Learning to be clear Antwerp – Brussels, Belgium Conference programme 12-14 November 2014 Room: Belle Epoque Room: Belle Epoque CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE Pre-conference welcome Antwerp • Registration • Keynote: No the law does not (normally) require legalese. Joe Kimble, law professor Thomas Cooley Law School, USA | 11 November 2014 | Pre-conference welcome clear communications. Josiah Fisk, USA Dominique Joseph, Canada Ginny Redish, USA Cases: Clear language in business, what’s the benefit? Cases from the financial sector. Case 1: Euroclear ‘Tone of Voice’: how we get our staff to adopt plain language. Dominiek Braet, Belgium 14:00−14:50 18:30−20:00 17:50 16:50−17:50 Reception at the Antwerp City Hall Close • Is teaching law students to write in plain language hazardous to their wallets? Ann Nowak, USA • Law: we need a change of culture. Didier Ketels, Belgium • Clarity through information design. Florian Halm, Austria • Swedish e-learning course in plain language. Ingrid Olsson, Sweden • Three cases of clear language for the citizen in Chile. Claudia Poblete, Chile • Plain language to promote literacy. Rosa M. Galán, Mexico Pecha-Kucha – six speakers from six countries in six-minutes sessions Plenary session: My testing problem… and yours. The uses, limits and pitfalls of research and testing in creating better communications. Josiah Fisk, president of More Carrot, USA 16:10−16:50 Martijn Jacobs, The Netherlands Lynda Harris, New Zealand Networking break Christopher Balmford, Australia Presentation: Installing a clear communication policy in organisations. Success leaves clues. 14:55−15:45 15:45−16:10 Workshop: How to get a document’s structure Short break 14:50−14:55 Chair: Bernard Lambeau, Luxembourg, USA Panel discussion and questions implement a plain writing policy? Gayl Russell, UK Case 3: Why should your legal department change programme at KBC bank. Marc De Clercq, Belgium Case 2: ‘Writing your language’, an internal right — four personalities and three steps. Workshop: Plan, write, design and evaluate Lunch 12.45−14:00 Room: Lijn Writing and rewriting Learning to be clear: the IC Clear experience. Karine Nicolay, project coordinator IC Clear and partners Room: Belle Epoque Business Networking break 11:25−11:55 The objectives do not meet the finalities. Clear writing efforts in the Belgian public sector. Karl Hendrickx, language counselor at the Belgian Court of Audit Emily O’Reilly, European ombudsman Keynote: Clear language means better government? 11:55−12:45 10:55−11:25 10:15−10:55 Welcome 10:00−10:15 • Eamonn Moran, law draftsman Department of Justice, Australia = master of ceremony • Joh Kirby, president of Clarity International and executive director of Victoria Law Foundation, Australia • Karine Nicolay, project coordinator IC Clear, Thomas More University College, Belgium Registration services open 09:00−10:00 Wednesday | 12 November 2014 | Day 01 19:30−20:30 19:00−19:30 Tuesday Olivia Zarcate, France Bernard Lambeau, Luxembourg Eamonn Moran, Australia, Hong Kong William Robinson, UK Hayley Rogers, UK Richard Spitz, UK Chair: Nicole Fernbach, Canada Workshop: Le design d’information comme complément au langage clair. Panel: Drafting good laws Chair: Jenny Gracie Presentation 2: Klarsprache / Clear language for Austrian law makers – a report. Rudolf Muhr, Austria Chair: Lucie Lauzière Nicole Fernbach, Canada Jean-François Funck, Belgium Laëtitia Mary, France Presentation 1: Putting the civility into New Zealand Civil Collections — plain language in court documents. James Burgess, New Zealand the judicial system. Panel : Plus de clarté pour plus de justice. Room: Groenplaats 2 Sessions in French Presentations: Clarity in the court room and in Room: Groenplaats 1 Law and justice Chair: Karel Van der Waarde, Belgium Panel discussion summarising the section on health literacy and questions Christopher Trudeau, USA Presentation 3: Reimaging informed consent in the age of health literacy. Presentation 2: Legislation on the information about medicines for patients and the needs for patients and medical staff. Karel van der Waarde, Belgium Presentation 1: Assessing the health literacy environment. Leen Haesaert, Belgium Presentations and panel Room: Teun Health literacy Belle Epoque Belle Epoque CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE Keynote: The sense of style: A writing guide for the 21st century. Steven Pinker, professor Harvard, USA – followed by a panel discussion led by Ginny Redish, USA Closing speech by the Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens. Chair: Stefan Hampl, Austria Chair: Judith Mulder, The Netherlands 16:50−17:30 Presentation 2: Pragmatics basis for the democratiation of the administrative and legal genres. Javier Martinez-Villarroya, México Presentation 2: Should the importance of clear communication outweigh legal accuracy in tax communication? Tirza Cramwinckel, The Netherlands Plenary session: Permanent clarity: achieving critical mass in government communication. Neil James, executive director of the Plain English Foundation, Australia. Presentation 1: Psychological Mechanisms of Clear Communication. Amrei Joerchel, Austria Presentation 1: Developing a new voting system in the Netherlands. Francien Malecki, The Netherlands 16:10−16:50 Presentations Psychological mechanisms Chair: Aino Piehl, Finland Panel discussion summarising the section about the Nordic-Baltic experience + questions Presentation 5: Clear communication in the Estonian society – for whom and why. Katrin Hallik and Katre Kasemets, Estonia Nordic and Baltic experience Presentation 4: Plain language in two official languages – is there an advantage? Eivor Sommardahl and Aino Piehl, Finland Presentation 3: How a red government initiative turned blue – plain language under changing political winds. Torunn Reksten, Norway Presentations Presentation 2: The challenges of communicating the law to the general public. Joh Kirby, Australia Chair: Christopher Balmford statistical surveys and clear communication – a difficult partnership. Karin Hansson, Sweden Communicating with citizens Presentations Presentation 1: Contact strategies for Networking break Short break Lunch Case: Using electronic tools for clear drafting, tips and tricks. Daphne Perry, UK 15:45−16:10 14:55−15:45 14:50−14:55 14:00−14:50 12:45−14:00 Chair: Deborah Bosley, USA Presentation 2: Plain language in Norwegian food and animal welfare regulations. Margrete Kilde Nes and Bjørnar Stavenes, Norway Presentation 1: Assessing the clarity of US-government food assistance applications post plain writing act. Leah Katherine Saal, USA Presentations: Plain language in food and animal welfare regulations. 11:55−12:45 Chair: Annetta Cheek, USA Panel discussion summarising the section on research and questions Panel Presentation 3: Learning from consumers through testing. Susan Kleimann, USA Presentation 2: Even lawyers want to understand lawyers: new evidence showing that plain language increases lawyers’ credibility. Kath Straub, USA impact of traditional court summons. Tialda Sikkema, The Netherlands Presentations and panel Presentation 1: Scary papers. The emotional Researching clear language claire: une étape cruciale dans un processus multifacette. Olivier Beaujean, Belgium Dominique Joseph, Canada Anne Vervier, Belgium Workshop: Former en rédaction juridique Chair: Marilu Madrunio, The Philippines Presentation 2: Evolving a model on the linguistic features of Philippine consumer products. Shielanie Dacumos, The Philippines Presentation 1: The road to clarity: using an holistic and user-centered design in simplifying a Philippine consumer contract. Rachelle Lintao, The Philippines A story of the Philippines Protecting the consumer Presentation: To boldly go where we’ve never been before – clear communication meets content strategy. Frances Gordon, South Africa - Portugal Content strategy legal writing. Greg Moriarty, Australia Workshop: Convincing lawyers on clear Chair: Tialda Sikkema model: from national to local language campaigns. Anne Kjaergaard, Denmark Chair: Aino Piehl Chair: Joh Kirby Chair: Eric Goubin Short break Presentation 1: At the chalkface: challenges of teaching clear legal writing to non-native English speakers. Natasha Costello, France Presentation 2: Teaching legal translators to pursue clarity. Victor Gonzalez-Ruiz, Spain Dominique Markey, Belgium Stéphanie Roy, Canada Presentation 1: A millennium of plain Language – the history, the ideology, the arguments. Eva Olovsson, Sweden Presentation 2: What to do when they don’t want to change? Teaching plain English in developing countries. Geoff Webb, Singapore Bart Weekers, Belgium Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove, Belgium Presentations Room: Teun Teaching clear legal language Presentation 2: The Danish plain language informer le consommateur. Workshop: Rédaction des contrats: mieux Room: Groenplaats 2 Workshops in French backed by the state: experiences from Nordic and Baltic countries. Presentations and panel: Plain language Room: Groenplaats 1 Nordic and Baltic experience Presentation 1: Foxed and fined: how unclear contractual parking signs bamboozle motorists. Martin Cutts, UK Room: Lijn Clear communication practice Presentation: Clear communication: a joint responsibility ‘Flemish Ombudsman’ and ‘Flemish Infoline’. Room: Belle Epoque Government Networking break Chair: Ginny Redish 11:50−11:55 11:00−11:50 10:40−11:00 Registration services open 09:00−10:40 Panel: Sandra Fisher-Martins, Portugal, Christopher Trudeau, USA, Karen Schriver, USA | 13 November | Day 02 Thursday 08:30−09:00 CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE Friday LOGO | 14 November (European Commission – Brussels) | Day 03 09:00−10:00 Registration services open 10:00−10:05 Welcome by Rytis Martikonis 10:05−10:30 Keynote: The EU in a multilingual world. Primary logos Secondary logos Current Logo: Color Catherine Day, Secretary-General of the European Commission A 10:30−11:30 Theme 1: Bringing clarity to global communications Introduction by Rytis Martikonis • Writing clearly for 28 Member States. an international association Reijo Kemppinen, EU Current Logo: Black & White promoting plain legal language • Developing plain language guidelines internationally, To be used when tagline is necessa Karen Schriver, USA Discussion B 11-30−12:30 Theme 2: The importance of clear legal drafting Introduction by William Robinson, UK: How can we make EU legislation clearer? • Both legally correct and clearly understandable. An international association Viktor Soloveytchik, EU promoting plain legal language • The US Plain Writing Act: Ensuring the citizen’s right to clarity.Web only Annetta Cheek, USA Discussion Proposed C Additional Logo: Color 12:30−13:15 Clear Writing Awards 13:15−14:30 Lunch Friday 19.30 Saturday 09.30−12.30 | 14 November (Hilton - Antwerp) | Day 03 Conference dinner To be used only in combination with D Proposed Additional Logo: Black & White | 15 November 2014 (Hilton - Antwerp) Clear legal writing seminars in English, French and Dutch for lawyers and legal professionals Proposed IcClear/Clarity Logo Lock-Up An event of Clarity and IC Clear Hosted by A University college an international association promoting plain legal language ary B European commission an international association promoting plain legal language An international association promoting plain legal language C Sponsored by an international association promoting plain legal language an international association promoting plain legal language h partners logos AnDinternational association promoting plain legal language An international association promoting plain legal language Supported by . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Schriver Associates, Inc. Communication Design and Research Redish & Associates Inc. We’re proud to sponsor IC Clear | Clarity 2014. And proud to be a local. From our Luxembourg office, we’re quietly revolutionising how European business and legal documents are written, designed, and managed. Call it the power of the carrot. And a salute to a fine local tradition. BRUSSELS ANTWERP LUXEMBOURG Boston Luxembourg morecarrot.com
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