Daylight Saving Time ends November 2, 2014 at 2:00 am 703 Ridge Avenue Mt Airy, Maryland 21771 301-829-2407 or 410-795-1017 Senior Center Hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday [email protected] Fax number: 410-549-5429 Mission Statement The Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities is dedicated to providing the highest quality of services, programs and assistance to promote choice, dignity and independence for older adults, adults with disabilities and those who care for them. WELCOME TO THE CENTER Welcome to the Mt Airy Senior and Community Center If this is your first visit to the center, please let the folks at the front desk know, they’ll be able to give you a tour of the center, answer questions you might have and give you an intake form that you will need to fill out to receive your card for signing in when you come to the center. If you would like to use the exercise equipment or join a physical activities class, you must fill out the intake form, sign the activities waiver and have a senior center card. There are no dues or fees for joining the center. Classes and activities may have a cost. Lunch is served daily and reservations are required. If you know that you will be joining us for lunch, reservation must be made by 10:00 am 2 days before you’ll be eating with us. If it is an indicated special lunch, reservations must be made one week in advance before 10:00 am. If you are 60 or older, the lunch cost is a donation of up to $3.42. If you are a guest and not yet 60 years of age, the cost of your meal is $3.42. Please feel welcome and we hope to see you often! The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities and facilities. Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication or who has a complaint should contact Madeline Morey, The Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, 410.386.3800, 1.888.302.8978, MD Relay 7-1-1/1.800.735.2258 or email [email protected] as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours before the scheduled event. Meet the Mt Airy Senior Center Staff Angie Walz Center Manager Mark Fishel Center Custodian Shawn Roper Center Assistant Wayne Luby Center Custodian If you have questions concerning programs, activities, services or CATS tickets, please feel free to speak with the front desk volunteers, Shawn or Angie. We are all available to assist you! Information and Assistance (I&A) assists seniors living in Carroll County with the Renters’ Tax Credit and Homeowners’ Tax Credit applications. I&A can also help with information regarding Medicare, Housing and Social Security. Kathy Wood is at the senior center the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Appointments are recommended and can be made by calling Kathy Wood at 410-386-3831 directly for more information. Kathy will meet with you here at the center. 2 Mt Airy Senior & Community Center November 2014 Events & Happenings Blood Pressure Screening - November 5, 12, 19, & 26 @ 11:30 am every Wednesday with Connie Monday Nov 3 55+ Club Meeting 10:00 am Monday Nov 3 Baked Potato Day - 11:45 am - MUST sign up for lunch by Monday, October 27 no later than 10:00 am Tuesday Thursday Nov 4 Nov 6 Shawn’s Nutrition Talk - “Food Storage Savvy” - 12:00 pm Blood Pressure Screening: CCC Nursing Students 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Thursday Nov 6 Veteran’s Day Luncheon - Entertainment by the “Golden Tones” - 12:30 pm MUST sign up for lunch by Thursday, October 30 no later than 10:00 am Friday Nov 7 Memory Café - 1st Friday of every month - 10:00 am - 11:30 am Friday Nov 7 Movie - 12:15 pm - Check bulletin board for details Monday Nov 10 Tuesday Nov 11 MASC Bus Trip - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm “Dandy Riverboat Luncheon Cruise” (Call Judy, 301-829-3662 and make reservations) Center CLOSED - Veteran’s Day — Thank you to all veterans and their families. Wednesday Nov 12 November Birthday Party - 12:00 pm - If your birthday is in November this is your party. Please bring in your pictures for the bulletin board. Cake and ice cream will be served. Wednesday Nov 12 Information & Assistance with Kathy Wood will be available from 10:00 am -12:00 pm Read the information in the green box on the bottom of page 2. Wednesday Nov 12 Sub Day (Ham & Cheese) -11:45 am - MUST sign up for lunch by Wednesday, November 5 no later than 10:00 am Thursday Nov 13 Holiday Safety - Bruce Lohr from MD Crime Prevention Task Force — Make sure your holidays are happy and safe Friday Nov 14 Nickel Bingo - 12:30 pm - A total of 15 games; 5 cents per card Monday Nov 17 Tuesday Wednesday Nov 18 Nov 19 Site Council Meeting - 10:30 am - Everyone welcome You will be voting for the 2015 Site Council Board Shawn’s Nutrition Talk - “Healthy Holiday Choices” - 12:00 pm Consult with Pam from CHC at 11:15 on pre-diabetes, medication & nutrition issues Wednesday Nov 19 Pendant Jewelry Workshop with Kathy Myrick - 12:30 pm Cost:$10.00 per necklace Make one for yourself or as a gift. Choose from different design options. Sign up by Nov 12 Thursday Nov 20 Book Club - “Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline - 12:30 pm Friday Friday Nov 21 Nov 21 Friday Friday Tuesday Nov 21 Nov 21 Nov 25 Tuesday Thursday Nov 25 Nov 27 Movie - 12:15 pm Check bulletin board for details Mount Airy Site Council Breakfast - 8:30 am - Begin the holiday season with a great breakfast with friends - Cost $5.00 - MUST sign up for breakfast by Wednesday, November 19 The menu will be posted on the white board by the kitchen window Decorate the CENTER Day - 10:00 am — Deck the halls with lots of laughter falalalala… Singing Seniors - Giving Thanks in Song - 10:00 am Thanksgiving - Celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings - MUST sign up for lunch by Tuesday, November 18 no later than 10:00 am Live Entertainment - Back by popular request Captain Chuck - 12:15 pm Center Closed - Happy Thanksgiving Friday Nov 28 Center Closed - Happy Thanksgiving 3 Healthy Living Wednesday Mornings Sending wishes to friends Pool players in action Marilyn Potter, from the Mt Airy Garden Club, held a Fall workshop at the Mt Airy Senior Center on October 22, 2014. Everyone made beautiful arrangements! Many thanks to the Mt Airy Garden Club members for sharing your talents with us! 4 Communications Mt Airy Site Council The Mt Airy Senior Center Site Council (MASC) is a non-profit advisory and fundraising organization that supports the programs and operation of our center. Your participation, suggestions and comments are always welcome. Feel free to contact the MASC Site Council President, or any MASC Site Council board member. The Site Council Board President Vice President Rose Ann Parenteau Gay Natoli Treasurer Chuck Greenslit Secretary Diann Linton If you are a member of the Mt. Airy Senior Center, you are a member of the Site Council. The Site Council nominating committee is seeking your participation. If you are interested in running for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, please call Jean Merson (301-829-4280). In December the nominating committee will post a proposed slate of officers. Additional nominations can be written in on the posted slate during the month. The election will take place at the January meeting The next meeting of the Site Council will be on November 17, 2014 at 10:30 am. Please plan to attend, learn what is happening and share your thoughts. Newsletter Volunteers Nancy Swain Newsletter Photographers Mary Burgess Chris Camillieri Stephanie Lang Faye Trageser 5 Mt Airy Senior Center November 2014 Reservations should be made TWO Business days ahead and no later than 10:00 am SPECIAL EVENT MEALS: Baked Potato Day, Sub Day and HOLIDAY MEALS REQUIRE reservations 5 Business days before the event and are noted in red Lunch served at 11:45 am Margarine, 1% Milk, and Juice are served with each meal MONDAY 3) Baked Potato Chili Con Carne Tossed Salad Applesauce TUESDAY 4) Opened Faced Hot Turkey Green Beans Mashed Potatoes Fresh Fruit Baked Potato Day 10) Pasta & Meatballs Applesauce Green Beans Garlic Bread 17) Chicken Qtr w/ Gravy Mashed Potatoes Peas & Carrots Diced Peaches 11) Centers Closed 18) Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Romaine Lettuce Peaches WEDNESDAY 5) THURSDAY 6) FRIDAY 7) Hot Cakes & Italian Sausage Hash Brown Potatoes Spiced Apples Fresh Orange Beef Stroganoff w/ Noodles Streamed Carrots Tropical Fruit 12) Roast Beef on Kaiser Roll Potato Salad Cole Slaw Fruit Cocktail L,T,M Sub Day 19) Ham Green Beans & Potatoes Pineapple Tidbits 13) Chicken Salad Platter W/ Fresh Spinach Multi Bean Soup Grape Tomatoes Mandarin Oranges Chicken Breast w/ Gravy Mashed Potatoes Mixed Veggies Fruit Cocktail Nickel Bingo 14) Beef Stew w/ Vegetables & Potatoes Cinnamon Apples Movie 20) Hot Turkey w/ Gravy Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Diced Peaches 21) All Beef Hot Dogs Carrots Applesauce Barley Quinoa Salad Singing Seniors Movie 24) Tuna Salad Platter on Fresh Spinach Pears Split Pea Soup 25) Carved Turkey w/ Gravy Bread Stuffing Green Beans Fruit Cocktail Cranberry Sauce Pumpkin Pie Special: Thanksgiving Dinner 26) Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad & Diced Peaches 6 27) Centers Closed For Thanksgiving 28) Centers Closed For Thanksgiving Holiday Mt Airy Senior Center COLD MENU Reservations should be made TWO days ahead no later than 10:00 am Cold Meals are ordered by your RESERVATIONS ONLY Lunch served at 11:45 am Boxed Meal A Cold Cut Lunchmeat American Cheese Wheat Bread L,,T,M,M Potato Salad Coleslaw Diced Fruit Boxed Meal B Ham & Cheese Wheat Bread L,T,M Potato Salad Coleslaw Diced Fruit Boxed Meal C Cold Fried Chicken Hamburger Roll L,T,M,M Potato Salad Coleslaw Diced Fruit You now have 4 meal choices every day You may select the Hot meal or one of the three Cold meals Because there are so many choices: Your every day meal reservations must be made 2 days ahead by 10:00 am When making your every day meal reservations for a Cold Boxed Meal: please state Box A or Box B or Box C so that your choice can be marked accordingly Special meal reservations must be made 5 days ahead Saturday and Sunday do not count as days when ordering meals only Monday thru Friday If you would like to reserve a meal for Monday, you must make your reservation on the Thursday before If you would like to reserve a meal for Tuesday, You must make your reservation on the Friday before If you must cancel your reservation, please do so as soon as possible. If you can’t cancel the reservation before the center closes, you may call the center after hours and leave a message to cancel your reservation. Any meal cancellations will be available on first come first serve basis Please do all you can to help eliminate this wasted food and money. Wasted meals are those that participants have reserved but either the participant does not show up for the meal or calls the day of the meal to cancel the reservation. Whether the meal is eaten or not, the nutrition program has to pay for the requested meal. The funding is declining and each wasted meal is one less we have to serve at a later date and one meal closer to running out of funds before the funding year reaches its end. Cost of lunch for seniors 60 and older is a donation. Those 59 and younger must pay $3.42 Donations are important to keep our meal program funded. Increasing costs, shrinking budgets & fewer donations may result in fewer meals offered to our seniors. As always, thank you for your donations! NEW: When you are eating lunch at the center, stop by the front desk and pick up your ticket! The tickets are color coded for the type of lunch you reserved. Tickets will be collected when you get your lunch. 7 Sodium Claims on Food Packaging Learn what it means when a label calls something "reduced" or "low" sodium. Q: What’s the difference between reduced sodium, low sodium, and no salt added foods? I am so confused by food labels! A: If you’ve been diagnosed with prehypertension or hypertension, lowering the amount of sodium you eat is one of the most important dietary changes you can make. Since up to 80 percent of the sodium in the US diet comes from processed foods (not salt added at the table or during food prep), you’ll want to become a savvy consumer and start reading labels. To get you started, here’s a guide to the labeling lingo the FDA uses to regulate sodium claims on food packaging. “Sodium-free” indicates that a product contains less than 5 milligrams (mg) sodium per serving. “Very low-sodium” indicates that a product contains 35 mg sodium or less per serving. “Low-sodium” indicates that a product contains 140 mg sodium or less per serving. “Reduced sodium” or “less sodium” indicates that a product contains at least 25% less sodium than the standard version. Note: Some “reduced sodium” products are still very high in sodium, so you’ll need to check the actual sodium content on the Nutrition Facts Panel to see if it fits into your low-sodium diet. For example, “reduced sodium” canned soups, though considerably lower in salt than regular canned soups, can still contain almost 500 milligrams sodium per 1-cup serving. “Light in sodium” indicates that the product contains at least 50% less sodium than the standard version. Note: Some “light in sodium” products are still very high in sodium, so you’ll need to check the actual sodium content on the Nutrition Facts Panel to see if it fits into your low-sodium diet. For example, “light” or “lite” soy sauce, though considerably lower in salt than regular soy sauce, still contains 500-600 mg sodium per tablespoon. “Unsalted” or “no salt added” indicates that no sodium (salt) is added to the product during processing, but the product still contains the sodium that naturally occurs in the product’s ingredients. If a product is labeled as “healthy”, it must contain no more than 480 mg sodium for an individual food item (like a snack food), or no more than 600 mg for a meal or main dish (like a frozen dinner). Joy Bauer, MS, RDN, CDN Joy Bauer is one of the nation's leading health authorities. As the nutrition and health expert for NBC’s TODAY show, Joy shares reliable, practical, and straightforward advice that helps millions of Americans eat better and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. She also hosts the program’s popular “Joy Fit Club” series, which celebrates determined people who have lost more than 100 pounds through diet and exercise alone. 8 First MASC Center Trip Glad everyone had a good time. Watch the bulletin board in the dining room for upcoming trips! 9 To make trip reservations: First you must call Judy Phebus: 443-540-3365 (Leave a message if necessary. Judy checks her voice mail regularly.) Register with Judy before completing paper work & making payment Trip Details, registrations forms, trip policies & emergency contact forms are available on the Dining Room Bulletin Board. The dining room bulletin board hangs above the self serve coffee pots & water table Trips Day and Date Time Cost Per Person Dandy Riverboat Luncheon Cruise Monday, November 10, 2014 9:00 am - 5:00 pm $77.00 Kennedy Center “Shear Madness” Thursday, December 4, 2014 9:30 am - 5:30 pm $49.00 Rocky Gap Casino Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:00 am - 5:00 pm $24.00 9:00 am - 5:00 pm $56.00 Rainbow’s Comedy Playhouse Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Grandeur of the Seas 7 night Bermuda Cruise Departing from Baltimore Friday, July 31, 2015 - Friday, August 7, 2015 10 All information about this cruise is on the trip bulletin board in dining room Note: A valid passport is required General Election Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Please remember to vote! Poles are open 7 am to 8 pm 11 November Events Baked Potato Day Monday November 3rd Must sign up for lunch by October 27th (no later than 10:00 am) Blood Pressure Screening Every Wednesday November 5, 12, 19 & 26 with Connie McKain 11:30 am Thursday November 6th CCC Nursing Students 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Thursday November 6th Veteran’s Day Luncheon Must sign up for lunch by October 30th (no later than 10:00 am) Entertainment by the Golden Tones 12:30 pm 12 November Events Monica’s Wednesday “KEEPING YOU IN STITCHES” 1st and 3rd Wednesday November 5th & November 19th 9:00 am - 11:00 am Meet with Monica to see if she can replace that lost button, shorten those slacks, replace the elastic in your favorite jacket. She’ll let you know if she can help keep you in stitches Shawn’s NUTRITION TALKS Tuesday Tuesday November 4th November 18th “Food Storage Savvy ” “Healthy Holdiay Choices” 12:00 pm 12:00 pm Friday November 7th 10:00 am - 11:30 am 13 November Events Friday Movies November 7th November 21st beginning at 12:15 pm Please check the bulletin board for features. The movie list doesn’t come out until Tuesdays Suggestions for movies you’d like to see are always welcome! SUB DAY Wednesday November 12th (Must sign up for lunch by November 5th, No later than 10:00 am) Happy Birthday Party Wednesday November 12th If your birthday is in November this is your party. Please bring in your pictures for the bulletin board. Cake and ice cream will be served. 14 November Events Wednesday November 12th 10:00am - 12:00 pm Kathy Wood Information and Assistance Please read the information in the green box on page 2. There is a list of topics that can be addressed Holiday Safety Thursday November 13th 12:00 pm Bruce Lohr with the MD Crime Prevention Task Force Friday November 14th Nickel Bingo 12:30 pm 15 November Events Wednesday November 19, 2014 12:30 pm Cost: $10.00 per necklace Instructor: Kathy Myrick Back by popular request! Here is your opportunity to make yourself another one or get a head start on holiday gifts! Sign up at front desk Thursday November 20th 12:30 pm Orphan Train By Christina Baker Kline Friday November 21st 9:00 am Must sign up for breakfast by Wednesday, November 19 Singing Seniors at 10:00 am While decorating, sing along with the Singing Seniors 16 November Events Tuesday November 25th 11:45am Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration With all the trimmings Live Entertainment Captain Chuck (Back by popular request) Thursday November 27th And Friday November 28th Mt. Airy Senior Center Closed Items for “Neighbors in Need” It’s that time of year again. The “underwear” tree will be up and “ready for decorating” November 21st. Suggested New items: socks, underwear, gift items for teens (cds, after shave, perfume, nail polish, house hold items, gloves, hats, mittens, scarves, children’s books and games, outfits for younger children, nightgowns, robes, flannel pj pants, sweaters, hair accessories, hair products, tableware, pots, items. Spooktacular Performance by Karen Boger’s Thursday Better Health and Wellness exercise class. Thank you ladies it was BOOtiful. 18 Activities Monday Time Program Weekly 12:30 pm Bridge – open to all skill levels Belly Dancing - Candy Ranlet 12:30 - 1:30 pm Session: November 3 11:00 am Room Cost Classroom None Activity Room $25.00 per session Dining Room None Room Cost Activity Room $25.00 per 8 week session Billiards Room $28.00 per 8 week session Classroom $25.00 per 10 week session Activity Room $25.00 per 12 week session Classroom None Activity Room $25.00 per 8 week session Dining Room None 9:00 -10:00 am Blood Pressure Screening with CHC Quilt Room None Massage Therapy - Connie Zaruba, LMT By Appointment Make Appointment directly with Connie (301-829-0662). Add’l info on health bulletin board. Health Room Contact Connie “55 Plus” Club Meeting Tuesday Time Program Tai Chi - Toni Minkel Session: September 23-November 18; November 25-January 13 Seated Yoga - Karen Boger 9:15 -10:15 am Session: November 4 - December 30 Pool players will not be practicing or playing during this hour. *Spanish Language & Culture (Advanced) - Pat Rupani 9:30 -11:00 am Session: Sept 23 - December 2 No class November 25 *Better Health & Wellness - Karen Boger 10:30 -11:30 am Muscle strengthening exercise class Session: October 28 - January 20 1:00 pm Wii Bowling for Fun and Exercise Weekly Zumba (dance exercise) - Candy Ranlet 12:30 -1:30 pm Session: September 2 - December 4; December 9 - January 27 Call Center to verify if class is being held during this session Nutrition Tips – Shawn Roper 12:00 pm November 4 - “ Food Storage Savvy ” Tuesdays November 18 - “ Healthy Holiday Choices ” 9:15 -10:15 am Computer Classes with Ginny are now on Thursdays Join Carroll Community College Classes at any time at full prices Please write a separate check for each class when taking multiple classes. Thank You! The cost of Carroll Community College classes will increase or classes may be cancelled if there are fewer than 12 students registered before the 2nd class. 19 Activities Wednesday Program Time 9:00 - 11:30 am *Drawing & Painting - Mary Streaker Session: October 29 - December 31 Massage Therapy – Connie Zaruba, LMT By Appointment Make Appointment directly with Connie (301-829-0662). Add’l info on health bulletin board. “Healthy Living"- Connie McKain - Volunteer Leader 9:15 - 10:15 am Happy, healthy living is the goal for our lives! 1st & 3rd “Keeping You in Stitches” - Monica Fabinski Wednesday November 5th & November 19th 9:00 - 11:00 am Meet with Monica for your sewing alteration request Yoga - Karen Boger 10:30 -11:30 am Session: November 5 - December 24 Blood Pressure Screening with Connie McKain 11:30 am Blood Pressure screenings will be available every Wednesday *Better Health & Wellness - Valerie Wittstadt 12:30 -1:30 pm Stretching & toning exercise class Session: October 29 - January 14 Mah Jongg - Ellen Poteat, Sally Siegel, Gay Natoli, 12:30 pm Nancy Hammond - Volunteer Instructor/Leaders Room Cost Classroom $25.00 per 10 week session Health Room Contact Connie Dining Room Room None Quilt Room None Activity Room Quilt Room $28.00 per 8 week session Activity Room $25.00 per 12 week session Dining Room None None AVAILABLE DAILY ACTIVITIES AND THEIR LOCATION 8:00 am Dining Room Exercise Equipment Room Coffee & Conversation 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Exercise Equipment 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Pool/Billiards except during Pool Tournaments Bridge is played in this room Monday & Friday afternoons Billiard Room 9:00 am –11:00 am Reminiscing Time Dining Room 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Computer Lab is available daily. Walking in the Park on your own, weather permitting & Measured hallway walking Games, on your own with friends – cards, puzzles, board games, dominoes, etc. 10:00 am 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm Computer Room Mt Airy Park & Center Hallway Dining Room & Billiard Room The Mt Airy Senior Center offers Aerobic Exercise classes, an Arthritis Exercise class, Yoga, Seated Yoga, Tai Chi, Beginner Tai Chi, Tap Dance, Zumba, Belly Dancing and a self- monitored Walking Program. Exercise equipment is available for your health. Blood Pressure screenings are available on Wednesdays & the second Tuesday of the month. You are welcome to stay healthy! 20 Activities Thursday Time Program Itch to Stitch – Liz Pichini - Volunteer Instructor Needlework Crochet & Knitting group *Drawing & Painting – Mary Streaker 9:00 - 11:30 am Session: November 6 - January 29 Reflexology – Corinne Webster, CRT 9:00 -12:00 pm Sign up with Corrine Webster 240-344-2821 1st & 3rd ½ hour or 1 hour sessions available Thursdays Tap Dancing – Pat Chalk 8:30 - 10:00 am Session: October 9 - December 4 *Better Health & Wellness - Karen Boger 10:30 -11:30 am Muscle strengthening exercise class Session: October 30 - February 5 Arthritis Exercise Program – Chris Konior 12:30 -1:30 pm Session: October 9 - December 18 9:00 - 10:30 am 12:30 -3:30 pm Cards & Games- Pinochle, Hand & Foot & dominoes 12:30 pm November 20 10:30 -11:30am By Appointment Mt Airy Senior Center Book Club Conducted by staff from the Mt Airy Library Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline Computer Class - Ginny Huebner Please call Ginny (301-865-0313). You will be setting up your class time with Ginny Room Cost Library None Classroom $25.00 per 10 week session Health Room $20.00 per ½ hour $40.00 per 1 hour Activity Room $26.00 per 8 week session Activity Room $25.00 per 12 week session Activity Room Dining Room $25.00 session Bring a snack to share with friends Classroom Bring a goodie to share with friends Computer Room None Friday Program Time Room Cost 10:00-11:00 am Tai Chi - (Beginners) - Toni Minkel Session: October 3 - November 21 Activity Room $25.00 per 8 week session 10:30-11:30 am Tai Chi - Toni Minkel Session: October 3 - November 21 Activity Room $25.00 per 8 week session Singing Seniors - Giving Thanks in Song Dining Room None Billiards Room None Activity Room $25.00 per 8 week session 10:00 am November 21 12:30 - 4:00 pm Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 1:30 pm Zumba (dance exercise) - Candy Ranlet Session: October 31 - January 9 21 MEET OUR CLASS INSTRUCTORS Karen Boger Patty Rupani Ginny Huebner CCC CCC Computer Better Health Spanish Language Tuesdays & & & Wellness Culture By appointment Tuesday & Tuesday Thursday 9:30 10:30 Toni Minkel Tai Chi Candy Ranlet Belly Dancing Tuesday 9:15 Monday 12:30 Karen Boger Seated Yoga 9:15 Yoga Valerie Wittstadt Chris Konior Arthritis Exercise Wednesday 10:30 Wednesday 12:30 CCC Better Health & Wellness Pat Chalk Tap Dance Thursday 8:30 Zumba Tuesday & Friday 12:30 Thursday 12:30 Mary Streaker CCC Drawing & Painting Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 Kathy Myrick Toni Minkel Decorative Beginning Painting Tai Chi Thursday 12:30 Friday 10:30 Meet our Volunteer Project Instructor Ellen Poteat Linda Meyer Connie McKain Mah Jongg Jewelry Healthy Living Jewelry Gift Workshops Nutrition Paper Crafting Support Group Wednesdays 9:15 am 22 Liz Pichini Itch to Stitch Group Leader Thursdays 9:00 am Deanna Pichini Itch to Stitch Asst. Leader Thursdays 9:00 am Jane Fleming Singing Seniors 4th Friday of the Month 10:00 am Mt Airy Pool League Schedule You are welcome to come and cheer for the team! Bev's "55 Plus” Club News Day Trips for 2014 Date Day Destination Time December 3, 2014 Wednesday American Music Theater Christmas Program 8:00 am - 5:30 pm March 25, 2015 Wednesday Potomac River Cruise with Cherry Blossoms Pending April 23, 2015 Thursday Mystery Pending May 20, 2015 Wednesday 9/11 Flight 93 Memorial Pending June 18, 2015 Thursday Mini Mystery Pending July 17, 2015 Friday Red Roost w/entertainment Pending Tuesday Totem Pole Dinner Theater Pending Thursday Good-Bye to Summer Pending October 14, 2015 Wednesday Mystery Pending November 18, 2015 Wednesday American Music Theater Christmas Pending December 18, 2015 Friday Christmas Lights at Night Pending August 11, 2015 September 24, 2015 If you are not a member of the “55 Plus Club” but would like to go on a trip, please sign up on the waiting list section on the trip sign up sheet. To be put on the waiting list for membership in the “55 Plus” Club, please call Beverly Green at 301-829-0692. 23 Community Project Donations Items Needed The following are collected for Community Projects at the Senior Center’s front desk Collectable Items Food items, books, puzzle books, phone cards, disposable cameras, toiletries, perfume, nail polish, toys, gift items … for a more complete list of suggested items, check with the front desk. Donations for postage are also greatly appreciated. Dedicated Source “Bits of Home” Troop Packages Cancelled Postage Stamps The VFW Box Top Education Coupons Eyeglasses Can Tabs from beverages Cell Phones New greeting cards with envelopes Cleaning supplies, paper products, toiletries, diapers, personal hygiene products, toys, household items, socks, coats, etc... Purpose Soldiers — Please provide the name and address of those to whom you would like to receive packages The VFW sends the stamps to Veteran’s hospitals where they are used by recuperating soldiers Helen Malinak can provide Information about this project Schools in Mt Airy The schools are able to use these coupons for furthering education needs Mt. Airy Lions Club Eyeglasses are recycled into the community Ronald McDonald House for John’s Hopkins Hospital The tabs help support families needing to stay near loved ones who are hospitalized Seniors Emergency phones for Seniors who don’t have access to cell phones Mt Airy Senior Center For sending to folks who need a bit of cheer or encouragement Neighbors in Need Our neighbors who are in need of help due to a season in their in life. Please touch “Community Projects” on the UPT Touch screen when you donate and participate in community projects . “THANK YOU for your charitable contributions!” 24 INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY for Carroll County Senior Centers Senior and Community Centers are OPEN in inclement weather (snow, ice, severe rain, flooding) UNLESS: If the Carroll County Government is closed then the Carroll County Senior Centers are closed. If the Carroll County Government opens late or closes early then the Carroll County Senior Centers open late or close early. If the Carroll County Government or Senior Centers are not closed or opening late, please follow one of the below situations. There may be special circumstances where it is necessary to adjust the opening or closing times of the centers, or not open the centers at all for safety reasons. Please listen to local radio or TV stations for up to date information. If Carroll County Public Schools are CLOSED: The Senior and Community Centers will open late, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm No Carroll Area Transit (CATS) Service to Senior Centers. CATS has been notified by the Bureau of Aging & Disabilities that they should not pick up seniors and take them to the Senior Centers on days that schools are closed. Modified meals (not the scheduled menu) will be served. No Senior and Community Center programs/classes will be held. If Carroll County Public Schools are 2 (two) HOURS LATE: The Senior and Community Centers will OPEN on time, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Carroll Area Transit (CATS) will provide service for those wishing to venture out, but: YOU MUST CALL CATS BEFORE 8 AM AND LEAVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE BUS PICK YOU UP, 410-857-0080. Modified meals (not the scheduled menu) will be served. Please call the Senior and Community Center to see if programs/classes have been cancelled. If Carroll County Public Schools are 1 (one) HOUR LATE: The Senior and Community Centers will OPEN on time, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Carroll Area Transit (CATS) will be provided as usual. Meals will be served as per the scheduled menu. Senior and Community Center programs/classes will be held as scheduled. 25 Getting Started General Center Information The first time you visit the center check-in at the front desk. A staff member or volunteer will give you a tour of the center. If you decide that you would like to participate in activities at the center, you must complete an application to obtain a free Senior Center Card. Each time you enter the center, you must swipe your Card at the check-in computer. Someone is always available to help in the event you should have a problem. Swipe your Senior Center Card on the right side of the touch screen. Touch the word/s of each program/activity you are planning to attend with your finger tip. (The screen is heat sensitive and will not work if you use your finger nail or give a quick tap.) A check mark will appear on the right side of the word/s you’ve selected. It takes a moment for the check mark to appear. If you wish to cancel/remove one of your selections, touch the check mark again and it will disappear and your selection has been removed. When you are finished making your selections, touch DONE, centered near the bottom of the page. A screen will appear thanking you for signing in. If you decide to participate in another program/activity that you did not select when you originally signed in that day, swipe your card again, touch the program/activity you want to add and touch DONE. The “extra” program/activity will be added to the ones you selected when you arrived. Thank you for your help and cooperation. By signing in, you help us to keep more accurate records of the programs and attendance. These figures are an important factor in determining future needs. The MASC Library The MASC Library is currently looking for donations of books on CDs. The MASC Library is here for the participants of the center. Thank you to everyone who has contributed books to the library. Collections of books have been donated and folks are waiting to read the next book in the series. Those who are enjoying the books from the library, please know that there is no time limit on how long you keep the books, just remember that there are folks waiting for the book you are reading. When you are finished reading your books, please put them on the counter or in the basket provided for this purpose. Don’t put it back on the shelf. Thank you to our librarians who help keep the library neat & organized! Let us know your reading “likes” so that we can keep the books you’re looking to find! If you have questions, concerns or ideas for programs or classes at the center, please feel free to speak to staff or someone at the front desk. We’re so glad you are here. 26 Don’t forget that exercise equipment is available at the Senior Center Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Bring a clean pair of shoes to use on exercise equipment. Shoes that are worn outside have imbedded dirt and stones that get into the machines. If you do not have an extra pair of shoes for exercising, use the paper toweling and spray provided on the stool inside the door to clean your shoes before you begin to use the equipment. If you are unsure how to use a piece of equipment, please ask for assistance. Clean equipment before and after use. Spray the paper toweling with the cleaner provided on the stool inside the door. Then wipe down the equipment. Wipe down the handle bars and the seats. PLEASE DO NOT spray directly onto equipment. DO NOT PUT CHAIRS BEHIND THE TREADMILLS! No street shoes, boots, sandals or flip flops may be used on exercise equipment When using the treadmill, you MUST wear shoes that you’ve brought with you for walking on the treadmill or wipe off the soles of the shoes you are wearing with spray & paper towels! For your safety: Please wipe down the equipment before and after you use it! Spray the cloths, then wipe the equipment. Wipe handle bars and seats. We need to consider those with compromised immune systems and each other’s health in general. Donations always gladly accepted towards the purchase of replacement equipment & maintenance of equipment. Before starting a Physical Activity Program The Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities suggests that those interested in a physical activity program should consult with a medical professional before engaging in activities involving physical exertion or other implications that may be inappropriate for people with certain conditions. Your consent form from the intake form package must be signed and in your file. CARROLL AREA TRANSIT SERVICE (CATS) CATS transportation to the senior center is available for pick up Monday through Friday by appointment only. Reservations and cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. The pick-up time is usually between 8:15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. each morning. The return trip is about 2:00 p.m. If you choose to ride at different times, the senior rate will not apply and you must pay the regular rate. Procedures for Riding CATS Bus to Carroll County Senior Centers 1. Please continue to use the new CATS Calling Schedule: 7 am - 8 am - Cancellations Only 8 am - 10 am - Calls for same day scheduling only 10 am 2 pm - Call for all other future scheduling 2 pm - 3 pm - Do not call for scheduling during this hour 3 pm - 5 pm - Calls for next day scheduling only. Next day scheduling is based on availability 2. If the senior needs to cancel their ride to the senior center during the week - it will be the SENIOR'S responsibility to cancel themselves by calling CATS. 3. If schools are 2 hrs. late, SENIORS must call CATS before 8:00 a.m. if they still want a ride to the center. 4. Contact information: CATS: 410-857-0080, Mt Airy Senior Center: 410-795-1017 or 301-829-2407. Information & Assistance at the Bureau of Aging and Disabilities has books of Carroll Transit Tickets for sale. Each book consists of ten $1.00 tickets. CATS Ticket Sales For seniors age 60 and older, there is a limited supply of tickets that are available for a donation* each month until the supply is gone. Donation books are limited to two books per person. A supply of additional tickets must be sold for $5.00 per book. Seniors that have purchased their donation books for the month may purchase four $5.00 books per month. The number available to purchase may change with supply availability. Donation and $5.00 transit ticket books are for older adults who reside in Carroll County. These tickets cannot be sold to businesses or agencies. Tickets are at the Mt Airy Senior & Community Center. There is a limited quantity of tickets available to accommodate as many requests as possible. Please see Shawn or Angie. *The question, "What would you give as a donation?" You can’t be told what to donate but consider that the value of each book of tickets is $10.00 and then give what you can afford to give. 28 Carroll County Veterans Transportation Shuttle Program Service Locations/Scheduled Runs Monday-Friday: To Baltimore VA Medical Center on Greene Street and the Loch Raven Center on Loch Raven Blvd. Riders can board the shuttle at either: 8:00 AM - Town Mall in Westminster (Movie Side) or 8:30 AM – Big Lots in Eldersburg (Front of Store) Service Locations/Scheduled Runs Monday-Friday: To Fort Detrick, MD Outpatient Clinic Riders can board the shuttle at either: 8:00 AM – Big Lots in Eldersburg (Front of Store) or 8:30 AM - Town Mall in Westminster (Movie Side) Transportation is also available to the Reisterstown VA Clinic and the Martinsburg VA Medical Center in West Virginia upon request. Transportation requests must be made 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. To enroll in this program please register in person at the Carroll County Department of Social Services at 1232 Tech Court, Suite 1, Westminster, MD 21157 (Call William Walls at 410-386-3413) Be sure to bring with you a form of identification (MD Driver’s license, SSN card, etc.) and your Military Service DD Form 214 or Department of Veterans Affairs Photo ID Card. Once the DSS has you registered you can call CATS (at least 24 hours in advance) and speak with either Angie or Katie at 410-857-0080 to schedule your transportation to either of the care facilities. There is no cost to the veteran or their personal care assistant for the Shuttle Program You will be provided a Travel Voucher for the round trip The Veterans Transportation Shuttle Program is made possible by a partnership between The Carroll County Commissioners, The Carroll Area Transit System and The Carroll County Department of Social Services 29 30 ATTENTION We are still having issues with folks parking in this area. Please be considerate of this issue Do not park curb behind the handicapped parking spaces or the bus loading area! HANDICAPPED PARKING Handicapped Tags Since the center has so few Handicapped Parking spots, it would be greatly appreciated if you would take into consideration those who truly need to use these spaces. We have some folks who really struggle when there is no handicapped space available. If you are able to walk a short distance, then please park in the first spots closest to building and leave the actual handicapped spaces open for those who are less able to walk any distances. Thank you for considering this matter. If you are parking in the handicapped parking spots, MAKE SURE TO DISPLAY YOUR HANDICAP TAG! There have been folks that aren’t following this procedure. PARKING DOWN THE DRIVE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING If there are parking places available in the regular parking lot, PLEASE do not park down the drive. There are no yellow lines; but, we still need to use the existing spaces that are available. Not only is this safer for everyone and their vehicles, it provides a bit of walking for better health. Thank you, this will be appreciated! 31 Mt Airy Garden Club Holiday Workshop Limited to the first 20 people to sign up Must sign up at front desk! December 10th 10:00 am Cost: $10.00 Please bring scissors Tole Painted Holiday Workshop Must sign up at front desk December 17th 12:30 pm No cost but you must sign-up Limited space HOLIDAY PARTIES: Mt Airy Christmas Party December 19th10:00 am Bake Sale until sold out 10:30 am Kids & Santa 11:45 am Catered Christmas Dinner 12:30 pm Live Entertainment Happy Noon Year Party December 30th Yes, it’s really early! Wanted to make sure we welcomed in 2015! 32
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