
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Volume 48 number 10
November Highlights
On the Journey with Pastor Rod
Fall Worship
“Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God,
Sat. 5 PM, Sun 8 AM & 10:30 AM
and keep the vows you made to the Most High.” (Psalm 50:14)
“A Time for Thanksgiving”
Nov. 2 & 9
New Member Classes
It’s good to remember the ministry we share together, and to say “Thanks” for your
giving which allows God’s work to be accomplished. Because of your giving:
Nov. 9
Family Promise Host Training 1:00 PM
Girls Going for God 4:00 PM
Nov. 11
Veterans Day - thank you veterans
Nov. 14
Feeding America 3:00 PM Roosevelt Park
Nov. 15/16
• Eighth and Ninth Graders in Confirma@on Class learn about our Lutheran heritage,
as wri3en in the Small Catechism.
• Sunday School Children learn about how much Jesus loves them - and provides grace
and encouragement for their developing lives as Chris@an disciples.
• Family Promise - a growing ini@a@ve of Our Savior’s and 12 other local churches - will
provide shelter, meals, transporta@on, help with homework, fellowship, hope and love
to homeless families in western Waukesha County. Our Savior’s week of hos@ng is
November 30th - December 7th.
• You help to bless our partners in ministry at Reforma@on Lutheran Church in
Commitment Weekend
Milwaukee, Transfigura@on Lutheran Church in the Bronx, NY, and the Kika@@ Parish
Nov. 19
in Tanzania. Your giving also helps locally, as Our Savior’s supports the Lake Area Free
Last Power Up session
Nov. 26
Thanksgiving Eve Worship 6:30 PM
Clinic and the Oconomowoc Food Pantry.
• Lutherdale Bible Camp (near Elkhorn) provides Chris@an camping/retrea@ng
opportuni@es to members of OSLC and other congrega@ons in southern Wisconsin &
northern Illinois.
connued on page 2
Pie Fest 7:30 PM for details
Worship Series: Where Your Treasure Is
further details page 2
Oct. 25/26
The Treasure of Life Purpose Philippians 3:4-14 | Luke 12:32-34
Nov. 1/2
The Treasure of Thankfulness Ephesians 5:15-20 | Ma3hew 6:24-34
Nov. 8/9
The Treasure of Generosity 2 Corinthians 9:6-12 | Mark 12:41-44
Nov. 15/16
The Treasure of Leaving a Legacy Tim. 3:10-11, 4:6-8 | Ma3hew 25:14-30
Nov. 22/23
The Treasure of Contentment Philippians 4:10-13 | Luke 12:13-21
Nov. 26
Thanksgiving Eve Worship 6:30 PM
Our vision is to reach every person
with the love of Christ.
On The Journey continued from page 1
• Feeding America semi-trucks appear monthly in OSLC’s parking lots - with free food for those in our community who cannot fully afford
to feed themselves. Next Opportunity: November 14, 3:00 PM at Roosevelt Park.
• Adults in our faith community can grow in their knowledge of the Bible and our Chris@an faith through classes offered on Sunday
morning, during Power Up Wednesdays, and at other @mes throughout each week.
• We can praise God with inspired and edifying music in our worship services.
These ministries - and countless more - are enabled and blessed because you provide the funding and prayer support. Thank you for your
financial contribu@ons to Our Savior’s Opera@ng and Capital Budgets. Thank you for making God’s work of discipleship possible. Thank you
for providing the opportunity for others to be touched by the grace of Jesus’ healing words.
We are so very blessed as a Congrega@on because of your generous giving. As Paul wrote to the early church, you excel in this grace of
giving. (2 Corinthians 8:7)
I am very grateful to you for the ministry we share,
Weekend Worship: Where Your Treasure Is
Oct. 25 - Nov. 23
“Where Your Treasure Is - There Your Heart Will Be.” Luke 12:34
In this stewardship themed worship series, we see exactly what that means through
scenes of the movie The Ulmate Life. It is the follow up to the film, The Ulmate Gi#,
which we viewed in 2008, during our Lenten mid-week worship. In this
Please look over the materials sent to
film Red’s past comes alive when Jason is given his journal from 1941,
your family and prayerfully consider
which helps Jason discover that some things are worth more than money.
your offering to Our Savior’s Ministry.
He learns how he can use his inherited billions for other’s good. As the old
Commitment Weekend
Nov. 16 &17
adage goes, “Experience is a good teacher and only a fool won’t learn.”
Thank you for supporting
Red and Jason needed to learn the difference between a fortune and true riches…
the ministry at Our Savior’s!
and maybe we do too.
Sam & Julie Antonneau (Haley)
All Saints Weekend
Nov. 1-2
We honor members who have joined the church triumphant.
Ron & Sharon Bergom, Anthony Pish, Ricky Klaus
We thank God for the blessings they have brought to our lives and
Adam & Kari Kelly (Mason), John & Louise Sausen
the continued love we share. We also remember and honor
Tom & Meridith Derrig (Amelia, Mirabelle)
family and loved ones who have gone on before us.
Mike & Jennifer Nelson (Madelyn, Emma)
Gerry Stromseth
Doris Winberg
Henry Hanson
Matt & Bridget Schroeder (Hudson)
Gary Teztlaff, Jr.
Matt Valentine
Agnes Thomasen
Jeremy & Kara Lupinek (Spencer, Lauren)
Emilie Lutz
William Kreutzmann
Darvin Sjoberg
Joe & Randee Sterzinger (Cole, Marina)
Ruth Monis
Alice Pace
POWER UP Wednesdays
Adult Classes through Nov. 19
Dinner 5 PM Classes 6 PM
Sunday Adult Classes 9 AM
D.A.B.S. (Dad’s Afraid of Bible Study) - #207
Sasfied by Bill Manion
Alpha Class with Pastor Rod:
Mom’s G.I.F.T. - #211 Where Mom’s Connect study
(Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? Origin/Formation
Women’s Bible Study - #210
of Bible, Why & How Do We Pray?)
Can I Smash My Kid’s Phone?!:
Empower your kids to make good technology choices
Financial Peace University
Abundant Growth - #212
Men’s Bible Blitz - #209
Fearless by Mac Lucado
Origins of the Bible, Pastor Rod
Builder’s Bible: Financial Stewardship
Grab a cup of coffee and join a class any week!
Join the 2015
Group Investor Program.
Kikatiti Partnership
In 2009 we launched the YES program, Youth Education
Since 2009 we have provided support for:
Scholarships, to assist students attending the Lutheran
• Over 150 students to complete four years of secondary
secondary school in Kikatiti, Tanzania.
In 2013 we added LIFT, Learning Investment For Teachers.
• Continuing education opportunities for teachers
Through this ministry we are seeking to assist our partners in
• Mr. Elisa Mungure has earned his Bachelor’s degree in 2014
their struggle against the oppression of poverty.
• Mr. Jeremia Kishili is in his third year toward earning his
We believe, with the leaders of Kikatiti, that education is
Bachelor’s degree
what illuminates a path to a secure future. Knowledge is
• Books, furniture, science equipment, teaching
what powers the kind of creative sustainable problem-solving
that it takes to lift a community up to a higher standard, one
student, one family, one generation at a time.
materials and resources
• A tithe of all we receive for YES/LIFT is given to the
Diocese of Meru’s Pastoral Education Fund
OSLC Kikatiti Partnership
“Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.” Hebrews 10:24
FAMILY PROMISE OSLC hosts Nov. 30 - Dec. 6
Help the
homeless in
our area
Volunteers needed! Sign up at Outreach Ministry Center
Contact Laura Seipel, [email protected]
Ann Corning, [email protected]
Volunteer Training Sun., Nov. 9 1 - 3:30 PM
Save the Date!
Wed., Dec. 10
Join us for Dinner 5 PM
Men’s Chili Cook Off Winners
Volunteers Needed in Oconomowoc
Help deliver meals to homebound
Pack meals for Home Delivery
Serve meals at senior dining site
Call (262) 548-7848 Aging & Disability
Resource Center of Waukesha County
JULY 2015
Space available!
You don’t want to miss this
great event! Talk to Jackson!
Talk to kids who have gone
Bill Goddard (most unique)
Enjoy a great night with
before! 30,000 kids serving &
Scott Roehl (overall best)
OSLC members & friends!
Registration Deadline: Nov.
Dale Kjensrud (Spiciest)
Norwegian Baking
Sat., Dec. 6th at 8:30 AM
Volunteers needed to:
Coffee & Snacks Provided
Kids 3 yrs. & up - come along and
make Puppy Chow (peanut-free)
We would love to have you join us!
Sign up at the Welcome Center!
Lefse/Cookie Sale - Sun., Dec. 7 & 14
Give Thanks at All Times
“Be careful then how you live, not as unwise
people but as thanks to God the
Father at all times and for everything in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “
Ephesians 5:15,20
What are you thankful for today?
Surrender to God’s will.
Give thanks always.
Trust in God.
worshiping God together.
Non-Profit Org.
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145 East Lisbon Road
Oconomowoc, WI 53066-2897
(262) 567-8349 Fax (262) 567-7004
New Group for Women & Girls!
~ Girls Going For God ~
Do you want to be more active with
your daughter, grand daughter,
niece or friend?
Change Service Requested
Christmas Giving Tree
for our Partners at Reformation Lutheran
Thank you for remembering our partners!
Deliver (unwrapped) to church by Sun., Nov. 30
Suggested Gifts: Walmart/Best Buy/K-Mart Gift cards ($ on card)
Wondering what to do now that cold
For kids: “Step” reading books pre-K to K, Amazon gift certificates for “Father’s
weather has arrived?
Read Aloud Club”, Arts & Crafts Kits, Baby dolls, Books with CD-ROM for young
Come join the "Girls" (all ages!)
readers, Family Games, Action Figures, Matchbox Cars, Trucks
Sun., Nov. 9 at 4 PM
in Fellowship Hall
Join us & be ready to move and play!
Myndi Hoffmann, [email protected]
(no stuffed animals please)
For teens: Bath soaps & body Wash, Fingernail Polish, Manicure Kits, Watches,
Necklace & Earrings, Wallet/Bus pas holders, slippers (M or L), white T-shirts, Xl-4X
Financial donations also welcome, payable to: Reformation Lutheran Church
Thanksgiving Eve Worship/Communion
Wed., Nov. 26 at 6:30 PM
Thank the Lord for the many blessings we receive!
Thank you Feeding America,
Our Thanksgiving offering
OSLC & St. Paul’s Lutheran
will be shared equally with:
30,000 lbs. free food donated so far
Kikatiti Parish/Secondary School/Water Project
Nov. 14 Roosevelt Park
Lutherdale Bible Camp
3 PM until supplies run out
Area Food Pantries
Thank you Dale Kjensrud &
(Oconomowoc, Ixonia, Ashippun,
Helping Hands for organizing!
St. Paul’s Lord’s Cupboard, Abundant Life)
Fellowship Hall
after Worship
Donations of Pie
appreciated. Bake your
favorite or buy one!
Our Savior’s Staff
Karen Natterstad, Pastor
[email protected]; (262) 527-3331
Church Email [email protected]
Rod Resheske, Pastor
[email protected] (262) 560-1103
Mollie Roehl, Preschool Ministry
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Mary Inwood, Parish Administrator
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Myndi Hoffmann, Elementary School Ministry
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Jason Meissner, Director of Music
[email protected]; (262) 510-9145
Jackson Barrow, Youth Ministry
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Carol Hobday, Communications/Media
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Kris Gallert, Adult/New Member Ministry
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Caryl Niebler, Hospitality Associate
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Mary Schalig, Pastor’s Assistant
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Virginia Johnson, Hospitality Associate
[email protected]; (262) 567-8349
Joey Hyland, Alleluia Choir Director
[email protected]; (262) 408-9545
Church Office Hours
Mon. - Fri.
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Office closed
Nov. 27 & 28
Happy Thanksgiving!