Mark E. Rigney, M.D. – Staff motion to modify terms of probation to allow remove requirement for weekly chart review – Motion granted. David G. Blackshaw, M.D. – motion to allow prescribing of Controlled Dangerous Substances – Motion granted. Bernard Fioravanti, M.D. - Emergency Motion for Board to Hear Application for Reinstatement on November 6, 2014 – Motion denied. JOSHUA WILLIAM BENNETT – applicant, Athletic Trainer license – granted under terms of Agreement SHAWN MICHAEL MORGAN – applicant, Respiratory Care Practitioner license – granted under terms of Agreement WILLIAM GIBSON SIMPSON – applicant, full medical license – License granted Gregory Keith Morton, M.D. – applicant, reinstatement of medical license after revocation – stricken from the agenda DIANA JUNE THOMAS, L.O. KIMBERLEE RENEE MIXON, PA – probation expires November 19, 2014 Mark David Winchester, MD – probation expires November 19, 2014 JONATHAN KEITH BREWER, M.D. – Disciplinary hearing alleging violation of probation – Reprimanded and indefinite probation continued with additional requirement to provide 100 hours of community service and employment to be approved by the Board Secretary 1 KYLE L. STEWART, M.D. – Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of Prosecution accepted MEMBER APPOINTED TO THE REGISTERED ELECTROLOGIST ADVISORY COMMITTEE SARA CREWS, R.E. MEMBER APPOINTED TO THE RADIOLOGIST ASSISTANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE AMY KIRBY, M.D. MEMBERS APPOINTED TO THE THERAPEUTIC RECREATION COMMITTEE ANGELA ROBERTS, TRS PEDRO VELASCO, PUBLIC MEMBER ADOPTION OF PERMANENT RULES 435:10-7-12. Establishing a physician/patient relationship; exceptions – adding exception for licensed providers ordering opioid antagonists pursuant to 63 O.S. §1-2506.2 – adopted on an emergency basis. Permanent adoption will be considered at the November 6, 2014 meeting. AND 435:10-11-3. Procedure for special licensure [AMENDED] – clarifying that special medical licenses will be issued only in situations of exceptional need and to medical doctors with extraordinary qualifications. TITLE 435. STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL LICENSURE AND SUPERVISION CHAPTER 10. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS SUBCHAPTER 7. REGULATION OF PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PRACTICE 435:10-7-12. Establishing a physician/patient relationship; exceptions A physician/patient relationship is established when a physician agrees by direct or indirect contact with a patient to diagnose or treat any condition, illness or disability presented by a patient to that physician, whether or not such a presenting complaint is considered a disease by the general medical community. The physician/patient relationship shall include a medically appropriate, timely-scheduled, face-to-face encounter with the patient, subject to any supervisory responsibilities established elsewhere in these rules except the following providers are not subject to the face-to-face encounter: (1) Providers covering the practice of another provider may approve refills of previously ordered medications if they have access to the medical file of the patient. (2) Hospice medical directors may initiate prescriptions based on requests from licensed health care providers and on information from Hospice records. (3) Providers ordering appropriate medications for persons with laboratory-proven, sexually transmitted diseases and persons who have been in contact with certain 2 infectious diseases. (4) Telemedicine physicians who meet the criteria set out in OAC 435:10-7-13 of this Subchapter. (5) Licensed healthcare providers providing medical immunizations, which may be implemented by means of standing order(s) and/or policies. (6) Licensed providers ordering opioid antagonists pursuant to 63 O.S. §1-2506.2. TITLE 435. STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL LICENSURE AND SUPERVISION CHAPTER 10. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS SUBCHAPTER 11. TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL LICENSURE 435:10-11-3. Procedure for special licensure (a) Effective Absent Board determination of exceptional qualifications and need to warrant special licensure, effective June 9, 2004 only special licenses for training will be issued by the Board. Persons issued special licenses prior to June 9, 2004 may continue to apply for renewal. (b) No person granted a special license to practice medicine or surgery in this state shall practice outside the scope of the special license. Any practice outside the scope of a special license shall be deemed to be the unlicensed practice of medicine or surgery. The Secretary is authorized to seek injunctive action to prevent any person from violating terms or limitations of a special license granted by the Board. (c) Upon application for renewal, the Secretary shall review all special licenses granted on an annual basis to determine if such license should be renewed by the Board or amended as to its terms or limitations. In addition, the Board may grant the holder of a special license a license without practice limitation when appropriate. 3
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