Zion Lutheran Church NEWSLETTER WELCOME TO THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER Zion is a member congregation of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) NOVEMBER 2014 Pastor Mark’s cell: 515-538-2200 5831 GRUNDY ROAD, HUDSON, IA 50643 Church & Parsonage: 988-4534 www.zionlutheranhudson.com Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “I say to God my Rock, ‘Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?’” (Psalm 42:9) Do you think it is a bad thing to ask God “Why?” There are some who say that we should never question God, but have to be honest and say that I question God every day. I am not saying that I doubt God’s existence, but I do say, “Lord, i don’t understand why you have done this ... Why, Lord?” When you read the psalms, you see that many times the psalmist cried out the same sentiment repeating, “Why, God? Why have you allowed this in my life?” Jesus himself, while hanging on the cross, asked, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) So, I don’t believe it is wrong to ask, “Why God?” It isn’t wrong. But let me also remind us not to expect an answer. You can ask God all you want. Maybe God will give you an answer, but in most cases, He won’t. I also believe that even if God did give an answer, we wouldn’t understand it anyway. What we need to say is, “Well, Lord, I don’t understand why this is going on, but I trust you.” Even Jesus struggled with God the Father’s will. On the night of his arrest, while Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, we read that his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luke 22:44) While sweat and blood perspired out of his pours, he said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet, not my will, but yours be done. (Luke 22:42) At some point we can only say, “Okay, God, I will do it. I don’t feel like doing it and I don’t understand. I don’t want to do it and I don’t think it’s an idea I would have thought up in my own imagination. But, I am going to try my best to do it, because you told me to.” That is what Jesus did, and that is what we need to do as well. In Christ, Pastor Mark Decker LCMC ANNUAL GATHERING -- The LCMC 14th annual Gathering was held in Des Moines, IA, Oct. 5-8, at the HyVee Hall. The theme of this gathering was “Reason for Hope”. Our church, Zion Lutheran Church, led the music on the opening meeting on Monday. Sherrie led this with her talents. Scripture of 1Peter 3:15 was quoted: “But in your hearts revere Christ Lord, always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” From this then speakers guided us, Dr. Walter Sundberg, Rev. Margaret Manning, Rev. Mark Mattes, Rev. Randy Freund and Rev. Julie Smith. Many others gave workshops, informative meetings and business meetings. Missionaries came from all parts of the world and they were introduced and spoke of their areas. LCMC has over 737 subscribed member congregations. In the US, we have 7 areas that are divided. Some of these areas had elections for trustees. In Iowa we have 55 congregations. There were over 1100 people that came to this gathering. We went to different workshops and Breakout sessions as to different interests. The workshop that we went to was “Disciple Making at Home.” Parents are the biggest faith influences for their children. Many ideas on how to work as a family were discussed. A service project of “Meals from the Heartland” was worked on Tuesday night. Volunteers packaged 400,000 meals for starving people locally, nationally and globally. We were able to visit with the people at lunch; meetings and discussing problems brought us together. We visited with Pastor Fred and Claudia and we are to greet Zion members from them. From my notes, this is the main theme – “Each one of us is called to serve Jesus since we were baptized. We are called to give the message of Christ. It is God’s Blessing.” The next Gathering will be held at Dallas, TX., October 4-7, 2015. Harris & Carol Jorgensen CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is extended to Bob Petersen and his family following the death of Margaret Petersen. Margaret died on September 30 and her funeral service was at Zion on October 15. May God grant comfort and peace to all the family during this time. “UNDIE SUNDAY” - Thank you to all who donated “unmentionables” for the Friends of the Family Shelter in Waverly. We Gathered: 4 tee shirts; 110 girls underwear; 55 boys underwear; 10 pair boys socks; 20 pair girls socks; 31 pair women’s socks; 28 women’s underwear; 3 brassieres and $40. Last year the items we gathered were used “quite quickly” and brought smiles of appreciation for homeless neighbors. ALL SAINTS SUNDAY is November 2. The families of Tony Harn, Jonsey Watson, Dennis Clarke and Margaret Petersen will be lighting candles in memory of these people who have died since last year. HARVEST INGATHERING – Our annual Harvest Ingathering continues through November 23. The Grain Bin is slowly filling up. Can you help us fill it to the top and meet our goal of $15,000? Thanks to those who have already contributed. HARVEST THANKSGIVING POTLUCK BRUNCH will be held will be held November 23 immediately following worship services. Please bring a dish to share, beverages and table services will be furnished. Plan to join in with our church family as we give thanks for our many blessings. THE HUDSON COMMUNITY WIDE THANKSGIVING SERVICE will be held at St. Timothy Lutheran Church on November 23. Supper will be served at 5:30 with the worship service at 7:00. This is an opportune time to be together with the whole community as we gather jointly for Thanksgiving and fellowship. THANK YOU to Cindy, Austin and Holly Appleton for cleaning all the cupboards in the kitchen. This kind gesture is very much appreciated by all who work in the kitchen! 2015 USHER SCHEDULE - The Worship & Parrish Life Committee will soon be working on the usher schedule for next year. Please complete the enclosed form regarding this schedule. This will ensure that you will be assigned the dates that will work best for you to serve your church in this way. If you do not complete this form, you may be assigned at a time that is not appropriate for you. Thanks for your consideration and help with this. PERSPECTIVES ON THE WORLD CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT Perspectives on the World Christian Movement classes - For several years, local churches in the Cedar Valley have been hosting Perspectives on the World Christian Movement classes. Perspectives is a fifteen week course aimed at engaging Christians in what God is doing in the nations and exploring their role in missions - learning, praying, going, sending, welcoming, and mobilizing. Perspectives is life changing as it opens up Scriptures and God’s heart for the unreached people groups. It takes a look at God’s Word, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation, to show how it is about reaching the nations. “Perspectives brings fresh knowledge and understanding of God’s unchanging purposes and why they’re relevant to your life.” The class is composed of a reading component that is done on your own time and then followed up each week with a speaker from the mission field who goes over the material. Each one is different - most have been in the mission field - and all have amazing stories to share about how God is at work to reach the unreached. This year, Perspectives will start on the 18th of January at Orchard Hill Church (3900 Orchard Hill Dr. Cedar Falls, IA 50613) on Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30 PM. The class will be finished by the 3rd of May, and there is usually no class during the weeks of spring break and Easter. The cost for the Key Reading students (those who are not going for certification or college credit) is $250. There is a $25 early bird discount if you sign up by the 15th of December and a $50 discount if a second person in your immediate family attends with you. The cost goes toward flying the speakers in - as they come from all over the U.S. - and for your materials including the two books. Once you take the class, you can go back any and every year and listen to the speakers again anywhere in the U.S. for no charge. These classes are available to all those high school aged and older. For more information or questions, contact Holly Appleton at appletonholly@ gmail.com or during church. You can also visit the Perspectives website at http://www.perspectives.org. VIVE LA DIFFERENCE There is a family that worships at two different Lutheran Churches. One uses Traditional Divine Service with liturgy and organ music and the other uses Contemporary Praise and Worship …… BOTH are faithful to the Word and sacrament spirituality of Lutheranism. In BOTH of them they found more of Jesus. They love BOTH of them. Celebrating the differences in worship is part of the joy of being a Christian. PRAYER LIST – if you have anyone you would like posted on the prayer list please notify Pastor Mark, 515-538-2200 or pastormark@myomnitel. com, or Kay Degener, 988-3394, [email protected]. Names will be listed only if one of these persons is notified by a family member. SIGN UP SHEETS - Please notice the sign up sheets posted in the entryway and sign on the appropriate place where you are willing to serve your church. Volunteers are needed for: 1. Controlling sound system during worship services; 2. Read lessons during worship services; 3. Baking communion bread; 4. Furnishing and serve treats for fellowship time. THANK YOU to those who have previously volunteered their time in any of these ways. The WEB SITE for LCMC – Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, is www.lcmc. net If you have an announcement, message, quote, picture, or prayer, that you would like to share in the newsletter, contact Kay Degener, (319-988-3394) by the 25th of the previous month. Minutes of council meetings which will be included in the newsletters will be from 2 months earlier as they have to be approved at the next monthly meeting before they can be published. DATE USHERS 2 Jerry & Donna Dufel 9 Kevin & Marj Simpson 16 Kevin & Marj Simpson 23 Steve & Tanner Wright 30 Steve & Tanner Wright ACOLYTE Zach Young Zander Young Austin Appleton Tyler Laube Maria Avino READER Kay Degener Gayle Juhl Austin Appleton Andy Appleton TBA COMMUNION SERVERS 2 Gerald & Janet Brandhorst 9 Judy & Jenna Shirley 16 Judy & Jenna Shirley 23 Michelle & Carson Wright 30 Michelle & Carson Wright COMM. CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE Sheila Petry & Kay Degener Sheila Petry & Marian Grover Julie & Jenni Sorensen Julie & Jenni Sorensen Marj Simpson & Molly Volding BAKE COMMUNION BREAD – NOV. 16 Donna Dufel BIRTHDAYS 1 Diann Wulf 8 Anna VanHemert 12 Fred Wulf 12 Cameron Wright 24 Harley Bergman 24 Lorraine Joens 24 Janine Knapp 28 Allison Bergman 28 Michelle Wright ANNIVERSARIES 1 Tony & Cindy Young 19 Harlan & Deb Brandhorst 28 Ronnie & Kay Degener
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