1 October 31, 2014 INSIDE CHARLESTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Teaching character, compassion, and confidence to the youth of West Virginia for over 90 years Dear parents and students: In the last several months, I have had the pleasure of visiting with alumni from the classes of 1954, 1964, 1974, and 1994 as they gathered for class reunions. Several members of the classes toured the school building to reminisce and to get a feel for the present day happenings at Charleston Catholic. How entertaining it is to hear tales of chemistry class experiments, locker room hijinks, and class plays on the stage in the gym! What is most heartwarming is to see the relationships and connections that still exist among these former classmates years and years after they graduated. Many are not in contact with each other regularly, but the ease with which they fall back into the relationships of their younger years is noticeable, interjecting over each other to add details to a story about what the nuns caught them doing. As we wander around the school building, I share tidbits of our current student body- 100% college acceptance, high rates of National Merit Semi-Finalists (the class of 1964 boasted an impressive 9% of the class earning National Merit honors!), the levels of extracurricular involvement and athletic successes, the students’ commitment to community service. The pride in their alma mater is evident. Many of them remark that Charleston Catholic played a significant role in where they went in life and all they have accomplished. Many told me stories of the small, kind gestures, the “little things”, that their teachers and classmates had done for them- things that they still remember today- 20, 40, 50, and 60 years after they graduated. We never know what effect our words and actions will have on another person. As we interact with each other on a daily basis, may we be conscious of the impact we have. May we treat each other in ways that we will be proud of 50 years from now, and may we build relationships that will endure the tests of time and distance. Warmly, Colleen Hoyer CONDOLENCES -- We express our sympathy to a number of our students and their families who have lost loved ones recently. May the souls of the departed rest in peace: Nicole Archer’s maternal grandfather, Payton and Mills Mullen’s maternal uncle, Madison and Lia Moore’s maternal grandmother, Samantha and Erin Hoyer’s maternal grandmother, Evie Bastin’s paternal grandfather, Will Strickland’s maternal great grandfather, longtime CCHS supporter and former SHGS teacher Sally Crowley, and cook Diana Reynolds’ husband. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers. FIRST QUARTER REPORT CARDS ARE ENCLOSED – Please take note of grades and teacher comments and discuss both with your child. Teachers have given students printouts with details of first quarter grades. Quarter grade point averages are included on the current report card. Keep in mind that the cumulative grade point average is based solely on semester grades. The cumulative GPA reported on the current report card is a student’s grade point average as of June 2014. Freshmen and sixth graders do not have cumulative GPAs at this time but will have one at the end of the first semester. Reported absences are full-day absences, i.e., 3+ periods absent in a day. IF YOUR CHILREN’S GRADES ARE NOT WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE – Start by reviewing the printed grade sheets prepared by the teachers and sent home with your children. Do you see zeroes or points recorded for one-half of the total possible? Zeroes often indicate that an 2 assignment/homework/paper/etc. was not turned in at all or was turned in more than one day late. If a teacher accepts late work, work is accepted one day late for 50% credit of the score the student would have earned (e.g., if a paper was worth 100 points and the student earned 80 of those points, turning in the paper one day late turns that grade into a 40.). If work is turned in two days late, the assignment earns 0 points. Assignment notebooks are tremendously helpful in assisting students as they manage their multiple responsibilities. Encourage your students to write down their assignments so they are able to stay on top of their homework! PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES –If you haven’t already done so, please call the school office to make your appointment. Parent conferences for all grades are scheduled for Wednesday, November 5, from 8 a.m. to noon; 1 to 5 p.m.; and 6 to 9 p.m. There will be no school for students on this day. Feel free to call individual teachers at school and talk to them on the phone if you cannot meet with them during conference day or if you need to talk with them at other times. If you have serious concerns about your child’s progress, a 5 to 10 minute conference may be insufficient. In such cases you will need to call the teacher(s) involved and have an additional conversation via phone. Teachers will begin conferences by asking you what you would like to know about your child. You will have just received the first quarter report card so your questions might focus on organizational things (e.g., is child prepared for class, submitting work on time, etc.), social aspects (e.g., getting along socially, asking content-specific questions, etc.), or on comments made on the report card. PLEASE BE ON TIME AND BE CONSIDERATE OF PARENTS WAITING FOR THEIR DESIGNATED APPOINTMENTS. 1) 6th grade parents will meet with 6th grade teachers --Mrs. Park, Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Dorsey and Mrs. Welch– during 30 minute sessions. Parents are scheduled on the half-hour, e.g., 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, etc. All meetings will take place in the library where the teachers will set up in separate locations in the room. On the half-hour, four sets of parents having that time period as their appointment will enter the library. Each set of parents will begin with one of the teachers. Parents will rotate to the next teacher at specific intervals. At the 30-minute mark, those parents must leave the library and four new sets of parents will begin their rotation. 2) 7th and 8th grade parents will meet with each teacher (Mrs. Pile, Mrs. Erby, Mrs. Zboinski, Mrs. O’Leary, and Mr. Shindle) during 30 minute sessions. Parents are scheduled on the half-hour, e.g., 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, etc. Parents will wait outside the school office until their conference time. Meetings will take place in the Commons where the teachers will set up in separate locations in the room. On the half-hour, five sets of parents having that time period as their appointment will enter the Commons. Each set of parents will begin with one of the teachers. After designated intervals, the parents will rotate to the next teacher, and so on. At the 30-minute mark, those parents must leave the area and the five new sets of parents will begin their rotation. Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Dorsey, who will be meeting with the 6th grade parents, will provide written information to 7th and 8th grade parents attending conferences. 3) High school parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at 10 minute intervals with individual teachers in their classrooms. WV SMART 529- Jonathan Matuskiewicz and Glenn English, of New York Life, and David Garcia, of The Hartford’s SMART529 College Savings Program, will be at school to provide free consultations and advice about the SMART529 program on November 5 during parent conference times. You do not need to make an appointment- just stop in the second floor computer lab and touch base! HOMEWORK CLINIC- Middle school science teacher Toni Erby offers this structured, teachersupervised time dedicated to distraction-free homework completion and study. The clinic meets in Mrs. Erby’s room on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3-4 p.m. The cost is $10 per session. ADDRESS CHANGES -- If there are mistakes on address labels, please notify Mrs. Lovejoy in the school office so corrections may be made. 3 MOODLE – Don’t forget to check the CCHS Course Extranet (Moodle) on the CCHS website! Teachers are posting dates for quizzes, tests, and major assignments. Stay informed with this invaluable tool – you’ll be amazed at what you can learn! Check Monday evenings and double-check Wednesday for any assignment updates. FIRST SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE – Although we’ve just finished the first quarter, it’s time to look ahead to December’s exams. Keep in mind that we administer exams before Christmas, but the semester does not close until January 16. From January 5 through 16, teachers will be covering new material which will be calculated into the second quarter and first semester grade. All classes have exams and exams must be taken at the scheduled times. If we have a two-hour delay due to weather, we will start that day’s exams at 10 a.m. and school will be dismissed at 1:15 p.m. If school is cancelled on any exam day due to weather, exams for that day will take place on the next day the school is open, even if it means pushing exams to January 5. IN THE EVENT OF ANY WEATHER-RELATED CHANGES, CHECK THE SCHOOL WEBSITE OR TWITTER FEED FOR UP-TO-THEMINUTE INFORMATION. Students should prepare for exams by reviewing past tests and quizzes, using study guides, rereading notes and homework/class assignments, reworking math problems, and so on. First semester report cards will be mailed no later than Monday, January 26, 2015. Sixth grade: Wednesday, 12/17 Thursday, 12/18 Friday, 12/19 Seventh grade: Wednesday, 12/17 Thursday, 12/18 Friday, 12/19 Eighth grade: Wednesday, 12/17 Thursday, 12/18 Friday, 12/19 High school: Tuesday, 12/16 Wednesday, 12/17 Thursday, 12/18 Friday, 12/19 exams for periods 1 and 2; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 5 and 7; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 3 and 8; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 1 and 2; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 5 and 7; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 4 and 8; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 1 and 2; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 5 and 7; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 3 and 8; 11:15 dismissal exam for period 1 (8 – 9:30 a.m.); 2:45 dismissal exams for periods 4 and 6; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 2 and 7; 11:15 dismissal exams for periods 3 and 8; 11:15 dismissal PRIDE IN OUR STUDENTS – is a given. Expectations for them – academically and personally – are quite high, as they should be. Students with less than satisfactory conduct grades (i.e., N’s or U’s) on progress and report cards will be assigned lunch detention or will lose off campus lunch privileges. Administrators will notify and work with students when such incidents occur and will set expectations needed to regain these privileges. KROGER CARES BECOMES KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS-- Effective September 1, 2014, Kroger has started a new fundraising program to replace the Kroger Cares program. It is called Kroger Community Rewards. The process is even simpler than before! Instead of using the pre-paid gift cards, now all you have to do is complete a one-time online registration of your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card, use the card when you checkout, and Charleston Catholic will receive a check from Kroger on a quarterly basis. To register your card, go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and use the Charleston Catholic organization number 83696. Be sure you have your Kroger Plus card available when you register. Kroger Plus Cards are available at the Customer Service desk at any Kroger. What an easy way to raise funds for CCHS without costing you a penny! LOOKING AHEAD TO OUR ANNUAL APPEAL Our annual appeal letter will be mailed in November. As you well know, a Charleston Catholic education leaves an indelible mark that pays rewards 4 throughout a lifetime. We ask your help in providing the quality education that is synonymous with Charleston Catholic. As you consider charitable opportunities during this season of giving, please consider a financial gift to Charleston Catholic. Your support is sincerely appreciated. CCHS LIMITED EDITION FIESTAWARE COFFEE MUGS –CCHS partnered with the Homer Loughlin China Company in Newell, WV, to offer a bit of West Virginia memorabilia. A limited supply remains of the Fiestaware shamrock green mugs with white lettering on the inside rim spelling out Charleston Catholic. They make wonderful gifts and cost $12. To purchase a mug, stop by the office or send $12 per mug to the school office (attention: Corrie Lovejoy). VIRTUS– Be sure you’re ready to help! All parents or other adults who volunteer, coach, drive students, chaperone, etc., are required by the Diocese to complete the diocesan sexual abuse awareness training before being allowed to work with our students. Complete the training online. On the CCHS website, go to the “Links” dropdown menu and choose VIRTUS registration. At the VIRTUS website, go to Options, scroll down and choose online. Allow 1- 1½ hours to complete the program. Print out the certificate of completion and submit it to Mr. Villers. It is still necessary to complete the background check and sexual abuse awareness statement which can be done by clicking on the PVA tab and then clicking volunteer forms at the school website at www.charlestoncatholic-crw.org. FLU VACCINE --The Kanawha County Health Department administered flu shots to our students and teachers in October with a large percentage taking advantage of this opportunity. Many thanks to the Health Department for its efforts to help keep us healthy! Hand washing is another way we can all do our part to stay healthy this winter. CHARLESTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL SKI CLUB 2014-15 (grades 6 – 12) -- Ski dates: January 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11 (February 18 make-up date) - Optional parent information meeting - Tuesday, December 9, at 6:00 p.m. in CCHS library. - Mandatory student meeting – Wednesday, January 7, at 3:00 p.m. Students will receive an overview of rules and responsibilities. - Buses will leave school for Winterplace promptly at 3:30 p.m. and return to CCHS at 10:30 p.m. - Ski Club members are expected to be on time when leaving CCHS and when leaving Winterplace. Students must be on the buses at Winterplace by 9:00 p.m. - Please be on time to pick up your children. Buses drop off in front of Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral so please do not park on this side of the street. - The decision to cancel Ski Club because of weather will be made the day of the trip by 11:00 a.m. Additional Wednesdays will be added to the end of the season if trips are cancelled due to weather. If school is cancelled on a Wednesday because of snow, do not assume we will cancel Ski Club. Conditions are probably good for skiing and, if it is possible to transport the students safely, we will have Ski Club. Check the CCHS website www.charlestoncatholic-crw.org for the final word. - Cost: $235 for shaped skis or, if you are bringing your own equipment; $305 for rental of blades or snowboard. These amounts include lift tickets and transportation for all five dates. Lessons are available for every level of skier each Wednesday at no extra cost. Students renting equipment from Winterplace must complete a liability form in its entirety, including credit card information. This form will be given to students after they register for ski club. - Helmets are strongly encouraged. - Students must submit ski club contract and a medical emergency form. These forms will be available by November 14. Forms and fees must be returned to school by December 16. CLAY COUNTY CHRISTMAS PROJECT— Each year approximately 500 children and their families are served through this long-standing (27 years!) project which highlights the bond between families in Clay County and the CCHS/ SHGS community. The entire school is involved in the project: getting stockings, providing stocking stuffers and gifts for specific children, stuffing stockings, bagging gifts by family, loading 5 trucks, and on and on. Parents and businesses willing to donate goods or funds should contact the school office -- cash donations are needed to assist with extra stocking stuffers, a special something extra for the food boxes, and miscellaneous needs. Many thanks to CCHS alum Dickinson Gould of Buzz Products for continuing to provide trucks and drivers to transport everything to the party site. The party will take place in Clay County on Saturday, December 6. The timeline for the Clay County Christmas Project is: 1) Tuesday, November 18 - $2 jeans day - to raise money for photo paper and ink -- each Clay County child gets his/her picture taken with Santa during our party! 2) Tuesday, November 25 (at the latest)- Students will receive the name and other information about their Clay County children. Students are asked to purchase a $35 gift. Please do not exceed the $35 limit. Try to hit right at the mark! It is very difficult on families when children within the same family do not receive "equitable" gifts. If a CCHS student is unable to participate in this aspect of the Clay County Christmas Project, please alert Mrs. Susan Malinoski, Assistant Principal for Student Affairs. Parents wishing to help with gifts for additional children are encouraged to inquire in the office. 3) Wednesday, November 26 - Stockings and stocking stuffers are due to theology teachers. We try to fill 500 stockings, so we count on each student to bring in the requested items. Each student needs to bring a 1214 inch stocking (about $2 from K-Mart) along with their grade level's stocking stuffer assignment. The dollar store is a great resource for these items. We are providing this information now so you can keep an eye out for bargains! Each 6th, 7th, and 8th grader: Two 12 to 14 inch stockings to be filled, 3 small boxes of crayons (8 or 16 count), 3 thin coloring books, 3 mechanical pencils, 2 chapsticks and 1 pair of stretchy gloves-one size fits all. Each high school student: One 12 to 14 inch stocking to be filled, 3 hairbrushes, 3 tubes of toothpaste, 3 toothbrushes individually packaged, 1 chapstick and 2 pair of stretchy gloves-one size fits all. EXTRA ITEMS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! 4) Wednesday, November 26- Food items are due -- Each homeroom will be preparing food boxes. Each student will be asked to provide specific food items. The majority of the food boxes are being provided by Sacred Heart Grade School children. CCHS students help fill the remainder of the boxes required by the number of families participating. Students will sign up for food items in their homerooms. 5) Tuesday, December 2 - Wrapped gifts are due with the family number and Clay County child's name securely taped on the front. 6) Various dates -- Our student activity groups, service clubs, and other student groups are also participating by donating cookies, candy canes, etc. These students will receive specific information from their sponsors. Thank you for your generosity to the children of Clay County! MRS. THOMAS’ TIDBITS – 1) SAT and ACT testing and registration information and registration is available online at -www.collegeboard.org and www.act.org (CCHS code: 490-205). 2) Class of 2015 (seniors) will need to complete their fine arts requirement by the end of the third quarter (March 20) and community service hours by May 8 in order to be considered for exam exemptions. 3) Seniors wanting their transcripts and recommendations submitted to the colleges before Christmas vacation must have their materials to Mrs. Thomas by Monday, November 3. 4) Mrs. Thomas handles college visit requests. Students should get the forms from her and return the completed forms to her at least 2 days before the trip. Seniors are allowed 2 college visit days; juniors are allowed 2 college visit days. College visits must be made before May 1. 5) AP tests are required of students enrolled in AP Art History, AP English 11 and 12, AP Human Geography, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB and BC, AP Computer Science, AP Economics, AP Physics, AP US Government and Politics, AP U.S. History, and AP World History. AP testing fees for these courses were included in registration fees. Students wishing to take AP tests for other courses (e.g., Spanish) may do so and must notify Mrs. Thomas in March. 6) We have had numerous college representatives visit with our high school students! So far we have had visits from the University of Southern California, Notre Dame, University of Alabama, Washington and Lee, 6 Wheeling-Jesuit, Transylvania, Vanderbilt, West Virginia State, Roanoke College, Salem College, Radford, Washington University, Xavier, and Centre College. Fairmont State will be here in November. High school students may visit with reps at lunchtime in the library. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about different colleges. 7) Scholarship information will be listed on the college counseling section of the website and is also available in Mrs. Thomas' office. 8) Wednesday, October 15 – sophomores and juniors took the PSAT (an SAT-predictor test as well as a qualifier for National Merit Scholarship for juniors only). Wednesday, October 29 - sophomores took PLAN, (an ACT-predictor test) and 8th graders took EXPLORE. 9) PROMISE scholarship and FAFSA deadline – March 1. Students must complete BOTH the PROMISE and the FAFSA applications in order to be considered for the PROMISE scholarship. Additionally, colleges and universities throughout the country use FAFSA information to determine scholarships and financial aid. Go towww.cfwv.com then Financial Aid Planning. 10) A financial aid representative from the Higher Education Policy Commission will be here to help parents of seniors fill out their child’s FAFSA Tuesday, 13 January at 6:00. (please note date change) 11) The Governor’s School for the Arts, July 6 – 26, will be accepting applicants for the upcoming experience at West Virginia Wesleyan College, an outstanding opportunity to help young artists develop their talents. Current sophomores who are interested should check the Governor’s School for the Arts website. Applications will be posted on the website (www.govschoolswv.gov) on November 1. The Governor’s School for Math and Science will offer a two week long summer program for current 7th and 8th graders who excel in math and science. Also, the Governor’s Honors Academy will offer a 3 week long summer camp to current juniors who are “outstanding scholars and school citizens.” Applications for all Governor’s School camps will be available at www.govschoolswv.org. 12) Check the website calendar and Twitter (Twitter ID: cchscollegeprep) for important dates, e.g., college rep visits, parents meetings, deadlines, etc. PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL SPORTS – To participate in athletic events, students must be in school for the full school day on the day of the scheduled activity. If a student is late or absent for any part of the day on a game day, that student is not permitted to play that day. This “full day” policy includes leaving school for appointments, so students need to avoid scheduling appointments during the school day. Students are also expected to be on time each morning following an athletic event. Students who have long standing medical appointments, family funerals to attend, or other similar instances may be excused at the discretion of Mr. Villers. Although suspensions are rare at CCHS, when a student is suspended at school, that student is also suspended from athletic practices, games, etc. for the FULL DAY on the day(s) suspended (i.e., if a student is suspended for a Tuesday, the suspension includes involvement in any school activities -- sports, social, etc. -- for Tuesday evening also). In addition, if a student is suspended for a Friday, the suspension holds for Friday evening but does not continue for Saturday unless the student is also suspended for Monday. CHEERLEADING CAMP—CCHS cheerleaders and coaches are hosting a cheerleading camp! On Saturday, December 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., girls in grades one through six are invited to become an Irish cheerleader for a day. They will learn techniques, cheers, jumps, and a dance. All participants will perform at the halftime show of the 4:00 p.m. high school girls’ basketball game that same day. The cost of $45 per camp participant includes a t-shirt and a special surprise. For more information, please email Kari Park at [email protected]. CCHS BASEBALL FAN GEAR 2015-- is now on sale through Friday, November 7. Order forms are available in the school office. BASEBALL SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER- The high school baseball team is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner, hosted by Paterno’s at the Park on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4-7p.m. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, bread, and drink (non-alcoholic). Take out is available, as is a cash bar. Desserts are available for donations, as well. Dinner tickets are adults - $10, seniors - $7, and children - $5. Tickets are 7 available from baseball team candidates and in the school office. Please make checks payable to “CCHS” (memo line: Baseball Spaghetti). Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Paterno’s at the Park while supporting our baseball program. TRAVEL—Students may not drive to school events, such as field trips or “away” athletic events, taking place at locations other than Charleston Catholic facilities or other designated “home” locations. Students must ride to and from the event with adults (age 21 or older) who have met the Diocesan requirements for field trip drivers. HOPE 2015 – Planning is underway for our 11th summer of HOPE in Clay County, WV. Our group of 50 juniors, seniors, college age alumni and adult work crew leaders will make significant repairs at the homes of 8-10 low income families and seniors in Clay County during the week of June 14-19, 2015. We need to raise $35,000 to purchase building materials to make these homes warmer, safer, and drier. Please consider making a tax deductible donation, 100% of which will go toward the purchase of construction supplies. Checks can be made payable to Charleston Catholic and sent to the school office to the attention of Bill Mehle, HOPE Coordinator, or donate online at www.charlestoncatholic-crw.org and search “Donate to HOPE.” NOTES FROM MS. LINEHAN, CAMPUS MINISTRY COORDINATOR – 1) On Sunday, October 26th, thirty-nine Charleston Catholic Middle School and High School students participated in Labor 4 Neighbors. Sponsored by the Charleston Vicariate, Labor 4 Neighbors brings local youth together in Coalburg, where they spend the whole day getting homes of the needy ready for the cold winter months. Students were enthusiastic and worked hard throughout the day. In total, 29 houses were weatherized. Our students were able to share the joy of service with one another as well as help their neighbors in need. The day ended with mass and a cookout on the lawn of Good Shepherd Mission Church. 2) Charleston Catholic’s Book of the Dead, with names of deceased loved ones, will be on display in the prayer space of the Campus Ministry Office throughout the month of November. If your family has suffered a loss in the past year we are happy to add the person to our prayers. Please send the name with your child to add to the book, or email Ms. Linehan ([email protected]) with the name so she can add it. 3) We already have a small handful of dedicated students and staff who attend Charleston Catholic’s First Friday Mass in the Campus Ministry Prayer Space. Mass is before school at 7:15 on the first Friday of each month. Our next masses will be Nov. 7th and Dec. 5th. Please encourage your child to join us! 4) Student volunteers are needed to help with babysitting for WV Catholic Radio’s evening with Dr. Ray Guarendi: Raising Kids in the Modern World: Practical Advice for Parents, Teachers, Grandparents, & Catechists on Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m. The event is hosted by Sacred Heart and Charleston Catholic, and babysitting will be provided by CCHS Students. To volunteer, students should see Ms. Linehan. Parents interested in attending the event can contact Liz Hardy at [email protected]. 5) HOPE Kids’ Night Out - HOPE participants are sponsoring a Kids’ Night Out for grade school age children at Sacred Heart Grade School on Friday, December 12, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Donation requested per child is $15. The evening will include snacks, games, crafts & more. Registration forms are available at Sacred Heart Grade School. 6) We have received some questions about our students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. As the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation instruction is given at the parish level. Our local parishes have a variety of schedules. If you live in Charleston and are members of Sacred Heart, the first workshop is Nov. 2nd. Sacred Heart’s contact person is Alyce Penniman at (304) 346-9369. If you attend Blessed Sacrament in South Charleston, the formation begins in the spring with 8th and 9th graders and Confirmation is in the fall (then 9th and 10th graders). Blessed Sacrament’s contact is Jeanne Haas at (304) 744-5523. St. Agnes parishioners interested in Confirmation should contact Fr. Stichweh at (304) 876-6436. IF YOUR LAST NAME IS DIFFERENT FROM YOUR CHILD’S NAME – please put the child’s full name on all checks issued to CCHS and to any correspondence sent to the school. 8 ARE YOU UPDATING YOUR KITCHEN?— The science department is in need of a refrigerator/ freezer for storage of lab specimens and would gladly accept the donation of a used refrigerator/ freezer. Please call the school office if you have one to donate! YEARBOOK PHOTO SUBMISSIONS -- This year, all members of the CCHS community can submit photos at www.hjeshare.com (school code: goirish). DROID and iPhone users can also download the eShare app and submit quality cell phone photos, too. The Yearbook Staff appreciates your support! STUDENT DRIVERS – Please encourage your student drivers to be responsible, safe drivers. Talk to them about wearing seatbelts, not reclining seatbacks, speeding in general, speeding down the street in front of the school (showing off for friends?), pulling out of parking lots too quickly, ignoring pedestrians, changing lanes abruptly, speeding through yellow lights, texting or talking on cell phones while driving, fiddling with music, and so on. Tragedies happen in an instant. If you see inappropriate or reckless driving behavior while students are involved in school, please note the license plate and make of car and notify Mr. Villers. Otherwise, if you recognize an unsafe student driver, parents would appreciate knowing this information from you! NOTES FROM THE PARENT VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION (PVA) 1) PVA Polos and Fleece - Order forms for CCHS logo jackets (including a new, heavier weight grey jacket and also a lighter weight black jacket, both in full zip and quarter zip) , white uniform polo shirts, and green athletic/academic competition polo shirts are available on the CCHS website. For questions, please contact Erika Bailey (304-941-3499) for jackets, Christi Preston (304-550-0239) for green polos, and Marsha Hoyer (304-552-8065) for white polos. Please note that high school students who are members of athletic teams and academic competition teams are permitted to wear a CCHS kelly green polo shirt to school on designated dates – normally home games and other days designated by the principal. The ordering period for logo jackets and white uniform polos ends October 31. Orders received after this date and orders without payment will be included in the next order period (in January). Please take care to order the correct size, as refunds are not possible. 2) CAFETERIA VOLUNTEERS – Many thanks to those of you who have volunteered to help. It’s always fun to see the students when they’re enjoying themselves! If you know now that you’re available to volunteer, feel free to contact Sandy Kinney (304-552-1327). 3) PVA volunteer forms are still being accepted. Our entire school community benefits from parent involvement! The Parent Registration Packet is available on the CCHS website. 4) Athletic family passes are available through the PVA. These passes are good for immediate family members only (not cousins, in-laws, ex-in-laws, grandparents, fiancées, etc.) to attend CCHS home games. The passes do not cover away games, tournaments played at home, homecoming games, or any SSAC tournaments. Cost is $150 for all home middle school games only, $175 for all home high school games only, and $200 for all home games (both levels). A $100 student or senior citizen pass for all home games is also available. Each adult in a family will be issued a pass that must be shown for admission to games. An order form for sports passes is available in the PVA Parent Registration Packet. Please contact Kirsten Smith (304610-0477) if you have questions about these passes. OPPORTUNITY – Are you looking for a new way to advertise your business? Add your business to The Wall in the competition gym at the CCHS Athletic Facility. We already have several advertising banners on display. If you’re interested in adding your business or well wishes to the wall, 3 foot by 6 foot customizable banners are available. What a great way to reach out to the Charleston Catholic community! To learn more and order a banner for your business, contact Kathy Crain at (304)541-4182. PROOF OF ENROLLMENT FORMS -- for drivers’ licenses and permits may be requested in the school office using the CCHS request form. It will take two school days for the forms to be completed by office staff. 9 CONGRATULATIONS – - to the CCHS varsity golf team, on winning its fourth consecutive State Championship and its sixth title in the last eight years. With this victory, CCHS becomes the first school in state history to win four golf titles in a row! Additionally, senior Christian Casingal won his second individual championship by a record 11 strokes, sophomore Cameron Blakley finished third, and both Christian and Cameron were named to the All State team. The team finished the season with a record of 94 wins and 9 losses. - to the high school drama club led by Mr. Fix and Miss Elliott for their hilarious performance of Just Another High School Play. The extensive preparation of the cast and crew was evident in the high quality performance! Cast members were Keirsten Barker, Kayce Boggess, Alex Canfield, Erica Cooper, Phoebe Crow, Christoph Hart, Joy Justice, Taylor Legg, Samuel Levenson, Jessica Light, Maddie Preston, Madison Settle, Lauren Thomas, Andrew Willis, and Christine Wirts; tech crew members were Alex Canfield, Molly Crowder, Ethan Evers, Jay Gould, Nick Hatcher, Emily Holmes, Emma Malinoski, Liz McCown, Cindie Peyton, Elise Weber, Maddie Weber, Anthony Wirts, and Tommy Wright. Additional thanks to alumna Kayla Boggess for helping out and to Mike Arnold for serving as photographer. - to the middle school Rising Stars led by Mrs. Hurt (Grace Abdalla, Amelia Allen, Rosa Beller, Grace Javins, Kathryn Lakin, Abigail Marcinkowsky, Chloe Monk , Elizabeth Shaf, Anabella Tiano, and Emma Wirts) for their impressive “opening act” performance of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” before the drama club’s show. - to the high school girls’ cross country team who won the region 4 meet to qualify for the State Meet this weekend while the boys’ team finished fourth sending individual runner Greg Hart to the State Meet. - to the high school volleyball team, on a successful regular season full of heart and spirit, and good luck as they head into sectionals next week. - to high school girls’ soccer team, who earned a berth in next week’s State Tournament by defeating #1 ranked Sissonville in regional play. The girls will play next Friday in Beckley at approximately 6:30 p.m. - to the high school boys’ soccer team which defeated St. Mary’s in regional competition and heads to the State Tournament next Friday in Beckley at approximately 12:00 p.m. - to the middle school girls’ soccer team on a terrific season, finishing with a 6-4-1 record and advancing to the final four Kanawha County tournament. - to the middle school boys’ soccer team who enjoyed a spectacular season, finishing undefeated on the regular season with a record of 7-0-4 before falling in the Kanawha County final four tournament. - to the middle school volleyball team, under the direction of first year coach and CCHS alumna Sarah Skeens, for their hard work and growth throughout the season. - to both boys’ and girls’ middle school cross country teams who competed well throughout the season but particularly in the County meet. Erin Hoyer, Olivia Lewis, and Matthew Casey were named to the first team All County and Jared Wheeler was named to the second team. THANKS – – to David Hoffmann, CCHS technology director, for his eye-opening parent seminar, “Trends in the World of Smartphones.” The session was much appreciated by those parents in attendance seeking information to help guide their children to use social media and technology appropriately, safely, and responsibly. - to Lisa Dundervill for her work to create and distribute the 2014-15 Student Directory, a most helpful communication tool for our school community. - to the PVA for providing a delicious breakfast and getting the day started right for the faculty and staff on our staff development day for on October 10. - to all of our parent volunteers for the countless things they do to support our students, staff, and programs. - to the fall coaches for sharing their knowledge, enthusiasm, and time with our student athletes, providing them with memorable athletic opportunities and learning experiences. - to everyone who supported the prom by purchasing foods items through the junior class fundraiser. The items will be delivered to juniors on November 19. Juniors will deliver to customers immediately after school the same day. 10 SCHOOL CLOSINGS/DELAYS DUE TO SNOW/ICE –Although it seems early to think about winter weather, there certainly has been a chill in the morning air these last few weeks. We must be ready for whatever comes, though it never hurts to hope for a mild winter. Here’s a brief reminder of the CCHS weather policy. Remember that school closings and delays are also announced on the CCHS website and are tweeted through cchsnews. 1) CCHS/SHGS will NOT follow ANY of the Kanawha County Schools’ weather-related procedures. 2) Families will need to connect to the CCHS website or listen to the radio/television for changes to CCHS/SHGS schedules. The following stations will be notified by 6:15 a.m. if there are changes to be made: WV Public Radio, WCHS, WCHS-TV, WSAZ-TV, V100, 96.1, Electric 102, WBES, WKAZ, and WQBE. 3) If no announcements are made for CCHS/SHGS, classes will be held on the regular schedule. 4) If a two-hour delay is announced, classes will start promptly at 10 a.m. The building will not open until 9:30 to give staff time to get to school. Please do not drop off your children before 9:30! 5) As always, if you cannot get your child to school for health or safety reasons, notify the school. FOLLOW CCHSNEWS—Text “follow cchsnews” to 40404 and you will receive all cchsnews tweets as text messages. It’s easy to stay informed! FAMILY TRIPS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC. -- Please avoid taking students out of school for vacations, family trips, appointments, etc. If students miss school for any reason (including illness), it is their responsibility to find out what they missed. The policies for making up work are included in the ParentStudent Handbook. If your child is ill or will miss school for any reason, please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. In addition, at the end of the semester students will have to stay after school to make up any time missed during excessive absences/tardies. CALENDAR FOR 2014-15 -- Please use this calendar in your planning. Please remember that exams must be taken on scheduled exam days and students who are absent more than 5 days in a semester will have to make up those days at the end of the semester. Please note that, as is the case each school day, teachers administer tests/quizzes, have assignments due, and teach lessons on the days immediately preceding and following school holidays. Students who take extended holidays run the risk of affecting their grades. Wednesday, November 5 Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students Monday, November 10 Veterans' Day holiday NO SCHOOL Sunday, November 16 Junior Service Day at Trinity’s Table 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 18 $2 jean day benefitting Clay County Christmas project Tuesday, November 25 Clay County names distributed to students Wednesday, November 26 stocking stuffers, food items due in homerooms Wednesday, November 26 11:30 dismissal for Thanksgiving Thursday/Friday, November 27-28 Thanksgiving holiday Tuesday, December 2 Clay County wrapped gifts due in homerooms Friday, December 5 second quarter progress reports mailed Saturday, December 6 Clay County Christmas party in Maysel Sunday, December 7 Paterno’s at the Park baseball team fundraiser, 4-7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 9 optional parent meeting for ski club, 6 p.m., library Sunday, December 14 Freshman Service Day at Trinity’s Table 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 16 exams (high school only): regular dismissal Wed./ Thurs./ Fri, December 17 – 19 exams for grades 6-12: 11:15 dismissal Saturday, December 20 beginning of Christmas vacation Monday, January 5 classes resume Wednesday, January 7 mandatory ski club meeting for students, 3 p.m. Tuesday, January 13 FAFSA Night for Parents of seniors Wednesday, January 14 ski club Friday, January 16 end of second quarter, first semester 11 Monday, January 19 Wednesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 28 January 26-30 Saturday, January 31 Wednesday, February 4 Friday/Saturday, Feb. 6-7 Wednesday, February 11 Monday, February 16 Wednesday, February 18 Friday, March 20 Friday, April 3 Monday, April 13 Monday- Friday, April 20-24 Friday, May 1 Friday/Saturday, May 1-2 Monday, May 4 Saturday, May 16 Thursday, May 21 Friday, May 22 Monday, May 25 Friday, May 29 Mon./Tues./Wednesday, June 1, 2, 3 Wednesday, June 3 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday NO SCHOOL ski club ski club Catholic Schools Week Winter Waltz for high school 8-11:00 p.m., Commons ski club winter play 7:30-9:30, Commons ski club Presidents’ Day holiday NO SCHOOL ski club (make-up date) end of third quarter Good Friday, NO SCHOOL, beginning of Easter Vacation classes resume Terra Nova testing grades 6-10 ninth grade retreat spring play 7:30- 9:30, Commons AP tests begin Prom Baccalaureate, 7:30 p.m. Graduation, 7:30 p.m. and Project Graduation Memorial Day holiday exams (high school only): regular dismissal exams for grades 6-11: 11:15 dismissal Moving Up ceremony for 8th graders 12 November-December Menu Monday 3 Pizza Soup Fruit cup Tuesday 4 Hot turkey & Swiss ciabatta bread Steak fries Mary Supcoe Johana Aguilar Ronda Moore 10 Veteran’s Day Lisa Lewis Trey Lewis Lynn Brookshire 11 Bacon cheeseburger Soup Pasta salad No School Wednesday 5 Parent-Teacher Conferences No School 12 Chicken & dumplings Corn Thursday 6 Chicken Alfredo Garlic breadstick Friday 7 Taco lasagna Chips & salsa Kim Lough Shawna Meeks Betsy Cimino 13 Cheese tortellini with marinara Chicken Caesar salad Sky Kershner Lisa Hopkins Diane Nester 14 Italian sausage sub Tots Kathy Atassi Krista Black Natalie Tennant 18 Pizza Tasha Agnew Vicki White Shannon Elliot 19- Mass Day Buffalo chicken strips Baked potato Celery, carrots, and ranch Erika Bailey Paula Durst Sandy Kinney 20 Thanksgiving Dinner Turkey, dressing, potato/gravy, green beans, roll, pumpkin bar Mary Green Melissa Layne Feli McKown 21 All beef hot dog Chili cheese fries Slaw Niki Kurten Carrie Lakin Peggy Sadd 24 Baked pasta with meat sauce Garlic toast Turkey noodle soup Terri Moore Julia Hurney Kim Ewing 25 Cooks’ Choice Anne Williams Susan Shumate Julie Lewis 26 Half Day No Lunch Shari Collias Julie Griffith Tracy Wheeler 27 Ron Rushworth Susan Johnson Veazy Molly Erlandson 28 Angela Stone Samantha McCarty Bill Flanery 1 Pizza Soup Tracy Wilkerson Kirsten Smith Annette Cable 2 Stuffed shells Greek chicken salad 3 Sweet &sour chicken over rice Egg roll Pita & hummus 4 Beef Taco Taco salad Nachos 17 Soup, bread bowl Beef & vegetable Chicken noodle Chili (vegetarian) Bernarda Bandak Kim Javins Allyn Turner Rob Aliff Gerogette George Kevin Carr Volunteers 1 and 2: 10:30- 12:45 Volunteer 3: 11:15- 12:45 Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break 5 Macaroni & cheese Corndog Donna Kelly Stacy Boggess Natalie Tennant Leighann Hamrick Lisa White Diane Nester Tracy Zachwieja Jaime Bowman Molly Erlandson Mass Day- Volunteers 1 and 2: 11:00- 1:15 Volunteer 3: 11:45- 1:15
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