13 November 2014 EDITION 35 From the Principal Ph: 3878 0500 I Wet Weather Line: 3878 0511 I Email: [email protected] COMING UP There is a song that has as a part of its lyrics, a picture paints a thousand words. If ever this adage was to hold true for me, the image of the fireworks lighting up the sky above our original building captured a thousand sentiments that were felt and experienced by those present on the weekend. In a bid to symbolically celebrate the imminent end to the name of Nudgee Junior College, it was great to be a part of two fantastic, albeit very different, events last weekend. In society, fireworks are often synonymous with a great celebration and fittingly the fireworks show on Saturday was breathtaking in the image it created for those there present. Young or old, student or parent, I felt the stunning fireworks display symbolically gave all present the opportunity to have their own goodbye inside a community goodbye. Friday night’s celebration Mass in the Cathedral was a special event and as a formal acknowledgement of Nudgee Junior College and its journey. It connected the origins of our story with the Christian Brothers, the boarders, staff, families and present day students. As a Catholic school and proudly a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, the celebration of a Mass brought us together as a faith community united in common purpose and in our shared faith. Saturday’s celebration at the College was multilayered in its delivery – from a unbelievable display of our students’ artistic and musical talents in the Cultural Trail, to the NJC history book launch in the Hall, to the welcome back to so many old boys, to the fun rides and games on the oval and to the sharing of a drink and a BBQ, the day had a very warm feeling. The word ‘welcome’ comes to mind for me and I felt that the warmth of our community that has been characteristic of its 76 year journey was showcased so well on the day. Events like last weekend don’t just happen by chance and the success is always directly proportional to the effort of so many people. I would like to thank all the NJC community that worked so hard to make the weekend the success it was. In particular I would like to acknowledge the leadership of: David Gardiner and Conor Finn (Chief “puppeteers” from the College perspective), Helen Hicks for her overall responsibility for all the food and activities for Saturday. Her enthusiasm and dedication were a key ingredient to the success of the day, The P&F and the over 70 parents who volunteered to help out on the day, Glynis Galletly, Jodi Rivalland, Rhonnie Sparksman and our front office staff, Fathers Pascoe, Gillen, O’Donoghue and Yun for their celebration of the mass, Paul Smith, Peter and Leslie Parry for their work behind the scenes in the preparation for the book launch of “recollections”, Wayne Green, Ross Earle, Colin Hass, Salvador Ferrando, Maurice Tamburin from our grounds staff for the ‘out of hours’ commitment to oversee set up and clean up, Julie Hawkins, Bianca Herbert, Shantelle Kerwin and parent helpers for the herculean task of putting the art displays together (You should be very proud of the boys’ exceptional art work) Barb McGeever for the wonderful performance that our choir and handbells ensemble provided on Friday evening. Jonathon Bolt, Barb McGeever and all our music staff for the engaging music performances at the Cultural Trail. Old boy Nick Kovij from Skylighter Fireworks who provided the most spectacular fireworks display we could have hoped for. NJC students who performed both at the Mass on Friday evening and on Saturday afternoon and also the students who provided tours of the College on Saturday afternoon. All in all the weekend was a marvellous success and I would sincerely thank all the community who joined us for this special time. The depth of feeling in events is only tangible when people gather to share the moment. It was great to share this time with so many past and present NJC families. G20 Public Holiday With the events of G20 culminating this weekend I would extend a gentle reminder to parents that it is a public holiday on Friday, 14 November. Old NJC Uniforms Over the last six months I have had a number of parents ask whether or not the school as a community was looking at facilitating a collection of Nudgee Junior student uniforms that might be able to be donated to a good cause either locally or overseas. I think this is wonderful initiative and I will give further details over the next two weeks about how we can organise for students and parents to drop off any unwanted NJC uniforms to the College in the last week of the school year as well as the first week of the school holidays. 14 Nov Public Holiday G20 With best wishes 18 Nov Night of Excellence 6.30pm Mike Senior 20 Nov Summer Music Concert Principal 27 Nov Year 7 Valedictory Mass From the Deputy Principal From the Assistant to the Principal - Identity David Gardiner—[email protected] Conor Finn– [email protected] Celebrations The events over the weekend were a fantastic focus for our community as we celebrated the end of NJC. I would also like to add my thanks to the enormous team of staff and parents who made the weekend possible. Also thanks to all our boys who were excellent both Friday and Saturday by joining in with the right spirit and cooperation. A special mention to Nick Kovij who coordinated the awesome fireworks display. Nick is a proud old boy of NJC graduating in 1996 and who along with his father ensured we were witness to an amazing finale. It certainly was one of the best fireworks displays I have seen. I strongly recommend Skylighter Fireworks to you if you have any plans for a fireworks display in the future. You can be guaranteed of a great spectacle. End of Term The celebrations set us up for the final two weeks of the school year, with some very significant events. The Year 6 Graduation is tonight and I wish all the families the best for a memorable evening. The Night of Excellence will be held next Tuesday at the ERPAC at St Laurence's College. It is an evening when we can showcase the talents and achievements of our students. Many boys will receive an award but many more will be dancing, singing and playing music to entertain the crowd. All families are warmly invited to be apart of this special evening. It is not just for the award winners. Please note the NOE commences at 6.45pm. Parking is available around St. Laurence's and in the ERPAC parking station. Discount parking tokens can be obtained from staff on the night to secure a lower rate of $15. The whole school outing to Dreamworld will be held on Friday 21 November. Please remember if you do not want your son to participate in this activity you are to inform your son's classroom teacher. The boys are to wear their sports uniform with their broad rim College hat. Buses will leave soon after 8.30am and return approximately 4.30pm. I am looking forward to the Year 4 (Tuesday 25 Nov) and Year 5 ( Wednesday 26 Nov) year presentations and family morning tea. They will be special days to help conclude their school year. I also would like to wish all the Year 7 families all the best for their upcoming Valedictory Dinner on November 27. This is a significant milestone as the boys move into the Middle School at ATC or to other high schools. Service and Action Awards (Presented at Wednesday’s assembly) Year 4 Sam Gordon, Connor Barnes, Joe Clifford, Harry Handy Year 5 Z. McArdle, J. Parlane, M. Laboo, J. Morton, W. Bosci, C. Nasagavesi, C. Sullivan Year 6 Hugo Hay, Alex Stewart, Joe Csincsi, Marcus McEvoy and Gus Esler Year 7 P. Clarke, S. Jamieson, M. Schmelzer, B. Highley, M. McBurnie, B. Rogers “There are two freedoms - the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where he is free to do what he ought.” Charles Kingsley. Freedom This week’s Remembrance Day was set aside to remember the sacrifice of those who have died for Australia in wars and conflicts. Their hope was for the freedom of humankind and it is as a result of their supreme sacrifice that we enjoy our freedom today. Indeed us Aussies are provided with so many freedoms that it is almost a burden! Our commitments (or lack of) reflect this from our careers to our marriage(s). Statistics (sexual, physical and substance abuse, divorce and abortion rates etc) indicate that the freedoms we have been privileged are being misused and are even destructive as we continue to hurt others and ourselves through their abuse. A common kneejerk reaction to this is to restrict one’s freedom. We see this often in politics, religion and law. Whilst this can be sincere it is often misguided as what's needed is not less freedom but more maturity. We are often too immature to carry properly the great gift of freedom that God has given us. Let’s look to Jesus to see how he handled this. There is no doubt that he was free from many things including fear, temptation, lust, greed, envy, pride. Just look at who he hung around - tax -collectors, prostitutes, rich people, poor people, church people, non-church people, moral people, and immoral people. Throughout all this he did not sin. How? Despite the fact that he would have hung around morally dangerous people and places he did not lose himself there. He had the maturity and moral strength to not abuse the freedoms he would have been given at these times. This is much easier said than done! There is no doubt that we all try our best to be pure and sincere whilst at the same time we are still weak, tempted and torn regarding the freedoms we are afforded. So it's not easy to be whole, mature, and to walk into morally dangerous places and not sin. It’s a long shot that we’ll ever be as mature and strong as Jesus however we need to be honest and humble about our weaknesses, sometimes we simply don't have the maturity to walk into ‘dark’ places alone. We're wise to take someone with us so that, in the strength given by family and community, our maturity can measure up to our freedom. There is no doubt that there is nothing more difficult, and therefore more precious, than the freedom to decide! Academic Awards (Presented at Year Level Assembly) Year 4 Nick Teng, Oscar Holt, Rory Wells, Noah Russell Year 5 Keegan Belcher, Louis Hunter, Edward Griffiths Year 6 Matt Harper, James Farquhar, William Stoneley, Liam Smith and Oliver Shun Wah Year 7 Liam Warriner, Jacob Forster, Oliver Thynne, Alasdair Briscoe, Luca Laboo From Learning Enrichment From the Art Department Siobhan Brophy—Counsellor [email protected] Julie Hawkins—Counsellor [email protected] Smiling Mind is modern meditation for young people. It’s a simple tool that gives a sense of calm, clarity and contentment. The amazing fireworks on the beautiful Old College Building on Saturday night really summed up what a success our time at NJC as been in all things Cultural. It really was the 'End of an Era', and the beginning of something new; which we are all really excited about being apart of. Here in Art we have enjoyed being the first group to use the new ATC classrooms to showcase the art exhibition of student work. With over 1200 2D works and close to 970 3D works, it was once again a great joy to see the culmination of the year's work and the extraordinary talents of our young boys. As a teacher the highlight of the art show is always watching our boys proudly point out their art work to their families and explain the concept behind it. A show of this scale cannot be done without the support of so many helpers and I would like to thank the parent helpers who came in to hang works, the groundsmen, office staff, the students and especially the art staff, Shantelle Kerwin and Bianca Herbert for their effort throughout the year but especially for the long hours spent setting up last week. We already look forward to our first exhibition as Ambrose Treacy College in 2015. Smiling Mind In recent years, Mindfulness Meditation has grown in popularity for use in the treatment of stress, resilience, anxiety, depression and other physical and mental illnesses. Highly regarded institutions such as UCLA, Harvard, Oxford, Monash and Melbourne Universities have developed clinical studies into the positive impacts of Mindfulness Meditation. Smiling Mind is a unique web and App-based program developed by a team of psychologists with expertise in youth and adolescent therapy. Smiling Mind is a free tool that will assist in improving the lives of young Australians, and is available online or as a smartphone App. Smiling Mind’s mission is to provide accessible, lifelong tools based in mindfulness meditation. Creating happier, healthier and more compassionate young people. For further information: www.smilingmind.com.au Tuck shop roster Julie O’Neill -0408733771 Mon 17th Nov: Jo Erzetich, Sarah Hunter Wed 19h Nov: S. Bennet, M. Clifford, K. Brosnan, K. Esler Fri 21st Nov: CLOSED: School Outing to Dreamworld Uniform shop roster Julie Ebbage – 0419772664 Mon 17th Nov: Sharon Ward Wed 19th Nov: Lisa Morris Fri 21st Nov: CLOSED: School Outing to Dreamworld Music MOZART MUSICIANS - Jonathon Bolt - Acting Instrumental Music Co-ordinator [email protected] Year 6 Graduation Ceremony All Year 4, 5 and 7 choir members as well and Year 7 Handbell ensemble will be performing at the Year 6 Graduation Ceremony tonight Thursday 13th November. Please arrive by 5.30pm wearing full formal uniform with jacket. Thank you to all of our amazing musicians for their fantastic performances on what was an outstanding day on Saturday at our Cultural Trail and end of NJC celebrations. The response from friends, families, old boys and visitors to the college was amazing, it was a special occasion to play in the new year 8 classrooms and also to conclude a performance on the oval with a spectacular fireworks display!! Thanks especially goes to Helen Hicks and all of the event organisers. Thank you to the parents to you continued support of your son in their music making, only a few performances left for the year now, and many lessons and rehearsals are already concluding for 2014. Night of Excellence The Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, Hand Bells, Choir and Taiko Drums will all be performing at the night of excellence at St Laurence’s ERPAC next Tuesday evening the 18th of November. Students will travel by bus to the college during the day for rehearsals. Students will depart NJC for ERPAC at 10am and return by 1.00pm. Please ensure that they bring the necessary music and instruments to school on that day. They will not require formal uniform for the daytime rehearsals. The Wind Symphony will be performing first on the night as people arrive, so all Wind Symphony members must be at ERPAC by 5.45pm for a 6.15pm start. All other performers can arrive at 6.15pm, the evening officially commences at 6.45pm. All performers (except Taiko drummers) must be in full formal uniform. Summer Music Concert Also, please be aware that the Summer Music Concert is happening on Thursday the 20 th of November at 6.30pm. This will involve the Junior & Senior Concert Bands, Saxophone Ensemble, Brass Ensemble and Percussion Ensembles 1&2. See you at the performances! Term 4 Events Calendar for Performing Arts Week 7—Week 8 WEEK Week 7 TIME 6.15pm DATE Tues 18 Nov School time Week 8 ACTIVITY VENUE UNFORM GROUPS Night of Excellence Rehearsal during day St Laurence's College (ERPAC) Full Formal Choir, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble Audition 2015 Instrumental Music groups Tue-Thu NJC Summer Music Concert NJC Hall All continuing students Formal Junior, Senior Concert Bands, Saxophone Ens, Brass Ens, Percussion Ens 1&2 6.30pm Thu 20 Nov Lunchtime Tues 25 Nov Break up party NJC 6.45am Thu 27 Nov Arts Education Global Summit Griffith University Formal Year 7 Handbell Ensemble 5.30pm7.30pm Thu 27 Nov Year 7 Graduation Mass NJC Hall Formal Choir and Yr. 6 2015 Handbell Ensemble All Performing Arts students CHOIR, HANDBELLS, VOCALS -Barbara McGeever - Classroom music, Choral and Handbells [email protected] Thank you! NJC Singers and Ringers, you sounded amazing at Friday's NJC Mass at St Stephen's Cathedral and Saturday's Cultural Trail. Thank you for always being ready to support your fellow students and school at every liturgy and celebration throughout the year. Thank you for launching the Ambrose Treacy College song so well at yesterday's assembly. for being there for your Year 6 mates tonight at their Graduation Mass. to Mrs McGuiness, Mrs Black and Mrs Ebbage for helping me at the NJC Celebration Mass. I couldn't do without you. To Mrs Rivalland for organising the pizza. to Mr Finn for organising the Mass. An email has been sent home about the times for the next 3 weeks' performances e.g. Year 6 Graduation Mass tonight, next week's Tuesday's Night of Excellence, and the final Thursday's World Arts Summit (Year 7 ringers) and Year 7 Graduation Mass (choir and Year 5 ringers). Week 7 Performing Arts Practice Times Time Monday 7.15 - 8.15am Tuesday Percussion Ens 1 Saxophone Ens Brass & Flute Ensemble 7.30 - 8.00am Vocal Ensemble 8.00 - 8.45am Choir 12.30 - 1.15pm Year 5 Handbell Ensemble Practice 3.15 - 5.00 pm Handbell Ensemble Year 7 Thursday Junior Concert band Jazz Ensemble Senior Concert Band Year 5 Handbell Ensemble Clarinet Ensemble Percussion Ens 2 Choir will be rehearsing at 8am today Practice at venue during school hours by bus 12.40 - 1.20 pm Wednesday Friday Wind Symphony AMBROSE TREACY COLLEGE New College Crest for suit coats If you are intending to continue to use your current navy suit coat in 2015, it will be necessary for you to purchase an Ambrose Treacy College patch crest. We are offering two options: 1. Patch crest only to be affixed by you - $7.50 (can be collected from Uniform Shop after payment) 2. Patch crest including affixing $17.50 (Coat to be delivered to Uniform Shop) Payment can only be made through the NJC website via the ‘Make a Payment’ link. If you choose the second option, your son’s navy suit coat must be brought in to the Uniform Shop no later than 3 December. Your coat will be ready for collection at the beginning of Term 1 next year. Please fill out your detail below, cut and securely attach the following tag to your jacket before leaving it for badging. If you have any further queries please contact Julie Ebbage on 38780547 or email [email protected] --------------------------------------------------——-SUIT COAT COLLECTION Parent’s Name: ………………………………………… Student’s Name: …………………………………………… Class/Year Level 2015: …………..……. Contact Number : ……………………….. Uniform Shop helpers needed Volunteers are still required for uniform fitting appointments. Go to the news page on the NJC website and select Volunteer In The Uniform ShopOct/Nov/Dec. Alternatively please click here to use the Volunteer Local link. Volunteer with a group of From the P&F President A big thank you to all NJC families and staff who joined in the festivities at the ‘End of NJC Celebrations’ on Saturday. Thanks to the amazing fortitude and sheer talent of P&F Vice-President, Helen Hicks, the event ran smoothly and I’m sure all who attended would agree it was a huge success, capped off by one of the most fantastic fireworks displays Indooroopilly and its neighbours have seen in a long time. A special thanks to the other, and equally important, coordinators…. A special thanks to the other, and equally important, coordinators…. Sandy on ticketing, Steve on the BBQ, Laurraine in the canteen, Prue on afternoon tea, Therese on cold drinks, Loretta and Mel for signage and Michelle at the bar. During the event, we also had the NJC handball and kicking championships. I am pleased to announce that the handball winners, who played on a particularly challenging 12 square court, are: Year 1-3 - Tom (if anyone knows who Tom is, please let us know) Year 4 - Will Sharkey Year 5 - Nick Craven Year 6 - Sam Hicks Year 7 - Ally Orlando Year 8+ - Matthew Burgin. And the kicking winners, who showed extreme prowess in distance and accuracy, are: Year 1-3 - Sam Spitzer Year 4 - Sam Miley Year 5 - DRAW - Gabe Lentz & Callum Fitzgerald Year 6 - James Porter Year 7 - Lachlan Ford Year 8+ - Liam Hopley Dodds. And the winners of the Raffles were: The Maranta Family -iPad Simone Hart -EB games Voucher A. Bradford -EB games Voucher Throughout the event, the NJC spirit was certainly on show, and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this fantastic community, particularly as we head towards the beginning of a new era—the Ambrose Treacy College era. The Principal, Staff and Students of Nudgee Junior College Cordially invite The NJC Community to the 2014 Night of Excellence To be held in ERPAC (Edmund Rice Performing Arts Centre) St Laurence’s College, Stephens Rd, South Brisbane On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 Entertainment commences at 6.20 pm Guests are to be seated by 6.30 pm Official opening at 6.45pm The evening will include the official launch of the NJC Cookbook Orders will be taken on the night. $30 each or two for $50 Parking tokens will be given to parents at the Auditorium to be eligible for the discounted parking rate of $15 Cricket ATC Cricket Brett Henschell —[email protected] Week 5 of junior club cricket fixtures were again played under ideal conditions. ATC teams posted some good results, particularly in the older age groups where most matches are evenly poised going into the second day. This Saturday will present some challenges, being in the middle of a long weekend caused by the G20 Summit. Despite one U10 match already being cancelled, all players are required and will be spread across other teams to cover absences. No player will miss out on a game. Players and parents are reminded that Term 4 junior club cricket fixtures will be played right up to Saturday 6 December 2014, despite the NJC school year concluding 28 November 2014. Please make sure you are available for Saturday 29 November 2014 and Saturday 6 December 2014 so that your team is not forced to play short or forfeit. A reminder also that Term 1 school cricket trials have now concluded. We thank the boys for their attendance and effort during the trials. One final trial is planned for the first week of Term 1 2015 but will be confirmed in due course. TEAM RESULT SPIRIT OF CRICKET AWARD U10 Blue Valley Redbacks 124 v ATC 42 Elijah Harris-Croft U10 Green Valley Crocodiles 122 v ATC 183 Jack Scott U10 White Valley Kangaroos 132 v ATC 130 Sam Pandy U10 Gold U10 Red Valley Falcons 120 v ATC 109 Valley Crows 191 v ATC 69 Harry Ricketts Nathan McCarthy U11 Blue Valley Yellow 5/160 v ATC 9/146 Day 1 Alex Sherratt U11 Green Valley White 2/160 v ATC 5/80 Day 1 Sam Hewson U11 White Wilston North Yellow 4/159 v ATC 7/130 Day 1 Patrick Keogh U12 Blue Sandgate Redcliffe 5/153 v ATC 2/176 Day 1 Fergal Apps U12 Green Toombul Red 6/111 v ATC 2/113 Day 1 Chris Pepper U13 Blue Everton 0/18 v ATC 191 Day 1 Sam Alexander U13 Green Albany Creek Hawks 108 v ATC 2/57 Day 1 Josh Molachino HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD Summer School Holidays Cricket Coaching Clinics Exclusive to 2015 Ambrose Treacy College students. Boys of all standards are welcome. HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD will be conducting Cricket Coaching Clinics during the Summer exclusive to 2015 Ambrose Treacy College students. Boys of all standards are welcome. The December Clinic will build on the skill base established during Term 4 junior club cricket whilst having fun and enjoying the game of cricket. The January Clinic will concentrate on preparing players for the Term 1 school and junior club cricket seasons. Attendees will be arranged with others of like ability and age, in groups small enough to ensure individual tutelage is provided. A Cricket Australia accredited coach will be allocated to each group for the duration of the Clinic to enable a structured program to be delivered and a comprehensive written report will be provided post Clinic conclusion. A Senior First Aid Officer will be in attendance in case of illness or injury. At each Clinic, one lucky player will win a Gabba cricket bat valued up to $175.00 (depending on size) simply by attending! Where: Ambrose Treacy College, Twigg Street, Indooroopilly. When: Week 1 Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 December 2014 8:30am to 12:00pm Week 2 Monday 19 to Thursday 22 January 2015 2:00pm to 5:30pm What to wear: Cricket whites (white shirt minimum), sunscreen and hat/cap What to bring: Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude Cost: $199.00 (Incl. GST) per Clinic (family rates available) To book your place at these 4 day Clinics, or for further information, please contact Brett Henschell via email [email protected] or by mobile 0458 026 224. School Holidays NJC Sports News From the Head of Sport and Activities Dave Capra –[email protected] Triathlon Last weekend was the Triathlon Queensland All Schools Championships at Lake Kawana where we had 18 boys do our community proud both in the triathlon and aquathlon. Congratulations to Callum Barter (9th), Pat Newell (4th), Tom Newell (10th) and Bayley Judson (5th) who are eligible to be selected to represent Met West Triathlon as well as Tom Neill (1st) and Oliver Seawright (8th)t for Met North Triathlon. In addition Mitchell Densley (4th), Tom Kearney (3rd) and Joe Newell (2nd) are eligible to be selected to represent Met West Aquathlon as well as Archie Esler (10th) for Met North Aquathlon. In particular, thanks must go once again to our exceptional coaches Brett, Travis and Greg Scanlon whose knowledgeable and balanced approach engaged and inspired our boys to achieve their best whilst enjoying themselves throughout the competition. Brisbane International Primary Schools Tennis This Sunday, our two top tennis teams will participate in the BI Primary Schools Tennis Tournament at Tennyson against other schools in the Metropolitan West region. The teams that place first and second in the region then play against schools from all over QLD at the Brisbane International over the new year. Best of luck to the followings boys: Team 1 Finn Macnamara, Xavier Lim, Dominic Anderson, Matt Harper, Josh Molachino, Lachlan Ford Team 2 Joe Lim, Bailey Gunther, Owen Griffin, Liam Smith, Matthew Schoutrop, Ned Aboud. Athletics Congratulations to Patrick Thygesen who won both the State 1500m and the 800m events and has qualified to run in the Under 14 age group next year in march at the Australian Athletics Junior Championships at Sydney Olympic Park. Well done Patrick! NSW Cricket Tour After 3 weeks of trialling a squad of 14 players has been selected to travel to participate in our ATC Northern NSW Cricket Tour which will see two T20 and two One Day matches played across four days. The boys began training yesterday afternoon in preparation for the tour in January. Congratulations to the following boys: Angus Worland Ben Rogers Cameron Hunt Connor McCarthy Hamish Killen Jack Hewson Jared Gardiner Jonte Roberts Josh Wataman Lachlan Tonkin Lachlan A-Khavari Liam Gallagher Nat Cowin Tyler Neville Water Polo Due to the G20 closure of Musgrave Park Pool there will be no water polo fixtures this weekend. ATC Junior Australian Football Club - Sponsorship As the 2015 season approaches we are looking for businesses within the NJC/ATC community and local area who would like to sponsor our AFL teams. If you are interested please contact [email protected] or Dave Capra [email protected] Yours in Sport, Dave Capra Celebrating the end of Nudgee Junior College, Indooroopilly, ‘Recollections –A Journey’ embraces the essence of what makes NJC such a unique place. With hundreds of intriguing photographs capturing the journey of the school over 76 years, this publication is a wonderful souvenir for anyone who has been associated with the college. $40 each 2 copies for $70
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