New York SState Com mmon Core 2 GRADE Maathem maticss Currriculu um To opic C GR RADE 2 • MODU ULE 2 M Measu ure aand C Comp pare LLengths U Usingg D Different LLengtth Un nits 2.M MD.1, 2.MD D.2, 2.MD.4 4 Foccus Standard: Insstructional Days: 2.MD.1 1 Measu ure the length off an object by seelecting and usinng appropriate to ools such as ruleers, yardsticks, meter stickks, and measurinng tapes. 2.MD.2 2 Measu ure the length off an object twicee, using length uunits of differentt lengths for the two measu urements; descriibe how the twoo measurementss relate to the sizze of the unit chosen n. 2.MD.4 4 Measu ure to determine e how much longger one object iss than another, expressing the length difference in te erms of a standa rd length unit. 2 Coherence ‐Links from: GK–M3 3 ‐Linkss to: Compaarison of Length h, Weight, Capaccity, and Numbeers to 10 G1–M6 6 Place V Value, Comparisson, Addition annd Subtraction too 100 G3–M2 2 Place V Value and Problem Solving withh Units of Measuure G3–M4 4 Multip plication and Are ea G3–M7 7 Geome etry and Measurement Word P roblems In To opic C, students use differrent length un nits to measure and comp are lengths. They practicee applying theeir know wledge of cen ntimeters and d meters to choose an app propriate meaasurement to ool in Lesson 6. Students discover that the ere is a relatio onship between unit size and measurem ment when th hey measure one object tw wice usin ng different le ength units. TThey learn thaat the larger tthe unit, the ffewer numbeer of units in aa given meaasurement. In n Lesson 7, sttudents continue to measu ure and comppare lengths u using standarrd and non‐ stan ndard length u units. At this point, studen nts are prepaared to explic itly compare different non n‐standard lenggth units and can make infferences abou ut the relative e size of objeccts. Topic C: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo Measure e and Compare Lengths Using Differrent Length Units 10/24/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.C.1 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM To opic C 2 2 A TTeaching Sequence Towarrds Mastery o of Measuringg and Comparring Lengths U Using Differeent Length Un nits Ob bjective 1: Measure and c M compare lenggths using cen ntimeters an d meters. (LLesson 6) Ob bjective 2: Measure and c M compare lenggths using staandard metri c length units and non‐staandard length un nits; relate m measurement to unit size. (LLesson 7) Topic C: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo Measure e and Compare Lengths Using Differrent Length Units 10/24/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.C.2
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