Name of nominee, address & phone number of nominee, and a description of why you feel this person is a distinguished alumni. Nominations must be received at the parish office (or placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked “distinguished alumni” by December 1st. St. Bruno Parish Council Minutes — Aug. 9, 2014 Principal Report — Enrollment is up to 130. PreK has 20 students. Mrs. Leek moved to 2nd grade and Mrs. Travelstead is in PreK. State & Diocesan Accreditation rescheduled for April 2015. Focus this year is to have students learn the School Mission: (Christian Values, Community Atmosphere, Academic Rigor, Personal Discipline, Moral & Ethical Understanding of God) to help them be well rounded individuals. PSR Report: Classes begin Wed., Sept. 3 with mass at 6pm. All teachers positions have been filled. No Youth Ministry Report. Liturgical/Spiritual: New missalettes are here and some are in pews — rest put gradually. No Pinckneyville church had Bible school this year. The Bishop has sent a letter to St. Bruno, Todd’s Mill regarding the Parish Partnership. It will be on the agenda for next meeting. Building & Grounds: The diocese wants to review the amount of insurance on our buildings. Jeff Phillips will check into it. The Technology Loan is nearly paid off. Someone donated money for St. Bruno’s bus. A bus shed is also needed. Discussion was held on the purchase of an adjacent property. Mike Kovic made motion to purchase it seconded by Jeff Phillips. Proposal will be presented to Finance Committee in a joint meeting with Parish Council. Bus shed could be built on the new lot. A bid was acquired for the church roof. There will be more discussion after more information and bids are acquired. Social Justice: Father & Dan Breslin reported the priest in our Sister Parish has a difficult time getting the money from his Bishop. Father is checking into how we can get the money directly to the parish. Some in St. Bruno parish already give to Father Augustine’s home parish so diversifying the money is a possibility. Drs. Now come to Father’s home parish because water is available. The parish picnic raised $25,364. Dan Breslin promoted the golf scramble for Aug. 24. St. Bruno had many volunteers for the lunches for children in need this summer. Father will be leaving for vacation the end of August. Next meeting Oct. 21. “Yesterday’s Kids” Mass & Potluck Please join us for the monthly “Yesterday’s Kids” Mass & Potluck at the KC Hall this Thursday, November 13. Mass will begin at the hall at 11:00am followed by a delicious potluck meal (meat, drinks & paper products provided). Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
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