A monthly publication of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits COLUMBUS November 2014 OUTDOORS www.outdoor-pursuits.org Volume 54, No. 10 Learn+Do Columbus Outdoor Pursuits is a volunteer-based, participatory organization created to provide opportunities and education for outdoor recreation and activities TOSRV GOBA XOBA Bicycling Backpacking Flat & Whitewater Boating Hiking Education Wilderness First Aid Leader Training Columbus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Road, Suite 100 Columbus OH 43220-2054 (614) 442-7901 fax: (614) 459-8044 www.outdoor-pursuits.org [email protected] Tour of the Scioto River Valley: www.tosrv.org Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure: www.goba.com Across Ohio Bicycle Adventure: www.Ride-XOBA.org Columbus Fall Challenge: http://outdoor-pursuits.org/CFC Columbus Outdoors is published every month but January by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits as a benefit of membership. Columbus Outdoor Pursuits is a non-profit, non-political organization organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes and is dedicated to providing outdoor education and recreation to all people, regardless of race, creed, or religion. MEMBERSHIP For membership information, contact the office at the phone number or email address shown above. Membership forms are periodically printed in this newsletter and are also available on our website. ADVERTISING Commercial advertising is accepted, with some exceptions. Your ad must be approved before it is submitted. Contact the Editor for more information. EXECUTIVE BOARD President - Keith Finn, 614/381-9483 [email protected] Vice-President- Jerry Capehart - 216/202-5557 [email protected] Secretary – Eben Kent - 614/299-2153 [email protected] Treasurer - Rich Lesnansky 614/353-6728 [email protected] ELECTED MEMBERS Tim McNish - 614/ 873-9331 [email protected] Tim Smith – 614/308-0937 [email protected] Catherine Flemming – 614/288-5432 [email protected] Bradley Paskievitch - 614/264-7967 [email protected] 2 Positions Vacant due to family/health issues. contact [email protected] to volunteer ACTIVITY LEADERS Bicycling - Roy Burnham, 614/ 735-6420 & Suzanne Birk 614/581-4316 [email protected] Bicycle Project Development Fund – Tim Smith 614/308-0937 [email protected] Boating - Walt Taylor, 614/519-8633 [email protected] Risk Manager - Barb Holland 740/503-9229 [email protected] XOBA - Maureen Capehart - 330/333-XOBA [email protected] Backpacking, Camping, Climbing, Hiking, Running & Winter Activities are currently dormant. Qualified leaders can still schedule and run trips in dormant activites. contact the President if you are willing to become the Activity Leader for one of these activities. ORGANIZATION STAFF Senior Event Director - Bill Gordon 614/442-7901 [email protected] Editor - Ann Gerckens 614/442-7901 [email protected] Event Coordinator - Julie Van Winkle, 614/273-0805 goba@outdoor- pursuits.org Office Manager - Ann Gerckens, 614/442-7901 [email protected] 2 • November 2014 • Columbus Outdoors Keith Finn, President The President’s Year End Review FY 2014 Learn + Do! The COP board adopted that as our motto this year, to reflect our unique place as an organization that teaches you how to do something, and then we go practice what was taught! I have a request for all our members - please update your COP account with a good email address. COP did not have a good fiscal year (October 2013 - October 2014) for finances. Unlike 2011, we did have some warning that this fiscal year was going to be a rough one. A long winter and chilly spring really put a damper on our Big Tours (TOSRV and GOBA). These are our main revenue sources, and when ridership is down we do not do well financially. For 2014, it looks like expenses will exceed revenues in the range of $75,000 dollars. This was really bad news for COP - If finances continue in this vein, COP will be in very bad financial straits by the end of 2015. If you have a extra $10 or $20 dollars to donate to COP, it would be very much appreciated to help us out in the next year. As a result of this, and our diminishing capital reserves, COP will be taking some drastic measures this year. Until we can raise more revenues, we will be forced to cut expenses. We are actively searching for a more economical office site. We were not able to make any donations from the Bicycle Development Fund. We just closed our climbing wall located outside of Newark. Some complaints had been made about possible safety issues, and we cannot afford to have the wall surveyed and repaired at this time. The printed newsletter may become a victim of economics - which means insuring that COP has your most up to date email address will be very important - that is how you will be informed the newsletter is available online. The board will be exploring other money saving options in the coming months. One bright spot was Bill Gordon and his management of the COP Budget Tours - these were more well attended this year, and brought in some operating cash. The Budget Tours also featured some preride educational clinics focused on safe group riding. And we had a cooperative venture with the Homeless Family Foundation on the Ridge Runner ramble that worked out very well for everyone. COP has a presence on FaceBook. We have “Columbus Outdoor Pursuits Bicycling” with 857 members (10/11/2014) - this page is administrated by a COP Board member. There is “Tour of the Scioto River Valley “ with 313 members. “Columbus Outdoor Pursuits Boating” with 213 members. GOBA’s presence on Facebook is called “The Official Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) “ https://www.facebook.com/ gobatour). We have 1,998 like as of today, October 13, 2014. Check out our Facebook site! “ Fans of the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA)” with 360 members. The Fans of GOBA is not monitored What’s Inside Class/Event Information: Leader Training - Saturday, November 8th. 10AM-5PM. see page 9 or check Volume 54 •No. 10 the calendar at www.outdoor-pursuits.org/calendar 2 Presidents Message XOBA 18, the A.E.I.O.U. tour - July 18-25, 2015. www.outdoor-pursuits. 3 Class/Events taking Registration On the Cover 4 Facebook & Twitter Addresses org/event-1722191. Newsletters are available on the web at www.outdoor-pursuits.org or from the office, [email protected] or 614.442.7901 by our staff. XOBA, Columbus Fall Challenge, Steve Barbour Memorial - all these events have FaceBook pages with COP connections watching over them. Please check them out, and help us reach more people that would “like” COP. Our perennial bright spot is a all our Great Volunteers. I cannot express my thanks enough for all the time and effort you have put into making COP a very good way to “do stuff”. Our revenues may be down, but the smiles are always way, way up! Thanks to all our very dedicated and talented leaders and volunteers. We would be lost without you. The Bicycling activity is also a bright spot - ridership is up on our scheduled rides, and COP is running some rides in partnership with other bicycling groups. Our other activities have, shall we say, “issues”. Boating, our most popular activity after bicycling, suffered an abrupt drop in the number of scheduled trips this year, as well a drop in educational offerings. Boating remains popular, but we need to focus on recruiting trip leaders this year and getting trips scheduled! Hiking, Running and Backpacking, have had no Board representation in 2014. Some trips are being scheduled, but the activities have no Activity Leader on the Board. Rock Climbing, Camping and Winter activities have had no active Board representation this year. While we have a volunteer listed as the Activity Leader, they have not been coming to board meetings, or responding to board correspondence. As a result of these issues, the COP board is going to regard Hiking, Running, Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Camping and Winter Activities as dormant. The current ex-officio Board positions held by these activities will be vacated, and no longer have representation. Trips in these activities can still be scheduled by qualified leaders, but for now you will have to contact the board at info@ outdoor-pursuits.org One of the board members that monitor the mailbox will contact you about setting up the trip. COP has had some other big changes this year. Our GOBA director for the past 16 years, Julie Van Winkle, decided to resign this year (causing me to miss a few heartbeats...). She is moving on to became the Executive Director of the Ohio to Erie Trail Fund. But read on... By coincidence, the COP Board had been pondering a change in how events were being run, and how to staff the Big Tours. We had decided on an Event Director / Event Coordinator setup, with TOSRV, GOBA and CFC continued on 4 5 24th Knox County Bicycle Challenge 6 Activity Schedule 10 Holidays are Coming Cutting Costs 11 Classifieds On the Cover Spiral from upper left: This is Chris Noble (right) and a friend of his. It was a perfect Kodak moment with the fog, the sun so big at the end of the road and two riders going straight into it. Photo by Bill Ryan, taken as he headed away from the school on Saturday morning of CFC 2014. Registration, Steve Barbour Memorial Tour 2014, photo by Gordon Renkes. CFC riders at lunch. Photo by Barb Holland. Great last ride of the year in Dublin on Tuesday! Photo courtesy of Roy Burnham. Steve Barbour Memorial Tour century rider. Photo by Gordon Renkes. More Steve Barbour Memorial Tour century riders. Photo by Gordon Renkes. Starting the Steve Barbour Memorial Tour. Photo by Gordon Renkes. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Newsletter submissions are always encouraged and welcome each month; however, all submission content must substantially relate to our mission. Submissions may be checked for spelling/minor errors and edited for space constraints; however, the Editor will NOT verify content and accuracy- double check your submissions before sending. The Editor may also make stylistic format changes (e.g., color, font, size, bolding, etc.) at her discretion. Additional guidelines for submissions follow and are published at at http:// www.outdoor-pursuits.org/resources/Documents/forms/NewsletterSubmissionInfo_20140224.pdf . The Editor reserves the right to reject or postpone publication of any item received after the posted deadline. GENERAL ARTICLES AND PHOTOS These submissions must be received by the Editor by 11:59PM of the 5th day of the preceding month. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE ITEMS These submissions will only be accepted from either Activity Leaders or by appointed Schedule Coordinators for the activity, as listed below. Schedule Items must be received by the Schedule Coordinator by 9:00PM of the 3rd day of the preceding month. Some Schedule Coordinators set earlier dates. Backpacking & Hiking Paul Kort [email protected] Bicycling Donna Bush bikenews AT outdoor-pursuits.org Boating Toni Hartley 614/523-3191 [email protected], COP Boating as subject Camping, Climbing, Running, Winter Activities qualified leaders can send their schedule entry directly to the board via [email protected] CLASSIFIED ADS Columbus Outdoor Pursuits members may place 2 classified ads/year of 60 words or less, free of charge. (but not for ads related to travel, banks, or credit cards.)Include your name and membership number when submitting your ad. Classified must be received by the Editor by 11:59PM of the 5th day of the preceding month. COMMERCIAL ADS Commercial advertising is accepted on a space available basis and must meet Postal Regulations. Please contact the Editor for information on rates and approval of advertisement content. The deadline for advertisements is the 5th day of the preceding month. http://www.outdoor-pursuits.org/Advertising 1 EMAIL [email protected] 2 MAIL Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, Attn: Newsletter, 1525 Bethel Rd Ste 100, Columbus, OH 43220 SEND MATERIAL TO (in order of preference) Columbus Outdoors • November 2014 • 3 We-no-nah ¡ Bell ¡ Michicraft Perception ¡ Dagger ¡ Current Designs ¡ Riot Ocean Kayak ¡ Necky ¡ P&H Corner of Sharon & Southland Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 674-7400 www.ddoutfitters.com Presidents Year End Review continued from page 3 be managed by one common COP team. Julie’s resignation threw a bit of a wrench in the situation....But now the good news - Julie will be working for COP part time as the Event Coordinator. I used my vast executive powers to appoint Bill Gordon to the COP Senior Event Director position, and Julie will be our Event Coordinator. Bill and Julie have proved to be an effective team, and Bill has met and worked with the GOBA volunteer group. We have high hopes for this team in 2015! This will be my last month as President. My talents were directed to running a rear guard action, and while that was sustainable for a couple of years, COP needs a leader with different ideas. I am remaining on the board, and will support the new president as best I can. This year’s Membership meeting was on October 21, we asked the membership to vote on some motions to amend the Constitution. A couple of them are “housekeeping” tasks to allow the Board to conduct business - such as taking the fixed date and time from the Board meeting dates. The one change I want to highlight is the number of board members needed to form a quorum. The past few months, it has been difficult to get 10 voting board members physically present at a meeting, and without a quorum we cannot do business. We will be asking the membership to allow seven board members to form a quorum, instead of ten. See the December issue for election results. Now comes an appeal - do you care about the fate of COP enough to consider serving on the board? If so, please let us know by contacting us at [email protected] So, 2015 will be another crucial year for COP. Please consider riding TOSRV this year, and bring all your friends as well! paid advertisement 4 • November 2014 • Columbus Outdoors Ready to start riding the Steve Barbour Memorial Tour 2014, by Gordon Renkes. Come be a fan and get the latest news, trip reports and event information. See the fun our members are having and share with us your thoughts. Here are “Official” pages, created by COP Board or Staff COP Main page: www.facebook.com/Columbus.Outdoor.Pursuits COP Camping: www.facebook.com/campoutdoorpursuits The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure: www.facebook.com/gobatour TOSRV: www.facebook.com/TOSRV.1962 The Across Ohio Bicycle Adventure: www.facebook.com/AcrossOhioBicycleAdventure Steve Barbour Memorial Tour: www.facebook.com/Steve.Barbour.Memorial.Tour Columbus Fall Challenge: www.facebook.com/ColumbusFallChallenge Columbus Adventure Expo: www.facebook.com/events/297226260453531 Here are Facebook “groups” started by COP members. These were not created by staff or board, and can be regarded as “fan” sites. COP Bicycling is at www.facebook.com/groups/53811046325/ COP Boating is at www.facebook.com/groups/295898643839210/ Fans of the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) www.facebook.com/ groups/21599037582/ Tour of the Scioto River Valley www.facebook.com/groups/61493140982/ Join us online and follow @ ColumbusOutdoor on Twitter today! paid advertisement paid advertisement Cincinnati’s Largest Canoe & Kayak Dealer In business for over 17 years 24th Knox County Bicycle Challenge paid advertisement Saturday, September 20, 2014 Gary Schmidt, KCBC ride leader We had a great turnout this year, with 265 riders leaving Gambier near Kenyon College. The weather was excellent, with temperatures in the mid 60’s at the start and warming up to the low 80’s by late afternoon. Just a little wind near the end of the ride, but of course it was a headwind since we are going west/ southwest back to Gambier. Thanks again to the New Guilford UMC for hosting the morning snack stop and getting the porta-johns, and thanks to Mike Miller for setting that up. And thanks to Nellie UMC for the lunch stop. We had Meg Litteral and friends providing music again, and it was so nice out we set up tables under the trees so cyclists could hear their excellent quintet while they ate. Chuck Luzader’s Cap City Diner soup is always a big hit, served up by our great volunteers- Taj Bakare, Deedra Buxton, Chris Radel, Cameron Schmidt and Malinda Yoder. And many thanks again to Charlie Pace (TOSRV emeritus Director) and Robbie Robison for helping getting everybody signed up at the registration. The route stayed the same this year, tough as usual (especially for the 78 mile and 100 milers- like we used to say, if you can do KCBC you can do Fall Challenge!). I think we have about 25% of the riders doing the long routes, with most going for the 62 mile option. This has been causing faster riders to show up at the lunch stop before 10:30am, which is tough on our volunteers, who are just getting that setup. So if you are a faster rider who likes to start early, why not consider doing the longer routes next year? You will be amazed at some of the beautiful scenery around Roscoe Village in Coshocton County and Glenmont in Holmes County! Thanks again to all who come and do this ride every year and to all my volunteers who make it happen! !"#$%&!'#() !*+$+,*$-./*$0123*45 !"#$#%&'("#)*+,"#*'"-.)'"$/.)"%&01".2+&31"3/4'5"6,1" %*+-"-,&'("$/."'113"&+"+/71"&'+.)*'#1"#/72*'$"-*8&'(" *39*'-*(1"/0"$/.5":-191";*(*+<"*'"=,&/"*--/)'1$"*'3" *9&3"#$#%&+-<",*+",*'3%13",.'3)13+"/0"#*+1+"&'9/%9&'(" -,1"31*-,"/)"&'>.)$"/0"*"#$#%&+-5"?1-"-,1"@&81"A*4$1)5 B*%%"/)"1C7*&%":-191"-/3*$"0/)"*"!"##"#/'+.%-*-&/'5 !"#!$#%&'()*&+,-!. !"#$%&%'/012()*%!#+(,-./0123/456/7896 paid advertisement Columbus Outdoors • November 2014• 5 Activity Schedule Bicycling Roy Burnham, 614/ 735-6420 & Suzanne Birk 614/581-4316 [email protected] STARTING TIMES: Times listed indicate when the ride rolls out of the parking area. Please arrive early enough to depart at the prescribed time. Note that rides are listed in three categories below: • Weekly Recurring Group Rides Listed by Day of Week • One Time Group Rides Listed by Date • Annual Budget & Special Tours Listed by Date One Time Ride: POST-THANKSGIVING FAT BURNER Friday, November 28, 10AM, for all riders Too much turkey and standing in line at sales? Come burn it off with us. Depending on weather, distances of 0 to 60 miles. Maps will be provided; brunch can be purchased on all routes -- or not. Riders can stay with the group or ride on their own. Leaders will ride at a B-C pace. Meet in Pataskala (note change!) at the west end of the parking lot north of the railroad tracks, 4 miles north of I-70 and a half-mile south of Rt. 16 on Rt. 310. Ben Slay: benslayAThotmail.com or 614/371-4424 Bill Chronister: wtchron AT gmail.com or 614/563-3268 COP RIDER GUIDELINES Please review these guidelines if you are new to COP rides. By choosing the correct pace and arriving prepared, you will help ensure our rides are as safe and fun as possible for everyone. SAFETY A CPSC, ASTM, or SNELL approved helmet is required on all COP rides. Other recommended safety items include a rear-view mirror, a rear flasher, and bright, visible clothing. Cyclists under age 18 must have written permission and the liability waiver release signed by a parent or guardian. For safety reasons, children two and under are not permitted on COP rides. Please respect the laws of the road and rights of other road users. PACE All COP bicycle tours are “open” paced events, with maps and road markers provided; however, the tour organizer does not specifically accompany the riders. COP day rides have designated leader(s) at one or more paces, and only maps are provided. The ride leader will accompany the group in the manner that best supports the entire group, not an individual rider. COP highly recommends that you contact the ride leader if you have any questions about the ride/tour. Pace classes are intended to give a rough idea of the common “riding” speed of the group, rather than the average speed. Completing a century ride (100) miles in 5 hours indicates a mathematical average of 20 mph, but the common riding speed to required to complete this ride in 5 hours can easily be in the mid-20s. Variables such as wind, hills and time off the bike can greatly detract from an average, as it is a time-based figure. The speeds listed to the right refer to common “riding” speeds. 6 • November 2014 • Columbus Outdoors Schedule Submission Info.can be found on page 3 Weekly rides beginning with Monday: Licking County - Pataskala, Tuesday AM 9AM, Class C Last ride of the year will be 11/25/14 Average Speed is 13 MPH. 30+ miles. No one dropped & faster riders WILL REGROUP - we stick together. Cycle scenic rural roads, eat, socialize. Meet in Pataskala @ W end of the parking lot @ RR tracks (Rt. 310), 4 miles north of I-70 and 1/2 mile south of Rt. 16. Steve Gassman: sgassman AT columbus.rr.com: 614/309-7421 Ben Slay: benslayAThotmail.com: 614/371-4424 Bill Chronister: wtchron AT gmail.com or 614/563-3268 Dick Seebode: 740/201-3312 or 614/235-7669 Wednesday Morning Ride Worthington. All Year 9AM Promptly. Class C,D. Meet at Worthington Hills Park on SR315. One mile north of I-270. South end of the Olentangy Valley Shopping Center (former Worthington Hills Shopping Center). One mile north of Wilson Bridge Rd. This is the new north end of the Olentangy River Bike Path.Restaurant destination will be determined day of ride. Bring money for lunch. Approximately 25 mile ride. New and beginning riders welcome. We meet for breakfast, if we can’t ride due to weather. Gail Falkinburg, 614/861-4478 A 19-23 MPH: our fastest pace. Licensed racers frequently attend these rides, which might be listed as A+ rides in this schedule. Be prepared to maintain this pace over 30-50 miles on a weeknight ride, and 60-100 on a weekends. Stops typically are few and short. Average speeds can be over 20 mph. B 16-19 MPH: a fast recreational clip. The ride distances will be somewhat lower than the “A” group, and the stops can be longer and more frequent. Opportunities for regrouping will be more frequent. C 13-16 MPH: an enthusiastic pace. Many of our longer- distance riders ride in this pace range. The mood will be less competitive and more social. Groups will tend to stay together more, but the riding will still be consistent. The routes often avoid the hilliest options. D 10-13 MPH: a very social pace. Riders can be experienced, or fairly new, but are usually familiar with the basics of cycling on the open road and in groups. Distances are modest, and often a meal stop or sight-seeing is involved. NR: no designated speed. These rides are specifically oriented around introducing new riders to the sport. The pace will be dictated by those who attend, and often these rides are intended as an introduction to cycling. NR rides can use bike paths or roadways. Depending On Weather and Riders, usually for winter rides. This note in any ride listing indicates an “open” condition, and will usually be included with a pace class. The leader may choose to leave the pace, distance, and destination to be decided by the group, so maps may not be included for these impromptu rides. DOWR: Delaware County Friday Morning Ride Winter Corn Stubble Ride Fridays, 12:00 PM Class B+ November 7th through February 27th Will meet at the Hayden Run Trail Head on Hayden Run Road in Hilliard. You haven’t lived until you have experienced the cold, flat, wind-swept corn-stubbled fields at the base of the Appalachian foothills in the dead of winter. The reward is warming up to hot coffee and great meals at cycling-friendly restaurants such as Castle’s in Mechanicsburg (Cash Only), Rock’n Robin in Urbana, or Der Dutchman in Plain City. Main goals: stay warm, socialize, and eat well. These rides range from a 12 mile round trip to Der Dutchman on really nasty days to a more common 45 mile round trip route to Mechanicsburg and possibly a 72 mile round trip to Rock’n Robin on global warming affected days. This is for B+ riders who want to relax, stop for a meal, and get outside instead of riding a trainer for a change. We will ride at a 17+ MPH average pace when roadway is dry and temperature is above 15 degrees. Tim Malone 614/419-2598 [email protected] Canal Winter Rides Saturdays, 9 AM, Class B Ride distances of 30-60 miles. Always a restaurant stop to fuel and warm up. Meet at Cyclist Connection Bicycle Shop, 200 Cemetery Road, Canal Winchester. Dave Miller [email protected] Groveport Sunday Social Sundays, 9 AM, Class C,D A slow, social ride to breakfast/lunch. No maps, we stay together. Start at Groveport Rec Center, 7370 Groveport Road, Groveport, OH 43125 Dave Miller [email protected] Winter Activities Glenn Beachy 614/268-4904 [email protected] Impromptu Winter Activities When the snow falls give us a call for x-c skiing or snowshoeing. Rentals and instruction available. A few potential destinations: Glacier Ridge, Highbanks, Prairie Oaks, Battelle-Darby, or Blendon Woods Metro Parks, Lobdell Reserve in Licking County, Deer Creek State Park, Malabar Farm State Park or Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Contact Glenn Beachy email gbeachy2000(at) yahoo.com or 614/268-4904 or Terry Smith at [email protected] or phone 614/396-6500. ActivitySchedule (LAST RIDE IS NOVEMBER 7th). Fridays, 9AM, Class C, D (ride DOW) MUST BE 35 DEGREES AND DRY AT 9:00 AM to ride. Bike Delaware County. A social ride. Explore NE Delaware County. Target 35-40 miles, 13-14 Avg. MPH, brunch always. Group may spontaneously break into a C+ Paced Unit and a C- Paced Unit during ride. Faster riders are expected to stop periodically to regroup. No one dropped. Meet at 8:45 AM, northern mountain bike parking on Africa Road (20 min from Clintonville up I-71 and West on RT 36/37) 100 FEET NORTH OF CHESHIRE ROAD. Co-leaders needed, VOLUNTEER!! Beth Caputo, biknbeddyATgmail.com, 614/226.1339 voice and text Dick Seebode, 740/201.3312 or 614/235.7669 Ben Slay, benslayAThotmail.com Wilderness Lodge Annual Winter Getaway – Wattsburg, Pa. Dates & details aren’t quite nailed down yet. Join us for a relaxing or active weekend. XC ski or snowshoe (DOW);day hike, meet new friends or catch up with old ones; read a book by the fire and enjoy a home-cooked meal. Cost last year was $90 -members: $105-non-members covers two nights lodging and Sat dinner. A $40 fee per person is added if you request and receive a private room for two. They are limited. Trail passes and ski rentals, available on site, are extra. A deposit of $60 (a slight increase) in a check made out to COP and mailed to Terry Smith 248 Rathbone Rd. Columbus, OH 43214 will be required to hold your reservation. Please include your email address, phone number and COP membership number(s). Deposits are forfeited for cancellations after Jan 4. A waiting list will be kept in order by date deposits are received. Find out more about Wilderness Lodge at www. thewildernesslodge.net. Contact Terry preferably by email at tandvsmith@ yahoo.com or phone 614/396-6500. COP has cross-country skis and snowshoes for rent Members only, unless you are on a COP trip. Costs $8/day for skis, boots and poles. $6/ day snowshoes and poles. No excuses, get out there! Contact Glenn Beachy at 614-563-1146 or [email protected] Equipment will be unavailable Wilderness Lodge Weekend Columbus Outdoors • November 2014 • 7 Activity Schedule Boating Walt Taylor 614/ 519-8633 [email protected] 47th Flocking to the Hocking Sunday December 14, 2014 Let’s all flock to the Hocking! This is the 47th year for this trip! Decorate your boat! For those interested in carpooling or caravanning we will meet for breakfast at the McDonalds on Gender Rd./OH674 and Route 33 at 8:30 AM. We’ll leave McDonalds by 9:00 in order to be at the river by 10:00. For those meeting us at the river, the put-in is where the Clear Creek flows into the Hocking. There is a sign pointing to the right for Clear Creek Metro Park. Do not turn right. Turn left into the field between the river and the highway. We will run shuttle prior to putting on the river. Weather could be anything – probably cold and possibly wet. The river water is guaranteed to be cold. Dress appropriately – warm layers and wind/ rain protection (think sledding or skiing). Bring a complete change of clothes in case you fall in. We will stop at the natural rock bridge for lunch. Be sure to bring food and water. We usually get off the river between 4:00 and 5:00. We are all invited back to Keith Finn’s house in Westerville for soup and chili afterwards. All boats are welcome – canoes, kayaks, duckies, rafts, etc. COP has rentals if needed; let us know in advance. There should be no cost for this trip unless you are renting equipment or are carpooling and want to contribute gas money to your driver. Call Mike Wadkowski at 614/746-4700 or e-mail [email protected] Boating Scheduling Meeting January 21 6:00 until 8:30 pm Grandview Library In preparation for the 2015 boating season, Columbus Outdoor Pursuit’s Boating Scheduling Meeting is scheduled for January 21st, 2015. Discussion points: • Let’s get together and visit with old friends and welcome newer boaters • Plan next year’s boating trips • Continue Wednesday Night Paddles • Hand out some money in our leader lottery • Finalize roll session volunteers • Offer suggestions for recruiting new leaders • Discuss COP’s financial status • Propose money making ideas (classes, RW&B) • Offer ideas for Yough Stop maintenance/ improvements • Look at less expensive options for boat/ equipment storage We have the library meeting room from 6:00 until 8 • November 2014 • Columbus Outdoors COP Boating http://www.facebook.com/groups/295898643839210/ 8:30 pm. Show up, mingle, eat, log your trips on the calendar and we’ll get the meeting part of this gettogether started about 7:00. Walt Taylor, Boating Activity Leader [email protected], 614/ 519-8633 Climbing Due to lack of volunteers, maintenance needs and financial considerations, the COP Climbing Wall is closed until further notice. Running the following activities are dormant: Backpacking, Camping, Climbing, Hiking, Running, Qualified leaders can still schedule and run trips in dormant activities if they have taken COP leader training. Send Schedules to info@outdoor-pursuits. org. Put “Activity Schedule” in the subject line. Contact the President if you are willing to become the Activity Leader for one of these activities. ? Need a Boat ? You can rent one from Columbus Outdoor Pursuits! Whitewater kayaks, sea kayaks, canoes, duckies, and rafts are available. However, only COP members are entitled to rent our boats, and first priority is given to boating schools and trips. Per new liability insurance requirements, COP membership is required for ALL individuals using our boats on Class III or greater whitewater. Rental rates include necessary accessories. PFDs must be worn at all times while on or near the water; helmets are required to be worn at all times on Class II and greater whitewater. Renter paddling skills will be assessed as part of our safety process. Rental Rates Old canoes (aluminum) $10 per day New canoes (plastic) $15 per day Whitewater kayaks $15 per day Rafts (per seat) & duckies $10 per day Sea Kayaks (solo or tandem)$25 per day, $45 per weekend Recreational Kayaks $25 per day, $45 per weekend Contact Volunteers Rental requests need to be made well in advance (at least a week) of needing boats. For recreational/sea kayaks: John Lane 614/486-4548 For Canoes & inflatables: WaltTaylor 614/ 519-8633 [email protected] For whitewater kayaks: Dave Seslar 614/334-9352 [email protected] COP Boat Rentals are available to COP members only! Meetings, Classes,etc. Leader Training Board Meeting January 8th, 7pm - check the web calendar to be sure we are meeting. At press time, Board meeting dates for FY 2015 have not been set. At the COP Office, 1525 Bethel Road, west side door and downstairs. All are welcome; however, if you have business to bring before the Board you need to contact the President one week in advance to get on the agenda. Keith Finn 614/ 890-6269 [email protected] International Scale of River Difficulty Monday, February 16, 6pm Limit 10 people. Check December issue for registration information. Basic First Aid Monday, February 23rd 6-9:30 limit 10 people Check December issue for registration information. Wilderness First Aid March 7 & 8 Check December issue for registration information. Camping the following activities are dormant: Backpacking, Camping, Climbing, ActivitySchedule Saturday, November 8th. 10AM-5PM COP Office, 1525 Bethel Road, west side door, Columbus 43220 COP Leader Training covers: Risk Management, Paperwork & COP Policies, Trip Planning, Participant Screening and Leadership. Cost is $15 for the day and includes lunch. Please bring $15.00 in cash, exact change, to class. You must be a member of COP to take this class. Registration deadline is 11:59pm, Thursday, November 6th. Ann Gerckens [email protected] 614/ 442-7901 CPR Class Hiking, Running, Qualified leaders can still schedule and run trips in dormant activities if they have taken COP leader training. Send Schedules to [email protected] . Put “Activity Schedule” in the subject line. Contact the President if you are willing to become the Activity Leader for one of these activities. Adapted from American White Water. Thanks for their permission to use. This is the American version of a rating system used to compare river difficulty throughout the world. this system is not exact; rivers do not always fit easily into one category, and regional or individual interpretations may cause misunderstandings. It is no substitute for a guidebook or accurate first-hand descriptions of a run. Please visit www.americanwhitewater.org for additional information. Class I: easy. Fast moving water with riffles and small waves. Few obstructions, all obvious and easily missed with little training. Risk to swimmers is slight; self-rescue is easy. Class II: Novice. Straightforward rapids with wide, clear channels which are evident without scouting. Occasional maneuvering may be required, but rocks and medium sized waves are easily missed by trained paddlers. Swimmers are seldom injured and group assistance, while helpful, is seldom needed Class III: Intermediate. Rapids with moderate, irregular waves which may be difficult to avoid and which can swamp an open canoe. Complex maneuvers in fast current and good boat control in tight passages or around ledges are often required; large waves or strainers may be present but are easily avoided Class IV: Advanced. Intense, powerful but predictable rapids requiring precise boat handling in turbulent water. Depending on the character of the river, it may feature large, unavoidable waves and holes or constricted passages demanding fast maneuvers under pressure. Class V: Expert. Extremely long, obstructed, or very violent rapids which expose a paddler to added risk. Drops may contain large, unavoidable waves and holes or steep, congested chutes with complex, demanding routes. Class VI: Extreme and exploratory. These runs have almost never been attempted and often exemplify the extremes of difficulty, unpredictability and danger. Columbus Outdoors • November 2014 • 9 Activity Schedule uits. Hiking Position available! [email protected] Clifton Gorge & John Bryan State Park Sunday, November 9, 9 AM This 6 to 8 mile hike will begin at scenic Clifton Gorge with many unusual natural sights along the Little Miami River and then will continue in the adjacent state park. Bring lunch, water, and hiking boots, and meet for car pooling behind Bob Evans Restaurant at Westland Shopping Center (just east of I-270 and West Broad St.). Dave Dorsky 614/848-7879, valordave AT hotmail.com Meet just south of the Krogers gas station, Winchester Plaza off Rt 33. Trip goes unless we are under Class 2 or 3 Snow emergency. Ann Gerckens [email protected] (before 12/30, I don’t have internet at home) 614/282-2781 T T T T T T T $10 plus tax Zaleski State Forest Day Hike Sunday, November 23. 10 am This will be a 10-mile moderately paced hike on the backpack trail. Bring water, lunch, and hiking boots or sturdy shoes. Meet at 10 am on route 278 at the Zaleski backpack trailhead parking lot or across the street at the Hope Furnace parking lot. Rick Taylor 614/204-9370 taylorr1 AT nationwide. com Holidays are Coming! Buy your favorite COP member a pair of socks (or eight)! High Banks MetroPark Saturday, November 15, 1pm-ish Meet me at the Visitors Center for an afternoon to walk 4-6 miles at a relaxed pace. [email protected] 614/282-2781 Delaware State Park Day Hike Sunday, December 14, 10 AM This will be a hike of 5 to 8 miles, depending on the weather and trail conditions. The wooded terrain is mostly flat with a few rolling hills. Hiking boots are recommended for uneven terrain and possible snowy, icy, muddy and/or wet conditions. Pack water and lunch or snacks for the trail. Meet for car pooling at 10 am at the west end of the Wal-Mart parking lot in North Pointe Plaza shopping center, which is on the east side of US RT 23 about 1/2 mile north of SR 750 (Powell Rd.)., or be at the Mink Run trailhead near the marina by 10:45. Note: This hike may be cancelled if road or trail conditions are hazardous. Dave Dorsky, 614/848-7879, valordave AT hotmail.com Old Mans Cave to Ash Cave Thursday January 1st 10AM Meet at the Old Mans Cave parking lot and join us for 6 miles of great hiking and Holiday cheer. Shuttle provided for this one way hike. Dress for the weather, pack a lunch, your 10 essentials and bring plenty of water. Also bring yaktraks, icewalkers, cleats or some such traction for your feet if you wish to take the gorge trail to Cedar Falls. Those without traction devices will be sent as a sub-group to Cedar Falls via the upper trail. Optional car pool from Canal Winchester at 8:45am. 10 • November 2014 • Columbus Outdoors $20 plus tax $25 plus tax http://www.outdoor-pursuits.org/StoreFront % % % % % Cutting Costs Ann Gerckens, Editor % % % % As part of our cost cutting measures, we will not be publishing a January issue of Columbus Outdoors. Please be sure you get your information in for the December issue by 11:59pm, November 5th. Check www.outdoor-pursuits.org/calendar for any changes/addtions to the schedule. Next year, we expect to combine November and December into one issue and also January/February. We will no longer be printing full page registration forms. Expect to see a quarter page of information including who to call if you need a paper registraion form and a link for online registration. Leaders! Instead of step by step directions in your schedule lising, please list the address and a googlemap link. Why Join Columbus Outdoor Pursuits? Membership Application - Choose from an extensive schedule of activities year-round. - Receive this monthly newsletter, filled with trips, events, and articles. - Learn by doing in workshops on canoeing, bicycle maintenance, rock climbing, backpacking, wilderness first-aid, leadership skills, and more. - Develop your leadership and organizational skills with volunteer opportunities. - Take advantage of low-cost outdoor equipment rentals for members - Make new friends who share your interests and have fun. YES! I want to become a member of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. I understand I will receive a full 12-month membership and all other benefits of membership. Renewing? The expiration month on your renewal will remain the same. Student $ 25.00 (16-26) Adult $ 30.00 Senior $ 25.00 (65 & over) Family $ 50.00 (2 or more people in the same household) Volunteer! Life $500.00 Replace lost Membership Card $3.00 Columbus Outdoor Pursuits success record is in large the result of many people donating their time. If you have some time and want to be a bigger part of this organization, please check off the items below where you could help: Bike tours-foodstops Computer support TOSRV Bike tours - reg GOBA Publications Bike tours-arrows XOBA Trip Leader (training Office (weekdays) Bike tours - sag provided)* Mailing Publicity Activity?__________ Telephoning Data entry Tax deductible donation __________ Total Amount Enclosed: $______.____ Save trees & postage by sending my newsletter via email. Make check payable to: Columbus Outdoor Pursuits Mail to: Columbus Outdoor Pursuits Activity Interests Circle ”1” for primary interests and “2” for secondary interests. Circle “L” if you are willing to lead trips. Backpacking 1 Bicycling 1 Mt. Biking 1 Camping 1 Canoeing 1 2 2 2 2 2 L L L L L X-C Skiing Hiking Running Kayaking Sea Kayak 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 L L L L L Rafting 1 2 L Rock Climb 1 2 L Other ___________________ How did you find out about COP?____________________________________ What made you decide to join?______________________________________ ________________________________________________________ or join online with a credit card at www.outdoor-pursuits.org Name: _________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ City:____________________________ State:__________ Zip:____________ Home Phone: (____) _____________ Email Address:_____________________ Birthdate: _______________ Classifieds: As a benefit of membership, 2 classified ads per year of 60 words or less are free of charge. Please limit content to equipment buy/sell ads. Non-members cannot place ads. Please include your membership number when submitting a classified. Send to [email protected]. Members can also post their classifieds to the cop website, www.outdoor-pursuits.org. Log in, then go to More stuff/classifieds. For Sale: For Sale: Ice Skates--Oberhamer Figure Skating Fischer Nordic Cruising Jupiter Control X-Country skis with NNN bindings. Narrow, fast skis. Used about 6 times. 174 cm length. Red. $250 new. Asking $110. Teresa tstaats AT bright.net or phone 740/815-5459 For Sale: Ice Skates Professional Grade Skates -- Black -- Size 9 1/2 M Blades made by Sheffield Steele in England--(includes blade guards) Shoes made in Germany. Very Good Condition. $175.00 narcuslaw AT att.net, Say Subject: Ice Skates Or call 614/785-0221, leave message Bike Nashbar indoor trainer. Secure system with quick release front fork lock-in. Resistance adjustment lever clamps on handlebar. This bridge on Rosedale-Plain City [crosses Barron creek] is Easily disassembles for still here and it is still closed. storage. How long has it been ? 10 years 15 years. It’s bikable amd very $35.00 lovely place to stop and look at Mark 614/ 561-2296 the water. It would be great on markdenzer AT gmail.com a nearby bike path since can’t be used for auto traffic. Jeff Fenell COP Facebook page, 9/27/14 1525 Bethel Rd Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43220-2054 Previous Membership #: _______________ Remember to bring your current Columbus Outdoor Pursuits activity card to all trips & events. Memberships may be obtained from the COP office by email office@outdoor- pursuits.org or by calling 614/442-7901. If you have any questions about the Columbus Outdoor Pursuits trip program, contact the appropriate Activity Leader. If you have questions about a particular trip, call the leader listed with the trip. To maintain the high quality of all club trips, you are encouraged to submit comments or suggestions, to the appropriate leader and participate in our numerous schools. Need to renew? Membership renewal notices for Columbus Outdoor Pursuits will be sent by the office. If you want to be a member of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits but your membership has expired and you haven’t received a renewal notice, please login to www.outdoor-pursuits.org, view profile and click renew. Or use the form in the newsletter and send it with a check made payable to Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. Moving? The Post Office will not forward Non- Profit Rate mail. Please send your new address to the Columbus Outdoor Pursuits office at: 1525 Bethel Rd, Ste 100, Columbus, OH 43220-2054 Columbus Outdoors • November 2014 • 11 November 2014 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLUMBUS, OH PERMIT 172 Columbus Outdoor Pursuits 1525 Bethel Rd Ste 100 Columbus OH 43220-2054 Address Service Requested Steve Barbour Memorial Tour Century Rider. Photo by Gordon Renkes. Paid Advertisement TM WH E R E A D V E N T U R E B E G I N S GOBBLE, GOBBLE! november 2014 Turkey Day is fast approaching and here at Outdoor Source, we are thankful for our awesome customers! Our friendly and knowledgeable sales staff is dedicated to helping you get prepared for that next adventure. The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting cooler but that’s no excuse not to get out and play! We have the latest selection of gear and clothing from Arc’Teryx, Kuhl, Marmot, Merrell, Mountain Hardwear, OR, Osprey, Patagonia, The North Face plus many more! events Please visit our website for clinic and trip information. COP Members save 10% on regular priced items* *Must have COP card. Cannot be combined with any other discount. Excludes kayaks/paddleboards. Arlington: Polaris: 3124 Kingsdale Center 2042 Polaris Parkway 43221 43240 614.457.3620 614.848.3620 M-F 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 M-F 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 12-5 www.theoutdoorsource.com
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