St. Cyril of Jerusalem 1410 Almshouse Road Jamison, PA 18929 Rectory - 215-343-1288 Parish Secretary - Marie Riendeau [email protected] • PREP Secretary - Carol Anghelone [email protected] Visit Us On The Web Rev. Msgr. Robert Powell Rev. Michael A. Filippello Most Rev. Martin N. Lohmuller Pastor Parochial Vicar In Residence Deacon Joseph F. Windish Deacon Joseph T. Owen Mr. Daniel Rackers Mrs. Catherine Dunn Permanent Deacon Youth Minister Parish Business Manager Permanent Deacon/DRE 215-896-6649 215-343-4996 215-343-3139 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:30-5:20, or anytime by request PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (PREP) MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: 1st through 6th grade 4:45 to 6:00 PM MONDAY NIGHT: 1st through 6th grade 6:30 to 7:45 PM. GENESIS (Level 7, 8 & 9) Schedule of events is published throughout the year and communicated to our youth. G.Y.M. (HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY:) (Level 9-12) Level 9 considered overlap year. Students in Level 9 can participate in G.Y.M. or Genesis or both. Schedule of events is published throughout the year and communicated to our youth. RCIA: Tuesday evenings 7:30 PM in the Church. NOVENAS In honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, after Mass on Saturday. In honor of The Sacred Heart after Mass on First Friday. In honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help - Every Friday evening at 7 PM. CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Rectory if someone in your home is ill. We will be happy to bring Sacraments. Also, notify us when someone goes to the hospital and we will be sure to visit. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please be sure you are registered as a member of the Parish. If you move or change your telephone number, please contact the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Sunday at 1:30 pm by appointment. Parents & Godparents should attend Pre-Jordan classes - usually held on 3rd Thursday of each month in Rectory. Godparents who live outside St. Cyril Parish must present a certicate of eligibility from their parish at least two weeks in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Necessary preparations require that arrangements be made at least 6 months before the date of the wedding. It will be expected that couples attend the sessions of the Archdiocesan Sacramental Preparation Program for Marriage. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday & Vigil of Holy Days - 5:30 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM Weekdays - 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM Daily Masses - First Fridays: 9:00 AM Holy Days -6:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM • Vigil - 5:30 PM Youth Mass - 12:00 PM, First and Third Sunday of the Month WELCOME A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to St. Cyril's to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners and welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us on occasion. 040 How Much Time Have You Spent In Prayer This Week? ST CYRIL OF JERUSALEM JANUARY 18, 2015 1410 Almshouse Road Jamison, Pa 18929 Phone: 343-1288 FAX: 215-343-3924 STEUBENVILLE COMES TO JAMISON SATURDAY: SUNDAY: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 6:30 AM 9:00 AM MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY THURSDAY: FRIDAY: For years we have been sending our teenagers to the Steubenville Experience each summer. So many of our young people have experienced the event and been changed by it. It is my hope that even more of our young people will get a taste of the experience when Steubenville comes to Jamison. We are very happy that Bob Rice and his band will be with us to celebrate this event of our Jubilee Year. Bob Rice is a professor at Steubenville University. He is a singer, songwriter and recording artist with numerous albums. Our Festival of Praise and Worship will be this Saturday, January 24th in our Social Hall. The Festival includes music, prayer, talks, lunch, small groups, adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a special vigil Mass in the Social Hall at 4:00 pm. We begin at 9:30 am with registration and depart after Mass at 5:00 pm. Our event is open to all current 8th grade youth through graduating seniors. You will not want to miss this celebration. 5:30 PM SATURDAY: 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM Edward Noga 1st Anniversary Eleanor Trybuiec Jacqueline Petrovia Anthony DiPento Joan Dobson Louis Gatzmer 5th Anniversary Devon Singh Catherine Allen Joseph Mascara Mike Conricode Richard Lanzalotti Maria Rybicki Kahlua Stabene & Fam. Jerry Johnson 2nd Anniversary Stanley Pokrywka First Penance Sina Hancq 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 5:30 PM SUNDAY: JANUARY 25, 2015 8:00 AM Deacon Joe Windish And Family {Living} 10:00 AM Joyce Williams 12:00 N Joseph Walsh 1st Anniversary STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MARTHA ENTER AND LISTEN AS MARY DID Join us for Eucharistic Adoration Weekdays 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and Wednesday evenings 7:30 to 9:30 pm in the Daily Mass Chapel. Any Questions: Call Nancy Devlin @ 215-491-9227 or email her at [email protected]. 2015 PARISH MISSION FEBRUARY 23-26 7:00 PM ST. CYRIL CHURCH SAVE THE DATE! 040 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Page 1 Wesley Long, Cindi Korger, Sean Rooney, Jean Karalis, Harry Mawson, Kathleen & James DeNofa, 3rd, Matt Murray, Jack Roney, John Pannone, Joe, Frank Corcoran, Robert Houk, Ron Weiss, John Wullert, Rowland Dudley, Bill Fitzpatrick, Michael Lamelza, Ryan Reitzen, Paul Barren, Danielle Pennabaker, Walt Wiesenhutter, Kyle Gallik, Holly Sikes, Jackie Lithgow, Tom & Jo Anne Day, Joan Reno, Tom Malone, Becky Scott, Janet Warenyk, Kelly Murray, John & Jinny McIntyre, Lawrence Garska, John W. Murray, Martha Gilhooley, Roylene Wahler, Bill Cornell, Lisa Dore, Kelly Stluka, Fern Sdierer, Bernard Borell, Gianna Grace Masciantonio, Elizabeth Pollitt, Betty DeMarco, Kathleen McKenna, Joan McCarty, Cy Rebarchak, Joe, Jr., Bernice Bates., Edith Maples, Mark Quihuiz, Margaret Mayer, Carol Sacco, Clare Ayube, Vicky Francis, Al & Marie Gentil, Alma Pannella. OUR SUNDAY COLLECTION FOR JANUARY 11, WAS $12,379.00. OUR BUILDING FUND WAS $819.00. ST. CYRIL PRE-CANA CLASS St. Cyril Pre-Cana Program will be on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 8:30 AM to approximately 6:30 PM. We will close the day with our Vigil Mass at 5:30 PM and a special engaged couples blessing. To register for Pre Cana Class please call the Rectory office at 215-343-1288. For more information please contact Robert and Chris Miller @ 267-483-5740. CARING FOR THE CAREGIVERS “Caring for Caregivers,” support group meet will meet on Thursday afternoons at 3:00 pm in the Social Hall. Please join us for some R & R...Relief and Release. No judging, only listening! For more information please call Juliana @ 215-287-2529. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Have you ever considered becoming a Knight? The Knights of Columbus meet in St. Cyril’s Social Hall on the second Wednesday of the month. We are always welcoming new members. For more information you may contact Dave Zisa at 215-343-4779. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 {7:30 to 9:30 pm} OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Join us on Friday at 7:00 PM in St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church for Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Devotion. This Novena will invoke Mary’s intercession on behalf of those who seek healing, peace or whatever is in your heart. Come and pray with us as we lift our petitions to our Blessed Mother. All are welcome to attend. 040 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Page 2 NEUMANN SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS A Day With The Joy of The Gospel Last year Pope Francis wrote a beautiful Apostolic Exhortation that challenges each of us to embrace the Joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and share that joy with all whom we encounter. Join us as we break open our Holy Father’s letter so our hearts can be filled with the joy of Jesus. Mass will be celebrated. We will meet on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm at Nativity Parish Center, 625 West Street Rd in Warminster. Cost of each Program is $20 which includes a Continental Breakfast at 9:30 am. Brown Bag your Lunch. Beverages are provided. Our Presenter: Father Thomas Higgins was ordained for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 1985. He is currently serving as pastor of Holy Innocents Parish in Philadelphia. For more information call: Cathy Krzywicki at 215-2620265 or Pat Stockford at 215-675-3853. PRE JORDAN CLASS The next Pre Jordon Class will be Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Rectory basement. Pre-registration is necessary in order to attend the class. No date for Baptism can be set until parents fulfill this requirement. Parents should register for this class as soon as they know of the upcoming birth and prior to the actual birth of the child. To register call the Rectory at 215-343-1288. THE METROPOLITAN TRIBUNAL The Tribunal is a group of specially qualified priests, sisters, and lay persons whose responsibility is to come to the help of people who have experienced divorce. When a divorce occurs, the Catholic Church always seeks to balance two realities. One is the unbreakable bond of marriage. This is God’s law. It cannot be broken by human intervention. On the other hand, the Church is concerned about the spiritual welfare of the people involved. Was this a true marriage? Even though a Catholic marriage was celebrated, was there perhaps some weakness in the consent to the parties involved? The annulment procedure addresses this problem without affixing blame on either party. If you are divorced or married outside the Catholic Church, please telephone the Tribunal Office. Have no fear. All interviews are private and confidential. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Fr. Gallen Council will be holding a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 18, 2015 at St. Cyril’s Social Hall from 9 am to 12 Noon to benefit the four parishes we support namely, St. Cyril’s, St. Joseph’s, St. John Bosco and Nativity of Our Lord. Tickets will be on sale after all the Masses in the Narthex of St. Cyril’s Church. Adults $8, Children {12-4} $4 and under 4 years old free!! Proceeds of this breakfast will help support the Teen Stubenville Trip in 2015 and St. Cyril’s. Please come out and meet your fellow parishioners and friends while enjoying a hot breakfast and supporting a good cause. Menu: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries, Sausage, Coffee, Tea, Milk and Juice. NATIVITY OF OUR LORD OPEN HOUSE Nativity of Our Lord School will hold its annual Open House in celebration of Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, January 25th from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Open House will also occur on Monday, January 25th while school is in session from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon in grades Pre-K3 through 8th grade. We invite parents and interested families to come explore and observe our school to find out why Nativity is such a special place in our community. For further information or details, please visit our website, http:// or call the school office at 215-675-2820. ST. CYRIL’S BINGO Please plan to join us for “BINGO” on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Social Hall. Doors open at 6:30 pm. MUST BE 18 TO PLAY! $13.00 includes 9 Cards for Regular Bingo and 4 Specials. Refreshments will be on sale. ST. CYRIL’S SENIORS MEETING The next Senior Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 20 at 10 am. Our Program will be: “Display From Science World.” Our speaker will discuss “Mammoth Butterflies.” Our Program is open to the public. BRIDGE CLUB St. Cyril’s Bridge Club will continue to meet every Monday from 1 to 3 pm in the Social Hall. If you always wanted to learn to play bridge, here is your chance. Put a lot of fun in your life. Questions? Call Shirley at 215-672-3825. ST. CYRIL’S CALENDAR CLUB Join our “2015" Calendar Club. Help yourself and your parish!!! Better & easier than a Lottery Ticket, no need to leave home, no need to purchase it daily or weekly. One pick is good for 365 days. Give them as Birthday Presents, Christmas, or Thank You Gifts. Calendars are sold after all the Masses and at the Rectory. Cost: $30.00 for the entire 2015 New Year. CALENDAR CLUB WINNERS # 609 # 920 # 777 # 829 # 436 Ed Marszalek Mary Powell Nancy Meehan John McDonnell Mike & Lori Tobin $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $35.00 $35.00 Congratulations to our December Calendar Club Winners. VISIT CATHOLIC PHILLY Visit the website, the online successor to The Catholic Standard and Times. Sign up today for our free, weekly email newsletter! PAJAMA COLLECTION MONTH OF FEBRUARY The nurses at St. Christopher’s Hospital are performing a service that few know about. To soften the impact for the parents of their child passing on, the nurses dress the children in pajamas rather than the hospital gowns for the families last private meeting with their child. The nurses have provided the pajamas either by begging or by out of pocket for a long time. Since the Outreach Program practices The Corporal Works of Mercy, we would like to help them by asking for either new or gently used pajamas {Sizes 0 to Woman} & {Boys--Small} during the month of February. A Cradle will be in the Narthex during February. Last year your generosity provided 500 pair of pajamas. The Nurses were overwhelmed when they received them. In advance, we thank you for all your support. NEW TO THE PARISH Don’t forget to register! We welcome all new members within our Parish boundaries. If you have recently moved into the area and would like to become a member of St. Cyril’s Parish, kindly come to the Rectory or call the Rectory office. We will be happy to take your registration. You may also register your children for Religious Education with our PREP Program TAX TIME IS APPROACHING If you require a statement of your contributions for 2014, kindly forward your request to the attention of Mrs. Cassie Dunn, please enclose a self-addressed stamped “LARGE” envelope {9 1/2 x 4} or you may email her at [email protected]. We can only verify donations you have made in your contribution envelope. Thank you for your support to St. Cyril’s throughout the year. SHOP-RITE & REDNER’S REGISTER TAPES We are collecting Shop Rite and Redner’s grocery tapes. These tapes are a wonderful means of gaining money for our parish. In order for St. Cyril’s to get credit for your Redner’s Tapes, you must have a new card with “Pump Perks” on it as shown here on this picture. Please drop your tapes off when you come to Mass on Sunday. You can also drop them off at the Rectory. We received a check in the amount of $619.86, thank you to all who have supported this Fund Raiser. ST. CYRIL’S SOCIAL HALL RENTAL FOR ALL OCCASIONS St. Cyril’s offers an atmosphere you can be proud of whether you’re planning a Wedding, Holy Communion, Bridal/Baby Showers, Anniversary, or Sweet Sixteen Parties. Celebrating special occasions is a great way to connect with family and friends. Let us help you plan your special event. {For more information contact Cassie Dunn at 215-343-1288} 040 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Page 3 PREP HAPPENINGS - January 18, 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “We have found the Messiah.” John 1:41 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY TOMORROW - PREP CLOSED GROUP CONFIRMATION SERVICE PROJECT SCHEDULED What: We will be sorting items, assembling 100 bags and creating cards to include in the Kolbe Kits for families who have traveled to our area seeking medical treatment for their child. When: Sunday, January 25th at 1:10 p.m. (just after the 12 noon mass) We expect to be working from 1:10-3:00PM. Please plan to pick up your child by 3:15. Where: We will be using the basement of the St. Cyril rectory for this project - please come to the basement entrance doors (the same door used for PREP classes) Donations: Many of you mentioned that you would be willing to donate items for the kits. There is a Blue Box marked Kolbe Fund in the lobby of the church - feel free to drop off items before or after mass or during PREP sessions. Or you may bring them with you on Sunday, January 25th. For additional information please contact Lisa Gross of the Kolbe fund at [email protected] DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF CONFIRMATION MATERIALS IS JANUARY 30, 2015. PREP Confirmandi are required to submit the Confirmation Data Form, Sponsor’s Eligibility Form, Saint’s Selection Paper and the Request Letter to Msgr. Powell. Our Catholic School Confirmandi are required to submit the Confirmation Data Form, Sponsor’s Eligibility Form, the Request Letter to Msgr. Powell. If the child was not baptized at St. Cyril’s a baptismal certificate is required. FIRST RECONCILIATION WILL BE CELEBRATED - on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. for 69 of our PREP and Catholic school students. FIRST COMMUNION DATES - January 30th is the last day that requests to change your child’s First Communion date will be accepted. DISCOUNT FOR BOYS FIRST COMMUNION ATTIRE - is being extended to communicants of St. Cyril’s parish. We were contacted by the store because many of our parishioners have purchased their sons’ attire from this establishment. Gift certificates have been distributed to your son’s class and they were instructed to bring it home. PREP CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENTS - inclement weather announcements will be posted on the parish website on the homepage at and each family will be notified via e-mail. PRAYER REQUEST FOR CHRIS TULLY - a PREP parent...who has been missing for several days… The family is asking for your prayers for his safe return. Also, please pray for the Tully family that our compassionate God will send His Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen them during this difficult period. 040 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem 4 Find us on our website, youth ministry and the drop down menu Please check the YOUTH TABLE in the narthex for information on coming events and articles for parents and teens FESTIVAL OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP WITH BOB RICE FINAL DAYS TO REGISTER FOR THE FESTIVAL OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP WITH BOB RICE AND HIS BAND FROM FRANCISCAN UNIVERSITY IN STEUBENVILLE, OHIO. Go to and register on the home page or on the Festival of praise site under the youth ministry tab Register by picking up a form in the narthex Great music, teens from all over Bucks county, great talks, discussions, food, Reconciliation, Prayer and weekend Mass all in the social hall THEOLOGY OF THE BODY FOR TEENS-A NEW LANGUAGE FOR A NEW GENERATION WHO: All youth level 9-12 WHAT: St. John Paull II delivered a profoundly beautiful vision of human sexuality that he called the Theology of the Body. It is revolutionizing the way parents and educators teach morality and chastity to teens, as it provides the “whys” behind the “what’s” paving the way to true freedom and happiness. WHEN: February 5th to March 5th. Five consecutive Thursday evening’s. 7:00 - 8:30pm. WHERE: Social Hall WHY: Our values need to be communicated in a positive way. Our teens are looking for this. They want to know. This is not a sex education program. It is a chastity program. We will accept an unlimited number but need a minimum registration of 15 to run the program. Registration will be closed January 30th. Please see the website, go to the youth ministry tab and select the Theology of the Body page in the drop down menu. Take a look at the short six minute video. TEEN PRAYER-A NEW TIME Our next session is Tuesday, January 20th from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. STEUBENVILLE-JULY 10-12, 2015 WHO: All youth in level 9-12 in 2015 as well as graduating seniors WHAT: A week-end to get rocked by God and begin to build a dynamic relationship with Him. WHEN: As above WHERE: As above Registration on January 19th. Preliminary commitment forms are in the narthex and on the website. We need as many of these as possible by January 19th so we know how many to register for. If you are planning on attending please fill it out and send it in. The deposit is refundable through the middle of March. GENESIS Our winter/spring Faith Formation session for GENESIS will run every Sunday of February and the first Sunday of March. Five weeks. Please check the website for details on topics and content. SERVICE PROJECTS Please check the website for service projects in February and the “Sign up Genius.” February 7th @ Neshaminy Manor and February 16th at St. John’s Hospice. 040 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem 5 LOUIS SWIFT PLUNKETT Louis S. Plunkett • HANDYMAN • HA We can do everything on your list Dan Bristow 267-688-6299 • HANDYMAN • HA HANDYMAN Joseph Spiecker, CPA Kitchens • Baths • Basements Renovations • Decks • Doors Insured • Free Estimates Income & Estate Tax Returns Financial Planning Quick Books Accounting 215-343-8937 215-343-5236 References from Parishioners NDYMAN • HANDYMAN • HANDYMAN • HANDYMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Estates & Estate Planning Simple Wills $125.00 215-322-5599 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing GUTTER CLEANING Complimentary wax for first time guests. Call for details. The Shops at Valley Square Call us today at 1605 Main Street, Warrington, PA 18976 215-343-2800 Chris Gardyasz - Parishioner 215.317.6754 21 YEARS WITH THE IRS • ALL TYPES OF RETURNS DONE $50 NEW CLIENT DISCOUNT Elaine Kraft, Former Youth Minister - St. Cyril's WARMINSTER • 267-803-1108 Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Alice Small this week Direct number: 609-571-8078 or 1-800-333-3166 ext #135 Chalfont Custom Cell Phone Repair CHECK OUR WEBSITE SPECIALS 215-323-4924 • Ken & Donna Shaw, Parishioners IS HERE TO HELP If you or someone you know struggles with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, BPD, Co-occuring mental illness and substance abuse... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! • Attend Our Free Support Groups and/or Forums • Take Our FREE Education Classes (Starting in the Fall) Bucks County Voice on Mental Illness • Call Our Helpline 1(866) 399-NAMI (6264) • Julia Braubitz 10% OFF ENTREES STAIRLIFTS Sales • Rentals • Service New - Refurbished 215.695.4218 Servicing Bucks, Montgomery & Phila. counties FREE HOME EVALUATIONS Diocese member owned & operated $50 OFF BANQUETS OF 25 OR MORE 4-6PM MON - FRI MENTION THIS AD Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 Tablets • Laptops • Video Games • MP3 Players NAMI of Bucks County Bucks County Real Estate Expert President • Parishioner REFI • New Purchase 215-439-8034 [email protected] WORRY FREE TAX PREPARATION Parishioner [email protected] $500 towards closing costs AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS 215.587.5650 Matthew J. Markey Interior / Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 HEAVENLY SKIN IS ALWAYS IN The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 2160 YORK ROAD JAMISON 267.483.5185 267-483-5048 For All Your Home Renovations & Home Improvement Needs Serving Bucks and surrounding CounƟes for over 20 years AÝ» AÊçã 17 PÊ®Äã IÄÝÖã®ÊÄ Fast & Free EsƟmates on New Roofs New Roofs & GuƩers • Roof & GuƩer Repairs Siding and Windows 215-752-6145 • www.abrooksconstrucƟ GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 2395 YORK ROAD, JAMISON 215.343.0940 Spring Clean Ups • Mulching • Grass Cutting Bob Cracknell Parishioner 10% Off For Fellow St. Cyril Families 215-322-7400 All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Landscaping 215-491-3338 215-773-9924 #PA009390 307 Lakeside Dr., Lakeside Office Park, Southampton copy • fax • notary packing & shipping: int'l & freight shredding • private mailboxes and so much more! FREE Estimates Member of St. Robert Bellarmine WILLIAM J. BENZ All work done by owner Residential / Commercial Additions • Bathrooms • Kitchens Basements • Decks, Etc... 215-491-4722 EOP (Member of Nativity of Our Lord) CHRISTOPHER S. HAVERS CONSTRUCTION is now enrolling for the Fall. For information, please call Sharon Leary (Parishioner) at: Jeffrey Plunkett (Member of St. John Bosco) SILVA REMODELING INC. (Almshouse Rd., across from St. Cyril's) 529 North York Rd., Hatboro FUNERAL HOME 672-6262 NDYMAN • HANDYMAN • HANDYMAN • HANDYMAN New Life Christian Preschool CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing Licensed ✔ Basement Remodeling & Insured ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing ✔ Financing Available 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY 1-855-435-6009 HOURS BY APPOINTMENT • Parish Member JOHN A. PAGLIEI, JR., D.M.D. GENERAL DENTISTRY 2370 York Road, Jamison, PA • 343-3900 Water Laser • ZOOM Whitening System As seen on ABC's Extreme Makeover Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 Residential • Commercial • Condominiums 215-996-9966 Servicing Pennsylvania, Delaware & New Jersey 100% C USTOMER S ATISFACTION • F REE E STIMATES F ULLY L ICENSED , I NSURED & B ONDED SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED 040 St. Cyril of Jerusalem (i) Follow us on: Check out our reviews on: John Patrick Publishing (800) 333-3166 • BOB LATINI ROBERT E. LYDON, CFP® HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed & Insured Moving • Storage • Furniture Delivery Diocese member • 215 444-9330 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. Free Estimates 674-0696 Focusing on Investments, Retirement Planning, IRA's and 401(k) Rollovers 2 VILLAGE ROAD, SUITE 4 • HORSHAM, PA 19044 Crosskeys 812 Easton Rd., Doylestown 215-489-8889 85 N. York Rd., Warminster 215-672-5439 215-441-9280 Securities offered through Parkland Securities, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Falcon Financial Planning, Inc. is independent of Parkland Securities, LLC and Sigma Planning Corporation. OLMC Parishioner welcomes to his team at CHIROPRACTOR FAMILY DENTISTRY 3503 York Rd., Furlong, PA Dr. Leslie Mack, DMD 2191 Meadowview Dr., Jamison 343-8162 Parish Member 215-764-2643 Mom's Flower Shoppe Best Wedding Florist P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S.* MARK P. KIENLE, M.D., D.M.D. LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus)* Voted by Bucks Happening 2013 Elegant Arrangements for all Occasions 2140B York Road 215-491-7890 Liz Bininger Diocese Member 267-231-6560 *Board Certified Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery 158 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 (215) 672-6560 853 2nd St. Pk., Ste. A-106 Richboro, PA 18954 (215) 355-4500 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Ste. 106 Ft. Washington, PA 19034 (215) 591-3590 Parishioner •AUTO •HOME •LIFE • BUSINESS Wendy Webb Schoenewald, PT THE GANNON INSURANCE AGENCY Steve Gannon Parishioner 1456 Ferry Rd, Suite 601 Doylestown (215) 489-3234 (215) 891-9990 The Decker Funeral Home Joe's Lawn Care Landscaping & Tree Removal Mulching and Shrub Trimming Lawn Maintenance and Fertilizing Hardscaping Patios • Retaining Walls Parishioner Dr. John J. Vanore Michael Christiansen, DMD of Warminster A Family Owned & Operated Establishment PRE-ARRANGEMENT & PRE-PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE PARISHIONER 675-2070 • • 216 N. YORK RD., WARMINSTER 2019 Carmel Dr., Jamison St. Cyril Parishioners Anne E. O'Day, DMD, MS Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics 215-794-5002 3503 York Road, Furlong, PA Diocese Member • Repair • Replacement • New Installation All Residential & Light Commercial Plumbing FREE ESTIMATES SIX WEEKS TO SIX YEARS [email protected] DEVANNEY ELECTRIC INC. Specializing In All Phases of Residential & Commercial Electrical Work Professional Quality Work, Dependable Service & Reasonable Rates Licensed & Insured • Parishioner 215-852-8814 215-675-3483 Office • 215-760-7557 Mobile Vincent Ventresca Attends OLSH ST. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM JAMISON, PA SOCIAL HALL Small Business Accounting Services Corporate & Individual Taxation Parishioner Ph: 215-343-2962 2405 Heritage Center Drive Fax: 215-220-3148 Building 800 • Suite 114 Email: [email protected] Furlong, PA 18925 Murphy Law Group, LLC Highest Quality & Workmanship Dedicated to Protecting Employee Rights That’s On Time Employment Attorney Phone: 215-208-9127 [email protected] W.D.B. Landscaping FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL voice/fax mobile 215-822-0220 • SHELLY Funeral Home Inc. WEDDINGS, BRIDAL SHOWERS, FIRST COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, FUNDRAISERS, ANY TYPE OF EVENT! CALL CASSIE DUNN 215-343-4996 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT DESIGN & MAINTENANCE & Priced Right Locally Sourced Ingredients Weekly Meals Special Events Catering Dinner Parties Baptisms First Holy Communions [email protected] Graduations D elightful D inners by D awn OUR PARISH HALL IS NEWLY RENOVATED & BEAUTIFUL! GERARD P. DONCHEZ, CPA 215-491-5359 343-3040 EVERY FRIDAY IN DECEMBER... FRANK L. SHELLY, DIRECTOR 1460 EASTON RD. , WARRINGTON BLACK FRIDAY DEALS, BONUS COUPONS & SPECIALS! 1515 W. Street Rd., Warminster 215-394-5533 American Girl Dolls • Clothes • Accessories • Funiture LEGO • Mini Fig Sets & Bulk • New In The Box Holiday Items Join Our Newsletter For Coupons. 25% Off Any Single Regularly Priced Item Replay Toys • 215-394-5533 Not to be combined with any other offers. See store for restrictions. Exp. 1-31-2015 215.295.2079 267.228.2252 COMMERCIAL, RESIENTIAL, NON-PROFIT & GOVT. PROPERTIES IN PA, NJ, AND DE Sunday Breakfast Buffet 9-12:00 $9.99 Adults $5.99 Kids NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 95 Almshouse Road • Richboro, PA 18954 215-364-2420 Interior • Exterior • Carpentry • Repairs Home Improvements Design For Vision 215-443-5056 CMS Painters QUALITY WORK AT FAIR PRICES SINCE 1967 Joe Carney, Parishioner 215-396-8813 Jamison Warwick Shp. Ctr. • 215.491.2020 4 Other Locations To Better Serve You! 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