-Q3o) Oftc, of the Diromor New Dead C1 FAX/URGENTAT'ONCE From:Home New Delhi To : of all States / UTs 1.The Chief Secrets Directors - IB/ I/SVP PA/SPG/NEPA/NICFS/CFSL/ 2. DCPW/NCRB. DsG - BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/NSG/RPF/BPR&D/SSB r 3. /NCB/NIA/Assam Rifles (Through LOAR) 4. Commissioner of Police Delhi. 5. UT Division, MHA 21 OCT Mu No.21023/41/2014-PMA Dated the 20th October,2014 X-c- "nlTbject : - UNMIL : Nomination of Individual Police Officers for the Position of DIRECTOR CBI UN Police Administration and Reform Officer at P-4 level. DELMI UNDPKO through PMI to UN has sought nomination of individual Police \\0,41* Officers in active service for the position of UN Police Administration and Reform Officer at P-4 level in support of UNMIL. ocf° Number of post Level of Post Duration Organization Job opening Number QUALIFICATIONS:- Not mentioned. P-4 (SP/DIG level 12 Months (extendable) UNMIL (UN Mission in Liberia) 2014-UNMIL-50156-DPKO Education : Advanced University Degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in one or more of the following disciplines : Police Administration, Personnel and Logistics Administration, Public Administration or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination of relevant academic qualifications plus additional professional level experience in law enforcement, including training, may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Work Experience : Minimum of 07 years of active policing service and at least 7 years of active experience in management and supervision of police enabling and support service. pees) P7 - VA -D° .... Lanauape : Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Knowledge . "of second UN language is an advantage. 2.It is requested that nomination of eligible and willing officer of the level of SP/DIG [P-4] may be submitted to this Ministry by 01 st December, 2014 along with the following documents duly completed in all respect:i. ii. United Nations Personal History Profile (PHP) form (P.11) duly completed and signed by the nominated can*" olvr*-1, Employment record-supplementary sheet.D. P imitt ;Dated.-- ka ) :2: 4 United Nations Employment and Academic Certification [attachment to personal history profile (P-11)] Form duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate as well as the relevant local authority. iv.Personal details as per Annexure I. - The nominated officers may be advised to send the above documents as 3. per the format enclosed, through electronic mail at e-mail address (uspmaAnic.in or sopmaenic.in). No modified format other than the specimen enclosed will be 4. entertained/accepted as it invites lot of observations from UN HQ (UNDPKO) while finalising the nominations. It may be ensured that the photograph of the officer applying for the post should be placed on the front side of P-11 form and signature in the last page at relevant place. 5. It may please be ensured that the nominees are clear from Vigilance angle. 6. No direct application will be entertained. Enclr : As above. 95I ( Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) : 230929333 Copy to :1. DsG(P) of all States and UTs 2. Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, Kolkattta, Chennai and Bangalore 3. SO (IT), MHA It is requested to forward the nominations of eligible and willing officers through State Government only. With the request to upload the above communication on MHA website. ( Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) 230929333 .An nexu re-I Recent passport size photograph BIO-DATA PROFORMA 1. Name of Post applied. 2. Job opening number 3. Name of the Officer 4. Designation/Rank/organisation with present place of posting. 5. In the case of officers of deputation with other organization. (a) Name of Parent organization. (b) Name of organization presently employed. (c) Date of deputation (d) Expected date of repatriation to parent cadre/organization. 6. Date of Birth 7. Education/Qualification 8. Date of Joining Police Service 9. Service/Cadre/Batch 10.Educational Qualification 11.Previous UN experience Telephone No. a. Office b. Residence c. Mobile No d. Fax No. e. E-mail id I hereby certify that, I fulfill the eligibility requirement notified for the post applied for. (Signature of the applicant) United Nations i c ren:PO4.0" 147,k11191.41?.1#,;1P)11111..?ri ylf; r ig i,ilEY#10Cif771; itit,i.i.iftrg retic f00?11)101.1 )"tral# I.effpi2 4. ofncil4ri,;t4)?-efizteptikuip iheisakpeikc4'1?.'euilitiVAPiaciglacyyt 1.4; Post title and level Organizational Unit Duty Station Reporting to Duration Deadline for applications Job Opening number UN Police Administration and Reform Officer, P-4 United Nati6ns Mission in Liberia Mon rov in UNEVIIL Police Commissioner 12 Month (extendible) 15 December 2014 2014-UNMIL-50156-DPKO United Nations Coro Values: Integrity, Professionalism end Respect for Diversity RESPONSIBILITIES: • The UN Police Administration and Reform Officer reports to ihe LINMIL Police Commissioner thmugh the Chief of the Development and RefOrm Depattment. Fiegi he supervises the Administration and Refbnn. Section consisting of Cour (4) teams, to include: Logistics, Facilities and Fleet Management Team; Human Resources/Welfare Team; Budget, Procurement and Finance Team; and Press and Information Team. The Administration and Reform Officer shall perform the following functions: • Provide advice and direction re land to police organizational system administration in relation to finance and budget, recruitment of personnel and development, and police benefits; • Advises and assist in the development of the LNP/BIN/DEA Finance and Budget sections on budget planning and management; • Advises and assists the •N WHIN/DEA on the effective and efficient utilization of their financial resources; • Provides technical and policy advice on matters related to procurement and asset management; Advise and assists the LNP/BIN in the formulation and implementation of policies and directives on matters relating to Human Resource Management; • Advise and assists the I..NP/B1N . in the development and implcmcntation of table or deployment, job descriptions for key positions, promotion policies etc; • Advise and assists the LNP/BIN on the implementation of the various developmental and capacitybuilding programs, projects and other activities relating in logistic, fleet and facility management; • Advise. and assists on the development of programs and plans, pol icies and procedures on the management ofthe LNP'sIBIN's transport fleet concerning planning, operation, maintenance, recycling and disposal of fleet assets, warehousing and archiving rules and procedures etc; • Advise and assist the LNP/BIN in developing fully functioning public information offices; . • Provide advice on technical services related to procurement of logistics, its management, as well as its maintenance to ensure that all tasks are performed efficiently and economically; • Co-ordinate with other Sections within UNMIL Police, with miler UNMIL components, UNCts and civil society to facilitate the implementation of various programs, projects and activities of the Section; • • • • Prepare plans, programs, briefings and reports as required by. the Chief Development and Rethrm Department; Evaluate the reports/directives/policies prepared by Teams directly under him/her and ensures their quality; Supervisingthe-work of the Administration awl Reform Section including establishing team work plans, performance management and quality assurance for deliverables; Perform any other tasks as assigned by the Chief of Development and Reform Department. COMPETENCIES; Professionalism: hi-depth knowledge, understanding, of management of police enabling services; substantial experience in all facets of police capacity building with an emphasis on establish police enabling services; Excellent knowledge of current administrative and human resource systems, budgeting, public procurement and public information management; strong analytical skills combined with good judgment, proven ability to review, assess and edit the work of others; commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of substantive work and in peace operations in general Shows pride in work and achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Planning and organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently. Communication: Speaks and writes clearly. and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed; ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of international and national agencies and planers, as well as with the people of different national and cultural backgrounds. • Client Orientation: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be "clients" and seeks to see things [loin clients' point of view; establishes and maintain productive pattnerships with clients by gaining their Mist and respect, identifies clients' needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' envitomnent to be informed and be able to anticipate problems; keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client; resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions. OIJALIFICATIONs: nention: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in one or more of the following disciplines: Police administration, Personnel and Logistics administration; Public Administration or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a combination urn:levant academic qualifications plus additional professional level experience in law enforcement, including training, may he accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Work Experience: Minimum of 7 years of active policing service aril at least 7 years of active experience in management and supervision of police enabling and support services. Rank: Must hold the rank of nt least a Superintendent of Police (equivalent to a Lieutenant Colonel in the military). Language: Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Knowledge of a second UN language is an advantage. Preference will be given to equally qualified Wamen Candidates. Date of Issuance: 9 October 21114 littp://wwwittn.ora/en/peacelteeniae/sites/aellet APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR POSITIONS IN UNITED NATIONS POLICE COMPONENTS I N PF.ACEICEPING OPERATIONS OR SPECIAL POLITICAL MISSIONS REQUIRIG OFFICIAL SECONDMENT FROM NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS OF UN mgmtwat STATES Outlined below are the procedures to be followed by Permanent Missions for the presentation of candidates to professional posts requiring secondment from active Police services ; which are open for recruitment within UN peacekeeping operations or special political missions. In the interest of promoting an orderly process and to avoid delay in the consideration of applications, Permanent Mission; urc respecttidly requested to adhere closely to these procedures. 1. The above mentioned posts are reserved only for candidates recommended by Member States through their Permanent Missions to the United Nations. Candidates applying independently will not he considered. It is requested that applications be submitted as soon as possible. Applications received after the deadline specified to each Job Opening announcement will not be considered. 2. All applications must be submitted on a duly completed (not hand-written) and signed United Nations personal History Form (P.11) or printed Personal History Profile (PHP). Applications using other formats will not he accepted, but additional. information may be attached to the P. 11. or PIIP. For the convenience of the Permanent Missions a P. 11. form is enclosed as a sample to be photocopied as needed. 3. Selection for service with the United Nations is made on a competitive basis. It is therefore essential that all the Personal History Forms be. completed with a view to presenting the candidates qualifications and experiences as they relate to the requirements as set out in the releVant Joh Opening. In the event a Permanent Mission wishes to recommend a candidate for several posts, a separate Personal History Fonn should he submitted for each post. 4. Permanent Mission are requested to present their candidates in one single submission, in accordance with the deadline date of the job Opening, under cover of a note verbale listing the names of the candidates and the corresponding vacancy announcements. For the convenience of the Permanent Mission a table is attached to be used and photocopied as needed for the listing of its candidates. 5. Applications must be hand-delivered by Permanent Missions to the Selections and Recruitment Stalin) o f Om Police Division, 011ice of Rule and Law and Security Institutions, Departntent of Peacekeeping Operations at One UN Plaza (7th floor) in accordance with the specific directions in the relevant Note Verbale. 6. Upon delivery of the applications, the Selections and Recruitment Section will acknowledge the receipt to the individual making the delivery. 7. Communication regarding this process will be through the Permanent 1\41.5.51011 only. The Secretariat will not entertain personal queries titan individual applicants. 9 October 2014 Do not Write in This Space INSTRUCTIONS UNITEDNATIONS Please answer each question clearly and completely. l"Y PIt OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Read caretilly and follow all directions. I,wane PERSONAL H 2.Dale or (duy/month/yr) 3.face of birth mirth 7.Height 8.Wright9,Mitrilid StIMIC 64 Alden name, if any bAldelle name. I First name INatimthlity(ies)14 birth 5Pltgellt 14:100111W . (14-5) fl 6.sex n Separated Widower) n Divorced Widower)) 1-1Married plight require assignment to any arca ache world in Minn, the United Nations misilt nave responstniiiiies. (a) Are Mere uny limitations on your ability to perform in your prospective field of work? YES ❑N() ❑ In.Fairy into United N111101171SCIlliCC IP (b) Arc there mylimitations on your alehly its engage in all travel?YI:SI ❑NO ❑ ILPermanent addicts 12.Protent address Telephone No. Teleplione/Fax No. ( I).Office Telephone No. 14.Office Fax No. Do you hove any dependent children? Nome of Children YFS ❑ () NU ❑ lithe answer is "yes". give the liAlinving information: Nationality Plats of Birth Date u 'Eltrth (day/ma/yea') Gender 15. (a) Name of Spouse 16. 17. Have you taken up legal pcnrament residence status in ally countryother han that of your nationality? YES UNO If answer is "yet". which country? Have you raked any legal Slept towards thieving your present nationultly? YES ❑ NO ❑ If (wrier IX - yes", explain fully; YES ISArc any of your relatives employed by a public international 0 sonivation? If answer is "yes", give the fellowuin ReIntionship NAM 19. What is your prctErred field of work? 20. Would you accept employment for Ions ?ham six months? 21. YES El NCI ❑ U NO ❑ Nome Of international Orgattlatifitin I few you previously submitted oil aurlitroilim ler employment and/or undergone any tens If Se, when? with U.61? YES D NO L 22. KNOWLEDGE OF LANCUAOFS. What is your mother Col sue? READ OTHER LANGUAGES Easily 23. For Atoned gradea only Indicate speed Or words per minu te Fl English WRITE INot Easily ❑ Easily Not Emily 0 0 ❑ ❑ SPEAK UNDERSTAND monk.I Not fluentlyEasilyNut Easily LI 0 lil ❑ O O 00 0 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ o ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ any office machines or equipment and computer programmes you use. List French Wier languages Typing ho(1 EA I (rar).E '6A 24. EDUCATION. Oise hill dem& N.U.Deese give alga titles of degrees In OrIgIn011aitguege. Plensc do not translate or e quate to other degrees A. tiolVel$114 or CtildVideIll NAME. PLACE AND COUNTRY Please give complete address. ATTENDED PROW10 MonlIVYCar NtontE/Yeer MAIN COURSE OF STUDY DEGREES and ACADEMIC 131STINCIIIINS DISTA IN r.Ei B. SCHOOLS OR OTHER FORMA 1,1KAINLNU UR EDUCATION FRCIM A01/. I d (e..g., high school, technical school or apprenticeship) C hRTIFICATPN OR IMPLOIvIAS YEARS ATTENDED NAME., PLACE AND COUNTRY TYPE. Please civc convict,: addrcst 25 . TO OBTAINED LIST PROMISSIONAL SOCIETIES AND ACTIVITIES IN CIYLC, PUBLIC ORINTERNATIONAI, AFFAIRS 25. Lib I ANY SISAL'. ICAN 1 P1.181.1( ATIONS 2 7, PROM YOU HAVE Will 1 1 F.N MUMMA 774( /0 EMPLOYMEN I RECORD: Ststitagot post Est hi REvottin ow usively qopkvilicnt yob have (nut I Ise it septuple block for each post. Include oleo service It1 Ilk Mined Ihrees and note/any DCRod doting whteh you at:ten% gglitfiliIy caplet/ed. If you need MOM Cil:Wt, edditional paces of the same size. Give bout gross and net Andes per upturn tbryour 1141. Or prase:11 post. A. PRESENT POIT (LAST POST, IF NOT PRESENTLY IN EMPIPYMIINI) FROM SALARIES PER ANNUM ro MONT1WEAR MON nuyEArt STAPTTNO FINAL. NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OP ISU,INLSS ADDRESS OF ElsIPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERVISOR EXACT Fr ILE (IF WRIT/ POS' NO. AND KIND OF EMPLO t LES SUPERSTS151) VT YOU: REASON FOR 1.1.AS/by, DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DUTIES: F1.11 (7-03).17 II PREVIOUS POSTS (IN REVERSE Qf<f161 PROM TO MONIWYEAR MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNUM STARTING EXACTTITLE OF YOUR IUS I: PINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: I YPE OF BUSINESS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUPER VISOR: NO. AND KIND OP EMPLOYEES SUPERVISED BY YOU: REASON POR LEAVING: DESCRIPTION (IF VOTER DIMES FROM TO MONTH/YEAR MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNOM STARTING ITSAC.T TITLE OE YOUR POST: FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TY PE OE RI ISINFSS ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUPERVISOR: NO AND RIND OP EMPLOYF.E3 SUPER VISE:DAY YOU: REASON FOR I EAVINO: DESCRIPTION OP YOUR DUTIES FROM TO MONT: MAR MONTEWEAR NAME OF EMPLOYER: DORESS (IF EMIR .LATIT! SAT ARIES PER ANNUM " STARTING EXACT 1'L'1 'LE OF YOUR POST: PENAL TYPE E OF BUSINESS: NAME OF SI IPERVPSOR: NO. AND Kw) OE EMPLOYEES SEWER VISE° BY YOU: !WANT/el I:OB.II:AWN& DESCRIPI ION (IF Yi T IR DUTIES P.1] (7-03)-4 28. HAVE YOU ANY OBJECTIONS TO OUR MAKING INQUIRIES OR YOUR PRESENT EMPLOYER? YES 0NO IN 29. ARE YOU NOW OR IIAVE VOLI EVER I1131Thl A CAVIL SERVANT IN YOUR GOVERNMENTS EMPLOY? YES UNO If sumo is "yes", WHEN? 30. D REFERENCES: List dote persons, um relined to you; and are Ot CIIITC1111.filild Nations staff Members, who are familiar with your character and ntiallfications. Do not repeat names obypor•isors lisud undo, lion 37. FULL NAME POLL ADDRESS HIMINESS OR OCCUPATION • t ANY OA BER, RELEVANT FACTS, INCLUDE INFORMATION RBOARUINU ANY RESIDENCE OUTSIDE TUE COUNTRY OF 31. STATE YOUR NATIONALITY, HAVE YOUEVER TIKIIN ARRESTED; INDICTED; OR SUMMONED INTO COURT AS A DEFENDANT IN A CRIMINAL PROCEEDING, OR YES UNO II CONviaED. FINED OR IMPRISONED FOR TEE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW fetel titling minor waffle tiolationa)? 32. If "yes". give full cuticulae: of each case in an intarherl slalatarm. 31.&HER APBNclEh OF TEE' figffrielikS it•• NS SYSTEM MAY BE TNTEREST4D IN OUR APPMANTS, DO YOU HAVE ANY OBJECTION' re YOUR PERSONAL HISTORY FORM BEING MADE AVAILAILLE TO mum?SILLS ❑NO ljj 34.1 ecrt4 that the statements mule by me in answer to the totegunig questions are nue, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on a Personal History form or other document requested by the organiyationronders a staff member of the United Nations liable to termination or dismissal. DATE (day, month, yew) SICINATUF.E: N.B.You will be requested to supply deco mammy evidence which supports the statements you have made above. Do not, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organization and, in any event, do not submit the original texts 01- references or testimonials unless they have been obtained for the sole use of the Organization. ?AI (7-(13)-1?, EMPLOYMUNT RECORD — SUPPLEMENIANY NIEUWE PLEASE LIST. in Towne order, PVVRYONWI: ,1 YOU I IA VI: NA)) Use u sc ta n k block Cur each post. Include also sctviec in Inc armed forces and not. any naiad duriog Mach you were slot goinfithy eimitoya. See Oen peps lot more blocks. FROM MONTH/YEAR TO MONTH/YEAR SMARMS PER ANNI,IM STARTING FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: 1•Sett:I' OP Dr/DIS.Pl3S1 I VI 'E OP III/SINItSS: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME Qt. SD Plt.R V ISOR: NO AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES SUPER VISED AY YOU: REASON FOR LEAVING U St.KIP .ON LF YOURDOTI S FROM MONTZVYEAR TO MONTH/YEAR SALARIES PER ANNIINI STARTWO FINAL It/Ut(fl•I I F. OF WH IR ROSY NAME. gpF.IHPLOYER: TYPE (IF nul milll II: ADDRESS OFEMPLOSTR: NAME OF St /FERviSon NO. AND KIM OF EMPLOYEES suwaviSF:11 3Y YOG: REASON FOR IRA VINO.. SCSI RI VII( N CF )' OM PHITIFS FROM MONTH/YEAR TO ONTIVITAR SALARIES PEll ANNUM STARTING FINAL. Frac OF EMPLOYER: EXACT TITLEOF YOUR PO; i IRE OF kll/SINMS; ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: NAME. OF SUFI:RV 60K: NO. AND KIND OF IIMPLOSTRS M.I'Plt MED II Y YOU REASON FOR LEAVEN l: Dn.:CRTRYON C F YOUR DUTIES FROM MON 11 1/YlIAR TO MONTH/YEAR NAME OP EMPLOYER: ADDRESS OF FEfil °Wit: SIV.AKIEJ l'It ANNUM $1'AJfLWO I NAL EXACT' TITLE OF YOI YR isltr TYPE OF ft3USINESS: NAM]; OF SUPERVLSOR: NO AND KIND UP EmpLoyER5 SUPERVISED BY VINE REASON IGIt LEAVING: DESUKJPTION OF YOUR DO IIE: PI/CM-00) EMPLOYMENT RECORD—SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET PI EASE 1.IST. in roverst mkt EVERY EMPT nYMENT YOiI I MVP I TA I/ lists seitANEE bloti AT each pusl. include also service in the armed forces and note any periad wt rc not enililiill3eliiploved. FROM MONIWyEAR SALARIES rER ANMIM •• • STARTING FINAL DxAcT TITLE OF Nt RIR PO • n broWLOYER: TYPE OF 'RIMINI :SS: A LIDRIISS OE EMPLOYER: NAME OF SUFERVI OE: No. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEIIS SU•ERVINlii) ILY YOU: Brqs.5014 FOE 1..k.AvINO: V SC WY I iGN OF YOUR DITTIES FROM MoNTIVYRAR P. ACT TITLROP YOURPOS P. MONTIRVF.AR STARTING FINAL NAME OF EMPLOYER: TYPE OF nu61NRS6: ADDRUSS OF EMPLOYEE: NAME OF St IVER VISOR NO.: 'D ILIND OP EMPLOY6ES R EASON 1311R I.FAVING SUPERVISED B Y YOU: nRcrEIPTION OF YOUR LWTIE S FR OM TO MONTWYEARMONTII/YEAR MARTINO PENAL MEMEEMEREan NAM:BOP 'I` OYER. 'I YPI€ C IP IRIS 'NESS: ADDRESS OF ESIPLOYEE NAME Or MireltVISOK: NU. AND KIND OF EMPLOYEES NUPERVISIli) IlY YOU: REASON FOR V INO: DeSC TP )N Or YOLK INTI63 FROM ONTIVYEAIL MONTI IIYPAR NAME OF EMPI AYER: M3DRESS OF EMPLOYER: STATI:n WI FINAL. EXACT TITLED? YOUR pos 1 TYPE OF BLIRINussNAME OF SW 21,. \ f30.1: NO. AND NMI) 01' EMPLOMP.5 SUPERVISED BY YOU: DESCRIPTION OF YOUR UM IES REASON FOR L RAVIN!: UNITED NATIONS Employment and Academic Certification Attartimentto Personal History Profile (P11) TO RE COMPTSMO 11 CIO Y AMA TE: Personal Dale; Middle names: Gender: NIP e-mail address: Position for which you are applying: (Note: if you are gpplying for more than one position, please submit separate Plt and Pit Meet:lucent for each Job Opening) Job Opening Number: Military Service History/Polite Service History Date of Commission (for military' officers) or date of enlistment/entry ro service ((or pAlice officers): Crutent oink Date Us( Promoted Date eligible tcu promotion to nest rank Projected Retirement date from current rank Brancli/Corp/lYlustering Sub Special isation/additional qualifications De r ocs and Academic Distinctions Obtained: NAME of INSTITUTION, ATTEND-ED: PLACE AND COUTNR1'. Please I 't FROM: give complete address. Month/Year Month/Year Graduation front the Staff/War College or Police Academy (and/or similar law enforcement institution) University Degree/5 DEGREES and ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS OBTAINED Exmiciler. in peacekeeping operations: Specify UN a other International Ex 'Menet.; ihirting with your most recent experience and list in reversenrder Dates mm/yy-onn/yy Mission/•Positi o n/title Operation/Location (Milob.110. Staff, Contgl, ArMseD Description of riot les Command Lx 'mimeo, starlit with your must recent experience and list in reverse order Unit/Position /OrgSignificant Unit ACtivitics Si mitleant !limning yxperienee, starting with your most recent experience and that In reverse order I )ates mrn/ v-mm /rv1 Position/Org Qperatidn'ActivIty (Other) Inters otional Exposure other then peace keeping operations, starting with your most recent experience :Ind list in reverse order . Date: III raNy- InniAry Position/OM hind inn/Activity Military and/or Police Train ing Cournes/SouitintS: (last two WI's) Name of Colmar. Date: intri/yyin/yvInstitution Additional Comments: I certify that the statements made by me in answer to the foregoing questions are complete and corned. i understand that any misrepresentation or material omission mode on n PC(60110 History form or otheralucoment requested by the Organization lenders mu alit(/' member for the United Nations liable ineligible for further ronsiderntion. I declare that I have never committed, been convicted of and am not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for any criminal, human rights, civil action or disciplinary offence, with the exception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered ininor traffic violations for this purpose). / declare that I have net been Involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any violation of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. I am not able to attest to the proceeding paragraphs for the following masons: • Dine Signature N.B. You will be requested to supply ductncntaty evidence which supports the statements you have made above.. Do nut, however, send any documentary evidence until you have been asked to do so by the Organocativa and, in any event. do not submit the original texts of rel broncos or testimonials unless they have been obtained ('or the sole use of the Organization. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE RELEVANT LUC•E, AUTHORITY: An behalf or it complete and correct. 1 comfy that the information provided by I further certify that the nominated candidate has never been convicted of, or is not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary Ofirenee, or any violations of international human rights law, civil action or disciplinary offence. is not aware of any allegations against the The Government of nominated candidate that she/he has committed or been involved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amount to violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian In she case of the nominee who has been investigated for, charged with or prosecutedliif any criminal offence, with the exception of minor tragic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous or careless driving are not considered minor traffic violations for this purpose), but was not convicted. she Government is requested to provide information regarding the investtgation(s) or prosecutions concerned Date Official Stamp , Cite n 3S .......... 4:14 OPORI ECdnia. ea. r CRINegv FAX/URGENT/AT ONCE liewfr (Ltle From :Home New Delhi To :Col DG Misra, Military Adviser PMI to UN, New York (FAX No. 0012124909656) No.I106/01/2012-PMA ,R47,47 — 21 OCT 2014 Dated: 21' October, 2014 Subject :- Mailing Address. Deputy Secretary (PMA) Joni Police-II Division, MHA the correspondences pertaining to UN matter PMA Cell, MHA may be 'dressed to Shri Dinesh Ma ur, Director (Pers), 'IAA at dirpersAnic.in and s,Joma(&nic.in. Consequent upon the transfer of Sh G C Yadav, \t kct, DIRECTOR. eat 241W Mal (Ajay Kumar Singh) Section Officer (PMA) : 23093443 13:[email protected] 14A Ai ky cl tP is py to The Chief Secret es of all States / UTs Directors - IB/ I/SVP PA/SPG/NEPA/ \PILNICFS/CFSUDCPW/NCRB. 3. DsG - BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/NSG/ RPF/BPR&D/SSB /NCB/NIA/Assam Rifles (Through LOAR) 4. Commissioner of Police Delhi. 5. UT Division, MHA (Z/ vl For information and necessary action please. fad,. divrttrib-I, p 4 -t)D Psrs) 011,M ,4 0 6\-o),v)oti0 (tki)
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