The Parish and Priory Church of St Nicholas, Arundel – Services and Notices Sunday 9 November 2014 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.00am South Stoke Eucharist 9.30 am Parish Eucharist, followed by procession to the Town Square for Service of Remembrance Weekday Services Tuesday 6.30 pm Eucharist (CW) Wednesday 10 am Holy Communion (BCP) Friday 12 noon Eucharist (CW) Sunday 16 November 2014 8am Holy Communion 10.0am Parish Eucharist Dates for Your Diary 10 - 18 Nov Art/Theology Pilgrimage/ Tour. Tues 11 Nov The Group 5.30-7.00pm Basement Rooms Thurs 13 Nov Contact Group Getting Ready For Christmas Barbara Davidson 2.15pm at the Arundel Baptist Church. Sat 15 Nov St Leonard’s Advent Fayre 10am - 12pm at the Norfolk Centre, Mill Road. Thurs 20 Nov Life on the Line - FEAST Project event 7.30pm at Burpham Village Hall (see Notices). Sun 23 Nov Feast of Christ the King/ Confirmation 10am Eucharist at St Nicholas. South Stoke Advent Book Review 3pm at St Leonard’s Church (see Notices). Thurs 27 Nov Contact Group Christmas Lunch departing Arundel Baptist Church at 12.15pm. The Hanover Band Lecture Series - Handel’s Messiah 7pm at Arundel Town Hall (see Notices). Sat 29 Nov Supper Services: ‘Caravaggio’ 7pm at St Nicholas (see Notices). Sun 30 Nov Advent Carol Service 6pm at St Nicholas. Sat 6 Dec The Hanover Band and Chorus Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm at St Nicholas. Sun 7 Dec Patronal Festival 10am Family Eucharist at St Nicholas (followed by drinks and canapés). Evensong 4.00pm at Arundel Church of England School. Sun 14 Dec Tortington Christmas Carol Service at 4pm. Christian Aid Big Sing 6pm at St Nicholas . Sat 20 Dec Christingle Service 4.00pm at St Nicholas. Activities beforehand at the Cathedral Centre. Sun 21 Dec Nine Lessons and Carols 6pm at St Nicholas Wed 24 Dec Crib Service 4pm at St Nicholas. Midnight Mass 11.30pm at St Nicholas. Thurs 25 Dec Holy Communion 8.00pm at St Nicholas. Festal Eucharist 10.00pm at St Nicholas. Sun 4 Jan’15 Feast of the Epiphany Family Service 10.00pm. Sat 7 Feb’15 Quiz+! organised by the Arundel-Stegaurach link (details to follow). Notices Art/Theology/Pilgrimage Tour 10 - 18 November Fr David will be leading a group of seventeen parishioners to the churches and galleries of Italy which house paintings by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Fr David will speak on the spiritual content and contemporary issues reflected in the paintings. The group has been offered a number of churches for the celebration of the Eucharist. Please keep this group in your prayers. The Group The next session will be on Tuesday 11 November at the Basement Rooms, London Road. 5.30pm until 7.00pm. Advent Fayre Saturday 15 November 10.00am - 12.00pm at the Norfolk Centre, Mill Road, Arundel. In aid of the preservation of St Leonard’s Church at South Stoke. There will be a Christmas Raffle and many stalls where you can find a bargain. Come and relax with coffee, tea and cakes! Life on the Line An illustrated talk on life in the fishing villages of Tamil Nadu telling of the trials and triumphs of life in the Tsunami-hit villages of Southern India and the difference being made by the grassroots charity FEAST. This free event is on Thursday 20 November at 7.30pm at the Burpham Village Hall. Refreshments will be available. Advent Book Review, St Leonard’s Church This will form part of the 3.00 pm Evensong Service at South Stoke, on 23 November, to which you are most welcome. Dr Linda Rockall (former Medical Director of Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust, and currently Chairman of the Trustees of Worthing Churches Homeless Project) will be sharing details of Christian literature which she has selected as being of personal significance on her journey of faith. Following the Service, the congregation are invited to an informal tea in the farmhouse (courtesy of Reg and Jill Haydon). Hanover Band Lecture Series - Handel’s Messiah The former Dean of Chichester Cathedral, The Very Revd Nicholas Frayling, will be exploring the link between Handel’s Messiah and the King James Bible ahead of the performance of this masterpiece by The Hanover Band on Saturday 6 December in St Nicholas Church. The talk is on Thursday 27 November at 7pm at the Arundel Town Hall and will be followed by a two course-supper and a question and answer session. Tickets are £30 and are available from Chichester Tickets or in person from The Cloisters Shop, Chichester Cathedral. St Nicholas Church Supper Series Enjoy a three-course supper inspired by the paintings of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, accompanied by an illustrated talk by Fr David and Chris Monaghan. Tickets are limited and are on sale after the 10am service or from the Parish Office and cost £30.00. The supper will be held at St Nicholas on Saturday 29 November at 7.00pm. The Big Sing for Christian Aid 2014 The annual Big Sing to raise funds and awareness for Christian Aid at Christmas, will take place in St Nicholas Church on Sunday 14 December at 6pm. Anyone who would like to join the merry troupe of singers and players would be most welcome and should speak to Terry Tunmore after the Sunday Service. Please put the date in your diary to come and join this great big singalong, which will be followed by mince pies and mulled wine. Ecumenical Prayer Group The ‘PowerPoint’ Ecumenical Prayer Group meets every Monday afternoon from 2.15pm until about 3.00pm. The November Meetings will be held at St Nicholas, and the December Meetings will be at the Cashman Room, Cathedral Centre. Christmas Cards Christmas Cards with a picture of St Nicholas’ Church are once again available at the back of the Church. They cost £2.50 for a pack of ten cards.
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