Glad Tidings Denville Community Church November 2014 “Working through the Darkness, into the light…” Volume 203 No. 11 The Pastor’s Report to the Charge Conference ( for Wednesday, Nov.5 th) Rev. Edward H. Carll Senior Pastor Mike Semancik Music Director Janice McCrostie Youth Minister Kim Miller Children’s Music Jean Nightingale Office Administrator Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Phone: 973.627.1041 At times, this past year has been a time in which my engagement in the life of DCC which has felt overwhelming. Following the intense reaction of so many to the SPRC rescinding the appointment of Jessica Stenstrom as a pastoral associate on staff, tension, anger and diminished trust of my pastoral oversight of the congregation seemed to be the pervasive feeling. As a result, our SPRC has been exceedingly supportive of my pastoral ministry, and occupied with discussions about staffing the church for ministry, listening carefully to congregational members, addressing the questions and concerns that have arisen, and seeking to rebuild several ministries, particularly youth ministries. YOUTH MINISTRIES After several interviews last fall, and the subsequent hiring of an experienced youth ministry coordinator, SPRC received last minute word in December that our new hire had decided not to take on the job, with its start-up date scheduled for January 1. It added to the frustration we were experiencing in addressing the importance of ministries for and with youth. SPRC decided to hire an interim, Emma Worrall, who has been a member of the congregation for many years, and was between college and graduate school. She provided study and fellowship opportunities for youth over the late winter and into the spring, and, along with the SPRC, I am most grateful for her service to the church. Over the summer SPRC was fortunate to pursue a lead for the youth ministry position, hiring a local United Methodist who grew up in the Mt Tabor Church, Janice McCrostie. Janice joined our staff in August, began her planning for the fall, has kicked off the fall season with a youth gathering picnic, and will be unveiling plans for junior high and senior high gatherings, and launching Confirmation. Inside this issue: Annual Church Conference 2 Giving Thanks 3 Our Sponsors 4 Outreach Ministries 5 Bridges, Youth 6 Calendar 7 DCCNS 8 Trustees, Pageant! 9 Small Group Ministries , Birthdays 10 The SPRC and I firmly believe our youth and children will be well-served by Janice, who has already displayed spiritual maturity, experience in spiritual formation for youth, a solid educational background in early childhood development, and good organizational skills. MUSIC MINISTRIES Our director of music ministries for the past 12 years, Jeffrey Leopold, decided last January that it was time for him to retire due to health concerns. In February, SPRC formed a Music Ministries Search Committee, who received dozens of inquiries and resumes, then began a thorough process of interviewing and auditioning. After hiring an Interim for the Lenten/Easter season, a permanent director was sought and found. Mike Semancik was hired in May of 2013 and has begun reinvigorating our worship life and music ministries. SPRC also took responsibility for replacing former Children’s Music director, Lisa Morris, with Kim Miller, who is a member of the congregation and experienced in many different musical groups within the life of DCC. The Adult Music program has started up with great energy this fall, and everyone is looking forward to what God might be stirring up among us! There are plans for special concerts, additional music groups within the church, and a community outreach music ministry. SMALL GROUPS INITIATIVE Over the summer months, God was calling us to engage more people in small group ministries. Our Greater NJ Annual Conference staffer, Rev. Beth Caulfield, has been working with us in the late autumn, to focus our energy on developing more small group ministries, adding to the many that are already in place. Dale and John Simms have answered this call and will be developing ideas and issuing invitations to small groups, including leadership training. In addition to the 2 new “Spirit-filled Book groups and 2 small Prayer Shawl ministry groups that began last winter and spring, our goal is to begin 4-6 new small groups over the fall months of this year. Continued on next page 1 Advent Devotionals will be available the end of this month. Members and friends of our congregation share their thoughts on the season and scripture , as we celebrate this joyous time of year. Take a quiet moment each day to read your devotional and reflect upon this wondrous event. ADULT FORUMS AND BIBLE STUDIES This fall begins another round of The Pastor’s Adult Forums, including discussions of some DVD educational series: “Embracing Spiritual Awakening” by Diana Butler Bass; “Embracing a Life of Meaning” by Kathleen Norris, and “The Wesleyan Way: A Faith that Matters”, by Bishop Scott Jones. The forums have been very well attended and provide a topical study for participants. In addition to the Adult Forums, one of our certified Lay Servants, Lee Haase, will be leading the UM Covenant Bible Series starting in September. In the last edition of Glad Tidings, I wrote, regarding many of our ministries, that we have gone from pushing reset button this past year and are now pushing “play”. This past year we carried out financial reorganization, moving from a paid accountant to “in house” accounting with Quick Books Pro. The finance committee has made extensive efforts to input data into the software program, leading to much greater ease of reporting and better communication between the treasurers of both our Trustees and Church Treasurer. We continue our ever stronger, 24 year, mission-driven commitment to the Appalachian Service Project. Our team of 42 experienced yet another week of service that transformed the lives of our participants as well as those whom they served. Trustees have remained very active. First in overseeing the sale of the 11 Winding Way property last November, landscaping and creating invitations to members to “Adopt a Garden” on the grounds around the building. In addition to pursuing quotes for the resurfacing of some of our roofs, they have undertaken the replacement of our outdated telephone system, retrofitting a lot of the plumbing in the church buildings, and have patiently overseen the completion of the new 20’x40’ steel building, which includes both garage space for the parsonage and a more adequate storage facility. As the I write this year-end report, I feel reinvigorated in my pastoral ministry here at DCC. This past Sunday, while walking through the halls of the church before worship, I knew everyone I greeted and did not hesitate to greet them with their first names, feeling positive at the start-up of Sunday School classes for the fall, and experiencing DCCers who were eagerly looking forward to life-together. It has felt as if I have walked through the darkness of the year behind us and into a whole new light! Sincerely yours in the love of Christ, Pastor Ed PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION! NOVEMBER 9TH SILENT 2:00 PM GREAT BASKETS! ANNUAL CHURCH CONFERENCE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH 7:30 PM GREAT FUN! Please plan to attend this very important meeting in the life of our church. This year’s theme is: LIVE 4:00 PM GOOD FOOD! “Shine: You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:14 (NRSV) 2 THANKSGIVING GRACE WITH THE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN We invite your family to use the prayer below during the month of November, and on Thanksgiving, as you express gratitude to God for your meals. Marion Coates Thank your for the harvest, a bounty of Your love, Thank You for the Autumn leaves, a treasure from above, Thank You for the colored hues of orange, red and gold. Thank You for these golden days before the Winter cold. Thank You for our family, for friends and for the food we are about to share. In Jesus name we pray, Amen “Hand Made Hugs” Our next gathering will be November 6th, at 9:30 am and 7:00 pm at the Parsonage. Even if you don’t know how to knit, we will be glad to show you! Join us for fellowship and a relaxing evening among friends. Quiet time Each Thursday morning from 6:00 - 8:30 AM our sanctuary is open for a time of quiet, tranquility and prayer. We are open to the public, feel free to stop by with a friend and just take a moment to “be still” before the rush of the day begins. SPIRIT FILLED BOOK CLUB IN CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY… Our sympathies embrace Barbara Wiedman and the family and friends of Al Wiedman who passed away on October 10th, 2014 Join us for our November book discussion, “Life in a Jar” - even if you have not read the book, we would love to have you join in our fellowship. Monday, November 3rd 9:30 am at Kris Holstein's home and at 7:00 pm at Loretta Lawler’s home. Looking forward to seeing you there! 3 Master Carpentry Plus Handyman/Carpenter Consider supporting us and your business by advertising here. 973-627-4050 PAINT AND WALLPAPER (across from the A & P shopping center) 150 East Main St. (Route 53) Denville NJ 07834 PAINT, LADDERS, RENTAL EQUIPMENT No Job Too Small All Carpentry; Maintenance; Painting; Repairs and Replacements Gutters & cleaning; Roof repairs; and more! Call: Rick Lynch, owner (Church Member with over 34 years of Carpentry Experience) 973-610-6585 Insured, NJ License# 13VH00777100 Ferri Music Studios Denville, NJ 973-625-0004 Piano - Guitar - Voice All levels - Children -Teens - Adults NURSERY SCHOOL 2014-2015 Recitals, Workshops & Competitions CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT College Preparation The Denville Community Church Nursery School Enrollment for the school year continues through out the year! We offer a unique pre-school experience for 2, 3 and 4 year-old children: -Professional and experienced staff-Facilitate the transition between home and school-Affordable tuitionFor more information, contact Theresa Ackerman at 973-625-2456. Help spread the word about this great service our Church has made available to the community for over 60 years! *Special Discount for Church Members This is a publication of : Denville Community Church 190 Diamond Spring Rd. P.O. Box 115 Denville NJ 07834 4 SECOND SUNDAY DINNER MINISTRY OUTERWEAR AND BLANKET COLLECTION! We are accepting Shop Rite Gift cards and monetary donations for our Second Sunday Dinner ministry as well as any size or gender winter outerwear (coats, boots, hats, sweaters, gloves, etc) and warm blankets are also needed! Donations can be left in the bins in the narthex cloak room throughout the winter months. For more information about this worthwhile mission, call Karalee Smith at 973-366-9439. Dine in or get take out from the Brick 46 and 10% of your Bill (EXCLUDING ALCHOHOL) will be donated to: The Appalachia Service Project November 15, 2014 - April 30, 2015 HERE NOW! CHECK THE NARTHEX FOR THE GIVING TREE AND HELP FAMILIES IN NEED! A Request From Family Promise Bring this flyer (may be copied), tell them you are Supporting ASP from Denville community Church Show your support by dining at The Brick! Brick Oven Pizza and Restaurant 68 Rout 46 East Rockaway, NJ (973) 625-4900 On November 5, 12, 19, and 25, Family Promise parents are scheduled to participate in a training program called "Scream-Free Parenting," facilitated by Certified Parent Coaches at Parent Resources, LLC. Volunteers are needed to supervise the children while their parents attend training and to deliver dinner to the FP Day Center before each class begins. Volunteers are welcome to bring their own children & teens and to stay and eat with the families. Please contact Jean Wilcox (973-6279295 or [email protected]) for more information. 5 BRIDGES RUN MINISTRY During this time of Thanksgiving we have so many things to be grateful for; family, friends, shelter and food. The people our Bridges ministry serve are not quite as fortunate as we are. Many will not have a place to celebrate or even food to eat. We can change that for a few of them. Friday evening Nov 28th we will be taking a run into NYC and there are 4 ways you can help: 1. Make a monetary donation to our toiletry kit fund 2. Donate razors, toothbrushes, small toothpastes, and small deodorants; 3. Make lunches; see guidelines in box below - Drop off at church 4 PM 11/28 or call Ted for arrangements 4. Ride along! Info and signups are at Coffee Hour or contact Ted Dengler, 973-983-8174, [email protected]. NOTE: we can no longer accept clothing donations except on the DAY of the Run. Please only drop off toiletry items in Statham Hall. WHAT TO PUT IN A BRIDGES LUNCH Sandwich: preferably made with 100% white, whole wheat or soft, whole wheat with low sodium deli meat. Please do not put mayo, mustard, lettuce or tomato on the sandwich. If possible, include mayo or mustard packets in the bag. Fruit: grapes, clementines, bananas, pears or other soft fruit (many clients have dental issues - no apples please!) Dairy Item: mozzarella, cheddar or other cheese stick, 4 or 6 oz yogurt with spoon or 2 squeezable yogurts Chewy granola bar (reduced sugar if possible) or Nutrigraintype fruit & cereal bar Drink: Water (6 or 8 oz. bottle) LOOKING AHEAD The United Methodist women will host a Christmas program Saturday Dec 6th from 11:30 – 1:00 PM on “The 7 Wonders of Christmas”. All women and men are invited for this special program presented by Marion Coates. The program will take place in the Sanctuary and will be followed by a luncheon which will be provided by the UMW. If your child is at the Christmas pageant rehearsal, plan on staying for the event and have the dad pick up the kids! Please Call Georgia Kearney to let her know you will be coming! 973-234-5790 . Confirmation Classes have begun! If you did not have an opportunity to attend the parent/youth orientation meeting, and wish to have your 9th or 10th grade youth enrolled in confirmation, please speak to Janice McCrostie as soon as possible! November classes will be held at 11 am, following worship on 11/2, 11/16 and 11/23. JUNIOR HIGH AND SENIOR HIGH 6:30 PM- 8:30 PM 11/2, 11/16 AND 11/30!! 6 NOVEMBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7:00PM Masterwork Camerata Please cross-reference the church calendar with bulletin announcements, and group schedules. Sometimes, there are changes and cancellations without notice. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 973-627-1041. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:30 am Worship 10:45 ASP Meeting 10:45 Handchime Choir 10:45 Adult Bible Study 11:00 Confirmation 9:30 am - Book Club (Hollstein Home) 6:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 Book Club (Lawler Home) 8:00 AA 10:00 Quilters 6:30 Cubs Scouts Den #9 6:30 Brownie Scouts 7PM Bible Study 7:30 Boy Scouts 8:30 AA 7:30 CHURCH CONFERENCE PLEASE ATTEND! 9:30 AM Handmade Hugs 7:00 Handmade Hugs 7:00 Small Group Training AM - Auction Set Up 9:00 AM - Auction Set Up No activities scheduled the church will be set up for our annual Auction! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:30 am Worship 10:45 Handchime Choir NO Confirmation 2:00 - 3:30 SILENT AUCTION! 4:00 - LIVE AUCTION BEGINS! 6:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 Denville Women Club 7:30 Trustees 8:00 AA 10:00 Quilters 6:30 Cub Scouts 7PM Bible Study 7 PM Finance Committee 6:30 -Youth Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 7:30 Boy Scouts 8:30 AA 8:00Hand bell Choir 7:00 Toastmasters 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:30 am Worship 6:30 Cub Scouts Baptisms 8:00 AA 10:45 Handchime Choir 11:00 Confirmation 10:00 Quilters 6:30 Brownie Scouts 7PM Bible Study 6:30 -Youth Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 7:30 Boy Scouts 8:30 AA 8:00 Hand bell Choir 7:00 Venture Crew YOUTH GROUP FOOD 1:00 - 4:00 PM Boy DRIVE, LOCKI-IN AND Scout Troop #17 CARDBOARD CITY Eagle Ceremony 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:30 am Worship 10:45 Handchime Choir 10:45 Adult Bible Study 11:00 Confirmation __________________ 9:30 am & 7:30 pm Spirit Filled Book Club (parsonage) 8:00 AA 10:00 Quilters 7PM Bible Study 6:30 -Youth Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 7:30 Boy Scouts 8:30 AA 8:00Hand bell Choir 30 9:30 am Worship 10:45 Handchime Choir 10:45 Adult Bible Study NO Confirmation 9:30 - 11:00 Girl Scouts 22 29 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY BRIDGES RUN INTO MANHATTAN 7 THE HAUNTING OF DCCNS!! No Haunting here! It is just our students and staff having a blast during the month of October! During the month of October, students enjoyed educational and fun experiences in all our classrooms! During a field trip to Sun High Orchards, students learned all about bees, honey, wildlife, pumpkins and gourds and harvesting apples. Firefighter Zack taught us all about fire safety and the Humbug Witch visited classes to start off our Halloween celebrations. Carving pumpkins, making pumpkin prints, spiders, mummies and ghost projects helped all the students and staff to get into the Halloween spirit. The Halloween celebrations were concluded with Sing-a-longs , parties and parades! Our 2 year old class enjoying story time on Halloween Mrs. Channel and Mrs. Viscardo with their 3 year old class! Mrs. Fiumara and Mrs. Sceurman -our 2’s teachers! Mrs. Kline and our 4 Year Old Class enjoying some of the bounty of Halloween! Humbug Witch looks a little bit like Mrs. Coan! And here is fireman Zack Coan with Mrs. Coan and our 4 year old class! 8 CHRISTMAS PAGEANT! From 10/30 - approximately 11/15 the main front entrance to the church will be closed Monday-Saturday but open on Sunday for worship service. This is to accommodate the repair and replacement of some of the flat roofs. During the week, please use the entrance to the front parking lot and slowly and carefully proceed over the “hill” to get to the back of the church. The garage is progressing!! Here are pictures of the current work. The Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, Dec. 7th at 3:00 pm. All children in pre-K and above are welcome to be a part of it! I need angels, shepherds, narrators, stars and kings, among other parts! Older children can be involved, too. The rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 during children's choir rehearsal. We may schedule an extra rehearsal day to be ready in time, more info to come! There is a dress rehearsal on Saturday, Dec. 6th from 8:30 am to 10:30 am. Contact Kim Miller to sign up your child for the pageant! Her email: dcc.youthmusicministry@ve or [email protected] Almost completed! Garage doors are coming this week - a concrete pad around the front will be poured and once the CO is received, interior storage will be created! 9 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1ST Tim Fisher Neal Healy Ellen Pekrol Madison Somogyi Ryan Spencer 2nd Cherilynn Louszko Judith Marinaro Robert Scannelli 3rd Matthew Dixon Paige Dixon Richard Boyle Chris Elliott 4th Autumn Devlin Kevin Graney Dorothy Hamilton 5th Ed Vanderhoof 6th Daniel Morgan 7th Arnold Card Hope Donaldson 8th Robert Ackerman John Gerhardt Preethi Kumar Michael Lawrence Andrew Turse 9th Joshua Danielson 10th Robert Izsa Kim Monka Sam Wilson 11th Wendy Brindle Melissa Erwine Doug Lynch Matthew Ricciardi Michael Vacanti David Walter Suzanne Zavaglia 12th Lauren Attanasio Patricia Schmidt Kyle Smith William VanBuskirk 13th Ajoke Adetula Jessica Ellman Susan Ruiz Tim Preston 14th Debbie Scala Bob Urbanik Aris Zavras 15th Lynn Eggert 16th Lindsay Hesock Frank Lowry 18th Steve Bond Laura Dick Travis Turse 19th Debbie Vanderhoof 20th Zoe Donaldson Tonia Simon Madeline Skovronek 21st Andrew Agliata Laura Hescock 22nd Alan Ackerman Joyce Fay-Tucker Judith Hernandez Sierra Kroeter Lois Seybold Rebecca Struble Matthew Turse 23rd Christine Gabel Deanna Mederos Alyssa Meola Brian Robbins Marcus Scheffer 24th Magnhild Andersen 25th 26th Tim Worts 27th James Becker Elsa Hoffman 28th Jane Gross Peter Kunzel Peter Luce David Morris Thomas Murray 29th Jim Nightingale No date available: Linda Baty Laurie Becker Please join us for a training session on November 6 at 7:00, in the Sanctuary for small group leaders with Beth Caulfield in the sanctuary. If you are thinking of starting a small group ministry now or in the near future, please come! See John or Dale Simms with questions. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE WINTER PERFORMANCE OF: A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS We apologize if you were not included on our list. If we have not listed your birthday, please contact the church office so we can include you in future editions. A fun and joyous holiday story retold by the Christian Drama School. Morris Knolls High School December 13th and 14th 10 Denville Community Church United Methodist 190 Diamond Spring Road Denville, NJ 07834 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Volume 203 No. 11 November 2014 11
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