Rockingham Church of Christ Inc. “A Place to Believe, Belong, Become” P P For those suffering due to health or age, including: SOUND CHRIS IAN 9th November 2014 P C W ’ : R !": G 11:1-9, A 2:1-12, 2:32-39 T %&: W A Y R O? S S P C We will be commemora/ng Solidarity Sunday during our service today by briefly raising awareness of persecu/on and praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ. In par/cular, the violence brought about by the rise of Islamic State has disrupted and endangered the lives of many Chris/ans, as well as other minority groups. Chris/ans in Iraq have been given three choices – convert to Islam, pay an extraordinarily high tax or flee for their lives. There is no longer a single Chris/an in the city of Mosul (Iraq), and over half a million Chris/ans have fled from Syria during the last three years. Chris/an homes and businesses are spray painted with the Arabic leFer “N” standing for Nasara (which means “Chris/an”) and severe persecu/on then follows. Pray for those being persecuted. Pray also that the persecutors will repent and turn to Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Don Goodyer (Fremantle hospital recovering from emergency surgery, awai/ng test results), Lois Keys, Shirley Hammond, Lorraine McDonnell, Clem Johnston, May Williams, Jenny MacLeod, Handley Davies and others. For those grieving, including George O’Keefe following the sudden death of Cheryl; Shayne Curby following the death of his grandmother; Heather & Bev SouthcoF; Brenda Brereton, Grace Coulter. For wisdom and unity as we vote on the nomina/on of addi/onal Elders next Sunday; for wisdom and unity as we plan for a second Sunday service to accommodate our growing needs. For a suitable replacement chaplain to con/nue the work of Bridget in Safety Bay Primary School in 2015. For brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecu/on and displacement in places like Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Sudan and other places around the world. Pray too for those who persecute them that they may receive Jesus as Lord. Thank the Lord for His assurance that if we seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, He will give us everything else we need as well. (MaFhew 6:33). N N E M S C O’K ANer the recent period of discernment, the current Eldership now nominate and recommend to you Chris Hill and Jim Gibbon for the role of Elder. There are sufficient posi/ons for both men to be elected to the posi/on of Elder. The term of office for an Elder is five years. It is with sadness we inform you that, following a massive stroke last weekend, Cheryl O’Keefe passed away earlier this week. A memorial service will be held in the chapel at 11am Monday 10th November, and the family welcomes your aFendance. Cheryl expressed personal faith in Jesus Christ and so we believe she leN this life with sins forgiven and is now enjoying the presence and comfort of Jesus while she awaits the final resurrec/on. A secret ballot will be held next Sunday morning, 16th November for all church members aged 18 and over to ra/fy the nomina/ons, and a special mee/ng will be convened over morning tea to announce the result. If you are unable to vote on the 16th, please see Elsie today by Thursday this week to lodge an absentee vote. Ps Cohen Watson, Ps Tim Nsair, Jim Kester & Victor Young (the exisng Eldership) UFO’ L T! P I S' Tomorrow, Monday 10th, is our next Unique Fellowship Ou/ng. We are mee/ng at the church at 11am to car pool for a 45 minute drive to a mystery des/na/on for lunch. The venue has a wide ranging menu to suit all tastes. Please let Graham and Denise Gilbert know if you would like to be part of this ou/ng. They will need to know numbers by 5pm this aNernoon. See them aNer church or phone them on 9593 9769. We expect to be back between 2—2:30pm. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (M)**+,- 6:21) H M—W T M You are invited to come and hear Heather Miller, a missionary we support as a church, from World Team Missions on Wednesday, 12th November at 2pm here in the chapel. All welcome. U& H' N - S B P S Are you willing to give an hour a week to run a “Rainbows” program for a group of 5-6 children at Safety Bay Primary School? Rainbows is a workbook based program which seeks to help kids who have experienced loss or grief (through death, divorce, separa/on from a parent, etc). Training is provided by the Rainbows organisa/on and paid for by the school. Very liFle prepara/on is required. Unfortunately, without volunteers, this program will cease next year. If you are interested or willing to help, please speak to Bridget Humble for more informa/on ASAP. C P*& As our church family grows, so does our need for car-parking space. We will shortly be designa/ng two bays in the exis/ng carpark as an access way to the grassed area at the north end of the church property (near the trees and tennis court). This will make the northern grassed area accessible for an addi/onal 15—20 cars. And for those who are able to walk a short distance and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, there is ample street parking on Rae Road out the front of Safety Bay Primary School, which is just a short walk from the church. One of the hardest truths for some people to accept is that there is absolutely nothing they can do to win their salva/on. No maFer how generous… how honest… how compassionate they are—it is never enough. God is holy, and His standard is perfec/on. If we think we are good enough, it simply proves our pride. Only when we see ourselves as God sees us—sinners, guilty before Him—we will realise our need of a Saviour. C.H. Spurgeon said, “The first link between my soul and Christ is not my goodness but my badness, not my merit but my misery, not my riches but my need.” But the amazing thing is this: In spite of our sin, God s/ll loves us. He loves us so much that Christ died on the Cross for us. All we can do is believe and receive—believe Christ died for us and by faith receive Him into our lives. No, you can’t win your salva/on—but Christ has won it for you! H56, 758 E)9+ D);, B=>>; G8)+)@ CRAFT GROUP C HRISTMAS L UNCH On Wednesday, 3rd December the CraN Group will be hos/ng their Christmas Lunch. This will be a catered event but help is needed to serve the food to the guests. If you are available to help, please speak to Karin Hanicke 9592 9156 / 0423 812 207 W T& C L R Ladies, save a spot in your diaries for Saturday evening, 6th December when the Women Together will be mee/ng for coffee ‘n cake and fellowship here at the church. More informaon to follow shortly….. Do you want to see our church lawns green this summer? The re/cula/on needs to be checked weekly. Please see Roger Kingdon if you are available to go on a roster to monitor the re/c. Training is available and you can work in pairs. S S P& — S As you are aware, the Board is presently puhng together a blue print for two (duplicate) Sunday morning services to present to the congrega/on to cope with our increasing capacity needs. As part of this planning, we would like your input as a congrega/on to help determine the most suitable service /mes, should a second service proceed. A survey is included with your news sheets this morning, and it would be very helpful if you are able to complete the survey and return it to the marked box in the foyer no later than Sunday 16th November. Once the Board has finished seeking input from all of the Sunday ministry teams, a blue print will be presented to you before asking you to vote on the adop/on of two Sunday services. Please con/nue to pray for wisdom, unity and that we will be mo/ved by God’s purposes and glory and not our own preferences – and be thankful that God is blessing our church family! Pastor Cohen, on behalf of the Board S S – O'' It is an exci/ng /me to see God growing His church and people in Christ as we proclaim the gospel and act in faith. However, we appreciate that the introduc/on of a second service is a big step, and some of you may s/ll have ques/ons, concerns or doubts. On behalf of the church leadership, Pastor Cohen will host Q&A sessions at the following /mes and dates in the chapel for anyone who would like to discuss any aspect of this further: 1:30pm – Tuesday, 11 th November th 4:00pm – Thursday, 13 November 11:15am – Sunday, 16 th November We encourage you to make the most of these sessions so that you are able to prayerfully consider the need, the issues and implica/ons, and are able to vote wisely and faithfully when the /me comes. The Elders also want you to feel free to contact them if you wish. W E L F A R E B A S KE T In the church foyer is a “Welfare Basket” for food donations which are used to make up food parcels for those in need. Non-perishable foods (within their ‘use-by’ date) are best, such as: long-life, milk, tea, coffee, milo, sugar, cereals, tinned tuna/hams, baked beans, peanut butter, jams, etc. All donations would be very much appreciated. P 2 S , 16th N7: Message: Ps Cohen Leading: Ps Tim Communion: P. Fricker Comm Prep: S. Hicks Helpers: S. Hicks, R. Carnaby, B. Bailey J. Gibbon, M & K Hanicke Reading: B. Armstrong Music: S. Kingdon, M. Hicks, Ps Cohen, I. Spence Sound: J. Saw Overhead: P. May Hospitality: M. Saw, P. Denholm Teas: B. Armstrong, A. Konkel Kids Church: D. Johnson, R. Watson, H. MacLaren, C. Fisher Crèche: D. Goodyer, S. Holmes Church Lock-Up: T & D Pearce Birthdays this week: November 9th Buster Little (14!) 12th Susan Dixon D D Thursday, 13th November Board Mee/ng Thursday, 20th November Prayer Together @ 4—5pm Saturday, 6th December Women Together @ 6pm Sunday, 21st December Carols on the Lawn ROCKINGHAM CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495 Email: [email protected] Pastor Cohen: [email protected] Assoc. Pastor Tim: /[email protected] Website:
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