Christ Our Hope Bible Church "Displaying the glory of God by delighting in Him and declaring His Truth." Dear Christ Our Hope Family: 2014 Tuesday, November 11, Nehemiah 6:10 For all of them were trying to frighten us, thinking, “ They will become discouraged with the work and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands. Nehemiah and the Israelites had almost finished the wall around Jerusalem. A tremendous task, but their enemies would not give up easily. They were determined to stop the project and had a plot to eliminate Nehemiah. They tried to frighten and intimidate him, but Nehemiah’s big view of God made him bold against all opposition. Rather than tremble in fear he turned to his God in dependent prayer. Because Nehemiah feared God he feared no one else. He was bold as he depended on His sovereign, allpowerful God. To what degree are you walking in humble fear of your awesome God that frees you from all other earthly fears? Immanuel’s Child~ Thankyou for your involvement As you know, this year we as a church had the opportunity to be involved again with Immanuel’s Child. This is an opportunity to work with the church in Russia to help them reach out to orphans and unbelieving families. Thankyou for each $25 gift for a “Christmas Star” that helps a Russian church provide a child with a special Christmas gift, and materials. We had a very high level of involvement—more than we have had the last number of years. The people of COHBC contributed for 129 stars—that is 129 Russian speaking children will receive a special message of Christ’s love this Christmas. It was particularly encouraging that the children of COHBC contributed enough loose change for 3 stars! Thank you kids so much for giving towards reaching out to Russian speaking children and their families! Please be praying that God would use these resources to further the gospel through this ministry. COHBC sends monthly support for a church planter/pastor in Israel who is reaching out in there with the gospel. We have requested that our Immanuel’s child gifts would be sent to his ministry for him to use to reach out to Russian speaking children and families in the land of Christ’s birth. Christmas is celebrated on January 7 in Russian communities so pray for special events that are planned around that date to reach out with the gospel through Immanuel’s Child. Women’s Meeting –Saturday, November 22nd Join the ladies of COHBC on Saturday, November 22nd at 9:30 AM for an encouraging time in the Word and fellowship together. They will be going through chapter 2 from Profiting from The Word, by A.W. Pink. If you need a book or have questions, contact Martha Smith ([email protected] or 5097478584). Czech Summer Outreach Team Meeting ~ December 7 This year we will again be sending a Summer Outreach Team to the Czech Republic from June 30July 14 to work alongside our missionaries Marcus and Amie Denny. On Sunday, December 7, there will be an introductory meeting to our Czech Outreach team. Come to the upstairs chapel at noon to find out more information and have your questions answered about this important outreach. Youth Group this Friday night This Friday evening, youth group (Jr. HighHigh School) will meet at 7:00 PM at the Avena’s (17614 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley). The Youth will be continuing a study through the gospel of John. If you have any questions about Youth Group please contact Alex Rappe’ (9163006302; [email protected]) or David Smith (5099799953; [email protected] ). Equipping Essential Classes have started COHBC’s Equipping Essential classes have begun with a good turnout. Even if you didn’t join a class yet, you still can. Classes meet on Sundays at 8:30 AM and they will go until December 14. Here are some of the details of the classes. Bookends of the Christian Life: Jim Moore will be teaching a foundational course on how we can live our lives in light of our position in Christ and the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. How can we really achieve victory in our daily Christian lives? Jim will be going through The Bookends of the Christian Life, as a teaching tool for this course (See below for more description on this book). This class will meet in the Fellowship Hall. GenesisThe first book of the Bible is fundamental for us to understand the rest of God’s truth. Many Christians don’t realize that the gospel of Christ’s death was first proclaimed in this book. This tenweek survey of Genesis will focus on understanding this powerful book and applying its truths to our daily lives. This class will meet in the basement main room. Read a Book with the Elders – The Bookends of the Christian Life We desire to encourage God’s people to be reading good books that will stimulate your walk with Christ and help you live for the glory of God. In, The Bookends of the Christian Life, Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington use the metaphor of "bookends" to help us fully embrace the two things that are absolutely crucial for spiritual victory in the Christian life: our position in Christ and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We are also offering a course in our Fall Equipping Essential classes that is going through this succinct, but very impactful book. Copies of The Bookends of the Christian Life are available at COHBC on Sunday at the table in the foyer for $12. Here’s another quote from Bookends: “There’s no conflict between our work and our dependence. In fact, the harder we work, the more absolute our dependence on the Spirit must become.” p. 98 Praise and Prayer John Smith sr. – Thankyou very much for your prayers for my Dad’s broken back. His surgery went well on Saturday evening and he was transferred from Intensive Care to a regular room last night. Please thank the Lord with us for His gracious protection and pray for complete recovery as he has about 34 more days at the hospital, then about a week at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation center. Alan and Jennifer Dryer – We rejoice with Alan and Jennifer that last Tuesday, Gracie Dan Yulin Dryer’s adoption was finalized at the Spokane courthouse. Please pray for Gracie as her language capabilities increase that she would understand the gospel and grow to love Christ above all things. Hoping in Christ, John John Smith Sunday Corporate Worship Worship in Song Holy, Holy, Holy #3 Revelation Song Speak, O Lord Lord I Need You Show Us Christ Revive Us Again #434 Worship in the Word Nehemiah 8 COHBC Calendar November 13 Thu 7:00 PM College Ministry 14 Fri 7 PM Youth Night 16 Sun 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 20 Thu 7:00 PM College Ministry 22 Sat 9:30 AM Women’s Meeting 23 Sun 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 27 Thu Thanksgiving Holiday 30 Sun 8:30 AM Equipping Classes December 4 Thu 7:00 PM College Ministry 5 Fri 7 PM Youth Night 7 Sun 12 PM Czech Ministry Intro Meeting 7 Sun 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 11 Thu 14 Sun 11 Thu 19 Fri 21 Sun January 1 Thu 2 Fri 8 Thu 9 Fri 15 Thu 16 Fri 17 Sat 22 Thu 24 Sat 29 Thu 30 Fri February 1 Sun 5 Thu 7 Sat 8 Sun 12 Thu 13 Fri 15 Sun 19 Thu 21 Sat 22 Sun 26 Thu 27 Fri March 1 Sun 5 Thu 8 Sun 12 Thu 13 Fri 15 Sun 19 Thu 20 Fri 22 Sun 26 Thu 7:00 PM College Ministry 8:30 AM Equipping Classes (End) 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 10 AM Christmas Celebration New Year’s Day 7 PM Youth Night 7:00 PM College Ministry 6 PM Shared Meal 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night Equipping Seminar 7:00 PM College Ministry 9:30 AM Women’s Meeting 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 8:30 AM Equipping Classes (begin) 7:00 PM College Ministry 8:30 AM Men’s Breakfast 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 9:30 AM Women’s Meeting 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 6 PM Shared Meal 8:30 AM Equipping Classes 7:00 PM College Ministry 27 Fri 28 Sat 29 Sun April 2 Thu 5 9 Thu 10 Fri 12 Sun 16 Thu 19 Sun 23 Thu 24 Fri 25 Sat 26 Sun 26 Sun 30 Thu May 3 Sun 7 Thu 8 Fri 10 Sun 14 Thu 16 Sat 17 Sun 21 Thu 22 Fri 25 Mon 28 Thu 31 Sun June 5 Fri ?? Sat 21 Sun 30July 14 28 Sun July ?? Sat 19 Sun 26 Sun 7 PM Youth Night 9:30 AM Women’s Meeting 8:30 AM Equipping Classes (end?) 7:00 PM College Ministry Sun Easter 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 8:30 AM Equipping Classes ? 7:00 PM College Ministry 8:30 AM Equipping Classes ? 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night 9:30 AM Women’s Meeting 12 PM Czech Presentation Lunch 8:30 AM Equipping Classes ? 7:00 PM College Ministry 8:30 AM Equipping Classes ? 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night Mother’s Day 7:00 PM College Ministry 9:00 AM Church Work Day 8:30 AM Equipping Classes ? (End)? 7:00 PM College Ministry 7 PM Youth Night Memorial Day 7:00 PM College Ministry 6 PM SGL Appreciation Dinner 7 PM Youth Night 6:30 PM Spokane Indians Baseball Father’s Day Czech Mission’s Team 12 PM Summer Picnic 8 AM 5:308pm 12 PM Community Garage Sale?? Parking Lot Party Summer Picnic August 68 ThuSat 2830 FriSun Backpacking Trip Summer Camp
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