WAGGA WAGGA HIGH SCH OOL ~ • HILL THE Ma gazine o f the WAGGA WAGGA HIGH SCHOOL 1966 Ed i t o)'s: Jud y C raig, Maril yn W YiHI , Scoll Wheel house. ))etcr J ans SlIpe",isor: 1\l r. D. 1'1 1. )'(1 111. AdvUlisillg: I\I l's. OSbeiSLOll. T ypi ll g: ~ I rs. j\.. lilIcl' P"o l ogl"(jl)h.~: ;md 1\ ['" Morley. T ooleys SLUdios. 5A EDITORIAl COMM ITTee , Julie Am"il Eliube th Dun" Cheryl S' .nlon Rod". Si.bels J~ Additon Pe'". Glssing Jeff Wil.on Wendy Corben Hele" MMlcalf Robyn McPhel$on f •• nces S'9gers T"rr'l' Butcher J.'m Worrhington Wendy hVI<>< Rhonda Reid J,,,.II,, 51... Phillip All.,. All,n Hog.n lIobe" McDona'd The Editor wilh,,> 10 .(knowledge with thanh the guld'nee in ,,,chAiul mer le .. end the g .. o",OI'IV in ",,'eri.1 ... ;" .... (e of the man.gement end I,.ff of the p, in t"", and in partlcul... , Mr. N. Hull. "The 0.11'1' Advertiser," • WAGGA WAGGA HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL DIRECTORY H eadmllste r: 1\ 1r. W. C. AT K INSON, B.A. Oepllty H e//(fllwsler: I\ lr. L. S. I\ IU LI-IOLI.AN D, B.COIll. , A. ,\.5 ..-\. DEPARTM ENT O F ~ NGL1 S H AND HISTO RY: M" D. M. PAUL. B.A., Dip Ed . (Mu,er) Min L. ALLEY, BA, Dip. Ed. M... B. CASHE, B.A. Mr . W. P. CROWLEY . B.A., Dip. Ed. Mi •• M. E. FIHD , B.A .• Dip. Ed. M ... M. J. flETC HER. Mrs. K. M. HOOPER. B.A., Dip. Ed . Mr. D. J. MORLEY, B.A .. Dip. Ed . Mi •• B. STROUD, B.A., Lill.B. Mr . B. G. WALTERS, B.A .. Dip. Ed . Mrs . A. WARREN. B.A. DEPA RTMENT O F LANGUAGES: Mr •. E. M. GEOGHEGAN, B.A. (Mi"ren) Mi .. C. C. HARRIS Mr . W. A. HEANEY, B.A., Dip. Ed . M i .. M . A . LYQJ":S. BA. D:p. Ed . DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS : M•. K. D. SCOLLAY, B.A. (Ma.,er) Mrs. W. M. EGGLETON M, . R. J. HARRIS, B.A" Dip . Ed. M" G. HORNIDGE, B.A., Dip. Ed. Mr . P. RAFFERTY Mr•. F. E. SANDERSON Min B. M. TAYlOR, B.Se" Dip. Ed . DEP ARTMENT OF SCIENCE: SCHO OL CLER KS : DEP ARTMENT OF ART: M r. G COLliNS (Masted Mis. M... Mrs. Mi .. D. KAMENZ (Iran •. P. McCAR THY '0 Canberra) D. G. MULHOLLAN D E. MURPHY DEPA RTMENT OF HOM E SC IENCE : Min M .. M,.. M. s. ""... l. M. A. P. J. A. A. B. V. E. CRAIIEN (Mi.'re •• ) BUSH DANIEL G REIG WILDMAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUC ATION , Mr. R. G WALLA CE, Dip. Phys. Ed . MAC ARTHUR HOUSE : Hou. ema"et: M•. N. W. Wenham. Hou.emi . lren: M,.. II. Wildm an. Cap,ain$: Barba,a While, Geoff Woods STURT HOUSE : DEPARTMENT O F MUSI C, Miss L. COLLINS, A.Mus.A. Mff. J . CHAPPELOW, B.A. , Dip. Ed. Mi .. P. C. TOOHEY, A.Mus.A. , l.Mus.A .. D.S.C .M. Hou'emB",et: Mr . M . C. 8un'e,. House mi.lfess: Miss l. All ey. CaOI. ins: Palfici a Chapman, Mark Gallaghe, . CLASS TEACHERS , Mr . M. C. BUNTER Mr . D. G. MERCER M, . J. G. McG RATH PRE fECTS' MASTER: Mr . W. C. ATKINSON, B.A. CAPTAINS : L1 BRARIAN : Mill M. E. FIElD, B.A., Dip. Ed. SCHOOL COUNSEllOR: M" A. F. TA YlOR, B.Ec.. Dip. Ed . DEPA RTMENT O F COMMERCE: SPORT SMASTER : Mr . R. G. WALLACE. Dip. Phys. Ed. Two Hou,,, ma",,,, Mr. D. G. M"rce,. House m iSl,,,n: M... P. McCarthy. Cap,ain " Su" Tulloh, Way ne Cummins. M ... l. EBeliNG, Dip. Phyl. Ed. MI. R. F. RUSSEll, B.Sc.Agr., Dip Ed. M,. W. C. RANKIN, B.Ec. (MM'''' ) Mr. L. A. BIHAR Mrs . A. II . COTTAM, B.A., Dip. Ed. M•. B. R. GREEN E, B.A., Dip. Ed . Mr. G. W. GUEST, B.A., Dip. Ed. Mr . S. J. HOOPER , B.Ec. Mr . l. S. MULHOLLAND. B.Com., A.A.SA M•. l. W. TRHOAI Mr. N. W. WENHAM FARRE R HOUSE : Housemall,," Mr . l. A. Billa,. Hou .e m'"'''''' Mis. A. P. Bu.h. Caplains: Marilyn Wy all, Robert Hu.king. HARGREAIIES HOUSE : DEPARTMENT O F MANUAL ARTS : Mr. M. H. WALKER, A.S. T.C. (MaSle .) M•. W. C. FAWCETT M•. I. J. HICKEY, A.S.T.C. M•. R. MORGAN·T HO MAS M,. W. RICHARDSON, A.S.T.C. Mr. B. THOMPSON Mr. J . G. McGRATH, B.Se.Ag'" Dip . Ed . (Mall".) MI. R. D. BLACKLOW Miss J. A. BOREHAM Mrs. D. CAMPBELL M•. B. M. COTTAM, B.Sc. Mrs. R. GlASTONBURY, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. M•. R. T. MEAD M•. J. H. NOWLAND, B.Ayr .. Dip . Ed. MI. G. P. POWDERLY Mff. E. M. GILlMAN Mff. R. MILLER Mrs. J. OSBEISTON ASS IST ANT SP ORTSMASTU : Mr. l. A. BIHAR SPORT5MISTRESS: Mr •. L. EBELING. Dip. Phy •. Ed. ASSI STANT 5PORTSMIST RESS: Mi n A. P. BUSH PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE PATRICIA CHAPMAN, JEff WILSON VICE·CAPTAINS: WENOY CORBEN. MARK GAllAGHER To a l.1 ~lll d e n ls, past and p resen t, 10 m y lo)"tl stafl a tld to the lI';lrm conUllU ni l), o f \Va ~ga \Vagga I sa y farewell and ;Ill revoir. For m e a nd Illy famil y you have m ade the sta )' here \ler,}' happy. May I wish yon ,Ill Sllccess and we ll bem g lJl lhe rmure. PREfECTS: GI RLS: O.. wn towe. Helen Medcalf, Nad . Panic, France. Slgg" ,., Rodna Siebel., Cheryl Sianlon, We ndy hy lo" Marilyn Wyall. BOYS, Phillip Alia ,.. Pe 'e' Gissing, Robert Husking, Richard Levy, Ian Love ll, Tim Marchl n', Mark Rape., Scoll Wh"elhou.e, S,even Wilson, Geoff WOodl. "T H E H ILL" " T H E HI LL" T hree THE SCHOOL STAFF AT TOP lEFT : lb.~ Row): Mr. 8. Walt.rS, Mr. G. Collins, Mr . W. Hu ney, Mr . O. Pa ul, Mr . O. Morle y, M•. W. Crow ley. (Middl e Row): Mi.. C. H... is, MrS . J . O.b.i<lon, Mrs. R. Mi ll e r, Mrs. P. Hoop e r, Mro. A. W..re n, Mi ss 8. Stroud, Mr<. M. Fle tch er, Mi n l . AU.y. (fronl Row ): Mi.. D. Ka me n. , Mrs . D. Mulholland, Min M. Fie ld, Mi.. M. l y·o ns, Mn. 8 . C•• lle, M••. P. McCarthy . M. s. E. Gillman , AT 80TTOM lEFT : Ib.k Row): Mr. R. Mu d , Mr. R. Walla .., Mr. J . McG ra lh, Mr . J. Nowland , Mr. 8 . Cottam. (Middle Row): Mr. A. hy lo., Mr . G. Hornidg e, M•. P. Raffe rly, Mr. K. S'ollay, Mr. R. Ru sse ll , Mr. R. Ha rris. Mr . R. 8I a' ~low , (front Row): Mrs. D. Campbell, MrS. R. GI ..lonbury, Mi .. J. Bo.e ha m, Mrs. f . Sand .rson, Mrs. W. Eggl e ton, Mi .. 8 . hyl·or, M... l . Eb e ling , Min B. hd .... n. (bck Row); Mr. l . Treloar, Mr. l . Billar, Mr. S. Hoope r, Mr. B. Gree ne, Mr. I. Hi cke y. (Middl. Row); M•. B. Thomp son, Mr. N. Wenh.m, Mr. G. Gu ..t, Mr . W. Mr. W. Rankin , Mr. M. W.lke r, Mr. R. Morgon.Thom ... hwce tt, (F,ont Row) ; Mr>. A. Gre ig. Min l . Collin s, Mi.. P. Toohe y, Mi .. l . Cuven, M... V. Wildman, Mrs. A. Cotta m, Mr •. J. O. niol. Mi.. P. Bush. " THE H I LL" 'T H E HILL" I Fille CAPTAINS' MESSAGES 1966 draws to a close as does m y fifth year at the Wagg;' Wagga H igh School ,md m y term of captai ncy. . Un ti l recently. I d id 110l. re,lllse what Wagg;t H igli has done a.nd is damg LO make us liner citizens of the luture. The system of education has ueen designed to cncoUl'ag~ the rowth of the student mentally and phYSica ll y ~s an individuaL It creates a more n~alUre you th. who wi ll , o n cllter ing either a tertiary form at educa tion or <Ill occupation , be .heller a ble .t~ cope w ith responsibilit ies and an.lIlll11X of \\'OI k. ,Ve arc fortu na te ""agga I-IIgh as not only a rc we in structed academica lly a nd. on, the S )or l ing fie ld, but also so~ ia ll y, wh Ich .IS a~l a'ssc L. T his facet of schCJ?' hfe whel~e pllp~1s al~ .'nlgln to co.~pe rate ,\:nh olhers IS exuemcl) ad V;Ullageous In later ILfe. . To a la rge school stich .as . Wagga . HIgh: sd100l sp iri t and sportsmanshlJ) IS essel~lIal: As in prev ioLls years \.vagga H igh has mallltall1ed During the five years I have spent at th Wagga 1-1 igh School I have seen man y changes ill the school which have meant the con tinui ng success of "':ag~a I-ligh in u?th . ~h sport ing and academIC he Ids. ~ Il the SpOlt ll~ field not only has the sta nda rd IInprov~d but s has the choice of spor ts ava i labl~, .n.,aklllg e\'er y use of the city's abundant L1C1htles. In tl~e <lcademic fi eld the greatest change has been. III (B.c k Row): Tim Muc h. nt, Stev. Wils on, 5co ll Wh. . lhou •• , the introduClion of the \Vyndham SC.heme WIth J , ff Wo ods, Pe l .. Jan •. which fifth [orlll is intimately as~oClated. . (Middle Row ): Pe ler Gi u in£l , Ro dn . Si e be ls, M ~ .ilvn WV. Lt. Ha len Me d u lf, O. wn lowe, School life means more than Jllst auendmg N. d . P. nic, fr . n c•• S.gge .., Ri ch. rd le vy. lessons, study and examinations: .it means '?c' (Fro nl Ro w): Ro ber t Hu . king , Ia n l o ve Lt, M• •k G. II ~g her (Vice ·U pl .), Jeff Wil lo n (upl .). coming part of a coml11l1~l i.ty . :rhls com~ll lln.It.) Mr. McG •• lh (Pref .. " Mu te .), h t.i ci. Ch pm . n (C' pt .), We nd y Co rba n (vice'C. pl .), We n dy TaV lo., Che rv l SIanl on. depends upon yOllr. partlClpat.lOn .and . l nt~ICs~ if it is to exp.md III rep utation .mel ,l:llI eve Illent; t herefore. I say to everybod y I.n . ~ he school, participate in your schoo l's. aCtlVlt~es; don't leave it to the next person, an d III help ing On the whole, this year has been a success. The Prefects' B;LlI was held 011 19th August the school the school will help you. yVag~i flll aILe rOL' Prefects. The Prefects' Induction • in the school Assembly I-I a ll. Prefects were preH igh ha s enjoyed an excellent repm:llLC;Hl ~~cct"elll o n y was held On 18th February and we sented by MI". fllcGrath to Mr. and Mrs. Atkinthe past and it is noll' lIl~ to you. to m,Un [al hope that our grou p, the smallest 10 be admitted SOIL. The two presen ta tion dances were the .I all. and e nhance th is repUl<ltlOl1. \VIHle .'It schoo to office for many years. has done justice to our \Valtz ;lIlt! La Bomba, ,Old we thank i\'lrs. EbeJ. treat your stud ies. ~port and all projects ~1~alerllL of office. ing.;\ (rs. G laston bury and MI". ' '''allace fOI" their yOLL undertake as a cha lle nge to your ahlln Among the commu n ity act iv ilies in which tuition. Our thanks go also to M iss Fie ld and to and s~t. OUl to meet the .chal.lenge. "'s o . I'e have paL"ti~iPa. ted throughout the year were the girls who helped her prepa re the buffet Filth form and I th,mk ,Lit .the melll~_1 the wreath laYing ceremony at the Cenotaph o n supper. the St;lff who have g rc.atly aSSIsted \IS III th '\lI zac Day, and th e official halldi ng over of fi rst fi ve difficult years 01 the \Vyn.dh<l1l1 Schem tllhe Citv's Coat of Arms in .l une. \ 'Ve conducted \Ve extend 10 ;\J r. and 1\ lrs. Atkinson our ;md know til,lt thei r suppor.t will undoubte<'Ithe school's annua l Stuart House A],])cal and . as best wishes for their life in Taree. . . .], 0 no't difficult )'car ahea( ] . ] ] a ) y COLltlilue ill , ... I " . . . .1 I ways. Ihe p upLi response was cOlllmendable. I '1!s0 wish to lh:mk the plLpLis 01 the S( 10 . . .. fO;' their co.operation a nd assistance: I 10.0 . ILL i\~ay, tog~ther with Filth Year. ;lnd The Prefects of H){j{j are g r ateful for the l)"lck Oil m y rive years ;It \·Vagg;l H lgh Wit Ifth FOlIll J,lUptis, we attended ,lI1 mter· continued support of i\fr. McGrath , for the ' . _ . ] •. , .• ]_ .", being fortu ll ate t chool Prefects Dan('e at jUllee. where we spelH leadership of the ca ptains and for the co,opera. Inppmess ,Ill{ p,' ''' • . bl . . a~tend this school. VOllr fll tllre and the fut ure 0 111 enJoya e evcl1l1lg. tioll of both sta ff and pup ils duri ng the year. Wagga High i .~ in your hands. "T HE HILl." SeVl'11 -J EFF WILSON. PREFECTS' NOTES il s oLLtstanding reputation acade.mica lly, sod;~I.I.y and in the sporting fie ld for I~S s~ hoo l Spll II :Illd sportsmanship. 1 am sure till S W i ll con t inue in ]"lIlLLre years. . . I n conclusion 1 would like to thank M ~ . Atkinson and all members of the staff for the~l: teachi ng and g u idance, the P r~fe cts for .t.hell help and su ppOrt and the pupLis fo r the II co· operation throughollt the year. - PATR ICI A C H APMAN. IN APPRECIATION EDITORIAL "MallllOod IlO t sclio/n l'shi p is till: first (lilll of 01/1' ed ucat ion" - - - HUXlEY. The changing trend o~ e~h~c alion is ~or.e to wards stimulating the md lvlduaL Till s ,IS " ' IsaU " "0' the . (li. sapparent as specla I, b"comes .... ti nctive [eaLUre in Ollr subject chOice, ,a nd IS m· dicatcd by the facl that a year ag? Fifth Form was the end of Secondary Education and now is the beginning of yet another stage. 0 ... ''''y ndham sees o llr education as many sided, nOt on ly tcaching us what we need kn~w , but developing our character and engendering a citizenship wi thin us. Our school aims to assist li S to gain the necessa ry skills and imcrests which will be 1\ 11'. A tkinso n has been Prin ci pal o f \·V agga \Va~ga H igh Schoo l fo r the past six yea rs and during this ti m e mall )' changes in school life and in it s organisations ha ve ta ken place. needed as we grow ohler. O \'~r the yea rs it has set high standards both academica lly and on " fi e ' (, ror us '0 "'00, The major change at Wagg-a H igh in these the spol"tmg ... " "" °... ",e ,,'onh six years h,ls been th e imroduction of the \Vyndof ou r attainment. ham Sch eme for which Mr. Atkinson has :llways It is the refore fittin g thal we .who h",'c bee n a strong advOGHC. ' -Vith th e nell' scheme enjoyed the great privileges of ed~lc.a~l~Hl shOt.lId came man y problems, problems concern ing the wil lingly undenake the responsibilitieS whld.! wide variety of su bjects a nd the accommodation th e futu re holds in store. ,.vc must, howevel of an ex tr" form. Mr. Atkinson worked to so lve bear in mind th al no new order. can ~o me to these prob lems a nd toda y the choice of su bjects the masses of the world unless Il begins first availab le to pupil s is aile of the most ex te nsive in the Slale, as i\ 1r. Alkinson be lieves tha t one w ith the indi vidual. of the scheme's main ai ms is to provide th e pupi l wit h the cou rse he best wishes to pu rsue. ~Scolt Wh eelhouse At special meetings over the last six years "M r. Atki nson h;~ s ex plained LO the parents the complexit ies of the scheme and finall y most difficult ies ha vc bee n overcome. T he Wyndh am Scheme also makes pro· vision for a balance between the academic subjects and subjects such as An and Crafl. At Wagg;~ High this balan ce has been ga ined with the help of a well equipped Art Celllre. Before the introduction of the ''''yndham Scheme Art had lillie importance, but LOday it has assumed a more va lued role. Another su bject which has received 1\",". Atki nson's approval and support is Agriculture a nd the com mencement of this department has been of grea t value to many boys a nd girls over the last few years. As no course in Agri. cultu re would be complete witham a farm to give studen ts practica l know ledge it was importa nt that a n efficient far m was established. M r. Atkinson, with financ ial support from the P. & C., proceeded to make the fa rm the show place o f the school. Toda y the far m with its modern pig sty, tractor, machinery a nd machinery shed , its poultry unit and li vestock is some· thing o f whi ch the school can be truly proud . In tile sport ing fi eld, M r. Atkinso ll has seen Ii i to introd uce into the school va rious span s, includi ng sq uash, ' s;liling:, goH, fencing, archery ;md boys' hockey, all of which were previously llna v;/ilable. T-Ie has also been a keen supporter of the University a nd Scott Shield teams, following them wi th keen interest and emhusb!sllI. T his magazin e has also recei ved i\ ft. Atkinfull suppOrt ;mel it was through his di rec· tion th at the school magazin e was remode lled and improved into the fin e p ubli ca tion tha t it is to(Ia~' . ~o n 's Allother of t he school's sho w niaces is the Schoo l Li brary. Agai n, wi th the fin a ncial aid of the P. & C., and the he lp of Miss Fiel d, M r. Atkin son worked to stock the library with books that woul d be a suppleme nt to the school courses. Th e library has since been stocked with many more books coveri ng all subjects ami nell' books are being added each yea r to meet school d e mand.~ . Another school service allied to the Jibrary is the text book sche me. Under the old sche me where tradit ion al text books had been llsed for years there was no great strain on the text book lending system but with the introduction of the 'Vyndh ;ull Scheme wi th its new a nd ex tensive list of text books the situation became cri tical. Toda y, however, every student is adeq uate ly supp lied with tex t books relating to all hi s subjects. As we ll as cha nges in curriculum there have been changes in the school grounds. New la wns and trees havc been planted to give the school a neat and pleasant appeara nce. Perhaps the most important da y to day fUllct ion o f the School Principal is to provide gu ida nce LO his students and Mr. Atkinson has always done this LO the best of his a bili ty. Ou rin!t the past six years there have been approxi. mately 3,100 stude nts who have attended '''' agga Wagga H igh, therefore it is a very sincere thank yO ll from Wagga Wagga H igh School 1960, 1901 , 1962, J963, 1964. 1965 and 1966. EDITORIAL COMM ITTEE " THE HILL " T H E HILL" Eigl// Niue WELCOME TO OUR 1967 PRINCIPAL MISS FIELD MR. V. A. H. JUDD, B.A. In 1967 , i\ lr. Atkinson's position as P ri ncipal of Wagga Wagg;~ High will I?e taken over ,' • V . A . H • ludd " B.A. who IS, ,I t presen b y "I 1\ 1 " t, Depu ty P ri ncip,d of Finley H igh Sd~oo. 1' 1'. ./udd has :llso spent some years a t R ichmond. Griffith and Tu m uL. At TUIlHlt. he was, th e Engl ish-History Master. The pupils of \·\agga H igh say a vcr )' sincere we lcome ami. hope that Mr. Judd's stay in \·Vagga Wagg;, '1"111 be both hn pl")), and successfu l. STAFF CHANGES \ Vit h a staff of" over 70 it is inev iwble lh;1l that we lose l1l:l11Y who have given inva~uabl.c ervice to o ur school. Qur only consolation IS ~hat their pbce is ;d ways t,~ken by worth y successors. In Oll r last issue we s;~id fnrewcll to Mr. lUoom rleld. We are very happy La welcol~l e i\ lr Mulholland. who is our new Deputy Pnn· , 'I ' ro ail ne\\' memuers of staff we trust clpa. . . .' . \v' ; you will spend ill,my happy ye,1l S.1l . ~ gg ~ . DEP ARTURES: Mr W Bloomfield: Moree H igh. ]\ Ir: S. ·T . Dase)': i\ IOUlll Austill H igh. Miss R . Eli ioH: Dolrook Cel~t ra l.. 1\ lrs. E. i'\,!. Fone : Mount Ausun H~ gh. i\ 1r. A. C h amberlain: Overseas. i\ lr. D. Chick: Nowra H igh. M iss \V. Gr ierson : Newcaslle. Miss S. Sha w: Nowra Hig h. Mrs. S. iJrown : T emOl·a. ~ I r. A. Rapley: Moun t Aust~n H~g h. Mrs. V. Colle),: Mount Aust11l l-ilgh. 1\'l is5 ,. Edwa rds: Cilatswood H i~h . . ]\ Ir. Ii. ,. Tholl\;ls: Mount AUStin I-Itgh. Miss D: Kamelll: Canberra. 1\11".\. i\ 1. L Guest: Res igned. Mr. l. S. MULHOLLAND. T ell B.Com., A.A.S.A. ARRI Vf\LS : 1\ l l'. L. S. i\ lulholland: Berkl ey High. Mrs. A. \·Varrc n : Leave. 1\·lrs. 1\ 1. Fletcher : Leave. 1\ lr. W. /\. H eaney: Invercll Hig h . . Miss B. Ped erse n : Alexander i\ b ckl e T.C. i\ lrs. P. ~ l cCnnhy: Dorrigo . . i\liss E. 1\ lurph y: Bathurst High .. i\ lrs. R . Mulholland : Berkeley I-lIg h. i\ lrs. L. Ebeli ng: T a mworth H igh. " THE H ILL' At the end of this year, our best known teacher, Miss Fie ld, will COml) lete her 25th year as a teacher at \'Vagga Hig l. M iss Field has an inbred affiliation wi th th e R.iverina. Born at Temora, she gained her elementary education at l iny Redton School, near T e mora, then com p leted her education at Goulburn H igh School. F rom there, in 1926, she en rolled at Syd ney Un iver sity, and gained her BA degree. H er first teachi ng appointmellt was to l'ort Street Girls High. followed by Forbes, Murrumburrah, Sum mer Hill , Nowra. Katoomba and Li smore. ]n 1942 she was a ppo inted to Wagga H igh a nd has bee n here ever since. For 20 years she tauglll Lati n, Eng. lish a nd History, and for th e last five years has capably r UIl our library. And in this t ime, the library 11<I S developed into one of the best school libraries in the State. Li terally tho usands of books have been added, and the library is now an essential part of our school. This tremendous MISS M. E. fiElD . B.A .. Dip . Ed . g rowth ca n m;linly be attribu ted of Miss Field. 10 the work Besides her duties as libra r ian , Miss Field is also g irls' superv isor, helps the social com- mittee a nd administers " Dexsal" when needed! generous doses of T he name "Miss Fie ld" is almost synanomous with Wagga High School-25 years' service to the o ne school is cenainly a marvel. lous record. SOCIAL COMMITTEE The manageme n t of the Social Comminee has o nce more rcvened to the se nior schoo l under the d irection 01" Miss Field and 1\11'. Scoll;l Y· The year's activities began with the suc· cessfu l social he ld on the night follow ing th e SOlllh-\'Vesl Swimming Carnival. Th is was fo llowed by the welJ ·auended ,md successful Khoo l ball. held on 2,lth Jline. During second term , two new [unct ions were added to the school"s socia l calenda r. The first of these was the very success ful Junior "THE HILL" SdlOOI Social. The second was th e Cadeu' Dance, h eld. towards the end of term. During the week pno!" to (he Cadets' Dance the Sou th . \Vest Spons Carnival was he ld , an d a dance was held in honour of the oCGlsion. Most o f the visiting teams and their billets attended what proved to be a most enjoyable eve ning. The 1966 Social Committee wou ld like to take this opportuni ly La thank i\ liss Field. Mr. Scollay and the P. &: C. for a ll the val uable work done to make O UI" socials a success. ",re wish the 1967 Social Committee the best of luck. Phologr.ph on p~g" 34. Eleven MR. R. J. HARRIS., B.A., Dip. Ed. Unfon ul1<llcly for W<lgga Wagga H igh School, !'I lr. Ha rris will retire from tcaclllug at the e nd of' this year. Pupils whom he ha ~ taug-hl, as well as all who have in some 11':1)' Ueell associated with him , will rea lise what a g rea t loss this will be to Ollr school. He wi ll leave a g'lJ> II1,n wi ll be im posiblc to fi ll. Whe re LEAVING CERTIFICATE FCn1le igh Road were na med " H :lrr is Place" as a tdllUte to his c1ll1irmanship o f 12 yea rs ill the \Vagga Tena ncy Advisory Committce. Mr. Harris holds Lhe u niq ue record of ha\'ing bee n Jlrcsidcnt of the \\lagga Country Clllb a nd the Wagga Golf Clu b. f\fter ret iremcnt M I'. H iliTis proposes to re main in \ Vagga where his mallY interests will no doubt keep h im full y occupied . ~Ir. Harris wi ll long be remembcred by Wagga W;lgga High. W e regret his leaving, but wish him a nd his wife man y happy years o f retireme nt. LIBRARY REPORT Mr. R. J . HARR IS, a.A., Dip. Ed. e lse cou ld we find someone who has given so mllch to the one school- twenty. four years of dedic 'led tcaching: 12 as Sp0rlsmaster; three a~ O .C. of C'Hlels. and 10 as Careers Ad viser? Outside )choo l life 1\11' . H arris is o ne of lhe outs tanding citize ns of "'agg;! Wagga. He ha:. ~c n'ed on the Wagga City Council for Ii ye;II'5, 1\\'0 o f these as Oeputy !'I larol'. He is a member of Ihe C iLY Council Finance and Library Com· millce, ami President o f the \Vagg;1 Tomist PromOlion Committee. In recognition o f 15 ycars work as Vicc·Chainmlll of the Parks a nd Gard ens Comminee. Harris Park W;IS named aflcr him . and the home u nits for [hc aged in TWI' 11)/' During the past year over eighL h umlred books, catering for all subjects under the \Vynd. ham Scheme, have been added lO our cxp;tndi ng Library. The 0I11licipiued German section has been commenced . a nd th e nucleus Fre nch sec tion ex tended to include Fre nch Literatu re. \Ve are gra te ful to the Paren ts and Citi zcns' Assoc iaLion for Iheir cominllecl generosity to Lhe Library. Donations of books were rece ivcd from the Germa n Embassy, H emingwa y and Robert· son InsLitute, the U ni versity or New South Wa les. l\ lrs. Geoghegan, ~ I a rga ret Rich . Debbie Pril ch;ml (prior to her dcparture ror i\ /alaya) and Margaret Scott. A group of Library I~re fects gave freel y ;lIId unse lfi shl y of their spare time [0 allend 10 lhe man )' tasb altadled to the smooth funcl ioll illl! of Lhe Librar),. They were Judith Andrew .lill ian llIack . ~ I argot Clark, Ros lyn Ke ll y. Mar gil ret Po llock, Rob)'1l Prowse. Ja net Rodd. AlaI Croker. Roy Andrews, David Ga rslang. Nei Power , Robe n Redmen and C la rr ie T rcma in \Ve si ncerely thank them for Iheir help all( devo tion 10 lhe Libra ry. - 1\/iJS M . E. Fir/d. Librnri/III The ab",nce of alene. ne., 10 the aubjec! numeral indi o ca!.s !h~1 the candid'!a "ained a "B" Pili in !he lubjetl. An "A" ind,n!e, a pan al "A" "end'rd, while "H2O, .nd " HI " denol el a ~~"~ ,:"i!h se.cend Or Ii.., cia.. honoufl relpeclively . The leuer X .mmed.ately lollowing the subje" symbol Or "r/lde of Pili denotes Ihal pess hn been ",cu red in lhe oral lelll in f .ench, lIalian. Russian or DulCh. SUBJEC T KEY CODE:_ 1._Engli.h. 2.- Mode<n Hi,lory . J.- Aneien l Hillory. 4.-Economiu. S.-Geog raphy. 6._F.ench. 1.--Gener.1 Mllhs. 8.-Mllhem.!ic, I. 9. -MiI! hemalicl II. 10.-Ma!hem.lin ItL 12.- lalin. 2 t. -Physlc,. 22.-Cheml11fy. 23.-Combined Phy.i(l and Chemistry. 26.- - 810Iogy. 31 . -Mu llc, Theory and Pr aclke. 34.- Arr. 3S.- Horn. Economic,. 36.--Oeluipli.... Geome l. y and Dr. wing. 31.-Woodwork. 38.-Melalwo.k. 41.- Needlework. ALLARS, Mich..1 John : I 3H2 4 SA 10. ALLNUTT, SUlOn M~rgare ! : IHI 6A. 8 9 21 22. ALTMAN, Phillip Mich.el: I 2 5 1 23A 26A. ANDERSON, Colin William: I SA 8 9 21 22 ANDERSON, Robe .. Graham: I 5 26 28. . 8AKER, Peler John : I 3 10 26. 8ALLAN TYNE. Lynn Chtilline: I 5 26 28 3~A 8ELLlNG, h e lyn May: I 2 5 6 7 26H2. . BENNETT, Jan"lle Etiubeth: I 2A ~ SA 6A. 7 8ERTflSMEIER . A,,{;u$l Cha. ~",: I 6 8A 9A 21A 22H2 BIRD, AUlon Ma.y, I 6A. 9 22. . 8ROWN·CaAWFORO, Su •• n Anne"e, I 2 5HI 7 26A BRUCE, Marg •• et Ann: I 2 5 6 34. . BULLOCK, Lorraine Joyce: IA 2A 4H 2 6Ax 10 23H2. 8URTON, Denni' Jim".· I 2 4 7. CARROOUS. Judith Mary: I 2 5 6 1 26A CASPERSONN , Jannelle Marg.re l: I 5 7 26A 41. CHAPMAN, Douglll John, I 5 7A 36 37. COCHRANE, El. i" Gwendolir.e: 1 5 1 26 41 COLQUHOUN, Lyndall M•• V' I 3 26 35. . COnON, Nei l Drununorod: I 5 8 9 36A. CRAIG, P'lricia Margarel:IA 2 5 6 l OA 26 CROUC H. Iynell.: 1 1 26 41 . . DAWE, Geoffrey Raymond: I 2 4 1 36. OAWE, G'.eme David: I ~ 6 8 9 23 DAY. Roge, G.aeme: I 5A 1A 28. . DENYER, Rosalind Mlty: I 4 5 1 26A. OIJHUlZEN, William Juob: I 2 5 7. DONOVAN: J anelle Elizabeth: 1 27 26A 41. EARS MAN, Mu well George: 2 26 28 37 38. fiNK, Ga"y John: I 2 5 1. FROW, John An lhony, IHI 26Hh 10 12HI. GABRiEl, ary . n tind.ay: ·1 5 36. GRAHAM, C•• olyn F'ye' I 3 5 26A 28 34 GREENWOOD, Suzann., I 4 5 6 26A . GROSE, Pe'. r Jeffrey: IA 6Ax 9 9 ilA 22. HALE , Vate,;e May: I 5 6 26. HARDWICk, Carole Ann: 1 26 28 35 41 HARRIS, John AII. w: I 2 4 6 7 . HAStAM. Suzanne V.leri., I 5 1'26 41. " THE HIL L'~"THE 1111.1." 1965 HILL, Rober l Desmond: IA 6x 8A 9 21A 22. HOPPER , Neville 8.uc.: I SA 7A 23 36A HUGHES, Rober! Gordon , I 5 1 36. . HUSKING, Robe" Jamel: I 5 8 9 21 22. INGUS, Pele. lamel: I 5 7 21 28. JENKYN, Pe le r John : IA 5 7 26A 28. JOB8INS, Shirley Ann: I 2 5A 6 l OA 26. J08, Grego.y WiIIi~m : IA 8 9 21. JURISICH , Vaughn: 1 2 5 9 9 21. KALtAS, John Geo.g~ : I 2 3A 4 SA 7. KElLY, Suzanne MUg""I, I 2 6 10 23. LAM8, John Stephen: I 4 a 9 21 22. LAWRENCE. Peler John : IA 6A 8 9A 21H2 22A. lE CERf, Gail F.an c." 1 2 3A SA 7 26A. LEHMANN, Ri chard W'yn" , IA 6 8A 9A 2 1A 22A LOCK, 101. Marjory: I 6x a 9 21 22. . MANOERSON, Mieh..1 lloyd: IA 6Ax 8A 9A 21A 22 MAYER , P" ler John: I 2 3 7 22. . McCREA, Mft'g"el Mftr.e: IA 3 5 7 26H2 28H2. McMillAN, William John : I 7 28 38. MENl . 8.I.n Eric: IA 6 10 21 22 29H2. MEYER, Eliubelh Win 10m., I 2 26 35 41. MillER, L.u,,1 Christ'ne, I 3 5 26 28 34. NASH, Ke"y Richard: IA 2 4A SHI 7A 36A NEATE, Geoffrey Bruce: I 2 37 38. . NIXON, Sylvia Grac.: I 2 SA 6 26A 34. NYE, Wendy: I 2 4 5 6 7. PALMER, Judith Eyelyn: I 2 SA 6x 26H2 31A . PANIC. Milor... : 1 3HI a 9 22. PARKfIi, Ba"y Neville: IA 3 SA 7 28HI 24A PEARD, Joan Ma,ger. ,: I 2 3 SA 1 26A . PIDHORODECKYJ, Al exendra: I 561 26A 29. PITHER. Ann Shirley: 28 34 35 41 . POCOCK. Colin Ralph: I 2 a 9 21 22A. PRICE, c..... me: 7 26 36 31 3B. RICH, M.rglfel Mi ld'ed : I 2 6x 26. ROBERTS, P.ul Christopher: IA 2 4 SA 10 36. ROBINSON, Jenni fer Jun", IA 2 5 6 26. ROLFE, Sidney Jamel: I 2 SH2 10 36A. SCHIRMU , John k.nnelh, I SA 1 26A 2aH2. SC HIRMER, Robyn Ch.istin., I 2 3 26A. SElLECK, aruc. Thoma " I 5 7 26 28 SHARRAO, P. ul: IH2 6Ax 8 9 21 22. . SHHDY, Gary Thomal: I 2 4 SA 26 2B. SHORT, B.i.n Fran cis: I 6 8 9A 21 22. SMITH , D.vid 10hn, I 2 5 7 36A SMITH, EI.ine RUlh : IA 2 SA 6A. ' ,A 26H2. SMYTHE, Philip William: I 2 3A 4 S. STEVENSON, 8a"y Rober! : I S 6 10 26 28HI STRONG, 1.,I.y Joan : IA 4H2 5 8A 9A 26A SUTHERLAND, 5!epoen John: 1 6 8A 9 21 22. TAYLOR , Edno Ellen: I 1 26A 28 35 .1. TOWERS, Michae l Chartes: IA 4 SA 7A 36A TURNBULL, Mar9uel J"an, 26 28 35 41 . TURNElL, Colin Jeme l: I 2 4 5 7 36. . TWIGDfN, John Willi.m, IA 2 8 9 21. WAllS, D•• ryl: IA 3 4 1. WELLS, Wendy·lou: IA 2 5 6 7. WHAN, B'ue. McAnhur: IA 6A 8A 9A 21H2 n. WHITE, G.aeme lind ley, I 2 9 21A 22 36A. WHITE, Mlch ... 1 Hilton: I 4 5 8 9 36. WHYTCROSS. G.aeme Kei lh, 7 26 36A 31 38A WILSON: Slepiltn John : I 6x 8 9 21 22. . WINDSOR, G.aeme Kei'h : I 7 28 36. Th irlrell SCHOOL SUBJE CT KEY COOE- I,- Eng ' ;,h. 2._ Science. 3._ Mathern&tics. The 1he The indicate. 4.-5oci81 Stud; .... S._Geography. 6._ History. 7.-Cornme"", CERTIFICATE B.- Arl. 9. -Ne"dlework. IO.-Hom<!! Science. 1 I._ Technical D.awing. leiter 11 indicate. a pan ., Adv anced lev"L. lelte. , indicates 11 p .... al Ordinary {C , edil) level. abs .. nce 0 1 11 lelt"r n"~ 1 10 the subiect numer.1 ,h. t the candida te paned at Ordinary level. ADDISON, J.: 1a 2a 3. 5c 6a 243, AttARS, P.O.: 11 2c 3 5c 6a 24. ALlfYN, P. B.: I 2c 3c " 9A :25. ANDERSO N, N. B.: Ia 2c 3. 411 7. 24 .. _ ARGUE, O. S.' 1:2 3 4 11 15. ARMSTRONG, l. V.: Ie :2 3 " 7< 8e. ARNE ll, J. A.: 1a 2c 3. 411 7< 248. AT KIN SON, W. J.: h 2. J 5< 6< 241. BAllANTYNE , S. M.: 1( 2 3e 5e 6 h. BEATTI E, G. W.: h 2( 3e 5( 6a 25. BU RGESS, B. J.: I 234 l I e 13a. BUTC HER, T. H.: II 21 3a 4a 15a 24a. BUTTON, B. J.: Ie 2a 30 51 6a 111. BY RN E, A. W.: Ie 2 3 4e lie 13e. CARLIN, D. G.: Ie 2c 3e 5e 6( S(. CHAPMAN, P. A.: h 2e 3e 5 9a. CHENEY, M. R.: 1 2e 5 6 241. COO K, D. A.: 1 2 4 7. COReEN, W, N.: h 2a 3e 41 24 a 28a, COTTON, E. l.: Ie 2 :I 4 7 8e. CRAIG, J. D.: 11 2a 3a Sa 6a 24a. CR\TLCOS, Co: I e 2 3e 4e 7e 25. CRONK, 0, A.: 1( 21 :I 4a 7 15a. CUMMI NS, W. T.: 1 2 3e 4 11 13(. CUn ING, A. A.: Ie 2 3e 4 l1a 131. DA LGLEISH, N S,: 2 3 4 13 15e. DOWliNG, D. A.: 1 2e 5 1I( 13. DOYLE, P. G.: 1 2e 3e 4e l I e 13a. DUFF, R. A.: 1( 3 4 91 25. DU NN, E. J.: Ie 2 3e 4 15 2 4a. EDYVEAN, K. W.: I 2e 3e Ac 7e l SI. FE NWICK, P. W.: I 2e 3 4c 15e 25. FIN LAYSON, R. J.: 1 '1 3 4 13e 25. FOR RE ll , P. J.: I e 2 3c 4e Sa l ie. FROST, P. N,: 1 2 4 13. FULLER, G. D.: 1 4 l ie 12. GA LLAGHE R, M. F.: I 2 :I 4 7. GALV IN, 5. A, E.: 1 2 4 1 9a. Gi l BERT, P. G.: I 234 l Ie 13e. GISS ING, P. M.: h 2a 3a Sa 6 a 24a. GRA HAM, S. A,: 1 2 3e 4 12e 15. GRAY, J. W.: Ie 2e 3 4 24e 28. HACKETT, K. A.: lc 2 3e 4 7e 8c. HAMIlTO N, G. T.: 2 4 11 13. HAMILTON, P. A.: I 2 3 4 90 10. HAND, K. R.: 1 2 3 4e 13c 15. HAR ME R, R. 0.: I 2 3 4 7 10. HARRIS, B. J .: 3 5 6 24a. HA RRIS, G. K.: 1 3 4 25, HARRISON, J. R.: 1e 2 3c 4c 11 e 25c. HICK, G. P.: h 2e 3 5c 6a 15a. HOGAN, A. l. : la 2a 3 5c 61 240. HOlGATE, M. j ,: I 2 3 4 91 IRW IN, l. l.: Ie 2e 4e So 25a. jANS, P. A.: 11 21 3a Sa 6a 111, KEIGHRAN, D. W.: 1 2c" lie 131. KELLY, 5. l.: 1 568. KlllALEA, G. : 1 2 3 " 12c ISe. KLIMPSCH, G. N.: 1e 2e 3e 5e 6e l1a. KRUGER, P. l.: 1( 3 4 S< 25. LAUGHTON, M, J.: I 24 12< 15. ACADEMIC PRIZES, 1965 1965 12.- Me'lIlwDrk. 13.- Woodwork. IS._Agriculture. 24._ f,ench Paper L 25._ F,e(lck Pape, II. 2B.- La'in. lEVY, R. M.: h 2e 3 a 5e 61 24a. LEWIS, 0.: 1 2c 3 4 ISa 25. LOVE TT , L S.: I 2a 3a Sa 6e 24a. LOWE, D. P.: Ie 2e 3a 4a 7a Sa. lOWRY, A. G.: 1 2 3 4 12c 15. LUCAS, Co H.: Ie 2e 3e 5 6 25. LUC K, I. H.: Ie 2 5 6e 25. MacDONALD, P. L: 2a 3a 4< 7 25. MANDERSON, J, W.: 1 2 3 4 13 25 a. MAYER, D.: lc 2 3 4 7 S. McDONALD, R. J.: II 2a 3 a 4a 24a 2S a. McGRATH, B. J .: I 2 4 9a. McKAY, R. K.: 2 3 4 15e. McMILLAN, J. l.: 2 4 12 15. McP HERSON, R. J.: 1a 2c 3a 41 241 2Sa. MEDCAlf, H. 0.: h 2e 3c 4< 9a 24a. MICHAEL, B, l.: \ 2 3 4 7 15. MOON, R. l.: I 234 B l1c. MOONEY, J.: Ie 2e 3e 4c 15a. MOREElS, M. J.: 1 4 8e 25<. MO YSEY, S. P.: 2a 3a Sa 6a 25a. NOMAR HAS, T. S.: 2 3 5 6. NYE, M . D.: 2( 3e II < 25c. O'KHFE, Co A. e.: Ie 2 3 5 6e 24a, PANIC, N.: h 2 3 5 6 24. PARKER, S.: I 3c 5 24e. PATERSO N, D. J.: 1 2 3e 4 8 11 <. PE EL, J. A.: 1 2 3 4, PET ERSON, A . C. N.: 2a 3c 4c 15a 24<. POWEll , L S.: I 2 3 4 lie 12(. RAP ER, M. I.: h 2a 4a I Sa 24a. RAP ER, V. H,: I e 3 4 7 24. RAWLINGS. D. A.: I e 2 3e 5e 6 24a. REI D, R. M.: 1a 2c 31 4< 7c 24c. RIECK, W. H.: 1 2 3e 5c 6 8. ROB INSO N, F. E.: I e 3 4e 7 25<. RODHAM, J. A.: I 2 3 5 6 25. ROLFE, J.: I 3 5 6< lie. ROLFE, l. J .: I 2 4 8 25. ROSLER, J. 1.: \ 2 3 4 7 15. RYNE HAR T, J. F.: I 2 3 4 13 15. SAGGE RS, f. E.: II 2c 3a 4a 24a 28 a SCHMIDT, G. J.: Ie 2a 3a 5 6 24a. SHAW, H. M.: Ic 2c 3 4c 15a 24. SHEPPARD, Co P.: I e 2 :I 4 8e 24. SIEBELS, R. J.: II 2e 5 61 24c, SlADE, J. F.: h 2a 3a 4c 91 10. SLADEK, E. H.: h 2 3e 4< 24, SMIT H, J. A.: 1 5 6c 25. STANTO N, Co J.: l a 2 3c 5c 61 II. STEWART, J .: lc 3 " 7c 8e. SU THERLAND, D. A.: I 2a 3e 4e 24& 28a. SWAN, p, J.: 1a 2e 3c 5e 6a 2 4a. TAYLOR, J, S.: 1 3c 4e 24 8 28a. TAYLOR, R. J., Ie 2 3 4 l ie 25. I AYLOR, W. M.: 1a 2 3a 4< 8a 24a. THOMPSON, D. Co: 1 2 3 4e lie 13c. TUllOH, S.: 2< 3c 4c 241 28a. TURNElt. R. J .: Ie 2 3e 4 7 25. TURNER, C. R.: 1 '1 3 4 7 8. VENN, R. E.: I 2 3 4 7 15. VERNER, R. t.: Ie 2c 367 10. WAllACE , P. S.: Ie 2 :I 4c ?4~ . WATSON, J.: I 2 3 4 111 12a. (Continued on nu! pag e) DUXES:DuX DuX Dux DuX DuX FIFTH YEAR: of of of of of firu Form: Ian levy. Seeond form: Marion McCre~ . Third Form: Margare! Grose Fourlh Fo rm: Robert McDonald. .he Schoo!: Pe.er lawrence. f iRST FORM:General Proficiency: Elizabe'h R~nkin end Dougla. Srook •. filS' in English and Mu,ic: El izabeth Rankin. firs' in Sci"ne.. and Social S'udies: Ian levy . first in Ma,hema'ics: Dav:d Ph ipps Fir ,t in Art: Graeme O.rk. fir.' in Agriculture: Ian MacK ay. First in Boy.' Cral,: I.n Hopwood. Fi rs! in Girl.' Crafl, lynd aU Chalmer •. SECOND fORM: General Proficiency, Margo' Harri, and John Griff,th •. Fin ' in Engli.h, Germa/l .nd Ma,hematics: Marion McCr ea. Fi,, ' in Hi$!ory .nd Geography: John GriffIths. fi n ' in Sdence and Commerce: G..offrey Pokoney. Firs. in latin and Art: Margo' Harri •. fi rst in french and Mu.ic: Rosemary Bennet!. Firs! in Agriculture: Ralph Wilson. First ill Social S'udies: Douglas McMillan and James Podmore. Fi.S! in Needlework, Ga il Albert. Firs' in Home Economics: Dian"" Rapley. Fi. $I in De.crip.ive G..ometry: Keith B"n'on. f i'" In Me,a lwor k: Michael Trueman. first in Woodwork: Phillip Ayler. Equal firs ' in Ar ': Suu n Elli •. Equal Firs' in Mu, ic: Jennifer Wilk"" THI RD fORM:General Proficiency: Colin Wes'man and 1I.ny Raper. fi' $! in English, La.in Ind fr ench: Margaret Grose. Firs. in Ma . hematics, Woodwork Ind Agricu lt ure, Colin Wellman. Fir$! in Science .nd De.eripti"e G..ometry .nd Drawing: Barry Willis. fint in Social S' udie o: Rodne y Hall. Fi rs ' in Hi"ory: Gill AII " n. Fi,1! in Commerce: PatriCia Mulcahy. Firs! in G..rm.n: Ingrid Haup!. Firs' in Ar l : Susan Jan,. Equ al First in Agricuhure: Ann" SheaRe. first in G..og raphy: Ma rk Jackson . nd 6."y Taylor. First in Needlework: Deni,e Warwick. Fir" in Home Economic.: Jan Hamillon. Fill' in Me!alwork: Stephen Glover and AUan Hull. Fi". in Music: Jan ice Hinkley. fOU RTH FORM:_ General Proficiency: Judith Craig and Marilyn Wyatt. First in Engli.h, Geography and Ma,hema'ics (Marino. Pr ize): Jud:lh Craig. Firs! in latin and French: Rober, McDonald. F~r" i~ Agricultu,e and Social S,udiu: Jeff, ey WiI.on. flf,t In Me,alwork and Winner of the Conti Prile for De.crip!iue Geome'ry, Jame. Wallon Equal first in English, Marilyn Wyal!. Fir " in Science: Terry Butcher. Fir.' in Hillory: S<ot! Wheelhou.e. Firs' in Commerce: Dawn Lowe . firS! in An: Pet er Farrell. flrn in Home Economic" Pamell H.mihon. Firs. in Need lework: J.nell e Sl ade. Firs! in Woodwo.k, B, ian Bu.gen. General ProfICiency: John Frow, Bruce Whirl .nd Michael Manderson. FirS! in Latin, French and Modern Hillory: John frow. First in English and Economics: Lorraine 8ullock Firs! in Phyli" . nd Chemi$lry: Peter lawrence. first in G..og,aphy and Ancient Hi$!ory: John Kallas. Winner of ' he D. G. Phipps Prile for Mathe ma .ic.: Charles 6"rlel,meier. Fi,,! in Agr iculture: B,i.n Menz. Firs' in Biology: El aine Smilh. First in Art: Barry Pa, ker. Firll in Needlework: Jane ll e Caspe rsonn. First in Home Economic ", MMgare' Turnbull. Fi,,, in DeS(,ip,ive Geome . ry and Drawing: Neil Conan. firl! in Woodwork: Graeme WhylCron. Fi rS! in Meta lwork: Charles Baron and Graeme Price. Equal f ir st in Economics: Le.l ey Strong. SPECIAL PRIZES - 1966 The P. & C. Associ a tion Pr ize fo r L eadershi p: Jeff Wi lso n, Pa tricia C hapm a n. T he Apex Pr ize for School Spirit: Mark Gallaghe r, We nd y Corbe n. Alderma n and l" ll"s. I. J. .l ack Pr ize (or School Service: Dawn Lowc , G. " Voods. Thc Gissing j\'le mori al Prize for Lhe Outstanding Sl udenls in Fifth Yea r: Hila ry .lay, Kees Ingen na n. R .S. L. Prize for Leadership in J unior School: ] ohl1 G r iffi ths, Marga ret Walt. The Ka pooka O ffice rs a nd Men 's Pr ize fo r the SLUdelll who is the j\'lost O utstan ding Spor tsma n: M ark G allaghe r. The 196'1 Fi ft h Year Trophy fo r the O utsta nding SponsllIa n in the J uni o r School : Lorn a De nn is. SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (Cont.) WATT, Co G.: 11 2 3 5 6a 24. WEST, S. G.: Ic 2e 3e 4 l i e 13 •. WESTMAN, G. P. E.: Ic 2c 3e 4e I lc 13. WHEATlE Y, K, S. 1 2 3 4 13 15. WHEElHOUSE, J. S.: I, 2& 3a Sa 6a 241. WHITE, 6. A.: 3c 4e 24e 28e. WILliS, G. J.: Ie 2a 3a 5c 6a 15a. WILSON, I. R.: 11 2c 3c 24e. WILSON, J. T.: 1a 2a 3a 4a 15. 24a. WINDSOR, J. A.: I '1 4c 13c 15. WOOD, l. H.: Ie 2 3 5 6 25c. WOODS, G. R.: Ie 2a 31 4a 15a 24a. WORTHINGTON, J. G.: ]a 2c 3a 4e I i a 24 a. WOTTON, S.: 1ft 2 3c 41 2A a WULFF, S. M. : I 5 6 25c. WYATT, M. E.: 1a 2a 3 4a 241 28a. YOUNG, · W. J ., Ie 2e 3e 5 6a 24. t OUTST ANDING ACHIEVEMENTS PETER FORREll On 8th Augu$l, the Wag9a W"99a A." Sodety a warded Peter " $100 A.t Schola"hip. AI,o during Augu. t, Pe ter w .. one of 150 people chcoe n in N.S.W. by the Royal Au. "oli. n Inoti tule of A/chileell, 10 go to Sydney Unive .. it y for an Architecll' semin a r. h·.'ud a n' He le n Bi.d 0"" o f Wagg. W~ gg ~ Tu ch e •• : ColI'8e, 1966, ..ce iving he. ~wa.d from n.a Hon. W. C. fife, M.l. A. lORNA DENNI S to.n a hu wOn the City of Wag9a Champion. hip. in the L.die.' A Gr.de Open Single s. She ha. bee n se leded to .ep.esen! the Riverina in Ihe P.S.A.A.A . Second",y School.' Ch"mpio",hip' to be held in Sydney in December. lorno h a• • Iso won th, Wa99" Wa99a SchooI9i. \. ' Ch.mpio",hip for 15 ye a.. and over. Pete r Fo"" II, winn.. of the W~ gg~ .A., Socie l.y" Sc"ola.. hip of $100, d,u" ... . " .. e ntry with M•. A. Mo'~i ., Ad judi u lo., end wi th Mr. J. F. B,ngham, A.ea Directo. o f Ed"ution . JOHN FROW In lhe 1965 luving Ce,'if,,~'e examina tion, John prov ed himse lf to b e ~ ,,,,denT o f Ihe high"" quality, and a ,redi! 10 Wagg. Wagg. High School. Hi, , uults speak for the ..... , 101""., EngliSh, firs' Clan Honou.. ami Firs' in Ihe Sla le; latin and French, Firs' Clast Honoun for both. John i, noW a' the National University, Canberra, whe.e he i. doing a" Art. Course. He i. majoring in Ea. ly English and Modern Engli l h and hi' cou"" .1'0 indude. Fr ench and l atin, II MARK LEHMANN , I At Ihi . year' . Royal hst e. Show, Ma,k was luccuolul in quite • number o f evenli, Thes .. we.e, - Fill' in Ihe 60y, ' Riding eve nt, 12·15 yea " ; Firs' in hi" o f Ride .., 12-15 years, ."d Soy Rete ."," Champion, 12·18 yearl . Mark . Iso ;)ained Second Place in Ihe Trained Pony Conle1' for ride .. under 15 yell" of age. Mork's hon e. were toreen and Candy Rad a. KERRY CAMPBEll WENDY CORBEN As " res ult of W"gga High', Boy s' Hockey team p afI; c;paling wilh a dul o f ,uc ce U in the St"te Junior Ch "m· p ions",P' " t Ta.ee ,hi. year, KellY gained a po. ition in the 1966 Stare Juni ol l ou rin9 teo m. In July , We ndy wn "w".ded the Qu een '. G"ide Badgei the highe.! "chie ve me n! in the Gu iding moveme nt . n Quee n'. &"dge i. obl"iMd Ih' Ough One'1 own e ndeavojJr. 'T H £ H I L y "TH E HILL·' Sixt een Seventeen NEWS F ROM THE ART STUDIOS T h is year. sal\' ;1 furthe r increase il l lhe num ber of students selecting An in their CO llrs~ of stud ies. i\ lall Y oli1ers have h;,d it " prescribed " to Ihe111 in th e new non ·elecl ive Art and Craft co u rse, and jlldg i l1~ by the q uality of th e work prodm'ed with th e pa int brush, the hammer ,IIH' the ovell, lhi ~ was ;, huge s u cce~s . Probab ly lhe m ost oUlswnding succe~s of th e \'ca r was O llr recent Exhibition at th e Dav id Jones' G,dlery in which ,18 works of a n were 011 disph.),. i\ 1r. Dundas, the D irecLOr of the Nat ional An School in Sydney, had a great de;d of praise lO offer both the sllldenlS ,m el the school. Congra t ulations 10 a ll the elective stude nts II'hmc work made up that fi ne d isp lay. COIl!-\"rawbL ions ;Ire also necessary for Pete, Fo rrell, of Form V. for h is success in winning lhe Wagga Art Socicty Schola rship. Othe r swd · e llls who h;lve created ou tstanding- and exciti ng work Ihis ycar nre Wendy T;l ylor , Suc 13alln l1tync, Susan .Inns, Ke n Robinson, Ch ris Blaxcll. i\ lallrcc n Kli m psch. J.. lie Jo h nson and Ze lm;1 K li cvc ns. .' bul For all concerned it has been a very bllsy S;llisf)' illg year. EISTEDDFOD The ~isleddfoo Society w as fi rsl established in Wagga in 1921 , by Mrs. R. langdon and her la le husb and. The fi ... Eisteddfod w as held wi,h only 60 entries. This yur, over 2.000 entries w e re received, wi,h • large increa. e in the mv.kal .ection, portiCl.llorly the school choirs. One of the highlightl of the Ei.teddfod w .s Ihe Mobil Aria, s ponsored by Mobil Oil Auwali. ltd . It was featu red Ihi ' year, for the Ih irteenth year in succession, during which ti me more than 350 compe tito.. have p.uen ted Ihemselves fa, the contesl. MMy of these h.ve won Australian honours in Ihe singing world. O lhe, ' . many using Ihe pr;zemoney of four hundred doll ... , have proceeded overseas to furlher Iheir music,1 slud' e • . The contest i. open 10 Amaleur or Pro/elSional, ladie s a nd GeMlemen, and is lung in Eng!i.h. Thi s year tw e nty ·"i~ en lr ies we.e . ece ived from oil ave. Au.lr,lift, including one f.om New Zea lar.d . The winne. was Miu Marion Mille r, f.om Sydr:ey Wa99a High School once again participated In the Eisteddfod in • number o f sections. The school choir g ained EighlCI'1I ..,cond pl ace in the Open Choi r conlell, and a smalle. cho' wO:"! fi.st pl .ce a nd the Dwy er Cup in another section. A folk long g.oup .nd a reco.der g'oup, 'ra ined Mrs. Chappelow, bOlh ga ined second pl ace in their sectionr. Mr s. Ebeling tr.ined fou. folk dancing g 'oup s fro~ Form One. I A·S gained second place. 3 poin U behind winners, and IF·G g ained Ihird pla ce a further IWO poin .. behind. t,"! O lhe. indiv idu~1 pupils from the school also compel~ in va.ious sec tion a, including A., of Speech. MU l ic a Dancing. Jilli on Slack wOn the Toohey Cup for Ihe Mo Promisi ng Piani.t und e r 15 yearS. She also gained fim pia in Ihe Pian o Solo under 15 yea r" second place in Ihe Sig Reading, and wn highly commended fo. her per/orman in Ihe Champion Piano Solo. The Eistedd fod i. b e nefICial to .11 participant •. II gi"tC pupil. an opporluni ry 10 perfo,m in public , and 10 comp~~ them.e l"es wilh studen!l from ,uffou~ding a.e n. " T H E. H II .L' PARENTS AND CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION It is pleasing to report this year that the ,!ucndalH:e a t the l\ !o nthl y l\ leeti ngs of the ·r. 8.: C. Association has increased considerab ly '111<] that p:lre lHS are show ing much interest in school activiLies. The special Pa ren ts' Nights conducted by l\fr. ..\tki nson have been successful in bring ing a large 1IU1llber of parents along to hear of the ];,tCS t tre nd s in high school ed ucation. i\ lr. and ?l'Irs. Arthu r N ixon representcd the P. R: C. at the An n ua l Con [cre nce and brouf{ ht hack excel1e m repol'u of thc pro. SCHOOL UNIFORM ;he C h ;lI~ges in sch ~1 u n iform fo r girls have resulted III mo re styl ish and comfol"la ble dress f?f a l.l. seasons, ,a,nl! the ~' OIried aspects of school life. I he u:ad ltlOlla l WIIller u n iform rema ins unaltered . VIZ., regu bnioll navy school t un ic and blazer, Illack stockings, while shin. and for fon,nal occ,asions. a navy feh hat a nd gloves. Thls style IS worn from Forms I to VI. ceeclin~s. For, ~l llnm~ r we:u' the Junior school dons lhe [anll !! ar striped COatfrock in w nes of lI,hile ~ I u~ :lIld lI l,l Il gO,ld, wilh roll coll:!1' ;lIld act iO!; >o(hce. Shott wh ite socks, navy g loves and p;m - ~~l" ,hat, c~ lIIpl~ le lh ~ UI~ifonn. For Senior girls. . wevel , ,I Slll.lrt ShlfL-IIIlC dress in a te rylene· ~ 1I1C!1 ble nd , toned in a soft saxe b lue, has bee n 1Il.st llllted. Th ~ sleeve less fmck fit s smooth I ' W llh <I h;~ck zIpper and fl a t collar, a nd whel~ ~eamed \\'.Ilh b lack cOlin shoes and n yloll stockmgs provIdes a more m a llll'C garb for aclvancc(l studen ts. ' .' The t1';~diLional sports uni fo rm pl .lI~cess WIlIC over white blouse has of bl ue bee n 1'(" p l :~ ~ed by. a new ro yal blue tunic styled Oll st" ,II\,\,lll lmes LO overcome the necessitv f · gmlle ' rree(Iom of movement ' 0 for,I ' .. ." '\11 {I t o. gIVe ~~~IOII ~ :x~ rc l se. At hip lcvel, a ba nd o f wide .x plc,.It:; .dlows free movement as well IrUIl fim sh. a~ a , . ... K.uS" , Pal,i';, Ch' pma n, J .. li, An•• ii . T wellf)' It is a well known fact th;n pup ils in HI li· forlll work bett er tha n those without, so a ll st udcms :II'C urged to lI'e:11' correct, Ileat auire a t all tim e~. "THE H1 1.L" Two delegat ions visited ~ I cssrs. Fi fe and nin~h"tH wit h t he pu rpose of asking for more Science rooms. The H igh School Ball was a social s u cc:e~s. though the attendance \\'as the lowest ever. As thc proceeds of the Contine ntal were onl~' $ 1.000 it was (Ieci ded not to cond uct one in 1%7. T he R .A.A.F. Base, ForCst H ill , constructc<1 fOllr ca noes for the Sai ling C lub. the I). 8.: C. payinl( the cost of the mate rials. An extension was added to the boat sh eet. '1\ 11'. Atkinson LOok inte restcd paren ts o n a toUl' of the School Fa rm and they were agreeably sur prised a t the activities taking placc there. T wo First Class Ho no urs and tll'O Second Class Ho nollrs in the Le;avi ng ;and Jeff Wil son's First Place in School Certificate Agriculture havc proved the va lue of spend in g P. R: C . hlllds on the Farm. The P. R: C. contributed h;llf the cost of the ne\\' machinery shed . ]'\'11'. Di ck Siebels and h is committee have ma naged the Tuck Shop with great fin a nc ial resnlts and our thanks are due [Q those pcople and to I\lrs. \Varrell a nd the mothers who :lSSiSI each day . The O va l Scoreboa rd . which is beinR donaled by the P. 8.: C., will be named thc Dick Siebc ls Scoreboard to honour ~ I r. Siehels fo r his serv ices to Wagg;l High. T he thanks of the I). 8.: C. are extended to i\1r. Atkinson a nd his staff for t hei r work and interest in our ch ildren , especially for the ex tra dudes involved wi th sparli ng and cultural act ivities ami the Cadet Corps. i\ 11'. A . N ixon. P rt!sill elll i\ lrs. 1\ 1. Hed ley , Secrt:lfII')' i\ lr. E. i\ lal'chant. T r('(lsur(')' "T I·I E HILL" S9 1. W. I A.. d ...o", ••• vi .. s ... ith the In 8t.. i.. lIi. t ....... Sgt. A.. d."o .. "'u secreta,V of th. , . & C. Au ociatio .. I.. 1965. Inter - School Christian Fellowship Th is i~ a fe llowshi p of students meeting in H igh Schoo ls th roughou t the State. At W:lgga Wagga High School t he average weekl y attend· ance has been between 30 a nd 40 st\ldellt,. Highlights o f the yea r's aCliv ities have bcen the show ing o E a fdnt each tenn . a hi ke hI T he Rock a t Easter, a Western night and a camp at Boralllboia in August (in the cotnp;l1I), of several studen ts frolll other High Schools). Wc praise God for what He has donc in ou r fe llowsh ip this yca r. T wt!II /),-olle CAREERS ADVISORS' REPORT \Vith incrc;Jsillg numbers of ~chool leavers ;tl';. ilabic for ell1ployment and with Ihe expected decrease in demand for employment of certain types of unskilled !<tbOlll" as a result of rapidly developing technological cha nges, it is essentia l that every young person who has the potential for undertaking skilled training should do so. Choosing a career is no longer the com· pariltively sim ple task it once was. The varieLY and complexity of the positions ava ilable and of the traini ng necessary for each makes it essential for c;! eh boy and gi rl to begin <lssessing carefu ll y, from a compar;lIively c<l rl y sl;lge, his o~· her own a pti tud es, in terests and vocationa l :t llll S. Among several ways of assisti ng th is assessIllent provided by the State ;md Commonwealth Governments. careers adv isi ng is n ot th e least important. At Wagga Hig h School careers advising is g iven effe ctivc recognition by the school authori· ties a nd as a result it is felt that man y hundred s o f boys ,mel g irls are assisted towards choosing a C<lreer wh ich is o ne of the most comp licated and difficult. tasks you ng people h;lve to undertake. Close liaison is mai ntained througho ut the ye;lr with officers of the Commonwealth Employ- menl Service ,I Ill] the VO(;;llio,,;1 1 Cuid<lllCt Bu reau and Personnel Officers of both big and sll1a[1 finn s in \Vagg;4 a nd t h ~ capit;il cities. i\ ];m y boys ;Hld girl s ;IS a result h :lI'c positiollS a rranged for them before the y leart' schooL [n early 19GG. [II girls a nd 9·[ boys were tested and 99 girls ;md 85 boys illlel'viewed h) expens of the Vocational Guidance Uureau. Com1l10n\\,ealth Employment OffICers registered o r counselled 75 girls ,md 55 boys during June. In the latter part of g irls pani_cipated in the 100" arranged with the Wagga Rotary Club a nd a 1965, 26 ooys and 31 annual " Dayan the co-ope r,Hiotl of the n\llllbel' of employees. [>amphlets issued by the Vocational Guid· ance Bureau are give n to all students asking [Or them and several hundred copies of D epartment of Labour and Industry publi ca tion " Back. ground 10 C:lreers" summa ri sing the qual ifica. tions necessary for over 150 skilled occupations ha ve been distribllled to Wagga H igh SchOol st udents during the last two yea r s. On Boards oll tside the Careers Room, career information is di sphlyed by m ea ns of pampllJcts, posters, circ41lars. lellers, erc., \\·hi le ;I great v,lriety of pamphle t.~ have been placed in the School [,i brary. CADETS Although our numbers have been restricted this rear, Cadet activities werc more s uccessfu l than ever before. Firstly, I would like to welcome Lt. R . i'l'Iead 10 the Unit, and thank him fo r lhe added zesl he In s given u s, and secondl y [ would like to thank those boys who have devoted so much of their own time to the Cad ets. The standard of the Unit's training re· nected creditabl y upon us, as was show n by the very favo urahle comments rece ived whilst at 0111' ann ual camp. contest \\'a .~ rightful ly ours, but, oetter luck next year. Only three other activities come before the end or the Cadet ye:lr : Our Reviewing Officer for lhe Annu,d R eview Ceremon ial Parade th is yea r was Lt. Col. F. S. B. Peach. It ma y interest membcrs o f the school to know that lhis was the fi rst lime where the Office rs all Parade carried swo rds. at Promotion Courses to be held at Singleton. Wit h camp bchind us, we noll' look forward to the Ril'erina Military G ymkh ,"u , to be held this year at Leetoll. Tlw Twelll)'·lwo \'('111 1(' ror thi .~ yea r 's [ Om an nu,d P,llllCl patJOIl III the KlIIg GeOlge V Impenal 1'loph y Shoot 2. A special day of instruction for Senior N.C.O.'s and c.1J.O.'s to be given oy the Weapons T eam of I RTB, Kapoob. 3. The allendallCC of twelve of our Cadetl To those hoys selected J can only remind thel!l Ih;H WagKa Wagga Hi gh School Cadets attained three position in Ihe first Iwelll}' out of a tOlal of 2()O cHldidates at ki st year·s course. At this m oment [ feel s ure that [967 will be an e'lu:dly s uccessful year. M. C. /Jlllli er , (;0/1' , O C Cadet UI/it. " TH E HILL" HISTORY CONFERENCE From the 16th May. LO 20th i\ lay this yC;II", four se nior pupils from Wagga Wagg;1 H igh Schoo l attended the An llll ,d H istory Con [eren ce. They were Judy Cra ig. We ndy Corbell , ScOtt \ Vhecl house and Petcr .J ails. The conference was held at Abbolsleigh G irls' School, Sydney, and was aLlcnded by sLmients from ;111 the States of Austra lia , and eve n a few from New Zeala nd and Canada. DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING T he topics for th e lectures ra n ~ed from "Wome n in Anciem \Vorld " LO "i\ la rx islll." The coverage was ge nera l but th oroug'h. Some of the lect urers we had t he benefil of he ll'i ng and personally meeting we re Prof. Sl,nnbrook. Prof. Bramsled, I)rof. Cran field ,mel Prof. Leg-ge - all of whom are experts in their d ifferent field s of h istory. We all boarded a t lhe Abbotsleigh Girls' School (prob;lbl }' the firs t lime boys have been "aulhorised" to enter the d ifferent dormitories) and were a ble to make man y new friends in both sexes (!1) The organisers enco uraged us to discuss H iSLOr y together and to exchange ideas o n li fe in general. This, in itself. was a grea t success and asset LO all of us. vVe were given the generous lise of a ll fa cilities and areas within the premises, from Lhe sw imming pool to th e TV room. "Ve were thus able to mix and e njoy o ur recreatioll<ll periods. On the fina l night a Formal Dinner and a Da nce was held which sig nified an official end to the confere nce. Generall y, the social activ it ies were ,lbundant and very successfu l (I). We all regretted leav ing when the come, and we would like to attend such con ference. It was a LOtal success. its smooth operation and its effect on IS ..1r Row), 5. Wh .. lh ......, P. Ja n•. (Front Row) : J. C•• ig, W. Clo,bon . This conference has been operating n ow, fo r tWO yea rs, under the g ui(bnce and org'anisa' lion of King's College and Abbols!eigh G irh' Sch ool. Its purpose is to stimulate th e studen t's inte rest in H istory and so g ive him or her the benefit at hC:lri ng the ]ecLUrers (some of whom ;11-e very hig hly' repuled ) and LO encourage lhis gene ra l though t in History. Twenty·foltr end did another both in us. (B.. ~ Row): M.. . f'etche. . Go,don a n "ie, Greg arooke., Jeff WiI.o n. Pet. . J an., Mi .. Stroud. (F.ont Row): Judy C, . ig, W.ndy Co.b.n, De ... n lo ... e, Fr. n,es Slgse .., Che.y' S, enton . We wo uld like to g ive special thanks LO i' lr. Paul for ena bli ng us all to attend , and also lO thank MI'. At kinson and the P. & C. Assoc· iation for the ir enthusiasm and assistance. We all appreciated , a nd lOOK full advantage, at the opport unity afforded to lIS in attending the conference. - Peter ] (111$. The first debate for the new Badgery. Parker Shield took place in April between the High School and [he AgricuhUl'al College. The Agricu ltural College won after a close ly con· tested de bate about Conscription and Vietnam. HILLSTON EXCURSION The remainder of the De bating co ntest~ look place in Second Term. On tile 26111 and 27111 April. 1966. forty pupil s of Wagg' Wagga Higll 5cllool from C1a..e s If and IG vi.it ed Hill l!on Central Scllool 10 <ompele ag"in.t tllei' learns in .porring and dl!bati ng ilems. A very full and enjoyabl e programme. wllkll included an e~<u" ion of the Hi lluon area, " S.r·8·0 lea and • sodal dance woo a .."nged by tile staff and pupil. of Hillston Cen tral. Tile compe tit ion resu lls were very close w:,11 Hill .."" Cen lr.1 proving .ucce.. ful in basketball, footba ll . and olhe! ball I'ame., cricket, horse riding and debating. Wagga dofeoted Hillston in tenni •• bicycle riding, .hot pUll, wre. tllng 3nd boxing. The liMI resu lt fauoured HiliS/on ]4·13. - Min BOREHAM, " THE HJLL" DEBATING On 15t h .l uI)" the Annual Sou th "Vest Area Debating. Comest was he ld in '''' agga and teams from Gn ffith , LeelOn, Va neo, Narra ndera and Wagga took part. The \Vag:ga team won the first IWO rounds and met Griffith in the final which was won by Grilli th H igh. The topic was "That Australia's Foreig n Po licy is N aive. " The school team consisted of Peter Jans. Jeff Wilson . 'Wend y COl'ben and Fr;mces Saggers. "TH E HI LL" In the series of debates agai nst i\oft. Erin and Ch ristian Brothers for the Community • Advancement Shie ld m a n y interesting debates were he ld. In the senior section i\ 1t. Erin e ntered the final with two wins o ut of three in the debates against the High School girls. The High School team consisted of Wendy Corben . Fran ces Sagger s, Cheryl Stanton, Daw n Lowe and Judy Craig and was coached by i\lrs. Fl etcher. The H igh School Boys' team won the three debates against Christian Brothers and so entered the final. The debaters were Peter J aIlS, J efE WilSall . Greg Brooke. Gordon Beattie and Philip Allan; and the team was coached by i\liss Stroud. The fin a l of the Commun ity Advancement Shield was won by Mt. Erin who opposed the T wen ty-five ._ ----- - proposi tion put fo rw,ml by the H ig:h Sch?ol boys that " \'V;lgga is, and shall remam a ell}' of Cu lt ure." In the J unior Compet ition the Junior C?i~'ls were defe;Hed in the three debates by Mt. Erm. The H ig:h School girls coached by I\'fi ss A}le)', were Ju lie Thompson, Rosl yn Moore, Sue Ellis. Sandra Harris ,md De bbie H a nd. T he boys j unior debate rs, Neil McLeod, Ra y Bro\\'n, Gordon Preston,. Lesley T hompson. Rodney Cridge and Peter 1\,1I liard were coac!led by Mr. Crowley a nd lost .the debates agamst Christian Brothers. l\'It. Enn subseque ntly won the fina l against Christ ian Brothers. Senior Secondary Bursars for 1966 ADDISON, JOSEPH STAN TON, CHERYL JOY BEATTIE, GORDON WilLIAM WAllACE, PETER STUART HARRISON, JAMes ROBERT YOUNG, WALTER JOHN KEIGHRAN, DAVID WAYNE BAtLANTYNE, SUSAN MAY lEVY, RICHARD MORRIS MacDONAlD, PETER ROSIER, JOHN LIONEl McPHERSON, ROBYN JOY IAN SHEll SCHOLARSHIP: ROBERT JOHN McDONALD. COMMONWEALTH BANK SCHOLARSHIP: P. S. WAltACE . R.S.l. SCHOlARSHIP, B. BUTTON. Phol09<aph on page 34. PUBLIC SPEAKING The South ''''estern Are,1 Public Speak ing contest took place in July a nd \'Vagga H igh was represe nted by Sue Call of T hi rd Fo.rm, Lesley Thompson of Second Form and .I uILe Thomp· son of First Form. The Junior Chamber of Commerce "Yoll~h Speaks fo'r Australia" competition was held III \Vagga in August, and Greg Brooke of 5th Year repre.sented the school against speakers from other schools in the Area. - Miss B. SU·oml. Teacher in Charge of Debating ,md Public Speaki ng. C.W.A. SCHOLARSHIP (Fo,m IV), ZElMA KIIEVENS. LIONS CLUB SC HOLARSHIP: LYNNE BURNS. K. S. M cREA. INTERMEDIATE BURSA.RY: J. HINKLEY and J. MacKAY. Commonwealth Scholarships BUTCHER, T. (4A). REID, R. (4A) COReEN, W. (4A) SAGGERS, F. (4A). CRAIG, J. (4A) WHEelHOUSE, S. (4A). GISSING, P. (4A). WI LSON, J. (4A). MeDCALF, H. (4A). McDONALD, R. (4A ) WORTHINGTON, J. (4A). WOODS, G. (4B). RAPER. M. (4B). WYA TT, M. (4A). PREFECTS' INDUCTION THE GONDOLIERS Our 1966 Gi lbert a nd Sullivan produClion was "The Gondoliers," staged ilt the Civic Theatre, Wagga lVagga, during the week ending 2·llh June. The cast was larger th an that of previous years-over 60 students, incl ud ing some from fiflh form. Once again the production represented the combined efforts of many teachers and people outside the school. \ ,Vith these ild v,Hltages, the producers (M iss Toohey ;1Zl1 1 l\ 1r. i\lorley) endeavoured to effect im. provemen lS in every aspect of presem<ltion. Scenery a nd stage properties were designed to captu re, as fa r as possible, the pageantry and colourful atmosphere which we thought desirable. This, of co urse, necessitated long hours of painstaki ng- work by the Manual Ans. Art and Needlework Departmellts. The untiring work of th ese people cont rib uted in no sma!1 measure 10 the final success. The result was :1 solendid produ ction, which att racted neilr.capacity houses for all four performances. At all)" final performill1 ce we were pleased to ha ve as our guests a party of Icachers and SllldcllLs from Narrabundah High School, Canberra. EadieI' in Th e P,incipa l induding School Captains Pal, iela Chapm an, Wen dy Corb. n, J. ff Wil.on ond M .r~ Gall agher. Tw en l),.six FINALE _ ACT II "TI-IE 1-111.1.." "THE HILL" the yea r some members of our cast had travelled to Canberra to see a n e ntertaining performance of "The Gondoliers," by Narra bunda h H igh. On Frida y, 2':1th J une, RVN·2 very kind ly telecast all extract from Act II. I \ 'Ve were fortunate in havin~ competent singers. actresses and actors in itJl the major roles. or the soloists, the most prominent were Peler Gissing (the Du ke of PlazaToro), Wa ll y Young (Don Alh,lmbra Del Bolero), .Ju lie Whitlock (the Duchess of Plaza-Toro), P,llllela Hoye (T essa), Cheryl St,Hlton (Gianetta) , Allan Hoga n (Marco Palmieri), Richa rd Levy (Giuseppe Pal mieri), Da wn Lowe (Ca .~ i1da ) a nd Rod Fi nlayson ( Luiz). Once a~ain. Cheryl Stanton thrilled 0111' audiences hy her sing:ing. Bcst aCLOr and best actress awards were won by Peter Gissing and Pame!;. Hoye respectivelv. Our thanks ;Ire due LO the members or st;df I\"ho helped us in so man y W:lys, to the members of the orchestra a nd to all olhers whose hclp and enCOllragemctll did so lIl uch to e nsure another sli ccessfu l season. HOSTEL NOTES CHOIR Hoste l routill!': ha ~ been r unning qLliLe ,1I100Ihl )' Ihis yca r under the cOlllrol o f th e ~ l lInro's and i\ 11'. Mead. Th is }ear wa ~ the greate't yea r in th e par· ticipation of 1·loSlel boys in schoo l sporting activit ies. Howeve r , before we played for our re\pectivc team ... wc combined e fforts to derc;1I i\ 11. Austi n Firsts 3 1·0 in a Rugb y League match but were narrowl)' defcated b y High School 1 5'~ crickct tcam . THE SCHOOL CHOIR Q UI' school choir of fiO g irls has had a very successful yc.. r. Included in this was a brolldcasl over 2CO Albury, and pleasing resuhs in lhe recent Wagga Wagga Eisteddfod" The choir performed admIra bly agai nst keen compcLition ,fr?Tll olher schools in the Ri vcrina a rea, ga ming second p lace in lhe Ope n C hoir contest. A smalle r grou p of' choristers perform ed ill a nother Choir COlllest gOlilling first p r i/.!': :Ind the D wyer Cup. Our since re tha nks to !\ Iiss Collins for the help in tmi ning Ollr groups :md to Miss Toohey for acting as our accompanist. In the firs t grad e Rug by League team there were Peter Robson , Ne\' Dalgleish , G.-,tellie Killa lea ;mel 1\lal Che ney. whilst Col Gonion and Pe ter Taylor represen ted t he seconds and thirds respectively. i\ fembers of the g reat 9.7 team arc Col Rockliff, Brian Lawrence and John Willis a nd the 10.7 re presell t:ttivcs are Roben Grady and I'au l H ewson. I n other weight teams \I'e have 8.7 , Peter i\ lacDo nald and Ceoll' Dalg lcish ; 7.7, Bruce Cheney, Pe ter RobertSOIl and Phillip Amery; 6.7, Ronn y Cordon , Sieve Schmidt a mi 1all Lucas. T e nn is tea m members this yea r were Hruce Cheney, John FOI'ck , Brian Lawrence and i\'la l Cheney, wh ile Keith Benton is a constant biddcr ror the table tennis title. Darre l Edd y. Pcte r i\oJac Donald . J ohn Ra }. Col Gordon , Robcn Grady, Pe ler Robson ami J o h n Willis are the on ly cad ets at the Hostel. Fi rs t g rade Austral ian Rules pla yers were Pe lcr Taylor. Ne\' Dalgleish, Craeme Killalc:l. Gr;temc Sch midl ;nul Mal Chcllcy ami 15's rep· rcscnt:Hives werc Co l RocldiIT, Brian LawrCll ce. Ian Lucas, Ccoff Dalgleish , Lewis Kitlalea a nd Patti H c\,·soll. H igh School and H oste l athletes comprise of lirian La wrcnce (H igh School 1'1 ycar... Ch;mlpion), Peter Rohson, Perry Hindlllal"sh. Col Gonion, P;tul Hcwson and Col Rockli lf. Firsl years Pe ler Hi ll a nd i\ lichael Cronk play Sa tu rday football with Wagga ;md Lock· h:trl 15's respect ive ly. Inn H opwood is the Urana Ill,trmite C;tter ,mel Geoff Woodc ll a ppea rs as if he will ,'elain his reputation a nd n;tmc of "Shol"ly" fo r a bit longer and Ia n Brooks is it card and chess f;matic. Vol h ile Neil Way is a de"otcd Sou th Mcl· hourne footba ll fan, R ichard T retholl':m. Gcoll' 1·lopwood and Ja il Rn}' re mai n the three fi rs t year musketeers. Here's hopi ll ~ a new Hoste l b y Ihe end of nest year . Mnl Cltr.lI ,.y. GRIFFITH VISIT Approxi mately . Igh ty people compri.ing footb.I!.", hockey playe.., basketb. II..., debate .., t.nni . pl.ye" and !ud.... le ft for Grifl'"oth on Thund.y , 30th June. On .rri .... 1 It Griffith a' 5.30 p.m. the W~. compe titors .... t their bill.". The fint of the compet itions wit on Thu,"d.y nigh t when I debate Wit held betwHn the two Khool. in the ,chool h.1I before quite I I..ge .ud"nce. After In • ..dience plea,l ng debate on " Married women Ihould not go ou t to work" the adi..dic.tor Mr . P. How.,d declared Grifl'"o rh the win"." by 17 point •. Fr iday dawned cold Ind we' lu ... ing lome of ,,,- glme. in doubt, howeve" lhe we. the, CO-operated and .I! g.me. w, .. pllyed U Ich.eduled. The fint event of lhe d.y WI. the B hockey g.me I t lhe GriffIth hockey fi.ld. The glme WI' played on a wet foeld and during d'iuling tl in which probabl y acco"nl for Wagga' . 2.nll defea r. Howe ve r, Ihe gl,I,' bl1ketball lum. were not borhered by I"" condi ti on$ and lored two 'nour.ding winl. , ,,., B rum winning 33· 12 Ind the A tum 1150 winning 52·16. The A grade hockey d"'ing the a ft ernoon wa. a much doser and be ll.. g.me thin ,'''' ear lier one. W'ggl wen ' down 10 a narrow 4·2 d.l"t by Gr;lf'olh, Meanwhile, .r the terrni) (ourtl, Wagga High Wen t On 10 • win by 3 .ell. The boyl were a li ll ie off AT PREfECTS' tA U H, I, .. M,dulf . I.elv" her f.o m M... CO'"U' Alkinlon , ,,,,'1'.1 by "a l,ici. Ch.pm, .. , girl .. p l.in _ T welll)'-eighl "T HE HILL" "THE HILL" form. howelle', rh, gi rl l .I .... d the day by winning proport ion of thei, lall. a Ilf 9' Afrer li x evenll Wagga had Won Ihree I - d Griffith had ,110 Won th,". The 'elult o f the SOI.iNk Shield re.ted upon lhe ou tcome o f rhe _ d grade foot bill. AI half time Wigg. Were down 'wo nil. In lhe oecond half. how ....... W.gg. ..!lied and . f' er l ome h.rd knock, On Griffilh', 25·yard line N. Dalgleilh went ove' to pur Wigga in the Iud 3·2. Right on the full lime whillie Grilf'olh recel ... ed • pen.lty .nd lhey had no trouble in con ... erting and becoming winn ... by 4 poin t. '0 3. On Fr iday night Wogg. High were ,nler lained II • d.nce In lhe ,chool hili where ochool clplain. J. Wil lon .nd P. Chapman p, esented rhe Sili.ek Shield to Grifl'"oth Hig h and th.nked Griffilh for th.ir ho.pitalily . On Saturday morning I.ft Griffirh to return 10 Wagga. Thanh go to Mr . Paul , Mr. RUlleli. Mrs. Ebling Ind Mi .. 8u,h who "complnled u. to Grifl'"oth, Ind also to lhe Grilf'oth people wh.o look bill.... w. Al lhough W.gg. High lost t"- Sm..,k Shield everybody concerned had an enjoy.bl .. Ii,"" .. nn nld every thing ponlble to er hance the reputation o f Wagga Wagg" High. T Wr.II/y.,lilll! EX-STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION The bond of , h.red " hool yea.. I,.dilion ,.on be " firm and luring one. and . h.red school It was . group of rhe 1964 leaving Cerlific" 'e da .. who ,ook the . rep. in two informa l home meeling ' , 10 The foundlttlon of 1M Wagg a Wagga High School Ex ·Studen'" Anoei. 'ion. Wi,h an e ncouraging ' ''. pon s.e f,om member. of orh". old Wag9" High School dau"s .. formal mee ring fo r the re· /orma lio" of the Wagg. Wagg" High School E.-Studenls' Asroci.rion was convened in the libr.ry of rhe Wa9g" Wagg" High School, .rld $0 .Ite. . Imoo' a d eca de we again h ad .tn h ,Slud e nrs' A..oel.,ion. f"., NEEDLEWORK EXCURSION Suppor! ha. bee" e ncou,aging $0 far, but ,nore meml>.." will be heartily w e lcomed. Enquirie. ma y be directed to In. Se tter . ,y, Leanne Whire, 13 Rich ard Slree', W.gga Wagg., Phone 52776. What il nificant ly in fobres which 4,000 yUfS a " synthelic" fobre? Why have .ynt ~ licl 10 s ig. the past 15 yUfS pushed a.ide the na tural have served man's clothing needs for Ihe la" .nd probably even long e r? To fond th. an l we" to th e.e tantalising que. tions, 33 FO'1n IV pupil. e ng.ge d on a one·day trip to Fib.emaketl ltd., at Bay,wa ter, the only company in the wo,ld making ny lon ,nd te rylen e Hb'e' und e r the >eme rool. T ~ p la nl occupies a site of 125 ~cres and re pr e ,ents • 10tai v.lue of $60 million, wilh $3 milli on of t11 i. devoted 10 a vast .ir condilion Iy. te m which i, e ..e n lial for e n'uring a dust·f.ee atmosphe' e wilh the correct percentage of humidity to I pin qu.lily f,b' e. AI Ihis me e ling office be are r! for the 1966·67 yur w e re e le cted. The Pre. ident is Pe ler O~le; Chairm an, Gordon Brain; Secret ary, l e ann e White; T.easure., Sue Re id; Corn· mine , Jane Pulver, Oi Oakman, Rob McP ~rson, Joy Porr, Ros Campey, Barry Moss, Peter Ba ker, W~I Fawcett, Milo Pani c, Chri s Rape. and AI Cowley. A "sy nlhetic" f,bre i. one made ini tially from che mical ,ub. Tances mainly co.1 or oil, air and wate r, which Ue then ch anged or " , ynlhesised" by he. t .nd pre .. u.e 10 form .. comp letely new subst a nce with di.lincl propertie s of ito own. The basic ingredient of ,ynthe tic fobtes, polymer chip., resembli ng w hile o r gtey marbl e flakes, are i..... por ted from over.ea., but all other Ispecis of product ion are carried on by Fib,ema ke •• at Bay. water On Ihe ou t.ki.l. 01 Me lbourne. Briefly, the polyme. chips are cOnver ted, by heMing 10 300 degrees ce ntigrade , inlO a viscous fluid which il fotce d Ihrough ~ spinn e ret to form • fone Ih'ea d in much lhe .. me w.y •• Ihe spid e r spin. a we b. After cooling, the yarn mu.t be . t ... tche d Or "cold dr awn" to align the molecular sttuctur e of hydrogen and oxygen atoms into an ordered paTlern. Mo.t production .t Ihe B'yswater ptan l is for con· tinuou s folamen l yarn, i.e.. in one unbroken thread, bUI a <errain amounl of staple f,bre i. al lO produced to orde r as required by individu.1 orders. Thi. nylon st.pl e, i. con linuous filamen l ya rn which i. cri mped and cut into lengths v.rying f.om Sin to 6in . to , epre.en t n&lur,1 fobre ., and which may be Ipun in the normal m.nne r to make a w.rmer a nd more ab.otbenl yarn, Or blended wilh natur'! fobtes 10 impa. t .ome of the wonderful qualities o f syn thelics to the r,,"uitant ..... ate,i al. Al so a t this me eting, a Re·Un ion Oay wa s ~rranged for 21st May , 1966, .nd tea m spiri t was high as the h ·Stude n T Fiw XIII, giving a sterling performance for oldies, went down to the Wagg a Wagg . Hi9h School Fi' st XIII and Fi u t hockey te.m. The y showed bette. fo'm, howe ve r, . t Ihe dance he ld in the High School Hall that night when a lively band and hOI supper ke pt both te mpo and energy up. The most ambitious st e p so far has been Ihe o'gonisalion o f the 1966 Blue and Whit e Formal Ball held at the Police Boys' Club in Gu,wood Slteel, on 2nd September, 1966. Th .. Commiru, .. , who h ad pu t such a conside ,able .mount of work into Ihis project, was delight .. d 10 fond an enthusi .. tic respon se f,om ex·studen l. , eX· 'eac ~,., le a< he, s and friends 01 the a ..ocialion, who.e .hee r enjoymenl of the evening wa l amply evident. Our Ex·Student.' Anocia tion, howeve., is not ,ellricted to Wagga Wagga and the di.t';cts. Auxilia.y anocia tions ha ve been formed in Sydney and Canberra, both of which have held re· unionJ of the e x·stude n ls in Ihole ..eal. The Ca nb erta Association has been particularly auive and held a ve,y .uccessful Ball in October. Qualily is Ihe keynote of chemical fob' e produce rs .nd th o only fault rate permitted ...... y b e e xplained in Ihi . manner -quorte' of a fault i. permitted in a length of yarn Ih . , would . trelCh from Melbourn e to Sydney and back, a nd then 0"015 to Adelaide. Texlile manufacrure .. , long conditioned to accepting laulty f,b,... from nalural p,oducers, acce pt noThing I.... than perfecl f.om th. syn the tic f,brema ke •. To e nsure thi l "and., d, eve ry 60 hours spot checks al e held at evety stage of the fobr e ', ma nuf.ctule, and l ince it requir es 7'1. hou," 10 complete the procell from polymer 10 fini shed yarn any batch less th an pe rfect i. immediate ly wi th· drawn f.om Ihe product:on line . Beca u. e of the comp!e ~ily of mechir e,y use d, the factory workl day .nd nigh l for 51 wee ks of the yea" ,hulli ng down only 10 al!ow servicing 01 Ihe ai,-conditioning pion!. In the Te xtile Deve lopmen t Departmenl " e w Type. 01 yarr.. a re lested ard experiments in kni tting a~d wea ving lechnique. a re c~ rried out, loget her wilh new method. of dyeing and prinling to convince manu facturers of new uses for the ... ve"atil " Hbr es. Thar They a'e elastiC, durabl .. , ab.asion , ... istant, li gh tw eig ht, e a.ily launde.ed and nOn · irritan t is e videnced b y the mult ilude of u.e, in e ve ry home 10 wh ich they h ave been put-f,om tap wa . hers 10 tooth· brushe., from tyre. to Itouse" . from se. ' cove ... to .wea Te rs! One of nylon'. gr .. a l" ol u.e. ha. b"en for hOli .. ry for botk men and women, a nd our . tud ents we.e lortu nate to witne .. the .. ntir " proce.. o f ho. ier" ma king at Prest ige Thirty • " T H E HI L L" "T H E HI LL" Ply. Ltd., a t Brun l wick . Automa lion hal completely re vo lul' ioni , ed this industry, w he!e do . .. ns of machine. ind ependen lly produce Ihou unds of slocking•• day, to be checked by only two inspectors who pa .. Ihem a. Iree of faultl. The 'earning of the foot under Ihe loe is done by • deceptively . imple mac hin" which ""w s and !timl the ioin 10 p. eve nt unCOm. forlable bulk. The majority of production loday i. for circullr. knit , locking . ,ince fully·fa. hion .. d hOl ie ,y is almost OU I' dated, and .. t Ihi. st.ge the still colourle.. "ocking. are he. ' ·.el to Ih~ ' hape of Ihe feminine ca lf ove' ste.m.heated . tainle .. . tee l mould. b efo. e being dyed, a pro< .... re quiring a lillie Ove r an hour's lime . They are Ih .. n p.elled and e ~amined for flaw. b a fore being package d by hand 10 prevent damage 10 such fr.gile mercha ndi se. The d ifference. in techniqu es for weaving bbriCi and kni ll ing Ihe ..... w ere .een clearly in other d e p.rtments of Ihe fadory, and il was fa,cina ling 10 walch a tartan magically grow on a loom functioning at lop speed, or 10 envy Ihe lightning spe ed of kni rt ing machines producing inlricale p ais ley jerseys at a rar e of 3,000 stitches per min ule. Our fona l inspection was 10 the lingede departmenl where Ihe "piecework" system o f garmen l production wa, seenan alle n1bly line of wo.kers all se.ming an ...igned se ction of Ihe artide. De lic.te lace. and fabrics mad.. ul ~II fe ..1 e n thu.ed in Iruly feminine fashion . Although a long and undoubt e dly tiring jou.ney Ihis yea,ly vil il ha, ineslimable v.lue in bringing lexl book abslractl TO living realili .. s and we are f1atteled and proud to h. ve been anured that, due to the fon e behaviour and intellige nl inlere.1 o f p.eviou. lIudents, bOlh faclories will be glad 10 welcome our Form IV studenll in 1967. - Mrs . V. WILDMAN . 1915 Third and Fourth Years Fifty·one ye ... ago, in 19 15, a photogr aph wa f taken 01 the combine d Third ~nd Fourrh Year cia .. of Ihat year, when Mt. E. Tri.t vis iled Wagg~ High School. Howe ve r, due 10 Ihe ag e of Ihe photograph it il impou ible to ,,,p,odu<e il in This magazine. In 1915, Wagg. High w as si tua Ted in Gurwood SI, ee t, a longside the Primaty School, and none of the s ludents in Ii the photograph a tte nded the "new" High School, which w as opene d in 1917. It .hould b e unde" tood that Ihe.e were ve ry few high school. in N.S. W. in 1915, and few . tudent s proceeded b e yond the ' nte,medi ate CerliflCate standard. Then Ihe full high school Cou .... was four yea ... In the photograph mentioned . bove the re Were three g i. l. pioture d , who we.e the fo," To . ;t for the Le aving Certifoc.te from Wagga High School in Ihal y...r. The othe .. who w e re photographed . a l in the follow ing y ea" and a",on("1 them were fou. future teachers, one docto., one mag isltate ."d two se nior public .etvan ll. As far u we know, only One of The group .till live' in Wagg. - Mr. ~dw.r d O.ake, an outstanding .Thlele of fo'mel day .; a Fi," World W.r .o!die r, and. good stude n!. Other membe. . of The photograph wele Misses Payne , Byrnes, Fle"her .n d Bottom, and Me..... To",pso n, Moye, Trill. Hollid ov, Bennett and Kiel. Although they are now 1C." e red for and wid e , w .. can be ' u'e Ihot Ih ey . 11 rem .. ",be. with p.'de W.!l g" Wagga Hi g h School and ill morro, "Vin~it qui .e Vi ncil " Th iri)"(}lIe GIFT FROM LEAVENWORTH i\ lore signili cant thall sponing conquests Il'ilS the improveme nt in the llumbers competing in intra-school cont.ests. It is not dilficult to compete if )'OU fee l you have t.he abi lit y to ~ ucceed , but to those who competed for the enjoyment and "just to be in it" congratulation s are due. Congratulations ;d so to th ose who showed sufTil:ient abil ity and sportsmanship to receive Blues. To wi n well is second only to losing well. Th ;l1lk you to those orga ni sers and pare nts • II' ho h,. ve hel ped throughout the year and to thosc who billetted girls 'from all over the St,lle rOJ" three nights in July. This was greatly apprecblled by both the visitors and schoo1. Miu Robyn Sadl.;r, " Miu Wags. 1966," pre •• nlt 'he « hool u p,. in. with . book ·o f .ut compired by pupils of l . ..... nwo.lh High School. THE SCHOOL FARM The [ann has progressed steadil y throughout the year and the benefits of previous d evelopment a l projects ha ve enabled the brm to function smoothly as a tCiKhing unit. The most recent improvement has heen the construction of a large mach inery ~hed wh ich wi ll also serve as a n outdoor classroom imd as a shearing shed . Th is sh ed was financed by the Department of Educalion and the P. & C. Association. The action o f the P. & C. in erect ing and financing this project was greatly apprecia ted. The purchase o[ a small combine wili improve the efficiency of future pasture and crop Thirt,'-lwO establishmelll programmes b y reducing the dme taken in travelling to the Agricultural College to bOlTow a combine. With the esta blishment of improved fencing. the sheep sect ion has been expanded. Fifty J\'lerino ewes were purch ased early in the year ;md joined to a Border Leicester ram. A 95 % lambing percen tage will enable this project to be a financia l success. Although ma ny improvemellls are still in the planning stage the (arm is now a sound practical unit with wide scope in experimental work and is proving an effective teach ing ulli!. " THE HI L L" SPORTSMISTRESS'S REPORT The girls of Wagga Wagga High School ca n . fe el proud of their sporl ing achievemellls ~I un n g 1966. They have sllccess fully competed In th e major spons of Athletics, Swi mming, Basketball, Hockey and Tennis, wh ile they h ave ~hown g reat interest ;md progress in recentlyIlltl:oduced spons (Golf, Squash a nd InterIlallOnal Rules Basketball). "THE I-II LL" GIRLS' CHAMPIONSHIPS SW l i\'IM ING: Sen io r : J Cllll ), Da y. 15 Years: Date 1-lul1. H Years: Sue BurL 13 Ycars: T errie Moore. AT I-ILETI CS: Seni or: Harlla ra ' ''' hite. 15 Ye,II's: Sa lly Croker. 1'1 Ye;lrs: lellny C ampbell. 1,11 reu s: "a llct Engel . Tliirl)'-III1't?e • "TH E HI L L " T hirl)'-{il,e For ALL PHOTOGRAPHY PORTRAITS CHILD STUDIES ERNEST BUILDINGS WEDDINGS AER IAL TOOLEY STUDIOS GISSLNG BUilDING (8~.~ Row), 8. Willis, J. Pow ." C. Hill, J. In g li " A. Da¥is, Min P. Bu sh . (front Rowl: P. Ryn.h.rl, M. K. .,ne y, N. Pa nic, O. f .. lI . r, S. Tullo h, C. Sn nlon . (Oppo. it. 1'0" Offiee) FITZMAURICE STRHT, WAGGA WAGGA All Photographs in thi s Magozine by : - " TOOLEY STUD IOS" Woggo Wagga High School Photog raphic Servi ce HOCKEY This y~M Ih",,, we.e .ix hockey lums which ,epruented the schoo l on inle"lchool v i.ill .nd in The Wagga Hockey Anocialion'. Sa turday Aflernoon compeTition. Three of Ihe.e Ielms comprised of Senior girl •• nd f,om Thi rd 10 Fifth Fo,ml, one from Second Form .nd two from fir" Form. AI.o three 01 the g irl . rep.e,en'ed the lIiver in• • 1 the N.S.W. Women's Hockey Associalion' s Carnival in Augu". The girls, Joy Inglil, Ann,,!!e Davies and Patricia lIyn ahart enioyed IWO days 0 / hockey in Sydney. The " A" hockey tum, coached by Min P. Bush .nd Mr . AlkinJon, played quite well 'hroughou, ' he ... ason ' 0 en ter the pre liminary flnal of 'he Saturday Afternoon com. peti, ion in which we were na rrowly d e lea,ed by Tearne ..' College I, alre, f,nishing second on ' he competition ladde" The grand flnal was finally WOfl by 'he lIosellu, among who •• pllye .. 'he r. are qui'e a number 0 1 leache .. Ind eX'lI uden' s 0/ the High SchooL The "8" te.m, .110 coached by Mill Bush. had quite a luccess /ul .e.,on, al,o reaching the flnal of the Sa lurday afternoon competition. They proved '0 be ,uceeSlful in lome of Iheir in le .·"hool ma tches, d ef"ating Albu, y and draw ing with Cootam undrl, The le arn WII capla ine d by Barbare Hamill end best playe .. for 'he oenon we re Barb ar. Hl mill , Julie Whitloch, Sue Ansell, Judy And'ewl and Gwend a Hoi· gale, ,II membe .. play ed consislen ,ly Ihroughout 'he sellon and prov"d th"m. "I"". in lporrsmen,hip. We we'e ,,01 qui'e ., .ucces.lul on " hool "isi " and wenl down 10 TumuI, Coo' amund ra, G'iffi th a"d Albury 'e aml. Perhap. 'he f." ga me played this lealon w u again.' Tumu , in Ihe flnal 01 Ihe lIi"e,;na S<:hoolgirl.' Carn;"al in June, Play was eXlre"",ly fast a"d e venl bUI Tumul narrowly won--one·nil. The Ihird glide team w as coached by Mr. Rankin and con.isted of a "umber 0 1 girl, who bega n playi"g hockey Ihil year IRd who mUl l be co"gra lulaled for 'heir play. The 'elm wa, captlined by Sue Wulff a nd ahhough not .ucc.ss ful in the Sa ' u.day competition Ihey mel wil h 'ueeen in school vi,"" &g,in" Albury. Five membe,s 0 / , he "A" ,earn were cho.en '0 ,epresen t 'he Sou th WU I al Ihe Stale Schoolgirl.' Carnival .t Newcastle, in July . The f,"e girl., Anne". Oavi.., Joy Ingli., Nad. PaniC , Ch.ryl S'an lon and Bronwyn Willi. spenl an .nioyable five days eway, and along with girl, /,om Albu.y, Junee, Tumul and Corow a, th.y finish"d , hird in Ihe poin l $Core, The girl I'om Corowa was cho.e" in the N.S.W, Schoolgirl.' team. Be " playe" were Dale lIawling., Sue Wulff, Jill Smith, Barb"a Ellis, Ba.ba.a Hepburn, Kerryn Thomson and Jenny McCurdy. " T HE HILL" Many Ihlnh go to the cOlchel, for Ihe lime a"d e'" cour&gernenl Ihey give to lheir p.rtieul., 'e~m • • nd hockey in general. BASKETBALL 2038 Which sport will you play this summer? Cricket? Tennis? Swimming? 1966 hdl p,oved a ve<y suc«nful yea. fo, 8 ..ketb.lI . In iJddi lion 10 h.ving , he OIIong." FifOl Gr.de lide fo, m.nv Vearl the Second 'e,m hll pl'ved well '0 , ,,m,,n undefea'ed in Inter·School competi ,lon . Nine 188m. pl'Ved in the Sllurdav Afternoon compe tillon, five plavlng In Grand fin,ll. The A G,.d e tea m Were ioi,,1 Minor Pr. mie. . . "d d e fe.ted MI. E,in in , good clole game . Junio's (Second Vea,) defe. led Highilles (Thi,d Yea, ) in lhe C Grotde .rn:l 0 Gr ..... winroe .. we,. J uniors II (Fi,,, '1'.,,), who de fu t.d .nOI.... ' Firll Yea, lum, Highnolel. In inte"lchool compelition, 11 le. ml pl.yed again" Albu<y (6 m.tehel 10 S 10 Albu'V) .rn:l againll Coolamundra Wogge w on 8 malches to 2. The A G'ad , lea rn became Soulh Weste,n tu m 10 ,e p, ue nt at Ihe S,a 'e Ch.mplo".hlpi In Wagg •. This tum I,.ined and pl.yed well 10 fini.h third in lhe S,.,e. This W.I <onl ide,ed a c,edillble pe"orm'Me by • Ichool lum agelnll od"" A,ee luml, The Unde, 14 lum wll de fU1K1 for ,he Sou ,h Well Ct..mpionship by Henlyl 0·9, . fte, being undelU led unlil Ih" G.. nd Final. PI've" who impro .... d during Ihe .enon a'e ,-Julie AndersOll, Ch"'vl McC. llum. Jennifer Price .nd l o".ine &>:lIing . Of ' h" Junio.., pe,h,pl the bell we,,, Send .. Mill er. Di,ne For'ell, Jenny Campbe ll .nd p<omiling fi,S! yun Vicki Ch.pm.n .nd Ann O."i •. SENIOR 1 TEAM Senior. I ' ra""II"d to N."ander. for lhe P.S.A.A.A. 8... kelb.1I C.. nlv.1 at which 'he Soulh Well ,ep,e.enl.live lurn was 1"lecled 10' the Sta te Fi"e l.. Ou, t."m wa s cholen ., the Soulh Wet! lum, d"fu ling M, . AUII'" 20·8 in ' he f,n.' . YVOIl ne ~obe"" (MI . Au.lin) and M. Kenn. (Oeni liqoin) we.e chooen I I ' ese'"el. In lhe Coun ' ry Week 8ukl1b. 1I C.,niv.l. Ihil ,urn reached lhe semi·f.... 11 d eleating C.nbe"., III.w .."., liI hgow .nd Eden, bu' lhe fin all we.e Clnc. lled beca"le o f wei weath,. The SlI le Fin,l. w e,e pl.yed at W'"ga from to the 251h J une. TUml "ililed W.gg. 110m a ll STile. The South We" learn m.n.ged ' 0 ,each fin.1 1 bUI we'e deluled by four go.11 by Sydnev wh-o wen' on 10 defelt New c... . le In ' he fi na l. Ihe 22nd over Ihe the semi. Sou lhe,n, Senior. I lravelled 10 C.nbe". on July 41h lor In inle •. ochool viii, which We won ~1 ·1 2. We 1110 we,,, ve<y ce.. I,,1 in bell,ng Griffith 52· 16 .nd Coollmund,a 34.15. .uc. OUt delenc. wing Jenny 81,d WII ou ' fo, five wHka 11 the b"ginning 01 Ihe l eason w ith • Iprained ankle. The goalies S.nd.. Alkinson and Ca rol O"nga le played we ll aU vea •• p,o",ng Ihem,elves by th.owing filrY· lwo go.ls Grif. lilh. Se lly S'rong wal m011 cOll,l"en l ., cen tre ."d was "10''1' ,,,Ii,bl. In ..... ,'1' game. C. ,mel ThomPlon, the younge" member in lhe '".m, p<o"ed Ve ry ,eli.bl. and "",salil". lyn 0' Which sport will y~u b ~ playing this coming summer season? Maybe you ' re the type who's fond of cricket, or maybe tennis is more to you r li king:. or perha ps you' re contemplat ing toking to the water. Whichever spo rt you choose to play, naturally you wont and need the very best in sporting eq uipment to furth er en hance your enjoyment and sporting competence. A nd , naturally for the finest in all sport ing eq uipment, the place to head for is David J ones.' At D.J ls sports deportment, you' ll find everything for the sportsman and sportswoman. D.J's staff their spo rts deportment with experts who are always willing and ready to advise and help you in your sporting need s, and will help you choose the equipment most sui ted to you. Come on in to O.J 's spo rts deportment-located on the First Floor, see Mr. Warren Smith or Mr Jim Stanford-D.J 's sporti ng experts who will assist you with your spo rti ng needs. And fo r the tennis players, D.J's not on ly have the finest range of top grade racquets, but too, a 24 hour tennis restring service that's second to none in town. For all your sporting needs, come on in to David Jones.' Sports Department, First Floor. {8..k D.J's FAMOUS GUARANTEE - SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK ~owJ: hnd,a Alkin'on, Je nn y I lrd , Mr •. Eb e ling, Belly $'(ong, C., m. 1 Thompl on . (F,onl Row): l vn 8urn., 8.,b... Whil. . D.w n l ow., C.tol Dl ngl' •. "TH E HILL" Th it"/)' ,"i" ~ Children Teenagers Adults All Read ~bt JailN ~~utrtistr ~B .. k Row): Pam Kruger, l orra ine Be lling, Mr •. Eb e ling , J e nn y Price . (f .on! Row): Jan ;,_ Woods, Juli . And ... "n, Ev a Slade k, Chery l McCa llum , • • Over 90,000 COPIES sold every week Biggest BLOCK MAKING PLANT in the ,Burns and J e nny Bird had good gam •• on 'he wing. Barbar a White , who cepMined the learn, enr Dawn lowe, were con• ;slent in e very g ame a nd proved "ong in both a n ack and defence. On thi . year to Mr.. [ofeh ing the whole u ch playe r pl.yed her part in making a l uceeuf .. 1 One a nd the learn me mbe .. are ind.b led Eb.. ling, and we ,hank he. for her supporr and Ihroughoul 1966. Riverine and M.I.A. " 8 " TEAM We tra"elled to Cow,a fOI a Knockout Carniv a l and reached the oemi.fln.l o whe'e we w e le defe ftled by G, e n/ell. The be.t playe r wa. Sa ndra Miller . Our goalies- Ger.ldine White and Shitle y Pe adonha ve played cOnsi,'en lly .11 year. Sond,a Millel, J ane l Byrne and Jo Lodge p,ove d verutil e in .11 malchn, while Lavinia Str,,11 and l iz Cowell play e d we ll in defe nce. Our capt.in wu Ke"ie Whiting, . "d Kerrie and Debby B,aine. play ed vely well. Ou, thank> go to M". GI.stonbu'y who coached ou r basketb a ll te e m thi . yea,. - G. White. • Biggest JOB PRINTING PLANT in the Riverino and M.I.A. The Senior leftm, c'ptaine d by Pam K.ugef, pl ay e d four school ma tches, all of which We wOn by comforta bl e margin s. Unfort u na ' ely, we We ' e not qui te so succe ssful in the Sa tu,d.y com peti tion. The High·lliers, captained by ce ntre Lo"ain e Belling, com· peted in bOlh Inle , Ichool m.IChe. a nd Salu, day a hernoo" competition. We would like to thank Mrs. Ebeling for devoting so much 01 her time in coaching UI. Competing again,t Junee end Gundagai High School A le arns We were defeated by na"ow margin. in both ca .... . However, we we re . ueen .ful wi lh /I win Ov"r Coote mundr . HIGHLITES 48 TRAIL STREET, WAGGA WAGGA P.O. 35 PHONE 2021 HIGH -FLIERS Perh aps the most thrilling g ome wei "g a i", ' Griffith "'igh School, which w e won 35·9. for this m atch three ploye rs we'e brought in from Ihe ..... igh fli e rs." High. lite. In t he Saturday eomp. we experienced win . te am. e xcept a Itrong Mt. Erin lea rn In the Saturd ay . fternoon town competition our tea m h.l been undelllBled. Qui beli! malch this YUI was against High J un ioll I; We wOn this match 16·13. There a re .t,ong d e fence . in Jenny Price a nd Che,yl McCallum, w ith good goal shooting by Judy Makay and Sa ndre H. ,,:, 1966 proved to b e a ve ,y . ueeesslul year for the "'igh. "THE HILL" o" e r .11 Forty-on e SWIMMING Although only one record wa. broken (by Jenny Day the 16 ye~ .. 55 yards freestyle), Ihe Swimming C.rn iv al provided some of the keen ... 1 compe tit ion for many years. Divin g 5,,,,,d,,,d, Were higher, •• <ompeli to" hMl 10 choos .. dives from Ih,ee diff",ent groups. Sh"rr ie and Sa"d,. Atkin.on d ~d well in Ihe diving eve nlS. THE CHAMPIONS WHE: Senior: Jenny Day . 15 Yur , : 0 ... 1.. Hu ll. 14 Year.: Sue But!. 13 Yu . " Terrie Moo'e. The Girl.' Alhletic team petlormed well 10 win the 13 Yea,. Cup a nd fini s t. second in th-e 15 Yea .. and SeniOr Division •. Wagga wa. al so second 10 Griffith in the Aggrega te Poinl Score. SOlh Sa,ba,a and Geraldin e While sel new reco,d. in winning the i' High Jump events. Gan Albert broke Ihe Open J avelin re cord and Je nnifer Campbell and Amber PUlki .. Won Ihei' sprint events in fine . ,yle. J ane t Engel again ran Ou l· "andingly only 10 be bulen ", Ihe lape in Ihe Open 440 Ya rd •. TRIANGULAR CARNIVAL In Ihe "i a n gular carnival Wagga W"gga High School won on agg,e91 l e. Oale Hull w i' , he most sueee .. lul COmpe tilor. The South.We., Carnival, held in Wagga this yur, was dom in a ted by Griffith, w ith Wagga Wagga a. runne'''',p. Thre e out of four diving e"e,,1S were won by Waggl Wagga High School. The Se nior. 10., Ihe cup by only two poi nts. Dale Hu ll, although only 15 yea" old, swam well in tt.e open events. Other prominent s wimmer s lor Wagga wer e Jenny Day, Terlie Moo re and Elaine Jones. The Wagga Triangulftt Carnival wa. he ld a t Gi ..ing Ov.1 ftrd due 10 MI. Er in's withdrawal. compel i!ion wu betw een MI. Au.lin and Wagga High only. Congrftlulerion. to Gai l Al be rr and Lorn a Denni. who rep'esenled Wagga High in seven sen ior evenl. uch. Although bOlh are e"en li ftlly freld a lhl etic., Ih-ey competed in sprinl and hurdles evenls and togeth er with Barbar.. Hulm and Margaret I(orn won Ih-e .enior r"lfty. l he.e se niors contribu le d valuable points to give Wogga High a 30 poin t Iud over MI . AUllin in Ihe fiMI point $Core. Jane l Engel ran an ou l"anding 440 yards 10 win the even l from Senior compeli IO". ATHLETICS In Ihe Girls' Point Sco'e, Stun House finish-ed flfst wi lh a loral 01 2841 poinl s and wa. followed quile d01e ly by Macarlhu, House wilh 2761 poin". Ha rg'"ave. came Ihird wilh 175 poin" and Farler lou'lh with 133 pain". Ther e we 'e .eve ral outslanding petlo'me .. in Ihe C." nival. the ma ny matches and com petition s won , but ,liso beca use of the cla ss, house a nd school spiri t developed and the sportsma nsh ip d isplayed ;It ;tl l times by o ur pu pils. T he school ca n be justl y proud {J; il S record fo r 1966, not only beca use of BH O W: lhe P, in ti p. 1 co n9ra tu lati n 9 u p tain Ba rr y Tay lo r, a nd ~porling The individual boys who ga ined Bl ues were of a high standard , but ollr 'best teams were the First Grade Rugby League, Tenn is <l1ll1 Cricket teams, the 6.7 Rug by League and the 9.7 Rug by League teams. All three League teams 1I'0n the R iveri na Championships <lnd were favourites for the ill-fated N.S,"V. Cham· pionships in Syd ney. The First X III h<td recov· ered from the ir 13-7 Uni versity Shield loss to Griffith, at Griffith , and following many te<lll\ ch <1nge.~, defea ted ,I Sl. George area team 25,nil. T he fi.7 team was perhaps ollr best te,un and toac h Mr. R. Wa lla,e, o n the tu m ', Seo ll Sh ie ld victory. Girls' Golf Ihi s ye ar ha. been played al lhe City Club under the supe rvision of Mi.. Harri. and Mrs. Hoop"" AI Ihe end 01 Second Term six girl. in the High School leam w e re viclorious o ver Ihe Albury learn, winning all si. m atches. They we'e Ing,id Haup l, Sharyn Hale, Michell. Cha mberlin, ora na Medcalf, Dale Hull and Deborah Braine •. We would like 10 Ihank Pe ler Craig lor the le"on1 during . e (ond lerm, and al.o the commi ll ee of the City Golf Club for a llowing u s 10 use Ihe e xcellenl hci);lie. during a mosl .ucce .. ful golf.ng .e • • on. -Oiana Medcalf. 8"ba,a Whil e, who in addi lion 10 being Senio, Girls' Champiorr, se l an an,u'ng H:gh Jump , e cord o f 4' I I "'. and se l a Jennile, C. ,,'pbell was Ihe 14 y e a" Champion and sel good lime. w h-en she wOn Ihre e spfint eventl. Janel Engel proved to be a mo. 1 promising athlele 'r om lo t year. Jan et became the 13 years Champion by per forming e xce llently in both field and !feck event •. 12.7 W hat is the need for school spon ? It is indeed a multiple one. Through Physical Educa tion and other specialisation 01 1 spons afternoons, you learn va rious sporti , wh ich we hope will lead to ;1 profitable u ~e o( your leisure time after you leave school. There ,lre many suita ble teams and clubs (SUdl as lhe Wagga Police Boys' Club), which you ilIa ), join. VOLt learn sportsmansh ip and teamwork a nd )'ou lea rn to take winn ing and losing gr acefully. Afte r }"Oll learn the basic .~ki I J s, Ih ~ mad to furt her progress lies in hanl prilct ic.e. Nobod y can do th is for yo u. It must invo l\'e ~'{Jur lilllC :lnd cffort. VOll alone will reap rhe reward. After <III, the better we do a thi ng, the more we enjoy it ; so surely we ourselves re<lp the benefi t if we devote some o( o ur own time in pr<lctising the fu ndamentals we leam al school. GOLF The School Alt.leli co Carnival was t.eld earlie' in It.e .enon Ihan in p'eviou. year., wt.let. may t.ave accoun led lor Ihe g, ea le r parl ic:palion and iMe,eol by girl.. New events we, e induded, Ihese being Jav elin. Shot Pull and Di$Cus 10' all diuisions, and Hu,dles fo r a ll age g'oup s. Sally Croker was the 15 yea" Champion reco rd Hurdle lime 01 13.S second •. SPORTSMASTER'S REPORT Another .p, inter, Amber Purkin , ra n a smart lime of seco~ds for the 12 years 100 ya rd. sprint. SQUASH 1966 was Ihe lirst yea r in which Wagga High hao had I Squash lean,. Si x girl. (J ud y Craig, Marilyn Wy a", Eliubelh Dunn, Helen Medcalf, Ja nelle Slade and Anne Sheaffe) travelled 10 Albury 10 rep,nent the school. Although we we' . n"" lowl y beaten, we had a ve,y enjoyable trip Ind would like 10 Ihank M" Eggletorr for her help and co-ope, ation during Ihe year. Photogtaph on page 34. SOUTH · WEST CARNIVAL This carniva l was held in Wagg . on Ihe High School Oval with (ompet ito" ffOm school. bounded by Gfiffi lh , Hay and MI . Au"in compeling. forl y- Iw o BOWLING Bowling hu been enioyed by all Iho." who parricipalo-d in Ihe .pof! . Trophie. (in Ihe form of free game s) have been won by .ome high $~OrefS Mou outstanding were Zelma Klieven l I nd Jud y Craig. " T I-I E HILL'" '"THE H I LL" FOrl)'-lliree (lcfeaLCd lhe prev iously un beaten Dapto High School. Stale Champio ns. Wagga WaRga High School rejoined the South·West H igh School ~' Associ,nioll this year ,lIld was host school for Ihe SwimminR and Athle tic C:lrIl ival s. Heart y congrat ulations La o ur fr ie nds fro m Griffith, \l'ho se t a particu larly hig h sla ndard , and were ~lso sli ccess fll i in the University Shield. A new ventllre that proved p<lnicu];II'ly SlICcessful W it S th e visit of the school Under Hi Hockev team 10 Ta ree fo)' the N.s. \V. Cham. pionships aRains! district associations. T hey were nalTowl y defeated oy i\ lanlling Valley ,1I1e1 Sydney teams. stronges t ingredi ent o( mod ern . people who make is people 'd,,;,;oc,, people who have and enthusiasm. And A. N. Z. Bank needs people - young men who are interested in a banking career Unexcell ed o pp o rtuniti es ex is t in : Accountancy, Finance, Adm in istration, In ternat ional Banking, Mecha ni sa tion, Economics, Methods and Procedures. If you have obta ined, or are sitting fo r your School Certificate, you have the chance of a successful banking career. A. N. Z. Bank offers- Attractive Salaries. * Rapid Promotion. * Generous Leave. * Excellent Amenities. * Financial Assistance witb * Studies. Non.contributory Medical * Benefits Scheme. Apply to: Cr. Fitzmaurice & Johnston Streets BANK .....M .... ll ... "'100 NEw U.L.NO IAN~ .. ,..... 110 ... Uln ... L1", ... ND HIW ~IAL"'NO IAVINGI IAN~ UMIIiD Wagga Wagga. Telephone 3068 AUSTRALIA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE BANK SPORTS BLUES R\I!{oy League: B.... ry Taylor, Geoff Woods ( Best in N.S.W. in their posi tions.) Hockey: Kerry Ca mlJbe lJ (N.S.W. Hockey T e,nn) . (N .S.' ·V. General: J\ la rk Gallagher (Cricket . R ugby League, Basketba ll, Australian Rules, Squa sh, T en nis) . Chris Gallagher (Cricket , R ugby League, Basketball, Austral ian Rules. Squash) . Barbara White ( Basket ban. Athletics). Te nnis: Lorna Den nis. or 112 Baylis Street, South Wogga. Telephone 3737 Alhleli,s- Boys: Sen ior: Ala I! Sm ith. 15 Years: T OllY Simpsoll. 1'1 Years: Brian Lawrence. 13 Years: Nev ille Shoema rk. Girls: Sell ior: Ba rbara W hi te. 15 Ye,u's: Sa II }' Croker. 1'1 Yea rs: J e nn ifer Campbell. 13 Years: Ja net Engel. Cros,j COlllllry- Sellior: Jim Bou rne; 2nd, .lames McRae. 15 Years: .Joh n Craig; 2nd, Stephen Ogden . I<J Yea rs: Ilr ian R ichards: 2nd, Barry Woods. 13 Ye:lrs: Hubert Bock i n~: 2nd , Peter Harper (12 yea rs). T e llllis- Boys: Se nior, P. Allars; J Uli ior, B. Lawrence. Girls: Senior, L Dennis; Junio r. S. Gaydon. Swimlllillg- . \ustralian Rules: Ross Wilson Representative) . The Manager Australia and New Zealand Bank Limited is appa re nt that we have much I( look forward 10. The futllre of span in Lhe .chool look s orighl. Your coaches congratulate } O\ I on ),Ollr year's effon and tha nk you for YOd r co· oreraliOl~ ..Train h:l.rd a nd play ha rd a nd your fUlUre d IVide nds Will be wonhwhile. I would like to congr<ltli late all boys who did thei r oest for the ir class. the ir house, or their school, the winners of Schoo l Rlues. Pennants and com. petiti o ns. the Housemasters and the 30 coaches of schoo l representative te<lms. who devoted m<lll y hours to the ir teams. Spedal tha nks to a I'el, interested Prin ci pal and Depu ty Principal. J tha nk NfL Atkinson for his personal interest in all sports, p:lnicu l:l ri y in swimm ing, hockey. RlIgby ~eague. sailing and the equestria n sports. HI S attenda nce added st:l tus :lnd encOll r. ~ged school . spirit to the occasions a nd we wish him well in the ca pita l of the Mann ing \f,.lley. h SCHOOL PENNANTS " TH E H I LL" Uoys: Sen io r: Richard Levy. 15 Years : Peter Malcolm. 1<1 Yea rs: Ian Levy. 13 Yea rs: Bruce Malcolm. Girls: Senior: J enn y Day . 15 Years: Dale H u ll. H Years: Sue Burl. 13 Years: Terry Moore. Golf: Pau l Sundstrom . Sa ilillg: Stephen J-I owanh. Squash: M<lrk Ga llaghe r. Forty·five RUGBY LEAGUE FIRST XIII 1h, 1966 .ide w.o ... Int.need combi"tlion of e"perie"c&<:! ilnd comp~t.liYI! "ewo;ome... Some of lhe molt oul,I."ding e"ponents 01 ,h. ge.,.. Wet. yete,.". of 1965 fi'" Grade yin l.ge. We we'l! un forrun.,!! in IDling th' .",,,jen of Wayne Cummins, fOfC&<:! 10 withdr.w Th rough i"jv'Y ' Hi. Ion wu keenly fel l. The ....00 opened wi'h two Imp,,,..,,,. winl Iglin'l Ya .. . nd Monlro. In bolh g .......he fOfwa,d. paved the way 10 vk .OfY wilh ,hei, pene".,ln" runs. Out blg>gell dil_ .ppoi n lmenl Wat OU, eliminaTion 'rom lhe Univer.ily Shield competition. Out injury·,idden ,urn Wat narrowly defeated by Griff,'h High School, who wenT on 10 become ,he ou lr;ghl winnert of the competi tion . In ,h. Scott Shield We had more Iuccen. Our formldllble combin ation of rugged forw.rd. .nd fa. t·moving b.~kl en.bled UI 10 r" t.in the trophy for .nothe r year. A. In pre"iOUI Yell.l, • (onIpell llon w .. held 10 decide ,he be ll .nd fairelt playe •. Tn. 1966 winne. wu &tny Taylor . playerl HARTWIG'S FOR HOLDEN SECOND XIII O nte 109.in lhe Second XIII h.d • "e.y .... ccen l ... 1 ....on . Many o f the pl.yen .elected In th. " cond. urly in 11M .eII.OI'1 .venl.... lly played in I"" ~" st.ield lum and acquilted ' ... m"I .... well. Th. hi"hU"h, 01 I"" ,u.on Will the leam'. ~i.it 10 Grill','h to IIp.elenl Ihe .chooL Air ••• very hard game we were bellen 4·:1. Thi. Vnt we played th.ee mllche, .gainSl the 8roth,'1 .. c... ".I<1 ral,e .. to the Scott Shi.ld game •. Thi. wu "arV .... eeenl... 1 u ueh o f l he g.me. produced good e<1 le,talning footb.lI . A. '0 m.ny pl.yen .epr...<1tad ,he .."ond. d ... rlng lhe .enOl'1, il I. dill'orutl ' 0 .ing le .,.,1 lnc!i"id .... I•. How.... r, lhe fOfward. _," _II .erved (OI'+.i.l.n lly by Phillip Shoema.k, Phillip Forrel!, &trry Wood• • nd Pete. MeMon..... In the backs Jim 8r1gg., .,." ,aptain, Col Gordo<1 , G'"eme Wi lll.m. II<1d lion M eGII~rlly gll ve Slerling "'vice and the co ... "geo.... di.plav o f nOn'IIOP IIn kle high IIekling by .mlliell pl.yer, len Hil lon, i<1 Ihe fin.1 of the Junee Knocko ... , will be 10000g remembered. 0.... THIRD XIII rIM Third XIII, al th.,.,gh only pl.ying two "ame., hid • .... ceeiliul , ••• on. O ... r finl g . me re .... tred In • 7·nil win ove , c' 8 .H.S. At ,1M J ... nee Knoeko ... 1 we were ... nl ... (ky 10 lo.e our YOUR AUTHORISED GENERAL MOTORS-HOLD EN DEALERS FOR HOLDEN BEDFORD VAUXHALL CHEVROLET PONTIAC HARTWIG'S -WAGGA {Back 1I0w): I... Wood., P. I,. Rob'on, M. lcolm Ch. ney, Oe n n i. M.y• • , Geoff Wood" {Middl. Row) : k.vin O. lglel. h, Sco tt Wheelho ..... , O.n yl K. ny, Tony Simpl on, Rob • • 1 Fo..el t, Bob Elliott . {F. ont Row): M•. Alkinlon, M•• k G. II 'g'''' K. il h H.nd , B... y hylo., B."y WOOdl, Ch,i. G.II ' gh. " Mr. W. II .... "TH E H I LL" (8_<~ Row), AII _n Hogan, Co lin Ro<~ l iff, Te rry Hi y yin>, B.io n h wre n <e, Ph ilip Swan, Pe te. J on >, AU•• • t Frilol ;. (F,on t Row): Jo hn Willi<, Jo hn C,,,ig, T. .. y Ih.l <h• •, Kev in Whea tley, No rman And ..... n, D. I Po.k• •, I. n Lo v. ... IA ble nt : P. Alia .. , 8. N. ,,). III Sta: lll ess Siu l 19 gu s. Also Go ld fille d wit h stainless stu l back t22. Now ... wouldn't you prefer this water-pressure proof TISSOT SEASTAR lisso! has been creating fine watches for more than 100 years. Seastar is their greatest achievement. It is weather proof, safe 110m dust and dirt. 11 is · shock protected and antimagnetic. Australian condi tions demand that a watch be comple tely water·proof, but, be careful, very few are guaranteed water-pressure·prool. lissot Seastar water.proofing is its most significant feature. There is a big demand for l issot Seastar watches from yach tsmen, oarsmen, swimmers and even deep·sea types who go overboard with Seastar. With Seastar on your wrist, you can dive and swim in the sea, secure in the knowledge that water cannot penetrate into the Seaslar precision movement. Thai is a p/Omise. We guarantee it. You cannot .pay less and obtain l issot water·proofing and time· keeping qualities. Why accept a lesser watcb when your first preference costs only 19 gns.? see Ihe complele Seaslar colieclion al THE DIAMOND HOUSE J. J. Speirs Ply. Ltd., Wagga's Walch Special isis fom g ame against Coota.nund,a. The game e nded 7•• 11, but Cootamund,a won on a countback. All playe" in , he team played well with a .pedal men· tiDn to Paul Fenwic~, at halfblCk, who I<o.ed both ou. , riel. Mank thanh allo to M.. McGrath 10' t.aining and coaching UI. FOURTH XIII The Mh Gr ade team (bener known M the 10.7'1), had a very sueeen!ul 'UOOn. We would like to th ank ou' coach, M.. Bunte •. The team ,onlisted 01: M. Hedley (,aptain), P. McCul. lough l"i<e·capl.), P. Hew lon, G. C""h,ane, R. Coch,ane, B Sp,ake, J. Mandellon, N. Dunba., R. G.ady, K. Mille " J. Boding, P. Saiboi,ky. J. Meye', J. McRae and J . Addi,on. 9.7 . "A" XIII The 9.7 "A·· team again staned the lenon of! wilh a win .t the Yanco Kn<><:kout Ca.nival, beating Vaneo "A" S-nil in the final with good di,play, by captain K. Whea tley • nd P. Swan. Included in our inle.·$chool vi$ill wlI!re, Tumul, whom We but II·nil in a ha.d fo.ward. match, and Cootamu"d.a, "THE H1LL" whom we defeated 23· nil. J . C,.ig .toad out .! Tumut, while B. law,ence and J. Willi . we.e the but playe .. at Coot.· mundra. The annual leries again1l the B,o!he .. ,eluhed in dilplaYI of Ipectaeula. football, upedally f'om P. Alla f1, I. love" and T. Bu tch .. ,. We won the u:fiu 3 games to nil, Icorlng • • tot.1 o f S9 poin" and h."ing only 4 scored .gainlt UI. At the annual Ri"erina Schoolboys Kncokou , C.rnival at Junee W e delea ted Temora S·3 in Ihe fonal after .. tough game. Point ICO'ers we.e A. Hogan, who $Cored a great !.y in the <orne. and K. Wheatley, who kicked . penalty goal. OutJlanding playe .. at the ea,"ival were C. Rockliff, N . Ander,on and Terrv Higgin s, until injUfed in an early mlltch. The "i,it by combined St. Geo.ge was a gre.t lueee.. with High running out winner. 9·nil with lound dilplaya in defence and ."ack by A. Frlzoli and B. Nest. R. Wil son and D. throughout the lenon. Parke r ga"e con"anl petfo.mancel Our lo!al point ,COre to dat e i, 209 IOf lind 9 ag .. in$l with the State Knockout come . '0 All player, would like 10 Ihal1~ our cooch, Mr, Elittar, 10' Ihe time and effort he ,pen t on UI during , he ye ••. Forty-nine 9.7. " B" XIII TO BE SUCCESSFUL A PARTY NEEDS - The 9.7 "8" 'earn played a succe ssful p a n Ih'oughoul Ihe ..." . on, with M, . Meree. "s c03,h. aUf firll victory ,arne when we d e feated M1. Auslin 9.7 "AU 11·5. The nUl game wa' " r Ihe June e Knockou t. We r" ached Ihe se mi·fI",,1 in "8" divis ion, bu t we,e defeated 5·3 by Yanco. The best playe fl in Pend'kk, and Richa,d. Many thank! goes to Mr. Mercer for his coaching and .... pporl. 7.7. "A" XIII Thi • •eal on hu beell a $u"e.,lul one for Ihe Wagga High Sc hool 7 ,7 learn. We won 7 ou l 01 11 game" d.ew 1 • nd lost Ih.e e We won the le rie. 19ain.t ehri.lien B.othe" 2 glm ... to I, and d.ew the .erie. aglinOl Mt. Austin 1 g l me each a lld 1 dr aw n game. We allo had s ome good wins agains t COOlarnund .. 23-0, June" 17·0, and Tumul 6·0. Gundag.i de fe.ted u. 13·6 I fl e. Crushed 6.7 . "A" XIII the pack wete Belling. Ogden lind filch"t. Griffi'''. Webb. Mcle od played " good d elen.ive game in the bllcb. , good game. The beS! play.". 10' ou. team we r" Bruce Cheney. Colin Clark, Dennis Cheshire, Tony Berry, Ian l e vy. Peter G'enrell, Graeme lanes Bnd Rodney Atki"son. Thi. yea. Ihe 6,7 "A" ha d another ve.y good yea . of football culmina ling in Ihe tea m 'etaining the E. H. G.~ hlm Shie ld at the J une .. Knockout. Th.oughout the .ea.on the team .howed willingn .... 10 throw the ball about be tween Ihe bac k. and lo.ward ., and on ma ny occlSion. thi s p.ove d a mllchwinner . The learn wi.he , throughou t the ye ar Knockout . 10 and tha nk Mr . Mead for t •• ining UI e.pecially prior 10 the Junee We defeated Nl fflnde . a 8-0, Yaneo 5 -3, Mt. Austin 40·0, 17-0 and 9-3, C.S.H ,S. 9·0, 15·0, 20,0. 11·0, GUlldagai 12-0, Junee 24·3, Cootlmu nd ra 20-0 , Oa pto 4·0. GriffIth d e fea ted u. 8·5 in Ihe frnal 01 the Yanco Knockout. In III we . cored 199 poin ts and had only 9 sco.ed again$l us. Photograph on page 3 5. UNIVERSITY SHIELD - VERSUS COOTAMUNDRA HIGH PARTY ICE ( IN PLASTIC BAGS I From- Murrumbidgee Dairy Co. Ltd. Pty. Ltd. HAMMOND AVENUE, SOUTH WAGGA Seoll Wh ee lhou.e in lull cry, w ith Tony Simp.on in s uppa,t. "T HE HILL" Fifty·one PICK YOUR NEXT PEN HERE PlatigllYm FOR: ,GOOD HANDWf~1 riNG 75c $1.00 or $1.25 75c buys you this Cartridge Junior, at left. 75c buys you Ihis Platignum Regal, at right. $1.00 buys you the Cartridge Quick·C ha nge (with 4 cartridges) $1.00 bu ys you the Hood ed Cartridge (with 4 cartridges) $1.00 buys you the Platignum Gold-Tone, or $1.25 buys you the Varsity Lever or Cartridge with 4 cartridges. Iridium-lipped nib. Platignum offers you a choice of individua l ni b units to suit your writing style. Cartridge refills are available in handy packets wherever P la tignum pens are sold. From you r statione r. jewe ller or s lo re. Made in E ngl8ml. unconditionally g ua ranteed and distributed in a ll Sta te!! I),v Po nsford , Newma n and Be nson Ltd. ALSO PLAT I GNUM BALL POI NTS '.t•. (8 ... Row): Mr . lill.<, CI" i. Gallagh • • , MoM. n"., D.nni, 1",100., lIob.,1 Ell ioll, Ro .. McGilv,.y. (',onl Row ): Jim I,igg" All an Hog. n, Ma, k O. lb8he., I. n lov. ll , John N.I.on, I,i'n Sp.aka . CRICKET Fi.. , XI had an ,"Citing .nd enioyable , ..,on "nd er rhe coaching of M•. Bill., ,nd r'" capl.incy of Ma.k G,II.g he •• The The rum pl.yed rh,.. marches du,ing Ihe ,eno." n.rrowly winning rwo . nd 10,1 .,'01 On •• The opening ma lch 01 the &e l.on wu pl.yed ,g.in l l Griff'lh, who b.tted nUl Ind .co,ed 149. Ma,k G.U.g.... .nd John Nel son bowled well wilh 4·50 ,nd 3·39 '.'Plcl;vely. High School beg.n bad ly, being 4. 15. bUI lhe I..m m.n.ged • 10111 of I SS, wilh • g.ea l ;nningl by Ron McGiI .... y 48 , Jimmy B,iggs 24 , IIId Pele. MoM,nul 24. The .nnu.1 m.rch .g.lnll lhe B,olhe.. w.s .. e.y do.. IIId exciting. High 5<;hool won lhe 10.. and lenl lhe ".olhe .. in, .nd Ihey ICOIed 209. Bowie.. who pe,form.od we ll w."., John Nelton 4..5 1, Jim Brigg. 3·23 and I.n to ...,II 1·23, Again ,he re.m wll In I,oubl., bUI in .n exci llng Onlsh Icored 223. PI.ye.. who perfor ..... d well were Ch.is Gallaghe' 63, 110b,," Ellloll 48, 8,i.n Sp,elte 21 and Kerry Clmpbe ll 17. In our annu.1 Incoun le. wirh V• .,co we wo., Ihe Ion Ind elecled 10 b.l. The lelm teor"d , dillppoint'''g 96, wllh Robe,1 Elliott , 111'1' Ch.pm.n .nd Denil 8u.lon balling w.lI . V.nco I"'n convincingly p.ned OUr ICore wilh le""n wicke" in h.nd. In the . nnu,1 Sliff ... School m.'ch, despile .uell• .,1 bowling by fk . Runell , M, . IIInk'n .nd M•. W.llt.., lhe .choo! sco.ed o .. e. 90 In .n hour • .,d • h,lf. C. G.ll.gh.. , A. Hog • ., .nd M. G.llagher b.llid well. Sl,ff could only man.ge 78, and 1011 on ,he hr inningl by 12 'unl. The leam would lik. 10 rh.nk M•. 8ill•• lOt hil co.chi"g , ,II Ihe Ipe",lo.. who .lI".,ded Ih. marchu and Mark lor hil lenlible and in.pl.lng capllincy. UNDER 13 XI T... Unde. 13 c.ick" lelm hll l hown I lor 01 indi .. idu.1 r.len l, bUI h.. nOI h.d 11M good for !u.... 10 get ...IIChe. Ihi. '1'''' .0 Ih., lIMy could prove rhei. w Ollh. Only one g ...... w •• pl.yed ,g.'nl l I .. ilillng .choal, V.nco High. In Ihi. m.,ch WI wer. unlucky 10 10.e for l ime fin OUI w"'n we were only nln. run. behind wi,h ....en wickll. in hend. ehlel pedO/ml" in OUr r.. m are rhe all.founde .. Colin Moor head, Peler Merrill and Kerry Gall.gher, who h... e • brig hl crich ling fulure be fore them . Our big·hiller, J.me . Robe,llon hll ,1.0 Ihown Ihll h. i. I u.eful bowler. Robe,! e,l .. elllto, ,ook '0"", .... 'I' u .. lul wickel. ,he d.y w, pl.yed V• .,co High. O'her Wong membe .. 01 .he I..m . .. 8illy Graham, John Dod.on , Terry Ki<kIle .nd Slephen AAllice . We look forw.rd 10 in 1966. mar. matche. .nd tul .<KaI1I PROBLEMS! PROBLEMS! (auk Row): J. G,..... J. Rod • • , J, Rolfo, M. Ch. ... y, Ie. Ed., ...." , G, Wood., Mr. Paul. A. SIu.,', A. \Ion Schill, G. Alb ••" A. Mi • .,..., S. C,oke" (Middl. Row), 8. Cho.. M. H..' ;I, I . hw . ... u. o.,. (f,O'" Row): S. Polli t, C. Condon, E. SI. CI. i" l . D. .. C. C... , J. Fork . "i" p , Cull m,n , M. Gro •• , Everybody's got problems. Some problems arise when you leave school and start earning money. That's where we come in. We like helping people with money problems - especially young people. We've written a special booklet for you cal led 'Gel Ready 10 Live with Money". You can get a copy _ free _ by call ing at any branch 01 th e 'Commonwealth', Or write to us - any branch. SBI59 64 BANK COMMONWEALTH AUSTAAUA' S MOST HELPFUL BANI( TENNIS SWIMMING 1966 hn bun" l uccen ful year for rhe t.mni. tum. In the match again" C.B.S., High proved too srrong, I.klng 8 '-'1 10 ~ . The Junior maleh w u very close, High IUlt mana ging !O win by one game-22 games to 21. The best player. were K. Edyvun Ind S. POllie. Our en".nll lOt the Girl.' SoI.o!h We$lern Area lenni. Ch'mpionlhlp', lo,." Denni., Margare t G'o'e, Cheryl C"e, Ruth Michael .nd Anne Von Schill, represented lhe .chool well . lOtnl WI. unlucky to be def.. ted by Francis luff in .n .. titing fin.l. Howlver, lOtna .nd M/lrg"el won the fonal of the doubleo from lhe Albury p.ir. lOtn. wu .In oul· lI.nd ing pllyer II the Ch.mpion.hips Ind WI. selecled 10 repo-e..nl lhe SoI.olh Welle,n A,. . ., Sydney in Decembe,. Th, highlights of the ye",', .c tivi .ies were the four Swimming C",nlv"II_.1I held in Wagga W.gga. In the Sou lh.Weliern Dll1riell Ca,.,iv.1 Ihe .ge divilion honoul$ were, In !h, main, divided be tween Waggo W"991 High School and Gri!f"h High Smool. The lour-.ided carnival wn Wan by Wagga Wagg. Chrililan Brolhen. W"gg' W"gga High School ..oned for Ihl. def.. , by winning !he I. J. Jack Trophy In lhe "Ilngul" carnival. In our own .chool Clrniv.l , Fltrer HOUle emerged vic 'o, loul, dOlely followed by Mac· Itlhur • '''ong Once .g.in we were 100 lOt !he COOI.mund .. lum .nd won .he milch 22 Jell 10 6. UnfO'lunately lhe Gundag ll vl.il wu c'ncelled beelu" 01 we i wellher . SCHOOL CHAMPIONS: SeniOt Boy.: P. AU, .. d. S. Pottie, 6-2, 6· 1. Senior GI"I: l . o.nn;1 d . C. C.se, 6-2, 6-2. JUni Of Boys, B. llw,ente d. 8. Cheney 6-1, 6-1. Junior Gi,il: S. Gaydon d. A. St"arl 6·3. 7·5. " T HE HILL" I IND IVIDUAL SCHOOL CHAMP IONS: 13 Y.... : B,uce M.lcolm. I" Yu..: 1'01 levy . 15 Yu..: Peler ~Ieolm. SenIOt: Rich"d l evy. M,ny of OUr swim",.,.. won B'OOle Medallion. .nd Ioutruclo,"' Cer liron!eo in Ihe field o f life S.ving. Our thank. are due 10 MI. ArkinlOfl .nd Mr. Wallete for lhei, ve,y valuable help during the yel'. Fifl),-fi vr - - - - - -- - - - - - - - HOCKEY Fiv" yea.. ,""red the boys jhen we hav" ()I'Ie 01 the top theWAI,ES "go, Albury High 5,1>001, completely demhockey in the Wint", inte.·school visit. Since gradually buih vp Our strength 10 become .chools in the Slate . rhi$ year the Unde r 16 Boys SMle Hockey Champion•hips were held M Tare ... To this championship was .enr a rum from Ihi. school; the only actual school learn at the ch~mpion.hipl. The boy. "<quilled themlelves well and ended up fourth, wi th K.. "y Campbell being chosen in the SMte touring learn. The Albury vi.i' prove d 10 be " complete walkover lor W.gga in .. \I three age divi.ion •. POSITIONS VACANT The Unde' 14 r"am won 7 goal. 10 nil. Tile Reserve Grade won 3 goalo to nil. The filii Grade malch proved to be one of Ihe highlighll of the vis il. AI halfti"", neilher learns had >cored. The .econd n.1I . aw Wagg8 much more purpoleful in .!lack and Iwo fone goal, were lCored by Paul Fenwick. YOUNG lheoe ,uulrs show just how much Ihe boyo improved, especially during Ihe la" Ihree yea". Mar ch 261h wa. the occnion of a relu.n inle. ·school visit 10 G.iffi th. No Ie.. ,han nine cats and eleven boau we re contained in Ihe Wagg" convoy. The ,esult was • very enjoyable day for all, wilh G.iffilh .eceiving Our Wa'''' COng.alulallono lor winning (31H1 10 240 poin,,). A .econd .imilar conieS! will begin wilh a vi,il from Griffilh on 8 1h OCIObe., 1966, when we feel su.e we will again lee .potllman.hip 01 Ihe highest level. On 24th Augu" a handing_ove. ceremony of four robre·gla .. canoes will lake place at Fo."" Hill R.A.A.f. Base. Theil' we.e made du.ing pari 01 Ihe course in Ihe use 01 fib,e·g lass. Tlleoe canoes are 10 be used in anticipation of Ihe lulu.e int.oduction of rowing a. a .chool .po.1. have GOLF JUDO MEN each Wedne.d"y . , Ihe Police Boyo' Club oeeo Ihe gathering of enlhu.ia"ic playe" praclioing Judo, which Was introduced as school .pon Ihi . year. In Ihe .horl lime Ihi, group ha, been functioning lOme of irs membe.. have made very good progres. and it is hoped Ihat mool of IIIe membe .. will b e o f a .'andard, by early ne"l year, Ihal will enable Ihem 10 take grading con luis for their firs l coloured belt (yellow). A career with one o f the really IT il 'eg,erred Ihal Ihis group could nOI be made larger to indude Olher pupil. an"iou. to lea.n Judo, but with One in.lruclor avail.ble a larger group would preven l adequa le in", uction 10 Ihe pre.enl me mbe... AI membe.. of the p. e.enl group pu. oul 01 Ihe novice IIage it i. hoped 10 be .ble 10 Increase Ihe size of this group next yea •. great banks of the world. each presen t member has pUfChued hi, OWn unifo.m and all a.e very well lurn ed oul IOJ Iheir Wednesday .fte'noon's spon. For particulars ca ll at any branch Pholograph on page 34. of the WALES SAILING May of thi. year wilneued Ihe end 10 yel anolh", luccen lul ..i1ing .ea.on a t our ochool. Boyo, u p eda lly Ihe younge. one., .emain keen pa,lkipanls In Ihi. popula. and eve'·growing spon . 10388'" S.iling i, now iust fou, Sea'Ono old, and plu.ed we ar " to say Ihal Ihe boall . ,i ll remain in ",ood sailing trim. To the original neel of five Dolphins have be~" added a Vee Jay, "Sou. Pu ... " and 10fl. school-built calamaran, and two II ft. nnoes- one 01 Ih",e 01.0 school·buih_ As Ihe neet grow., 10 too mull stowage lacilities. To this end the .choof p. & C. have ve'y generously come to Out ,escue, by donating an amoun l of $IB6.oo . This will cove . the co", of a 20ft. e Xlen,ion to our boat.shed . SRAUOll~ "THE HILL" High School was rep.esented by a la'ge number gol/ers al Ihe annual Albu.y vi.it in Septe mber. of Aboul 25 golfe.. ,,"ended, comprising a girls' and boV" team. Despile keen opposition f.om Albu.y the High School were too . ,rong and were easy winne.. in bolh team •. Thi. is a comparllively n e w 'port for Ihe $Chool and the keenne.. of sludenls i. evidenl from Ihe IMge number Ihal took pan in Ihe competillon. SQUASH Squa,h i. one of Ihe newer innov"lIons to boV" stJmmel .pOrl. The ntJmber of boys who attend squash is limited 10 .e n io' studento, which mean. that the IIanda,d of pl ay i. quile high. Play i. u, ually arranged .0 th at each player ha, aboul Ihtee 0' fou. game. each week. Du.ing the summer Iwo <ompelitions were held between the player., Ihe winne" declured on Ihei. lolal number of points WOn. The winners 01 Ihe Iwo competition. were:-J. Wilson and R. Ha"i . , who we.e do.ely followed by I. love ll , I. Powell, P. Jan. , T. 8utche. and J. laughlon Unlottunately no inte. ·school compeWion could arranged. Thanh are due to Mr. l. Gallagher for generous hi.ing 01 the cour l. 10 Ihe school. be his - J. WilSON . Fifty-seven HUTHWNTES FO R REGULATION APPARE"L FOR WAGGA SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS "C LEO " SC HOOL BLA ZERS Smartly styled, complete wllh braid fi nd poc ket. Ilnd lined or unlined s leeves, Known for fine quanty lallor. hl g. SC H OOL T UN ICS Made with liberal "grow" seams find hems, In I'egu tatlon winter or sum· Iller welghtli. with zIp pocket. Carefully tailored to retain thei r shapel) appearance. SC HOOL BLOUSES In tll'o- way neck and collar s tyles. with long or sh ort s leeves. All Klrls' 81~. T ELEVISION CAN BE EDUCATIONAL FROCK UNIFORM S All " Ius In regulation summer styLes. HATS t\ N D ACCESSOR IES Regu lation s traws a nd ,·elours. Also HOllier),. Underwear and TIe!!. FOR BOYS "C I.EO· · SC H OOL BLAZERS FaulLlessly tailored from p u re wool navy " Doclor" n annel In multIple sI zes, braIded, wit h Ic hoo] badge all poc ket, for OOys and youths of all agl!ll. PU R E WOOL PULLOVERS With woven ba~ue and did weRring quality, c utf~ for ShRI>e ~ .cntlon , S plen- HI GH SC H OOL SH I RTS F ull-cut for active ser vice, rerulatlon Irey, collar, w l~h ever-neat "STAMI NA " TROUSERS Grey wool worsted k n tckera for boYI, and "Lonr.'!·· for youths, In exact nUtnp. SC HOOL T I ES AND SOX Washable wool ties, and ..... 001 a nd ny lon grey h ose. H U T H 'V...-" - IT E S JAe QJl'iel1df -fJlon CORROBOREE Telnilion (iln, In my view, be eJ<lternely .. du~' ionll. Viewe.. who iI'a IIiIlaclive In ,''' p.og'ilmme. lhey wa"h, tin be u.u.t'd o f • wide v.rl4l ly 01 p.ogr.mmes which ara ,el.Jting I t well •• eduu lion.1. Some ch.nnel..... ve on , "'i, progrilmme • • g •• ale. number of educational show., a Iype 01 .how which Is ilb_b'ng and ,n'eruling and of which lke'e i• • fa.ge "a,l4o ly. lhe edutil ilonal p'ogflmmel which are o"eened on lelevi.ion are almoll all of in le.ell 10 moll people. A Iype of lhow lueh •• 'hil, .'a lhe showl on Sc'ence. Science inlrlgue. .nd interel ' , almos, eve.ybody, even if thei' ~nowledgil o f Sclanca II ]i mired. lhe .dence 01 'OCkell oOilflng into ou le' ' p.ca, of biology .nd 01 more li mple e"e.yday Ih ing. Ifound u. I. lIimulfling ilnd plea..nt wMn "iewed in tM eomfo<' of one', homa. Some example. of l uch . how . Ife "Science Repo, t," which .""".1. Ihe Ialelt ild"ilncemenl min ha. made in Ihe world of leience, .nd "Science of Miln, " I biology p'09, 'mm" 0 1 Ih" hum .n body . I he.,d Iha boom o f • didge. idoo, I .....d lhe bea, of ,he nali,,~ d'um, I walc"'d , ... Cilmp fi.a ...... nin-g low, I .aw , ... n. livet w ildly run. In • weird ..,d curlOUI d.nc~, The II'DfI9, bl.ck f.guret moved abou I: AI lhey moved 1.lIer and fa"~ r. They beslan 10 yell and lhoul. No mo<. ar. lhe d.u ..... 0, lhe didgeddoo, 0, lhe camp belide ,he .,"e, ; All " lOl l, OU. na l've r.C.. Has d i.appea ,ed fo.e"e •. T" I"vl llon can b.lng Ih" people o f you. own COUnlry .1 well .. people I.o m di" .nl land. clo.e. 10 you. Peopl" (fA In.n Ihe cullom., w ay. 01 Iile ilnd rradilioA, of people • 11 OVe r ,he wo<ld wilhoul Ileppi ng outsid" lhei' I.on, door by "iewing p.ogramme. such a. "Fou. CotAers" .nd "Impilel." lh...e lu lu.e each week differaAI UpeCl, 01 lile in ilnd 0111 01 AUII.alia. lhi.dly, ,he'e ara bUline" minded people, who a.e inle •• tled in lhe economical . id" of thing. who can g.in inlorm.'ion which may .niSl ,"'m in lorne w.y by sho<l documenra,y m..... which .re freq uen lly Ic.eened. lhey m.y be Inr"ellt'd in w hll i. on ,he produclion line, W .... , •• 10 be i"'POrlt'd and wh., il to be exponed. l here ., I tedet of m"" " tied " Thi. Week in 8.lIain," w hich .how. exlCIly '''-'e illpeelS of B. ilain'. aconomy. hom lhele .'9u"",nto il should be dea. Ih. , lelevi.ion Cln be edUCiltional. t hey do nOI illullr. ' e ,h., lele"ilion il educalion.l, 10< indead lor lOme peopl" il il e~aClly ,,,, opposite. II dependl ,olely on lhe vi"w~. and hio ... Iedion of P<D9 •• mmel ill well ill hil 'Ol 'e. - BEllY SWEENEY, 2A. A Ipark 01 IIle For lUI! on. Infini lel'm.1 momen l, Belora Ih. h.nd 01 d ealh d ose. He' icy finglrs of blilckn .... Upon ,he g.un t, Ihln fogu ... O f helple.. cr ilillu.et o plunge InlO lhe deep well O f lo.a"e.ne.., 10 .piril .way In lO nothingn .... Thi. lIa.~ m.nilel,.tion 01 being, 10 e"ill IOf only t he lharl expanllil o f lime, to Ii.... , 10 dia, The .we 01 dealh il cold, Upon the blood 01 life. The pulse o f a feeble hea"be,l. Con"a". wilh ,n. deillh Ih' DeI of I lorm Of IUlila exill"nce. "TH E HILL" - OARYL CA R1WRIGHT, IA . FUTILITY -GEOFFREY POKONEY, lA. Pifl y,nine AN ABORIGINAL LEGEND ~WISS WATCHES CLOCKS DIAMOND RINGS CRYSTAL GLASSWARE CHINA OINNER SETS CH INA TEA SETS CUTLERY SilVERWARE OFFICE & HOME STATIONERY FOUNTA IN PENS SINOCULARS lEATHERWAI1:E 800" ARTISTS MATERIA LS Fl UNG CAB INETS BRtEF CASES ALL OCCASIONAL CARDS CIGARETTE S GIFTS Once upon • rime in the d.um time, ,'''' biggell . nd moOl grlcefu l bi.d in the whole land we, Win .... mucCl, tho, Emu. He cou'd ny high"t, d ive bS ler, Irevel smoo r.... ' ...:1 I.nd mo.. g,.ce fully ,h,.. .ony o ther bird a!ive. Wlnne mucc. bOllled of hi. aeron.utic.' prowell end ,hi. m.de .11 the Olhe, bird, jealo .... of him and 10 one day thev all picked a roght w ith him. Winnem ... cca co ... ld not hold them .11 oR bv him.el f 10 he loo k oR .nd new .. fall " he could over Ihe Oog • . Boog3 moun l.in, 10 ... ek lhe help o f KlCh'ng.I'ng'p'ng, lhe God of wel lion. S ... I Kach.ng.l.ngapang had hurd of Winnem ... cu ', evil boa,ling .nd 10 di,liked lhe big bird thai he len t Boo<ookooiOOk, hi, serv.nl 10 get rid of Winn ....... cca. 8oorookOOlook th. ew ri. eball. 81 Winnem ... cca and .0 the bi.d n. w o R u I"t .. he co ... ld, pur . ... ed by n ... me.o.... fire b.lIs, Th.n IWO rireball . hil him on . he wi ngs, lu.n ing Ihem to .hor l lIump'. Winnem ... cu fell li ke • 1I0ne, b ... t • If ,.., b,oke hi. f.lf. Hil neck became c.... ghl in , 10'k, which ""pl. ln, why em~'s neck. ar. a. long a. they are. Winnem ... cca w.lked .11 . he W'V back ov.. the Oog~. 800g' mo ... nl.in l . He I.w .hat lhe plac.. w he re .he flt eb.lI, h.... led at him bV Soo.ookoolook had landed uused .h. I.r.d '0 go dry, fo.ming lhe de .... ls. And '0, '0 Ihi. d.v .11 em.... h.ve long nech .nd c.n not nv. Thi. .ncienl legend allO uplaln' why th.a lind in Cen •• al A...,t"li. i. 10 b.rren and d,v . FI SHING RODS P ICNIC HAMPERS I Wfl put in • h"'ge b ... ndle wilh m.ny o thers. The n I w .. wrapped in brown pape. , lied with ' lfi ng .nd I tamped. The I.bel .ead: "To ladVlml .h." I w .. th,own inlo a .. ,n 10 be d, iven 10 Ihe . ' alion, where I Wit packed on • ",in wllh many olhe. goocl$ and p.rcel •. The Slalion Malle. blew hil whillie and lhe If ,in wi. on il$ w.v. GOLF BUGGIES GOLF BAGS TENNIS RACQUETS S NOW & WA IEI! SKIS CAMERAS PROJECTORS elECTRICAL GOODS TOYS ON THE H I LL N T E R S WAGGA I .m called ''The DailV Ad ...... ti.... ," .nd my li fe beg.n at 15 min"" el p.1I . h'ee. e~actlv GOlF CLUBS u A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A NEWSPAPER FISHING REelS PORTA-GAS STOVES WAG GA ' Well, I dOtl'1 h.ve • vacanl po.ilion for a Itapa ~e ' rl ill, but we could ... Ie you U a gorill,," Slid Ih. manag.r. "A go. iU. I" he tud.i med . "Vel, o ld Mlg ill., lhe gorilla, hu passed ,w'V," •• Id Mr . McPhe ..on. So Twil tV look lhe job. Ne>:1 d.V he was lIarring in the "Big Top." He .wung high .nd low on the trapale. He did lome ... ul" g.lore Ird 'hen Ihe .ud lence applauded ,II . he more when he ,ode • bicycle .Iong • plank len feet Irom the g.ound lu'ning _ ..aulr. as he ped.lled. The He Was m.nage. gimmick weeki wenl bV Ind Tw is ly Wfl the m.in . " • .eli on . liked and ,elpeeled bv eve r~on e on the . how. The 'old him 'hll lhe.e w" going to be • lu'prile Ih" nigh l, 10 he had be ller be Ilerl. He climbed ... p On a lion'. c.ge .nd fe U rlghl in. The ,udience .oared with I.ugh le.. The lion came clo.er , nd clOie • • nd IIi11 clooer un.iI he was nelf lV on lop of Tw ittV. He felt like sc, e.ming bUI he knew if he did he would get rired. Aft.r , few mO.e ,econdl he tou ldn 't .elill II. " He lpl" he .cre.med . Then he heard • lamill, ...oice coming from lhe lion . "Shu l up, you 10011" - ROBERT CASE, 20. ERRAND OF MERCY PIPES TROPHIES 'a",.. and 10rlune . . . It.peze ' .lil l, unliF he came 10 !he ,m.U lown 01 lInlev . The •• he .IIW • I"ge pall ••. It ....d "McPherson'l Cireus," '0 he wenl to I"e the M.n'ger, - IA N SANDERSON, IA. T08ACCO GUNS & RiflES SAVED "Gee, I wilh I could ge l • job," moaned Twis 'V, the lrapez" arlill. He had w ,lked aboul SO mile. 10 leek hi. I w •• •h.own I,om on• •ide 01 Ih. I,.in 10 the olhe., .. we tu.ned .,ound the bendl . The tide w u ve.v b ... mpy .nd I 100I'I began to ache .11 ove •. I woo aimOi I e xh. uII.d when I he •• d ,he whillle 0 1 , he If.in as w e d.ew inlO . he 1I.lion. A ,0uOh looking man th. ew me In lo • I. ollev .nd . hen wheeled me to Ihe poll office. I I.v ' he.e for " le," one hov" whe n I hea.d lhe voice' 01 IWO men quarrelling. I couldn'l quite m.ke ou l what lhey we. e uVlng. 81,11 l hen one 01 ' he men ca.e fullv pack.d me In to Ihe buke l of hi. bike. MV I.cond jou.nev beg.n .nd bV Ih. lime I h.d .eached my dellinllion I hMl been .11 oyer ladV.milh. The p.per boy. ltied '0 .i m me II lhe I.onl doo< b .... in"e.d I I.nded in • verv w et .nd pricklv hedge, whe,. I I.y 10. • few mlnules. Then .omelh lng w ilh Ihar p cI.w. "'"ched mv biKk. h was • IinV bl.ck dog who decided '0 I.ke me in.id". While all lhe lamilv had laken it in turn 10 'ead me .nd mV comic, I w •• beginning 10 ge l .h.bby Ind milk had I I' eldy been , pill on me. I W," liken 10 a coun tr y IChool, w he.e I was used lor w•• pping up potllo pe.l, and lhen Ihrown InlO lhe Inciner"o. whe, e mv ashu IIill .emaln In peace. - MAI!GARET WAll. 20. " THE H I LL" He wil JU Il Iwo vea rs old, a chubby li lli e boy wllh .n advenl""ous 'plril. Hi. fllher bein.g a railw.V le rrl"r, the Johr.son'. hou ... Was .ilulled near lhe railw.V. Huge r.ilway .,.onlle" Ih ... ndered along Ihe tra ck " leall onCe . ~ hou •. Timothv h.d been w l rn. d m.ny • time abou l lhe.e , .. inl . r.d nol '0 I..... e Ihe hou ... yard . Hi. elcle. bro.he .. .nd , il le .. w e.e .Iw.v' t ... lul to clip lhe gil., ..... t . hil lumme r .fte.noon fo ... nd TimolhV w ilh hll adventu'OUI ene.gv hiohe r thin usu.l . D.e'led in a blue luil, he saw lhe back I.nce .. • challenge. He called hi. pup, Toby, and ...1 oft'. Finding a bo~ he IDOn cI.mbered over Ihe four foot high lence. Now 10 have . cio,e. look., D.ddv'. "81g Choo Choo T"inl." Thil il when r came on the Icen •. Coming around lhe corner wilh mv school cas. I hurd Toby barking. Whll WII he doing oUllide Ihe yard? Then I saW I ' illie boy dr.lled in blue. Tlmmv , Timmv , wh.1 Wit he doing outsid e? Ohl w '" ' hat • If,in I could he .. ? Sure enough, around McDonald', bend came lhe <1.30 ..pte .. 10 SVdn.V. The '<Ii .. WII g.inlng lpeed. r called 10 TimmV .nd TobV • lew limel, but I II in ... in. I dropped my Clle and ",.Ied 10 run, bu. my 'egl .u.ned 10 lellv. Bu. lurprisi nglV enough, "'"ngth 'e lu,ned. I ".". ked .<roo. Ihe p.ddock to the r.llw.y tr.ck. TlmOlhy wu II.nding like a lIat... in Ihe pllh o f Ihe oncomir'lg 1"ln, , ' .ring at lhe huge engine. Coul d I make ii, I Ihoug hl? Throw ing aU mv ene'gv Into .he lall few V•• dl, I g rabbed him bv hi, .hi. t and pulled him o ff Ih. irICk JUII lecond . belore the lrain ,oared p.lI. I fe ll 10 Ihe ground .h.ough Irigh l and .... h.Ullion, lillening to ,he cI'nging 01 lhe w heel, II thev .ped by. lhankful 10 h... e ....ed M... 10hn.on'. p' ecious Timmv .nd hi. dog. - TI!AFfORD FI SC HEl! , 30. Sixty·oue Have YOU a FUTURE I This is 0 quest ion thot hos surely exercised your mind in recent months. Shou ld you be selected for a po rt time degree or cert ifi cate Traineeship. fu ll time degree Scho larship o r a trode appren ticeship with the Aust ralian Stee l Indust ry you r question is answered. for if you hove the wi ll to work you r future is assu red. T he Genera l Manager Australian Iron & Steel Pty. Ltd. Hoski ns Kemblo Works, Post Office, Wollangang . " /J etl er Til illgJ Com e ill Sled" ~{:~;t~~,~;~~~!;t,,~~~1~~!~~~~~;~';~;;,~..!gX~;~;~,~;..~~~,-a.1~~1,!,t;!4't, .., .... ,~ ..,~~";~,~",',",' " ..~~p;~;~;;,"~' ',~,~g,,",',',',;,~;.r4 .' il" .'" " FIFES PRODUCE ~~ \'~i !{ Suppliers of All Form a nd Home Gorden Requi re ments ~~ ;~ Mod ern i \: ~, ,~: ~~ ~ ~~ !! "DRIVE-IN" Store ~i ,! 47 Boylis Street, Woggo ,~ it PHONE 3618 ~, ,< .~ ~~ ,~ . ;\ FOR TH E HOME GAROENER FOR THE POULTRY FARMER :: ~~ Seeds Fert ilize rs Fidelitv Feeds Conce ntrotes :: Sprays Gorden Tools Vete rinary Needs Broode rs :: \. ), ~ ~ !, FIFES FOR SUPER SERVICE '. ~ :: ~!~'!'~""';"1'!,d" " ".,.",..!;~" ,.."" ..,.,.,.,;,.".;';';"',d''';~...!'~;1'!'!'~~!;''!'1;!~!;1;t;..~!;.f;.!~;''~;.r..!~: l THE COMING OF NIGHT Flin' Ihadows .re forming ou' in lhe coun'ry. The .i. il cool Ind Imall gulll of wind ... jull 'u>!ling lhe d""p g.""n leavu of lhe gum Ir"". In ,he Well ,he lun Is jull Ilin king behind a la. ge hill. The l un ;1 • deep gold, yellow Ind III lhe Iky i. brilli.n l pinks and bluel. People "'e doing the l.sI chores of lhe day, whil. in lhe clly eve,yone i. lIill bu>!ling .boul and lhe loundl of the bUly ci'y •• e every whe,e . hll building. block OUI the b,illiance of lhe se ll ing IUn. The f.inl •• om. of fi.h il lmelt as it cooks aw.y in 10.... ove.· crowded filh Ihop. Then ,he lun hn ... 1 .nd I lowly the moon di'pl'VI all ill Iplendou., while lhe brighl I lan Iwinkle in ,he pilch· black sky. Now all ,he world is qui .. and peaceful. Soon il will be all gone Ind ,he bullie and nolse of d. yti .... will once agl,n be he'e. -CH ERYLE MANNIN G, 3D. II' To help you, perhaps, answer this question you ore reminded that AustraliQ's la rgest industrial e nterp rise o ffer s you the guidance of trained sta ff to hel p you obtain ful l development in the Science of Engineering, Meta llurgy, Chemist ry. Commerce or trode apprenticeships in the Australian Steel Industry. For full deta i ls wri te to: LEGEND OF THE 1960's "Tell me a bedlime Ilory G.andpa, the one IOouI lhe •• plosion IWO ,housand yea.s ago, plea", G.andpa ." "Ve.y well, lan, now H ille down .nd be qu iel . Many vealS ago in 'he yu. of 1966 ,her e we'e five gl.nl.China. Ame.ic •. Entern Eu.ope. RUlli. and Afti ca. "China .nd Ame,ica we.e alw.y. r.ghting while the o,he. Ih.ee gi.nTS jus, .nd w . lched . "Ame,ic. "avelled ,ound in • big "flashy," "shiny" ,.pen sive looking ca'. He was Vft.v fat and wil nearlv ,Iwly' Imoklng a big, horrid·smelling clga •. "China was comple'ely diffe. en ' . He didn'l hive Inv nleanl of I.anspor'"'ion; he was ve.y Ihln, Ind ",ile,.ble. He hardly eve' ale .nylhing It .11 bec.u... he wll 10 poor. "Wheneve. Ihe.e 'wo gilnll me ' ,he'e W II .Iways an a'gument 0' .. violent WI', which usu.lly , ... ulled In m.ny people being killed o. wounded. "One d,y Ame.ica was d,iving ..ound in hi. big "fll" ca' ,nd he nea,lv •• n ove. Chin •. Thil of cou .... SI"'ed yet ..... Ihe. "gu"",n l. Americ. laid he hl<l been going ., • pe.fecl ly nO' mIl lpeed and China shouldn', h.ve been w.ndering ..ound like a hllf's lll'ed lunltic. Chin l e xcl.imed Ihal Arne.ic. wll 10 fIt Ind usele.. Ih" he couldn', even pul one fOOl on lhe OOltom ' ock of Mount Dominlnce, le I .Ione !IV to climb il 10 .each lhe g'eat box on lop called Des· uuc,ion. (Ame,ic. WII alw.ys oo.lling .boul finding the box .".d how he would be ,he rule, of Ihe world once h" fovnd 11.) "AmericI Ihen ..,id he could .nd wovld get ,he box Ind ch.lleng.d China 10 a race 10 the Box. Of cou ... China ~cepl ed .. ,he, willinglv . 1he ""X I day Ame.lca Ind Chin. lI.tled up the mounlain much .gainll the Idvic, of lhe o,he. gi lnl s who k""w Ihe box con '4ined l ome lhing evil and nl"Y. Aile. I I trenUOUI climb bolh gllnll .eached Ihe box .t lhe I"me lime .nd on I""ing ""ch olhe, ,hey dllhed for il but in lhei . I"oggle ,he g.eat big box, "Des l.uction," 'oppled all 'he ledge on which ;1 WIS pe,ched .nd in their e~.ne .. Utch iI, ,hey collided .nd wenl lumbling down, toge lhe, with "DeltruCTion," b.eaking Ihe e.rlh to piece. as 'hey Iinded. "Ard Ihlt, lon, il lhe lIory of g,eed and lhe want of power." -MIC HellE GOUlD . '0 A BUSH FIRE Since T... oday ,he wea lhe. had been hot and OJ)9<euive. lhe,e was Slill a Ih,ee houn jou.nev ,head of VI, bu, ,he monces of ,eaching our dellinllion Ihl! dly ... emed u· Ifemely 'emo 'e. In lhe lmoky dilllnce, lhe flame l, .lthough now dulled by Ihe riling lun, coul d IliIl be I""n, 'hei. 'ongues g.eedilV consuming Ihe d.y b".k o f lhe gum I.ees. F.om lhe Ic'ub could be hea.d ,he crlel of terrined .nimall, .11 hurrying '0 e"'pe f.om lhe on'ulhing fire. K.ngarool 'tampe.ed .C'OSI ,he neighbou'ing de.,ing, COCh lool I"'ieked ove.head, while Ina ke. glided noisele"ly Ih.ough 'he long g"" , fearful o f the r,e.y dea,h Iha' aw.iled those unforlunale enough to be caugn l in the .elenlle.. grip of the burning fo,e.'. C'plain Blake, ,he leader of ou' tv'veying ".rly, aCled wi,h hil cuuom.ry decision, "Gel ,he t.or ...1 ,e.dv inllan lly," lie o.de.ed . " The,e il Ic.,eelV • mOman l '0 10Ie." Two houtl II 'e., .. wel.V b.nd of men "'ood on 'he OPPO.ile side of ,he. Snowy Rive., which Ipread I.. P'O'ecling lenglh be lween UI .nd one of ,h. mosl devaotaling bul hfi .... I !t.v" ev.r wi'ne.ltd. -SHIRlEY ANDERSON , 3D. ''TH E HI LL" DINNER WITH A CANNIBAL I h.ve le,ved m.ny expeditionl wilh 0,. Augullul Duck , I famou s explo.e. and I 'hink the most peculi'r of lhe se WII when we we'e invit ed 10 have lunch wi lh • lribe of head·.h ,inking cannib.I,. It III lI.tled when w, left Mad'ng .each ,he b.se of MI. Hagen, whe,e D. . Ouck believed • II .. nge speciel of bl.d had m.de ill h.billl . He wao hoping to ob .... .... the bi,dl and, If poosible, caplu.e one, 10 b, IIu ffed and pu' in • N8 lur.1 MUleum. We we'e .bout 50 milel from M.dlng when OUt nllive por le.s and n.tive guide be'.8yed 0,. Duck, my ...lf, and Iwo zoologilll who we.e wi ,h us, Ind le ft us in ,he middle of nowhere wilhoul • guide, food Or mosquito nell. (All of which we.. elsenlill if we we.e to .u.vlve in 'hal humid ellma'e.) Afte ' wande.ing th.ough New Guinea 10. two dIY , Ind nights withou' p'ope' food o. any guard 6Q.inll disease, w. were . Imos' exhaUl1ed. for two more d.ys we w.nde.ed Ih,ough lhe jungle, when quile suddenly We came .cross • nl'ive viU6Q' in • de.ring. The nltivel o f , he vill6Qe looked quite pelceful and we we.e ve.y , elieved un,il D.. Duck nOliced a li ll ie head, the .1 .. of a II.ge orange, hung around ,he neck of One of the nativel. He ,,,,liled wilh • tI • • 1 ,h., ,he he.d wit ••eal one Ind immedJ"ely k""w ,hit Ihil wn a tribe of cannib.b. We .11 g,ew .... ry worried ."d .I ••id un lil lhe Ooclor Ioid UI, 10 be ca lm. and 'hal while they I.ealed us kindlV and showed no hO$lHity we h.d no nuse '0 w orry. They g.ve ul I hu' and some food and then lef' us. • Soon .fte. thai we had Ihe g<e"e$l Ihock of .11 for in nme ou. native guide, ,he most Iplendidly d relled nllive I had eve, leen. He wal very "II .nd looked ""ong .nd wl,y. Hil Ikin WI1 • very da.k b.own .nd •• ound hi. wai, he wo'e • brlgh' .ed piece of clolh. Th.ough hi. no.e WI, lhe bone of I humIn fin~ •• "d in hil e ... we.e other bones. He had b.nglel on his w.illl 'nd .nkle, and • big tige. 'oolh necklace "ound hil ned<. He .110 wore in hi. hai, nume.OUI !elthe," of m.ny diffe.enl colou •• Ind i, benme al once Ipp..en l ,ha' he WII the chief of Ihe I, ibe. When he oaw uS he orde.ed Ihll we we.e '0 be killed, Ihen coo ked and ,ha' • b.nquel wn '0 be held. Jult then we hea,d I g'eat .ushing oound, .nd bu"ling Ihrough ,he bush came a he.d of wild oo.r. lucki ly ou. hu' WIS lOme di.tance f.om the 'eI' of Ihe v,lIage 10 we ,,"caped Ihe no'ice of Ihe IIImpeding he.d and we.. Ible to flee in'o Ihe jungle. About lou, d'VI I.re, we we'" found by ,he Jungle hl<ol and ,hen ,"ken back 10 M.d.ng .nd f,om lhe.e we /'lew ho ..... So ended one of lhe expediliom I h.ve eve. been on. - ROSEMARY EKE . 10 . '0 "".ngest Si .... , y·lf'ree AN ERRAND OF MERCY SPEEDWEll Happier Christmas and Years of Fun ahead - for a Ina! the hot's liuy your "."'''Kl le r Ih. , if. II"•• bring. luud (un fi nd lri e nd 8h lp _ JIIl . llh a nd I, a ppin ..., o"or the r",ar_ bu y S peed well for I,., .. d, a n 1/ •• d.,. The plane lure"''' and bounced a, ha' low wing cr.~ked ,''' roug h Tommy wiped the wlndlereen and looked at troe clock. Ah<!ad lay t,oublel The piane'l propeller Iliced in to troe thick .no.... which wa. falling f,aaly from t .... air. No l..,dmark .howad I.... pl" na w .... 'a to land. Suddenly • huga gUlt 01 wind .wapl upon t.... ,m,,11 pl.IW and ~n t it lurching low .. rds the think g'e.n pi .... tree. , nd mil ... of unmarked .now rive hundred leet balow. When Tommy opened hi. eye. h. wu numb with cold • nd Icy p .. rticle . ware palt ing down 0 ... hi. face. H.. lat up diuily .... d c.. ll ed for hi. co-pilot. Steve ... did no •• nlwe, and • quick gl.nce over Tommy'. shoulder .old him St"".n was bldly hu.t .nd ....oed help. Tommy I.ced ,he d.nge. coolly. He knew lhe lmall ..."Iement 01 Ki.by Was somewhe,e ...... he". He lifted S"".n up and p.oce~d In Ihe direction of th • •e!!lement. II wa. a couple of hou.. belore Ihay . ucl.ed Ki.by .nd Ihe men ope ... ed .. I... ge doo, and leI Ihem in. The.e .... n wa.a g.unl with hunge. bul lhey c... ied S' even In ,nd g.v. him tl.e . em.I .... o f lhei, food. l.'a' the men .... ou t 10 .escue .he food Tommy .nd S,ev.... Wefa bringing '0 'heir .. id on ,hi. "E....... d of Mercy ." --cHERYlE MANNING, 30. "i., MIDSUMMER NOON GET A GAS HOT WATER SYSTEMI Gas hot water never runs cold, never runs, ou t eve n on washdays or when family peak-hour traffic hits the bathroom • No .II,a, t. lIuy. You'lJ bless the day your Gas Centre installed your 5 point automatic Gas Hot Water System • All Sp.. dwan Cyclu cen b. fiHad wit h , •• p.. d hub !laer, for .til! allier eyen",. Have a chot with a Gas Hot Woter specialist ot you r City Counci l Gas Centre • ':uy t.,m,. :&••eeilwetl GAS HOT WATER HEVER RUNS COLD I THE FINEST CYCLE MADE T. & E. J. JONES 108 BAYUS STREET, WAGGA Phone 2409 GAS CENTRE 246 BAYUS STREET, WAGGA Not " sound dillu,b. II.e ai., The,e i, qu'et eve.ywhera; Ovef plainl .nd ove, wood. Wh .. , .. migh 'y lIillness broodsl All ,I.e bi,d• • nd in.ects ke.p Whe'e ,he coolest . h.dow •• Ieep; Ev~n the bu.y .nll .. ra fou ... d Reiling i... Il.eir pebbled mound; The loculi• •11 .'e clinging now Silant 10 1M b .. ky bough; Over hill• • nd ove, pI.i ...., SliIt ... e .., call and Ilumbrous ,eigns. -SU E BUTTON, 2A. A MOUSE Sc • •ed, frightened, .ta,vad; Ever pursued , Tr.ppedl T.apped in " .iient world of .queakl .nd <que.ll. D.nger eve. IInge.ing, D.ngar! Silant dange. ever c'eeping upon i' . Pain i... meted rUlhlenlyA mOUIe" wo, ld of to,menl. - WAYNE MUN RO. lA. ONCE Once, in Ih, dist .. nt p.II, When fee. were beating lasl, Thud, Ih ud Ihe ce.emonioul Ih,ob of a didge,idoo. ThOle we'e Ihe d .. y., The d.ys whe ... whi'e men we.. lew . Once, whe.e lhe cities g'ow, Gr .... grew lush .nd green. O ... ce, where , .... f"me, thfuhel whe.t, Olrk child,en .an on tiny leel, 10 theif molhers' oUIII.etchad •• m•. - WAYNE MUNRO. IA. THE OLD DAYS A n.t patch of e.rlh is all ,h.t .em.ins 01 .he abo<igin.1 d.ncers of long 'go, Who d ..... ced .nd played the .nclenl .iluall, To lhe cffcklng end Ihe noile of lhe didge. idool. No longer do the people join in the dance •• In II.e , h .. dow. of ' he gum...nd th" names o f Ihe r>fe; All th:. happened long .go in tha d.e.mtime. - ROBERT OELAMERE, lAo DROUGHT Sun·lashed . pur . p,otfude from the .gele.. dust A... d .11 .. round, Ihe parched, d.y wa ..a lie. c,ulhed by the gla.ing su n, li fe hn wi lheled. c'umbled and died. Over la' hOliton. Whe.e w •• 'e, miflge .. nd lutila Iky '''' 'armingle. Hope h..1 llipped OIl' of .ighl, oot of .each. Slark .nd su ... bleaci>ed, Only lhe crumbling Ikeleton. remain • And only .h" gl •• ing lun come. .nd goe.; The world remeinl Cfu.hed .nd Iilele... Hope is no more. - HelE N MEOCAlF, SA. CHILDREN OF VIETNAM I wilh I we'e in Vieln.m 1n firht .~d w ·n mv f .. me. ,'d ball'e for Ihe children, Th'ough .un, or Inow, 0' fain . I w:lh I we.e in V:el·.m, To comlor l 1a<lorn mo,he .., Who losl lhe child'en lhey d :d love, And .. II becau... of olhe ... I wilh I we. e in Vietnam, And I could e ... d Ihe W.', So all lhe lillie children Would have to die - lOIS SPEARS. lB. SEA ON ROCKS Mountainous W''''eI. .garing. " •• hlng On Innocent ,ock. Ihem-elves d •• hlng, An en dle.. conm" between land Ind SeaWho l he maSle. i. '0 be. Traache,oul Wile.. In their nel '1 ......... '1 Unluspecting lilhe.men lisM ... g 1.... ''11 Spu,y shooting high in lo lhe .i" C•• cading dow... .ockl like ....·m. ldf! n·. h.i •. The ,och. Ii'" a fo,I'e'" .ovgh .nd h... d, ~a.. .tanding lUI, ;11 praglen barred, BUI con .... nt pounding will lomeday. Piece by p:ec., Weir ur ,h .. w.y. Se.·lions rege, mid mounl .. ino..... pr,V, Then lu,n agein .nOlhe. way, Decked in loam, , .... wate. turning To 'aCe agai ... in ill Ireache.oos chu,ning. - HEATHER SCHIRMER, "B. THIS HOUSE Standing Quielly .... d proud A.op • lofty hill, F.om whenca lIS p.oud owna. cI.imed The I.nd i. look. On Ilill. The heavy .oil of by·gone yeart, Th, loaded w.gon. o'e, the pl,ln. Tha plodding hoo" ... on lone ly ' tIck. Thi. hou ... Un he . . .gain. Thll houoe hll he ..d the lonelorne w.iI Of wild-fowl In ..... I"ub, While .ree. belore the pionae.·• •"a Fill wilh muffled thud. Immune f,om time'. ma.auding h.nd. I..... ngui,h cruel. in joy and te •• I. Thlough w... and peace Ihil hou.a hal stood, A symbol of Ihe paning years. - HEATHER SC HIRMER. 4B. THE STREET LIGHTS S'arlng. gl.,ing, Gi.nl eye. glowi ... g In Ihe g loom, Row upon . ow, ' lfee ' upon 'lfeel, hch one . hining like a moon. - LEONIE ABBOTT , lA. CLASS NOTES One of the most useful "books" you'll ever use! JWiI. Rural Bank .. ".,. ,.", ,,' '''~",'r''''':''''''''r:!!" ,.,-' v. ~ ? = ~, Wh" yo, ''''. "hoo', yo", YOUR RURAL BANK CHEQU E BOOK 'RURAL' 'h',", """"' w;U be one of your first steps 10 full adulthood ... your first "status symbol" too! II's the modern way to handle money and the way to establish a useful banking connection lor Ihe future . Your nearest RURAL BANK will be ha ppy to help you ! RURAL BANK does more for you WAGGA WAGGA: 15 Flllm.u, Manalje' P M atn ~w s. C~ S"e Ol. ' '' / '/ '- IBu k Row): AII . n Hog.n. ' ''. r Gi u ing, Pe ' . r Jon>, S<oll Wh .. lhou •• , Jeff Wilso n, John Worthington. l e" r lIulche •. Gissing's Photo Department (Middle Row); J ... Addil on . Judy C.aig. He le n Me dcalf. Ma .il yn Wyall. I n . lI. Sl id •• Rodn. Siebel" Wendy Ce.ben , Rob • •1 McDon l ld . (fronl Row); Eli.. b _.h Dunn. Rhond. Re id . We ndy hylo., Che ryl SI. nlon. Robyn (Ab •• n' ; Phillip All ... ) McPhe .. on. F.an ca. Sa!Jge .., Julie Arnei!. * BEST STOCK * BEST SERVICE FORM 5 * BEST ADVICE 5A From beginner to professiona l - you are in vited to ca ll a t Gissing's Photo Department and "LET'S TALK PHOTOGRAPHY " 60 Fitzmaurice St ., Woggo Waggo. Opposite the Post Office GIRLS . Kooring;)l, likes Prefects at Cauberr,) Gramm;)r. ;l11d enjoys golf cadd ying. JU LIE AR N ElL. " TaR e Ihe swifl (!llval/· lage Of the hOllrs." Soda l committee, basket· ball ; was p art ial to train trips and eleclr ici,ms. ROB YN McPH ERSON . "J /wlIe lII(u/e slronl!, Proof of my cOllslfl ll ey." Av id follower of men\ h ockey. A nother hazard to the l"O<ld. lUorld is [(fOWIl so bad." WEND Y COR R EN. "/ Cf/III/Ol tell the Vice·captain, debating. Ilasketbal l. H ad Pre fect RaI l compliC<Hions. HELEN MEDCALF. " 00 I!OI presume 100 milch 11/)011 Illy love." Prefect. squash and a thletics tcam. ' ,Vas g iven to play ing teacher. pupil out of school. "'~III." JU D Y C R AIG. " I VII)' iI/deed , il is (III older Haskelball and squash. In troduces fnen ds to friends with dire conse<lllcllces. Ih)' besl a/1/ml'ei all." "B" hockey. Seems 10 ELIZABETH D UNN . "J NIIII/ot choose." lI~skeLLa l J ami StJl I:I Sh. Practises carpentry :11 favO\lr long distance relationshi ps. FRANCES SAGGERS. " TI, e" Ja)' al alice what is il Ihol/ requests." Prefect, debater, fi nds squash pl<l ying ex trel1l e l ~' dangerous. "TH E HIL L" RH ON OA R.E ID . " IV/wi dost 111011 willi Si.\·/y·.sevell ROO NA S IEBELS. " And stems (I s(lill/ whell lIlost I /)/(1 ), Iht: tkuil," Prefec t. leads a qu iet lire? (ill least as far as we know) . Wagga Commercial College 67 JOHNSTON STREET JANELLE SLADE. "All olltw{mi hOIlO llr iI/ward ,oil." Squash : Cookardin ia is where Jallclle practises ? /01 (Ill C H ERYL SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPING, BOOKKEEP ING, ENGLISH , " /11 mllkf f/ml JOH N WORTHINGTON . " H e IIlII sl be Squash. golf, footba ll. Finds cars (etc.) iuteresting. Coldoliers proved extl'emely rew<lrding. ("(1IIJ,!ht ""(/ Irail/e(1 (111(1 bitl go [or/h.'· 'VENDY TA "LOR . " Such ETIQUETTE AND DEPORTMENT (II'I! Ihe trlll/SPrefect, Socia l Commi llee, 'b:.sketball. Although lives out of town , still manages to get around. 5B GIRLS oressiOl/,f of love, " Students ore prepared for pllblic examinations and reach a high level of attainment. Careers in business, commercial teaching o r journalism guaranteed for graduates. J\J AR ILY N \VYATT. " Tlml rt:Tfe/s IOIlI;!· (,' niglt/of.'· Prefect, Social Comminee, Fa'n-er HOllse Captai n, ~qtla s h. Cha nges he r SpOl" l~ enth usiasms as often as her . ?" INDI V IDUAL TUITION GETS RESU LTS Telephone 2416 STANTON . squadroll s:' Prefect, debater. " A" Hockey. Has her 011'11 personal fl ying instructor. JEFF WILSON. " Good friends, SWU t friellds, let lII e /101 stil" ),011 11/)." School captilill, socia l CO!llmiHee. debaling, .~qua s h. skiing with girls in red slacks. P,O, Box 83 McMAHON'S SWAN BAKERY 5A BOYS DIANE CARLIN. " 0 I alii /Jresseillo ilenth thrall!!.h Wllli t of .r/)enkin!!.." A quiete r member of the cla ss with intercsts a t R .A.A.F. Ba se. Oftcl! p ines for Broken Hill. PATRI C IA C HAPMAN. 1/ h ell'uier tale 10 le/l." Athletic; team. Trish longs a nd ca n't wai t till nex t bikc )'r:1 "IH )' tOl/glle Iwtll School Captain. for the holidays riding season . JOE ADDISON. " fl e M,xeS dr:ofperale with ill/aginalioll." 10. 7's. H ockey, e njoys sparri ng in Eng lish. Coolamonile. a nd how! ? HEL EN GRICG. " Th e 11fI1)piesl womeu IUHlt: I/O hislon'." Newcomer. H:.s trouble Wilh revcl'Se gears a·nd en joyed the Prefects Ball . PHILLIP Al.LARS. " We will nWltlle him." Prdect. de bater. socia l commillee, tennis and rug by plarer. Late to bed, late to rise. makes phil healt ly, wealth y and wise (?). PA l' l KRUGER. " /I'I(I({alll , we'll pia), (1/ bowk" "E lla" is captain o f "S" ba sketba ll. Uves TERRY BUTCHER. " /of this a holi(/(ly1" 9.7 "A." sw immi ng. squash. Extremely difficult to catch, especially as he has now wken to the road . for long weekends. DAWN LOWE. " Yoll r ch" r/ll so strong/), worlis th elll." Prefect. South West basketball and Socia l Committee member. Enjoys the nig ht life and Rock climbing. C HRI S LUCAS. " Vexed I ,,/II o[ lale wilh passiollS of sollie (fiUerence." Chris e njoyed the VARIETY, QUALITY AND SERVICE PETE R CISSING. " II is I)e r[orm'd." Pre. fect . 3rd XII I. Osca r winning star of the Gon. doliers. Is ]\11". Paul's private messenger (poor boy!) . HIGH,CLASS SMALLGOODS A l.LAN HOGAN . " Wh ere hast 11,011 lell me?" 9.7 "A," In XI, golf, Gondo lier star. Mt. Austi n seems to hold plenty of ... fo r Yogi. NA DA PA N IC. " IVlto chooselll me ml/.~ I J,!iue (llId 11fI ~(I,.d "II he hnlh." I'refecl. South ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY PACKED 242 Baylis Street 2 7 Kincaid Street and "The Kalico Kitchen," Australian Shopping Centre Wagga Wagga PETER JANS. " I have a little privn te blls'-· /less." Prefect, deb;ncr, 2nd XIII , 9.7 " A." golf. Will never forget o ne bliss ful week of a Histor y conference. ROBERT McDONALD. 'TOil (lfe a S(II/"), bo)" is't .w induc/." " The Man in Room 18" engaged in espionage activi ties. civil war hero. 'Scrooge' is a SCOTT WHEELHOUSE. " T o sporl . to wildl/ess all(1 mucl, com /Mlly ." 1st X III , Prefect, social committee, swi mming. Aussie Rules ;Hld athlet ics. A firm heliever in there being an Eva fOI" cvery Ada m . "T 1·1E 1·111.1 :' Blue and White Ib ll and she lOves chasing wild a nim:l/s o n home grounds. \Vest Hockey re presentative and Captain of A hockey. Ardent follower of Tea chel'S' College UniOn. Another keen bike rider. EVA SLADEK. " Sh t: IIII/ sl be ('(lug bl (/11(1 B;lsketbali and swimmi ng teams and Macarthur vice.ca ptain. Enjoyed the recent holidays in the company of a 5th former. Imillell." CHERYL WATT. " Looks like 1lI/ ilillocelli rose bul . oli!" Bus prefect (of sorts). Keen tennis player a nd uasketball representative. Has interests in Gumly. SU E WOTTON. " Til ), h enrI is big." Bus prefecl. Keen sqllash player with inte rests in with (??) hai". ex·p upil ~ 58 BOYS THE NAME GREAT SOUTHERN MOTORS is tradit ionall y linked wi th a ll t hat is best in i\ [orori ng. Evcry possib le need o f the Motori st is ca tered for \\"ith A COMPLETE GARAGE SERV ICE whi ch incl udes . N O RM AN AN DERSON. " H e(lr lIIe willi jUlllenee bllt to s/)eflh 1/ word." A mem be r of tile 1st X VIII and a lso the 9.7 ·'A·· fOO l b;dl teilili . No r man is o ne o f the q u ieter me mbers He a lso plays fo r the W ;lgga a!. the cb ss. 1 lgers. GORDO N HEA TT I E. " }' Oll (Ire 100 Iiol.'· Gordon is a n active mc mber of th e \ Vagga Life Savi ng Club ,m el . IS <I member o f the d e ba tin ~ lea rn. Gord o n IS also H <l rgnnres sw imm ing cil plai n. . i\'IEC H AN IC AL, EL ECTR ICA L and HOD Y ItEPAJRS, PAN EL ll EAT I:-.i G , RE L ACQUE RI NG . TR l i\'iM l N G ;md U PH O LST E RI N G BR I AN BUTTO N: "'Slu/Jell a.\" the), sa)' honoumb/I; /)(Irl.l"." Bria n is an ;'I rde n t slll~le nt ;mll is al so a keen ath le te. He e njoys typi ng. uJ/'" . AN DREW B YR NE. " Brief SOl/lids deter(11/ III)' weal,It or woe." Andre w is <I me m- If you wont t he bes t in CARS AND SERV ICE contact tlllile ~)er of our SC!IOOJ"S. vc ry s u·on ~ cadet corps r ook La t he ;11 .. dunng the holidays . P ET ER FO R RELL. " 1V1t)'. lie's a 711(111 of Peter is ~ u r Har ;u.·t isl. I-Ie recen tly wo n an a n schohll·shlJ). He IS a lso ;'I n exotic ca r fa nat ic a nd h is comments in m aths ;,dd to o ur enjoYllle n t of the lesson. IVIIX." BILL G R A Y. " lI/itlt clI/Jid's arrow." A no ther mem ber of the 2nd XV II I a nd he a lso plays for Wagga T igers. Bi ll is the class clown. Jl i\ 1 H ARRISO N. " T lte IIl1rcasol/alJle fil l)' of II bellst." .Ji m is a mem ber o[ lhe 3rd X.l 1I ? nd [st ~ Vl l1 He likes GU llIl)' and [ns a gre a t Ulleres t 1I1 'lth ye" l" ;111£1 " O ld '· Ladies Sta ifroo m . GEOFF KLl i\ IPSC I-I . " IV//(/I sltull I grOfl/1 Geo ff is a mem ber o f the second X VIII and h"ils {rom the far ill . He likes exp ressing his opin io1l s on the su bjecls o f eco. nomics a nd agr icu lt u re. (1I1l1 l ell /h ee ." GR EAT SOUTHERN MOTORS WAGGA WAGGA FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS r"-'- '-'-'-'--,----,----,-,-,_._,_._,_.__.- ~- '-"- -----,-- Boys' Wear Specialists Comp lete stocks of boys' and youths' school weo r for a ll Woggo schoo ls. Fo r afte r school leisure hours Edmondson's has t he la test range of casua l shorts, sh irts, swi m wear a nd slacks for a ll age g roups . Exc iti ng ava ilab le. range too. of teenage g i rls' ot Edmondson 's showroom. fashi ons foshi on {Ba ck Row): P. , .. Fo ... .. , Go .do n B..II'. , Gulf Klimpuh , B" an BUllon, Ma.k Rap • •, ' . ' e. WAll... , Gra. m. Willi., J am•• Heui ,o n. {Midd l_ Row ): An.... w By.n. , Ian l OV. II, Ian McC . llum, P. t.icia Chapman, Bill G. av , No.m . n An... .. on, P".lip Swan, Ric ... ... levV (f'ont Row): D~wn l owe, N. ... Pan it, Diann e Cu lin, Pam K.uge., h a Sl.d • • , Charyl Walr, Helen G. iSg . TELEPHONE WAGGA 2195 -_._.._._-,_.._._,_._,,_.,_..- "TH E 1-I 11 .L·· R IC HARD L EV Y. '')'0,,11, is uold (li/d Rich a rd plays for Wagga slrong." A pl'decl. FEARNE & SON lilt! 1I0 t ," I an is a member of the 1st X I cricke t. the hockev team , and is ;d so one o f the members o f t he gre;u 9.7 "A" fOOLba l1. He is also a prefcc!. BUSES and COACHES Ava ilabl e lar- * * is ,. me mber o f the 2nd XVII I <I nc! He is :Iho a llIember o f lhe ~oc i al a nd has se\'craJ fan s in 4 th year. se nior swi mming cha mp io n . I A N LO VETT. " Fen)" BUS PROPR I ETORS * T igers ;l lle! 3rd XIII . commit tee Richa rd is IAN M cCAL LU l\ I. "No w seeming sweet, Ian is a IlCwcomer to the yea r Inn he did live in Wagga be fore goi ng 10 C:a ~i no 18 mo nths ago. Si nce be ill/{ he re Ian 11;'5 la m ed th e "A" basketball tea m a nd is bo und 10 shine th ro ugh in the swim m ing season . nil/veri 10 bill'resl /!,all." PICNICS SPORTING FIX TURES A/ ARK RAPER. " I II shap e 110 bil{ger /Ill'" CHARTER TOURS lil!,(l i e sloll c." A vcry kee n hockey p la yer. !'IIa rk also p la ys for the 3nl X III. Hc is .. plcfen ;Ind a memher of the socia l commilf ee. /III -AT MODERATE RATES PETER WALLAC E. " If/h ere/orr slorm YO Il .w." Petcr is a me mber of the schoo l golf ream a nd is one of the quieter mem bers of aliI' class. PHONE 2316 CRAEi'I'I E ·W I LLI S. " /lillia ll I (1111 lia n e/ see '/'01/ p rollesl me IID I ." Gl'aeme is a keen follector o f stamps ;md coin s. He also pla ys hockey for the school. 5C GIRLS 235 Edward Street Establ ished 1946 (Near BASE HOSPITAl) W agga W agga • Full stocks of medicines. Chemist·only lines and other family needs. • Full stocks of cosmetics and beauty aids. includi ng Helena Rubinstein and Dorothy Gray, • • Commonwealth Savings Bonk Agency. Hospital and Medical Cont ribut ion Funds Agency. FREE DELI V ERY PHONE 2706 and 4655 ~('hol;Jr . i'l IALCOLl\r C H EN EY. " II 'J like fiIli lll{ 01/ 1st X III Rugby, Tarcuu:1 reside nt , who recentl y injured his toc. li/Jl oc." ALLAN CUTT ING .. ,/ '''me "eilher wit. wor , h." Pla ys hockey; int erests In slot cal'S ... and ? ~IO" WOr(l .f. " 01' I)AUL FEN W IC K. "Sollie say he's 11/(/(1." I l('cfi c drive r. ~rd X III , Soccer <l lld Golf. DAV ID KEIGHRA N. " M a ll)' " lady have wilh Ihe besl reS/Jec/," Likes culo ttes (:Uld whal lilh them) . H ;ls h igh hopcs at !'I'h . Austin . I c),f'(1 In Ihis slI/ all PETER l\ IcDO N ALD. " . mef/sll re." " Piebald ." Pla ys 8.7 Le<lgue :l1ld Socc'el'. Dwells a t Th e H o le. ROSS McKAY. !fA l ellll a lld IlIIlIgl)! look." Brilli :lll/ schobr (??) . has prominent position in reta il trade. DE NN IS MAYER . " IFi.rely I s,,), 1 fII'" (/ Ro;nns Ihe Kapooka Marr ied Qual'. tel's. 1st X III. Comes fro m thc " Apple Isle." STEll H EN AI OYSEY. " A mell , and make die (I J!,00(1 ol d ilia"," 'Vin e women <llld nicotine ma ke him " ma n (??). college to schoo l , . . by " George" she d oes. Fo llo ws o utside fOOtball a nd dairying. I/Ie DALE RAW LI NGS. "To 500111 , Ilmow 1101 why I (1/ /1 so ,md. " Plays hOCkey wit h !'III'. Ra nkin 's starry hockcy team. She likcs " rovillg" with the Rangers. TERRY NOMAR H AS, " Tile SI)(I I'I(l II." Pla ys Hockey. Represented schoo l al Taree. SU E TULLOH . " SUell m el/ are dallgerolls bill I /em' him /1 01." " A " Grade HOCkey. H al" grea ves H ou se Captai n. She intc nds g iving lip hockey nex t year , . , I wonder wh y?? BARBARA W HI TE. " Mill e in llocency . lo,hrive:;' Captain of the "A " g rade Basketball Macal'lhu House Captain , $eniQl' champion Barb has new interests T eachers' Co llege, a nd I'lockey!! ath le tic in 5C BOYS PHONE 2706 and 4655 WAY N E C U.\l l\f l NS. " l1' e IIIlIsl IIII/Ire I his T empo),;l!'il y retired frolll League because of inj ury. Good English "mw liS rloser 10f{ff lll cr." luwhelor." S UE I ~A L LA N TY N E . " T he h Oll r 0/ 111;(/' /ligh l has crept lipan aliI' ttllk ... " ·She prefers FAMILY CHEM IST - CARY C RIT ICOS; "SIJ'fII l~er · f o Ille world . 111110 wore /I bas"/1I1 10011," 3rt! X lli Rug by, Inte llc('tual. BOYS. ;' H ell is I' m pl y and fi ll til e devils are here, "M y oId b r(l i n lroubles Hockey, 31'd Rugby, Drowses or I'e.. ds Car magazines all da y. I f' N POWELL. lIIe ." WAYNE R J ECK . " Who m is ' ''is maitl w ilh !!I(IJ' / 10 jJlfI )'1" Il lays Hockc y. ;ll tr<l Cts fo nd followers. 7IIholl/ I .1 1M ROLfE. " 1/ I be so bold (u 10 Plays tennis. /llfl y rO lll m d ict YOllr L ord.J" ip." GRAEi'IIE SC HMIDT. " Any,hillg /0/' (j CUlIdagai stock. Resides at The Hol e and considers it h is home. 'I 'liel Ii/e." D U N CA N SUTHERLA N D, " H e is ,,/I Imil)'!" C<l ll berr,l? Thal's ncar Looking rO!· promotion in C;.de ls, DIII1[I'Oon. " THE HI LL" Seue ll lY·l hree CLASS SC McPHERSON'S BUTCHERY 28 Boyl;s St., Woggo Woggo Ceduna St., Mount Austin QUALITY MEATS - - - - - FRESH DAILY Modern Refrigerated Displa y Makes Choos ing Menu Easy WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS J . McPHERSON 6 SONS RENT OR BUY • QUALITY TV Brond new ASTOR 23 " sets. Lowboy or console models. • Low monthly repayments. • Option of purchase . F\.JII refund up to 6 months. • No other charges. Free service. • No licence needed . • N o interest. (B.. ~ Row); 510w.<' w •• !. I. .. RoUo, M.lcolm Chone y, Oe nnl , ;\ NDREW THOM. " Th e more heMl ily we ttrink, Ih e $001/(''r we I't!och Ih e dl't!gs." H as he a wig 01' not? STEWART WEST. " T o his own he keeps." i\ ly kingdom for a truckI Lives in a world of hi ~ own. C K...EC WESf]\'IA N. " HlIl/tnl so lIellr i., lI, dolI, hOlo'ly grow hi$ Irllla ei t!$." Cow·cockey from Ladysmith . Rides hot motor·bike. I AN \,VJLSON. " For Satisfoction guaranteed. Willon, Jim I OTl/t d several W OIII C II." UVUtI/ virlll t!$ I havt! Don '[ touch the Riley, i[ sn 'atches easilyl GEOIYF WOODS. " T hey Wue big, bllt I SHORT TERM RENTALS FROM ONE WEEK We cater especially for school holidays IlIsle r!." (??) Another lad flam L'td ysllllth League 1st X IIJ , tennis. Very q UIet I! W(/$ and Edward Sts. WAGGA Phone 4497, 4783 MIY • • , RO il McK a y, Wlyn. Cummin •. Row): Geoff Wood ., II .. POWl n, Willy Young , Onid Kligh •• " , And ..... Thorn, 5'"ph. .. Moy.oy, Gr ..me S.hm id t, Way ... Riuk, Te.ry Noma,h... (Front Row): Alln Cull;ng , Cer~ Cr;';(o., Paul hnwick, Suo Tulloh, l e rb ere While , SUI l enenlVne, Duncen SUlherlend, Polor M..Don ~ld, Gre g We. lmen. (Middl . WALLY YOUNG . " T he IIlmosl I CtJ II SIIY at the //lom elll , is tlwl I have eMI a lavollmble ey" ," Plays soccer. R ecently lost a p ipe. DAVID PATERSON . "1 l ea /' there will be a worse olle ill his /)Ia Cl!." It's not possible. " T H E HILL" 5D GIRLS SUE KELLY. " H e's III)' world ." Sue is a Ten I'in Howler on \Vednesrl:l Y afternoons. She has a defi~!ite 5th year interest and "O h, that snow trip JUUE ROD HAM. "lVhue art! 1110/1. Rod.~" Julie plays Ten Pin Bowling and ten nis. She has a certa in in terest in a certai n ba nd and loves blue Conillas. .lILLIAN Sl\ IITH . " She is len iellt." J illian plays ill the 3rd Grade Hockey. She longs for a visitor from \VilliamSloll' ll. Enjoyed herself ,I[ R .A.A. F. Gr;lduation n alll SUE WULFF. " H e .. eyes slt i ll e 101' Adelnicle al/d Sydn e')' ." Sue is ca pta in of 31'(1 Grade Hockey. Sh e doesn 't say much about he r pri. vate life. Sevtnly·five 5 D BO YS Ice cream eaters love () the taste of c?r::} Pele.e§ DAVID ,-\ RG U E: H e Jelt Navy ;ll1d ~c(" the ,"Vorld:' CHICK KELLY Ib 10 N EV I L LE DALGLE IS H : "'S,/("II ·'.I o in the /IIel/ (I !"f' fi rlllgerolls." P la ~'s in the 1st XV III A uslI'alia n R liles team :1I1d th e 1st X I II R ug by I.eague tea Ill. He .. bides a t the " J-Io lc," 117 T A RCUTTA STREET, W AGGA K E I T H E DY VEA N : "Neller .~/I//lie 11i.\' ,L:0l")' /oclu fI/ /lie ." Ke ith pkl }'s in t he 1st XVIII A Llsu';d ian Ru les tea m :111<1 is also the ca p tai n o r the 3rd X III R ug b y League ICillll. " Oh , woe t /l(· da y" when he joi ned o ur class, W ho is Elain e? Rive r Gravel , Sand, Loam, etc. RO D FIN I.AYSO N: " ' I'h ere a l'f I holl, l illie?" A C:lde t C,U.O ., he i~ a lso in tcrested in Cricke t , R ug bY Leag ue <lnd AUSII',d i'lll R ule~, Ou tside schoo l he is the Le ad C uitarist o f a qui te wcll known b;l nd , i\·I A R K GAL L AC H ER : " H e's q ui,·f bllf .," " lark is the K hool's \, ice.c'qlwin ami also plap For Su ppl y- in the 1st X II I Rug by Le:lg ue team , is the GIJHai n of t he 1st X I cr icke t tca m a nd capta in o f t he 1st XV III t\ust ral i;l ll Rules team , Priva te li fe is a secre t. KE ITH H AN D: " M ouse," I-Ie pl ays in the 1st X II I R ug by Leag ue team , is a lso interested in base bal l a nd we don' t k noll' who or wha t e lse, GRAE i\ IE KIL LALEA, " T he 11/(/ 11 /10111 M ill/go ," H e plays R ug by fo r the 1st X III , a lso pla ys Austra lian Rules :md t ri e~ CI'ickcl. He loves (?) t he liCe a t the " Ho lc," ./OH N LAUG H TO N. "'1 mill/ i r e her {rolll a{m'." H e p lays in th e 3nl X I II R ug b), Le ag ue tea m. H e is in LerCSled in wcight lifti ng :Hld Sue, JOH N i\ IANDE RSO N, " A good all d hflrdy !ioldia, " He p la y~ ill the 'Ith X III R t,g by Leag uc tcam , H e is a Sergea nt of Cadets, DAV I D i\IcKENZ I E, " Cas/leI' III)' l /tll." He pla >',~ (e ll ni~, cricke t. Austra lia n R ules a nd Rug by League. Has an im e res t in COOlam ll ndra. CLASS 5D PHONE 2566 CASTLES & HARDWARE have been assoc ia ted ove r 100 yea rs IN WAGG A SIN CE 1929 Their gree t ing s now o re o ffered to s tudents of Woggo Woggo H igh School and the ir good wishes to those who set o u t from school thi s year to speCiol ise in t he ir chosen careers. CASTLES BROS. Pty. Ltd. - HAR DWARE SPEC IA LI STS (8a< ~ Row): Num. Da lgl.;. h, K. il h Ed yvun . G'a..... Killat.a, Rob. ,1 Moon, John Ma" d. ,son. 182 BA YLI S ST ., WAGGA WAGGA (Mid dl e Row): Ku in Whu tl . y, John ROi l. " Arn . Pe t. " . n, Mark G. U. g h. " Jo hn l . ... g hton , D. vid McK.n%i., (Fron t Row): Ro d finl . Ylon , Sue K. Uy , Juli. Rodham. GiIIi. n Smilh . 5ue Wulff, K. ilh H. nd UTI-I E /-II U ," Sel1ellly·sroell 1 l C lass 50 (Com .) K. & M. DUFF Pty. Ltd. A. 2 EDWARD STREET, WAGGA w. ROBERT MOON. " Noli e of lit e dll )' UII I fill of 'h e Ilight." H e pla ys ten n is. hockey <lnd swims. H as an interest ill 3rd For m a l i\h . Austin Hig h. LOCH JOH N P EEL. Left liS during the year 10 "work in the place th,H is supposted LO keep o ur money safe." M.PS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Fifth Year AND RETAILER S Dispensing Chemist Phone 4000 & 4011 80 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA for all your Phone 3212 Electrical Requirements MARilYN BOC K: "M~y ,ead IIrange mane ,.." Quoles poetry. Avid reade , of unu l ual boob. Hlil. f,om a Ba,ham ,ice farm. ti hs .'gumen' s. Junee wi lh unknown women h. bi ., bu . apparenlly moves freely. JANEllE DONAVEN, "Th e ve'y pu'ple o f perfe c.ion. " Re.o" s ' 0 pu'ple hair. Le ads gay bul conceal ed l ocial life. Inre rel'. ar 'he Teache .. and Ag. College •• GREG BROOKfS, "Lei us go for WI aher midnighl." Firsl XIII. Re je " XIII. An oralor bu l ul uallv .alk. 10 himself. likes fruit ullne, girl , and lo. fing, in . h" o,der. Reg. el$ leaving al 9.30 p.m. PAT EDGEHllL: "Men of few wo,d s are . he be.. me " ." Rlr"'" , quiel. Pa! i. ou, only LMin .. ude n" 5t.e e njoy. "'eared argumen ls in Anc. Hillo,y. From MI . E,in. DENNIS BURTON: "Bul con"."I, "'e was pe d ec•." Re j"" XIII, lsi XI. Guess who w,ole . he.e nOles. BARBARA HAMiLl: " I am willing '0 love all mankind ." The only girl in Ihe Chemi."y cia.. 1 Barb i, I~ cap •• in of Ihe "B" "'ockey lea rn. She h• • a cerlai n inle,e. ' in Fi flh Yea,. PETER BROWN: " Th ou sha9 ea.ed 'ebel." TR·YC A.R.F.C . playe •. Alhlelic e.... mp. Pl ay. b.s. for My,tic, despile loo. ball knuckle, . Now knows T"'e difFe.ence between 13 .nd 18. HilARY JAY, "I am no. in Ihe ,oil of commOn men." Hails from Canberra. Love . Ilying 10 confuse cerlfin .eaehe rs . T"'oroughly enjoy. occasional .0ei.1 life. GEOFF DA WE: "Unde, who. e colou.. "'e had foughT So long." Re jex XIII .nd bin ,"'row e.- a 1.lenled card and Iw oup playe. wil'" silve . medal onl V f.om C.de l Ball. A'my seem s pOlenT? SUE KEllY: "I'll PU I a gi'dle ,ound I~ ea,I'" in fO'ly miles." D,ivel 10 . chool - only one mishap. In.eres. s al Ihe Ag. Colleg e. 50cial life gay bu . fairly . eerel. VIVIAN LARDNER: "We il a jell." Loves mad comic" Iko,ice and iok es. Enjoys dispuling ide .. cOnce'ning M,. Polly. Rejex >c"ler squad (very succenful voice for c"'ee,ingl). TIMBER MERCHANT and JOINERY Rorrison Engineer Supplies " jEN Kf NS FOU .lO / NE Rr" PT\'. LTD, Glom, Glazi ng. Lime, Cement, Galv. Iron 75 MORGAN STREET, WAGGA CAROL lIEBECK: "She has b,own .... i' .nd speah sm.1I li ke a woman:' Comeo from Ju nee. Reje~ chee, squad. Inle,' e ... , leac"'ing and cle,k • . ANNE ROBINSON: "0, IhM a (ce, ' ain l) man mig"'l know." Yearn. fo' lOng h.i,. Anne is f,o m M •. E,in. He, so cial life good (eniovs male company l) JENNY ROBINSON: "Sm ile once mo,e." Love. ch ip. . l e.d. see,el .0ci.1 life. AlwaYI Imillng. " Ahvi n liLe" Alumin ium Wi ndows E L E C T .. 0 T 0 Thos. H. Jenkins & Sons R I R PTY. LTD. C S E L E C T R I C po'a'o SUE SMITH : "NO I"'ing will come of no''''ing'' . bul m.ybe of someone. lovel "Pele,. p.I,," Vellow ". Iickers" and Dylan records. Re ad .....0" Jlorie. and quee, poetry. Fav. ou, ile word, ",evolting." Guucring and Masonite 209 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA A R NE PETERSON : " Whfl/ 's Itis techniqlle?" He follows cricke t and tries tennis whelJ he goes to sport. JOH N ROSLER . " H ow quiet he is?" Pl ays tennis and who's Margaret? KEVI N W H EATLEY. " M ul/'s v est frie n d. " (1 pity the poor a n imal.) He is ca ptain of the 9.7 Rugb y team and is a lso interested in baseball. Enjoys the life at t.he " Pastoral.·· Private life is a secret. . GAYE SMI TH: "She look. upo" ''''em wilh a 1... , ... le ning eve ." H.ill f,om Yerong Creek. li ke . Caba' el Balls, Ag. College • •udenls .nd DoClors. 0 T 0 ~AYE WILLIAMS: "Ti. an ill cook ''''al cannot lick hi. own finger • ." Reiex ch .. er Iquad. A Junee.i le. Gaye i. ou, on ly cooking sludenT. CoNe have n', had any samples Ihoug"'l) R s JUDI WYLY, "We have heard Ihe (timel II Midnig"" ." Lead, great 10ci. 1 life. Love. pa.ti", and "'a.e. Engl; .... homework. Good org.ni.e,. Favou'ite word i. " actu. lly." CARMEl KAIN : "Conllanl you are, bUI yel a woma n." Anolhe' of Ihe Re j"' '' cheer squad. like, popcorn and P'O" peel;ve leact.e rs. Hail, f'om Junee. PHONE WAGGA 3307 PHONES: 2297. Afler Hours 52546 BARRY BOWER, "'I am del e.m ined 10 prove a villain:' C.B. H.S. Ou lCISI. Fi." XIII, Reje" XIII. la,k i. a skulke , f'om P.O. Box 15 " THE HILL" J ROSS DEA NS, "le. u. no' be dainly of leave laking. " Reie" XIII , golf. Ro .. has Chinese I1nge .. and heps us guessing abou l Ihe dlle. Biology se em. "'i. 1I.0ngell subjecll PAUL flYNN: "Tea, "'im fo' his bad verses." Re jex XIII . Napoleon XV , e'ea'or of wei.d verse. , avid Dylan followe. is famous fo, wild parties . Ha. ye t '0 acqui'e r"'e 'mel! of bu. nl loasl. MICHAEl E. GRAY: "Give me ''''e glass ." Relex XIII, h. XIII. A l,ansiSlori l ed move, . Ton e nioys • g.e" 10d.1 life _ gale c... hing .nd frui t .aline . Bede', a co.pilol. PHIL HAND: "Hi. presence ma kes uS rich." Golfe r. Drive l Nippone,e car 10 school. A IrulV con l " enli"" . .eject. Has ' hoi blood (al w lY. a • • now). TERRY HhYAR: "By Ihe ninlh hour i. ,hal .he u"e.mo ..... Con,islenlly lare. An ideali ••. Te rry play. goll Ind mOVel wilh Ihe lime • . ROBERT HUSKING: "I cram Ihee wi ,h mo.e food ." Fi,,, XIII, Reiex XIII capt. A ,u.onable prefec •. B.rny-a judicious epicu re_a. piled up in bed la$! August. Pod i. , .... only member of 51: Engli' .... KEIT H INGEMAN: "Then le.,n 10 know him now. Thi. i. Heinz." Reiex XIII playe,. Hail. f.om COOla and lives On slop. in Garland Sireel. A renowned Dutc'" cricke le ,. DEN NI S JENKINS: " " i. a malle' of sm ell consequence" (minimal). Re jex champIgne gol f .ep. Jenk gell On very well wi lh Ron. One daV he'll ge l Iha, "P" • oh boyJ GRAHAM LEVETT: "It must nor be de nied !hal I am a plain dealing rebe l. " Rejex XIII. lsI XIII. Ollie i. OU' re p. at 5Upper provided by MI . erin ilte , d. balea-an exeuse Of1ly . DisplaY I full app ' eciaTiOn of cullure (500). SelJell f),-lIin t: FIFTH YEAR SALMON'S PHARMACY MRS. M. ]. McENTYRE and PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE FULL PRESCRIPTION & CHEMIST'S AUSTRALIAN ART FLORIST SERVICE DA ILY DELIVERIES FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCAS IONS To City, Turvey Pork, Mount Austin and Koo ringa l SALMON'S PHARMACY 196 BAY LI S STREET, WAGGA S PHONE 3 132 WAGGA WAGGA P.O. BO X 72 PH ONE 33(H T '0 0 L Australia n Bldg., Fitzmaurice St. See HARDY S range of imported quality TOOLS ot fantastica lly low prices - just one example Six piece File Set SOc. T 0 0 L S AVOR Q uality products MIIIIII /oct llrers (Third Row): M. Gray, T. Murphy , G. l ev in, G. B,ook •• P. Flynn, P. Sh err. d, P. Hand. 01 (Second Row): G. Oew . , O. Je nkins, C. Cein, S. Ke lly, G. Smythe , V. l ..dne r, T. He ly . r, R. Hu.king . Cappy's T omata Sauce AVOR (Front Row): M. Alln, A. Rob. rtson, C. lie be' k, G . Willi a m., S. Sm ith , B. Ha mill , H. Jay , J. Robinson. Lemon Squash Two Fruits sold in Bottles, H alf G;ll1on <l lld C"llon lars also mmmfachu'crs of OLD STYLE BREWED GINGER BEER ,nd for hardware (Back Row): T. M.rch ant, S. Wilson, N. ' . " • •• on, O. Burl on, A B. Bow, .., K. Ing . ,man. . Smith, P. Brown, ALL HIGH CL ASS AERATED WATERS 11M MARCHAN1 · "Me I d I h ,egafd." Reiex XIII . B II .ny a a y ave eyed with best I . u IS" mover, luppoled Pre fect and oppef. Renowned for choice commen .. anywhe fe. . TERRY MURPHY: "Mounted on " hot and fiery steed." Rele x XIII, lot XII I. Drive' of Herby X2. Mud, an spud peele' ha l an affinily 10 fruil saline and loIS. experl despe~~te, - - NOel PAnERSON: " lhy schooldays fri htf wlld and furiou •. " Rejex XIII, ht XIII . Ban'oghuu1a wil. tead l .eCfe! but gay .IX;a! tile. I promISIng Scho:IRU';!rd~E,~ LE;~ : "Some of his words were nol Sunday adore. the Drive.ln. c~U Oer~i X~", .golf. Th,iving on Cabana. Sel Ask [or Them 87 BAYLI S ST. WAGGA WAGGA Ie e In cards. Ha. sh.r el in Hoyts fa U :A~~ ~~AR~AD: "'Would he nOI "umble, would he nol ~ ? Relex XIJ!. Anolher supposed intellect fond o f War Memo,ial. Oearesl peddln Slacked C'M f"" ;:,~o~~t~ . .,A LAN SMITH: "Ah, would Ihi• •canda l vanish wilh Ide. Fir$! XI erichl, a thlelics. Boeing a C.B.H.S. h as the unusual habit of bird watching al ninhl owl . we think I "fof outca~r. w ,STEVE W~,LSO~: "Who i. this maid with whom thou 61 1 M pl~V1 lIelex XIII. swimming. Plefeci (ulually). SI as Crusty's pin'up and he .till is dai. y ;';~in~~po.ed p::,,~ .. "'The trouble with dropouts ;1 nOl that Ihey can'l see Ihe w,""ng on lhe w"lI, bU I Ih "1 Ihey un'l read it:'~W.W. Remember AVOR pleases th e PALATE "T H E HI L L " Eight y-olle 1 FORM 4 FOR CLASS 4A GIRLS THE BEST BREAKFAST Hepburn & Lovett SHERYL CAse, "1$ .... meek And mild?" l eoni. ream. i misl on lhe bra nd MARGO CLAIIK, "Whe, .. , ... ,.'... 'Will' lhe •• '. ~ WAV . " "C' hock• .,. rum. for RIVINA CASE CAROL OENGATE.: "And lome ,h., Imil" h.ve in ,he;, head. millio"s o f mltch'el." h I b.sketball tum, "hl.lin. JUliE GillARD, " H.. •• lomebody man" . or ;. he? on your and MARGARET GIIOSE: "Of .11 Men .Iive, I " .. SAUSAGES FIAT TRACTORS th. t .peelel I~ce," Tenni. tum, a nd -(( BACON JAGUAR and DA IMLER CARS Now wrOlppcd in Cellophane for extra PrOlection -(( YOU GET THE BEST IVHEN }' OU ASK FOR MOBILCO EQUIPMENT EDWARD STRE ET R I V I NA PHONE 3423 WAGGA WAGGA "'.e'. 2nd b".kerb.1I ,urn. v"' ye, beheld JAN HAM ILTON: "Good thing' come in smeU p.d'''!I'I!I,'' A.k Tony. 3rd be.ketbell tum , JANI Cf HINKLEY: "I h~"e him not, yet I see him .till," PI'YI tennl •. JANKE JENNINGS: mee k:' Hockey pl'yer. " H.th bourne JUDY MACKAY, "She doe. conlell .he dis tr.cted." 3rd b...ketb.1I tOim. I.cuirie. sO r,,,d. Mrself CHERYl McCALLUM: "She th inh too m"ch .bout . . • Fifth Form inlerell? New member 10 lhe d.n Irom Ce.ino, 3,d basketbell '"m. SHIRLEY RENISON: "I .m yet unknown hockey lum. '0 10"10." BARRY TAYlOR: "It'a been • h.rd dey'. nigh,," Caplain of ,he Fi", XIII and '''''elled '0 Sydney wilh rhem during TM Augull holideYl, WILLIAM TIPPING: "What I hall become of him?" Bill pl.ys lennis end i. cI ... capllin. COLIN WESTMAN: " I h.". nolhi"lil 10 deda,. btJT my geniv •. " HaU. from l odYlmi lh, play. lenni., BARRY WILliS, "W.lk 1.11." PI.y. hoc key '0' Ci ty I, Thr;ve. on Science .nd Math •. "l.,', KEN WROBel: nol lee"e him oY'." Ken pl.ys bukelb,1I end enjoys e good geme o f Rugby. "B" WAGGA'S OWN BRAND ANNE SHEA FFE, " The,e i. bUI only one menl" PleYI lenni •. (P. F. Riedell & SOilS) PHONF. 2976 BEllY STRONG, "Poo, p,errler how Ihou •• Ikell l" Fin! ba. kelb.oll tum. JOSEPH IN E ABBOT: "It', belter to know no,h ing, Ihen lome lhing whal a,n't 10," LIZ TRIST: "I. you, men ..,etel?" 2nd ba.ketbell rum. BARBA RA TURNER: " Whe rher we shall mee l 'glin, I know not." b.IL things go b~~th CQ}{e IRfNE BARTlfTT: " f,he, mekes her drelmy." 2nd buket. SANDRA BAUMAN: "RAAf to the bird •. " Sc. erch cockyl JENNY BIRD: " How doe. AII.n ".nd her goulp?" Fir" b.a ke lb.II, .. Melica, KERRIE WHITING: "And they 'en' , man from hee"en end celled him " PhlUip? Ba.kelball Tllm. BRONWYN W ILLIS: "I do te .... in as neU"el." "A" hockey ream, JllllAN BLACK: "Mitior, mitror on Ihe well, I em' Ihe YoYng"" of Ihem all." Pianill, libr .. y Prefect. l YN BURNS: " W.... re heve you gone, Denny boy?" Filii baskelball, IIhJ~lit •. CLASS 4A BOYS ROBYN DOWDLE: Keep. the lockhe" POll Office in bu"nen. PAM GRA HAM; "Mary, M.ry, quil. tont •• ry," She i•. SANDRi\- HARRIS, "A ll th~ world i. med excepling min.: mine is • lirr)e med." 3. d b •• ke tbell, de .. cap l.in. GIL AllEN: "Some dey I'll kick Thi s Thing end kick ..... d." PleYI Ruin lor Tu,,,.y Pllk and enjOYI b ..keTbeli • nd elhl.riel. ANTHO NY BECK: "Red 1811. in the Ivn.eT." Represent ed W.gge High in .eillng . , G.jfr,.h. Pley ••quuh end lennil. PHilli P BUTTON: "You block, yoY "one, yoY wor.., th.n len.,.I ... Ihing ." fnjoy. welching "Combal," atlo pley. "ke tbatl. t JOHN HEDDrlCH: " Thtow M.,h. 10 Ihe dog •• " PleYI Rugby, Rvle. and CtickeT, MARK JACKSON, Ma,k tr."elled 10 Sydney Combined High School. Swimming Catni".L "'v,""',,, .. •onu......yt. LTO. _ _ _ __ _ _ _~.!..".".!.... t ... coc ... cou. co" ...."' .. CLASS 4B GIRLS Jill WHITE: 'Heir me (M,. Hooper) fo, I will lpeek," 2nd bukeTbali lum; debellr who prlclic.. in Geogflphy. PHER CLIfTON: "An experienced 'SIOT'ca,' t.c.,," Trin 10 pl.y 1M pl.no and lennis. P.'er "i,i,ed G,iffith for uiling, PETER GOWLAND: " Long beck end .id,.. end none off Ihe lop." Pete r pl.y. cricke l end basketball, ItOTTLI.O UNDK" IIUTHOftITV O~ TNI. COCA·CDLA COM .... "'V aY ··COC ... ·CD.... •• ..... 0 ··COI<I. " Alt. TH", IIco,n.ItIlO T .... O .......... 0" BRIAN OSBORNE: "A he." 01 IIone." Collect. ,ocb, enjoYI u!ling, .nd i•• membe. o f Mr. Powderly', ludo grovp. KEITH PElERSEN: "A devil in disguise." Keith playa lennla end cric\eel. LARRY RAPER: " He Ih inks 100 much .boul ..?" T'e"e lled '0 Taree ro pl.y hockey, alao pl.ya hockey lor Ci ' y III. TONY SIMPSON: "Can', g~1 no ••,ideclion f.om . Plays in , ... first XIII .nd enjOYI .'hletJes. PAUL SUNDSTROM: PI.ys goll .nd ,,.velled 10 h,ee wilh the hockey ,eam, GWENDA 2nd hock ey. HOLGATE: " Hockey and boys don'l mix," JOY INGliS: " , ..... ;1 neve• • dull momenl in hockey when rhe hockey .i",,'s eround." lot hockey. MARION KEARNY : Ado.e. the "p,elty" mM. hI hockey, MAUREEN KliMPSC H: "Bur leI him noT f,om my lhoughl •. " DIANf l AUGHLIN, Lerre .. I,om him, why noT he come. hImsel f? ROBYN NUNN, WoYld lik• • "YOVI'l9 HUlb.nd." Third b.o.ke.ball. lhe SANDRA SUTH ERLAND: Look whel .he wind blew in f,om Young. A.hletic •. KEN JOHNSON: " I .m , ecklell." T.. vetled 10 Canbe"e on f,ench I,'p, Plays be.ke tb.lI. DENISE WARWICK: "I need yoY." Ador,.. blondea end while Holden •. BRIAN McDONALD: "They're comin' 10 '<'Ike me !lw!lY ." EnloY' ph'ying "pinb.oll mechines" end beskelball, parlie" " T H E H I LL" lor HelEN HOGAN: " To be or 0101 ' 0 be, tha, 'a th~ que •. 'ion," Athle.ics . sue WH ilE: " Midnight if my hour ," Likn Eogl ish end Third be.kelbell. £ighl)'.lllr~e CLASS 4B BOYS CHillS BLAXEU: "All that gll lle,. i. nor gold." Plays Tenni • . GRAHAM BROWN : " Tumu! bu s defect." PETER CADDEN: " Had "ouble in young", yeo"," foo '· ball, swimming. RODNEY CHAPMAN: "life i, jus t one long ride." Third XIII , ,wimming. KEVIN h I hocke y learn uptain. CUTTING: "Smoh gelS in my eye .... S.i ling. BA RRY RHODES : " He' . our lin le mOlorbike lana Tic." Balke lball, hocke y. PHILtiP SHOEMARK: "The ki .. curl kid." 2nd XIII . MERRICK fISHER: ' Thou art .he lamous winger . . . on .he touch field?" Shines in " lauch" Rugby and finds lime 10' baskelball. DENNIS SMITH: "The original and Ihe be"." Turve y Park 2nd XVIII. h. XVIII. NEil SMITH: " These boots are made lor riding, bu. I wear .hem to .chool. " CHRIS GALLAGHER: "He ha.h honoured u' of lare." All · round sport. man-a fe w 01 the se indude Fifl ' XIII, baske tball, ath le.ic" squash, etc. BILL GRAHAM: "And I will si . IS quiel as a lamb." Tenni. player and a good fai ry . PETER TAYlOR , "BigeSl and beSl in 4B." Third XIII , First XVIII. RICK WHITE : "4B's Ma.h·s brain." Baske tball, swimming . TOM GRIGG: "I have l augh. golden opin ions Irom .11 10"S of people , e xcep t lelchen." Quiel cia.. membe' ??? f1Y;"9 . e'opla" .." PHilLIP FORI/EST: "A bird in the night i. worth two in ,II.. d ay." 2nd XIII . GRANT GEAGHAN: " Have hockey $lick, will Ir a... el." Unde, 16 hocke y tum . RODNEY HAll: Member 01 "48 No Homework Club." lenni •• golf. CLASS 4C GIRLS " He ll is . mply a nd a ll Ih. d .vil . ... her." • ,hola.d,ip." LORRAINE BELLING: "She nOI." Is it LB or W? Keen influence in English. JULIE DAVIES: "I th in k. cia .. member and hail, from DARRYL KEllY, " 48 glamour boy." Isr XIII, 13i . 'one winge • . HELEN FRISBY, "Ye l all goes well ???" Inle'eslS lie in uniforms and Pony Club, e njoy s .oci al a. BRIAN NORMAN: " That magnificen t man and hi l flying machin ... ," Flying a.. roplanel, judo. INGRID HAUPT : "She is given to sport., 10 wildne .. Ind much company." Go lfing in 'ere " s lie in Sydn ey. " Enjoys" partiea . I' ll DIANE HOGAN, "Throw Malhs to the dogs none 01 i•. " EnjoYI MMh, le ..ons and our lenni. player. JAMES HAMIlTON : "If I had I hamme, I would crack 11 DAN POLLOCK: " farewell mania." Ten ni •. to Jock, who'. oR 10 Ta.- PAUL POLS EN : "Going '0 be a Flying XVIII caplain; play Je rild erie ls I XVIII. Hawk." First loves him .he love. him bnkelballer and a dil lu,bing but dare not .he R.A.A.F. spuk:' Qu iel DAIRY DELITE * bu l THICK SHAKES SUNDAES * * CONES DELITE STEPHEN LEE: "He Iwo IIriped cadel. ROB ERT elLIOTT: Ou, foo'b,1I "a,. Ne w boy during Ihi. ye.r and quile quiel. 4D GIRLS " Especillly JULIE ANDERSON, Th inks .ome 01 Ihe ~th yea, boy> "lao" handlome. HEATHER SCH IRMER: "If mu.i, be Ihe load of love:' Hail. Irom Lockha rt and hal a se crel love • of hone.??? J UDY ANDREWS, Has many interesls in .ha. ,unny S,"le o f Queen . land. SANDR A ATKINSON : Plays "A" basketba ll; al,o men' s b •• ke lball. VIRGINIA WATSON : "A la.. so neal wilh a Imil e .0 swee!." like , Art Ind Au ..ie Rules. SANDRA BARTHOLOME W: Hang .he man, Sand, • . DEBORAH SRAINES: "Ma l k. " ThOle pJumbefl UI R6aIN CREAN: Lovu Ihe R.A.A.F. Ne d Kelly on Ihe ,ebound. JANICE WOOD: "Whe'e Ire .hou Romeo?" In .erell. lie here and far beyond. Swimming rep . and 2nd buke . bliler. BAR DAIRY DELITE HEALTH BAR (Near Memoria l Gardens) And at- M rs. Hoskins' Doiry Delite Bor, Tumut is no rebe l:' FOOlbatl p layer and IAN WOODS, "What , 'range d,0w.ine n pallen. . him?" One of Ihe 'lamoul three ' minu, a loolh . h . XII. player . LYN TAYLOR: "Come fly with me. " "B" hockey playe'. MaUle f,nd. R.A.A.f. Iile e l(ciling. (Nea r Huthwaite 's) Eighty·foll l" PETER LATHAM: "'H e is not d angerou s?" C",,""nl gall player Ind sell . newspape ... KERRY BENNeTT, One of the few ene rge lic bike·riders lelr. STEPHEN HOWARTH: Ca.. ! Call! Canl EniOYI coug hing . JOHN LYMBERY, JI only "girl." w as a sub ject lor Ihe 41h Ye l r Cer t ificate. DAVID WATERSON, " He', a tired and valian , soldie' ." Play. In aC!ive ' {?) pa't in cade l•. ANNE MULCAHY , "Look. like on innocenl flower O HI" Inle'es" in 4th and 5 1h yur. JENNY PRICE: " The powe' of a man in b .. kelbal1. Athl e tics member. AT WAGG "'S SPECIALTY BARS- DA IRY JAMES HOWARTH: "So lillie o f hi' grea t .ell." ' nle,uU in Koo'ingll bus and i. in love w ith an e ngine. SHERYl PATTERSON : "I. she meek and mild?" In lerells lie in England, Moorabbin and 'Op-art: " GOLDEN BOY" DO-NUTS THICK SHAKES MITCHELL'S IA N BAIRD: Thr ee chee ..-a. long Inl he remembered his nO'e. JOHN NelSON: "U ,e you' lu.hority." Class Capllin wi lh . h" 'voice of authority.' Cricket and foo.ball p layer. BRIAN SPRAKE: "Although he is bu. 'mall " lives in hope" wilh golfing and football in.ere ll •. JAN McGR..,TH: "Huven know ' whal , he hal know n." tnteresll hide behind .he "Rock." KATHY GRAY: Took the Ichool by slo, ml CLASS 4C BOYS ALISON GRIFFITH: "Talking about her generation." MARILYN HEPBURN: Likes ealing. Enjoy • •rip. to Albury . " Knowl edge i. a gift:' GRAEME ANDERSON : "I hive nOlhing .0 declare bu. mV genius:' Quie' cia .. me mbet and ten nis pllye,. KERRY CAMPIIElL: "By this . li ck r will s upplan. lome of your te eth:' N.S. W. S'"te hockey leam. Enjoy . lunch limel. JOHN CEENEY: "Oh, thy heod of fi, e." Tenni. and footy player. ALAN CROAKER : "fa, I have nei .her w it, no r wo,ds, n Or worth." S.arred in "Gondoliers" and hiS come up in the .ocial 'Cene wi.h inle'e'" in second yel" CAROL JENNINGS : flying machines." "Those magnificen t men in .hei, ROBYN JONES: "Road hog:' CHERRltl KERSLAKE: Come ou l 01 'hat bookl ZelMA KliEVENS: " Up the hai, lorce: any lhing Mye .. Combe." GWENDA "THE HI I.L " McK ISSAC K: " THE HILL" J fo(m . MICHAEL HEDLEY, " He grows worse and wo ..e:· Es. pecially at Frenc h. Ke e n lootb otler wilh in'erell. in 3rd yea,. RALPH MARTELL : "Who i. th is maid wilh whom thou wa .. a t pl a y?" Re p'ele nted in 2nd XIII. AI "aCled ' 0 Buna SI. ALEX MITROVIC: " Look how well hil garment. do hang upon him." U.ua lly Ilk.. a parr in cade ls. LYNDAtL KINGSTON, "It's B.rry, I'll marry." A,de nl lollower 01 Ihe lst XIII. BlSkelbalie r and athlelia rep. 4.h KATHY THOM : "II thou art you," Ihou .,t mine." VICKIE LANGLANDS: Can resist anylh ing bUI templlt ion i"ell (devi l on .he rebound). VICTOR ALLEN: Mr. Hornidge's baby boy. Ge ne ra l of 4D. PETER McMANUS: "McManUI . hlll . Ieep no more." En . joyed Griff'lh Trip and conllanl le lle r write, ? f ooly play e r. OLGA JARRICK: "A ticke t 10 ride." Inlerests in bulche'y Departed for Geelong ea rly this ye ... JULIANNE POWER: Another neWCOmer '0 Seem$ . 0 e njoy .he cily 01 Albury immen.e ly . RAY HAND: "A worthy gen.le man." Take. an aClive parI in Engli sh lelSon.. Worthy Cadet wilh !everal interu ts in Urana Streel. ROSS McGILVRAY: "God fo'give, fa, I Irt a villain." Had hope. for P' e fects BaU; fooly player and loreve, avoiding French home wo' k. SUE JANS: "I a m but a lady 01 dignily:' Enjoyed " Gon. doliers" and .chool ball. LEONIE MAGELlON : Sad ,ac k withoul Mac. JIll MA1I:SDfN: " Smile pl e ase:' Corowa . here ,he Carnes. MEG MORGAN, "Red" . Vanco . here Ihe come •. BETH PIEPER: QUie l aim. high. "Keep looking on and fo r • up." 4D BOYS JOHN McNABB: Brighl .park-or li kes '0 thin k so. JAMES McCREA : Elster camp • . Play s hockey, and seem. 10 enioy CHRIS MAGUIR E: Comes '0 ,chooJ occasi""ally. STRA UGHAN SC HOFielD: A lway. seem. '0 have a prob_ le m in Ma lh " and i. in love wilh In engine. come;R~?op~~ Y:, Mlth . being hil favourile subject. he .Iway. GARV WIlliAMS : Red lor dange" Ano.he r Ca, maniac! MR. HORNIDGE: " Hi. blrk'. worse Ihan h il b ile l" CLASS 4E GIRLS SH IRLlY CRICH TON: "A moule am I?" Enioy , .enni. and would like 10 b eCOme 0 nurse. SANDRA DINGWALL: " The Dance ':' Has a c.. uol intereSl in the R.A.A. F. Trainee • . 3rd ye .. Iruckies a'e Ihe end . YVONNE HAMILTO N, "Fred." Hail, from Downside whe , e she is an active member of Ihe Junior Fa,me ... Follows Ihe " hill·billy" Mllrrar football te am. JEN NY HASLAM: R.A.A.f . Apprenlices are Iter main in'ete,,; but ,he ,1.0 likes dancing and photographing certain people . MARGARET HEDDITC H, "Dear f,ie nd, Ihose limes are aVe' and done ." JuS! craIy abOUI "mod" clothes Ind boy •. He r hobbies include basketba ll and I w immin g. CHRISTINE HILL: "Is il slill Sydney; or i. II Me lbourne now?" I. continually w i.lling for , fi, e: like . mUleUmS. An "A" g"de hockey playe r. JULIE JO HNSON: "Whal doe • • he see, .hal we do nOI See ?" EnioY I immenoely ~n e~citing life, inlerelt lies in SIll form . RUTH MICHAel: "Slog ·em. Ruth." In the .chool lenn;, . eam a nd .he choir. ANNE MILLER : "Wake up my mind." I. keen on Andy Capp; • lo'quoi .e Holden and rur . 1 life. ROS TAYLOR: Shows a keen in te res l in Ihe Mangopl.h h I XVIII and al.o likes an e ~citing $ocial life. JULIE WHiTlOCK , Found her hurt in Ihe production 01 "T he Gondolien." Like. horse. and .. ce rrain Sth fo,m boy . SYLVIA STALS· "J track him in vain " Inlerell ~e:.il~ ~i'~ fo,m, enioys f1ving down moun ' ain" a1 111 le~din9 Eighly·five CLASS 4 E BOYS JEff LANGE: "liV<!s for (4", S, nOI for women ." PI.y s u. up lhe .1I.ys. JEff POST , " I .m y~1 unknown 10 lo~ • ." Rep.uen " lhe sc hool in I. nni s. JAMES FOX , " He i. no .e bel." Auslt.lian Rul". pl.y • • by h.att, bu' Itie. al Rugby. STEPHEN PRICE: "The long· h.i.ed blond- al.o 'he en~y of . econd y... ." Play. Rugby and c. ickel. GARY LEHMANN , "If lhe m..., be • bacheIOf." A keen hot.e tid • • • nd lenni, pl.ye. (I ,hink?). ROBERT DONALD: "e.o." and BIi , 'e.$." I• • n off",e. in lhe cadets; .Iso .aces .101 U'". KENNETH ROBERSON: " Wisel y I Sly I am a bachelo •. " A tennis pl.y •• who .uns • d.l. y. PETER McCUllOUGH: "I . m nOI jealous of you." PI . y. Au",.lian Rulel .nd Itie. 10 pl.y Rllgby . ALLAN BUSHEll: "Oh, I will join Ihe A.my. " A p.omi,ing cade ' lOAd . 1.0 pl.y. Rugby . GRAEME GEAGHAN : " Unknowing I lo~'d my book •. " A . kilful Rugby plly~'. PETER ANGel: " I know you'.e my pel, bul lhe,. i. no need 10 I• • n on lhe Win. " T.in he.d ., Rugby bUI 11 I Rul.s pl'yer . , hea.'. PETER HARTLEY , " While I I I, IllY by." A hockey player .nd . 110 .n Au.'tlliln Rulel pl.y". GRANT MORSON : " How g.oIs ,he nighl, boy?" AUIIt.liln Rulel pl.yer . nd • gi.l chlOe •. IAN WALSH : "Ou. innoc.nl ",If," PI.y, hoekit'( .nd Aus". Ii . n Rules. JIM BOURNE, " The cherm II fi.m .nd good." A Ichool • ep. ~"enl.'iv. In hockey . AI.o likes 10 pl.y Rulu. ROBERT FORREST: " Has bu l on. lo~e." PI.y. in fitSl XIII . t~nnis and •• ees his CLASS 4F GIRLS PATTY CASHMAN: "I utep' ROS CASTLE, " I . m I de~iI JENNY DAY: "Oon'l judge • in swimming. CI ... cap"in. CHRI SSY DOYlE: See k ROl lyn lif. . . il come s." in dlo.guiH ." book by itl co~e •." beell and thou . h.h I •• k m•• 100. SUE GRADY, "John'. hi. n.' .... lo~e·s hi. game." Bo •• ds in lown. CIII' ~j('·Clpl.in. BEVERLEY HOLT: " To.h.y . w.y." beel. in . word foghling. ELAINE JONES, "Fo.e~e. look ing up." SuR~ .. f.om p.ins in he. neck. htels in diving . nd swi mming. DIANE KOElZ : " He . inlerull lie ac.ou ,he .oom." Comes f.om ou l of lown. JENNY NIXON , "J enny il my name . . . dang er il my game." h eellenl we.the. lo.eca, 'et. live . just out 01 lown un SIEVERT, "It hu... 10 be 10 much in lov • ." Jim il he. m.ln Inle ..... RHONDA WENSICE , " Neve • • smile doel she show ." MODEL AND PORTRAIT CLASS 4F BOYS PHILLIP ANDREA, "I'm jusl • lIint .ully. Pl.ase b.lle v. PATRICK DAVIS, "I Ity, .i •• but 'j ingoe.' i" , h. rd ." PI.ys footb.lI. PETER FARRElLY, "If I was ju" .n Itlful dodge •." Hail'. f.om mighly M. ..... JAMES GAUlD: J.R. '1he sk', ,he limit." A ~ •• y brighl pupil. Leltn. judo; ve.y dange.oul . ~ON HART , " Has Iroublel wl!h his .ubbe. band (group)." Is a bright pupil. IAN HILTON, "Give me • glove .nd I'U fighl my battl ..." PI.y' fOOlball. LES HOOGE: "I f I jU11 had • b"in, I'd be d.ng.rOUI. " PI.YI for 7.7 foolb.lI. IVAN KNOWlING, "Whet'. thll one he.e me.n. min?" T.i~. 10 h.. d. JOHNNY lIMBERGER, "Give me my guilt • ." pl.y, for local g.oup . Ve.y I matt on his lee' . Soccer pl.ye •. GARY WATTS: "W.lly lhe Corpot.1 il hi , name ." Big cade' . REX WHilE, "Oh, bul I .m dim'Clful." PETER WHITING: "Eve.ell is high. bu I he'lI catch up ye ' .'· L...,ky lad, Ities 10 be • good linge •. GRAEME WIlliAMS, " Oh. to be • l ueeeoful cri tic." PI.~ . 2nd XIII football. WARREN Will iS, "Oh for • life full of pin·b,II I:' Hi. fi. " lov •. CLASS 38 It. It. FORM 3 CLASS 3A W e mull be . he bell dus In the school at making a • acke l, 'he quie lest ellS. in the fo.m when question. loom. yel the moo t ,.'pen,ive wh. n volunt.er. for .n err.nd ... w.nted. W. a'. good at mining homewo.k, banging .eall. d'opping . ul. r, . nd Itipping leache .. wil h OUt "hool baglo Being ,he fulu.e 6A.. we like being ve.y .ngelic .nd kind 10 .11 ove.wOfked luche .. who oh. n .ppelt 10 be lmould· e,ing inwardly. W, w •• e lorry 10 lo.e du . ing Ihe ye.r, Peler McC.rl hy. Margo. Hlftls and Out popul .. da .. ca pl.in. Pip Anlhony. We h.v. lome ,aten.ed people in our dau. It you Win. • dvice on foolball The.e's B.rry Wood • • nd " alph Willon; CLASS 3C Hi ' ..... el Thil is 3B flpotting .nd we would like 10 Ih.nk OUr CI... Pat.on. M..o McCarlhy •• nd OUt d ... te.che .. lor ,he palient help they h.ve given u. ,h.oughou' the y.... 3B con.islt of 25 gi.l• • nd 9 boys. We welcomed one neweome.. Rhond. for •• " f.om N.I.on 8.y; .nd 101' one, Roolyn P.rr, ro Tasmani • . OUt dlSl c.pllin. Bobbie Begg and Robe.' G"dy. Out "hlel. 01 lhe d ... II S.lIV C.oake., and OUt swimmer Pere. Malcolm. Rep.e.enling W.gg. High in lhe N.S.W. Auy",l.n Rule. leam Wtl Roo . Willon . Out girl baskelb.1I player. l .vini. Sr,uII. J ill 8011· wrig ht. Robyn Drummond, Ge"ldln. While. Rhond. FOffill. Bobbi. Begg .nd Shirley P.aden. Rept ••• nll"vel for hocka v Ife S.lIy C.ok •• , G.brielle Beck, Hea'her Whi ' e. Kerryn Thompl on , J.".,,, . Wy.". B.r. b ... Hepbu. n. SUil Anleli .nd Kath.yn McGilv.. y. Tennis pl.ye .. ere Ol.nn. A.cher. Par Sharp. Oilnn • Campbell, Eliubeth St. CI.I •• l .onle Thomas, Chd.. ine San· .om. K.tty Graeme and H... h.r Bell. Golf pl.y... ... Merg ..el Gllling .nd K.,y Sutherl.nd. Boy .ept...nr.riV<!1 for footb,lI ..e Robe., G. ady. Roy And.ewl, O.vid Smith. B.tty V.nn, Doug McMiII.n. Pile, M.lcolm. J.me, Podmo.e, John C..ig . nd ROil Wil .on . The High School perfo.med .n Ope", " The Gondolie.... in which members of our look parI. They w e" Sue An lell, Blrbara Hepburn. El1abe ' h SI. CI. i., Klly SUlherl.nd. Leonie ThOtTlu. Mlfgarel Gluing. Kerryn ThornpJon and Roy Andrewi. hock.y. Ilk P. t Rynehatt. Do, Fulle •• Julie Hudson, J.nny O'Donnell .nd Ch.i. Rankin. Among" our mu.ici.n, are Jenny Wilke• • nd Rosemlty Benne!!. whil. OUt IttiSl il Sue EIII,. He.m.n Slackenbu.g happily I.n. on L.ke Albe.t in . umme •. Our m.ny w ... iorl in whi le Includ. Del Parke. , John Griffi ,h•• . nd Geoff Pokoney . Fo.el Dian. Medcalf . no Mich.lI. Ch.mberl.ln drive oR f.om No. 1 'e.. Our deb".... R.y B.own. Pe, •• MiIl"d .nd Neil Mcl.od we.e no m.lCh for OUt gi... who perluaded lhe boy . to look .ft~. .he el... •egi. 'er. Of d... Although we a.e ,I I g.nlu"" the.e', one Ihat I. w.y .he.d 01 ,vI'yone-ou' du", Marian McCrea. Thi, p.ov," Ih.1 \/ irl , have bette. 1.0.'. bur it'l ,h, boy. who b.lgh ren up OUt da ... " THE H I LL" " THE HILL" - This yelf 3C i. "j.iled" in cell 10 wilh M... S.ncIe.ton U cJUI p.'.on. Out d ... conli". of 17 cherm lng gi ....nd 20 .owdy boys. was ob"ined by Julie The highesl mar k in ,he FochT, who le /l u. jult afle . lhe .um•. Second WI1 P.ul Ske.". Thl.d wes O.xr •• Cobb'n. who is • newcom.r ,hi. yu •. "B.. in" He.mu is Mti. FI.reh •• •• p.' enemy who, wi ,h Joe l Clout, neVIf f~iI. 10 b, Ipoken to at I.... ' once . v•• y Engli l h l...on. B.lketb.1I pl.ye .. rhi, yea. If. Jo Lodge. J.nel By.ne. Ch.is Motg.n, C.rmel Tompson .nd Eliubeth "lof", " Cow.lI. who w lnt '0 Cowr. 10. beskelb.1I compe lit ions. SII. fOOlball pl.ye" ,r. O.n is C ..... hi •• , Pele. P'''C4I, John Oi.on. Di.ne Repley. Shirtey Bennell. Beve rly FOI'er. H,A rh •• Rolfe . nd linda Nol.n si l up lhe back eve.y lel1on. quier and unheard . J. nny McCurdy •• Out clu. hock.y pl.ye •. We would like ro rh.nk Mn . S.ndetlon for he. p.li.n ce .nd under".nding Ih.oughour ,h. y.... d... CLASS 3D We would like to rhlnk OUt cI . .. patron. MtI. GI . ston. bu'y, .nd OUt clan Clpr.in. Marney Duff and John Will i. We h.v, 16 boy, .nd 16 gir ls. GAi l ALBERT: A ....' e .. f.om Ros. wood . SHIRLEY ANDERSON , " lov. lellell." JUNE CAREY: "C.1t on me." E igltlyoSt!IICII PAM CASHMAN: "Prid. and joy." KERR IE CLAYTON: Memo.ie. of R.A.A.F. SUE CRONK: In'e ••• 11 " Ye.ong C.eek. ANNETTE DAVIS: Hop on • Honda. LORNA DENN IS: "YO\l don'l ha ... e '0 say yoo 10.... MARNEY DUFF: "Fool, fool. fool ." CHRISTINE GRIFFI TH: Ha. in'e.UII wi.h Zephyll. ROSLYN KEllY: "Home, home on lhe .ange." CHERYl MANNING: "I w.nna be S.eve'. gi.I." SANDRA MillER: "G.oovy kirod of lo .. e." WENDY RANDALL: A mi.fil. SUSAN TAYlOR: FOl'1d m.mo.ie. of Colling\lHie. MARGE WARRAN: "On ,he .oad '0 G\lndagai." FRED BAKER: Fred BaSlell. JAMES BRIGGS: "Hold ."" I.dd •• Ileady." ROB ERT CHRISTIAN: 0\1' ch.mpion Iwimme •. LAWRENCE CRIDGE: "life ... ve •. " PAUL DAWSON: "Twinkle loel:' TRAFFORD fiSHER: "lII ' le boy I ..... " BARRY GALVIN: C•• ch ,h •• drlg"." BARRY NEST: ''Wild .hingl" STEPHEN OGDEN: The miSling link. STEPHEN POTT lE, Two love. JOHN RAY: " The.e f.el a'e made for walking." PETER ROBSON: "Women:' NOel SMIT H: T"" mo.ning ahe. Ihe nighl befo' •. GRAEME ROOTES: "Ooel yoo. chewing gum low iI. n, .. ou •. JOHN WI LLIS: "Johnny .nd Jenny." GEOFF WOODEN: "Walk tall:' CLASS 3E Well. whll en enjoy,bl. yea. we "ave ...... wi.h 0\1. 20 bOY I , 16 girll, and 0\1. cI.u parron, Mi .. AU.y . Out dUI upleinl " ave done .. good lob, .hey a •• B.. ba .. Elli. and G".me Jone •• The vice,upllin. are Jane. Rodd and Jim Meye', T"e girl. in our d,," pl.y I varl. ly of 'potll. C",iSline Campbell, S\lUn Bou. nl, M.. ria CritICOI, Ma'gar., Pilm"", LY"etle Hlrril and Paul. Jeffeflon Ir. our b".k.,ballen. §•• b".. Ellil, C"ri •• ine Seymou. ,nd ROllyn Li,,"ell .r. Ihe h<xkey .",hu.i .., •. Ann Von Schill il OV. lennil II •• , bUI Robyn p.owle, M.,le Bergmei•• , Jane t Rodd and J\llIe Shephe.rd also pl"y 'e"ni.. Hu . 1 Downie I•• he cI.1O .. hlere. T.... r. It. many IpOf.·minded bOYI in 0\1. cilil. Billy Hilton, G••• me Jonel, Jo"n B.e .. l.y, Noel Hffgr..,ve., J .. me. MlY.' , GeOtge Coch."ne, Kei ... Mille., Neville Wil.on. B.. rry Alu,nde', Howard Boo'''' Gordon HUlchin ,rod Motti. Smit h, ell pl,y Rugby Lugue. The ' ennl. pl.y,," •• e B.uce Go.ham, R.y BI,ek, Ted Hurcheon Ind Kevi" hft ••. Our .. hool c.de l membe .. Ite Jim Mey •• , GeOlge Cochre"", Jim Be.ben. Colin Gordon .... d CI,ffy T,e m,ln. CI.rry Tr.main wen' '0 Single.on and did a lped.li".' c.um cootie .. nd p,"ed a' Serg•• n,·. le .... I. We would like 10 '''.nk Mi.. AII.y fOf her plli.nc. yu •. ''',ovghou, ."" CLASS 3F "3F, calling 3f, come In plea.. :' "3 f he.e." 'Td lik. SOme infOfmll'on . boul 3F:' Well "er. we .re. W. a•• a d ... of 30: I I gi.l •• rod 19 bOyl. M•. Powde.'Y i. OUt da" p.'ron who cr.cks • jo~e .ve.y now and '''''''' .nd II a very good cook. Of lhe gi.l. D.le HuH, Sue Hodge, lynn. Mcf.. land .nd Gail S"'pw.y .11 lik. '0 gel on de'en lion, .rod look our ~I" Ind 51" y.1t l looenlli Che.yl B.lling who ..... Iway' go. her heltd In • book h" .0 look after O\lr noily cl .... Robyn C.ok." li ke. falling off "0<$0$. w .. n. P.m Weill wouldn'l go near on. . hewyn lIfunskill lik.. 10 w.iQgle I<O\lnd I.... d ..., room. Ev. Edmond.' he,rl i. on Joe .nd nol on IIIe IChoolwOtk w"ic" il given to h••. Ke lhleen Oeen Iik.1 d.ncing with lhe .igh' boy. Ann. BOlwell, quie' la.. In school bu' of 1M d ... .oom. ne .... IIOpl 1.lklng. In 'h. bOYI we hev. GI"y Bocking, T.e .. Of Carr, Neville Mille, and K.~in Toze •• •11 foo.ball pl.yer •. Ma~ H.nd Is ,I ways downing aroond. O.vid G.r ••• ng .. nd Tom P"k"ufl' ere oof IWO I.nn'" play •••. T.....Of Henwood i. a lillie .ngel who nev., lpe.ks 0\1' of lu.n. Pele. Wan jusl 'ecenlly go, "II 'oo,h knocked OU I and h.1 a guerd on it now. Ray Coc ... . ne .nd Rodney Alkinlon a. e i" ,'', udell. 0 .. Mille. like . ..Iking '0 lhe gi.I •. Neil Ounba .........ery loud ... oice. K.n Jonel Ind G."y Chapm.n .re v•• y good pell who .il \lp I.... beck. P.'e. Condon hal • nick n.m., "poslum." I.n B.ooks i. 'h. onl" one in our d ... who boa,d, al ,''' "os lel. John Roy, I\lrfi., wo.k l in • cheml.,'. Ihop. G •• y Waldan never gell up .0 any ' ''lng. Well, I"al i. .boul III lhe 'nfOlm.,lon I ... v. ., lhe momen •. '''i. I. 3F .igning off. "Ove• • nd oull" ou' O f the 16 gi ... in 2A 'hi. yelt, ..,ven pl ,y "oclr.ey on SlIu.d"YI .nd foul It. oolII.nding Iwimmen . 'he hockey pllye" .re Robyn Sundll.om, Mare. Von.", .nd Olin, lovell. all of whom h.v. compe'ed succeslfully in .wimming car· niv.i.; .nd Julie RenllOn, Suun Gillman, fliubelh R.nkin (eI... cap •• in) and cap •• ln of , .... 'eam, Be lly Swe.n.y, who he. in •••• 1I1 • • Y.nU>. T"" 01 ......w;mme• •rod OUt only gymn ..', i. Lee Kendall. Out only 'ennis play.r i. AIi.on Slewe. ' . Eigh t )'·eigh t In J \ln. ,"" boy. of 2A challeng.d ,'''' .. cond. y ... girll' hockey .um '0 • matc". The boYI 1011 Ihe fi," game bu' WOn 'hi ne~l. Our .. a, " we'e C... ld Phippi .nd Ron Dunn. lyn.don L'''gdon end Gar,y B,,"I.y have t.oubl e keeping .he" 'onguel .HU, w"lI. lhe quiel boyl •• e O,vil Todd ,nd Geof! Jon ••• M.... inv.nIOf, Coug.1 P.,.y is in .. olved i" • buggy. ne ver·.nding modific .. lon of lhe hot. . . nd CLA SS 2 8 Fill.IV '0 rid ou ... lvoo. of Ihe formali ' ies our cia .. pallon is M~ . Nowh,nd; 0\1' home room il Room IS; Our da .. capII'nl Ire David Blackall, Lesll. Coch •• ne, Peter P.n ic and B.rb... B.i ki •. Robe' l GoUasc ... Pe l•• G.ent.II, L•• I'e T. ill, Jo"n Blak•• Pele. Panic, S.ephen P.ul end David Swan ..... e "p' ..en,.d Ihe Ic"oo l e. fOOl ball. W. are ably reprelen'ed In 'he cadel. by John BI.ke, Nick H.lm. Gordon PresIon, Bruce SU lhe.l.nd, Robe.. R.dmen, Oavid Blackall .nd lin Blac:k.U. T"e uiron .,Iion." •• ,'''' Cede l C.mp didn'l .g ••• wilh our fngllshm.n Robert R.d men. Glenn Condon .nd Barty Pokoney a. e ou; "music lov.... " who .lw'YI 1" a. ,h. back of '''e 'oom. Pe. er Sed\lnary h.iI . from fOrel' HIli, w"lIe S.ephen Schmid. and 'an Hopwood I I.y ., ,'''' Hos'el. Gordon Pr... on and ~e • Thorn.on .'e.ovr d.bale ... Tony Elphick, unforlun"ely. ,n .....d On conlt.ct'ng c"icken po~ .nd II.ying ' Wly from u. for a mon.h. .'ie Gail Udden and Su",,, McMillan are bo." mad .boul boy. .nd hot.e. In I.... t ord ••. M.rg"'fll Conlon repl' •• en" u. in ,he T.nni• • nd Swim .... ing lei ...... Some of .h. q\ll.'e. girll in Our cI ... .,e Judilh C"p.",'e, .nd Wendy Sk..... Roslyn Moor., wt.o hal an Inletnl in fourl" form, i. ,1.0 q\liel in ' ''o\lgh .he il •• belliou. in Geography. W. h. ... e . wo avid No. mie fanl in Our da .. : Lyn Andetlon .nd Lyn Henderson. Oiane FOfreU i. caplaln of .he High Ju "ior•. E~iza?e'h Hindm..... enjOYI agriculture •• lhe II lhe only g,,1 ,n her cI .... Mert.n C•• i" il • n.w girl from 1umb• . 'umb • . W. wete IOf.y ' 0 101e Lesl.y Coc" •• ne • • 'he e nd of '~d lerm. eI.... CLASS 3G Thi. il 3G 'eporling. Our da .. hll 9 girl • • nd 10 bOYI. OUt d ... c.pllinl ••• B.rba•• Hulm .nd [)ennil Johnllon. K.yleen fu.y, Barb... H\llm and M.rg.re, KOfn ... v. rep· , ...nled UI In .,hlelkl. June T.. yIOf, Rhonda Kend.1I .nd Colleen Lamp.ey have Ih. n•• le.' books in our cI .... The o,"e. girll in OUt cI ... are Colle.n C... oll and Robyn Conway. W.ld. l.wson left Ul ,"roogh Ille year. In 3G '''''re . re fou< ceelell .nd , .... y .re P. , C.owley, Robe., C.we, Jim tielc"ke .nd John Rosi. Roberr O.we ;. Ih. le cond bu. marksm.n in lhe c.... ell. PII i. in ,'''' Slgn.. I.; Jim il a dr\lmme., and John il a bugl .. in 'he bind. Ron Steiner hll tepre.en led the Ichool In foo. b.lI; h. w.n t '0 New""I • . SI.phen Hicks loined out de .. thi. year. F ORM 2 CLASS 2A Gaun .let, Graha/n Corey and I.n fber •. Two newcome, " 10 our ,c"ool .re Ga"y Robb and Tony Berry. Our .egi.,e•. carrying I.iend i. Robe.1 Tullo". Marilyn Budd, our only boarder f.om .he coun ' ry, i. .I way. "king quellionl; we somelime. . Ulpecr only ' 0 Wille lime. Sue Bullon il OUt d .... cook. Judy H."i. il ,'''' "i.nce experr (lCcOIding 10 .dence I•• e..... arod p.tron, Mr. COII.m). '1.1 •• 1, Go.mly, ..... q\liele . ' gi.1 In .1Ie ellI., pr.fen 10 be seen ' . ' ''e. ,"en h•• rd. Among lhe bOYI in 2A w. h.v. 'wo foo,ball..., G.,em. Clerk .nd Colin Rocklif! . , .... giln'. of ou. eI...... C"ri. law.on .nd Robe., Whil •• while 00' "Iquirll" ••• Neil Power .tId I,n Levy. Our "mid .nis11" are Kei'" Willon, Doug Brooh and I.n "BI.ck·eye" MacK.y . Our cltdel. , .. Ch.i, "T H E H I L L' · CLASS 2C We h,v. 2~ gi.11 . nd 18 boy. in our dill wil" M... W.rten as pllron. eI... In d ... 2C w. ".ve lOme very atlive sporl·geers. Robe., Webb i. the liar clicke'., ; Ian Inglll and Bri an lawr.nce ,re good fOOlb,lIe rl . Brian il in lhe .chool Junio. boYI' lenni. learn and il . 1'0 'h. I~·year·old boy IIhlelic c".mplon. l .... y Slew •• ' i. In I.... 2nd y.ar b ... ke.b.U I...... w"ic" h., no. 1011 • game ,"il leI.on, Sand.. lyon l llso pi..,.. be.ke lb.lI. Jean Hv.ch.on II in ' ''e lunlor Imclr.ev lum and i. '''00 runner· up ' 0 '''e 13·y. ..·old girl a'hl elic ch.mplon. Paul R.ke i. in troobl. e~e.y Engli." lelson. Oenile Adlingion Ind W.ndy Sku" Ire lhe nlnlJ 01 lite d,ss. Kerr, G.eenwood i. I.... femal. nuisanc. of ..... da ... " TH E H I L L" CLASS 20 Hi I...... , I.. i. i. 2C calling f.om Room II. under ,he conl.ol of M... Oanlel. Out d ... (lpla in. for .hll y•••••• " ... y Brl.n .nd Lo .. ell Holt, ~ice·(lp .. lns a.e J.n K.Ii. and Robert C..e. ar. Our cI.n i. . .ery proud of I.. di"ellily of .ctivily . Geof!rey Bocking. Mic.... 1 Keane .nd Lovell Holr C.... el. .nd J.n Kali •• Ma,g ••" W.II .nd Sand •• Fo< •• u are 00; lo"glle ..- for appearance only rhe y lIyl Our IporlJ·life boYI I' e All an Heckett. G. aeme Hackell. Glty Will, Ro" All en. Pe ... Price, Bri.n M.ck a"d 1I0bert Cne. who are AUIIt.lian Rul .. pl .. ye ..; .nd Ihe f\l lu.e " K.ng.roos " "e Milk B.rrow .nd Mit .... 1 H\I ..... W. h..... Iwo hock.y pl'ye,", S...... n filc .... " .nd PalSy Brien. We ar. allO very p.ooo of 00' .wimmi"g .eprelenl.ti ...., G."y Will and P ally B,ien. The few odds and ends We ..... e in Our eI . .. ,r. S' e phen B.un.kill. G.egOfy W•• d. G."y Roohan. Don.ld McPhe.lon, S,even CUlling. Kevin W.bb .... 1... ly become .... ry in .e.... ed in weigh l Ir.ining. Amongtl lhe girll we from bo," lidel. F.om ,'''' na"e Sind •• Ctaney, 60bby lhe men'l balketb.U. w. hive .. nd Jan 1(.li•. "a .. e many good b • • ke rb. llell women'l b •• kelb .. 11 g.O!,tp We Smilh and M.ree Puck; f.om Be.... rI.y Bu.ge.., Mlt g"e' Wall We h.... e one lib ••• y P. e ' ec t. M. rgere. Pollack, who leem. '0 do e ... ery good job. We have r.ve "SI.ven P.ice" f.n. In M.rgo Gilr,.p, C""y G.undy. Ma.g.rel Scoll, Roby" Wiliiall.n and P.lly P...... We would lik. 10 .~'end Our dup." appr.ci• •ion 10 M ••. C.niel w"o hll willingly llel ped UI ,hro\lghou l .he year. CLASS 2E Our cia.. would lik. 10 ,"ank Mi ll Collin. fo' under_ .'anding end helpin g ul wi.h Our probleml Ih.ou g"oul Ihe ye a•. T"rougltou. Ihi. y... m.ny boyl .nd gi.l. of 00' dill ,,,vell.d '0 olhe, lownl 10 Compe" i" va.ioul .por ting r.x ' ures. fo, ba.ke.b.1I w. have J\ln. W"i'e .nd Sh.";e Alk in.on. while Wendy Eng.lbrech,. Sue Bur' and Sue Mann. ing play "ock.y. Th. Iwl mme .. are June W"ile Sherrie A.kinson, O.vid Cla.k.. K.n Be.nle, Brl.n R ic"~. d. and Slephen Shephe.d. 1 .... foolb.1I play . . . .r. Terry Blind, Ken Be,"ie. Ken l . w i., K.n Cooke, Bruce Cheney, D.vid Clark., PI! Collinl. Graham C.lglI...., B.uc. HI .. il, G.ry Lockett. Brian Rlchlldl, Robe., Seymou.. Ron Smi... .nd Pavl Tvnn.y . T"e only loccer pl'yer is Edwa.d I('yu'on,k . T.... c.ick. 'ell Bruce Cheney, David CI.,k., lIobe" Seymour, w"lie O.vld CI •• ke '" oor •• hlete. If. The r.I' of Ihe da .. ""Ip. UI '0 be • ve.v "Ippy one. The.e peopl. are Oonna COven lry. H.~el Curr.n. Ke"l. Boo.h. Jill Gibbl, C.... ryl Smedley, LOf.eine Smilh. J acky Hall, Nare ll e Hutll , Mar •• Oel.n.y, Na.eU. l . M. . .. ney, Belh Hermer, Chefyl Hun l, Anne Bu. P. le. Pring I., O.vid W,lden .nd 110.. Mar. in. Capla,nl for fili I term were Sue Manning .nd Rob •• , L\lg ' on; for second le.m Ihey we. e We ndy Eng.lb. echl and Ken Lewl •. Our comedian i. Par Collini. 2E would like 10 Ih.ok eac" 1Il(ner who "u P\l1 up wi.... hem du.ing lhe y.... EightY-liine CLASS 2G CLASS 2F 2F (onsi.t. of 21 boys and 12 gl,I •. Our dUI pllron ,. Min Pede,sen, who .110 luches ul Science. OUf dUI uplain• • re Ann. N".bm and P.ul Guy . We h..... meny membe .. who Ire keen ,po,,"men. G.l Demmery, Che,V! LiUle ftr.d AMe N., bill play in .. "hool b.sketball 'eam; Terry Higgins rep.nented ,he school. ' Ihe South We., Athle tics C.rnival. Th.e following people play football , Pa..,1 Guy. T""y Higginl, Alber' frilOli, I. C... odUI, 8. Oavil, P. Ha,." ey, P. Munro, P. Moore, 8. Moo,., P. Sabol,ky, A. Vlnce"t. T. Wilo.on , 8. Oakman. Jim Noma.h.. 'epr"lenled ., Alb",,!, playing hockey . D.rryl Eddy and Nej l Way live II ,he Hos' el. AU"" C.i,nl, Darryl Eddy. Royden Har"ey and 8rian O. vi. are cade' •. June N•• h, S. Gaydon . nd G. Fury kee .. 'enni. pl"y"... The bu t dance' in rhe dan i. Albert, who .ully enjoyed himself I I lhe .chool social. .f. The clus h .. ~n ~ry Ihanltlul for lhe work done for il Ihi. yUt by il. diU caplOlins' Girl •• Rhonda Hen,y. uplain, and RhorKI. Whlnake,. "ice·upIOlln; Boyl, AU'n McRu. uplIin, and N.il Ouncan. viea-capl.in. lIS Ihr ee worthy repre •• nllli"u in Ih. School Cad., Corps are Perer Bunl, Neil Ouncan and Paul Pollard. II hll had qui la • fair .h, .. of "prelenlali"es in Ichool leams-AII'n McCrea, Under IS hockey; Peler Bun', B.7 Rugby league; Jenn ifer Can,pbell, Irhl.tia and C buke.bIU; Rhonda Whinlker, C grade buke.b.lI. The cll.. i. ~ry proud of ill girl I .hletks chlmpion, Jen nifer Campbell. J unior Champion. W.W. H.S.• 1906 A,hl.,ics Clrni".1. JUNIOR DIVING CHAMPION ./ '" ./ in Ih. IIhle ik. , •• nival. whil e Julie Thomp~n il lhe luder of the Junio. Deb.ting le.m. •. Among the 19 boy. there Ife 'hree Rugby .epre..nl.live., Ph,lltp A.... ry, John Raker. Ste phen Anstice, Stephen M.nder. Ion and Gary Elworlhy . Ovr Iwim ...... Ire David M1thae' Ken Pudon. Ian S.nden.o n, Pet,r Hlfpe•• nd lu Wild . M.~be." of ' he cricket 'eam lire Stephen A"lIice. la" Sandenon and Pele. Ha.per. Geoff Belling .nd Perer Ha.per are our IIhl.tes and Mark lehman". u well .. being Our tal en 'ed .quellrian appeared in the Gondolie.. . • All in III we would like to think .11 of OUt teIChers for bearing wilh us Ihroughout the ye... CLASS I B Qu. d .... lB, con.il ls of 22 gorgeous girll and 17 hand.o .... young fellows. Our ell" caplain. Ire Che ryl Francll Ind Kerry GlIlIagh.r. wl,h Vicki Chapman and Phillip P.ow .., a, vice·captains. end we are pleased 10 h.ve Mr . Billa, a, Our dall palron. While we're working in "tw. nlyIhre." (our home .oom) w, If. lometime. i"terrvpted by Bill "Tom" RobertlOn. lhe clau COMedian. Bill .1.0 ~.'icip.I .. in Rugby I, do Terry Kiddie, Coli" Moorhead, Peler F,eeman Phillip P.ow .... AII.n Coven'.y. 8'uce Malcolm. John Ood.o~ a"d B.tty Skeell. . Whil, the boy. play. ""igorous" game of Rugby . Janel C"gh,on. P.n.lope Brain •• Mlrle Tipping, Anne Tu.ne., Vicki Chapm.n. Pam Bromham .nd Julienne Schulz rep.e .. n. W.gga High with skill" bllketball. Ch.ryl Bovell and Sandra Wh il. both .hine on rhe hockey field on Sa lurday afte.noon . The .schola,. in 00' dus are l.u •• 1 Rowe. who carne fi,". and l ou.s. lInde •• who ca......cond. They bolh wCHked h.,d .nd de .... ved thei, good mlth. Marion POII ,e and Sue Vincen' .ra oor liar le nnis pl.ye... Ou. good (ficke' playe.. I'e Kerry Gallagher Colin Moorhe.d. Terry Kiddie. John Dodson and Peter Free~n. This i. a luccenful leam. B.uce Malcolm and Sarry Skee.. are borh luccellful .wlmme ... Pe'er H ill~ from Berrig.n, i• • HOitel'ile. Whil. Helen Nell ,ill up lhe back and cha"erl .11 d.y to J .... I Ctighton, loil Spe... and looise lInde. Ire found " lhe '.onl nelt "innocent" Anne Turn... who ........ • word (h •• ha). I B wish all ... nior dass ... lhe beSl of luck in the l, .... m•. '.'1" CLASS IC "Hi! She" i. A. kin1ln eKecuting I forWlrcl hu cl ... FORM 1 CLASS lA Hi lhere, thi. i. 1A repor.ing. Our ,III, whieh is under Ihe faithful guidance of Mn . Cotum, consl:tl of 22 girl. and 19 boys; our new Iffiv.1 being Greg p ....on. from Ri"e .. rone. in Sydney. Our cia .. caplainl are Julie Chapman Ind lin Sandeflon, who ha"e both doni. wonderful job keeping vs in Otder throughout the yur. Our h.1I yearly brain WII Oaryl C.rtwright, w ith Ian NilU:ty Sar:denon .unner.... p Ind Janel Er>g-el \. gi.1 .Ilia,,) COtning third . The girls rep,e ... nting the «hool .t bllketball are M."ine le C.. f, Neff.lie Beck, Shlughan Olvidlon, Julie Ch.pman .nd Judith Fife. In hock.y there is Jan.t Anthony . Janel Eng.l. Amber Pu.ki .., J ull. Thompson .nd Sua P. ndrick . Julie White. linda Bennel1, Gly. Brown .nd Shaughan O."ld· ion are m.mbe .. of the school choir. JI/le l Engel, Ambe' Purkin. Rho .. d. Belling and G.ye B.own rep".... nred S'ull " T H E H I 1.L" Thl, i. IC repo.ting in. W. conlill of 17 mlschievou. boyl .nd 24 t.lklltive girll. Ahe. the half yearly e"am We lost. f.w of our ciliS miles .nd .I~ g.ined • f.w . Our hockev 111Ir. .Ire lvn Boote" Christine RoberllOn, Janne P.ellon, [).eni ... Connelly, MI,ilyn E"ans. B.v B..rwell and PI! Edmond.. Rhonda Malon, Karen Bradl,y and Kay Barlholomew .Iway. like to h."a I cha l in between I.nonl. The qule ' on... are Glori. Whil.. Jenny J anelskl, ShIrley Wooden, Kay Dlle. Helen CU.til, lynne Alderton, Denl.e Henze. Robyn Byrne and Che,yl Bourne, who ;s a newcomer. Cath • • ine Canning il allO a newcomer from South AU1! •• lia . Joy Bu tt on, Gale Greenway. Jenny Smith and Robyn Byrne are .11 good wo.ke.s . . . We h. ve one .o.ldier. Allin Edmond., who I. alwlYI IOk'ng with Geoff McG,I".ay, Billy Gr.ham and Oarrel Wilkins. ~Oll Brun.kill .i •• neweotner along w ith Kim W.lmsley, who .s a good Iw,mmer and runner. The quiel boYI Ite Robert Qu inn. JIm 8aker, R.y Bu., Ind Rodney Ega/l . Slephen POll , Colin Rodd, Pller Robinson. Run Burge .. a/ld AII.n McMillan Ire all good wo.ke ... We wovld like 10 thenk our dan patron for helping UI sO much throughout ,he yea, . CLASS ID 10 .njOYI • reputalion II the happiest d ... ,,, ,he school Wilh • good mlx 'ure of people from bolh lown and coun '.y· 10 pupil . . . . elway. willing to ~'Iiciplle in e ..... y Ichooi acti"lty. and lhe y contributed largely to Macarthur Hou..'. triumphs " lhe Conti"e nt.I' and Athletics Carnival. Our bOy l p.oved themselves fo.midabl. footballe.. in the Form One compelition, d.feating all chal1e"gefl. while Ihe girll acquilled Ihemselv.. well in the Form On. Bllketball Knockou l. We d.im rhe 13 Year s gi.i . swimming champion in T.rrie Moore :~:~~e .Ne"i li. Shoemark proved himself 13 y .... champion' Che'y l Oryden . nd Elaina McCu.dy are re.1 .muonl wi.h dilcu, and javelin recCHd. ' .. pectively, while EI.i". .nd Heathe. Denn's. a. record sp.illte... may t.ke lome chasing in yea .. to come, boYI. Cultural inleresll in our ela .. I"dude a Folk Oancing 'eam compe lition " the Wagga Eist.ddfod, while Rodger Alle n. Sandra MaeVe an. Helther Oe nni • • nd M.ry.nn e McMahon Ifa songbi rds in , ... Junior Chol •• In lhe d.llroom. bookwork il a conltan ' chore but M•. P.ul i. proud of Our composi.ion neatnell~.n w~ tay IhO! I ..... of Science and Maths? M•. McGra,h delpairs about Ag,icultu •• , but lhe gi.'l. gi"e promile of becoming wonderful cooh. "YI Mfi. D.n,el •. We we •• l orry to 10.11 r,ve people .f'er Ihe 1E. replac..... nt. from other ochool •. We've had a fi.st ye.. " High School, and will 'ry 10 take pride .nd Ipirit ro OUr new d.lleo for 1967. e~.rn. bu l quickly gained rh.u e" " 1 from h,1f yearly .nd lome wonde.ful OVr Ichool CLASS IE There are 37 pupill i" Our eI .... Our elass pel.on ,. Mr . Hooper, who 's 11.0 our Soci.1 S'udies teacher. Sondra C...".y ~nd Jam" lIobin.on Were ou, cl ... captainl I." term. bu' now Ron Parkin ./ld Ke rin H.mllton Ire ela.. c.ptalnl and B.ian Withe" and Oiane McCllium are "ice·capt.ins. M.ry Hilton i. Our be.. hockey player. Rober' 1I0lie Ken Jerrick. Ch.is Wall., David Pederse" Ite OUt Iwimme... Mary King. Marjorie Doyle. John Hackell, lion Park,n Ife OUr .Ihleleo. be.; The people who elljoy conve..llion ,re Julie Blackburn • Chery l Ings, Sue Munro. We ndy Tu.nbull . Oth.r plople in 'he d... ..e Gl enda Booth. Clrol McOon.ld. ~eny KO!ndall, Anne". lambkin. Maureen Tye. Helen Wa tk,n l, Peler Aiken. Frank Chalker, Ch.i. Che",y, Fred CI'.y. Richard Tre lhow.n, B.uce Gardine., Ken Wood,. Ton y WCHld,on, Robert Pearce. Robe,I Hunt. Noel Gallaghe •. CLASS IG At Ih, beginning of I'" Yllr we had seven gids and n;neteen bOYI. We now ha". eight glrll Ind 'wenly·on. boys. and you would nOl find I be ller or hlppier ela.. in Ihe school. Room 31 il our home, and Mt. Bun 'er il Our d lls p.I.on . We 'a k, greal p.ide in ou, . oom·1 tidine.., .nd in Our mo" • • ment around the Ichoof. Our el,.. cap,.inl are John A,gu. Ind Dot"n Wlel.nd. Bryan B.allley. Keith Duncan. ta. P.,cock, AI.n S,in.bu.y. PlIul Tame and Ray Vallance ... in In. Cadet.· .tId Ian O'Connor .nd Ru Thompson h.v. represenled 00: school i" .,hle"CI. K.iltine Ing . belong. 10 'he School tV hockey leam. We had Ihe honour of being ,holen to go 10 Hilillon Cenl'al School to represent our tchoo l and We return. d with ... veral trophies. Our eI ... mollo i., "Not Ihe brighlest. but the belli" "THE H I LL" J 1965 FIFTH YEAR sue AtlNUl : Sydney University, ArII . l YNNE BAllANTYNE: Nursin g, Royal Melbourne Children'. HospiTal. I eVELYN BEttiNG, De,,14,1 ReceptioniS! , Wagga. JANEllE BENNETT: Waggll 1MCh.. ,.' Colleg~. SUE BROWN, Lllbo'41ory Aut., Resureh 1,.,.Hlu le, Sydne y. ALISON BIRO: Salu ,o.S1;"'m', Wagga. MARGARET BRUCE: Tr acer, G a rden loland, Sydney. , LORRAINE BULLOCK: Seven th Day Adven list Teach".. College. JUOY CARRODUS, Commerci al Colleg e, Wagga. . JENNY CASPER$ONN: Nu rsing . WIgg" Sue H~$p'tal. ElSI E COCHRANE: Nur.ing. Wagg a Sa$e Hos pItal. . LVNDAll COLQUHOUN, Royal South Sydney Hospl!al. PAT!!ICIA CRAIG: Wagg a Teachen' Coll eg e . LYN CROUCH: Technical College, Wagg a. ROSAliND DENVER: Commonwealth Bank, ,Canberra. GAVE OOWSETT: Teach.... ' Coll.. g", Art A.. "t~nt . . SUE GillMAN: N ..... ing , Roy~1 Prince Alf, .. d H oop,t~l, CAR6r~~"YGRAHAM: MARCIA HABfRECHT: Nu ..ing, W~gga Bue Hospit al. D.. p.or tm.. nt of Ed ... calion Offke, CAR~~g..?~LL: NUt$ing, W~gga Bas.. Hospit~1. VAL HALE: T.. chnical CoU .. g .., W~gga. No..... ov erseas. SUE HASLAM: Nu ..ing, Wagga Bue Hospital. . CAROLE HAR DWICK: Nu rsing, Wag g. Bas.. Hosp,tal. SHIRLEY JOBB INS: Accountancy, Fathe,'s Offk... SUE KERSHAW: Commercial Col1 .. g .., W~gga . GAIL LE CERF: Wagga Teache ,, ' ColI .. g ... lOLA LOCH: Royal North Shor e Hoopi tal , Sydn.. y : MARGARET McREA: Labo,ato'y A.. isMnt, Agricultural BEl HC';)..~e~:R: Nu rsi ng, Wa-gga Bas.. Hospital. LAURel MILLER: Nu rsing Aid e. Walgelt . WENDY NYE : Unive rsity of N.S.W .. A,II. SYLVIA NIXON: Te chnical ColI .. g", W~gga . . . ANNE NUNN: Ag,icultu,al Sci.. nc ... Sydney Un,ve .. ,ty. VERA MIlROVIC: Eas t Sydn.. y T.. chnical College. ALEX PIDHORODECKY J: Psych iatric Nur ,ing, Newcutl... JUDY PALMER: Lib,aria n, Wagga City lib'itY· ANNE pnHER: Nu rsing, SI. Geo,ge's Hospital, Kogar~h. JOAN PEARD: Gov .. rn ment Office , Canberra. MARGAREl RICH: D.. part m.. nt of Air. elAINE SMITH, W.. gga l ea ch .. ,,' Colleg'" LESLEY STRONG: Wagga T.. ach ..,.' Coll .. ge. ROBYN SCHIRMER: T.. chnica l College, Wagga. EDNA TAYLOR: Manag"' ess, M.B.f . B,anch, Griffi th. MARGARET TURNBULL, Ardl ethan Pharmacy. . KAYE WILES: Se" .. t.arial wo,k, Clark Const,uc t,ons, WENb';gJ!.~·LLS: Nu ..ing. St. Vinc .. nt'. Hosp ital, M.. lbourne MICHAEL AlLARS, Public Se,vic... Canb .. rra . PHIL ALlMAN: N.S.W. Universi ty. CO LIN ANDERSON: Ban king. Wagg a. ROBERT ANDERSON, Depa,t ment of Pub!ic Work •. PElER BAKER: Jou'nal ism. "Daily Advert " .. , CHARtES BARON: P.M.G. T.. chni cian. CHARtES BERTELSMEIER: Sydney University, Scienc... PHIL BOWUS('P.li..G. , Sydney. MARK BUT~ON, Banking, Wagga. DOUG CHAPMAN: S.R.C.C., CI.. ,k. • NEIL COllON: D,a ft sman, Sydne y. ROGER DAY: S.R.C.C .• Cle,k. BRIAN DALY: Cle,k. GRAEME DAWE: Quan tity Surveying. WIMPY DUHU IZEN: Banking, Wagga. MAX fARSMAN: Stock and Station Ag .. nt, Younghusband. GARY FINK: D.. pa rt m.. nt of Railw ay., CI .. ,k. JOHN FROW, Applied Am. A.N .U., Canb .." a. BRIAN GABRi el , IMuran ce Agent, Sydney. PAT GEAGHAN: Profen ion al Mu sician. GeOFf GRAY: Spa,.. Pa'lI Salesman, Wagga. PEnR GROSE: Univ .... iry of N.S .W., C.S.R. Cadet. DAVID HARRIS: Father's busine ... JOHN HARRIS: Accoun tancy, Sadl ....., Wagg a. NEVIllE HOPPER: Teache'" CoU .. ge, Wagg a. ROBERT HUDDLESTON: Cle,k. ROBERT HUGHES, Dra ft sman, Strifford·Wa lk .. r. PETER INGLIS: Accountancy , Wagga. GREG JOB, Public Works, Sydney •. Accou ntancy. PETER JENKYN: Farming, Yuluma. WARREN JONES, Junior Exe cu tiv .., Coles. VAUGHAN JURISISC H: A.N.U., Canbe"a. Law . JOHN KALLAS: S.R.C.C., Cl e,k. TOM KelLY: David Jones. Wagg • . PETER LAWRENCE: Sydney U"ive rsi ly, Medicine. WAYNE lEHMANN: Medicine, Unive"ily of N.S.W. JOHN LAMB , Arts, Unive" ily of Pe rth. MICHAEL MANDERSON: Eng ineering. Sydney University . PETER MAYER: Commonw.... lrh Bank, W~gg a. IAN McGRATH , Banking, Wagga. JOHN Md(ENZIE, Architectu,e, Wagga. JOHN McMIllAN: FMhe", business. JOHN MEWlON: Repea t, Dapto High . BR tAN MENZ, Univ .. rsity of N.S.W. KERRY NASH : Town Planning, University of N.S.W. GEOFf NEATE: Aerodrome. Wagga, Tec hnician. MILO PANIC: l eachers' Colle ge, Wagg •. BARRY PARKER: Art . Sydney T.. chnic .1 College. GRAEME PRICE: hrming. PAUL ROBERTS: Bank of N.S.W .. Wagg a. SI D ROLFE : Teach",,' College, Wagg •. GARY SHE EDY, Pub lic Ser vi ce . Tasmania. JOHN SCHIRMER: Yanco Agr icultur.1 College. BRIAN SHORT: Cadet Engineer. W.W.c.c. BARRY STEVEN SON: Account.ncy. PHi l SMYTH: Father's bus,ne ss. DAVID SMITH, P.E. Teache,. Newcastle. STEVE SUTHERlAND: National Service. MICHAEl TOWERS, De pr. of ~ublic Worh . Sydney. COLIN TURNELL, Clerk. P.M.G., Wagga. JOHN TWIGDEN, Bankino. W.gga. DAI!RYl WATtS: Junio' Execurive, Woolworth s. BRUCE WHAN, C.S.R. Cadet, University of N.S.W. KERRY WHilE: Stock and Station Agent, Gorman & labe'. GRAEME WHITE: Industrial Che mist, A.LS., Wollongong . MICHAEl WHil E: Economics, Unive rsity of N.S.W., L.. ve, & Kirchen. GRAEME WINDSOR: Commonwealth Publi c Se,vice, Canb .."a. GRAEME WHYTCROSS: farming. PETER VEARLNG: Fa,ming. ','I You'll lead the Spring Parade in Viva, the GMH small car from }NAGGA MOTORS PTY. LTD. Meet Spri ng half-way - go places in Viva the GM H small car! While ou r big Spring Viva offer is on, you' ll fi nd it easier th an ever to sa lty t"onh into Spring in Viva. Righ t now we're offering • The highest Spring trade-ins. • The lowest Spring deposits. • The easiest Spri ng terms. That's why there's never been a better time to drive and to bu y Viva - the best value in small cars . With Viva you 'll blossom out with. Lively pe rforma nce • Roominess for a family of five or four aduhs • Giant 19 eu.ft. boot fo r holiday luggage • Money-saving 40 mpg economy . Na tion-wide GM H service! Viva, pick of the small car bunch, from only $1752 (inc tax) Sec us today for the best Sprin g deal and money-saving afler-sales service. THE OAILV AOV ElITlS"" • wAOOA - ....- ,. - --,- • \ OPS IN SOFT DRIN KS - -' ,
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