November 2014 Volume 50, Issue 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Q U A K E R C I T Y C L I M AT E President's Message 2 Government Affairs 2 Speaker Bio 3 YEA News & Event 3 Seminar and Dinner Presentation Seminar Description 4 presented by Dinner Presentation 4 Gordon Sharp Design on the Delaware 4 Aircuity, Inc. Corporate Sponsorship 5 ___________________________________________________________ Future City 2015 6 2014-2015 Programs 7 CTTC Article 8 New Members 9 Click here to Register for the Seminar Member Advancement 9 Certificates of Attendance will be available. Wednesday, November 5, 2014 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM Seminar “A Holistic Overview of Technologies and Strategies to Achieve Deep Energy Reductions in Laboratories” ______________________________________________________________ COSTS Fees are based on online reservations and prepayment. Philadelphia Chapter Members: $30 ASHRAE Members Non-Chapter Members: $40 Non- ASHRAE Member: $40 Life Member: No Charge Young Engineers (35 & under): $25 Students: $10 SEMINAR COST: $50 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Social Hour/Cash Bar Dinner 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Presentation “Making Laboratories and Commercial Buildings Smarter to Maintain their Energy Efficiency Entitlement” Click here to Register for the Dinner/Presentation _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ See page 3 and page 4 for more information on the presentations and speaker. LOCATION The Wyndham 400 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 For Directions: click here ______________________________________________________________ YEA Bowling Night November 13, 2014 See page 3 for details. 2014- 2015 President’s Message President Mike Witkowski, PE Hello everybody and welcome to our November newsletter! President-Elect Ashley Lester, PE, LEED AP I would like start by thanking SMCA for a fabulous event this past month at the Hyatt. The discussions on fire and smoke dampers were eye opening, as we learned both the requirements for testing the dampers and the surprising lack of enforcement. As a community, we need to continue our efforts to inform the responsible parties about these issues and make our voices heard. As you may be aware, in the past several years Society has asked the local Boards to start taking action in government affairs. As we develop this grassroots committee, we will continue to inform our members when opportunities are available for them to voice their opinions. On this page below you will see a new bill in PA that is being proposed. Please take some time to review it and let us know where you stand. Vice President Casey Younkins, PE Treasurer Jeff Crozier, PE, CEM, LEED AP Secretary Mike Radio, PE Senior Governor Jared Johnson, PE Governors Michael Calabrese, PE, CEM, LEED AP Brian Dail Justin Mazur, PE Mike Radio, PE Newsletter & Website Editor James Piscopo, PE, LEED AP Chapter Technology Transfer Committee Chair Chris Gale Research Promotion Chair Gary Debes Basic School Coordinator James Lill, PE Refrigeration Brian Dail Membership Promotion Chair Michael Calabrese, PE, CEM, LEED AP Student Activities Chair Erik App Program Committee Chair Ashley Lester, PE, LEED AP Chapter Historian Brian Dail Young Engineers in ASHRAE Jeffrey Pisarek, PE Public Relations Jared Johnson, PE Grassroot Government Activities Casey Younkins, PE Golf Outing Director Tim Reinking Position Highlight – Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) - Most of us can remember attending one of our first meetings and not knowing the other members. In an effort to help break the ice for our younger members, Society created a committee to help younger members transition into our organization. For the past several years, Jeff Pisarek has given his time to create fun and exciting events to help ease this transition. Jeff has used his diligence and attention to details to create fabulous events. The events are a great opportunity for new members to expand their network. This year Jeff is also undertaking a new task to create a scholarship for an outstanding YEA member. I am also happy to announce that Eric Feinschil has joined the YEA committee and will be assisting Jeff in his efforts. Eric has been attending events for several years and this past September attended the YEA leadership weekend in Washington, DC. Jeff and Eric are a great team and I am grateful to have Jeff leading these initiatives for the Board. Next time you see Jeff at a meeting, please take the time to recognize him for his efforts. -Mike Mike Witkowski Philadelphia Chapter President [email protected] Pennsylvania Legislature Considering High Performance Building Standard Act Pennsylvania House Bill 34 is an Act requiring the design, construction and renovation of certain State-owned or State-leased buildings to comply with specified energy and environmental building standards. The bill passed the State House last year and has now been referred to a Senate Committee. The final version of the Act may include references to ASHRAE Standards 90.1 and 189.1. The full context of the bill can be found here: txtType=HTM&sessYr=2013&sessInd=0&billBody=H&billTyp=B&billNbr=0034&pn=0613 The Philadelphia Chapter Board of Governors wants to know your thoughts on the matter so that an appropriate response to this Act can be issued. Please contact Casey Younkins, Government Affairs Chair, at [email protected] with your thoughts / opinions. Page 3 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Speaker’s Bio Gordon Sharp Aircuity, Inc. Mr. Sharp is the chairman of Aircuity, Inc. and has over 25 years of wide-ranging entrepreneurial experience and more than 25 U.S. patents in the fields of energy efficiency and laboratory controls. As founder, former president and CEO of Phoenix Controls, he led the development of this world leader in laboratory airflow controls that was acquired by Honeywell in 1998. The technologies invented by Mr. Sharp at Phoenix Controls are today saving over $1.5 billion annually in energy use. In 2000, Mr. Sharp founded Aircuity, which was spun out of Honeywell and is a smart airside energy efficiency company. Mr. Sharp is a graduate of MIT with bachelors and masters degrees in electrical engineering. He is Executive Vice President and a member of the board of directors of I2SL (International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories), the nonprofit foundation that operates the Labs21 conference. He is also a member of two important standards on ventilation: the ANSI/AIHA Standard Z9.5 Committee on Laboratory Ventilation and the ASHRAE SSPC 170 Committee on Ventilation of Health Care Facilities. He is also a voting member of ASHRAE technical committee TC9.10: Laboratory Systems and TC9.11: Clean Spaces/Cleanrooms. Mr. Sharp is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on the topics of energy efficiency in buildings and indoor environmental quality and has testified before the US Congress on the topics of climate change and energy efficiency. YEA Bowling Night Thursday, November 13, 2014 Sponsored by Blankin Equipment The YEA Fall Social will take place at Lucky Strike Lanes in Center City Philadelphia on Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The bowling alley is located at 1336 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Appetizers and soft drinks will be provided. Please contact Jeffrey Pisarek at [email protected] for any questions or to receive the invitation. Also, the Delaware Valley Engineers Week is fast approaching. We encourage YEA members to attend the Young Engineers Social on February 24, 2015 for a happy hour type event where young engineers can have an opportunity to meet engineers of all disciplines from around the region. Enjoy a buffet dinner or heavy appetizers as you network and socialize in an informal setting. Registration for this event will be coming soon at Stay tuned. YEA Scholarship We are asking that working professionals nominate young engineers at your firms for a YEA scholarship. These individuals should have shown outstanding performance in the HVAC&R industry and show an active involvement and interest in ASHRAE. We will be providing criteria to judge the nominees, and a winner will be selected to receive an award. Nominations should be sent to Jeffrey Pisarek at [email protected]. More details to come. Page 4 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Seminar Presentation “A Holistic Overview of Technologies and Strategies to Achieve Deep Energy Reductions in Laboratories” As we strive to build more energy efficient laboratories and vivariums, the most impactful approach is often to reduce the outside airflow. In the last few years new design approaches such as demand based control of lab air change rates, chilled beams (hydronic cooling), and VAV exhaust fan control have been successfully employed to safely reduce these lab airflows to as low as 2 ACH to cut energy consumption significantly. Although these concepts may been discussed individually in the past, this talk provides a detailed holistic discussion of how these and other energy saving technologies such as heat recovery can be combined to create a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. A sophisticated lab energy analysis tool that can determine potential energy and capital cost savings will be used to both examine, quantify, and then compare the relative contributions of different energy savings approaches for a typical lab building in some representative climates. Several case studies will be provided including a large near net zero lab project in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Finally, building HVAC systems naturally can degrade and building energy use can rise over time with maintenance staffs often lacking the time to analyze building performance. One solution that will also be discussed is the use of intelligent agent systems and monitoring based commissioning. These systems can be used to automatically analyze lab building energy and IEQ data, often using approaches like dashboards to help ensure long term energy savings and a healthier indoor environment. Dinner Presentation “Making Laboratories and Commercial Buildings Smarter to Maintain their Energy Efficiency Entitlement” Many highly sustainable commercial buildings as well as complex facilities such as laboratories often use sophisticated control systems to increase their energy efficiency. Unfortunately facility maintenance staffs are often overtaxed and don’t have time to analyze building system performance. As a result control systems degrade and building energy use typically rises over time. This talk will describe the use of intelligent agent systems to analyze a wide range of real time building data including HVAC system performance and indoor environment data to alert operators to system degradation and problems that cut energy efficiency. Sometimes referred to as real time or monitoring based commissioning, these analytical systems often use dashboards and other very graphical visualization methods. The result is a practical and simpler means to ensure buildings realize their energy efficiency entitlements and provide a healthier indoor environment not just for when the building is opened, but over the full life of the building. Design on the Delaware November 12-14, 2014 Design on the Delaware is a collaborative conference that examines the issue and opportunities of the built environment. This year's conference, on November 12-14, features 45 continuing education programs and tours offering multi-discipline perspectives on projects, processes, technologies and important issues facing the design and building industries. Registration is open for the 12th Annual Design on the Delaware Conference & Trade Show. The three day conference offers 45 CES approved professional education programs for architects, landscape architects, planners, LEED AP professionals and engineers. Go to for a full schedule of events as well as a description of programs and tours. Page 5 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Don’t Miss the Chapter’s New Website! The new Philadelphia Chapter of ASHRAE website is now live! The old URL will redirect you to our new home at but please make sure to update your bookmarks. As part of this upgrade we have migrated to a new meeting registration system that is fully integrated into the website. The new system requires each member to create a login which will allow you to register for events at member pricing and provide access to material that we may want to make available to members only. You should have already received a welcome email with instructions on how to setup your account. If not, please check your spam/junk filters for any messages from [email protected]. If you have any issues with the new system or any suggestions, please email us at [email protected]. ASHRAE Philadelphia Corporate Sponsorships Available The Philadelphia Chapter invites your company to join as a Corporate Sponsor for the 2014-2015 year. Your firm’s participation in this program would enable us to make a wonderful donation to ASHRAE Research Promotion which includes over $ 1.5 million in local research funding. Corporate Sponsors are listed on our web site, in our newsletter, and in our annual directory. They receive free copies of our directory and recognition at all of our events. With the ease of one payment, you may get all this, as well as free dinner tickets good for our monthly meetings, and make a valuable contribution to ASHRAE Research at the same time. Since not all companies have the same financial capabilities or quantity of employees, we offer a few different levels of corporate sponsorship. Each level will receive the same types of benefits, with some differences in quantities and discounting. We hope you will decide to join us as a Corporate Sponsor. If you are interested, please email us at [email protected]. The Board of Governors thanks you for your continued support of ASHRAE. We hope that this year is successful for your firm. Membership Advancement If you are currently an ASHRAE Associate Member, becoming a full Member is easier than you think! See page 9 for details. Page 6 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Future City 2015 Happy October from Future City Philadelphia! The program is going strong with 46 schools registered. Here is the current list of schools that need mentors: Beverly Hills Middle School East Norriton Middle School Hill Top Preparatory School Mount Aviat Academy Orchard Valley Middle School Penn Wood Middle School Radnor Middle School Serviam Girls Academy Seven Generations Charter School St. Aloysius Academy St. Andrew School Stratford Friends School Thomas Holme Elementary School Upland Country Day School Upper Darby, PA Norristown, PA Rosemont, PA Childs, MD Sewell, NJ Darby, PA Radnor, PA New Castle, DE Emmaus, PA Bryn Mawr, PA Drexel Hill, PA Newtown Square, PA Philadelphia, PA (Torresdale) Kennett Square, PA Our greatest need at this stage of the competition is for mentors. Think of a project in your past – did it ever change for the better because someone on your team asked the right questions at just the right time? As a mentor, you can be that person asking the questions to get the team back on the right track. Just 1 or 2 hours a week can make a big difference in how students approach their project. Please let me know if you are interested in working with any of the schools above and I will get you in touch with the team’s teacher. If you’d like to be a mentor but don’t see a school in your area, send me an e-mail and I’ll keep you posted as schools register. We will continue to see schools sign up until registration ends on October 31. Please visit our website at and “Click here to sign up as a Volunteer” on the top left of the page. There you can register to be a mentor, judge, or general volunteer. Any questions please contact me via e-mail or phone. Please feel free to share this information with your friends, co-workers, and technical society members. Thanks. -Jennifer Jennifer Wetzel Philadelphia Regional Volunteer Coordinator Director, Design & Construction University of Pennsylvania Facilities and Real Estate Services Office: 215-573-3935 Mobile: 215-768-6164 [email protected] Page 7 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Philadelphia Chapter Programs Calendar 2014-2015 Date 11/5/2014 Location Topic Wyndham Hotel Seminar: “A Holistic Overview of Technologies and Strategies to Achieve Deep Energy Reductions in Laboratories” By Gordon Sharp Theme Dinner Meeting: “Making Laboratories and Commercial Buildings Smarter to Maintain their Energy Efficiency Entitlement” By Gordon Sharp 12/18/2014 Breakfast Union League The ASHRAE Building Energy Labeling Program by Dr. William Bahnfleth, PE Research Promotion 1/15/2015 Wells Fargo Center Flyers vs. Vancouver Social 2/12/2015 Dave & Buster’s Seismic Restraint and Intro to SMACNA's Duct App by Eli Howard Student Night and YEA 3/19/2015 Wyndham Hotel Data Center Energy Efficiency by Don Beaty, PE of DLB Associates Membership 4/9/2015 Fisher's Tudor House Trade Show Student Night TBD TBD Golf Outing 5/14/2015 TBD TBD Past President's Night Program calendar is tentative and subject to change. Please refer to ASHRAE Philadelphia Website for up to date information. Advance registration and pre-payment are required before the meetings. We need your attendance! If we are below our guaranteed level for attendees at our meetings, our treasury could be negatively effected. ASHRAE Winter Conference January 24-28, 2015 Chicago, Illinois Click here for more information. The New 2014-2015 Directory is Available! The latest edition of the Directory of Associations, Consulting Firms, and Manufacturers’ Representatives in the Philadelphia Area is now available. It sells for $23 each. Send your check to Emily Albert, ASHRAE, 994 Old Eagle School Road, Suite 1019, Wayne, PA 19087. If you prefer to pay by credit card, please call Emily at 610-971-2169 or email her at [email protected]. Order your copy today! Page 8 Quaker City Climate November 2014 Please submit articles highlighting novel HVAC technologies to Chapter Technology Transfer Committee Chair Chris Gale ([email protected]) for consideration in future newsletters. Did you know there are free design guides available on the ASHRAE web site? The regular technical article is not the only place to get great free information each month. Take a few minutes to log on and see the variety of design guides available to download at no cost. The design guides can be located by using the link below. Building Energy Quotient (bEQ) ASHRAE’s Building Energy Labeling Program Frequently Asked Questions I'm a building owner. How can I find someone to conduct a bEQ rating assessment? Only qualified practitioners can complete bEQ. In Operation assessments must be performed by an ASHRAE certified Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP) or a PE licensed in the jurisdiction where the project is located. As Designed evaluations must be conducted by an ASHRAE certified Building Energy Modeling Professionals (BEMP) or a PE license in the jurisdiction where the project is located. What is the advantage to a Certified Provider? ASHRAE's Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP) and Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) certification requires that candidates meet eligibility requirements and pass an examination that tests understanding of the needed body of knowledge. Certified Providers have demonstrated they have the knowledge and experience necessary to conduct a bEQ rating. Find a professional here. I'm a building assessor and/or modeler. How do I become ASHRAE-certified? Steps to obtain a Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP) certification can be found here. Steps to obtain a Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) certification can be found here What's the cost to submit for a rating and what will the owner receive? The registration fee to receive a bEQ rating is $500. This fee, which typically will be included among the fees charged by the qualified practitioner, covers registration and program administration, will enable the assessor to provide the building owner with: 1. Completed bEQ In Operation Workbook 2. bEQ Certificate 3. bEQ Dashboard 4. Graphic file for preparing a bEQ Plaque for public display showing the designated rating When is the bEQ registration fee paid? The registration fee for bEQ is paid by the qualified practitioner when the bEQ workbook is submitted. There is no fee to download Workbooks, but Workbooks are only allowed to be submitted for review by ASHRAE staff after payment of the bEQ registration fee. Does bEQ registration fee include the professional services fees of the qualified practitioner? No. The cost of conducting the ratings, including the ASHRAE Level 1 Walk-through Energy Audit for the In Operation rating, or the modeling work for the As Designed rating, is separate and will be determined by you and the qualified practitioner you select. How long does a bEQ assessment usually take? Example Time Requirement Estimates to Perform bEQ Ratings: (click here to read the entire article) Page 9 Quaker City Climate November 2014 New Philadelphia Chapter Members New Members Member John Dolph The Philadelphia Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 994 Old Eagle School Road Suite 1019 Wayne, PA 19087-1866 P 610-971-2169 F 610-971-4859 Visit our web site at: Associates Rabin Balkishun Michael Ferguson Craig Richard Yung Justyne Neborak Students Bibin Alexander Amir Haghighat William Scaggs Muhammad Shahid Tejinder Singh Timothy Cleary Republication of material contained herein is expressly Membership Advancement forbidden without official Chapter authorization. The Chapter does not speak or act for the Society. Any member with material to submit for inclusion in the If you are currently an ASHRAE Associate Member, becoming a full Member is easier than you think! The following count toward the required 12 points to advance to full membership status. You must update your ASHRAE online biography and send an email to [email protected] to advance. Climate can send the information to: Hope Silverman P 610-971-2169 [email protected] Material can include letters to the editor, member news, upcoming events, comments on chapter programs or issues, etc. Non-accredited degree = 4 points Accredited degree = 6 points PE = 4 points Industry experience = 1 point/year
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