November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 1:00pm 1 6:30pm: AA - MP 2 3 4 8:30am: Worship 10:00am: Bible Study - FH 5pm: Finance Mtg. FH 12:00pm: UMW Exec Board Mtg -MP 7pm: Council Mtg.- FH 5:30pm: Midweek Dinner - FH 6:00pm: ChapR - BR 6:00pm: Cher/WesC - CR 6:00pm: Adult Bible Study - FH 6:30pm: ChanR - BR 6:30pm: EpwC - CR 7:15pm: SOS - Room 203 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 10 11 10:00am: Bible Study - FH 4-7pm: Canlink Mtg. - FH & MPR 6:00pm: Evangelism Mtg. - Rm 203 10:00am: - B. 10:45am: Worship 9 8:30am: Worship 10:45am: Worship Saturday 5 6 12 7 8 8-2pm: TDP– FH 5:30pm: Potluck/ Game Night - FH 6:30pm: AA - MP 13 14 10:00am: - P 6:00pm:ChapR - BR 6:00pm:Cher/WesC - CR 5pm: Link Board Mtg. - 6:30pm: ChanR - BR 6:30pm: EpwC - CR FH 7:15pm: SOS - Rm 203 7pm: - Cindy 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 15 8:00am: UMM Breakfast - FH 6:30pm: AA - MP Miller’s home 1:00pm: - P Bush’s home 16 8:30am: Worship 10:45am: Worship 23 8:30am: Worship 10:45am: Worship 4:00pm: Charge Conference (FUMC) 17 18 19 20 10:00am: Bible Study - FH 6:30pm: Mat Making - FH 7:30pm: Prayer Shawl Knitting - P 10:30am: UMW General Mtg. and Covered Dish Lunch FH 5:30pm: Midweek Dinner - FH 6:00pm: ChapR - BR 6:00pm: Cher/WesC - CR 6:30pm: Adult Bible Study - FH 6:30pm: ChanR - BR 6:30pm: EpwC - CR 7:15pm: SOS - Rm 203 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 7:30am: Soup Kitchen 21 24 25 26 27 10:00am: Bible Study - FH 6:00pm:ChapR - BR 6:30pm: ChanR - BR 6:30pm: EpwC - CR 7:30pm: ChanC - CR 1:00pm: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday 22 6:30pm: AA - MP 28 Music Notes November Choir Dates Chancel Choir sings every Sunday 10:45 service November 23 (Sunday) Both services: Chapel & Chancel Ringers & Epworth Choir 10:45 only: + Cherub/Wesley and Chancel Choirs November 25 - Tuesday Rehearsals: All Choirs except Cherub/Wesley - regular times November 26 (Wednesday) No rehearsals December Choir Dates Chancel Choir sings every Sunday 10:45 service December 14 (Sunday) Both services: Chapel & Chancel Ringers & Epworth Choir 10:45 only: + Cherub/Wesley and Chancel Choirs December 17 (Wednesday) 7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal only December 24 6:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00PM Christmas Concert: Mary and John 7:30PM Evening Service: All Choirs December 28 (Sun) Both services: No Choirs Dec. 31 (Wed) No Choir Rehearsals 29 6:30pm: AA - MP Thanksgiving Holiday Church Closed GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION IN HONOR OF MR. & MRS. BILL JONES by Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kintigh 30 8:30am: Worship IN HONOR OF MRS. NANCY YARBOROUGH by Mrs. Sharolyn Bane 10:45am: Worship IN MEMORY OF ROBERT & ELIZABETH SMITH by Elizabeth S. Beeler IN MEMORY OF MARQUERITE FREEZE by Ms. Robye Scott Room Abbreviations: FH = Fellowship Hall K= Kitchen MP = Multi-Purpose Room P = Parlor S = Sanctuary Symbols for UMW Circles: = Circle 1 = Circle 2 = Circle 3 = Circle 4 = Circle 5 = Circle 6 = Circle 7 4 Group Abbreviations: A.A, = Alcoholics' Anonymous S.O.S. = Sowers of Seeds T.D.P. = Tidewater Decorative Painters ChapR = Chapel Ringers Cher/WesC = Cherub/Wesley Choir ChanR = Chancel Ringers EpwC = Epworth Choir ChanC = Chancel Choir GIVEN FOR THE GLORY OF GOD by Mr. Tom Middleton 3 Milestones YOUTH Calendar November November Birthdays: 1 - Mary Charlotte Corson 2 - Sheila Rose, Lee Clodfelter 4 - Jean Lyon, Iris Coffey 5 - Melissa Kintigh, Taylor Moore, Peg Tallon, Judy Talbert, Mary Wainwright 6 - Anne Elder 7 - Barbara Cockburn, Erin Coleman, Betty Miller, Bryan Spencer 8 - Irene Mears, Lynda Rainey 9 - Erleen Wheeling 10 - Ken Tankersley 12 - Jerry Dodson 17 - Janice Williams, Katie Stodghill 18 - Arline Germain 20 - Ben Nicholson, John Braden Harrell, 21 - Kate Coleman, Michael Sanchez, Gary Qualls 22 - Fred Way 23 - Ella Mae Brooks 24 - Lois Berryman, Cathy Nocon 25 - MacKenzie Haley 27 - Louise Fox, Grayson Hubbard, Spencer Conti 28 - Rahman Hussein 29 - John Wainwright, III 30 - Lawrence Leslie, Barbara Swiatek November Anniversaries: Sunday, November 2 – Stargazing with the Cranes in Smithfield. Will depart from the church at 5:00pm. Nov. 12 - Cal & Grace Gunter (1954) Nov. 24 - Jerry & Judy Copes (1962) Nov. 27 - Dick & Melissa Kintigh (1992) Sunday, November 16 - College Kits, shoe boxes and Santa’s Elves. Remember to collect items for the shoe boxes. Small items for children. College Kits will need food and small items. Need chaperone/leader for this day. Sunday, November 23 – Possibly Fishing event. No Youth on Sunday, November 30 - YOUTH USHER – 5th SUNDAY, possibly help with 5th Sunday lunch? If your birthday or anniversary incorrectly, please advise the office so that your information can be corrected in our records. Thank you! The Church Tower First United Methodist Church 10246 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, Virginia 23601 (757) 595-0383 Recent Deaths Alice Rife Wilson James Parks Robert McKitrick 5 Copy Deadline: the 15th of the month The Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. 6 Church Council Minutes Minutes of the October 7, 2014 Church Council meeting. The Church Council meeting of First United Methodist Church of Newport News was called to order by John Talbert at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The following members of Council were present: Bill Briggs, Carol Briggs, Doug Foltz, John Garrett, Mary Matthews Garrett, Cal Gunter, Robert L. Haley, Kathy Hubbard, Bill Knoble, James Michener, Glenn Miller, Cathy Price, Hal Swiatek, John Talbert, Bill Waters, and Nancy Yarborough. James Michener gave the opening devotional and prayer. The August minutes were approved as written. John Talbert reminded Council members that Charge Conference reports are due by October 15, 2014. Charge Conference will be held on November 23, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. at FUMC. Rev. Haley reported on those sick and in the hospital. On October 12, 2014 during the 2nd service there will be a baptism and dedication of the baptismal pitcher. A potato luncheon will be held after the 2nd service. On October 19, 2014 Ray Hussein’s motorcycle group will be guests at the 2nd service in honor of Motorcycle Go to Church Sunday and there will also be a Missions luncheon after the 2nd service. Rev. Haley will be out of the office November 2 through November 6 attending continuing education classes on Safe Sanctuaries. Bill Briggs gave the finance report in place of Norman Shields, Jr. The finances are looking good through September 2014. This is due to an unanticipated large one-time pledge that was received and expenses are down a little. Our budget by the end of 2014 is projected to break even. We anticipate starting 2015 with a shortfall in our budget and the Finance Committee has decided to keep expenses for 2015 the same as in 2014. James Michener reported that 27 pledge cards were received on the first Pledge Sunday for a total of $72,000.00. The Stewardship Committee hopes to receive a total of 100 pledge cards by the end of the second Pledge Sunday on October 12, 2014. Follow-Up Items: John Talbert remarked that the choir loft looks good with the new chairs. Ross Page and John Price were commended on all of the time they devoted to getting the choir loft in good order. Kathy Hubbard reported that the new church sign and lights are in place. Jerry Dodson and Ray Hussein will coordinate the messages that will be placed on the sign. New Business: Bill Briggs presented a motion from SPRC for Council’s approval for a one time item which will be implemented later this year. Bill Waters and John Talbert thanked James Michener for replacing the light bulbs on the steeple. Kathy Hubbard thanked Council for their support for the Blessing of the Animals. Rev. Haley gave the closing prayer. Council adjourned at 7:30 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Called Meeting November 4, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Approval of 2015 Budget & 2015 Church Officers. 2 The Church Tower “Going to Church” ice cream socials together, we have the Christmas Advent Breakfast together, etc. There are many benefits of going to church, whether on Sunday or Bible studies and prayer meeting. 5. Our children join our worship, such as children's story time, to show them that they are part of the church family. We encourage parents to bring their children because they will grow up fast. When they are young, they have the worship, Sunday School, and fellowship experience at church, then when they grow up they will want to continue to go to church to worship God. 1. We are all spiritual beings. Inside of us, we are hungering to know more about the spiritual matters. We go to church to worship an Almighty God who not only created us, but He also enjoys our worshipping Him. When we worship God, we are lifted up in our spirits and we feel the love overflow from God to us. 6. We go to church to learn the knowledge and gain wisdom from the Bible. The Bible is an all-around encyclopedia of life. In the Bible we can glean the truth about life. For example, we learn we are not walking the spiritual journey alone. We have Jesus Christ who walks with us every step. 2. We go to church to sing praises and give thanks to Him. Everyday, we take for granted that God looks after us. Just as a father looks after his children, God looks after us, His children everyday. He sent His angels to take care of us. So we go to church to give Him thanks and praises. 7. We go to church to worship and get a little taste of what heaven is like. Heaven is a wonderful place where all God's children can draw near to God through worship. Every Christian who is growing spiritually can tell you, going to church is a necessity. If for one Sunday you missed church, you missed all the above seven experiences. Christ Jesus also told us that "we are not to stop worshipping." If you stop worship is just like going hungry without food. We need both the physical food/ nourishment as well as the spiritual food/ nourishment. 3. We go to church to receive His words. God uses the pastors to speak to His people. They receive God's words, then these words are passed along to the people who come to worship. 4. We go to church for "Koinia" which means fellowship. We are a community of people who gather together as a family. We see each other every Sunday, we enjoy speaking to each other, we eat lunch (love feast) together, and we enjoy seeing each other like a family. A church is a family of God's children. We all know each other and call each other "brothers and sisters" in Christ. Just like a family, if one person is hurting, we all feel it and pray for that person. Because we love and we care as a family, we do nice things and have fun together. Therefore, we have many activities that show we are a family. For example, we go to dinners together, Happy Thanksgiving! Grace and Peace! Pastor Robert 1 Announcements Finance Committee will meet on November 3rd at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Called Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00pm. Two items on the agenda: Approval of the 2015 Budget and Church Officers. Thanksgiving Food Boxes. On Saturday, November 22, First Church will be delivering food packages to 35 families in our community. If you can help, come to the fellowship hall at 8:45. The Mission Team is in need of one additional truck to pick up the food from the Food Bank. For information contact the Dodsons at 599-4527. Operation Christmas Child. Be sure to bring your shoe box by Nov. 9th for the blessing of the boxes at both services. Hilton Area Blood Drive: November 11th from 1:30 to 6:00pm at Hilton Presbyterian Church. Appointments encouraged. Nursery Volunteers Needed: Please Help! We continue to look for volunteers to work in the nursery during the 10:45 service on Sundays. We must have 2 volunteers at a time in the nursery. We already have ladies that have selected a Sunday to volunteer so if you can offer a Sunday each month that you could help the ladies take care of these precious children it would be greatly appreciative. We have 4 to 5 slots open. Please give me a call: Mary Beth Dunlap at 285-1657. COMMITMENT I am only one, but still I am one! I cannot do everything, but still I can do something! And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do! The constant flow of help displayed this past week-end brought this poem back to mind! You were busy, busy doing your part to make our 42nd Craft Show/Luncheon such a success! What a great outreach to our community and those in need through mission. As always you have been good and faithful servants. Thank you so very much for pitching in! Jane Waters Evangelism Committee continues to sell church t-shirts. Shirts are going for $12.00 each. If interested in purchasing one, or two, please contact Teresa Michener at 869-9646. 7 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 10246 WARWICK BLVD NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23601-4029 Dated Material - mailed October 31, 2014 Return Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWPORT NEWS, VA PERMIT NO. 59
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