Nick’s News – Please take this home October 19 , 2014

The Anglican Church of St. Nicholas
1512 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 1R7
To contact the wardens directly, email: [email protected]
Prayers for the Week
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering persevere in prayer.” Rom 12: 12
For the world:
For all those suffering in the midst of war, civil unrest or disaster
For the Global Church: The Church of Uganda
For the Diocese: Food Banks & Food Sharing Ministries
Parish Ministries: The ministry of our Greeters
Parish Families: Mary Kearney & Bill O’Brien, Mary Kennard, May Kennington
The sick or those in need: Doug Goss, Jack & Eleanor Watkinson, Joe Parum, Jean
Badour, Joan Clarke, Bill O’Brien, Joe MacPherson, Jodi Harris, Mary Harris, Eileen
Mason, Mabel Hogan, Doone Warner; Marie-Luise Lister, Vern Howarth.
And all those living with chronic problems, our housebound parishioners and their caregivers
Special Prayer:
Thanksgivings: We offer thanks for the Baptism of Matteo James Baron, grandson
of Janet and Bob Baron, and pray for him as he is welcomed
into the body of Christ.
We offer thanks for the birth of Makai Anthony Campbell, a
great-grandson for Jean DePeiza
Prayers – If you desire prayers for yourself, family, or friends, please contact the
prayer chain. Members of the prayer chain will uphold your name(s) in daily prayer
for 30 days. please contact Elaine Fisher at 416- 281-9659.
Daily Devotions – Copies of Forward Day by Day are also available at the back of
the church. This devotion includes a short passage of scripture, a brief reflection
and a prayer focus for each day of the week.
If you are new to our parish, or you are visiting, please complete this form and
place it on the Offering plate, or give it to one of the Sidespeople at the back of
the church. Thank you for your presence.
□ Yes, I would like to receive a call / visit from the Clergy
□ Yes, I would like to financially support the ongoing ministry of the Parish
Newcomer / Visitor Form
Yes, I would like more information about St. Nicholas
Postal Code___________________ Phone#__________________________
e-mail address ________________________________________________
Nick’s News – Please take this home
October 19th, 2014
The 19th Sunday after Pentecost
We warmly welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please introduce yourself to the
clergy, fill out the “Newcomer/Visitor” Information form (on the back of this bulletin) and place it
in the offertory plate. Please also join us for refreshments following the 10:30 am service
The Rev’d. Janet Read-Hockin is available for conversations about life or faith, and to
respond to concerns, rumours, pastoral situations and pastoral emergencies. Please don’t
hesitate to contact her via email at [email protected] or by calling the church
office at 416-691-0449 ext. 223 or in the case of a pastoral emergency at 416-648-1418.
Thank you.
Please note: LARGE PRINT bulletins and Announcements sheets for
the 10:30 a.m. Service are available at the back of the Church.
This Week at St. Nicholas’…
12:15 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
After Coffee Hour
Parish Council Meeting
Morning Prayer
Holy Eucharist
Bible Study
Morning Prayer
Choir Practice
Bible Study
Alzheimer’s Society Men’s Cooking & Support Group
Said Eucharist
Sung Eucharist
Bazaar Set Up
Scripture Readings for Sunday, October 26th
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Deuteronomy 34 1-12 Psalm 90: 1-6, 13-17 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8 Matthew 22: 34-46
Gluten free wafers are available for communion. To indicate your need, please pick up a purple
card from a sidesperson. With the purple card in your hand at the altar rail, the communion
minister will know that you require a gluten free wafer.
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination or age, are invited to receive Communion in
the Anglican Church. If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine, please come to the Altar,
and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing.
The Offertory: During the Offertory, we offer many things to God. We offer the bread and wine of
the Eucharist. We also offer ourselves—our cares and concerns, our joys and our sorrows, our
time, our talent, and our treasure.
Children are welcome at St. Nicholas’! Children are invited to attend our Church School
Program downstairs during the 10:30am service. Activity bags for children are available at the
back of the church or from the sidespeople.
LOOKING AHEAD…more info in paragraphs below
Oct 28 & Nov 11
Nov 1
Nov 2
Nov 8
Nov 9
Nov 11
Nov 28
Nov 30
Dec 6
Dec 14
Free Adult Community Lunch Program
The Bazaar
All Saints Day
Parish Breakfast
Remembrance Sunday
Passage and a Pint at the Tara Inn
Advent Women’s Quiet Day
Advent Wreath Making & Pot Luck Lunch
Family Christmas Dinner Dance
Service of Lessons & Carols followed by Pot Luck Dinner
Bazaar News Saturday November 1st from Noon-3p.m.
. Next Sunday, please begin to bring in your items for the Bazaar. We will be setting up
Robinson Hall following coffee hour. Your help would be much appreciated, especially if you
are able to move tables!!
Baked goods are needed for our very popular bake table. Please list ingredients if you can,
our customers often ask what is in things, especially nuts, but raisins and coconut are often
asked about too. Brian & Betsy have pastry available if you would like it to make pies or
tarts. Please give them a call at the number below. Also…..sandwiches and squares are
needed for the tea room. If you haven’t had a call from Barb Betts yet, you will! But if you
don’t get the call, and you are able to, please consider making a loaf of sandwiches, or a pan
of squares or cookies. Nothing gooey or needing a fork please.
There are many, many ways that you can help with the Bazaar, which is the
main fundraiser for St. Nicholas’ Church. If you would like to help but are not sure what
you can do, speak to Suzanne, Julia, or Brian. You can contact Brian Jones at 416- 694-3633
The 5 week Bible Study entitled “And it was good: Responding to God’s Gift of Creation”
concludes with the sessions on Wednesday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. and on Friday, October
24 at 10:00 a.m. The theme of week five is “Creation Groans in Painful Hope”. We will be
exploring the passages: Romans 8: 12-27 and 2 Peter 3: 1-13. Please join us if you can.
All are invited to read and reflect on the passages at home. Please talk to Joan Wilson, our
theological student, if you have questions.
Advent Quiet Day - our annual Women’s Quiet day is being planned, Sr. Elizabeth will be
the facilitator and the date will be November 28, at St. John’s Convent. The Sign-up sheet
is on the Manderley Bulletin board.
Prayer Conference “Abiding in the Word of God” Emma Marsh, October 25 at St. John’s
York Mills. A day of worship, learning, fellowship and prayer. For more info, see the poster on
the bulletin board, or speak to Mavis for registration information.
The Feast of All Saints – Sunday, November 2nd As we prepare to celebrate the feast
of All Saints you are invited to offer the names of those who have died, and are close to
your heart, whom you would like to have remembered. Please add the individual names to
the list at the back of the church before the service begins. The written names will be
presented as part of the offertory on Sunday November 2nd . On Wednesday November
5th during our midweek service celebrating All Souls the written names will be read aloud.
A special Remembrance Sunday Service will be held on Sunday, November 9th. To
help us in our act of remembrance, please bring a photo or keepsake of your family
members or friends who have served, or are serving, in the Armed Forces. A display table
will be placed in the East Transept, and small index cards will be provided so that you can
note the name of the individual and their relationship to you. This year, at our 10:30 a.m.
Service, we will hear personal reflections from members of St. Nicholas about the cost of
Outreach Update
The Alzheimer’s Society and St. Nicholas’ are hosting a Men’s Cooking and
Support Group. (Parish co-ordinator, Pauline Glasgow with special thanks to Jan
Main for preparing the menus!) The final session will be held this Friday, October 24 th
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Very special thanks to all those who helped with this very
important ministry.
The Adult Community Lunch and Fellowship will continue Tuesday, October
28th from 11a.m. - 1p.m. and will continue every second Tuesday until the end of
May. (Parish co-ordinator, Sonia Halloran) All adults are welcome to attend and we
are particularly hoping to continue to reach out to those in need within the wider Birch
Cliff community. If you can help with this initiative by providing food or providing
oversight, please contact Sonia at [email protected] or call the Church Office.
The Amazing Christmas Feast will take place on Sunday, December 21st from 4
– 8 p.m. (Parish co-ordinator, Ken Campbell) Once again, St. Nicholas will be joining
together with Wimpy’s Diner and Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre (BBNC) to
reach out to those in need at Christmas.
St. Nicholas is now offering online donations as part of our parish
offerings program. Just click on the donate now button on our church website
and you will be taken to our secure Canada Helps charity account. The easy
to follow instructions allows you to make a donation using your credit card
(great idea for those who like to collect points!) Want to give in memory of a loved one? Just
add a message, available on the payment page and Canada Helps will send a note
(excluding the amount of the donation) to the church.