Weekly Report – November 10, 2014 Number Resolution Title 14-0947 Allowing claims and authorize issuance upon the treasurer in settlement of such list of claims 14-0948 Authorizing the final change order to the contract for the 2014 Medina County pavement planing and repair contract between Karvo Paving Company and the Medina County Board of Commissioners 14-0949 Determining the necessity to close State Road (C.H. 44) between Center Road (S.R. 303) and Eastwood Road (T.H. 405) 14-0950 Amending the Annual Appropriation resolution 14-0951 Amending the 2014 Appropriations Resolution by transferring appropriations 14-0952 Authorizing the county auditor to transfer funds from various county department accounts to the Medina County Print Shop revenue line item 14-0953 Approving an addendum to the lease with Strand Co., Ltd. for office space for the Clerk of Courts Wadsworth Auto Title Office 14-0954 Appointing an excess insurance carrier for the county's workers compensation self insurance program 14-0955 Accepting and awarding bids for drug testing supplies and services and electronic monitoring services for the Medina County Adult Probation Department 14-0956 Authorizing the filing of applications with the Ohio Department of Transportation for FY 2015 14-0957 Approving personnel changes for the employees under the jurisdiction of the Medina County commissioners 14-0958 Authorizing a second addendum to an agreement with CT Consultants, Inc. for demolition program services 14-0959 Appointing a member to the Medina County Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Trustees 14-0960 Allowing expenses of county officials 14-0961 Authorizing the Sanitary Engineering Department to advertise for bids for the operation of a transfer facility at the county’s central processing facility Stephen D. Hambley Resolution No. 14-0947 Adam Friedrick Patricia G. Geissman, Stephen D. Hambley, and Adam Friedrick Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 696 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 697 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 698 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 699 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 700 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 701 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 702 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 703 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 704 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 705 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 706 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 707 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 708 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 709 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 710 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 711 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 712 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 713 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 714 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 715 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 716 Resolution No. 14-0947 (Continued) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 717 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0948 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FINAL CHANGE ORDER TO THE CONTRACT FOR THE 2014 MEDINA COUNTY PAVEMENT PLANING AND REPAIR CONTRACT BETWEEN KARVO PAVING COMPANY AND THE MEDINA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Medina County Commissioners and Karvo Paving Company entered into a contract in September, 2014 for the planing and repairing of various roads in Medina County, Ohio in the amount of $138,653.05; and WHEREAS, the contract work has been completed and the Medina County Engineer has prepared the Final Change Order for the contract; and WHEREAS, the quantities estimated in the contract were different than the as-built quantities used during the construction, said as-built quantities tabulated in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the total cost to perform the Final Change Order will decrease the original contract amount by $3,712.01 and such decrease in the original contract amount is less than the ten percent increase (10%) allowed by law. WHEREAS, Karvo Paving Co. has accepted the Final Change Order as evidenced by their signature; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that the County enter into the Final Change Order, attached hereto as “Exhibit A”, to its September, 2014 contract with Karvo Paving Co. attached hereto in the amount of $3,712.01. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Medina County Engineer’s Office Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 718 Resolution No. 14-0948 (cont'd.) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 719 Resolution No. 14-048 (cont'd.) Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 720 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0949 RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE NECESSITY TO CLOSE STATE ROAD (C.H. 44) BETWEEN CENTER ROAD (S.R. 303) AND EASTWOOD ROAD (T.H. 405) WHEREAS, per Section 5543.17 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Medina County Engineer has determined it necessary to close State Road (C.H. 44) in Hinckley Township, between Road (S.R. 252) and Eastwood Road (T.H. 405), beginning Wednesday, November 12, 2014 through Friday, November 14, 2014 for the repair of Culvert No. 66; and WHEREAS, Culvert No. 66 is located approximately 88' (feet) north of Center Road; and WHEREAS, the Medina County Highway Department will perform the work under the direction of the County Engineer’s Office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that State Road (C.H. 44), between Center Road (S.R. 303) and Eastwood Road (T.H. 405), will be closed beginning Wednesday, November 10, 2014, through Friday, November 14, 2014 as determined necessary by the Medina County Engineer. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Medina County Engineer’s Office Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 721 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0950 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted an Annual Appropriation Resolution, No. 14-0122 on February 25, 2014 to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures of Medina County, and WHEREAS, the amounts to be appropriated are within the amounts available on the Certificate of Estimated Resources, and WHEREAS, changes in the annual appropriation resolution levels are now necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that its Resolution No. 14-0122, adopted February 25, 2014 be amended as follows: ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME FAMILY FIRST COUNCIL 5038-4105-0581 Purchase of Service FROM 32,807.00 TO 47,807.00 Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 722 DIFFERENCE +15,000.00 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0951 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2014 APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION BY TRANSFERRING APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, O.R.C. 5705.4 provides that any appropriation resolution may be amended or supplemented, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that expenditures within certain appropriations will be in excess of the amount previously determined, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain appropriation items are in excess of the amounts to be encumbered, and WHEREAS, the following transfers will not reduce any appropriation below an amount sufficient to cover all unliquidated and outstanding contracts or obligations certified from or against the appropriations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that the following transfers of appropriations be made to be effective with the passage of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board that the Auditor be and is hereby authorized to make transfers within said appropriations: FROM ACCOUNT TO ACCOUNT COMMISIONERS 0010-3960-0520 0010-3960-0520 0010-3960-0520 0010-0100-0230 0010-0100-0540 0010-0100-0780 350.00 800.00 150.00 REAL ESTATE COLLECTION 0010-3960-0530 0010-0400-0580 550.00 COMMON PLEAS COURT –FOREIGN JUDGE/ATTY.FEES 0010-2105-0045 0010-1605-0045 AMOUNT 282.00 COUNTY GARAGE 0010-3400-0100 0010-3960-0530 0010-3967-0080 0010-2809-0230 0010-2809-0230 0010-2809-0230 2,000.00 441.00 2,559.00 OTHER HEALTH 0010-3400-0100 0010-3550-0322 5,554.13 VETERAN SERVICES 0010-3800-0590 0010-3800-0590 0010-3800-0580 0010-3800-0780 1,000.93 1,461.00 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX 0015-4000-0610 0015-4000-0100 10.00 ANIMAL SHELTER Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 723 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 14-0951 (Continued) 0100-4030-0617 0100-4030-0100 4,000.00 COURT MEDIATION 0188-1600-0610 0188-1600-0100 760.00 MEDINA COUNTY HEALTH CARE 2810-0100-0081 2810-0100-0030 2810-0100-0081 2810-0100-0090 2810-9999-0610 2810-0100-0090 159.00 337.00 890.00 Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 724 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0952 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM VARIOUS COUNTY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS TO THE MEDINA COUNTY PRINT SHOP REVENUE LINE ITEM WHEREAS, O.R.C. 5705.15 provides for the transfer of funds from one fund to another, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined it necessary to transfer funds from various department accounts for the Medina County Print Shop services rendered during the period of October, and WHEREAS, written approval has been received from said departments authorizing the County Finance Department to implement such transfers for these services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Medina County Board of Commissioners that the County Auditor be and is hereby authorized to transfer the following funds: FROM EXPENSE ACCOUNT TO REVENUE ACCOUNT PRINT SHOP FEES AMOUNT RPTT 0015-4000-0100 0010-0026 2.45 Animal Shelter 0100-4030-0100 0010-0026 139.55 Job & Family Services 0120-4100-0100 0010-0026 401.17 Workforce 0125-9150-0610 0010-0026 17.08 Child Support 0145-0100-0100 0010-0026 597.53 Real Estate Assessment 0175-4200-0100 0010-0026 806.21 Court Mediation 0188-1600-0100 0010-0026 200.16 Sanitary Engineer 1000-5400-0100 0010-0026 92.92 Drug Task Force 5027-4000-0100 0010-0026 7.20 Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 725 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 14-0952 (Continued) FROM EXPENSE ACCOUNT TO REVENUE ACCOUNT PRINT SHOP FEES AMOUNT FFC 5030-4105-0100 0010-0026 56.10 CDBG 6037-0107-0540 0010-0026 .90 Office for Older Adults 6066-9280-0100 0010-0026 280.54 Transit 6123-9201-0100 0010-0026 94.09 Title IV-D Prosecutor 6146-0701-0100 0010-0026 72.65 DTAC - Treasurer 7072-0500-0100 0010-0026 2.76 Human Resources 7100-0100-0100 0010-0026 28.39 Sheriff-Concealed Carry 7914-2900-0610 0010-0026 30.50 Total Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 726 $2,830.20 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0953 APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE WITH STRAND CO., LTD., FOR OFFICE SPACE FOR THE CLERK OF COURTS WADSWORTH AUTO TITLE OFFICE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved an office lease for the Medina County Clerk of Courts Wadsworth Auto Title Office with Stand Co., Ltd. on September 12, 2011, Resolution No. 11-0814, and WHEREAS, the lease agreement was for the time period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2014, with an optional renewal term of two (2) additional thirty-six (36) month periods, with a monthly rental amount of $1,155.33 and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to extend the lease for the first renewal period beginning October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2017, with a monthly rental amount of $1,200. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that the addendum to the lease agreement with Stand Company, LTD., for rental office space for the Medina County Clerk of Courts Wadsworth Auto Title Office be approved and authorizes the President of the Board to sign on behalf of the Board of Commissioners. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 727 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0954 RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN EXCESS INSURANCE CARRIER FOR THE COUNTY’S WORKERS COMPENSATION SELF INSURANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 08-0960, on October 14, 2008 which authorized the County to become self-insured for the purposes of workers compensation, and WHEREAS, the County must obtain excess insurance coverage for their workers compensation program, and WHEREAS, quotes were obtained from Safety National Casualty Corporation and Midwest Employers Casualty Company through Excess Comp Specialists, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that Midwest Employers Casualty Company has submitted the best quote with a retention per occurrence of $500,000 for incidents involving law enforcement personnel and $500,000 for all other employees at a premium cost of approximately $63,924 per year for a two year period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that Midwest Employers Casualty Company be selected as Medina County’s excess insurance carrier and that the County enter into a contract covering the period of December 1, 2014 through November 30, 2016. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 728 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0955 ACCEPTING AND AWARDING BIDS FOR DRUG TESTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES AND ELECTRONIC MONITORING SERVICES FOR THE MEDINA COUNTY ADULT PROBATION DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Medina County Adult Probation Department was authorized to bid for the procurement of drug testing supplies and services and for electronic monitoring services on October 7, 2014 by Resolution No. 14-0865, and WHEREAS, bid specifications were prepared and advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the County and on the County’s web site, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on October 29, 2014 pursuant to law with the following results: Drug Testing: Test Kit Price Vendor Confirmation Price Forensic Fluids Lab $15.00 $17.50 Premier Biotech $4.30 $17.00 Oriana House $20.00 $30.00 American Court Services $20.00 $20.00 Recovery Health Care $19.00 $18.00 Redwood Toxicology Lab $12.50 $ 3.96 Electronic Monitoring: Vendor Daily Rate Add’l Alcohol Monitoring Rate/Daily Recovery Health Care $11.00 $ 2.00 Sentinel $ 4.70 $ 9.05 Secured Monitoring $10.00 $ 4.00 Oriana House $ 9.80 $12.00 WHEREAS, bids were referred to the Chief Probation Officer for review and a recommendation for bid award, and Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 729 RESOLUTION NO. 14-0955 (Continued) WHEREAS, based upon cost, level of services offered, and convenience of location, the Chief Probation Officer has determined that the bid submitted by American Court Services is the lowest and best bid for oral drug testing supplies and services, and WHEREAS, based upon cost and convenience of location, the Chief Probation Officer has determined that the bid submitted by Secured Monitoring is the lowest and best bid for electronic and alcohol monitoring services. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, as the lowest and best bidder, the contract for the drug supplies and services be awarded to American Court Services at the unit rate amounts referenced above and that said Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of an agreement for these supplies and services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as the lowest and best bidder, the contract for the electronic and alcohol monitoring services be awarded to Secured Monitoring at the daily rate amounts referenced above and that said Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of an agreement for these services. Voting AYE: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: County Administrator Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 730 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0956 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF APPLICATIONS WITH THE OHIO DEPARTMEMT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR FY 2015 WHEREAS, the State of Ohio through its FY 2015 programs has made available various grants, such as the Ohio Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program, The Urban Transit Program, and the Ohio Transit Preservation Partnership Program to assist public transportation systems in Ohio, and WHEREAS, the Medina County Public Transit Department is the transit operator for the Medina County Board of Commissioners and is presently providing transit services to County residents, and WHEREAS, Medina County Transit has an interest in applying for the various grants provided through the State of Ohio. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that the President of the Board, Patricia G. Geissman, be authorized to file applications with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Ohio Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program, The Urban Transit Program, and the Ohio Transit Preservation Partnership Program for FY 2015, and MAY IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Salamone, Medina County Transit Director, be authorized to furnish additional information as the Ohio Department of Transportation may require in connection with these applications. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 731 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0957 RESOLUTION APPROVING PERSONNEL CHANGES FOR THE EMPLOYEES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE MEDINA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, It is advisable and necessary that the following personnel changes be made for the employees working for the County Commissioners on the dates listed below: RATE INCREASE Kimberly Beverlin, JFS, Protective Services Worker 2, “From” $18.56/hr “TO” $19.36/hr on fund 0120-4105-0030 effective 11/9/14. (Annual Step Increase per CBA, PCN 30206.0) Bernard Bogan, Sanitary, Wastewater Operator 2, “From” $22.52/hr, “TO” $22.88/hr on fund 1000-5400-0040 effective 11/9/14. (1 yr. Step Increase per CBA, PCN 99944.0) Ashley Moree, Sanitary, Zimpro Operator, “From” $23.77/hr “TO” $24.13/hr on fund 10005400-0040 effective 11/9/14. (1 yr. Step Increase per CBA, PCN 99947.0) RESIGNATION Dustin Schrom, Sanitary, Treatment Plant Operator II effective 10/31/14. (PCN 99941.0) Chasity Parks, JFS, Eligibility Specialist 2 effective 11/14/14. (PCN 21101.0) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that the personnel changes listed above will become effective on the dates listed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Board be authorized to sign the personnel action forms for these changes. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Human Resources Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 732 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Stephen D. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Adam Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0958 AUTHORIZING A SECOND ADDENDUM TO AN AGREEMENT WITH CT CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR DEMOLITION PROGRAM SERVICES WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did previously enter into an agreement with CT Consultants, Inc. (Resolution No. 12-0737) for the provision of consulting services related to the Moving Ohio Forward Demolition Program, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did previously agreed to the First Addendum to the agreement with CT Consultants, Inc. to conduct the additional work for the second phase of the program, and WHEREAS, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office has extended the program period to December 31, 2014 for the third phase of the program and there remains additional work to be conducted in order to complete the program, and WHEREAS, it is now necessary and appropriate to extend the term of the agreement with CT Consultants, Inc. to December 31, 2014, with this Second Addendum to the agreement which includes additional compensation for this extended service period and additional work to be conducted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that the addendum to the agreement with CT Consultants, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit A, be hereby approved and that agreement addendum be authorized for execution. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Planning Services Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 733 Resoslution 14-0958 (Cont'd) SECOND ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This Second Addendum to the Agreement for Professional Services “SECOND ADDENDUM” is an addendum to the Agreement Between the Medina County, Ohio Board of Commissioners and CT Consultants, Inc. for Professional Services “AGREEMENT.” WHEREAS, the Medina County, Ohio Board of Commissioners “COUNTY” entered into the above referenced AGREEMENT with CT Consultants, Inc. “CONSULTANT” for the provision of professional services necessary for the implementation of the 2012 Attorney General Moving Ohio Forward Demolition Program “MOFDP.” WHEREAS, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office extended the program period for the second phase of the MOFDP from December 31, 2013 to May 31, 2014. WHEREAS, the “COUNTY” agreed to amend the above referenced AGREEMENT with the “CONSULTANT” for the provision of professional services necessary for the implementation of the second phase of the MOFDP from December 31, 2013 to May 31, 2014,” “FIRST ADDENDUM.” WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has performed services with a cost that did not exceed the fee amount of $22,400 as contained in the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office has extended the program period for the third phase of the MOFDP to December 31, 2014. WHEREAS, there remains additional work to be conducted in order to complete the work of the third phase of the MOFDP. BE IT KNOWN, that for good consideration the undersigned parties make the following additions or changes as part of the AGREEMENT as if contained therein: 1. SECTION V of the AGREEMENT shall be modified as follows with the text in bold and underlined added to the Section and the text shown as strikethrough deleted: V - TIME SCHEDULE The services to be provided by the CONSULTANT shall commence upon the execution of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT agrees to complete all work in connection with the implementation as required by the MOFDP Schedule, which calls for the third phase of the program to be completed by May 31, 2014 December 31, 2014. 2. EXHIBIT B of the AGREEMENT shall be modified as follows with the text in bold and underlined added and the text shown as strikethrough deleted: EXHIBIT ‘B’ COMPENSATION Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 734 Resoslution 14-0958 (Cont'd) The COUNTY will pay the CONSULTANT for the Scope of Services in Exhibit “A,” a not to exceed fee for the work performed by the CONSULTANT. The payments shall be made monthly, upon presentation of the CONSULTANT’s statements for services performed…. The budget items for payment of services rendered shall be as follows: Implementation of the Demolition Activity (32 Units) SOFT COSTS: Pre-inspections, Bidding, and Contracts Construction Inspection (at least two visits) Construction Management: (32 Units x $700 per unit) $22,400 Total Soft Costs $22,400 Additional work performed by the CONSULTANT in the form of Pre-inspections, Quote Evaluations, Contracts, and Construction Inspection and Management shall be provided at the following costs until such time as the work of MOFP is completed: $700.00 per unit (not to exceed three units) 3. This SECOND ADDENDUM to the AGREEMENT is contingent upon the COUNTY entering into a new agreement with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office (“AGO”) establishing a funding amount and terms for Phase Three of the MOFDP. If the COUNTY does not receive or execute said new agreement, this SECOND ADDENDUM to the AGREEMENT will become null and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT have executed this SECOND ADDENDUM as of the date indicated. ATTEST: COUNTY By: Patricia Geissman, President Date: Date: WITNESSES: CONSULTANT By: Dave Wiles, President Date: H:\RESOLUTIONS WEEKLY\0958 A.docx Date: Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 735 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Mr. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Mr. Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0959 RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE MEDINA COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of Commissioners that there is a vacancy for one member of the Medina County Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Trustees to represent the townships and villages, and WHEREAS, Brad Cavey has expressed interest in being appointed to said Board of Trustees, and it is the desire of this Board of Commissioners to appoint him. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, that Brad Cavey is appointed to the Medina County Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Trustees with his term ending on October 31, 2016. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Commissioners Office Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 736 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Mr. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Mr. Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0960 RESOLUTION TO ALLOW EXPENSES OF COUNTY OFFICIALS WHEREAS, requests for expenses for attending conventions/meeting/seminars have been received in accordance with Section 325.20 of the Ohio Revised Code. WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners has reviewed these requests and found them to be in conformance with Section 325.20 of the Ohio Revised Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that the expenses for attending the following conventions/meetings/seminars be and is hereby approved: Juvenile Court Ohio Assoc. of Juvenile Court Judges Winter Conference, Columbus, OH Dec. 4-5, 2014 K. Dunn 0010-2100-0560 600.00 Juvenile Detention Center Body Language, Proxemics, Pre-Attack Cues & Deception Indicators Course, London, OH Nov. 13, 2014 A. Mathes, G. Copeland, N. King, R. Ols 0010-2115-0550 1,050.00 Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: Finance Department Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 737 REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 The Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio, met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Patricia G. Geissman Stephen D. Hambley Adam Friedrick Mr. Hambley offered the following resolution and moved the adoption of same, which was duly seconded by Mr. Friedrick. RESOLUTION NO. 14-0961 AUTHORIZING THE SANITARY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE OPERATION OF A TRANSFER FACILITY AT THE COUNTY’S CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Medina County, Ohio has previously created the Medina County Solid Waste District, and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be constructed a Central Processing Facility (CPF) for the purpose of transfer, disposal, recycling, processing or resource recovery of solid waste, recyclable materials, and yard waste generated within the Medina County Solid Waste District, and WHEREAS, the operation of the CPF has been under contract with a private company, and said contract is scheduled to expire on January 11, 2015, and WHEREAS, due to the upcoming expiration of the operational contract, and recent rejection of operating bids for a subsequent contract period, there is a need for an interim operational solution at the CPF, and WHEREAS, the County’s Sanitary Engineer and Solid Waste Coordinator have recommended that the CPF be operated temporarily as a transfer facility in conjunction with community-based recycling programs, and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate this transition, it will be necessary to advertise for bids for various components of the transfer facility operations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of County Commissioners that the Medina County Sanitary Engineer is authorized to commence advertising for bids for the transfer, transport, and disposal of solid waste delivered to the Medina County CPF. Voting AYE thereon: Mrs. Geissman, Mr. Hambley, and Mr. Friedrick Adopted: November 10, 2014 Prepared by: County Administrator Commissioners' Journal, Volume 174, Page 738
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