The Official Web Site of Bear Lake County IDAHO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING MINUTES & PUBLIC NOTICES 6/25/13 Special Public Meeting Minutes 6/25/13 Special Public Meeting Notice 6/18/13 PUBLIC NOTICE 6/10/13 Commissioners Meeting Minutes 6/10/13 Commissioners Meeting Notice 6/5/13 PUBLIC NOTICE Note: These notices and minutes are uploaded as a convenience to the viewing public. The official notices and minutes are available at the county offices or displayed as legally required. Return to the Bear Lake County Web Site - Minutes & Public Notices 6/25/13 Special Public Meeting Minutes: The Board of Bear Lake County Commissioners met in a special session on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, beginning at 9:00A.M. in the School District #33 Board Room. Members present were Vaughn N. Rasmussen, Chairman, DeMar Romrell, Bradley D. Jensen and Kerry Haddock, Clerk of the Board. Lynn Lewis, Assessor, Lori Haddock, Appraiser, Wayne Davidson also attended the meeting. AGAENDA APPROVED A discussion of Fish Haven Canyon and a building permit issue were added to the agenda. Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to accept the agenda. Motion carried. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT The Commissioners considered an encroachment agreement prepared by Attorney Steve Wuthrich at the Commissioners request. The agreement would be used to define the conditions when fences were allowed to remain in the County right of way. Commissioner Jensen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Romrell to adopt the agreement to be used on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Commissioners. Motion carried. LANDFILL COVER BIDS The Commissioners discussed closure of the current landfill dump site. Commissioner Jensen will work with the Department of Environmental Quality to define the covering and get bids for the project. FIRE RESTRICTIONS The Commissioners briefly discussed the possibility of fire restrictions. They will have attorney Steve Wuthrich look at last years' ordinance and discuss next week. FISH HAVEN CANYON The Commissioners discussed the situation in Fish Haven Canyon during Raspberry Days. They had discussed this with the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and the Sheriff. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to leave the regular meeting and convene as a Board of Equalization. Motion Carried. Top of Page 6/25/13 Special Public Meeting Notice: THE BOARD OF BEAR LAKE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 AT 9:00 A.M. IN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT #33 BOARD ROOM IN PARIS, IDAHO. AGENDA: 9:00 Right of Way Encroachment Agreement 9:10 Landfill Cover Bids 9:20 Fire Restrictions 9:30 Board of Equalization Top of Page 6/18/13 PUBLIC NOTICE: The County Commissioners of Bear Lake, Caribou, Franklin and Oneida Counties will meet at 11:00 A.M. at the Oregon Trail Center in Montpelier, Idaho on Tuesday, June 18, 2013. AGENDA ITEMS: BUDGETS NUISANCE ORDINANCE DRUG TESTING EXTENSION SERVICE SENIOR CENTER ROAD AND BRIDGE ISSUES SOLID WASTE PLANNING AND ZONING Top of Page 6/10/13 Commissioners Meeting Minutes: The Board of Bear Lake County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 10, 2013, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the School District #33 Board Room in Paris, Idaho. Members present were Vaughn N. Rasmussen, DeMar Romrell, Bradley D. Jensen and Kerry Haddock, Clerk of the Board. Brent Bunn, Sheriff, Steve Wuthrich, Prosecutor, Bill Stock and Judy Long also attended the meeting. AGENDA APPROVED Allinger Park MOU was added to the agenda. Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to approve the agenda. Motion carried. ELECTED OFFICIALS Sheriff Bunn presented his monthly report. There were 128 prisoner days in Caribou County and 10 prisoner days in the Juvenile facility. The Sheriff talked about upcoming bicycle events in the County and the number of bikes in Emigration Canyon. FM TRANSLATOR Frank Vilt asked the Commissioners for permission to install a KBRV FM radio translator in the Home Land Security Facility translator building on a hill in Bern. The Commissioners expressed concern with security issues and did not support the option at this time. Mr. Vilt was waiting to hear from other possible sites. MINUTES APPROVED Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2013 regular meeting and the May 16, 2013 special meeting. Motion carried. BILLS APPROVED Commissioner Jensen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Romrell to approve the May bills. Motion carried. BUILDING INSPECTOR REPORT Wayne Davidson reported on building permit activity in the County. He reported that building permits were up from previous years and presented revenue for the year. He reported that 2 permits were denied this month. They also discussed the recent Courthouse public meeting. The Commissioners complimented Mr. Davidson on his presentation during the meeting. There will be another meeting in August. JUVENILE JUSTICE REPORT Lennart Nivegard presented an update of Juvenile Justice activity in the region. He also presented a forecast of expected State revenues for fiscal year 2014. SENIOR CENTER Bill Stock reported on the financial condition of the Senior Citizens Center in Montpelier. He noted that the Center had several unforeseen expenses this past year. He asked for continued funding for next year. The Commissioners asked for a written request. FISH HAVEN MOSQUITO ABATEMENT BOARD The Commissioners considered a vacancy in the Fish Haven Mosquito Abatement Board. Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to appoint Cindy Erickson to fill the vacancy. Motion carried. ROAD AND BRIDGE ISSUES Greg Skinner presented his monthly report. They did a lot of dust guarding and grading during the month. He presented plans to seal cracks and chip seal the North Beach Road. He also asked for guidance in determining a deposit for possible road damage caused by the Fish Haven water project. BUILDING PERMIT DISPUTE Val and Janae Christianson approached the Commissioners with a building permit dispute. They had obtained a building permit in 2007 and built a house. They were just starting a garage on the property for which the County Building inspector felt a new building permit would be needed. The Christiansons felt that the building should be covered by the 2007 permit. The matter will be reviewed by The Prosecuting Attorney prior the Commissioners making a decision. DINGLE GRAVEL PIT HAY BIDS Bids were opened for the hay grown at the Dingle Gravel pit. Bids received were: Blake Wells $300 Greg Skinner $225 Commissioner Jensen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Romrell to accept the high bid of Blake Wells. Motion carried. HEALTH DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT Leslie Talbot and Tiffany Preston presented the quarterly report of the County Health Department. They noted that a recent Diabetes clinic went well. They presented statistics on immunizations and WIC food dollars. FUEL REDUCTION GRANTS Lisa Transtrum presented two fuel reduction grant applications for an area near Camp Bartlett and another in the Paris Hills. The grants would be to thin and remove hazardous fuels. The grants would be to the County with the Bear Lake Soil & Water Conservation District administering the work. Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to approve and submit the applications. Motion carried. SLEIGHT CANYON ROAD The Commissioners discussed a fence that was placed in the Sleight Canyon Road right-of-way. There was not enough room to blade of do any maintenance on the road. Mike Derricott and John Gambling asked the Commissioner to leave the fence were it was for safety reasons. The Commissioners will look at the Road prior to making a decision. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Romrell made a motion seconded by Commissioner Jensen to convene in an executive session per Idaho Code 67-2345(F) to discuss possible litigation. All Commissioners voted yes in a roll call vote. COUNTY ROADS The Commissioners revisited the updating of the County Road Map for submission to the Idaho Transportation Department. Commissioner Rasmussen had visited several of the roads that were questionable during the fall and spring. The Commissioners discussed several of the roads with Forest Service representatives and interested public. AIRPORT PROJECT BIDS Bids for construction of a partial parallel taxiway at the Bear Lake County Airport were opened. The bids received were: Jack B. Parson Co., Pocatello, Idaho $799,629.75 Don C. Fisher Construction, Logan, Utah $1,126,316.95 Gale Lim Construction, LLC, Blackfoot, Idaho $1,319,108.30 It was noted that Jack B. Parson was the apparent low bidder. Bids will be delivered to T-O Engineers in Boise to be evaluated prior to awarding. Top of Page 6/10/13 Commissioners Meeting Notice: 9:00 A.M. ELECTED OFFICIALS MEETING/APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9:15 A.M. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 9:30 A.M. FRANK VILT - RADIO TRANSLATOR 9:45 A.M. BUILDING INSPECTOR REPORT - WAYNE DAVIDSON 10:00 A.M. LENNART NIVEGARD - JUVENILE JUSTICE 10:15 A.M. BILL STOCK - BUDGET REQUEST FOR SENIOR CENTER 10:30 A.M. SE IDAHO PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT: QUARTERLY REPORT - LESLIE TALBOT AND TIFFANY PRESTON 10:45 A.M. VAL & JANAE CHRISTIANSON - BUILDING PERMIT DISPUTE 11:00 A.M. FUEL REDUCTION GRANT - LISA TRANSTRUM 11:05 A.M. HAY BID OPENING 11:15 A.M. FISH HAVEN CANYON WATER PROJECT + SLEIGHT CANYON RIGHT OF WAY 11:30 A.M. 11:45 A.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS 12:00 EXECUTIVE SESSION LUNCH 1:00 P.M. COUNTY ROAD MAP 1:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 2:00 P.M. AIRPORT TAXIWAY BID OPENINGS 2:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:45 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 3:15 P.M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Road & Bridge Issues/Solid Waste Issues NEW BUSINESS Approve Bills/Minutes Road & Bridge/Solid Waste Issues Executive Session - Medical Assistance Claims Fish Haven Mosquito Abatement Board Appointment Top of Page 6/5/13 PUBLIC NOTICE: BEAR LAKE COMMISSIONERS WILL HOLD A PUBLIC MEETING AT 6 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013 AT THE OREGON TRAIL CENTER TO DISCUSS BRINGING THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ADA (AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT). Top of Page Return to the Bear Lake County Web Site - Minutes & Public Notices
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