From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 1993 82: 904-913 Detection of monosomy 7 and trisomy 8 in myeloid neoplasia: a comparison of banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization RE Kibbelaar, JW Mulder, EJ Dreef, H van Kamp, WE Fibbe, JW Wessels, GC Beverstock, HL Haak and PM Kluin Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. Detection of Monosomy 7 and Trisomy 8 in Myeloid Neoplasia: A Comparison of Banding and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization By R.E. Kibbelaar, J.W.R. Mulder, E.J. Dreef, H. van Kamp, W.E. Fibbe, J.W. Wessels, G.C. Beverstock, H.L. Haak, and Ph.M. Kluin Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful tool for detection of numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. We have compared conventional banding techniques and FISH for the detection of monosomy 7 ( 7)and trisomy 8 ( 8) in 89 patients with myeloid malignancies. Of these patients, 21 had 7,30 had 8,four had both, and 34 had no aberrations or aberrations other than 7 or 8 as assessed by banding techniques. Sequential samples were available in 23 patients. Alphoid DNA probes specific for chromosomes no. 7 and 8 were used for FISH. As controls, 10 normal bone marrow (BM) samples were hybridized with the chromosomes no. 7 and 8 probes, and in addition all tumor samples were hybridized with a chromosome no. 1 specific probe. The cut-off value for 7 was 18%one-spot cells, and for 8 was 3% three-spot cells. FISH analysis of 44 samples with 7 or 8, and at least 10 metaphases evaluated, showed that the proportions of aberrant metaphase cells mirrored the interphase clone sizes. Most samples with nonclonal metaphase aberrations, including those with only a few metaphases, had increased numbers of aberrant interphase cells: 20% to 80%for - 7, and 3% t o 43% for 8. Interphase cytogenetics of the 3 4 samples without 7 or 8 did not show significant cell populations with 7 or 8. In four patients, 7 or 8 could not be confirmed by FISH due t o additional structural aberrations, marker chromosomes, or wrongly interpreted banding results. As FISH will be used more and more in cytogenetic diagnosis, clinical follow-up, and therapy monitoring, it will be necessary to standardize FISH procedures and supplement the Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN) definitions of a clone with criteria specifically for in situ hybridization. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. M ANY HEMATOLOGIC malignancies are characterized by specific numerical or structural chromosoma1 abnormalities that have prognostic, therapeutic, and biologic implications.’.’ Two of the most common numerical aberrations in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are monosomy 7 (-7) and trisomy 8 (+8). These and other chromosomal aberrations can be detected by banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, both having their own specific advantages and disadvantages. For banding techniques, metaphase cells must be obtained and the metaphase cells harvested must have a certain quality for proper banding and evaluation. As the metaphase cells are only a small subset of the cells present in the cell suspension, the qualitative and quantitative potentialities of banding techniques may be limited. In addition, the quality constraint may contribute to biased qualitative and quantitative analysis. Recent developments in DNA in situ hybridization probes and protocols, in particular FISH, have made this technique widely available for cytogenetic research and diagnostic^.^-^ The molecular in situ hybridiza- tion approach can supplement morphologic banding analysis in several ways: (1) marker chromosomes can be identified, that is, the morphologic identification can be validated7,*;(2) breakpoints caused by deletions, inversions, or translocations can be delineated more preci~ely;~*’~ (3) metaphase cells of poor quality or those obtained from archival material can be analyzed; and (4) interphase cells can be studied (interphase cytogenetics), hence the in vivo occurrence of chromosomal aberrations can be assessed and quantified. Only a few reports have been published on the benefit of FISH versus banding cytogenetic analysis in large series of patients. For example, Jenkins et all’ examined material of 60 patients with +8, 13 with nonclonal +8, and 144 with normal karyotypes or aberrations other than +8. In our study, banding and in situ hybridization cytogenetics were compared, both qualitatively and quantitatively, on bone marrow (BM) or peripheral blood (PB) cells of 5 5 patients with myeloid malignancies and -7 or +8 identified by banding techniques. Furthermore, material obtained from 34 patients who had normal karyotypes or aberrations other than -7 or +8 was also studied. From the Departments of Pathology, Hematology, and Human Genetics, University of Leiden, Leiden; and the Department of Hematology and Cytogenetics, Leyenburg Hospital. The Hague, The Netherlands. Submitted December 16, 1992; accepted March 31, 1993. Supported by Grant No. 6.2.3fvom the J.A. Cohen Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands. Address reprint requests to R.E. Kibbelaar, MD, Laboratory of Pathology, State University of Leiden, PO Box 9603, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. The publication costs of this article were defiayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1993 by The American Societ.v of Hematology. 0006-49 71/93/8203-0041$3.00/0 Patients. BM or PB cells of 5 5 patients with myeloid malignancies, mostly AML and MDS, and -7 or +8 as assessed by banding analysis, were available for in situ hybridization studies. This included patients with nonclonal abnormalities according to the specifications of the Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN).” Cell suspensions were stored for up to 4 years before in situ hybridization was performed. Data of nine patients have been previously reported in part (Table 2, no. 4. 6 , 7 , 10, 15, 19,20, 22, and 25).9.’3Additionally, material from 34 patients with MDS or AML and normal karyotypes or aberrations other than -7 or +8 was investigated with FISH. Additional hematologic data, including the differential, were obtained for each sample, and clinical follow-up data were collected. These are not represented in the tables, but can be made available by the authors. BM cells of 10 BM transplantation donors were used as negative control samples. Banding analysis. Metaphases were obtained after a 30-minute + - + + - - + - + - + - + - + + MATERIALS AND METHODS 904 Blood, Vol 82, No 3 (August 1). 1993: pp 904-9 13 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 905 -7 AND +8 DETECTION BY FISH mitotic arrest from BM and PB, either directly or after 24-, 48-, and 72-hours cultures, hereafter referred to respectively as BMD, PBD, BM24, PB24, etc. Cells were harvested and processed according to standard techniques, after which GTG-bandingwas perf~rmed.’~ If possible, at least 20 metaphases were analyzed, and five metaphases were fully karyotyped. Karyotyping was performed following ISCN specifications.12Sampleswere classified as -7 if at least three metaphases were found with a deleted chromosome no. 7. Trisomy 8 was diagnosed if at least two metaphases were found with an extra chromosome no. 8. If these criteria were not met, the sample was classified as nonclonal -7 or +8. FISH. FISH was performed on BM and PB cell suspensions that had been used for banding analysis stored in methano1:acetic acid (3: 1 vol/vol) at -20°C or +4”C. Also, BM aspirates (BMA), used for cytologic diagnosis and obtained simultaneously with the samples used for banding, were fixed and stored for FISH studies. Alphoid repetitive DNA sequences specific for chromosomes no. 7 (p7tl for locus D7Z1)I5and 8 (ATCC, D8Zl),” hereafter referred to as ap7 and ap8, respectively, were used as probes. As a control probe, satellite DNA specific for the lq12 heterochromatic region (PUC1.77) was used.I6 In some cases, additional hybridizations with chromosome-specificlibraries were performed.” Fixation of cells, preparation of slides, predigestion of cells, hybridization conditions, posthybridization washings, and immunodetection were all performed according to standard protocols as previously deVisualization of the hybridization reactions was done by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). Hybridization signalswere evaluated on a LEITZ Diaplan fluorescence microscope (Emst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH, Germany) equipped with a K3 filter for simultaneous detection of FITC signals and propidiumiodide (PI) DNA counterstaining. All slides were analyzed by at least two observers. From each preparation, 200 interphase nuclei and all available metaphases present on one slide were evaluated. As the differences between the observers varied in general between 0%and lo%, the results were summed and averaged. RESULTS Controls. Two types of controls were used for determination of the cut-off values for detection of -7 and +8: (1) the test probes specific for chromosomes no. 7 and 8 were hybridized onto control BM cells with normal karyotypes, and (2) the tumor cells were hybridized with a control probe specific for chromosome no. 1 [N = 82, samples with structural or numerical abnormalities of chromosome no. 1, eg, +t( 1;7) or +t( 1;9) were excluded]. The first type of control gave an estimation of the specificity of the test probes, and the second control provided an estimation of the overall hybridization quality of the test material. The results of the control studies are listed in Table 1. For detection of -7, the control samples showed a cut-off level of 1 1.7% (mean + 2 SD), and the control probe showed a cut-off level of 17.7%. Therefore, a threshold value of 2 18% was used for detection of -7. To distinguish true -7 from suboptimal hybridization, all samples with more than 15% null spot cells were rehybridized with prolonged predigestion times; if the results did not improve, these data were discarded. For detection of +8, the studies of the control samples and control probe showed cut-off levels of 2. I % and 2.9%, respectively. Therefore, a threshold of 23%was used for detection of +8 by interphase in situ hybridization. Detection of - 7 and +8 with FISH. Clinical and cytogenetic data from the -7 and +8 patients are listed in Tables 2 Table 1. Distribution of Spots in Controls % of Cells (mean and SD): No. of Spots/Cell Probe Material ap7 BMT donor (N = 10) Mean SD Mean 2 SD BMT donor (N = 10) Mean SD Mean 2 SD -7 and +8 study group (N = 82) Mean SD Mean 2 SD + ap8 + spl + 0 1 2 3 4 0.9 0.8 6.5 2.6 11.7 92.5 2.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.7 2.6 1.7 96.0 2.4 0.7 0.7 2.1 0.0 1.1 2.3 8.9 4.4 17.7 88.8 5.8 0.9 1.0 2.9 0.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 Two groups of controls for determination of the levels of false-positive or false-negative FISH hybridization signals: (1) karyotypically normal BM cells hybridizedwith the test probes ap7 and ap8; (2) test samples from the -7 and +8 group hybridizedwith a control probe specific for chromosome no. 1 [samples with structuralor numericalaberrations of chromosome no. 1 like +t(l;7) or +t( 1 ;9) were excluded]. See text for further discussion and interpretation of the results. Abbreviations: ap7, alphoid DNA probe specific for chromosome 7; ap8, alphoid DNA probe specificfor chromosome 8; BMT, bone marrow transplantation; spl. satellite DNA probe specific for chromosome 1. and 3, respectively. Twenty-one patients had -7 (clonal or nonclonal), 30 had +8 (clonal or nonclonal), and four had combined -7 and +8 (no. 22 through 25 in Table 2, and no. 31 through 34 in Table 3). Sequential samples were available in 23 patients. In four samples with +8, parallel BMD and BMA specimens processed separately in different laboratories demonstrated similar percentages of three-spot interphase cells (Table 3, patients no. 4, 14, and 19). These results corroborate the reliability of FISH procedures, both for the detection of low and high percentages of +8 cells. In 51 of 55 patients, FISH confirmed the presence of -7 or +8 as detected by banding (Fig 1). The following four patients showed a discongruency between banding and FISH: (1) patient no. 5 of the -7 group showed 1 I of 11 metaphases with a -7 and three marker chromosomes by banding (PB, there was no material left for FISH); the parallel BM culture showed five of five metaphases with two spots, and no significant number of one-spot interphase cells by FISH (no assessable metaphases in the banding analysis). Most probably, the marker chromosomes contained chromosome no. 7 DNA (no material left for chromosome painting). (2) Patient no. 7 had a complex karyotype with a t( l;?) and multiple markers. Chromosome painting showed multiple fragments of chromosomes no. 1 and 7 in metaphase cells without a t ( 1;7).9(3) Patient no. IO had a -7 and an additional t(7;16) in I 1 of 12 metaphases. FISH with the ap7 probe did not show a significant increase of one-spot cells. Chromosome painting demonstrated the presence of one complete and one partial chromosome no. 7 (Fig 2). (4) Patient no. 11 of the +8 group had 26 of 29 metaphases with a +8. FISH with the ap8 probe and with a chromosome no. 8-specific library could not demonstrate any additional From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 906 KIBBELAAR ET AL Table 2. Monosomy 7, Clinical and Cytogenetic Data Patient Age/ No. Sex 1 61/F 2 69/F 3 4 72/M 44/M GTG Banding Diagnosis 5 8O/F AML M2 Feb 86 Feb 86 Feb 86 Jul86 Aug 87 Sep 86 Apr 88 Dec 88 Sep 88 6 82/M RAEB-t Mar 89 RAEB-t AML M4 CMML Anemia MDS RAEB-t RAEB , RA MDS/AML AML RAEB-t CMML MDS AML M2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 65/M 73/F 29/M 72/F 61/F 52/F 49/F 14 15 16 5 1 ~ 73/M 88/F RAEB-t AML M5a AML M1 17 18 75/M 62/F AML M2 AML M5b 19 21 68/M 7O/F 72/F AML M2 AML M4 CMML 22 55/F AML 23 49/M AML M4 20 24 25 78/F 87/F M PS MDS (proportion of -7 cells) Date May 90 Aug 9 0 Oct 89 Jun 89 Apr 91 Jun 88 May 86 Oct 90 Oct 9 0 Oct 89 Sep 86 Jul87 Sep 87 Dec 89 Nov 87 Feb 88 Jun 88 Jun 88 May 91 May 89 BM24 (212) PB24 (617) PB (617) PB24 48 72 (213) BM24 ( 1/20) PB72+t (2114) BM24 (29129) PB48 (-) PB48+b (214) BM24 (13116) PB+t (1111 1) BM24 I-) BMD (14114) BM24 (not analyzed) + + BMD (8116) PB24 (14/ 14) BM24 (20120) BMD (1 1/12) PB24 + 48 (1 8118) BM24 (9113) PB72 (22122) May 88 Nov 88 Feb 86 BM24 (1511 5) BM24 (25132) PB48 (313) BM24 (818) BM24 (10115) BM24 (14/33) BM24 (0116) PB24 (313) BM24 (718) BMD (9120) BM(12/12) PB72 (-) BM24 (0115) PB24 + 48 + 72 (919) PB24 5 abnormal metaphases Aug 86 Apr 87 Nov 87 6/57) PB48 10 HAM$ a.0. 5q-, -7 BM24 (1110) PB24 (111) PB48 (NE) BM24 (2115) FISH Material Metaphases' With One interphases (%I With One Spot spot SP 1 ap7 BM24 PB24 12/25 11/29 6 10 29 30 PB72 BM24 010 0110 8 9 82 9 PB48 BM24 1I 1 23/35 12 8 55 89 BM24 015 9 9 BM24 BMA BMD 0150 PB24 BM24 BMD PB48 BM24 PB72 BMA BMD BM24 PB48 BM24 BM24 BM24 213 5/16 0143 12/16 17/27 29/40 20137 411 8 26/36 40148 12/44 29/30 11 7 4 9 10 5 12 12 22 4 7 12 6 6 10 19 11 64 11 10 15 3 89 66 72 70 71 21 75 74 53 89 PB24 BM24 BMD 414 29/29 34/50 7 8 3 83 93 69 PB72 BM24 PB24 PB24 010 3117 13/19 1 /7 12 4 17 9 56 12 57 14 BM24 PB48 BM24 0144 3115 9 9 21 78 12 14 1/46 111 Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)and acute myeloid leukemias (AML) were classified according to the subdivisions of the French American British (FAB) cooperative g r o ~ p .It~was ~ . not ~ ~possible to subclassify all individual samples, in these cases the diagnosis MDS or AML NOS was used. Abbreviations: RA, refractory anemia; RARS. RA with ringed sideroblasts; RAEB, RA with excess of blasts; RAEB-t, RAEB in transformation; CMML, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia; BMA, bone marrow aspirate; BMD. bone marrow direct culture; BM24.24-hour culture, etc; ND, not done; NE, not evaluable; a.0.. among others; PB, peripheral blood; PBD, peripheral blood direct culture; PB24, 24-hour culture, etc. Number of aberrant metaphases versus total of metaphases analyzed. t Peripheral blood samples were cultured with phytohemagglutinin. t Highly abnormal metaphases. chromosome no. 8 DNA. Therefore, the identification of the extra chromosome with standard GTG-banding was not correct. Material of 34 AML or MDS patients with aberrations other than -7 or +8 was investigated by FISH. Twenty-five had normal karyotypes as assessed by banding analysis. In 33 patients, at least 20 metaphases and in one patient six metaphases were karyotyped (data not shown). Using the criteria outlined above, a -7 or +8 was not found in any of the samples using interphase cytogenetics. The average number of cells with one spot using the ap7 probe was 4.8 (maximum, 16; minimum, 0; SD = 3.44), and the average number of cells with three spots using the ap8 probe was 0.8 1 (maximum, 2.5; minimum, 0; SD = 0.81). From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. -7 AND +8 DETECTION BY FISH Quantitative comparison of banding and FISH. The proportions of aberrant metaphase cells, both by banding and FISH, were compared with the proportions of aberrant interphase cells. To ascertain any quantitative significance of our conclusions,all samples with fewer than 10 assessable metaphase cells were excluded. Using this arbitrary criterion, 16 samples of the -7 group could be compared for metaphase FISH versus interphase FISH (Fig 3A) and 10 samples could be compared for banding versus interphase FISH (Fig 3B). All samples but one had a clonal -7 according to the ISCN criteria. A good correlation between metaphase FISH and interphase FISH was found (Y = 37). Comparison of interphase FISH with banding corroborated the presence of a -7 clone, but did not show any quantitative relation (Fig 3B). In the +8 group, 28 samples could be compared for metaphase and interphase FISH (Fig 4A) and 26 samples for banding versus interphase FISH (Fig 4B). The FISH metaphase analysis included six samples with a nonclonal +8. A high correlation ( r = .89) between metaphase FISH versus interphase FISH was found. In contrast to the -7 study, a high correlation between banding and interphase FISH was also found ( r = .93). Nine samples had a nonclonal +8 in the banding analysis; in these samples, 3% to 10%three-spot interphase cells were found. To obtain further insight into the quantitative aspects of banding and FISH on metaphase cells of patients with clonal abnormalities, we extracted relevant data from Tables 2 and 3 (Table 4). Samples with fewer than 10 assessable metaphase cells were also included, but grouped separately. Although, in contrast to banding, FISH was performed on only one slide, generally more metaphase cells could be evaluated by FISH than by banding. This emphasizes the practical significanceof FISH. Using a 25% difference as a criterion, the clone size as estimated by FISH analysis of metaphases was smaller than as assessed by banding in approximately half of the -7 samples (Table 4). In case of +8, no gross differenceswere found between both techniques. The data showed that the discrepancies for -7 were relatively independent of the total numbers of cells analyzed, ie, they apparently were not caused by quantitative inaccuracies. FISH analysis of nonclonal samples. We investigated whether it was possible to detect a clone of aberrant cells with FISH in cases with nonclonal (by ISCN criteria) -7 or +8. Samples with inconclusive banding analysis, eg, two of two aberrant metaphases, were also included. Seven samples of the -7 group (Table 2, patient no. 1 [BM24], 2 [PB72], 3 [BM24], 4 [PB48], 23 [BM24], 24 [PB48], and 25 [BM24]) were assessable. FISH metaphase analysis of patient no. l showed a -7 clone (12/25 one-spot metaphase cells). FISH interphase analysis of patients no. 1, 2, 4, and 23 demonstrated 29%, 82%, 55%, and 78% one-spot cells, respectively, also indicative of -7 clones. The presence of these -7 clones was confirmed by banding of other samples of the same patients. In three patients (no. 3, 24, and 25), no -7 clone was found by FISH. Follow-up of patient no. 3 showed intravascular hemolytic anemia due to a heart valve prosthesis, in- 907 stead of myeloid malignancy. Banding analysis of patient no. 24 showed one metaphase with a complex karyotype including -7, +8, and marker chromosomes in the PB24, while the PB48 was not assessable. No PB24 cells were left for FISH, and a -7 clone could not be detected in the PB48. This leaves several possibilities: the metaphase with -7 was an artifact, the aberrant clone was lost during the prolonged culture, or the two spots per cell in 87% of the cells resulted from one chromosome no. 7 and one marker chromosome. Patient no. 25 had two of 15 metaphases with 5q-, -7, and one marker chromosome. No increase of -7 interphase cells was detected by FISH, but metaphase analysis suggested a clonal aberration (3/15 one-spot cells). However, these FISH data are difficult to interpret, especially since the chromosome no. 1 control probe showed 2 1% of interphase cells with one spot, indicating suboptimal hybridization properties of the material. The first 10 +8 patients listed in Table 3 had one or more samples with a nonclonal +8. Four of them have been reIn the first nine ported previously (no. 4, 6, 7, and 10).9,'3 patients, FISH demonstrated 3% to 14% three-spot interphase cells, indicating that the samples contained small populations of +8 cells. Note that other samples of these patients did not show +8 by banding, but consistently demonstrated a significant proportion of +8 cells as assessed by FISH. Patient no. 10 had +8 in one of five cells analyzed by banding, but 43% three-spot interphase cells. The high number of three-spot cells with the chromosome no. 1 control probe was caused by a +t( 1;7).9 Quantitative discrepancies: Selected cases. To determine the biologic significance of the quantitative differences between banding and interphase cytogenetics, we compared all available samples, especially the follow-up samples of several patients. (1) The BMD of patient no. 6 of the -7 group had 14 of 14 aberrant metaphases, but no -7 interphase clone was observed in the same sample cultured for 24 hours (no BMD cells available for FISH). However, a BMA taken 14 months later showed 64%one-spot cells. The negative FISH results in the first BM24 sample might have been caused by selective loss of the aberrant myeloid cells during culture, or by interchange of patient samples. (2) The PB sample of patient no. 8 of the -7 group had 14 of 14 metaphases with -7 by banding, two of three one-spot cells by metaphase FISH, but only 10%one-spot interphase cells. This discrepancy might be explained by the presence of 66% nondividing lymphoid cells (differential not shown) in the PB sample. We, and others, have shown that these genetic alterations in myeloid malignanciesare restricted to the myeloid c ~ m p a r t m e n t . ' ~ Taking - ~ ~ into consideration the aforementioned cut-off value of 18%for one-spot cells, it would be impossible to detect a -7 clone in interphase cells of this sample. (3) Patient no. 9 of the -7 group had 20 of 20 metaphases with -7, whereas FISH showed 15 of 16 onespot metaphase and 15%one-spot interphase cells. This discrepancy cannot be explained (no follow-up available). (4) The data of patient no. 22 of the -7 group suggest that with FISH metaphase analysis the -7 clone could have been detected 6 months before it was found by banding analysis. In the second sample, the clone size as measured by interphase From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 908 KIBBELAAR ET AL Table 3. Trisomy 8, Clinical and Cytogenetic Data Patient No. 1 Age/Sex 71/M Diagnosis 2 31/F RAEB RAEB-t AML AML ET/PV 3 72/M AML M2 4 66/F MDS 5 6 58/M 67/M RAEB RARS Date Apr 89 Aug 89 Nov 89 Feb 90 Oct 81 Aug 86 Mar 90 Apr 90 May 90 Jul90 Aug 90 Oct 89 Jul90 Jun 89 Sep 89 Oct 89 GTG Banding (proportion of +8 cells) BM24 (0118) BM24 (0113) BM24 (1116) BM24 (1111) PBD (0120) BM24 (1156) BM (-) PB (-) PB72 (011) PB24 (818) PB48 (214) BM24 (1116) BM24 (0116) BM24 (1136) BM24 (1130) BMD (0120) BMD (1120) BM24 (1?/20) 7 8 55/F 67/M MDS MDS Nov 89 Feb 90 May 90 BMD (1130) BMD (-) BM24 (0110) Sep 90 RAEB 11 12 42/M 74/M AML M2 RAEB-t AML M6 RA 13 61/M MDS Nov 88 Oct 89 Jan 90 May 90 May 86 Sep 86 Jun 91 Mar 90 Jun 90 Aug 91 Sep 88 14 49/M RAEB-t Aug 91 9 68/M RAEB-t 10 44/M BMD (1122) BM24 (0/30) BM24 (1120) BM24 (018) BM24 ( 1/20) BM24 (012) BM24 (114) BM24 ( 115) BMD (26129) BM24 (2122) BM24 (-) BM24 (718) PB24 (-) PB48 (--) PB72+t (215) BMD (1 13) AML 15 16 81/F 79/F RAEB-t AML M2/M4? 17 78/F RAEB-t 18 19 78/M 43/M AML M1 RARS Sep 91 Oct 91 Feb 89 Nov 90 May 91 Jun 91 Jun 89 Sep 89 BM24 (20/20) BM24 (014) PB24 (414) BMD (14114) BM24 (2?/9) BMD (20121) Nov 89 Jan 90 RAEB-t 20 73/F RAEB Jun 90 Mar 91 Jan 90 Jan 90 BMD (13120) BMD (20120) BM24 (20120) (Continuedon followingpage) FISH Material BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 PB48 BM24 BM24 BMA BM24 BM24 BMD BMA BMA BMD BM24 BMA BMD BMA Metaphases' With Three spots 1/22 Interphases (%) With Three spots 1 1 0 0 66 5 6 11 2 1 7 14 0 1 1 0 ND 1 1 1 ND ND ND 1 0 25 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 3 7 o/ 1 3 0 7 5 0117 0115 3 0 3 4 012 0150 0126 0 411 9 3/50 34 3 2 2 1 2 43 3 2 3 35 11 2 9 46 4 2 1 1 0 3 0 ND ND ND ND ND 8 6 19 2 64 1 29 48 67 54 87 62 47 80 76 1 ND ND 78 83 81 319 3/10 012 011 1 014 015 015 0127 111 1 1/25 1/40 1 1/20 1/20 2/20 - BM24 BMA BM24 BM24 - BM24 BMD BM24 BM24 BM24 PB24 BMA BMD BMA BMA BM24 BM24 PB24 BMD BMA BM24 BMA BMD BMA BMA BMD BMA BM24 BMA 7/50 20120 014 NE 012 28/29 10/10 010 313 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. -7 AND +8 DETECTION BY FISH 909 Table 3. Trisomy 8, Clinical and Cytogenetic Data (Cont'd) GTG Banding Patient NO. Age/Sex 21 62/F AML M5a 22 55/M 71/F RA AML M3 23 61/F 24 52/F 75/M 25 26 Diagnosis MDS MDS AML M2 Date Aug 86 Sep 86 Oct 86 Jul89 Aug 90 Sep 90 Oct 90 Aug 90 Dec 90 Apr 89 Sep 90 Oct 90 27 67/M RAEB 28 65/M CMML 29 30 77/M 81/M RA MPS 31 55/F AML/PV 32 49/M AML M4 May 88 Nov 88 Feb 86 33 34 78/F 871F MPS MDS Aug 86 Apr 87 Nov 87 Mar 91 Sep 91 Jul88 Jul89 Apr 88 Feb 86 (propoflion of +8 cells) BM24 (10116) Em24 (20125) BM24 (0115) BM24 (7127) PB24 (47##=1[+8?/1]) BM24 (818) BM24 (318) PB24 (12112) BMD (not analyzed) BM24 (13125) *" ( 15?/20) BM24 (-) PB24 (414) BM24 (13116) BMD (24129) BMD (23128) 8M24 (6120) BM24 (2116) PB24 (010) PB48 (4118) BM24 (0115) PB24 + 48 + 72 (919) PB24 5 abn. metaph. (5?/5) PB48 10 HAMS a.o.5q-, -7 BM24 (1110) PB24 (111) PB48 (NE) BM24 (311 . . 5). FISH Material BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 PB24 BM24 BM24 PB24 BMA BMD BM24 * BM24 PB24 BM24 BMA 8MD - BM24 BM24 PB24 PB48 BM24 PB24 PB24 Metaphases. With Three spots Interphases (%) With Three spots SPl np8 47/50 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 66 0 0 0 1 2 55 60 7 15 44 17 69 69 23 40 38 57 66 62 41 86 73 416 5/50 0119 0136 0150 14/16 16/21 0 1 3 0 40 29 0 35 7 9 3 8 37 45 40150 0114 0 0 67 12 34/50 37/50 0150 6/18 26/42 16/26 10113 32/48 20150 NE 010 010 516 48/50 PB48 BM24 * t S See legends to Table 2. 11 BM cells were deep frozen, thawed, and cultured for 4 days stimulated with granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor (GM89-107, Sandoz). - Fig 1. FISH detection of 7 8. Hybridization signals and were visualized with FlTC and DNA was counterstained with PI (original magnification X 63). (Top) Interphasecellsof patient no. 19 from the - 7 group, hybridized with ap7, and demonstrating one spot per cell, indicative of monosomy. (Bottom) Cells of patient no. 26 from the 8 group, hybridized with up8. One interphase and one metaphase cell demonstrate three spots, indicative of +8, and one interphase cell shows two spots. + + FISH probably was underestimated because of the presence of 30% contaminating lymphoid cells (differential not shown). As reported above, a good quantitative correlation between banding and interphase FISH was found in the +8 samples. Two additional observations were made: ( I ) in samples with a high proportion of aberrant metaphase cells, interphase FISH generally showed somewhat lower proportions than banding (Fig 4B,48%to 8370 three-spot cells in the four samples with 100%+8 cells by banding). This dif- Fig 2. Metaphase spread of patient no. 10of the - 7 series, hybridized with the chromosome no. 7-specific library. One complete chromosome no. 7 and one partial chromosome no. 7 is seen. The latter is derived from the +t(7;16) and caused a normal distribution of spots per cell using the up7 probe with 97% two-spot cells and 3% one-spot cells. From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 910 KIBBELAAR ET AL involvement of chromosome no. 8 found with chromosome painting. The +8 was subsequently confirmed by follow-up FISH analysis. K d 1-*pot intamhaw ails 80- DISCUSSION 70- In this study, banding and FISH cytogenetics of -7 and +8 in were compared qualitatively and quantitatively in a large series of patients with myeloid malignancies. Several features, including advantages and disadvantages of the FISH methodology, are demonstrated. A critical problem in interphase FISH methodology is determination of the cut-off values for establishing the diagnosis of aberrant clones. This is important for quantitative applications, eg, the detection of minimal residual disease 8050- 4030- 20, 0 10 io 3b 40 I eb 70 Q sb lb % 1-spot metaphaw calls H of 1- lntsrphgs at8 100 I, 901 70 do 4 50 20 10 10 % d -7 muaphnsemUa Fig 3. Comparison of metaphaseversus interphase cell analysis in the - 7 group. Only those samples of which at least 10 metaphases could be analyzed were included. (A) Metaphase FISH (xaxis) versus interphase FISH (y-axis). A linear regression line was calculated (slope, .91;r = .87; = .75). (B) Banding versus interphase FISH. All but one of the samples (a nonclonal - 7) are also represented in Fig 3A. The nonclonal sample is indicated with a filled box. No significant correlation was found. The range of onespot cells (maximum, 16%) observed in the 34 samples with aberrations other than 7 or 8 is indicated by a bar at the y-axis. - + ference might be explained by intrinsic problems of FISH, ie, suboptimal hybridization properties of the cells, but also by admixture with lymphoid cells. (2) In seven samples with few (zero to five) metaphases or poor banding quality of metaphase cells, significantly increased numbers of interphase cells (6%to 67%)with three spots were found by FISH (patients no. 3 [March 19901, 13 [September 19881, 14 [August 1991],23 [August 1990],30 [PB24, February 1986],32 [February 19861, and 33 [April 19871). The same (7% and 8% three-spot cells) was found in two samples with sufficient metaphase cells without any indication of +8 (patient no. 21 [October 19861 and 31 [May 19881). In contrast, in one patient (no. 12), banding analysis of the first sample showed two of 22 cells with +8, but no increase ofthree-spot cells by FISH, nor were trisomic cells or translocations with 8070 W50- Fig 4. Comparison of metaphaseversus interphase cell analysis in the 8 group. Only those samples of which at least 10 metaphases could be analyzed were included. (A) Metaphase FISH (xaxis) versus interphase FISH (y-axis). A linear regression line was = .79). ( 8 )Banding versus intercalculated (slope, .62;r = .89; phase FISH. Nonclonal samples are indicated by a filled box. A linear regression line was calculated (slope, .69; r = .93; = .87). The range of three-spot cells (maximum, 2.5%) observed in the 34 samples with aberrations other than - 7 or 8 is indicated by a bar at the y-axis. + + From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 91 1 -7 AND +8 DETECTION BY FISH Table 4. Bandina Versus In Situ Hvbridization on Metaohase Cells Trisomy 8 Monosomy 7 Patient No. 18 11 13 20 4 12 14 17 15 Material FISH Bandina Patient No. Material FISH Banding BM24 PB48 PB72 BMD BM24 BM24 BMD BM24 BM24 0.97 (29/30) 0.75 (12/16) 0.73 (29/40) 0.68 (34/50) 0.66 (23/35) 0.63 (17/27) 0.54 (20/37) 0.27 (12/44) 0.22 14/18) r 0 . 4 2 (14/33) tl (18/18) <1 (22/22) >0.45 (9/20) 0.81 (13/16) 0.69 (9/13) <1 (15/15) <0.67 (10/15) <0.78 (25/32) 15 19 26 27 21 21 26 22 29 BM24 BMD BM24 BMD BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 1 (20/20) 1 (10/10) 0.96 (48/50) 0.94 (47/50) 0.74 (37/50) 0.68 (34/50) 0.67 (32/48) 0.33 (6/18) 0.1 (5/50) 1 (20/20) 0.95 (20/21) 0.81 (13/16) 0.83 (24/29) 0.8 (20/25) 0.63 (10/16) <1 (12/12) 0.26 (7/27) 0.13 (2/16) 1 (29/29) 1 14/41 0.83 (40/48) 0.72 (25/36) 0.69 (13/19) 0.38 (11/29) 0.88 (7/8) 1 (3/3) 1 18/81 <1 13/31 < l (9/9) <0.86 (6/7) 20 18 31 26 23 28 23 BM24 BM24 PB24 BM24 BM24 BM24 BM24 1 (3/3) 0.97 (28/29) 0.88 (14/16) 0.83 (5/6) 0.77 (10/13) 0.67 (4/6) 0.62 (16/26) 1 (20/20) >0.22 (2/9) 1 (9/9) 1 (4/4) >0.38 (3/8) >0.3 (6/20) il (8/8) Fewer than 10 metaphases 19 18 16 16 22 1 BM24 PB24 BM24 PB48 PB24 PE24 Quantitative comparison of metaphase FISH and banding. The samples are ordered according to the proponions of aberrant cells found with FISH. The samples are divided into one group based on at least 10 metaphases analyzed both by FISH and banding, and one group where less than 10 cells could be analyzed. If two ratios differed >25%, this was arbitrary taken as a difference, and these samples are marked with a > or < sign. or early relapse. Due to variables related to the quality of cells, probe features, hybridization conditions, immunoreagents, and observers, FISH will result in a certain number of cells of which the true number of targets (chromosomes) is not properly assessed. This problem is especially relevant for determination of loss of chromosomes. Under optimal conditions, FISH applied to normal diploid cells will result in values of 5% to 10% one-spot cells (Table 1). We have developed two types of controls for determination of the cut-off values for -7 and +8 detection: (1) normal cells hybridized with the test probes specific for the test chromosomes no. 7 and 8, and (2) a control probe for which the tumor cells were assumed to be disomic, hybridized onto the test samples. Cut-off values were determined by calculation of the mean 2 SD for one-spot cells and three-spot cells, respectively. This procedure resulted in a 18% onespot cell value for -7 detection, and a 3% three-spot cell value for +8 detection. The relative high -7 cut-off level is caused in part by the chromosome no. 1 data obtained from the test cells. However, this high level may be too conservative, in particular as nonrandom loss of chromosome no. I in the test cells cannot be excluded. For trisomy detection, a cut-off value of 3% was established, which is similar to the value reported by Jenkins et al.'' The similar results obtained from parallel BMAs and directly cultured cells validate the conclusion that values as low as 3%cannot be attributed to technique variables. The main advantage of FISH is the possibility to quantitate aberrant cells. Both in the -7 and the +8 group, we found that by applying the FISH methodology the relative numbers of aberrant metaphase cells were proportional to the relative numbers of interphase cells (Figs 3A and 4A). + This indicates that the percentage of aberrant cells in mitosis is representative for the in vivo clone size, and that there is no mitotic selection. Interestingly,the same was found for banding versus FISH interphase analysis of +8 (Fig 4B), but not for -7. Banding analysis generally resulted in higher proportions of -7 cells compared with FISH (Fig 3B and Table 4). This may be explained by positive observer bias in the banding analysis, which is understandable as -7 metaphases are often difficult to evaluate. We have tried to determine the biologic significance of nonclonal abnormalities as defined by the ISCN criteria. 12,24,25 One major handicap of the ISCN criteria is that no minimum number of analyzed metaphases is required. In our study, we regarded IO metaphases as a minimum for quantitative analysis, but we also included samples with lower numbers for qualitative evaluation. Interphase FISH proved its value especially, but not exclusively, in those cases with few assessable metaphase cells. Thus, four of seven samples with a nonclonal -7 had significantly increased numbers of -7 cells by FISH. In the +8 group, all but one sample demonstrated significant increases of threespot cells (3% to 25%). In most cases, these elevations centered just above the threshold value of 3%. Jenkins et all' found similar small increases in four of 13 nonclonal +8 patients. FISH analysis of our 34 patients with normal karyotypes or aberrations other than -7 or +8 as assessed by banding analysis showed no percentages of aberrant cells above the stipulated thresholds. This validates the reliability of the banding procedures, and provides additional evidence that levels as low as 3%trisomic cells reflect biologic phenomena and not artifacts. Using a similar approach in a series of 144 From by guest on November 14, 2014. For personal use only. 912 KIBBELAAR ET AL patients with a myeloid malignancy without +8, Jenkins et all' reported an increase of three-spot interphase cells by FISH in seven patients. The percentages of these three-spot cells were low (2.7% to 3.4%). Interestingly, a comparable problem concerning low percentages of aberrant cells was observed in our study on trisomy 12 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.26 A considerable part of the patients had 3% to 5% of cells with three spots. The biologic and clinical significance of these low percentages of aberrant cells as determined by FISH is not known. Several of our -7 and +8 samples demonstrated two potential pitfalls in interphase cytogenetics: ( l ) admixture with nontumor cells (Table 2, patient no. 8). We and others have shown that lymphoid cells do not contain the here studied genetic aberrations -7 and +8.'8-22The same is reported for the +t( 1;7),2' and for 5q deletion^.'^ In view ofthe relatively high threshold value for monosomy detection, it would have been almost impossible to make an -7 interphase diagnosis in the sample of patient no. 8. (2) This and other studies demonstrated that the presence of translocations or marker chromosomes can lead to misinterpretations of patient (FISH) spots per cell d i s t r i b ~ t i o n s . ~For , ~ , example, '~ no. 10 of the -7 group had I 1 of 12 -7 metaphase cells in the banding analysis, but due to an additional t(7;16), the -7 could not be detected with the ap7 probe. In conclusion, this study has shown the feasibility and potential of FISH analysis in a large series of MDS and AML patients. FISH may be more sensitive than conventional cytogenetics, especially in samples with nonclonal abnormalities and with few or poorly assessable metaphases. However, the potential of FISH must not be overestimated, which was illustrated by the fact that we did not identify any additional case of (low percentage) -7 or +8 in 34 patients without a -7 or +8 established by banding. Moreover, the threshold for -7 was relatively high. As FISH will be used more and more in cytogenetic diagnosis, follow-up, and therapy m~nitoring,'~ it will be necessary to standardize FISH procedures and supplement the ISCN definitions of a clone with criteria specifically for FISH. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to M.H.H. Kramer and G.J. den Ottolander (University of Leiden), G.J. Ossenkoppele (Free University of Amsterdam), J.E. Ploem (Lucas Hospital, Amsterdam) for providing clinical and hematologic data of the patients. We thank K. van de Ham and R. Heruer for preparation of the photographs. J. Gray, H.J. Cooke, and H.F. Willard are acknowledged for their kind gifts of the chromosome-specific libraries and the repetitive probes for chromosomes 1 and 7, respectively. W. van den Ende, J. den Nijsvan Weert, and F.C.T. Havik-Bogaard are thanked for technical assistance. J.H.J.M. van Krieken, M.H.H. Kramer and A.K. Raap are acknowledged for critical reading of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1. 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