THE CORNERSTONE “Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” November 2014 Dear members and friends of Our Saviour’s, Later this month, Nov. 27th to be exact, we will observe the National Holiday of Thanksgiving. Although Texas claims to have celebrated a “thanksgiving day” about 80 years earlier (doesn’t that sound just like a Texan?), most look upon the origins of Thanksgiving Day as the Fall of 1621. It is said that about a hundred people... about half Indian and half pilgrims, sat down for a special meal at that time. It was in the midst of the civil war that our Congress declared the National Holiday that we now celebrate...the last Thursday of the month of November. At first “blush” doesn’t it seem strange that it should take an “act of Congress” to get us to set aside a day to give thanks?? And if the people of the US don’t have reasons enough to be thankful, certain we as Christians do. Listen to the Apostle Paul as he wrote the the people of ancient Corinth nearly 1900 years ago. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.” (II Cor 9:15). What was Paul referring to...what is an “indescribable gift”? is nothing other than the gift of Jesus, someone whom God has given to each and all of us. We as Christians know that... unfortunately, many do not. Many will be spending Thanksgiving Day more or less patting themselves on the back for all that they have. As Christians, we thank God for all that we have ...but especially for this “indescribable gift”. In Jesus we have love, life, freedom from sins, and the certainty of eternal life with Him. With that in mind, I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving Day. Blessings, Eugene Kock, vacancy pastor PRAYER MINISTRY (from Linda Fonger) Meeting dates are November 12th and 26th at 9:00 a.m. Please join us for this time of fun and fellowship! WOMEN’S AID (from Cheryl Heiliger) The Women’s Aid will meet on Thursday, November 13, at 1:00 p.m. for their regular meeting. A dessert will be served followed by time for devotion and fellowship. All women of the congregation are warmly invited to attend! The Women’s Aid recently renewed our church’s subscription to the Lutheran Sentinel, a publication of our Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Please pick up a copy on the table in the narthex. BETHANY AUXILIARY (from Cheryl Heiliger) The Madison Area Bethany Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday, November 4, at Western Koshkonong Lutheran Church. A “Norwegian” luncheon will be served at 1:00 p.m. followed by a presentation by a representative from Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota. Anyone interested in supporting our synod’s college or learning more about the college is welcome to attend. MISSIONARY SOCIETY (from Cheryl Heiliger) rd The 43 annual meeting of the ELS Women’s Missionary Society was held on Saturday, October 18, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Iola. Five members from Our Saviour’s enjoyed the day of fellowship and learning about the progress of our synod’s missions. The Rev. Steve Petersen, administrator of the Board for World Outreach, presented a program of updates and photos of our missions throughout the world. We currently have thriving missions in seven countries: Peru, Chile, Korea, India, Ukraine, Latvia and Czech Republic. Key updates: • Canaan Lutheran Academy in Korea prepares students to attend Lutheran High Schools in the United States. • The seminary in Peru has a new building and 25 students. • Weekly classes are given to laymen in Chile by Missionary Tim Erickson. • In India, 17 pastors continue classes in Greek. There are more than 300 children in orphanages. Cross-stitch continues to clothe them. • In Ukraine, the medical and dental clinics on wheels care for the needs of children and women in remote places. Pro-life centers counsel women to reject abortions and bring their babies to term. Our Mission Society raised over $7,400.00 this year. (Our Saviour’s contributed $407.00). What a joy to be able to disperse the contributions as follows: $4,100.00 to Cross-stitch for world outreach, Faith Mission Society $500.00, Bethany Seminary Students $500.00, gifts for 2 foreign missionaries $400.00, Thoughts of Faith $500.00, Christ in Media Institute $1,000.00, Friends of China $400.00. Dianne Baxter will serve as President of the Society, Cheryl Heiliger will be Vice President and Shelly Thompson will continue as the treasurer. Abiding Shepherd in Cottage Grove will host the 2015 rally on October 17. Mark your calendars for an inspiring day. To God be all praise and glory! “I can’t say enough good things about “Treasured Time with Tots” right here in our neighborhood at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church at 1201 Droster Road! The group of volunteers that puts this together is top notch. I am continually amazed at the amount of prep and creativity that goes into this one-hour session. And it only costs $5/family! There is a short organized storytime/ song portion; otherwise, it’s free play at art, sensory, fine motor, imaginative, literacy, and numeracy stations throughout the beautifully decorated space. Excerpt of message posted on the neighborhood Facebook page Treasured Time with Tots From Shelly Thompson Treasured Time with Tots has just completed its second month! We were blessed to have 28 and 22 children attend our two lessons in October, All About Me and Pumpkins & Leaves. It’s nice to hear that parents, as well as children, are enjoying TTwT, as evidenced by the quote above and pictures on our website. If you haven’t seen them, check out http:// for pictures from our Pumpkins & Leaves unit! Positive word of mouth has been a blessing to help our program grow. A few helpers have commented how comfortable the children are becoming at Our Saviour’s. I love seeing the faces as the children enter the room and run to the activity they want to do first. Their excitement is contagious! Our themes for November are: Farm and Thanksgiving. And in December our themes are Colors & Shapes and Christmas. We will be having a new semester of TTwT starting in January. Watch the bulletin for ways in which you can help. And many thanks to those who have helped and continue to help this program in many ways! Please keep TTwT in your prayers as we move forward showing our love for Christ through our actions and words. NEWSLETTER CHANGES (from Loren Thompson) For a few years, we have been dangerously close to the minimum number of addresses we need to be able to send the newsletter using bulk mail rates. Every month, a few newsletters are returned with address changes or marked as undeliverable or unable to forward. Some may have wondered why they still receive a printed copy of the newsletter after they made it known they would like to receive it via email, but without mailing those copies, and others, we would not be able to use bulk mail. With a few more copies being returned as undeliverable over the last few months, it’s time for a change. Starting with the January 2015 issue, our preferred method of delivery will be via email. If you provided your email address to receive the newsletter on the form earlier this year, there is nothing more for you to do, unless of course your email address has changed. If we do not have your email address and you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please send an email to [email protected]. If you do not have an email address or access to the internet, a printed copy will still be available. You can receive your copy in one of two ways: • Copies will be available on a table in the narthex that can be picked up while you are at church. • For members, past members, or friends of Our Saviour’s that are unable to come to worship or live far away, a copy can still be mailed to you. To make sure you stay on the mailing list, please call the church office or send us a note to let us know you would still like to receive the print version of The Cornerstone. As always, if there is something you would like to see in the newsletter, please let me know. For instance, puzzles and projects that were only included in the printed version as space allowed, can be included in every issue if you enjoy them. SERVING THIS MONTH SATURDAY 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 9:15 a.m. November 1 & 2 Greeters Ushers Nursery Elders Offerings Counter Ann Swanson Roger Mueller Marilynn Bunnell Loren Thompson Barb Hellpap Mike Fonger Yvonne Sorge Ron Holtz Stacy Schneider November 8 & 9 Greeters Ushers Nursery Barb Retzlaff John Retzlaff Marilynn Bunnell Peggy Jensen Ellery Jensen Yvonne Sorge November 15 & 16 Greeters Ushers Nursery Elders Linda Ferguson Roger Mueller Marilynn Bunnell Loren Thompson Barb Arneson Ron Arneson Yvonne Sorge David Ebert November 22 & 23 Greeters Ushers Nursery Marilynn Bunnell Roger Mueller Marilynn Bunnell Becky Priem Bob Priem Yvonne Sorge Wednesday, November 26 Thanksgiving Eve Worship - 6:30 p.m. November 29 & 30 Greeters Ushers Nursery Greeter Usher Val Roman James Breese Kip Liddicoat Roger Mueller Marilynn Bunnell Yvonne Sorge Tim Carlson Yvonne Sorge SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 November 2014 2 3 Worship with Holy Communion 9:15am Fellowship 10:15am Congregation Potluck 11am 9 10 5 Treasured Time with Tots room setup 6:30pm Treasured Time with Tots 10am 11 12 13 Prayer Ministry 9am Women’s Aid 1:00pm 18 19 20 Treasured Time with Tots room setup 6:30pm Treasured Time with Tots 10am 25 26 Publicity Committee Thanksgiving Eve Worship 6:30pm Worship 9:15am Fellowship 10:15am Sunday School/Adult Bible Study 10:30am 16 17 Worship with Holy Communion 9:15am Fellowship 10:15am Sunday School/Adult Bible Study 10:30am 23 24 Worship 9:15am Fellowship 10:15am Sunday School/Adult Bible Study 10:30am 30 Worship 9:15am Fellowship 10:15am Sunday School/Adult Bible Study 10:30am Church Decoration 11:30a Prayer Ministry 9am All Saints Day Worship with Holy Communion 5:30pm 4 Veterans Day SATURDAY 6 7 8 Worship 5:30pm 14 15 Worship with Holy Communion 5:30pm 21 22 Worship 5:30pm Newsletter Articles Due 27 Thanksgiving Day 28 29 Worship 5:30pm Please note: • • Thanksgiving Eve Worship is on Wednesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. Please bring a pie for fellowship after our service. We will decorate the church for the Christmas season on Sunday, November 30 after Bible Class. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR 1201 DROSTER ROAD MADISON, WI 53716 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 1201 Droster Road Madison, Wisconsin 53716 Phone: 608-222-5151 Rev. Eugene Kock, Vacancy Pastor WEBSITE: WWW.OURSAVIOURSMADISON.ORG Sunday Worship Fellowship Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 9:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Saturday Worship 5:30 p.m. The Cornerstone is published monthly. Please email [email protected] to: • • • • change mailing address be removed from our mailing list receive The Cornerstone via email send ideas for articles in future issues Singers in Windsor On Reformation Sunday, October 26, 2014, Pres. Moldstad served as guest preacher at Christ Lutheran in Windsor, California. Special music for the day included “A Mighty Fortress” sung in three languages (German, Spanish and English). Singers from Christ pictured above are: (front, from left) Marie Strong, Elizabeth Covert, Bruni Bagley; (back, from left) Heidi Galloway, Angel Bautista, Aurelia Bautista, and Heidi Scheiken. A wonderful German meal was served following a brief presentation on the work of our synod. Christ in Windsor (ELS) is part of a two-point parish with Living Word in Petaluma (WELS), served by Rev. Jeff Smith. Colloquy Information Rev. David Emmons, Turtle Lake, Wisconsin, has applied for colloquy. Any information concerning Pastor Emmons should be communicated to the office of the president ([email protected]) by November 18, 2014. President’s Schedule November 5-6 – Board for World Outreach November 6-7 – Board for Home Outreach November 10-11 – Board of Regents November 13 – Board of Trustees November 14 – Synod Review Committee November 18 – Preach at BLC chapel November 18 – Centennial Committee November 19 – Colloquy Committee November 21 – Michigan Winkel November 23 – Preach at St. John’s, Frankenmuth MI November 2014 Dear Fellow Workers in Christ’s Kingdom: The writer of Proverbs has stated, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (14:34). We are thankful to live in a nation where we not only can exercise the freedom to gather as Christians for worship each week but also be allowed to exercise voting privileges in a democracy governed by a constitution. Someone has said, “Fortunate is the land that has among its citizens even one Christian.” In this month of thankfulness as a nation and one with an important election day, may we as Christian citizens make use of the opportunity to participate in the voting process. We pray God would grant us good and wise rulers and enable peace and prosperity in keeping with his will. Blessings in Christ, John A. Moldstad Celebration at Cold Spring, Minnesota A fiftieth anniversary service and special dinner took place at Gloria Dei Lutheran in Cold Spring, Minnesota, on October 19, 2014. Former pastor of the congregation, Rev. Rodney Flohr, served as lector; current pastor, Rev. Cory Hahnke was the liturgist, and ELS Pres. J. Moldstad gave the sermon, “Glory Be to Jesus,” Revelation 1:5b–6. The text and the entire worship service was a duplication of the original worship service at the founding of Gloria Dei. The church joined the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in the year of 1996. The congregation today also operates a preschool. Mission Rallies Beginning in September and continuing through the month of February eight mission rallies are held throughout the country. Here the women in each area gather to learn about the status of our current missions in the United States and throughout the world and how they can support these missions. Cross-stitch often coordinates the offerings given at these rallies. This year Cross-stitch projects include: $10,000 for orphans in India; $2,500 for women’s scholarships in Peru; $5,000 for home mission and evangelism outreach in the United States; $2,500 for food for Amazon Lutheran High School in Peru; and $2,500 for the English-as-foreign language program in Chile. General Pastoral Conference The annual General Pastoral Conference met in Bloomington, Minnesota, on October 1–3, 2014. Papers presented this year were: “Great is the Holy One of Israel in the Midst of Thee: An Overview of Dr. Luther’s Great Confession of 1528” by Rev. Aaron Hamilton; “Compassion Fatigue: A Problem for Pastors,” by Rev. Jerry Gernander; “Arming Our Youth to Handle Contradictory Worldviews” by Rev. David Thompson; “The Antinomian Controversy with Application for Law and Gospel Preaching” by Rev. Peter Faugstad; and “Galatians 1–2: A Brief Summary of Luther’s Works 26 and an Exegesis of Galatians 2:11–21” by Rev. Michael Smith. Cylone Hits India Between October 7 and 14 a powerful cyclone (Hudhud) slammed into the coast of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, India, tearing down tens of thousands of mud thatch homes, and flattening rice and sugar cane planations. The storm reached peak strength of 109 mph. Pastor G. J. Ananda Raju (Lutheran Mission of Salvation–India) reported that some of the LMSI elders in the coastal region experienced damage at the thatched worship places and also at the tiled worship houses. He then adds: “We thank the Lord, though the damages were severe, He protected them from great danger.” Please keep our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ in our prayers. ELS/WELS Forum 2014 The Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Forum met October 20–21. This biennial forum brings together administrators, leaders, and theologians of the ELS and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod to discuss theological issues and joint projects and as an expression of the unity that exists between the synods. This forum was held at the WELS mission and ministry center in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Installation of Evangelism– Missions Counselor Rev. Larry Wentzlaff was installed as the Evangelism–Missions Counselor for the Evangelical Lutheran Synod on October 1 at Heritage Lutheran Church in Apple Valley, Minnesota.
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