November 2014 Newsletter St. Mark Lutheran Church 21 S. Baird Avenue, Rhinelander, WI 54501 (715-362-2470) In this issue: Pastoral Letter Holy Communion Ladies Prayer Lunch Trig’s Receipts November Birthdays Missionary News Monthly Group Gatherings Nov. Volunteer Schedule Nov Altar Guild, Trustee, and Counters Schedule Officers and Boards for 2014 November Calendar Worship Schedule and Office Hours From the Pastor You can help maximize the ministry at St. Mark in various ways. Prayers for specific people are an important part of our worship. We have Prayer Request forms in the narthex to help me make sure the name and the nature of the prayer request is accurate. We request the address of the person being prayed for, because when the individual is not a member, I send a note letting them know the congregation prayed for them. We make every attempt to respect the privacy of people. Frequently, people request my personal prayers, but don’t want to be in the prayers during the service. Please be sure the person wants their information made public. Having requests in writing helps me create my notes for the prayers. I will probably not remember what you asked me to pray about if you catch me moments before the service starts. If you can’t get to church to fill out the information, please call me at home or call the church office with the request. Someone asked me what happened to the statue that was in the altar area. The statue was placed high on the back wall to remind us that the risen and ascended Christ goes with us as we leave the church. I would like to form a committee to plan and lead us in special mission projects connected with Pastor Jacob Gaugert. If you would like to be a part of this effort, please let me know. November is the month most churches focus on stewardship. My approach is simple. (1) Pray, asking God to direct you in your commitment to Him through the ministry at St. Mark. (2) Make your commitment a weekly contribution to the ongoing ministry, not just a donation you make when you are able to attend a worship service. Business Old & New Zucchini Pancakes 2 cups shredded zucchini (squeeze out all the juice) 1/2 cup pancake mix (such as Bisquick) 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/2 cup minced onion 2 large eggs, beaten In large mixing bowl, combine zucchini, pancake mix, Parmesan cheese, onion and salt and pepper to taste. Mix until well combined. Heat large skillet over medium heat, lightly coat with oil. Add 1/4 cup batter onto skillet, repeat. Cook 2-3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Great with applesauce, or other sides. HOLY COMMUNION Submitted by Barb Scott ATTENTION LADIES!!!!!! If you need to have Holy Communion brought to Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast will be changing to you in the pew, please let an usher know. Pastor LADIES’ PRAYER LUNCH. We will be meeting at Hodag Lanes at 12:00 PM We will be will be happy to accommodate you. having a private room at Hodag Lanes. Hope to THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS see new faces. If you have any question, call Mickey Steil at 715-362-2282. Thank you to all members continuing to participate in the “Choice Dollars” donation to St. Mark TRIG’S RECEIPTS Church. There is a box in the narthex for you to turn in ST. MARK QUILTERS your Trig’s receipts. St. Mark receives 1% of the St. Mark quilters will be meeting the 1st and 3rd purchases on those receipts. Please mark the receipts 2B. They also may be put in the tower at Tuesdays of the month at 8:30 and sewing until the Trig’s store. Every receipt helps. noon so that they can attend the Ladies Prayer Lunch. We would love to have some new people who may be interested come and join us. LWML Women’s Guild will meet on Tuesday, November 11th at 10 AM. Women of St. Mark are welcome to join us and see what LWML is all about. 2015 CHURCH BUDGET Please take a few moments to look over the church budget for 2015 included in this newsletter so that you can be an informed voter in December at the Voters Quarterly Meeting. MORE NEWS AND NOTES LADIES BIBLE STUDY The Intentional Family Ladies, are you looking for a little more opportunity to study the bible? Barb Scott and Jill Botsford have put together a Women’s Bible study evening here at St. Mark the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM at St. Mark Church in the Fellowship Hall. You are welcome to join at any time. For any questions, call Barb at 612-866-8948 or Jill at 715-272-1206 or just speak to them when you see them in church. When Harry and Agnes of Snohomish, Washington got married, they intentionally decided to have a strong family life. So when they had children, they built a summer cabin on a small island. There they played games and spent time together. They prayed and showed Christian love to others. When Harry and Agnes died, the family didn’t stop gathering. A Tip for Fall Eating This is an easy way to make corn on the cob submitted by Sally Miller . She received this from her son, Dave. Don’t shuck the corn, just microwave the whole ear on high. (I put 2 cobs in for 6 minutes). Cut off the bottom, about an inch above the stalk end. Then grab the top (it’ll be hot) and squeeze the corn out. It slips out perfectly, and is ready to serve. It tastes wonderful. Amazing! As Agnes neared death, she said: “I’ve done everything I wanted to do. I have no regrets.” She had lived and intentional life, planned out as well as could be expected. At Agnes’ funeral, the pastor said: “Our time on earth is limited, and God calls us to be good stewards by living intentionally. That means using everything we have… in ways that would delight God. So that at the end of our lives, we might have no regrets.” Family Pie Stewardship/Evangelism One handful of forgiveness, Our board has plans of doing a project for a “Mommy’s Morning Out” activity that will include activities with children of the community on December 6 from 9 AM-12 PM. There will be games, a craft project, a treat, and hopefully some music involved. We are looking for some members to volunteer to help us out with this project. Watch your bulletins for more information. If you are interested in helping with this project, please call the church office at 715-362-2470. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. One heaping cupful of love, A full pound of unselfishness, Mix together smoothly with complete faith in God. Add two teaspoons of wisdom, One teaspoon of good nature for flavor, Then sprinkle generously with thoughtfulness This makes a wonderful family pie! Muriel King Submitted by Hope Heger
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