The Messenger Published monthly by St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Serving southwest Fort Worth since 1953 St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, organized in 1953 and a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is located at the corner of Granbury Road & Welch in southwest Fort Worth. Phone: 817-292-1338 Fax: 817-292-3329 E-mail: [email protected] Website: St. Matthew’s Greenbrier School 817-292-5592 Church Staff Michael Masterson, Pastor Jolene Webster, AIM, Director of Music Ministries John Parsons, Director of Youth and Family Ministries Hans Grim, Organist / Pianist Mary Nedde, Administrative Assistant Kelly Riddle, Office Assistant Kay Green and Bethany Narvaez, Sunday Nursery Staff Council and Commissions President: Clare Kirchhoff Vice-President: Kelly Riddle Secretary: Olivia Riddle Treasurer: John Creecy Financial Secretary: Eric Moeller Christian Ed.: Faye Youngblood Fellowship: (open) Outreach: Bill Anderson Property: David Brown Stewardship: Liz McCarthy Worship: Tim Knutson Youth: Beth Hummel Mission Statement Living in Christ through faith. Living for neighbor through love. November 2014 A THANKSGIVING HYMN (ELW 881) Let All Things Now Living Let all things now living A song of thanksgiving To God the creator triumphantly raise, Who fashioned and made us, Protected and stayed us, Who still guides us on to the end of our days. God’s banners are o’er us, God’s light goes before us, A pillar of fire shining forth in the night, Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished, As forward we travel from light into light. God rules all the forces: The stars in their courses And sun in its orbit obediently shine; The hills and the mountains, The rivers and fountains, The deeps of the ocean proclaim God divine. We too should be voicing Our love and rejoicing; With glad adoration a song let us raise Till all things now living Unite in thanksgiving: “To God in the highest, Hosanna and praise!” Text: Katherine K. Davis, 1892-1980 Music: Welsh folk tune JOINT THANKSGIVING SERVICE Wednesday, November 26 7:00 pm P.I.E. Fellowship LET US GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD! N O VE M BE R 2 0 1 4 THE MESSENGER From the Pastor’s Desk(top) If I was back home at this time of the year (Fall being my favorite season) I would be enjoying the kaleidoscope of colors, cooler temperatures, fresh cold cider and hot-from-the-oven doughnuts. It was a time that spoke of the coming of Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. Now I am not one that likes to see Christmas commercials or decorations until after Thanksgiving, but the anticipation of the upcoming event is exciting. And I must tell you that we have many events coming up as we close out this calendar year. I lift this to you at this time so that you may plan on being at these events; supporting them physically and financially. We paid off our mortgage early so that we would have additional resources to expand our ministry. Never did we anticipate that we would rest on our laurels and go into a static mode. The fact is that John Parsons has picked up our pace and is doing the very things we anticipated; increase ministries. AiM Webster hasn’t slowed down either. After a superb job of filling in while I was on sabbatical, she has picked up her pace splitting our children’s choir into more teachable units and creating a concert series to share the blessing of our musical talent for the larger community, in addition to normal worship planning and execution. Our staff and congregational council are doing what they were called and elected to do. But we need the congregation to support our efforts through presence at worship and ministry events, as well as financially. Both have been down these past few months. I challenge you to finish this year strong and establish habits that will help us move forward in the years to come. St. Matthew’s has a strong history of moving forward in God’s mission in our community. Like my memories of fall in Michigan, our history is the past, but I have great love of today and anticipation of our future. Join together; give back to the God of mission with a church in the world. It is our calling. PAGE 2 NO VE MBE R 2014 THE MESSENGER 26 Souls Lost Twenty-six souls lost, and a nation grieved. After the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we were all left searching for answers. These were our children, the most vulnerable in our society, and they were taken from us. Robbed of the beautiful lives that God intended for them. So we demanded solutions - a road map - a way to make sure a school shooting never happened again. Now two years, 47 School Shootings and 28 Deaths later we are still looking for answers. I have heard a lot of different solutions to prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook; maybe the answer is we need to give every teacher a gun. Maybe we need a niceness campaign. Maybe stricter gun control is worth a shot. The debate, for a time, was inescapable. The problem is, I fear we are all learning to move on just a little too fast. I fear that all the problems are a little too overwhelming, and what I fear most is, as a nation, our attention span is getting shorter. Since Sandy Hook, Christmas’s have come and gone, Republicans and Democrats have gone to war over Obamacare, natural disasters have struck, and so with that, the news cycle has moved on, and as the news moves on we also move on. Our own lives once again envelope us. But now once again another school shooting. This time at Marysville Pilchuck High School in Washington. How fast will the news cycle move on this time? How fast will our lives once again envelope us? I think unfortunately, far too soon. I am struck though, I am struck by the need for action. Even if the solutions sound hard, and we might disagree on how to get it done, I know for sure that it is up to you and me to try to make the world a little safer for our kids. I don't know how, and I don’t have all the answers. But that’s what I am left with - we have to try. Let us never forget. - John Parsons, Director of Youth and Family Ministries PAGE 3 THE MESSENGER NO VE MBE R 2014 PAGE 4 CONGREGATION MEETING & POTLUCK MEAL - NOVEMBER 9 8:45am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship (one service) 11:15 am Meal and Meeting Review of 2015 Spending Plan Soup will be the main course - Please bring the following: A - F Bread, crackers, etc G- - M Salad N - Z Dessert THE MESSENGER NOVEMBER 2014 November Anniversaries November Birthdays Shawn Youngblood Georgia Riddle Abigail Miller Sylvia Wester David Foy, Sr. John Hoyler Jeannie Knutson Matthew Berry Terry Boggs Don Clifton Birgit Anderson Barbara Thomsen Mary Frances Page Eric Moeller Anne Moroneso Paige Morse Hyles Rudolph PAGE 5 Nov. 4 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 30 YOUNG-AT-HEART LUNCHEON November 13, 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall Lisa Buck from the Alzheimer’s Association will speak on ‘Giving support to patients and families with a new diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.’ Learn ways to give support to those dealing with the challenges of this difficult disease. No RSVP needed; a donation of $2.00 is requested for the meal. Please plan to join us! Hosted by the Lay Pastoral Care Team CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS! Barry & Cindy Kammer Terry & Faye Youngblood Eric & Stephanie Moeller Len & Rose Marie Schweitzer (55 years) Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 21 Women’s Study Group Every Thursday 10:00-11:30 am We are studying the books of the Bible using the Lutheran Study Bible. All women of St. Matthew’s and their friends are invited as we study, pray and have fellowship. Bring a friend! Questions? Need transportation? Call Mary Frances Page 817-292-3545 (You do not have to be a member of St. Matthew’s to join us!) Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Come, ye thankful people, come: raise the song of harvest home. All be safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin God, our maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied. Come to God’s own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home. NO VE MBE R 2014 THE MESSENGER NOVEMBER BIBLE READINGS November 2 All Saints Sunday Rev. 7:9-17; Psalm 34:1-10, 22; I John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 November 9 Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; I Thess. 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 November 16 Zeph. 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90:1-12; I Thess. 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30 November 23 Christ the King Sunday Ezek. 34:11-16, 20-24; Ps. 95:1-7a; Eph. 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46 November 30 First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; I Cor. 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37 Northern Texas — Northern Louisiana Campus Ministry Trivia Challenge Come to this year’s LCM Trivia Challenge, November 9; 4:00 pm at Christ Lutheran Church in Dallas. All funds generated go to the NT-NL Campus Ministry Mission Fund. This year’s meal is being catered by Chef Norman Isa of Briarwood Retreat Center. For information on registering (by Nov. 2) Contact Pastor Celene Welch by phone: 817-269-1229; or visit PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 2014 PAGE 7 THE MESSENGER We Remember in Prayer: Our Homebound Richard Bodak Craig Bridges T.J. and Dorothy Bridges Eva Clifton Joan Gordon Fay Hennig Helen Jackson Marjorie Jellison Charles and Winifred Mann Those Who Mourn Danny Stroud and family in the sudden death of his brother Randy Stroud on Oct. 16. Tommy Higgs and family in the sudden death of his sister-in-law, Janice Higgs on Oct. 26. Those ill, recovering or otherwise in need of prayer Bill Burtner Jessica and Wes Cain Diane Crellin Sister of Lynne Haro John Hoyler Rendee D’Onofrio Friend of Lynne Haro Charles Moody Brother of Jolene Webster Hardy Swinson Andrea Garcia’s mother NOVEMBER 2014 NT-NL Synod Prayer List: We pray for these NT-NL Mission Area congregations and entities: Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Emmanuel, Granbury / Bethany, Dallas / Western Mission Conference Mount Olive, Dallas / Walnut Hill, Dallas / Lutheran Campus Ministry New Hope, Keller / Redeemer, Greenville / ELCA World Hunger St. Andrew, Hurst / Bethel, Avoca / ELCA Malaria Initiative Oslo, Gruver / Trinity, Clovis, NM / NT-NL Hispanic Youth Leadership Team We especially pray this month for those directing the ELCA World Hunger program, and the ELCA Malaria Initiative OFFERING ENVELOPES If you are interested in giving envelopes for 2015, please contact Eric Moeller at [email protected]. They will be available for pickup in the narthex in early December, and those not picked up will be mailed in January. Also, if you currently receive envelopes and no longer wish to receive them, please also let Eric know (especially new members). As a reminder, there are also generic envelopes in the pews for your use. If you choose to use the generic envelopes, please write your name or giving number on it so your offering can be credited to you. Those folks wishing to give online, please use the online giving link on St. Matthew’s website: NO VE MBE R 2014 THE MESSENGER FROM THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT Congregational meetings are like the family kitchen table. Around the table, we gather to eat, talk, work, catch up, and make decisions. This is what we do at our congregational meetings, too! It’s not a coincidence. Sometimes our conversations are exciting and joyful – we will have some of those at our meeting on 9 November. Sometimes our conversations are a little more serious – we are voting on the budget for 2015 when we gather to eat and pray and be together as a family. Please come to the congregational meeting on 9 November after our 10:00 am worship service. We need you at the table! Make a Difference - Every fall our high school and junior high youth will be challenged and changed as they learn what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ while participating in our Make a Difference Sunday School Initiative. The Premise - Students are given funds and then tasked with going out into the Fort Worth Community and using those funds to positively impact the community i.e. “make a difference”. Youth then develop a project of their choice, either as a group or individually, and implement it during the course of the Sunday School year. How it Works - The Make a Difference Sunday School Initiative is composed of a series of Sunday School lessons focused on being the hands and feet of the gospel. As youth explore what it means to “Make a Difference” in the world, they are challenged to come up with a tangible project they can put into motion. Our time together also includes developing a vision, budget and plan of action. In the past, youth have provided school supplies to teachers and created sticky notes of encouragement to place around local hospitals. Mentoring - Our Director of Youth and Family Ministries walks through this process with the students. He will help them develop a vision for what they will do to “make a difference” and provide them spiritual guidance while also providing them practical advice. PAGE 8 NO VE MBE R 2014 THE MESSENGER PHOTOS FROM OCTOBER PAGE 9 NO VE MBE R 2014 THE MESSENGER PAGE 10 ON-LINE GIVING It is possible to sign up to give to St. Matthew’s through the homepage of our website: Click on the ‘Online Giving’ link under Quick Links, then click the ‘Create Profile’ button and follow the directions. FINANCIAL UPDATE Sept. Income $ 23,770 Sept. Expenses $ 25,093 Income YTD $240,100 2014 Budget $412,550 At 75% of the year (Jan. Sept.) we have received 58% of our 2014 budget. CANDLERIDGE GARDEN CLUB Meets at St. Matthew’s the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Music Room. You do not need to live in Candleridge — all are invited to share and gather gardening knowledge. See you at our next meeting, November 18! Questions? Contact Faye Youngblood NOVEMBER 2014 at St. Matthew’s Living in Christ through faith. Living for neighbor through love. Sun 2 Eucharist Mon Eucharist 1 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie 8 House 8:00 am Food Pageant Rehearsal 12-2:00 pm at Neigh. Needs 8:30 am Pageant Rehearsal 12-2:00 pm 17 18 19 * 20 21 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm Candleridge Garden GED Class 6:00 pm Club 7:00 pm 22 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House 8:00 am Pageant Rehearsal 12-2:00 pm 24 25 29 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Pageant Rehearsal 9:45 am FAIR TRADE SALE Handbells 12:15 pm 30 First Sunday in Advent Dec. 1 Eucharist 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Pageant Rehearsal 9:45 am FAIR TRADE SALE Handbells 12:15 pm Sat 11 12 * 13 14 15 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group Food Distribution at 10:00 am Neigh. Needs 8:30 am Young-at-Heart Lunch GED Class 6:00 pm 11:30 am NT-NL Jr. High Gathering Nov. 14-16 GED Class 6:00 pm 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Council Meeting 1:15 pm FAIR TRADE SALE 23 Fri 10 Sunday School 8:45 am One Worship Service 10:00 am Congregation Meeting and Meal 11:15 am FAIR TRADE SALE Eucharist Thu 4 5 * 6 7 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm Outreach Commission Women’s First Thursday 6:00 pm Lunch 11:30 am ELECTION DAY GED Class 6:00 pm (Return to Standard Time) 16 Wed 3 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm 9 Tue 26 27 28 Joint Thanksgiving Eve THANKSGIVING DAY Worship Service at Grace Lutheran 7:00 pm The church offices will be closed Nov. 27 and 28. Dec. 3 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Musikgarten 8 am-1pm Women’s Study Group Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm 10:00 am Pageant Rehearsal Sunday School Christ– Women’s First Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm mas Pageant 6:30 pm Lunch 11:30 am GED Class 6:00 pm GED Class 6:00 pm * WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES High Five Choir 5:00 pm Girls’ Choir 5:25 pm Boys’ Choir 5:50 pm Fellowship Dinner 5:30 pm Madrigals & Confirm. 6:15 pm Chancel Choir 7:00 pm LITURGICAL MINISTRIES November 2014 Time 8:30 (Time change) All Saints Sunday November 2 10:00 am Worship Sunday November 9 Sunday November 16 Christ the King Sunday November 23 (Advent begins) Sunday November 30 Steve Weis Tom Gluntz Liz McCarthy Faye Youngblood (10:00 am) Cindy Kammer Phil Moroneso Sandy Heinrich Jim Gordon Gary Christensen Renee Hill Marj Rudolph Ruth Vinciguerra Anita Bodak Kelly Riddle Shawn Wagner Cindy Kohn Patti Brunnert Robert Roupe 8:30 11:00 K. Thompson John Fitch Tom Gluntz Phil Beckman Nick Washuta Gary Christensen Usher Captains Usher Captains 8:30 (Ushers) (Ushers) (Ushers) (Ushers) 11:00 Ryan Ford Emerson Cunningham (10:00 am) John Reed and David. Brynell (10:00 am) Jacob Gonzales Caleb Gonzales Andrew Beckman Katie Beckman Finn Riddle Ben McCarthy (Ushers) CHANCEL MINISTRIES 8:30 11:00 Jeri Manske Diane Higgs Jeri Manske Diane Higgs Jeri Manske Diane Higgs Jeri Manske Diane Higgs GREETERS 8:30 11:00 Mary Frances Page Congregation (10:00 am) Jeri Manske and Diane Higgs Mary Weis Mike Haro Don Clifton Liz McCarthy Carol Washuta Chuck & Patti Brunnert Carol Washuta Congregation 8:30 Tom Gluntz Cindy Kohn Gary Christensen Phil Beckman Phil Moroneso (Alt.) (10:00 am) David Brynell Phil Moroneso Chuck Brunnert (Alt.) Rande Wagner Cindy Berry Gary Christensen Kelly Riddle David Brynell (Alt.) Mary Creecy Tom Gluntz Phil Beckman Chuck Brunnert Kelly Riddle (Alt.) Cindy Kohn Mary Nedde Chuck Brunnert Phil Moroneso Gary Christensen (Alt.) LECTORS 11:00 USHER CAPTAINS ACOLYTES COUNTERS 11:00 CHANCEL FLOWERS NURSERY CARE Chancel flowers are given by… 8:15 through 12:15 Marianne Rugeley in memory of Alan Wharton Eric and Stephanie Moeller in celebration of their first wedding anniversary Jackie Brinkman in memory of George’s birthday, & in celebration of David Foy’s birthday Marj Rudolph in thanksgiving for our congregation at St. Matthew’s Host Needed Kay Green Kay Green Kay Green Kay Green Kay Green If you are unable to serve on your designated Sunday, please find a replacement and notify the church office: 817-292-1338 or [email protected] Assisting Ministers Lectors: Acolytes: Greeters: J. Webster Church Offc K. Riddle Church Offc (week by week basis) 817-292-1338 817-360-4584 817-292-1338 Ushers: Chancel Ministries: Counters: Chancel Flowers: Nick Washuta Tim Knutson Church Office Church Office 817-732-7787 817-821-7940 (cell) 817-292-1338 817-292-1338
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