15520 VENTURA BOULEVARD • ENCINO • CALIFORNIA • 91436 REV. LARRY S. NEUMEIER ~PASTOR REV. CYPRIAN CARLO ~PRIEST IN RESIDENCE PARISH MAIL ADDRESS: 4601 FIRMAMENT AVE., ENCINO, CA 91436 MASSES Saturdays: 7:30 AM & 4:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12 NOON Vigil of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 7:30 AM, 12:05 PM & 7:00 PM Week Days: 7:30 AM CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 8:00-8:30 AM & 3:00-4:00 PM MOTHER of PERPETUAL HELP Tuesdays: 8:00 AM ROSARY Daily after the 7:30 AM Mass BAPTISMS 2nd Sunday of each Month at 2:00 PM WEDDINGS By Appointment Only BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL Open Monday ~ Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1st Friday of each Month after the 7:30 AM Mass _________________________________________________________________ __________________________ PARISH OFFICE ……………………………………………………… RECTORY ………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… CONVENT BIBLE STUDY ………………………………………………………… RCIA/ RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE …………………………… CHRISTIAN SERVICE PROGRAM …………………………… EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TO THE SICK ………………… CONFIRMATION PROGRAM/ YOUTH MINISTRY ……… 818- 986.8234 818- 986.8234 818- 501.4155 818- 784.1290 818- 789.5947 818- 789.5947 818- 981.6832 818- 986.8234 818- 986.8234 ………………………………………………… PARISH WEBSITE st-cyril.org PARISH EMAIL ……………………………………………………… [email protected] FACEBOOK ……………………………………………………… / StCyrilOfJerusalem SCHOOL WEBSITE SCHOOL EMAIL …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… stcyril.net [email protected] Page Two St. Cyril of Jerusalem Parish November 9, 2014 Parish News Today, volunteers for Concern America will be here with a Craft Sale featuring unique quality handcrafts that provide us with the opportunity to purchase conscientiously. The gifts we find for special events, holidays or to brighten our own homes are an exchange of caring with impoverished communities in developing countries. This year we have many new crafts from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. Inspired by nature, these beautifully handcrafted textiles, ceramics and wood products honor indigenous traditions and were selected to be reminders that when a Concern America product is purchased we are providing a source of income to materially poor communities, promoting human scale endeavors, eco-friendly work patterns and fair working conditions. Concern America is an international development and refugee aid organization based in Santa Ana, CA. 714-953-8575. You may view a section of their crafts on their website, concernamerica.org. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The RCIA is a process for welcoming adult newcomers (inquirers) into the Roman Catholic Church. The main purpose of the rite is to assist prospective Catholics in their journey to become active members of the church community. The RCIA also assists baptized Catholics seeking the completion of the sacraments of Holy Eucharist (First Holy Communion) and Confirmation. All classes are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the school faculty lounge. Religious Education Office: 818-789-5947. Our parish is creating its own "Memory Book" to be distributed in February, 2015. As a fundraiser for our parish, we are selling Personal Tributes, Dedications, and Business Ads. To be included in this unique keepsake, while supporting our parish, please visit the parish website, st-cyril.org, call the rectory 818-986-8234, or send an email, [email protected]. Tickets are still available for the Parish "G.I. Jive" Dinner Show & Dance, on February 7th. Please contact the rectory to reserve your seat. Make sure you take a peek at our Bulletin Board outside across from the Pavilion, on the brick wall of the church. Please join PL for refreshments after 10am Mass today. EVANGELIZATION I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him or have forgotten him. --St. Frances Xavier Cabrini St. Cyril School’s biggest fundraiser of the year was held on Friday night, Nov. 7th at the Braemar Country Club. Thank you to all of our parents and parishioners for supporting our event. Our school’s Academic Decathlon Team is hard at work preparing for the annual competition in March. We will join over 100 Catholic Schools from across the Archdiocese and compete in logic and all the academic subjects. The students meet several times a week to practice their test taking skills and learn to work together as a team. Angel on My Shoulder’s Pancake Breakfast is fast approaching. Make sure you join us after Mass on November 23rd to support our service projects throughout the year. House of Ruth Bingo & BBQ at St. Cyril’s! The Los Angeles House of Ruth will host Bingo & Barbecue, its 6th annual fundraiser, at 6pm, Saturday, November 15th, at St. Cyril’s Parish. Tickets are $40 per person and include two beverages, dinner, bingo games and raffles. The volunteer organization will host the evening. Guests are encouraged to wear their finest western wear and will enjoy a DJ and a silent auction featuring vacation rentals, highend electronics, jewelry pieces, original glass art and gift certificates for restaurants. Sponsored by the House’s volunteer organization, 100% of the proceeds from the Bingo Night fundraiser support ongoing programs for homeless and battered women and children. To make reservations, call 323-934-0800 or e-mail Guy Nemiro at [email protected]. To order raffle tickets or make a donation, call 213-505-2661. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Page Three Our Lady of Guadalupe and Mexico Pilgrimage Nov. 17-23, 2014 Join Fr. Agustin Barco, Msgr. Carl Bell and our group of pilgrims to honor our Blessed Mother on the anniversary of her apparition. For detailed itinerary and reservation, please contact Claudia Venegas at: [email protected] or call 714-414-2038. 38th Annual Catholic-Jewish Women’s Conference “Keeping Sabbath: Finding Sacred Time in a 24/7Connected Culture,” Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 8:30am to 3:30pm, Wilshire Boulevard Temple, 3663 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 90010. Picture ID is required to enter. Speakers: Rabbi Sharon Brous, IKAR Community and Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC. Small group dialogues in the afternoon. Cost: $40 per person, students, $25, includes continental breakfast and lunch. Parking $6. Questions, Barbara, 805-497-1370 or e-mail, [email protected] St. Genevieve High School Open House Where is your son or daughter going to High School? If you would like your child to be a part of an “Ideal Catholic School Community,” come visit! Saturday, November 15, 2014 Informational Assembly - 11am St. Genevieve High School: “Where Character and Academics Meet” Contact Merria Iaccino, ‘04, Admissions Director, 818-894-6417 x103 Chaminade College Prepatory High School is having its annual Open House on Sunday, November 16th from 1-4pm. Families are invited to tour the campus, meet the faculty and administrators and experience all that Chaminade has to offer. For more information, call Chaminade’s Admissions office at 818-347-8300 ext 355 or visit chaminage.org. Pregnancy Counseling Center Are you interested in being a volunteer at the Pregnancy Counseling Center? Do you have an ear for listening? Do you have a compassionate heart for being a counselor to “our moms”? Would you be interested in helping out with our mailings or Baby Bottle Drives? For more information or if you have any questions, please call Edy Bernal at 818-895-2500. Saturday, November 8 4:00 p.m. - The People of the Parish Sunday, November 9 8:00 a.m. - All Souls Novena 10:00 a.m. - Leonard Czarnecke, RIP 12:00 p.m. - Msgr. Carl Bell, Spec. Int. Monday, November 10 7:30 a.m. - All Souls Novena Tuesday, November 11 7:30 a.m. - Helen Moore, RIP Wednesday, November 12 7:30 a.m. - Harold Rios, RIP Thursday, November 13 7:30 a.m. - Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Spec. Int. Friday, November 14 7:30 a.m. - Mary Frances Haigh, RIP Saturday, November 15 7:30 a.m. - The Tony Cicione Family, Spec. Int. Sam Lovullo Marc Vestil Beryl Hayden Frank De Giorgio Sheldon Payne Isabel Reyes Mary O’ Sullivan Anthony Perry Tim Viole Frank Scicchitano Fina Scaduto Harrison Rhodes Marlene Perez Dominic Towell Courtney Jones Dorothy Connerly William Shartzer Patricia Foster Anne Galli John Steinbeck Marie Lerminiau William Thurston Julian Walker Katie Simpson John Sprague Lucille Taggard Elizabeth Gonzalez Brandon Perez Patricia Trinidad Max Gonzalez Rose Marie Imber Peter Maneri Olivia Gonzales Mickey Pappas Mirna Dreibus Nicolas Gaymon Susan Brochman Hyatt Griffth Shannon Cadegan Leonardo Catral Emily Viola Ricardo Soto Ann Blankenship Eddie Nable Michael Glaser Vanessa Whitford Monica Trump Stephen Scott Thelma Mesa Karen CarterMacDonald Tony Dempster Virginia Majcher Tommy George Jamie L. Panza Josephine Watson Please note that both St. Cyril’s School and Religious Education (CCD) will be closed for the Veteran’s Day holiday on Monday, November 10th and Tuesday November 11th. The Rectory office will be closed only on Tuesday, November 11th. PROBATE LIVING TRUSTS WILLS Chris Daniels ✦ John Daniels Attorneys At Law 17024 Lassen Street, Northridge www.johndanielslaw.com 818-718-1250 Free Initial Consultation Catholic Lawyers New Patients Welcome • Find Us on Youtube PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................. BOB THE BUILDER Licensed General Contractor/ Electrician with 30+ years remodeling experience lives close to church & can fix most anything. Small jobs ok - so don’t call a handyman (818) 298-3638 - Gets you an honest, reliable professional Lic. #458588 Email [email protected] JASON T. GRUTTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Conservatorship, Trust, Wills & Probate Free Consultation www.ShermanOaksLaw.com 2312 W. 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