The Informer Fairfax First Baptist Church (803) 632-3228 or (803)632-2919 (fax) E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Radio Broadcast Dr. Larry Sizemore WDOG Monday - Friday 8:10am TAKE UP YOUR CROSS FOLLOW CHRIST’S EXAMPLE Pastor: Dr. Larry Sizemore Volume 58 Music Director: Sandra Daubard November 4, 2014 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, 11/9 Sunday School… ................... .………. Morning Worship ................................ Business Conference ........................... Praise Band Practice ............................ Discipleship Training ........................... Evening Worship ................................. Tuesday 11/11 Beth Moore Bible Study ...................... Wednesday, 11/12 Children’s Activities ............................ Prayer/Bible Study ............................... Youth Bible Study................................ Adult Choir Practice ............................ SERVANTS: November 9, 2014 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. DRAWER 820 FAIRFAX, SC 29827 NURSERY AM Keitha Walls USHERS Britt Wall, Joey Oswald, Larry Manuel, Jule Young GREETERS Gina Oswald & Betty Coker NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAIRFAX, SC PERMIT NO. 2 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Youth & Children’s Sunday Sunday, November 16 11:00am ************** Church Wide Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 16 6:00pm The church will provide Turkey, Dressing, Gravy & Tea. You need to bring vegetables, salads, deserts, & bread. CHILDREN’S SERMON Gina Oswald NOVEMBER TELLERS Butch Sauls & Gordon Kearse SNACK SUPPER Charles & Mary Jean Carlson God Bless America 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm REMEMBER IN PRAYER Louise Davis: Presbyterian Home, 201 W. 9th Street, Unit 187, Room # 307, Summerville, SC 29483 Phone # 843-819-7018 National Healthcare: 2993 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia 29169 - Louise Jowers, Evelyn Ruff Jacksonville, Florida: Willard McGraw Chicago: Dean Morisesset (Larry’s brother-inlaw) JEH Nursing Home: Jacqueline Kearse, Ogreta Thomas, Delores Brunson, Jean Ferguson Briana’s Residential Care: Mary Reid, Hilda Rahn St Matthews Convalescence Center: Omma Lee Folk, Box 157, 601 Dantzler St., 29135 Emerald Gardens Assisted Living: 201 Overland Dr., Greenwood, SC 29646 (Rm. 315) Ann Tyler At Home: Pearl Barnes, Joe, Louise & Donna Kay Cook, Sara Cook, Donnie Jones, Sue Ann Kearse (at Cecelia’s), Richard Kinsey, Dottie List, Billy Main, Jacob Oswald, Susan Royster, Betty Sanders, Latrelle Still, Cambridge Stone, L. R. Thomas, Dot Whitson, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Young Friends & Family: Thomas Benton, Redmond PRISONER PACKETS One Black non-retractable pen (no wire clip & no other color pen), One junior legal or no larger than 5 1/2” x 8” writing tablet (no wire bound tablets), One Adult Toothbrush individually factory-sealed), no multi-packs), Five first class #10 Stamp-Embossed Envelopes (purchased at Post Office), two rolls of candy (life Savers, Mentos, Breath Savers type), One 4 oz. to 6 oz. bar of soap, (no travel size), & One 5.8 oz. or larger Toothpaste (no travel size), Put in 1 gallon size zip lock bag. Prisoner Packets due in office by Wednesday, November 12 ATTENTION YOUTH!! Wednesday night Youth Bible Study will be on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the youth room. SC BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION Bowers, Peggy Brabham, Jeff Brooks, Jr., Jimmy Burbage, David Cook, Jr., Rev. Gene Carroll, Ashley Carter, Holly Coker, Clyde Collins, DeLacy Crosby (Glory’s Cousin), Mollie Cuttino, Michael Dyches (Cecelia’s brother), Laney Futch (niece of Lynn), Faye Gooding, Carrie Grubbs (Virginia’s granddaughter), Richard Grubbs, Trevor Horn, Lucille Hutchinson, Betty Hutto, Marie Lee, Ann Keys, Gabriel Litchfield, Margaret Long, Terri Marshall, Hazel Mathis (Linda Plumbley’s sister), Beverly Milner (niece of Hazel Loadholt), Wayne Mole, Lexie Monroe, Resa Monts, Rev. John McKeown, Pray for our pastor while he is at the SC Baptist State Convention Monday, November 10 through Wednesday, November 12. Reid Porter, Jr., Dr. Rahman, Anthony Rivers, Mary Rouse, Dot Scoggins, Rachel Stanford, Nellie Sullivan, Patti Sullivan, Sharon Teems, Buddy Terry, Lisa Thomas, Merle Ann Wall, Deborah Welch Warren, Timothy Williams, Elese Windham, Charlie Young Al Odom did a great job in sharing the gospel, there were 20 something decisions recorded on Thursday night. Louise Pathoulas(Mother of Charles Carlson), OUR ACTIVE MILITARY: Chaplain Brian Bailey, Chaplain Warren Sibley, John Mark Cook PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! MEN’S WILD GAME BANQUET REPORT What a wonderful turnout this past Thursday night as nearly 1,500 men gathered for the annual men’s wild game dinner on the ball field of First Baptist Church, Varnville. Thank you Butch for all your hard work each year in helping to set up, cook, serve, and tear down. Thank you to other men of our church that helped out as well. Pastor Ponderings. . . ELECTION DAY! Tuesday is Election Day, an opportunity for us to cast a ballot in favor of a number of candidates. Incredibly, the statistics indicate that many people—yes, even Christians—do not vote; perhaps because they think that their ballot does not make any difference. In point of fact, not only have elections been determined by only a few ballots, but more importantly, if all Christians voted they could determine the outcome of almost any election. And if we don’t vote, we don’t deserve the freedoms we all think are our “right.” Ask God to give you wisdom as to which candidate is closest to biblical standards on the issues (none will meet these standards, but you are aiming at approximations). And don’t just pray, but educate yourself. If you don’t know where the candidates stand on the issues, go to the One Nation Under God web-site,, where you can find voter’s guides for each district. Read them carefully and make an informed decision. Our freedoms are under attack so we’d better exercise them while we still can. Bro. Larry GOD IS AND ALL IS WELL! ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR WANTED CRAFTERS & ARTISTS NOVEMBER 8 Bellinger Chapel Methodist Church, Fairfax To reserve space contact Marilyn 803-632-2908 SYMPATHY Our Christian Love and Sympathy to Gloria Williams and family on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Mildred Thomas. BETHEL BAPT. HOMECOMING/REVIVAL Revival Sunday, November 2 at 11:00am & &:700pm. Monday, November 3 Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00pm. Dr. Ron Long will be the guest speaker. Joe & Kim Stanley will present special music each service. Homecoming will be Sunday, November 9 at 11:00am. Rev. Frank Hyder will be their guest speaker. The Traditional barbeque and covered dish dinner will follow the worship service. A nursery will be provided. OUR RECORD SPEAKS 11/2/2014 SS Enrollment/Attendance ..... ………...……136/65 SS Visitors/New Members…………………. ..... 3/0 Morning Worship .............. …………………...…79 Community Missions ...................................... $5.00 Budget Memorial ........................................ $600.00 Cemetery ....................................................... $80.00 Young at Heart Memorial ............................. $80.00 VBS Memorial ............................................ $125.00 DVD’s &CD’s .............................................. $30.00 Faith Matters ............................................... $125.00 Budget Offering ........................................ $3632.00 Budget Needs (weekly) ………………….$4109.00
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