
November 2014
The President’s Comments
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ONE AND ALL. I can’t believe 2014
is almost over, and we had a wonderful year. The monsoon gods
were good to us with all of the rain we had this year and not too
much heat. I’ve never seen Prescott and surrounding areas so
green, but we paid for it with the tremendous growth of weeds and
flowers. Still was beautiful.
Due to personal health issues (2 surgeries within a 2 week period) I
am resigning as president of the Board of Directors and a member
of the board.
I’m sure a person will be appointed as soon as possible to fill out
my remaining term (until the annual meeting in March).
I would like to thank all of the people who volunteer their time and
efforts to provide a wonderful community in which to live. Thanks
to all of the people who supported my election to the board this
past March.
Linda Roegge
Quarterly Firewise Notes
No information at this time.
Larry Gray, Chairperson, Firewise Committee
Landscape Committee
I would like to thank everyone for being diligent in marking
the areas where they see a water leak and letting the Landscape Committee know so we can have it fixed in a timely
Please be on the look-out for water leaks. The normal watering schedule is M-W-F from 8am-9am.
We’re looking forward to next year when we will be able to
do more “dead stuff” removal and have healthy plants put in
their place.
Jan Wendorf, Landscape Committee Chair
Board of Directors Meetings
Meetings for the Board of Directors are held at the HOAMCO office, beginning at 9:00am.
HOAMCO’s new address is: 3205 Lakeside Village, Prescott 86304
Board of Directors
Al West,Vice President....………..776-0202
Bob Licht , Treasurer ……………717-0089
Linda Gray, Secretary ………….. 541-1495
John Hoy, Director at Large …… 541-0031
Architectural Control
John Hoy, Chairperson ……….… 541-0031
Mary Richardson, Chairperson.…..442-1380
Save the Date !!!
Larry Gray, Chairperson ………....541-1495
Christmas Party !!!
Jan Wendorf, Chairperson…….….717-1730
Tom Calvert..………………….….445-1286
Sharon Dyson………………….….445-8785
Bill Semplice………………….…..227-1022
Al West ……………………….…..776-0202
December 13th !!!
Neighborhood Watch
Michael Allen, Chairperson...... ...717-9353
Don Mills ................................... .443-1365
Sharon Fukayama, Editor ….…...771-0987
SouthView’s HOAMCO
Association Manager is:
Tim Graves……………… 776-4479 ext24
Ladies’ Activities
\Ladies’ Book Clubs
SouthView Page Turners
Second Monday of the month at 2pm.
Contact Pat Gebhardt 443-1548
November 10th: Never Coming Back by Hans
Koppel at Elizabeth Licht’s
January 12th: The Romanov Prophecy by
Steve Berry at Marcia Mallicoat’s
February 9th: A Man Called OVE by Fredrik
Backman at Susan Madsen’s
March 9th: Minding Frankie by Maeve
Binchy at Sue Allen’s
Novel Thoughts
Third Wednesday of the month, 1:00pm.
Pat Homes 227-1164. Openings available.
(Mexican Train)
Third Friday of the month,
1:00pm.Contact Jan Wendorf 717-1730
Nov 21st: Linda Roegge
Dec 19th: Carolyn Smith
Second Monday of the month at 1pm.
Contact Shirley Pichoff, 717-1481, for location.
November 10th: Wild: From Lost to Found
on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
December 8th: Gifter Hands, The Ben Carson
Story by Ben Carson
Novel Thoughts has room for 2 more participants!
Game Day
Fourth Thursday of the month, 1:00pm
Contact Jan Wendorf 717-1730.
Nov 13th: Marcia Mallicoat (note date
change due to Thanksgiving)
Dec 11th: Linda Gray (note date change
due to Christmas)
New Neighbors
Dan and Emily Griffin
2990 LaQuesta, lot 107
Cell: 925-437-2658
E-mail: [email protected]
Ladies’ Luncheons
First Wednesday of each month, 11:30am.
Contact Jan Wendorf 717-1730
Nov 5th: Wildflower (Marcia Mallicoat)
Dec 3rd: Murphy’s (Sherry Drabin)
Jan 7th: need a hostess
Feb 4th: (Jeri Purcell)
Movie Madness
Movie Madness will be starting again
but no day has been determined,
Please Call Jan Wendorf (717-1730) if
you are interested.
Rick and Karen Wilson
1459 Creek Trail, lot 94
Home phone: 928-227-2632
Rick’s cell: 559-706-0402
Daily Courier insterts
If you do not receive the Daily Courier and do not want the Shopper delivered to
your driveway/home, please call the Courier to stop the delivery. (928-7721212)
SouthView Dogwalkers
If your dog makes a “deposit” while you are out on a walk, you
need to be prepared to pick it up immediately!!! Let’s all keep
SouthView a great place to take a walk!
SouthView Trails Community Association
P.O. Box 10000
Prescott, AZ 86304