SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 Simulation of Three Phase UPS Systems Operating Under Variable Non Linear Loads by Using Solar Energy Integrated SPWM Controller T.Srinivas*1, Kondapalli Vamsee Krishna*2 M-Tech Student Department of EEE, VBIT, Aushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R (Dt), Telangana, India. Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, VBIT, Aushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R (Dt), Telangana, India. ABSTRACT This paper presents design of high performance sinusoidal pulse width modulation controller (SPWM) is integrated for three phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system is operating on highly non-linear loads by using solar energy. Generally the SPWM is not sufficient for compensating the harmonic distortions caused specifically by the nonlinear currents drawn by the rectifier loads. The proposes study is a new design to overcome the problems of the RMS control. To rectify these problems the closed loop control system is used for highly reduction of harmonic distortions at the final results. This model design is done by using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Finally the results are evaluated based on steady state error and THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of the output voltage. Better efficiency fast transient response and harmonic distortion reduced even instead of highly non linear loads. Keywords: SPWM, UPS, MATLAB/SIMULINK. I. INTRODUCTION II. In military, medical equipment and in information technologies the increased usage of rectifiers in the UPS system distort the UPS output because the high power single phase rectifier loads draw highly non linear current which cause generation of low dc output voltage. This distortion result in high current flow, malfunction of UPS system, increased power loss. The voltage drop across the inductive element is the main reason for the distortion. The switching frequency harmonics in the current waveform is generated by PWM operation of the UPS system which can be reduced by the removal of inductive element [1-3]. Even under the usage of small inductive value, the distortion cannot be completely reduced. So the proper controller has to design which can carry signals for generating of sine voltages. Fast dynamics response, low THD can be obtained. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 RELATED WORK Fig.1 Block diagram of FIXED PWM system 2.1. EXPLANATION The existing system consists of ac source, filter unit, rectifier, and inverter and control units. Filter removes the harmonics generated by the natural ac source. Rectifier unit is used to convert the ac into dc. Disadvantages: Total harmonic distortion will be more in the output. Circuits become bulky. Generate harmonic distortion in the output voltages. Page 30 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 III. Switching losses will be more in the output. PROPOSED MODEL The block diagram consists of ac source, filter unit, rectifier, and inverter and control units. Filter removes the harmonics generated by the natural ac source. Rectifier unit is used to convert the ac into dc. Fig. 2 Block diagram of SPWM system The stationary or synchronous-frame space-vector PWM (SVPWM)-based controllers are the primary choice of many researchers and the applications currently used in industry, however, the classical sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) method is still preferred by many manufacturers because of its implementation simplicity, easy tuning even under load, flexibility, and most importantly the advantages of controlling each phase independently. The independent regulation of each phase provides easy balancing of three phase voltages which makes heavily unbalanced loading possible. Also, it avoids problems such as transformer saturation [4-5]. Although the classical SPWM method is quite effective in controlling the RMS magnitude of the UPS output voltages, it is not good enough in compensating the harmonics and the distortion caused specifically by the nonlinear loads. Advantages The optimization may include obtaining the lowest THD or the best tracking of the RMS value or the fastest Dynamic response. The easy tuning of the proposed method under load is verified during the experimental studies. The scalability that It means that the controller is easy to design and tunable for any power level. Total harmonic distortion (THD) has been improved. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Fig3 : Simulink model of the proposed multiloop controller IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The simulations are done in theMATLAB/Simulink environment using the Simulink and PLECS model of the inverter and the controller as shown. The results are evaluated based on steady-state error, transient response, and the THDof the output voltage. Fig. 3 shows the RMS value and the percent THD of the output voltage versus three different loads. According to Fig. 3, when the linear load at 8.5 kW is applied, the controller achieves 0.3% THD, and similarly when the nonlinear load at 10 kVA is applied, the controller achieves 3.1% THD. In addition, the RMS voltages are very well regulated at 220 V for each phase with an excellent transient response for the linear load but a fair response for the nonlinear load case. The transient response from noload to the rated nonlinear load is oscillatory and it takes 1.1 s; however, the maximum fluctuation in the RMS voltage is less than }10% of the nominal (198–242 V).We consider this as an expected behavior for the nonlinear load case since the capacitor of the rectifier is made fairly large to get the desired crest in current; additionally, it is all empty before the load is applied. At the instant, the rectifier loads are switched in, a very large inrush current flows into these capacitors. So, it is this current that causes the oscillatory behavior. Fig. 3. RMS fluctuations (top trace) and the profile of the percent THD of the output voltages (second trace) versus the load delivered by the inverter (bottom Page 31 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 trace). The simulated load consists of a light load, the linear full load, and the nonlinear full load. single-phase rectifier load placed at each phase. The scale of the vertical axis of upper trace is 100 V/div, and the lower trace is 25 A/div. The scale of the horizontal axis is 2 cycle/div. V. Fig. 4. Upper trace is the profile of the %THD of the output voltage of one phase measured for three different loading conditions. The lower trace is the total output apparent power delivered by the UPS into these loads. Fig.5. Measured transient response of output voltages (upper trace) and currents (lower trace) when the load changes from no load to the full linear load. The scale of the vertical axis of upper trace is 100 V/div, and the lower trace is 25 A/div. The scale of the horizontal axis is 2 cycle/div. CONCLUSION The design and performance of SPWM controller is used for three phase UPS system operating under highly nonlinear loads with zigzag transformer. Finally the modified controller is designed to carry signals for the generator of voltages. This proposed method gives fastest and transient response is received by using SPWM controller system in the UPS design model. However the to add inner loops to the closed loop control system effectively the reduction of harmonic distortions. REFERENCES [1]. Abdel-Rahim.N.M and Quaicoe.J.E., “Analysis and design of a multiple feedback loop control strategy for single-phase voltagesource UPS inverters,” IEEE Trans. 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