F OODCORPORATION OF INDIA R E GIONALOFFICE,AHM EDABAD A d d re ss:-NearHimaliTower ,Shyam al- M anek BaughRoad Satellite,Ahmedabad Phone No.:- 079-26753032,26751576 E ma i l :-sr m [email protected] S / O M S S ( D ) / G u j / w h e a t / S e p t . - 2 0 1 4 / 6 D a t e d0: 8 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 4 Food Corporation of lndia invites bids from empanelled traders/ bulk con mers for sale of Wheat under OMSS(D)lying at variousDepotsunder F C I egionalOfficeAhmedabadthroughe- Auction. T h e i tendingempanelled traders/bulkconsumers of wheat mayparticipate in -auction the conductedby NSPOT on behalf of FCI on the website https /fciauction.nspot.in as per the followingschedule: (a) Date&time of startof e-auction 11.09.201411.00AM (b) D a te& ti me o f cl o seo f e- auction11.09.20142.00 PM Deta may i n stru cti o nto s b i d d e r sand ter m s&conditions gover ning the e- auctio n seen at https://fciauction.nspot.in Food corporation of Indiareserves the rightto rejectanyor all bid(s)or cancel or raw any lot or quantityof stocks and/ or scrap the sale of wheat thro h e-Auctionat any stagewithoutassigningany reasonsand withoutany liabili (sd) Sa l eq f Wh e a tto th e e mp a n elledtr ader s/bulk consumer sof W heat under O M S $ (D ) l yi n g a t va ri o u s D epotsunder FCI RegionalOfficeAhmedabad ) t h r o u ghe - A u cti o n (A u cti o nNo. 6 date 08' 09.2014 Gujar a t, of India,Gener alM anagei" On b e h a l fo f th e F o o d Cor por ation Agencies for saleof wheatlyingat FCI/State invitep bid(s)throughN-SPOT Depots,the detailsof depot-wisequantityofferedis indicatedin Appendix-|,in tr ader s F C I G uj a ra tR e g i o no n a s i s wher eis basisonlyfr om bulk consumer s/ prior to the date of invitationof of wheat alreadyempanelledby FCI/N-SPOT b i d ( s )fo r E -A u cti o nT. h e te rms and conditionsgover ningthe sale and the instructions to be followedfor submittinqthe bid are set out below:- l n $ tru cti o nto B i d d e rsa n d Ter m s & Conditionsqover ninqe- auction 1. DEFINITIONS. i) k T h e te rm 'T ra d e r/B u lConsum ershall ' mean bulk consum er s/tr aders of Wh e a t. ' T h e te rm 'E -A u cti o nshall m ean auctionof food gr ainsthr oughthe e auctionplatformof the serviceproviderM/s N spot. "Food Corporation" The term 'Corporation', and "FCl" whereveroccurs sh a l l me a n th e F o o d C or por ation of lndiaestablished under the Food Corporations Act.1964. N S P OT , sh a l l me a n NCDEX Spot ExchangeLtd., which has been a p p o i n te db y F C Ifo r co nducting E- Auction on its behalf. " Ge n e ra l T h e te rm Ma nager shall " mean the Gener alM anagerof Food C o rp o ra ti o n o f In d i a u nderwhose administr ative the Foo d lur isdiction, CorporationDepots/Godownsto which the contractrelatesfall. The l n a g ershall te rm " Ge n e raMa " also includethe DeputyGener alManager , Area Managerand any other officerauthorizedfor the time being to e xe cu teco n tra ctso n b ehalfof the Foodcor por ation of India. 'b u ye r/ T h e te rms i n tendingbuyer /biddershall ' mean and includethe personor persons,firm or companywith whom the contracthas been enteredinto includingtheir heirs,executors,administrators, successors and theirpermittedassigneesas the case may be. T h e te rm 'fo o d g ra i n s' shallmean and includeW heatstocksconfor m in g to prescribedquality parametersof issuablefoodgrains'and fit for h u m a nc o n s u m p t i o n . T h e te rm " d e p o si tth rough er ectr onicm ode" m eans the tr ansferof a mo u n t th ro u g h N E F T/RTGS/anyother electr onicm ode fr om the b i d d e r'sb a n ka cco u n to t the designated bankaccountof FCI V a l i d i typ e ri o do f b i d s undere- auctionshallm ean sevenwor kingday s from the date of Auction. ii) iii) iv) v) vt) vii) vrrr) rx) Onlythose bidderswho are empanelledwith FCI and alreadyregistered on with NSPOT before the day of issue of this Notice of e- auction NSPOT/FClwebsite are permittedto participatein the e-auction The of empanelmentare to be read and construedaS part and requirements of parcelof this documentand bindingon the bidders.The empanelment interestedbidders is an on going and continuousprocess and those bidderswho are interestedto get themselvesempanelledmay contact helpdesk providedby NSPOTon Toll Free No. 18002101222. T h e d e ta i l so f b i d d i n gand pr ocessof E- auctionis availableon the link aspx, which m ay be r ead and w w w n cd e xsp o t.co m/cir cular _english Bidder sar e advisedto co n srru e oa s p a rt o f th eseTer ms& Conditions. a cq u a i n th t e mse l ve sw ith the biddingpr ocedur ebefor ebiddtng.Bidde r may also contact helpdesk provided by NSPOT on toll free no 1 8 0 0 2011 2 2 2 . IN S P E C T IONOF S T OCKS :The stocks may be inspectedby the i n te n d i n gb i d d e r(s)o n the pr oduction of em panelmentletterat the godown(s)/depot (s) from where the stockshave been offered( as per A p p e n d i x- l ) d u ri n g wor kinghour son any wor kingday of FCI pr iorto the day of E-Auction. E A R N E S T _ MON EpYE POSIT( EMp) : (t) of the cost depositEMD calculated B rd d e rh a s to e l e ctro nically @ 100/o of stocksintendedto be purchasedat the reservepriceof WheatAs per The EMD has to be cr editedthr ough A p p e n d i x-lo f R s (A s applicable) e l e ctro n i c mo d e i n the designated FCI Bank Account No. 3 3 6 1 5 8 3 3 8 5 0 o n e day pr ior to the star t of E- auctionin sing l e i n sta l l me notn l y.l t i s the r esponsibility of the bidderto ensur ethat such p a yme n its cre d i te dto FCIaccountwithinthe scheduled time. (ii) l f E MD i s n o t cre d i te din the designatedbank accountof FCI one da y prior to the start of E-auction or Bids is submitted withouV with i n su ffi ci e nEt MD i f sh all be sum m ar ilyr ejectedand biddershallnot be a l l o w e dto p a rti ci p a te i n the biddingpr ocess. (iii) F MD fu rn i sh e db y th e biddershallbe for feited,if the bidderwithor aw s his offeror modifresthe terms & conditionsthereofor does not keep his offer open for acceptanceduringthe validityperiodor resilesfrom the offeror fails or neglectsto observe/perform any of the obligationsunder the contractor violatesany of the terms of contractsubjectto clausel0 A (v) (tv) ffi The EMD of all unsuccessfultenderersshall be refundedwithin three working days from the date of issuanceof acceptanceletter to the -/ for delay tn successfulbidder. However,no interestshall be payable re fu n do f E MD ,i n a n Ycase. in the biddin g s tGN l N G OF B ID QOCUMENT:Dur ing par ticipation acceptthe terms and conditionsof process,bidderhas to electronically E-Auctionfor sale of wheat underOMSS(D)for bulk consumers/traders. participationin the e auctionsignifiesthe expressconsentof the bidder to his acceptanceof all terms& conditionsof the e auction. h SUBMISSIOO N F BID(S): (r) T h e b i d d e r(s)sh a l l p ar ticipatein the e- auctionsepar atelyfor each Depot. The bidder shall quote the rate per quintal at or above the for ear liercr op year and Rs' 1570 1re se rvep ri ceo f Wh e a tof Rs.1500/for crop year 2014-15on e- auctionplatformas depictedat Appendix-ll' R a i l w a y fre i g h t fro m Ludhiana to near est Railhead and Road transportationcost from such railheadto depot will be added tn the quoted price to arriveat the sale price.Applicabletaxes will be levied e xtra .E a ch b i d sh a l l be for a m inimumquantityof 100 M T and total quoted quantityfor all Depot(s)put togetherin an e-auctionshall not exceed3500 MT (ii) , e b idscan be modifiedonlyupwar din ter msof either On cesu b mi tte dth ra te[i n mu l ti p l eo f R s 5/- ( Rs Five) ]or quantity( in m ultipleof 50 MT) o r b o th A l l b i d (s)sh a l l be ir r evocableThe bidder sar e not per mittedto withdrawthe bids. Biddersshall keep their offers open for acceptance for sevenworkingdays from the date of e auction,failingwhichthe EMD furnishedby the biddersis liableto be forfeited. a A C C E P T A N C EOF B IDS : For acceptanceof Bids,each depot shallbe treatedas a separateunit. Bid(s)will be acceptedon the principleof Price,Time and Quantity.For each depot,first the quantityas quotedby H-1 will be approvedat H-1 rates.Then the quantityas quotedby H-2 will be approvedat H-2 rates. T h i s p ro ce ss w i l l continuetill the depot wise quantityoffer ed i s e xh a u ste dIn . ca se o f sim ilarr ate beingquotedby multipletender er sat e u a n t i t y( i f l e s st h a n t h e t o t a l a n y s t a g ei e H 1 , H 2 . e t c ,t h e a v a i l a b l q b i d q u a n ti ty)sh a l lb e acceptedon "fir stquotedfir stallottedbasis"i.ethe bidder who has quoted the rate first will be allottedthe bid quantity In caseof sim ilarr atebei ng su b j e ctto a va i l a b i l i ty of stocksfor allocation. q u o te d b y mu l ti p l etender er sat the same time, the bidderwho ha s quotedfor the higherquantityshallbe allottedthe bid quantitysubjectto a va i l a b i l i ty o f sto cksfor allocation. 4 Communication of AccePtance' t l u E-Auction,shall be The contract,if any, which may eventuatefrom the governedby the conditionsas mentionedin the terms and conditlon(s) Bid and for E-Auction,its Appendicesand Annexures,Notice Inviting AcceptanceLetter. will be After the close of the e-auctton, Acceptance letters to th e successfulbidder sby e m ail in the e- mail lD co mmu n i ca te d and the same ca n p ro vi d e db y th e b i d d e rat the time of empanelment also be viewedby loggingintothe systemat http:i/fciro.nspot.in The acceptanceof the Bid by the General Manager or an officer the authorizedby him on his behalfshallconstitutethe contractbetween of Indiaand no separ ateAgr eementis b i d d e ra n d th e F o o dC or por ation requiredto be executedafterthe issueof the AcceptanceLetter' 1 0 . P A Y ME N TOF C OS T& DELIVERYSCHEDULE: Ai) P ri ceo f w h e a tsh a l lb e payableon the netweightbasis.All taxes,levies , fees, chargesetc. of any naturewhatsoeverleviableby any authorityin re sp e cto f th e sa l e o f wheatthr oughe auctionshallbe payableby th e b u ye ri n a d d i ti o nto th e salepr iceof W heat. bidder sshallbe adjustedtowar ds i i ) T h e E MD fu rn i sh e db y the successful taxes.The successfulbidder ( s)shal l th e co st o f sto cksa n d applicable taxeswith i n d e p o si tre ma i n i n gco st of the stocksalongwith applicable seven (7) workingdays from the next date of issue of the acceptance thr oughelectr o nr c l e tte ri n F C I B a n k A c countNo. 33615833850 mo d e .T h e co stsh a l lbe depositedin one go and no par tpaym entwillb e accepted. Releaseorder can be downloadedby the bidderonly after taxes.lncase of Inter - State d e p o si ti o no f fu l l co st alongwith applicable sa l e , su cce ssfu lb i dder has to deposit cost alongwithapplica bl e ' C' bidderhasto submitthe or iginal for m at th e C S T .H o w e vesu r cce ssful respectiveArea Officeand obtaincertificateon the face of the RO that 'C ' fo rm i n o ri g i n a hl as been subm r tted befor edeliver yof stock.For the purpose of depositionof cost of stocks/liftingof stocks, the day of shallnot be counted. co mmu n i ca ti oonf a cceptance bidderfailsto depositthe balancecostalongwi th i i i ) In ca seth e su cce ssful tim e,his bid is liableto be a p p l i ca b l ta e xe s& l e vieswithinthe stipulated ca n ce l l e da n d th e E MD fur nishedwill be for feited.No extensionof time will be grantedfor depositof Costat any circumstance. iv) The buyershallcompletethe liftingwithinfree periodof fourteen(14) by of acceptance workingdays from the next date of communication FCI. v) AfterFourteen(14)worklngdays,ontherequestofbuyer'Area Manager,FC|maya||owtheextensionforamaximumperiodofanother from FCI godownson Fourteen(1+; woiking days for liftingthe stocks paymentofstorage.nu'g"'attherateof50paiseperqtl.perday chargesshall be subjectto total minimumof Rs,2000/-.These storage the recovered in respect of the unlifted quantity of stocks during in the extended period (actual period for which the stocks remain godown).Afterexpiryoftwentyeight(28)workrngdays,nofurther value of the e xte n si o nw i l l b e g ra ntedand an am ountequivalentto to EM D,whicheveris lower 'sha l l u n l i fte dq u a n trtyo r a mountequivalent refundedto be recovered/forfeitedand the balanceamountif any, to be th e b i d d e r. vi) vii) viii) fr om a depo t In ca se , F C I i s u n a b leto pr ovidethe full/par tquantity approvedin the tender due to non- availabilityof stock or operational by the constraintsof FCl, the shortfallin the quantitymay be offered of the concernedArea Managerfrom other depot(s)on the request costto FCl,subjectto availability' b u ye rw i th o u ta n y a d d itional for delayedr eceiptof paymentof EMD / Cos t F C I w i l l n o t b e re sp o nsible d u e to fa i l u reo f th i rdp ar tieslikebanksetc lf the successfulbidder is unableto lift the allottedstocks within the stipulatedperiod of liftingbecauseof operatronaldifficultiesof FCI or reasonsbeyondhuman control(ForceMajeure)the concernedGeneral Ma n a g e r,R e g i o n , F CI may considerto r efund the balanceamou nt equrvalentto the unliftedstocksof Wheat basedon meritof each case, providedForceMajeureeventis notifredby the tendererto FCI in writtng withinseven (7) days of occurrenceof such event.A speakingorderhas to be passed by GeneralManager,Regionelaboratingthe operational difficultiesof FCI and actiontaken if such difficultiesare causeddue to stocksshall be deliver edto an y n e g l i g e n ceU. n d e r n o cir cum stances, successfulbidderafterthe expiryof the stipulateddeliveryperiod. rR.r T h e fo o d g ra i n sw i l l b e soldon "as is wher eis basis". (c) The Food Corporationof India reservesthe right to withdrawfrom the sale any quantityincludedin the E-Auctionprior to the acceptanceof offer(s) (D) will not be for tr ansporand t T h e b u ye rsh a l lma ke his own ar r angem ent from the entitledto claim any facilityor assistancefor transportation Food Corporationof lndia. However,the stocksshall be loadedin the trucksof the successfulbidderat the cost of FCl. 6 (E) of the stocks' ln case the successfulbidder wishes to take delivery he (buyer)must authorizesuch representative througha representative, (Appendix- lll) which througha Letterof Authorityin prescribedformat Depot'Depotinshallbe presentedto the Depotin-chargeof concerned chargeafterverifyingthebonafidesoftheauthorized of Authorityshall issue the stocks to Authorised representative/Letter sole re p re se n ta ti veH. o w e ver , such Deliver y shall be at buyer ' s lie againstthe , a n d rrsk and no claim whatsoevershall re sp o n si b i l i ty to a Food Corporationof Indraon any account,if deliveryis affected w ro n gp e rso n . (F) T h e F C I sh a l ld e l i ve rstockson 100%weighm entbasis.The weighment buyer /h i s sl l p sh a l l b e p re p a r ed in tr iplicateand signed by the in tokenof acceptanceof quantity& quality representative (G) D e l i ve rysh a l l b e g i ven only dur ingwor klnghour s on all FCI wor kin g signed days on presentationof the copy of the ReleaseOrder digitally Depot by FCI and NSPOT, by the buyer/hisrepresentativeto the Incharge,. (H) (t) (J) an y to m akeavailable of Indiadoesnotguar antee T h e F o o dC o rp o ra tron to th e bidder . d e fi n i teq u a n ti tY The Food Corporationof Indiareservesthe rightto acceptor relectthe any r eason. b i d (s),w i th o u ta ssi g n ing for obtainingper m its,if any T h e b i d d e rssh a l lma ketheirar r angem ents /any otherauthortty. requiredfrom the state Government (K) T h e w h e a t so p u rch asedfr om FCI underOMSS thr oughe auctionwi l l be utilizeddomesticallyand shall not be exportedby the bidder. lf the bidderviolatesany of the terms and conditionsof the empanelmentor found to be furnishingany wrong/falseinformationat any stage,then in in additionto forfeitureof EMD,bidderwill be debarredfrom participating fu tu re te n d e rsfl o a ted by FCI for disposalof foodgr ainsand coar s e g ra rn sfo r a p e ri o do f one Year . 11. C OR R U P TP R A C T ICES: l f a n y b ri b e , co mmission,advantagesoffer edor pr omisedby or o n behalf of the tenderers to any officer/ employee/ servant of the shallbe debar r edfr omthe C o rp o ra ti oann d N S POT,thensuchbidder ( s) in any tor m cr im inalaction.Canvassing E -A u cti o ni n a d d i ti o nto initiating o n th e p a rto f th e b i d deron or his behalfwill also m ake his tenderliabl e for rejection. 12. INDEMNITY: *-< T h e b i d d e rsh a l l d e fend,indem nifyand hold FCI and their r espec ti v e'&" ^rofficers,directors,agents,and employees,harmlessduringand afterthe E-Auction against any and all liabilities,damages, claims, fines, penalties,actions,proceduresand expensesOfany naturearisingout Of' resultingfrom any violationof any lawsby the bidderany way connected with the acts, negligence,breach,failureto performobligationsrelating to th e b i d d e r. 13 14. C OMP L IA N .COF E L A W S: BothFCI and Biddershallcom plyand abid e b y a l l a p p l i ca b l el a w s includingwithoutlim itationall applicableRule s ma d eth e re u n d e r. L IMIT A T IONOF L IA BILITY:In no event shall FCI be liablefor any damagesof any kind sufferedby the director indirector consequential in connectionwith the sale of biddersor their agents or beneficiaries, food grains throughe auctionand/or use of e auctionplatformof the serviceprovider. 1 5 . GOV E R N IN GL A W & DISPUTESRESOLUTION: The grievancesof the affected bidders and general public will be d e ci d e db y GM(R e g i on)FCI in a tim e boundmannerand if Bidder ( si)s , appe al n o t sa ti sfi e dsti / l la g g rievedwith the decisionof GM( Region)an disputesbetweenth e l i e sto co n ce rn e dE D (Zone)FCl. Any unr esolved bidder(s)to the contractwill be settledin the Courtof Law of competent jurisdictionat Gujarat. The contractshall be governedand interpretedin accordancewith the Lawsof Indiain force. AGM(Comml.) of lndia Forandon behalfof FoodCorporation Manager, Gujarat General B Appendix- | of depot-wisequantityof wheat offered to empanelledtraders/bulk of WheatunderOMSS(D)lyingat variousDepotsunderFCI con{ R e g n a l Offi ce,A h me d a b athr d oughe- Auction( AuctionNo 6 date08.09.2014 )for -auctron Detailsof quantityoffered(in MT) Nameof Depot Cropyear2u:-M - -"[e .p y'e;aru4-75 and earlier Quantit Reserve Quant Reserve Price(Rs./Qtl) Price(Rs./Qtl)v ity including including Railway Railway freight+Road freight+Road transportaion transportaion --__1708 9 000 F S D ,Go d h ra PEGVyara - -t I _- i C WC ,S u ra t Ga n d h i d h a m FSD,Dared(Ja mnagar) 3000 I CWC,Thangad 5000 h 1659 0 1729 1 CWC Hapa 1000 1668 0 1738 1 F S D ,Gh a n te sh 6000 war 1675 0 1745 1 FSD.Wadhwan 3000 1652 0 1722 1l F S D ,Wa n ka n e r 9 000 1656 0 1726 {693 0 1763 t P E G Ma l i ya H a ti n a ) FSD,Viramgam 12500 1644 0 1714 ) CWC 400b 1647 0 1717 F S D .S a b a rma ti 5000 1638 0 1708 1500 Shahalam 7 Total 97000 3000 Re rk:- All Partiesare requestedto see the Depot wise Base orice ' G u i at R e q i o nj n cl u d i n q R oad n charqes+Railwav freiqhl tes on FCI/NCDEXWebsite. F 10 II APPENDIX Format of rates to be quoted in the e auction platform. i,l r:g ; s T o l l F r e e: 1 S N 1 1 0 1 2 4 F C I A u c t i o n ) o v e r v i e w - S e l e c t R e g i o n- w i l l g i v e d e t a i l s o f F C I d e p o t s ( A u c t i o nT i m i n g s q u a n t i t y ,b a s ep r i c e e t c . ) s c h e d u lfeodr e - a u c t i o nf o r t h e d a y . C l i c ko n B I D Sel FCI Auction )Auction Floor )Select Region sMs Help lMobil. Regi*ration 128 kbps - 256 Kbpsl Welcome.:l"ri' ;siaf fffisi Time left for completionof lntgi -::...n. I r Auction l 11 lcsTrack.. , III APPENDIX ON NONJUDICIAL STAMPPAPEROF Rs. 100 LETTEROF AUTHORITY IA/VE P RIETOR/PARTN ER/DIRECTOR M/S A ADDRESS, o R r s Es H R t DO .s/o. OF HEREBY ......FoR TAKI G DELIVERY OF THE STOCKSON MY/OURBEHALFALLOTTED TO M IN THE E AUCTIONDATED RELEASEDBY FOOD COR RATION OF INDIA, REGIONAL v i d er e l e a s eo r d e rN o . . . . . D a t e d. . . . OFFICE, TUREOF THEAUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE T U R EO FA U T H O R I S E RD EPRESENTATIVE WE ARE BOUND BY THE ACTS OF OUR AUTHORISED ESENTATIVES AND CONFIRMAND RATIFYTHE ACTIONSAND RE D E E OF T H E S A l DA U T H ORISEDREPRESENTATIVE AND UNDERTAK E A N D DECLARE THATTHE STOCKSDELIVERED TO THE AUTHORISED R E P ESENTATIVE IS COMPLETE ANDCONCLUSIVE DISCHARGE OF FCI F R O ITSCONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. (PROPRIETOR/PARTN ER/DtRECTOR) E S T E DB Y N OT OR YP UBLICW ITH NOTORYSTAM P& SEAL) T2
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