November 9, 2014
†If you are able, please stand where this symbol appears.
“Holy Ground”
See Screen
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
Lord, hear my voice!
(We use the Lord’s Prayer found in Hymnal # 895)
“Pass It On”
“It’s Me, O Lord”
Hymnal # 572
Grace Choir
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my supplications!
If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
Lord, who could stand?
(See Hymnal # 94)
Please remember to put your Connection Card in the offering plate. Thank you!
But there is forgiveness with you,
that you may be worshiped.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
in the Lord’s word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.
O Israel, hope in the Lord!
For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
with the Lord is plenteous redemption.
And the Lord will redeem Israel from all iniquities.
Lord, today we praise you for the gifts that you have given us. Everything that we
have we owe to you. Let us have the knowledge to care for what you have given us, and
the strength not to put our wealth before you. Amen.
“I Surrender All”
Pew Bible p. 812
“Our Call”
“I Love to Tell the Story”
“Holy Ground”
Hymnal #156
See Screen
*First Service, **Second Service Call to Worship is from the UM Hymnal, Psalter 848. The Opening Prayer is from the UM
Book of Worship.
Matthew 28: 16-20
Hymnal # 354
8:15 Service
10:40 Service
Ashley Myers Lydia Collison Georgiana Cole CONTEMPORARY Bob & Gale Marshall Ryan & Jessica Martin ‐‐ Krista Winkelblech & Marie Peters Adam Jepson
*Participating next week: Chris Hosterman, Jim & Bess Irwin, Ava Reeder, Jane Taylor, Erskine Cash, & Kathy Coursen Acolyte
Nursery Youth Leader:
Pastor’s Office: 814‐364‐1733 Pastor’s Cell Phone: 717‐679‐1279 Church Checker: Joe Rech Organist: Aimee Hockenberry Grace Choir Director: Mary Kay Heiser Email: [email protected] Media Technician: Jack Oakes & Jeremy Peters Pianist: Judy Gentzel Sunshine Choir Director: Theresa Heiser Our Prayer List: Please pray for the following people this week
Auburn (Girl has brain cancer)
Bobby Areheart
Bill Arnold
Jim & Marge Ash
Family of Dennis Bair
Justin Ball
Family of Dick Benner
Darlene Boob
Asa Boomer-Brazier
Marty Breon
Roger Bressler
Daryl Bumgardner
Jim Chandler & Family
TJ Coursen & Family
Randy, Lisa & Lexi Dickson
Lori Dillman
Martha Esh
Donna Fetteroff
Marvin, Gavin & Jamie Frazell
Denise Gaddy
DJ Gates
Justin & Amanda Gray & Baby
Dolores Grove
Shelton Grove
Terry Hammond
Betty Hardes
Rich & Connie Hartley
Eleanor Hazel
Fred Horner
Paul Houser
Curtis Irvin
David Jones & Family
Brian Judy & Family
Family of Ernie Kauffman
Joyce & Ralph Kerrick
Aaron & Audrey King
Leroy Klienfeter
Landon Kreider (5yr. boy w/cancer)
Wanda & Bill Lance
Paul Lyons
Jayce Marey
David Marshall
M.R. Mayer
Bob Miller
Katherine Miller’s Family
Sharon O’Hara
Joni Oliver
Cathy Packer
Mary Perdie
Joe Perez
Barry Peters
Evelyn Plotts
Thelma Pyle
Rech’s Parents
Chrissy Reutter
Rhonda Rhoades
Bertha Rhode
Thomas Ribblett
Phyllis Rider
Tiara Rochau
Bobbi Rockey
Shane Royer & Family
Tom Runkle
Eugenna Salter
Clate Schillings
David & Marge Schirm
Dakota Schrenkle
Casey Scott & Family
Mildred Searfoss
Alice Shultzenberger
Debra Lee Smeltzer Sinkus
Audrey Smith
Katie Smith
Annie Stevens
Donna Stickley
Jolene Stonebraker
Jim Summey
Sandy Woodward
Wilma Yarger
Wayne Yeager
Ron Yost
Melody Morgan
Family of Esther Rudy Taylor
Don Thompson
Mary Tier & Family
Family of Bob Wagner
Christina Walter’s Father
Colton White
Emily Whitehead
Nick Witherite
If you would like to add or remove a name from our prayer list, please contact the church office. Secretary: Bobbi Crow Office Phone: 814‐364‐1701 Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday ‐ Friday 8:30 – 12:30 Grace United Methodist Church Pastor Mark Messner 127 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Post Office Box 292, Centre Hall, PA 16828 814‐364‐1701 [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for worshipping with us at Grace! We hope to see you again soon! Please tear off and place in offering plate.
Comments, Prayer Requests:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please check only one box. Please write email neatly on the line.
I would like to sign up for Online Giving. Please check the box if you would like numbered envelopes & are not already receiving them.
Please check the box if you would like information.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Information on baptism
Information on church membership Helping Grace Church as needed November’s Monthly Mission Food & Fuel Pantry This month’s mission is the Centre Hall/Potter Township
Food Pantry & Fuel Assistance. This organization provides
monthly food assistance for low income families and assists
with winter fuel bills. It operates with canned and dry foods
donated by local groups and individuals as well as government
surplus foods. Monetary donations are used to purchase
additional food and to support the fuel assistance fund. Please
mark your donations Food Pantry.
I would like Offering Envelopes. Worship Services Sundays at 8:15 am and 10:40 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Grace Cakes free pancakes available for all every Sunday downstairs after early service
Contemporary Worship Service Second Sunday of the month late service
Nov. 12
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 18
Nov. 23
Nov. 23
Nov. 27
7:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
12:30-4:00 pm
Grace Choir Practice in Sanctuary
Leadership Team Meeting in Library
UM Women’s Meeting at Linda Hosterman’s House
Food Pantry Distribution Day in Ash Hall at GUMC
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Collection Day
Last Day to Order Christmas Poinsettias
Office Closed for Thanksgiving Day
If you worship at GUMC and would like to borrow tables & chairs,
please contact the church office at 364-1701 to sign them out. Thank you.
Tachov Church
As of 10/12/14 $109
I’m interested in:
Our mission is to live and share the love of Jesus Christ.
It’s great to see you today!
September 2014 General Fund:
MTD Actual MTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Offerings 13,438 13,000 124,486 126,750 Expenses 16,461 14,067 131,936 126,603 Net Margin (Loss) (3,023) (1,067) (7,450) 147 Attendance11/2:1stService:632ndService:86Total:149
Grace UMC is hosting a silent auction on Nov. 9th, 2PM-5PM, in Ash Hall.
Recently Brian was diagnosed with brain cancer. Our purpose is to raise money for the
family during this very sad & difficult time. We want them to know they are not
facing this alone.
The silent auction will be an open house where you may come and go as you
please. Our GUMC praise band “Glorified” (started by Brian) will be performing as
well as other entertainers. Desserts and beverages will be provided. Please contact
Jane Taylor at 814-364-1857 to help with refreshments or donate a dessert. There is
also a sign-up sheet in the hallway.
Admission is free, however Love Offerings will be appreciated. Checks may be
made payable to GUMC; please write Brian Judy on the memo line.
Donations of items or services are being accepted for the auction. Please fill out a
pink slip, on the table in the sanctuary, and place in the offering plate. Please write the
value of the item as well. Thank you.
Did you know that you can give your offering online?
GUMC HAS A NEW EMAIL! Our church email has changed to [email protected]; the old email, [email protected], is no longer our email. If you need to contact the office by email, please note this change. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sing with Grace Choir during Advent & the Christmas Season!
Do you like to sing? You are invited to join with Grace Choir and sing
Christmas Poinsettia order forms are now available on the table in the
sanctuary. All orders are due by Nov. 23rd. Thank you!
Shoeboxes will be collected on November 23rd! Please see bulletin
inserts for your shoe box label.
Grace United Methodist Church shipped 69 shoeboxes through Operation
Christmas Child in 2013. Please help us greatly exceed this number this year.
Bring your box November 23rd. Include a photograph or some information
about you – the giver – and a check for $7.00 to cover the shipping.
Happy Packing!
Grace Church has added the option for you to make your donations
safely online. Go to our website,,
click the Secure Online Giving button to set up your account.
Questions, contact Tim Shuey at [email protected].
Grace Church in your INBOX!
Sign up to receive GUMC info via email! Go to our website at and click on the “Sign up
for Grace Notes E-Newsletter” link in the white box. You
can receive our church newsletter Grace Notes, join the
prayer chain, and/or sign up to receive a copy of the weekly
church bulletin via email.
If 1st or 2nd time guest, how did you hear about GUMC?____________________________________________ Please tear off & place in the offering plate. (For example: Valley Vine, CDT, Facebook, website or person.)
contact Mary Kay Heiser at 364-1626.
Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Your Age Group City/Town:____________________________________________State______Zip__________ under 20 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s Best Contact Phone:(______)______________________________ 60’s 70’s & up Occupation:__________________________________________________________________ with us during Advent & Christmas services. For more information,
The Cellar Dwellers class is looking for people willing to
prepare Grace Cakes. Supplies are in the kitchen,
preparers will need to be at the church by 9 AM and should
be finished by 9:45 AM. A sign-up sheet is in the hallway
at the front of the church. Thank you!
Grace Church has a prayer chain for immediate prayer needs that cannot wait until Sunday. Calls with requests should go to Jane Taylor at 364‐1857 or 777‐1099. You can also contact the church office at 364‐1701. You will also be asked if the name should be published on the prayer list in the bulletin. If you would like to add your name as a member of the prayer chain, please contact Jane Taylor at 364‐1857, 777‐1099 or the church office. Thank you. Change in information? Yes No Grace Cakes Preparers Needed!
Name:______________________________________________________________________ Email (please print neatly):_____________________________________________________ I am a: 1st Time Guest 2nd Time Guest Regular Attendee Member ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Copies of the Church Directory are on the
table in the hallway by the sanctuary doors.
These directories are not the picture
directory, they are directories listing addresses,
phones and emails. They are periodically updated; check
the date at the top to see if you need to pick up a new one!
Dear Grace Church Family,
Greetings to you all! I would like to introduce myself as your new secretary here at
Grace United Methodist Church. My name is Bobbi Crow and I am grateful for this
opportunity to both work and serve here. I would love to meet any and all of you in person,
so please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself. Please let me know if I can be of
assistance to you in any way.
Peace and Love In Christ,