OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH MASS SERVERS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 4:00 p.m. A. Lorms, C. & M. Tillman SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:30 a.m. A. Ferguson, L. Kayuha, S. Oliver 10:00 a.m. P. Fields, A. Huck, D. Jordan 11:30 a.m. A. Kraus, G. Malagreca, A. Mattes EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 4:00 p.m. R. Benkowski, B. Fischer, M. Heininger, E. McCollam, E. Nolan, J. Yonadi SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:30 a.m. H. Ortlieb, C. & J. Lower, L. & M. Mentel, C. Pickard 10:00 a.m. T. Dusseau, D. Fast, M. Fields, J. Gauntner, S. & W. Webster 11:30 a.m. R. Kalal, M. Miller, J. Morton, M. Overmyer, E. Voltolini, B. Whittaker LECTORS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 4:00 p.m. M. Flynn, J. O’Brien SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:30 a.m. J. Ramlow, J. Umpleby 10:00 a.m. S. Gauntner, K. Jordan 11:30 a.m. C. Mack, G. Moebius READINGS NOVEMBER 16 First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 OFFERTORY TOTALS for November 2, 2014 Regular Envelopes and Holy Days............................... $6,682.72 Child.................................................................. $0.00 Total.................................................................. $6,682.72 Diocesan Tax..................................................... $400.98 Net...................................................................... $6,281.74 Catholic CD of the Week: This week’s featured CD is Meet Your Mother by Dr. Mark Miravalle. In this CD, Dr. Mark Miravalle – a professor who has taught and written about Mary for over 25 years – covers most of the major teachings about the Mother of Jesus. He introduces and explores the truth about Mary that will renew your existing knowledge and love for the woman divinely appointed to bring Jesus into the world. Prayer Line – If you have a petition you would like the Prayer Line to join in praying for, please call Bunny Cosimati at 614-847-1826. Prayers are kept confidential. Banns of Marriage Dominic DeJohn & Nichole Jonard November 28th at 3:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Tuesday, November 11th at 7:00 p.m., in the Gathering Space. New members are always welcome! COLUMBUS, OHIO OPERATION BUCKEYE – As we continue to pray for peace in the world and the safety of our troops, Our Lady of Peace will, for the 7th year, be participating in Operation Buckeye. A list of needed items appears in the insert to this bulletin. Be watching for sales on goodies, toiletries, games, etc., for the boxes. Also, remember to save your leftover Halloween candy for the troops. The Knights of Columbus will be in the Gathering Space after all the Masses on November 8/9 and November 15/16 to assist with the collection. Santa Breakfast – Please join us for the annual OLP Breakfast with Santa, on Saturday, December 6th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Tickets are on sale now. Please see the flyer in this week’s bulletin for more information. The 71st Pizza Sale for the Our Lady of Peace School is currently underway. The items for sale include bakeat-home pizzas, buckeye candies, OLP spice, and gift certificates to local restaurants. The proceeds are used to pay for all school field trips, a variety of curriculum enrichment programs, and other items used by the students. You may place orders until Tuesday, November 11th. For your convenience, the 8th grade class will be taking orders before and after the Masses November 8-9. In the event of bad weather, we will set up a table inside the Gathering Space. We thank you for your generosity and support of the schoolchildren. If You Can Read, You Can Teach! Tutors needed for adult literacy and/or GED and immigrants seeking ESL instruction. The Dominican Learning Center (DLC) will hold its next tutor training session on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1111 E. Stewart Avenue, Columbus. Those interested may email lmendoza@ oppeace.org or call (614) 444-7330 to sign up. Volunteers need to be over age 18 and a high school diploma. Visit www.domlearningcenter.org for details. The Old Rectory garage space returned to original use via a generous donation – During their stay in the old rectory, the Franciscan Friars converted the garage into their refectory. In doing so, they removed all the hardware for opening the garage doors so that the doors could no longer be opened. To make the garage usable again, the parish had to hire a garage door company to reinstall the track, the springs, the motors, etc. A nonparishioner – a neighbor of one of our Knights of Columbus – donated to the parish two new garage doors with all of their hardware and installation. Restoring the functionality of the doors will allow the garage to be used in support of various parish functions and events. This was a most generous gift. Please pray that God may continue to bless this anonymous donor and his/her loved ones. OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH PROJECT OPERATION BUCKEYE was formed with the sole purpose of sending boxes to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as a way to thank them for their efforts and to bring a touch of home to them. The boxes contain food items, toiletries, entertainment, hygiene items and letters of appreciation all wrapped with good wishes of love and support for the wonderful job they are doing. The physical conditions many of our troops endure are difficult and they are separated from their loved ones for long periods of time. OPERATION BUCKEYE hopes to bring a touch of home and lift the spirits of the troops. SEE THE BACK OF THIS FLYER for a list of items included in the boxes, as well as our good wishes. OPERATION BUCKEYE provides caring civilians the opportunity to show their appreciation and respect to the men and women of our military stationed in hostile and remote regions of the world. If you have a family member or friend stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan, please forward their name and APO# to: Wayne King at (614) 268-3355 or E-mail [email protected] and we will be happy to include them in this project. We welcome any school or youth group wishing to be a part of this effort. We encourage you to post this list in your workplace and give others an opportunity to send their appreciation. BOXES WILL BE IN THE GATHERING SPACE FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKENDS TO ACCEPT YOUR DONATIONS. ADOPT-A-BOX is a way for individuals to show their appreciation and support for our troops. OPERATION BUCKEYE will provide the packed boxes; your $10 donation will cover the cost of postage. DETAILS will be available after all Masses on November 8th/9th and 15th/16th. Knights of Columbus and the Hospitality Committee will be available to answer questions and assist you with your Adopt-a-Box. Checks should be made payable to: Operation Buckeye. HALLOWEEN CANDY—bring in all your leftover candy and treats. The candy is a great filler for the boxes. As we all continue to pray for peace and the safety of our troops, this is a wonderful time to let them know they are in our thoughts and prayers. NOTE: OPERATION BUCKEYE is an all-volunteer organization founded by Jim Caronis and Dick Tressel. 100% of all donations and contributions go toward purchasing of supplies for the boxes and shipping. See the web site at: www.operationbuckeye.org OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH PROJECT November 8th/9th and November 15th/16th BOXES WILL BE IN GATHERING SPACE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKENDS TO ACCEPT YOUR DONATIONS ITEMS FOR THE TROOPS (Purchase items as individual size items) Food items: Beef Jerky Fruit snacks Slim Jims Nuts of all kinds Sunflower seeds Trail mix, health bars Gum, Lifesavers Pretzels, Fritos, Chex mix Fruit cups (metal w/pull tab top) Tuna & Chicken snacks to go Ramen noodles (Instant cup size) Microwave popcorn Granola bars Chef Boyardee pasta cups Fruity snacks Girl Scout Cookies Drinks: Coffee, all kinds Coffee creamer, plain and flavors Tea Bags Crystal Lite Hot chocolate packets Toiletries & health items: Hand wipes (sm size) Shaving Cream Razors Liquid body wash Hand sanitizer Sun Block SPF 50 Saline Eye Drops Cough Drops Moisturizer (skin & hair) Shampoo/conditioner Tissues (Individual Pack) Hand lotion Foot powder Body powder Nose drops Toothpaste Entertainment/misc: Crossword Puzzle books Decks of cards DVD’s AA and AAA Batteries PLEEASE JOIN N US FORR BREAKFFAST WITH H SANTAA SATTURDAY, DECEMBBER 6, 20144, 9:00AM M‐11:00AM M OLP CCAFETERRIA Seatingg is limited. PPlease compleete and returrn form and ppayment to: AAmanda Mauurer via kid m mail c/o Beccaa Maurer – G Grade K or drrop it in the ooffice. Forms are due no later than NOVEM MBER 21, 20144! Family Last Nam me: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Childd Name(s)/Grade(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emaail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (for digit tal photo delivery ry) BREAAKFAST TICKKETS Num mber attendinng x $5/meal = PLEAASE SELECT YYOUR PHOTTO WITH SAN NTA OPTION NS BELOW: NUM MBER OF PH HOTOS REQU QUESTED: Indivvidual Shots: ____________________________________ OPTION Sibling/Grouup Shots: ________________________________________ QUANTITY Q PRRICE TOTTAL Printted 4x6 Photto with bordeer x $2.00/print == Printted 4x6 Photto without boorder x $2.00/print == Digittal Copy x $5.00/image == GRAN ND TOTAL (BBreakfast annd Photos) == Photto Number(s)) for digital coopies (Photoggrapher use O ONLY) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daydreaming about summer yet? Catholic Youth Summer Camp is! CYSC is a high adventure weeklong residential camp for students entering grades 6-12. Activities typically include: jet skis, water tubing, paintball, blobbing, go-carts, archery, zip line, rock climbing, ropes course, mountain boarding and more! Don’t miss out on what will be another inspiring summer at CYSC, the one and only high adventure Catholic camping experience. See www.cysc.com to get more information and register. Registration is open and filling up for Summer 2015! Upcoming Events at Watterson: Fall Dinner: All past, present and future Bishop Watterson mothers are invited to a Fall Dinner on Wednesday, November 12 at Brookside Country Club. Cost is $35.00 per person. All proceeds go to the Mothers of Alums tuition assistance fund to help students who might not otherwise be able to attend Bishop Watterson. For more information, go to www.bishopwatterson.com, click Community then Mothers’ Club. Day of Renewal – We will be gathering for a day of Renewal on Thursday, November 13th at St. Elizabeth’s Church, located at 6077 Sharon Woods Boulevard, Columbus. This year’s theme is “Transformation through God’s Love.” We will begin with Registration at 9:00 a.m., Confessions and Praise and Worship at 9:30 a.m., Mass will be held at 10:15 a.m., followed by a workshop on God’s Love/Patience and Kindness, concluding with a potluck luncheon. Come and enjoy a free half day of spiritual pampering. For more information, please contact the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at 914-8556. Open House: Sunday, November 23 Bishop Watterson High School will host an Open House for prospective students and their parents from 1:00-3:30 p.m., on Sunday, November 23 at Bishop Watterson High School, 99 East Cooke Road, Columbus. There will be a presentation by Principal Marian Hutson at 1:15 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. Our annual Fall Open House is an opportunity to meet faculty, staff and coaches, take a guided tour of the Bishop Watterson facilities with a member of our Student Council and register to win a $500.00 tuition grant. Negotiating the Third Stage of Life, presented by Sister Mary C. Daniel, OP, on Tuesday, November 18th from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Most people easily acknowledge that there are two “halves” of life, the second of which involves maturing into adulthood and living well through this experience. But in her presentation, Sr. Mary suggests that there is an additional stage of life that many of us will experience as we age – a “third half.” This stage of life is the time when we may slow down considerably. We may become physically or mentally challenged. We may experience not being in full control of our bodies. What is this stage of life like for us and for our loved ones? How do we negotiate this period of life? Freewill donation will be taken. Please register by November 14. Holiday Cheer Clinic, Sunday, December 14, 2014, 1:00-3:00 p.m. for grades K-6. Cost is $25.00. Participants are invited to perform with the BWHS varsity cheerleaders at halftime of the varsity boys basketball game on December 19. Registration due November 15. Registration form can be found at www.bishopwatterson.com. Our Lady of Bethlehem School and Childcare is looking for loving, educated and qualified teachers for our Infant and Toddler and our Childcare classrooms. We have two full-time teaching positions available and are seeking degreed (PK-3 teaching license preferred) candidates. Please contact Director Lori Dulin at ldulin@ cdeducation.org if interested. HoneyBaked Ham Sale – Why wait in line? Order your fully prepared, spiral sliced HoneyBaked Ham or gently roasted turkey breast from the St. Charles boys volleyball team. We offer the same products and charge the same prices as the retail stores, but we deliver the hams and turkeys right to your doorstep at no additional cost to you – just in time for the holidays! All orders must be placed by Friday, December 5. Corporate orders will be delivered on Friday, December 19, and personal orders will be delivered on Monday, December 22. Please visit our website for details or to download an order form. If you have questions, please contact Teresa Sullivan at (614) 882-2234 or email [email protected]. Our website address is: http://scvolleyballboosters. wordpress.com. Face Forward is currently seeking a team of Brand Ambassadors to help us at various events throughout the Columbus Diocese. If you are looking for service hours or valuable work experience, this program is the perfect opportunity for you. Apply at faceforwardcolumbus.com. St. Michael’s Spaghetti Dinner will be held this Sunday, November 9, from 1:30-7:00 p.m. in the Church Undercroft. Menu: spaghetti, meatballs, salad, roll, dessert, beverage. Cost: $9.00 each for Adults; $7.00 each for Children (6-12) and Seniors (65+). Children 5 or under are free. Carry-Out Service (1:30-7:00 p.m.) and Drive-Thru (3:30-7:00 p.m.) will be available. Sponsored by St. Michael Council #11445, Knights of Columbus. Proceeds support those studying for the priesthood and other religious orders. For information, call 614-8857814. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 This Week at OLP School Wednesday, November 12 Class Mass – Grades 1-3 – 8:30 a.m. Friday, November 14 Sandwich making for St. Vincent de Paul Society, Grade 1 Scrip order day – orders in by 2:30 p.m. No Worthington or Olentangy bus transportation morning and afternoon Social Media Workshop for Parents and Students. Is your son or daughter using social media? It can be a powerful tool if used properly. Learn about current trends, behaviors, potential school disciplinary actions and legal consequences for the misuse of social media as well as tips to help students use social media responsibly and safely. No RSVP necessary. Please contact Beth Kelly at [email protected] or 205-9430 for additional information. Date: Tuesday, November 11th, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Location: The Bryce Eck Activity Center, 3880 Reed Road, Upper Arlington. Columbus Theology on Tap will meet Thursday, November 13th at El Vaquero, 3230 Olentangy River Road, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Our topic is Catholic Social Justice: Addressing Youth Homelessness. November is the awareness month for youth and young adult homelessness. We will have representatives from the Youth Empowerment Program give us information about their program. Additionally, we will have short presentations about youth and young adult homelessness, relating it to social justice and our faith, and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. For additional information, please contact 614390-8653 or email [email protected]. Annual Christmas Cookie Sale – St. John Chrysostom is holding their 10th Annual Christmas Cookie Sale on Saturday, December 13th, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. We are taking phone orders from now through November 30th. We are offering trays of 6 dozen assorted cookies for $30.00 each; Pirohi (Pirogie) with four different fillings: Potato and Cheese, Sauerkraut, Sweet Cheese, and Prune. The pirohi are sold frozen in packages of one dozen of one filling for $5.00/pkg. We also have Nut, Apricot, and Poppyseed Rolls (11” long), also frozen, for $10.00 per roll. And, of course, lots of cookies and goodies for purchase if you don’t wish to order a tray. You may call our order line at 614-882-6103 and follow the prompts. Thank you for your patronage and may God’s Blessings be with you always! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 4:00 p.m. Sean Flanagan (Margaret Clark) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8:30 a.m. Janet Weisent (Charles Weisent) 10:00 a.m. Catherine Lewis (Charlotte Shay) 11:30 a.m. Our Parishioners TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 5:30 p.m. Donald Ryan (Elizabeth Ryan) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:30 a.m. James Harlor (Margaret Clark) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:30 a.m. James Michael Golden (Jim & Pat Golden) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:30 a.m. Catherine Lewis (Ralph & Mar) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 4:00 p.m. Joseph Heininger (Miriam Heininger) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:30 a.m. Grace Twynham (Family) 10:00 a.m. Our Parishioners 11:30 a.m. Judith Pompos & Stephen Gall (Mille & Margery Szolosi) Grief Support Workshop – Grieving with Great Hope is a weekend grief support workshop that offers a prayerful, practical and personal approach to anyone who is mourning the loss of a loved one. If you have lost a spouse, a child (including pregnancy loss), parent, another family member or a friend, you are encouraged to attend. Presenters will include Deacon Carl, Fr. David Sizemore as well as John and Sandy O’Shaughnessy from Good Mourning Ministry, a Catholic bereavement organization. Register online at stjohnsunbury.org or contact 740-965-1358 for registration forms. The workshop will be held December 5th, from 7:008:30 p.m. and December 6th, from 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. At St. John Neumann, 9633 East Street, Sunbury. Seating is limited. Advanced registration by December 1 is $20.00, after is $25.00. Lecture on the Second Vatican Council at PCJ: The Pontifical College Josephinum’s lecture series continues Wednesday, November 19, with a presentation by Father Jared Wicks, SJ, Scholar in Residence. He will present “Vatican II in 1964: Major Doctrinal Advances, but New Fissures on Addressing the Modern World” at 7:00 p.m. in the Jessing Center on the Josephinum campus. The event is free of charge and open to the public; reservations not required. For more information, please call the Academic Dean’s office at 614-985-2274.
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