Agenda Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision This meeting of the Board will be held at the office of the Board, 101 NE 51st Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act and Open Meeting Act of Oklahoma. *INDIVIDUAL PROCEEDINGS: Review and action on all agenda items noted for individual proceedings. In all agenda items noted for individual proceedings, a majority of a quorum of Board members, in a recorded vote, may call for closed deliberations for the purpose of engaging in formal deliberations leading to an intermediate or final decision in an individual proceeding under the legal authority of Oklahoma state statutes, to wit: Article II of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. §309 and the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. §307(B)(8). THE BOARD MAY DISCUSS, VOTE TO APPROVE, VOTE TO DISAPPROVE, VOTE TO TABLE, CHANGE THE SEQUENCE OF ANY AGENDA ITEM, OR VOTE TO STRIKE OR NOT DISCUSS ANY AGENDA ITEM. 9:00 A.M. ___ Meeting called to order ___ Opening remarks – Lyle Kelsey, Executive Director ___ Board Advisor Comments: John Wiggins, JD ___ ___ ___ ___ Public Hearing on proposed permanent rule amendments: 435:10-7-12. Establishing a physician patient relationship; exceptions [AMENDED] (MD) 435:10-11-3. Procedure for special licensure [AMENDED] (MD) Review, discussion and possible action on and adoption of proposed rule amendments: 435:10-7-12. Establishing a physician patient relationship; exceptions [AMENDED] (MD) 435:10-11-3. Procedure for special licensure [AMENDED] (MD) ___ Review, discussion and possible action on proposed changes to the Physician Assistant Act – presentation by Daniel McNeill, P.A., Ph.D. ___ Review, discussion and possible action on Staff motion for Termination of Agreement of Diana June Thomas, L.O. ___ ___ ___ Review, discussion and possible action on final probation reviews: Kimberlee Renee Mixon, PA Mark David Winchester, MD Review, discussion and possible action on Staff Motion for modification of probation for Mark E. Rigney, MD 1 ___ Review, discussion and possible action on motion for modification of probation for David G. Blackshaw, MD ___ *Joshua William Bennett – applicant, Athletic Trainer license ___ *Shawn Michael Morgan – applicant, Respiratory Care Practitioner ___ *William Gibson Simpson – applicant, full medical license ___ *Gregory Keith Morton, MD – Review, discussion and possible action on application for reinstatement of medical license after revocation ___ *Brernard Fioravanti, MD – Review, discussion and possible action on Emergency Motion for Board to Hear Application for Reinstatement on November 6, 2014 and, based on ruling on motion, review, discussion and possible action on application for reinstatement of medical license after surrender ___ *Jonathan Keith Brewer, MD – Disciplinary hearing alleging violation of probation ___ *Kyle L. Stewart, MD – Presentation of Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of Prosecution and possible motion accepting the Voluntary Surrender in Lieu of Prosecution ___ Telemedicine presentation - Andy Wagner MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Stat Doctors ___ Recognition and honoring of Gerald C. Zumwalt, MD upon his retirement as Board Secretary UNSCHEDULED ITEMS ___ Review/action - minutes of the September 18, 2014 meeting ___ Ratify applications approved by the Secretary/circularization (attached to agenda) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Review/action – Committee recommendations Advisory Committee on Dietetic Registration Advisory Committee on Pedorthics Advisory Committee on Therapeutic Recreation Occupational Therapy Advisory Committee Physician Assistants Advisory Committee Physical Therapy Committee Respiratory Care Advisory Committee ___ ___ ___ Appointments to advisory committees Radiologist Assistant Advisory Committee (1 radiologist needed) Registered Electrologist Advisory Committee (1 Electrologist needed) Therapeutic Recreation Committee (1 TRS and 1 public member needed) 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ Executive Director's report to the Board Brochure, online presentation and information for health care providers and the disclosure statement designed for patients and patients’ families required by House Bill 2603 Meeting with third-party payors regarding physicians on probation Telemedicine and abortion services ___ Executive Session for the purpose of confidential communications between the Board and its attorney pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307(B)(4) concerning the case styled Steven C. Anagnost, M.D., Plaintiff v. Oklahoma Spine and Brain Institute, LLP, et al, Case No. CJ-2013-6140, in the District Court of Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma. ___ New Business – any matter not known about or which reasonably could not have been foreseen prior to the time of posting 3 Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision Licenses Issued From 9/19/2014 To 11/4/2014 AT Licensed Athletic Trainer CHOATE, KENDALL THOMAS ABBEY, JORDAN ROBERT LD Licensed Dietitian MENAPACE, JEANETTE MARIE MD MEDICAL DOCTOR SHEETS, HARRY KYLE JAMGADE, AMBARISH PRAMOD WATSON, KEVIN GRANT SANDLIN, ADAM THOMAS KO, EUN HO MCMILLIN, JOHN ROBERT STARLING, CHERRY ELIZABETH REIS, DIANE CROWLEY HENDERSON, BENJAMIN REID LEE, JASON ZHI SOBTI, VIKRAM KRISHAN DOTANI, MOHAMMAD IMRAN RAGLAND, DOUGLAS WADE DICKERSON, SANDRA DEE FEIST, MATTHEW PHILIP MATHUR, VINITA ROWLES, DOUGLAS JAY ALJUMAILY, RAID OSWALT, BARRY FUSSELL CRANE, WILLIAM ABRAHAM JR NOVICK, ANDREW S MAYS, ISRAEL JEFFRY GERARD, ROY DUPUY JR SCHUSTER, GRAE LEE NICHOLS, CLAY ALLEN BIEDERMANN, SHANE OLIVER ROSENBERG, THOMAS F SALINS, SALOMI TRUPTI CREELMAN, STEVEN ARTHUR FLEMING, SEAN DUANE SPRANKELL, ADAM GRAYMOOR KAMESAN, JANANI PARKER, DANIEL CAMFIELD, ANGELA SUZETTE HURSH, DIANA M OGDEN, SHANNA RENEE KOTHAKOTA, RADHIKA MAHONEY, STEPHEN EDWARD SNYDER, EDWARD JACOB III FOGARTY, JAMES PATRICK JR JACKSON, CHRISTINA ALICIA G GRIEBEL, JACK ARNOLD JR CORTES, ZENIA SAFDAR, KAMRAN HADDAD, LABIB FOUAD SPARKS, ANTHONY LESTER AMAYA HELLMAN, DIANA STELLA GATES, CHARLEY B ANDERSON, ROBERT WESLEY III ADIBE, OBINNA O DELELLIS, DANA AVULA, VIKAS REDDY HERREN, RICHENDA DAWN HRISTOVA, ANNA H. CHOPRA, PREETI DURAN, SHAUN MICHAEL STAFFORD, PERRY WORTHINGTON ZHU, YEFEI OA Occupational Therapy Assistant WEST, JENNIFER KAYE SOTO, MARIO J WHITLEY, NICOLE ANN TOMBLIN, LANA ELYNN WHETSTONE, SHAWN MARIE WALLACE, MACIE GRIER MAYERICH, APRIL LYNN SMITH, MASON JAMES CORRALES, COURTNEY DANNIELLE FRANKLIN, KAMBREA LYNN OT Occupational Therapist LOWRANCE, AMANDA MAE BRYAN, ANNA ELIZABETH SCHULLER, MICHELLE ELIZABETH MEYER, JENNIFER LYNN PT Physical Therapist ANGER, JENNIFER JEANINE TA Physical Therapist Assistant WARREN, JONATHAN FINKE, CARLYN RENE' CRUZ, DAVID ROLAND GUNN, LISA MARIEA CONWAY, SARA BETH ANN LANE, CLINTON THOMAS WESTMORELAND, BRANDON COLE PETERSON, STACY ALINE LADD, MARGARETT JOINES, ANGELA RAE
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