Document 413492

Volume 6, Issue 11
The Monthly Publication of the Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club
Just a Reminder…
First Thursday each month
at 7:30 PM
KC Greenville Learning
(Kaskaskia College)
209 N. Third St.
Greenville, IL 62246
Sun. 9:00 PM - 147.165
Linked Repeater System
EZNEC Antenna Software by W7EL
Ken KK9N Explains
EZNEC software is a very easy to use program for modeling and analyzing
any kind of antenna in its “actual operating environment”. EZNEC has an
innovative 3D pattern display feature that allows you to read information
about your specific antenna design in greater detail. Ken will be providing a
“quick How to Use” this amazing software. There is both a free version and
paid version available from the Roy’s website. Bring your laptop along to
this meeting and Ken will help get the free version installed and operating
for you. You can download it here.
Inside this Issue
November Meeting
Future Meetings
New Club Call AD9OV
Oct. Mtg. Minutes
‘14 Officers & Contest 5
Website checkout
Net Control Schedule
My View From Here!
Special Event K9F
An In-Depth Look at
RMS Express For WinLink
Club Repeaters
(PL 103.5)
(PL 103.5)
Next Meeting
November 6, 2014
7:30 PM
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 2
November Meeting
December Meeting
EZNEC Antenna Software by W7EL will be
November 6, 2014
Thursday Dec. 11th
Annual Meeting & Christmas Dinner
Same Price as last year:
Adults $15 & Kids $8.75
Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club
Receives Club License
(effective 10/21/2014)
At the June 5, 2014 meeting, members voted to have
Ken KK9N proceed with obtaining a Club Amateur
Radio License. Once that license is issued, then Ken
was to file for a Vanity Call. That Vanity Call Sign
was chosen at a later meeting. Ken applied for Club
License through W5YI group and subsequently the
actual license was received October 27, 2014.
Linked repeater system is operational
W9KXQ 147.165 & 224.44 Repeater
KB9EGI 442.925 Repeater site
During the month of November, all club repeaters will be reprogrammed to
the Club Call of AD9OV/R. Included in the reprogramming with be our 3
APRS Digipeaters. The calls—KB9EGI/R & W9KXQ/R—will be retired after
many years of service!
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 3
Meeting Location
Regular Meeting
Kaskaskia College
Greenville Education Center
209 N. Third St.
Greenville, IL 62246
rear entrance
Future Dates:
6 2014
8 2015
5 2015
5 2015
Mystery Antenna?
What is it? Answer at November 6th Meeting!
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 4
Minutes Highlights for October 2 , 2014
President Ken Norris KK9N called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM on Thursday October 2, 2014
in Room 107 of the Kaskaskia College Education Center on Third Street in Greenville. Those in
attendance signed the sign-in sheet. There were 19 people present.
The minutes of the September 4 meeting were read by John W9KXQ and approved.
Howard Wise N9GEQ reported a balance of $3123.62. The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Ken reported that the Club Amateur Radio License had been submitted and approved.
The preliminary call sign issued was KD9CDP. The vanity call of AD9OV has been applied for. Total
expense for the club station license and vanity call was $75. The treasurer issued a check to Ken for
this expense.
Dennis W9DAW reminded everyone that the monthly VE Test Sessions were moved to 6:00 pm
before our monthly OVARC meetings. This move was approved by motion at the September meeting.
Jim Thibeault KF4NBG reported that a Special Event Station was being planned for Saturday
October 4 at the Greenville Airport to coincide with their Airstravaganza. Members were invited to
come out and operate. Jim passed around a copy of the QSL “certificate” that will be mailed out.
Setup 8:00 AM. (Special Event Call K9F was issued following this meeting by W5YI)
Jim displayed the proposed Field Day Trophy. John was to order a Field Day pins from ARRL
for completion of the trophy.
John King W9KXQ reported on the Scott Project. The date for moving the equipment is now
set for October 9, however this date was not certain. A driver and fuel round-trip from Metropolis, IL
will cost $500. The Macoupin Co. ARC will loan the project the $500 to pay this expense. The equipment will have to be stored for 18 months before it can be sold. The sale of that gear would fund a
digital network that is a state wide plan called IDEN (Illinois Digital Emergency Network). Our Board
of Directors approved by resolution our involvement.
The annual meeting/Election of Officer/ Christmas Party is set for Dec. 11, 2014 at the
Greenville Country Club.
Due to the Special Event station, by the show of hands, the fall BBQ was not scheduled for
2014. The majority of members had other commitments.
Ken Norris KK9N asked the trivia corner question: What is MESH network? Hope had the correct answer.
John King W9KXQ presented a program on Broadband-Hamnet™ (formerly called HSMM-Mesh™) a
high speed, self discovering, self configuring, fault tolerant, wireless computer network , The focus is
on emergency communications. The program concluded with a live demonstration of a MESH Network complete with IP Phones and camera.
Howard N9GEQ sold 50/50 tickets.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
John King W9KXQ, Acting Secretary
Page 5
Volume 6, Issue 11
2014 OVARC Officers
147.165, 224.440, 442.925
2014 Officers
Ken Norris KK9N
[email protected]
Ken KK9N, President
Cary W4GRN, Sec.
Howard N9GEQ, Tres.
Tim Rapp K9XWX
[email protected]
Cary Holman W4GRN
[email protected]
Howard Wise N9GEQ
[email protected]
Repeater Trustees
Ken Norris KK9N
John King W9KXQ
Don Stover KB9EGI
[email protected]
V.E. Team Coordinator
Dennis W9DAW
[email protected]
Net Manager
Clareen Dunn KB9BEB
[email protected]
John King W9KXQ
[email protected]
Contest Website
W1AW Portable Operations Schedule
Download here
11/5= Washington,
12/3 = Illinois, Maine
11/12 = Rhode Island,
12/10 = Indiana,
11/19 = Florida, Arkansas
12/17= Maryland, Hawaii,
11/26 = Delaware,
12/24 = Pennsylvania,
Volume 6, Issue 11
OVARC E-Mail Newsletter
Website to checkout-EZNEC
The If you want to learn more about
the EZNEC software before the meeting then check out Roy W7EL’s website. There is a lot of information
available including a downloadable
192 page manual.
Page 6
Antenna Software
Free Demo Download
Like Us on Facebook
OVARC Facebook Page
Wednesday Evenings
8:00 PM CDT
twit network
Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Board of Officers 2014
Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club Inc.
serves as VP
Board of Directors 2014
and a
Front Row: Howard N9GEQ-Treasurer
Front Row: Howard N9GEQ, John W9KXQ
Back Row: Cary W4GRN-Sec. Ken KK9N Pres.
Back Row: Cary W4GRN, Ken KK9N
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 7
CW operating
The South African Radio League said a detailed reportback document from the IARU Region 1 conference is
in the final stages of preparation and will soon be available for download
from a link on the SARL web.
During the conference many aspects of day to day amateur radio operations
were discussed and decisions agreed on. Over the next two months SARL
news will highlight some of these discussions.
One of the discussions concerned CW operating.
An established CW operation practice is included in the publication "Ethics
and Procedure for Radio Amateurs" written by ON4UN and ON4WW.
The use of K, and AR at the end of a transmission is often used incorrectly.
The correct procedure is as follows:
Regular Events
Club Meetings
First Thursday of the month
at 7:30 PM,
KC Greenville Learning
(Kaskaskia College)
"K" is an invitation to transmit at the end of transmission
A station ending a transmission with "AR" is not inviting callers.
It signifies the end of a transmission.
"K" is also the most common used ending of a general CQ call.
"KN" is used when sending it over to the station you are in QSO with and
you do not want another station to join the QSO
"SK" is used to end a contact or QSO, when one or both stations will remain
on the frequency for any other calls.
What is your experience when operating CW. Share your views with us by
email to [email protected]
Linked Repeater
Thanks Ken KK9N for submitting this.
Net Control Schedule
Clareen, KB9BEB
is our Net Manager.
The Okaw Valley
ARC holds a
weekly net at 9:00
PM on Sunday evenings. The net control stations
are on a rotating schedule.
OVARC Website
Nov. 2—W9KXQ—John
Nov. 9—KB9BEB—Clareen
Nov. 16—K9XWX—Tim
Nov. 23—WB9SLM—Kris
Nov. 30--NO NET (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 7—KK9N—Ken
Dec. 14—W9KXQ-John
Dec. 21—KB9BEB—Clareeen
Dec. 28—K9XWX—Tim
Download 2014 Schedule here
P.O. Box 3
Greenville, IL 62246
Club Information, Dues,
Event Notices,
Ideas for Programs, etc.
E-Mail Newsletter
John King W9KXQ, Editor
Email: [email protected]
Articles, New Items,
Corrections, etc.
Volume 6, Issue 11
OVARC E-Mail Newsletter
Page 8
Who Won the Macoupin County ARC vs. OVARC Field Day Contest?
K9MCE made:
262 QSOs
0 QSOs
The scores from each club have been sent to the ARRL.
The ARRL expects to publish the 2014 Field Day in the
November. The losing club president will be presenting
the “travelling trophy” to the winning club!
Okaw Valley ARC made:
CW: 117 QSOs
Digital: 14 QSOs
Phone: 286 QSOs
Phone: 523 QSOs
Total = 548 QSOs
Total = 654 QSOs.
Which Side do the Field Day Pin stay on?
Who is the winner?
My View from Here!
John W9KXQ
As I write this at the end of October, I am reminded of the busy month that will end just before we gain that “extra hour of sleep” right after Halloween. October kicked off with our
monthly meeting and a chance for me to share some new technology “Broadband Hamnet.” I had fun preparing the presentation. As is usual for me, I had things to learn before
I could share them. Now, before I forget what I have learned, I am traveling to the Macoupin
County ARC meeting on Nov. 5th to repeat my program. If I repeat it often enough, I may
remember what I have learned. I have asked before in this space for more of you to volunteer to share what
you are doing in ham radio. I realize we are not all good at public speaking, but my experience is that when I
get excited about the topic, the public speaking is not a road block to me. Please consider sharing your talents with our club. The topic does not need to be ham radio. There is at least one member who is a professional photographer and he has much to teach us about what he does. I have begun to twist his arm, so
don’t wait until your arm hurts, just volunteer now and save the pain.
On Saturday Oct. 4th, Jim KF4NBG spearheaded a Special Event station K9F. This was great fun and if you
missed out, we will invite you again next year. Jim is already planning to do this event again. Thanks to Jim
and all who helped make this possible. October 9th was an interesting day. That is the day that a very large
quantity of radio equipment was delivered to a storage facility in Greenville. Photos on page 10 of this issue.
More to report on this project at the next club meeting. We had a great crew of folks there to help including
Jim N9LQF, Charlie K9DUE, Les N9MFA and Dennis W9DAW and City of Greenville crew. A big thanks to
each of you.
October 21st marked the issuance of our Club Call AD9OV. For almost 40 years, my call has been heard
coming from our 2 Meter Repeater and KB9EGI/R has been heard on our 70 cm Repeater for almost 20
years. This is about to change, it will sound different not to hear my call after all these years, however, it is
time for this change. Don and I were happy to share our calls and now, OVARC will have its own identity.
Check out as I will be updating that page to tell more about our club and its activities.
See you all at the November 7th Club meeting!
For Now— from here! 73!
Volume 6, Issue 11
OVARC E-Mail Newsletter
Page 9
"A Look @ New Technology”
By John W9KXQ
Broadband-Hamnet™ (formerly called HSMM-Mesh™) is a high
speed, self discovering, self configuring, fault tolerant, wireless
computer network , The focus is on emergency communications.
John revealed this new technology that is just right for experimentation and emergency communications. He provided a quick
overview of Broadband-Hamnet and demonstrate the ease of setting up your own MESH network, where cameras, telephones and other communications protocols will work.
John covered how to use older “wireless routers” as Nodes on a private Amateur Radio Network using amateur radio frequencies. Then he demonstrated a network that consisted of 4 nodes, one node had an IP camera attached, with the images being broadcast to the other 3 nodes and an “IP Phone” setup between 2 nodes
that used 2 analog phones with an adapter that provided secure voice communication between the 2 nodes.
Demonstration of Nodes Communication
using a ping command
2.4 z
Gh aAm r
Simple MESH Network
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 10
Scott Project Photos
Unloading Day
October 9, 2014
John W9KXQ, Jeff Ketten & Jim N9LQL
Holland Anthony of Anthony Supply
Dennis W9DAW, John, Les & Jeff (WB9YVD’s son)
Racks of VHF Radio Equipment & Controllers
Jim N9LQF, Les N9MFA and City Crew
You can order your shirts from Chrystal
using this online form: Order Shirt
Specify “Red Polo for Okaw Valley Amateur
Ken’s Trivia Corner (KK9N)
“What is the definition of Beamwidth of an antenna ?
The answer and a prize for the winner will be
given at the November 6, 2014 meeting
Volume 6, Issue 11
Page 11
Dues for 2015 due
January 1, 2015
Dues for 2014 are $25.00
per member per year, second
family member is $10. Student
dues $5 per year
You can pay Howard N9GEQ at club meetings
or send a check made payable to Okaw Valley
Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 3 Greenville, IL
OVARC VE Team will now
hold test sessions prior to
their monthly meeting.
(First Thursday of the
Testing Opportunities
Dennis Warren W9DAW
Test Sessions 6PM
before Club meeting
Contact Dennis W9DAW
[email protected]
Kaskaskia College
Greenville Education Center
209 N. Third St. Greenville, IL 62246
Courtesy call or e-mail appreciated. Two forms of
ID required (one with photo). If upgrading, original,
plus copy of both license and any Certificates of
Successful Completion (CSCE’s) are required.
New Hams
Deb Etcheson KD9CFS
Question Pool Totals
Technician—426 questions
General——-451 questions
Extra———-700 questions
Deb is a nurse and works for Bond County Health
Exam Questions
Technician— 35 questions
General——– 35 questions
Extra———-- 50 questions
January 24, 2015
IL Section Manager
Thomas Ciciora, [email protected]
Central Division Director
George “Dick” Isely, [email protected]
Central Div. Vice Director
Kermit Carlson, [email protected]
K9F Photo Highlights
Jim, KF4NBG spearheaded a Special Event Station at the Greenville Airport Airstravaganza. At total of 38 contacts were made and the offering of the below QSL
certificate (See webpage for details—K9F.) We had several club members show up
to help. Thanks to all that helped make this a successful event.
Randy KD9BQK & Jim KF4NBG
Event HF Antenna
Ken, Jim & Jeremy getting aboard
QSL Certificate
John W9KXQ &
Ken KK9N
Kortney KC9WZM & Emily KC9UBI
Alexis KC9VAK
Want to become a
Ham Radio
Contact us at
[email protected]
P.O. Box 3
Greenville, IL
Amateur Radio Is…
Community Service
Emergency Communications
Learning new technologies
Worldwide Friendships
A Hobby without borders!
November 2014
Okaw Valley Amateur
Radio Club