WELCOME, GUESTS! Please know how glad we are to have everyone, especially our visitors, with us today. If you are looking for a spiritual home, prayerfully consider Wesley Church. Here you will find a community of persons committed to encouraging one another in the walk of faith and in growing together. If you are new among us, we invite you to complete a yellow welcome card located in a pew rack. You may provide as much information as you wish and then place the card in the offering plate. We are pleased that you are here! 2014 STEWARDSHIP REPORT (11/02/2014) Pre-assembled shoeboxes are ready for the taking! Stop by the Shoebox display in the foyer for a shoebox and information on how to fill it. We are hoping that Wesley will donate 140 boxes, same as last year. Next Sunday, November 16th all filled shoeboxes brought in will be blessed at both services. Emily Jones, coordinator for this mission project, will be delivering all filled shoeboxes that are here at Wesley during the official collection week of November 17th thru 21st. Weekly Financial Report Weekly Goal $9,001.18 Income Received $9,791.82 Weekly Difference $790.64 Greeters (8:30) Greeters (11:00) Scripture Reader (8:30 a.m.) Scripture Reader (11:00 a.m.) Acolytes (8:30) THANKSGIVING BASKET SIGN-UPS VETERANS RECOGNITION & RECEPTION Stop by the Lecture Room today or next Sunday, November 16th after both worship services to sign-up for the Thanksgiving Basket mission outreach that supports families of Scott’s Run. We hope to reach 50 baskets, so far we are up to 24. The bulletin insert lists all the information Wesley collected on it’s veterans. We are very grateful for their service to our country. On the back of the insert is the list of deceased loved ones honored for All Saint’s Sunday. Today, directly following the second service, there will be a reception in the Lecture room. Join us for refreshments and fellowship! THANKSGIVING DINNER November 27th will be the 6th anniversary of the Community-wide Free Thanksgiving Dinner at Wesley. Volunteers have come from Wesley and other churches in the area to the dinner. This dinner is not just a Wesley ministry, but has indeed truly become a community project. For those who wish to volunteer or financially support the project, please contact Karen Kelley King at [email protected] or call 304-282-8478. Our success depends heavily upon the unselfishness of our volunteers and the generous support of our contributors. Restaurants and grocery stores have provided most of the product needed to prepare the meal. OUTREACH & EVANGELISM TEAM MEETING Directly following the second service the Outreach & Evangelism Team will be holding a meeting in the sanctuary under the bell ringer balcony. All are welcome to join us! WOMEN’S PRAYER FELLOWSHIP On Monday, November 10th all Wesley women are welcome to join in the Women’s Prayer Fellowship meeting at Mickey Baker’s home, 655 Lashley Street beginning at 7:45 a.m. United Methodist Church Gene and Joetta Stephen 503 N. High Street Morgantown, WV 26505 304-292-9485 Website: Jennifer Caradine Cameron Weaver Catharine Caradine Acolytes (11:00) Shelby Davis Wesley Davis Memorial Bell Ringers Justin Beeson Blake Forcina Cyndi Goellner Ushers Dennis Chambers, Cindy Chambers, Dick Johnson, Kaz Koike, Alan Waters, Brad Davis, Hal Shamberger, Gene Stephen, Bruce Anderson, Steve VanHorn, Frances Van Scoy, Roger Fuller, Steve Stroupe and Karl Yagle www.wesleymorgantown.org Email: [email protected] WESLEY’S VISION STATEMENT “Our vision as the body of Christ at Wesley Church is to be a dynamic, spirit-filled congregation serving the community and world through the transforming love of Jesus.” TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST November 9, 2014 Year-To-Date Financial Report Total Receipts $352,549.72 Year-to-Date deficit to Budget ($43,502.20) Weekly Need to Meet Budget $14,438.96 We are making strides in our efforts to reduce our budget deficit. With your continued help we are making a difference in the lives of people through our mission and ministry. Your help is still needed and any extra effort you can make would be greatly appreciated!!! Wesley Wesley Staff and Worship Leaders 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. ORDER OF WORSHIP (* Those who are able are invited to stand.) MARY-JANE ENGLISH MEMORIAL BELLS WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE “Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly/Navy Hymn” Having been on the music scene since 1996, Miss Freddye started her own band in Aug. 2002. Her genres of music include blues, R&B, and gospel. Her tours have included western and central Pa, West Virginia, and Ohio. In 2008, she won the Appalachian Blues competition in WV, and represented West Virginia in Memphis, TN. In 2009. Then in 2012, she won the Blues Society of Western Pa blues competition as a solo/duo act and returned to Memphis, TN in 2013! She has shared the main stage with the the following performers; Mississippi Heat, Janiva Magness, Eden Brent, and Bettye Lavette. Along with her tours, Miss Freddye has performed at numerous blues festivals including: The Pittsburgh Blues Fest, The Riverside Bluesfest in Elkins, Charlie West Blues Fest in Charleston, The Heritage Music and Blues festival in Wheeling, The Charlie West Blues Festival, Charleston, and the Sharon PA Blues Festival. Her first CD released in Sept. 2010 under the record label "Bonedog Records". She and her band will offer classic gospel, blues, and R & B tunes tonight...Everyone welcome! WINTER WEATHER POSSE On Saturday, November 15th volunteers are needed to help serve the senior citizens in Monongalia County weatherizing their homes and yards for the winter at no cost to the homeowner. If you know of any senior citizen that could benefit from this project please contact Eleanor Green at 304-685-7658. We are always happy for additional helping hands! CHILI’S GIVE-BACK EVENT On Sunday, November 16th starting at 11:00 a.m. thru 10:00 p.m. Chilis will sponsor a Give-Back Event on behalf of the Wesley’s Community Wide Thanksgiving Dinner. Customers only have to mention to the server that they are there on behalf of the Wesley Community Thanksgiving dinner. This event helps raise much needed funds that are used for the meal and table decorations. *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Are you awake? Are you alert? People: Christ is coming into our lives in a new way. Leader: Are you watching the signs? Are you interpreting what is happening today? People: Christ is coming into our lives in a new way. Leader: Do you see opportunities for ministry? Do you see the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the needy? People: Christ is coming into our lives in a new way. Leader: Come, let us worship and let us work in the reign of God. People: Christ has extended the invitation: let us work together in the reign of God on earth. *HYMN 540 “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” OPENING PRAYER Redeeming God, come and heal our lives this day. Open our hearts to receive your words of hope and joy that we may become faithful servants of yours in this world which you have loaned to us. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. *WORDS AND ACTS OF WELCOME WORD IN MUSIC (11:00 a.m.) “Keep Your Lamps!” Chancel Choir Thomas CHILDREN’S MESSAGE JOB POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT HONORING OUR VETERANS OFFERTORY “Arlington” Trace Adkins *PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS PASTORAL PRAYER DOXOLOGY 94 THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. HYMN OF PREPARATION 2130 “The Summons” SCRIPTURE LESSON MESSAGE MATTHEW 25:1-13; N.T. PAGE 26 “Are You Ready?” Pastor Mike INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP *HYMN 722 “I Want to Be Ready” *SENDING FORTH *CHORAL BENEDICTION (11:00 a.m.) Dykes “Lord God of Hosts” Chancel Choir *POSTLUDE “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” Martin Luther ALTAR GUILD The flowers on the altar are for the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Floyd Brooks and Marjorie “Tommy” Cox, Jr. given by their family, Liz (Cox), Brian, and Morgan Buckley. PRAYER FOCUS THE BIBLE TELLS US HOW RARE IT IS SOMEONE WOULD GIVE THEIR LIFE FOR ANYONE MUCH LESS GIVE THEIR LIFE FOR TOTAL STRANGERS. WE ARE ALL BENEFACTORS OF THE SACRIFICE THAT OUR SERVICE WOMEN AND MEN HAVE MADE AND ARE MAKING ON OUR BEHALF. TAKE TIME TO THANK GOD FOR OUR VETERANS, ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY PERSONNEL, AND FOR THOSE WHO "GAVE ALL" FOR YOU AND ME. IN JESUS NAME, AMEN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th “An Old Friend: Part 2” w/ Pastor Val and Wesley’s Praise Team Come as you are to Wesley 5:35. Bring your prayers, your doubts, your worries, and your joy to God. Worship through Word, song, and fellowship with a community of believers sharing the journey with you. Walk right in to Wesley 5:35 every Saturday at 5:35 p.m.! Praise Team Director for Contemporary Service Praise Team Director for contemporary service wanted to prepare and lead weekly rehearsals and services with volunteer musicians. Qualifications: Musical expertise and training required with ability to arrange music to suit teams needs. Music Degree preferred. Should be a Committed Christian with knowledge of contemporary Christian Music. Interested and qualified persons send letter with contact information and resume to –Wesley United Methodist Church, 503 North High Street, Morgantown, WV 26505, Attention: SPRC (copies of the complete job description for Praise Team Directory can be found in the Lecture Room). These soft, attractive head FARMER’S coverings, which are interwoven with the prayers MARKET Davis Gym: of our ministry, are handmade and to be given Saturday, to women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments. Sizes for children may be requested. November 22 11:00 a.m. Stop by the Lecture Room to see the Comfort 1:00 p.m. Caps display. Several styles of caps are available, Saturdays for your use or for a friend, and we kindly ask that you sign the registry when you take from the December 6th & December 20th supply. COMFORT CAPS: Every year the story of Christmas is told and retold. But how much of its timeless message do we really understand? This Advent and Christmas season you are invited to explore the wonder, beauty and truth of the Christmas story through the eyes and hearts of those who were a part of this magnificent event. Join us each week as we search for "The Heart of Christmas". First Sunday of Advent November 30th Second Sunday of Advent December 7th Third Sunday of Advent December 14th ONE Service Only 11 a.m. Advent Orchestra & Program Advent Brunch Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21st WESLEY’S TRADITION CONTINUES Advent Orchestra Players Needed!! Wesley Church will continue the long standing tradition of our Advent Orchestra during our program on S u n d a y , December 14, 2014. We need all instrumental players (who have played at LEAST 2 years) to come and join us and share your talent. Please sign-up on the sheets on the bulletin board in the Lecture Room. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 10th for rehearsal and Sunday, December 14th for rehearsal and the program. Music will be available by Sunday, November 23rd. Plan to be a part of our tradition! For more information, please cont act Lya St r oupe at [email protected] or 304292-2888. This Week at Wesley Sunday, November 9 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. VETERAN’S SUNDAY Worship Service, Nursery Available Sunday School (children), Davis Gym Worship Service, Nursery Available Outreach & Evangelism Meeting, Under Bell Ringer balcony - Sanctuary 4:00 p.m. Circle of Friends, Davis Gym 6:00 p.m. Concerts in the Loft, Davis Gym 7:00 p.m. YoungLife Leader Meeting, Lecture Room Monday, November 10 7:45 a.m. Women’s Prayer Fellowship, Mickey Baker’s home, 655 Lashley Street 1:30 a.m. Heritage Bible Study, the Village 7:00 p.m. Davis Gym Reserved Tuesday, November 11 VETERANS DAY 6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Davis Gym Reserved Wednesday, November 12 5:30 9:30 p.m. Davis Gym Reserved 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice, Sanctuary Thursday, November 13 8:30 a.m. Construction Meeting, Lecture Room 7:45 p.m. Praise Team, Davis Gym Friday, November 14 7:00 a.m. YoungLife Leader Meeting, 3rd Floor Saturday, November 15 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sanctuary & Davis Gym Reserved 5:35 p.m. WESLEY 5:35 Contemporary Service, Davis Gym PRAYER CONCERNS (Please contact the church office to place name on the Prayer Concern list) Reverend Richard and Leanna Wright, Vonceil Farr, Chris Phillips, Mary Susan Dadisman, Mary Davis, Stan Farr, Henry and Margaret Hartman, and Cindy Ritchie. PRAYER REQUEST CARDS (All prayer requests are sent directly to Prayer Ministry) Wesley welcomes prayer -- whether it is spoken or written. In each pew a prayer request card is available for you to write your prayer needs. Place your prayer card in the offering plate or in the church office. Prayer requests will be shared with our Prayer Ministry Team unless marked confidential. “Rejoice always; Pray without ceasing; In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 PRAYER MINISTRY Prayer support happens in many forms at Wesley Church. If you know of someone who needs prayers from Wesley’s Prayer Team please contact the Church office, Pastor Mike or Mickey Baker of the Women’s Prayer Fellowship at (304) 599-8370. This ministry has many prayer partners ready to pray for you. PRAYER BOX Do you have a worry or concern too close to your heart to share with others? Take it to the Lord in prayer. You are invited to write your concern on a slip of paper, which you will find in the back of the sanctuary, in front of our beautiful stained glass window of Christ and His apostles. You may drop it into the sealed box, which is nearby, with the full assurance that no human eyes will ever read it. The very act of expressing it on paper is another way of reaching out in faith to our All-sufficient God.
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