REFLECTION Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 32ND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Mission Statement “We, the community of OLPS, strive to follow Christ and be His witnesses, reaching out to all through love and service.” Zeal for your house will consume me. (John 2:17) Imagine a church adorned with marble columns, bursting with colours, gold ceilings, marble floors, walls covered with New Testament scenes, a mosaic of Mary and the saints, and a seven -meter high statue of Jesus Christ. This is the Lateran Basilica in Rome. This building isn’t just visually stunning; it has a rich history as well. As the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, it is considered the pope’s church in his capacity as bishop of Rome. The emperor Constantine donated the land for it to Pope Melchiades around A.D. 311, and had a church built there for him. Until the construction of St. Peter’s in the sixteenth century, the popes lived in a residence built on the site as well. Over time, the Lateran Basilica has faced many hardships. It has been sacked, damaged by more than one fire, and nearly destroyed by an earthquake. But even in these challenges, this historic church, which is a symbol for bishops everywhere, can teach us. Like the Lateran, the universal Church is both stunningly beautiful and has faced many challenges. It has been persecuted, and some of its members and leaders have made mistakes that have inflicted grievous wounds on it. Many bishops have handled their responsibilities well; some have not. None of this should surprise us. The Church is made up of imperfect people, and bishops are no exception. Like us, they face temptation, and so they need support. As our brothers in Christ, they need our prayers, our encouragement, and the witness of our lives. Try something different today. Write a letter or e-mail to your bishop! Tell him you’re praying for him. Rather than asking something of him, just encourage him, and lift him up to the Lord. “Thank you, Father, for those you have called to be bishops. Bless them and protect them. Together with them, we all pray, ‘Lead us not into temptation.’ [Reprinted with permission of ”The Word Among Us”] Mandarin Speaking Community 2 0 1 4 年 1 1 月 9 日 - 常年期第三十二主日 和平之后堂圣神同祷会成立30周年感恩弥撒-圣 (拉特朗 大殿奉献日) 永援圣母堂华文成人慕道团 1) 2014年11月9日 神的活水涌流 主祭:吴诚才总主教 日期: 11月8日(星期六)晚上7点半 讲题:诸圣相通功/圣母论 地点:和平之后堂 讲员: 何国章 2) 2014年11月16日 和平之后堂圣神同祷会神恩祈祷聚会 讲题:圣事与礼仪-沟通天人关系 讲员: 陈静芳 时间:早上9点正 主题:圣神在敬拜赞美中 主讲:林长震神父 日期:11月21日(五) 晚上8点 Hall 地点:达味楼四楼礼堂 欢迎主内兄弟姐妹踊跃参加! 圣经分享: " 厄弗所书" 纪念亡者名册BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE 日期:2014年11月22日(星期六) 邀请教友们在10月25日至11月30日之间,把 时间:下午二时 至 四时三十分 已亡亲友的姓名写入 教堂两本纪念亡者名册(Book of Remem- 地点:新加坡神学院中心 分享者:何国章弟兄 地点:本堂活动中心四楼礼堂 Verbist brance)之其中一本。 31 Siglap Hill, Singapore 456085 Website: Facebook page: MASS SCHEDULE Weekday : Saturday : Saturday Sunset : Sunday : (Confession before Mass) 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) & 6.00 pm 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) Novena 4.00 pm 4.45 pm & 6.30 pm 7.30 am (Mandarin); 8.45 am; 10.30 am; 12.15 pm & 6.00 pm PRIESTS & DEACON (Vicar) Rev Fr Gregoire Van Giang Tel: 6445 6092 Rev Fr Bruno Saint Girons Tel: 6444 3242 Rev Fr Charlie Oasan Tel: 6241 8905 Rev Deacon Clement Chen Tel: 6241 0953 PARISH SECRETARIAT Agnes Chan Tel: 6241 9565 Andrew Foo Fax: 6241 5874 CATECHETICAL COORDINATOR (Children & Teens) Nancy Chan Tel: 6241 8047 YOUTH COORDINATORS Tamara Emir Tel: 9686 8706 OLPS Church Autogate closure time St Stephen’s School (car park timings) Adoration Room Mass in Adoration Room Intercessory Prayers Columbarium Christian Meditation Charismatic Prayer Meeting Charismatic Mass Infant Baptism Migrant Mass Bahasa Indonesia Mass Bahasa Indonesia Praise and Worship Tagalog Mass Rosary Recitation Divine Mercy Devotion St Pio Devotion Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 12.30 am - 5.30 am (daily) 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm (Saturday); 8.00 am - 1.30 pm (Sunday) Daily 7 am to 12 Midnight; Saturday Vigil until 6 am Sunday Every first Friday of the month at 10.00 pm Every first Thursday of the month at 8:00pm-9:00pm in Adoration room Opens daily 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Every Wednesday at 8.00 pm in St John & St Luke Rooms Every Wednesday 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall (Level 4, by lift) Every last Wednesday at 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall Preparation 2nd Sunday at 3 pm; Baptism 3rd Sunday at 4 pm Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 12.15 pm Mass Every 1st Sunday of the month at 3.30 pm Mass Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 3.30 pm in John Paul room Every 4th Saturday of the month at 8.00 pm Mass. Mon - Wed; Thursday (intentions for Priests) at 5.15 pm Every Friday after morning Mass in church hall and at 5.15 pm. in church Every 23rd day of the month at 6.45 pm (after the 6 pm mass). MARRIAGES: Application/Booking for Wedding in our Parish should be made at least six (6) months in advance. This would give the couple adequate time to attend Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) or Engaged Encounter Weekend (EE). Application forms available at the Secretariat. Booking is confirmed only when full contribution is received six (6) months before the Wedding Date. No Weddings during Lenten Season. Mass Readings (9 Nov – 16 Nov) 9 Nov (Sun) 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time; The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ex 47:1-2,8-9,12; Ps 45:2-3,5-6,8-9; 1 Cor 3:9-11,1617; Jn 2:13-22 10 Nov (Mon) St Leo the Great, pope, doctor - memorial Tit 1:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Lk 17:1-6 11 Nov (Tue) St Martin of Tours, bishop - memorial Tit 2:1-8,11-14; Ps 36:3-4,18,23,27,29; Lk 17:7-10 12 Nov (Wed) St Josaphat, bishop, martyr - memnorial Tit 3:1-7; Ps 22:1-6; Lk 17:11-19 13 Nov (Thurs) 32nd Week, Ordinary Time Phm 7-20; Ps 145:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 14 Nov (Fri) 32nd Week, Ordinary Time 2 Jn 4--9; Ps 118:1,2,10,11,17,18; Lk 17:26-37 15 Nov (Sat) St Albert the Great, bishop. doctor 3 Jn 5—8; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 16 Nov (Sun) 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31; Ps 127:1-5; 1 Th 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 14-15,19-21 PARISH BULLETIN - 9 NOVEMBER 2014 32ND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME PARISH ASSEMBLY The 2014 Parish Assembly will be held on Sunday, 30 Nov 2014 from 2-5pm at Verbist Hall. All parishioners are encouraged to attend to 2014 participate in building our church together. CHILDREN & TEENS Level 1-6 (Primary level) The last session for Term II will end on the weekend of 15/16 November. CATECHETICS ADVENT 2014 LOURDES EXPERIENCE 2014 OLPS MILESTONE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CHARISMATIC RENEWAL NEIGHBOURHOODS Bedok Reservoir/Kaki Bukit: Confraternity of OLPS rosary devotion at 8:00pm on 9-11 Nov at Michael & Zita’s home, Blk 640 #14-61. All are welcome. FAITH SYCAS YOUTH MINISTRY Sunday 30th Nov is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a holy season for the Church and the beginning of the new Church year. Let us spiritually prepare ourselves by signing up for the Advent Workshop by Fr. Luke Fong. Date: Fri 28 Nov at 8p.m. Verbist Hall. Register at [email protected] by 16 Nov. Come and spend an afternoon at the Lourdes Experience 2014 The Lourdes Experience celebration marks the 150th anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady to St Bernadette in Lourdes. Date: 6 Dec (Sat) Time: 2.00 pm - 7.30 pm Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium Ticket Balloting: Ballot papers can be obtained at the foyer this weekend of 8/9 Nov and the successful numbers balloted will be posted on the PPC Notice Board. Please bring your numbered portion of the ballot paper to claim the tickets at the foyer on the weekend of 15/16 Nov. Two-way transport at $4/pax will be arranged. The coach will leave OLPS church at 1pm sharp. Please register at the foyer on the weekend of 15/16 Nov. Celebrating Faithfulness. OLPS Milestone Wedding Anniversary Mass is on Saturday, 27 Dec 2014 (Feast of the Holy Family) at 6:30pm. Celebrant: Fr Simon Pereira, C.Ss.R. Come celebrate your 5th, 10th, 15th, etc (in increment of 5 years till 50th) and every anniversary above 50th (51st, 52nd, 53rd, etc) with your family and church community. There will be renewal of wedding vows, dinner, entertainment and photo sessions. To register, email to [email protected] by 19 Dec 2014: Name of Husband and Wife, Tel. No, Date and Church of Marriage, Milestone Anniversary you are celebrating, number of family members attending dinner (max. 4 guests/couple @ $15/guests). Registration at church foyer will be available on 22/23 Nov and 29/30 Nov. Enquiries: James Tham @ 98802203 or Shelley Ee @ 96363952 Charismatic Prayer Meeting at 8:00pm on 12 Nov (Wed) at Verbist Hall (4th level). Topic: “Judgement belongs to the Lord”. Speaker: Clive Goddard. All are welcome. OLPS MOVIE NIGHT OLPS COOL CHOIR Faithfull Mass - Be part of a mass run by the Youth that is happening on Sunday 14 December 2014, 12.15pm. Register by emailing us at [email protected] to be in any of the following roles: Hospitality – 12 youth Lectors – 2 youth Offertory – 2 youth Logistics – 4 youth Choir – 10 youth (Practices start on 1 Nov, every Saturday (12pm – 2pm). Registration closes on 14 November! THE NEST IS CLOSED The Level 9 teens are having their L9 Camp this weekend and the Faith Sycas are involved in it as facilitators. Do keep these 15 year old teens in your prayers to be able to open up and have fun during their camp. #SHAREfest 2014 [Stirring Hearts: A Real Encounter] Submissions for the video competition are now closed and entries are now up on the Facebook page for viewing! Check them out at edSHAREfest and click like to vote for your favourite video! OLPS Movie Night featuring “TURBO” is on Friday, 14 Nov at 8:00pm sharp in Verbist Hall. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Come enjoy the movie as a family. Bring along the grandparents and helper too. The Children of Our Lady's (COOL) Choir will be singing for the 1st OLPS Children's Christmas Mass on 24 December 2014 at 6:00pm. We are looking for new friends aged 6 to 13 years old to join us! Choir practices will commence on 9 Nov 2014 at 2:30pm. The practices will be held every Sunday for the next 8 weeks. For more information or to register, please contact Renee Sequeira at 9685-5105 or Sarah Rodrigues at 93890254. BOOKS OF REMEMBRANCE All parishioners are invited to write the names of your departed loved one/s in one of the 2 books at the Church Sanctuary from 25 Oct to 30 Nov. THE PURPLE PARADE The Purple Parade is a national movement in Singapore that supports the inclusion of and celebrates the abilities of people with special needs. In conjunction with this, the Office for the New Evangelisation together with the parish of St Michael and parents of those with special needs, have organised a Mass to celebrate the inclusion of all people. All are invited to come and support this event. Date: 15 Nov 2014, 2-4 pm. Venue: Church of St Michael. Please contact Cecilia (98783059 / [email protected] ) or Kevin (97513041 / [email protected]) for more information. THE 8 BIG PROBLEMS OF LIFE Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Acedia, Lust, Sadness, Vanity, Pride—How can we manage these human problems, transcend them, and free ourselves to live more fully and joyfully? Weekend Retreat led by Fr Laurence Freeman OSB Benedictine monk and Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM). Date: 29-30 Nov from 9am—5pm at Catholic Junior College. Contribution: $80.00. To register: or contact Emily 97205802 or email: [email protected]
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