22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Attend and hear about: • Deviation Management: Identification of Isolates • Designing a Bioburden Control Strategy • E ffective Investigations • Approaches to Auditing Environmental Controls • Is your Phone, Handbag and Computer Bugged?... Early Bird Offer Sending 2 people? Book before the 8th October and the second delegate receives a 50% discount on listed prices • And more…! PLUS Leading microbiology experts include: Special discounts for NHS Elaine Doyle Abbott Dr. Tim Sandle Bio Products Laboratory See booking page for further details Alan Whipple GlaxoSmithKline Dr. Samantha Westgate Perfectus Biomed Ltd Joanne Spiers Catalent Pharma Solutions Mary-Anne Weatherhead Pfizer Prof. Val Edwards-Jones MelBec Microbiology UK Ltd Patrick Nieuwenhuizen Genzyme Chris Wells bioMériuex UK Ltd Dr. Mark Sutton Public Health England Kevin Wright Proctor & Gamble Venue: Nottingham Belfry, Mellors Way, Off Woodhouse Way, Nottingham, NG8 6PY Date: 26th & 27st November 2014 Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Wednesday 26th November 2014 08.30 – 09.00 Registration 13.30 – 14.30 Finger buffet lunch in the exhibition area 09.00 – 09.15Chairman’s welcome and introduction David Keen – Microbiology Manager, GlaxoSmithKline and Pharmig Chair 14.30 – 15.15 09.15 – 10.00 The Human Microbiome and its Implication for Cleanroom Microbiology • The human microbiome and current research • The microbiology of human skin • Implications for cleanroom control • Implications for personnel and cleanroom practices • Implications for disinfectants and culture media Dr Tim Sandle – Site Microbiologist, BPL & Pharmig’s Outstanding Contribution to Microbiology Award Winner 2013 10.00 – 10.45 Use of Plant Isolates in QC Testing and Pharmaceutical Microbiology Validation • G uidelines and regulations • P ros and cons of plant isolate usage • P lant isolates versus pharmacopoeial Reference strains • W hat to choose and when to change • B enefits of using plant isolates Chris Wells – Director Global Key Account Management, bioMériuex UK Ltd pproach to Auditing Environmental A Controls • Introduction to environmental controls • Audit planning and preparation activities • Audit approach and high risk issue considerations • Environmental control procedures • Manufacturing facilities • Cleaning • Surface and air monitoring • Water and gas systems • Personnel controls • Contract services Elaine Doyle – Senior Compliance Auditor, Abbott 15.15 – 16.00 Deviation Management: Identification of Isolates • When should you identify? • Every colony isolated? • Only in case of an excursion of limits / level? • How far to identify – presumptive vs species level • How should we use the ID information? Alan Whipple – Microbiology Director, GlaxoSmithKline 16.00 – 16.30 Tea & coffee with the exhibitors 10.45 – 11.30 Meet the exhibitors over tea & coffee 11.30 – 12.15 leanroom Behaviour, Aseptic Practices C and Operator Understanding • Evaluating operator cleanroom behaviour • Developing a feedback and learning culture around cleanroom behaviour •A voiding common regulatory observations on aseptic technique • Relating operator performance to environmental monitoring excursions Patrick Nieuwenhuizen – Manager Quality Control, Genzyme 16.30 – 17.15 Ps and Microbiologists – How to Build Q Partnerships • What useful information can the microbiologist supply to the QP? • How to make a QP interested in your data • What data to leave out • Why should microbiologists become QPs? Mary-Anne Weatherhead – Qualified Person, Pfizer 17.15 – 17.30 Summary & close of day one 19.00 – 20.00 Pre-dinner drinks in the exhibition area 12.15 – 13.00 Open discussion sessions 13.00 – 13.30 Pharmig AGM All Members please do attend to receive an update on Pharmig activities and voice your thoughts! 2 20.00 ‘till late G ala dinner and dance (smart/casual dress code) 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Thursday 27th November 2014 09.00 – 09.05 Chair’s opening remarks and champagne draw 12.00 – 12.20 Committee reporter feedback / summary from discussion sessions 09.05 – 09.15 12.20 – 13.00 Industrial Biofilms, the Problems Encountered and Possible Management Methods • Biofilm definition and explanation of how it forms • Biofilm attachment and attachment surfaces • How do industrial biofilms differ from lab based biofilms? • Possible consequences of biofilm contamination • Management methods to prevent/control biofilm formation Dr. Samantha Westgate – Director, Perfectus Biomed Ltd 13.00 – 14.00 Finger buffet lunch harmig Publications Update P Dr. Tim Sandle – Site Microbiologist, BPL & Pharmig Committee Member 09.15 – 10.00 Prevention is Better than a Cure: Designing a Bioburden Control Strategy Your production has restarted, the affected batches of raw material and product quarantined for disposal, and the message from management can be summarised as – `this has never happened before, and we don’t want it to happen again`. The words `opportunity, compliance, review and yesterday` come into your life as you revisit the monitoring of potential sources, and the changes which resulted in microbial contamination. Your sole purpose is to make sure you fully understand the impact of the inherent bioburden in your FMCG manufacturing system, leveraging a 14.00 – 14.45 Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide combination of quality data and potential new Decontamination Processes; Is There a measures to pragmatically manage the risks for Better Way? the future. • The challenges of using biological indicators (BIs) to monitor gaseous This talk will provide an overview of where you decontamination processes might want to look in managing bioburden • Shortcomings of existing Geobacillus within production cycle, touching on sampling stearothermophilus BIs approaches, methods, supply chain, limits, • Microbial organisms and lifestyles risk in context, and the value of integrated that are a greater challenge to knowledge across your products and the decontamination manufacturing process. • Development of thermostable adenylate Kevin Wright – Principle Scientist, kinase (tAK) indicators as a rapid readProcter & Gamble out surrogate marker for assessing decontamination process efficacy 10.00 – 10.45 Effective Investigations • Comparison of tAK indicator and BI • Understanding the problem performance in laboratory studies of • Identifying the correct root cause two commercial hydrogen peroxide •C orrective and preventative actions decontamination systems • Discussion of practical examples • Building a case to support implementation Joanne Spiers – VP, Quality Operations of tAK indicators in pharma & Regulatory Compliance, Catalent Dr. Mark Sutton – Scientific Leader, Pharma Solutions Healthcare Biotechnology, Public Health England 10.45 – 11.15 Tea & coffee with exhibitors 11.15 – 12.00 Open discussion session continued PROGRAMME CONTINUES OVERLEAF 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology 3 Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Thursday 27th November 2014 (Continued) 14.45 – 15.30 Is your Phone, Handbag and Computer Bugged? The Microbiology of Everyday Objects and Risk of Infection There is huge concern in the microbiology community about the increasing numbers of multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria in the health care environment. We know that infections associated with these organisms have a higher fatality for those persons undergoing complicated medical treatment. Should we be worried? This lecture will explore the relevance of these problems to the general public and how prevention of some common infectious diseases can be achieved by following good hygienic practices. Professor Val Edwards-Jones – Clinical Director, MelBec Microbiology Ltd, UK 15.30 – 15.40 Summary and Close of Conference 15.40 – 16.00 Departure Tea & Coffee There is evidence that these organisms have now spread into the general community and we have isolated some common everyday objects, including the dog! Should we be worried? Open Discussion Sessions Wednesday 26th November & Thursday 27th November A) Low Endotoxin Recovery Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) has recently become a hot topic for discussion amongst Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET) users. Is this a new phenomenon or has it been observed for some time? The aim is to discuss the current literature and industry position with thoughts on the validation of the BET with the more complex and challenging molecules of today and taking Pharmig members own validation experiences with this issue. Led by: Mark Childs – UK General Manager, Associates of Cape Cod & Edel Fitzmaurice, Fitzmaurice Scientific Ltd B) P harmig Expert Corner - Q&A with Pharmig Committee Members (sterile and non-sterile) Led by: Andy Brack, PZ Cussons & Andy Martin, ABM Consulting - Pharmig Committee C) Best Practices in Cleanrooms - Identifying issues relating to cleanrooms - Launching Pharmigs Cleanroom Action Group Led by: Brian Hayes, Ipsen & Tim Sandle, BPL D) Use of Plant Isolates Led by: Alan Whipple, GlaxoSmithKline & Julie Roberts, J. Roberts Associates Ltd The aim of these sessions is to encourage discussion, share issues, solutions and experiences in a smaller, more informal environment helping you to benchmark against other delegates/companies. 4 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology Pharmig would like to thank the following companies who are exhibiting at this years’ conference and for their continuing support. 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology 5 Launching Pharmig’s latest Fact Sheet Range A series of 8 fact sheets about the major Objectionable Microorganisms FACT SHEET 14 Objectionable Microorganisms | Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Pharmig’s range of publications also include the following (more details of which can be found on the website www.pharmig.org.uk/ publications and on the Pharmig stand at the Conference) LAL Factsheets (pack of 6) Objectionable Microorganisms Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Organism description Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a Gram-negative bacterium found in a variety of environments including soil, water, and plants. It also occurs in the hospital environment and may cause infections such as, bloodstream infections, respiratory infections, urinary infections and surgical-site infections. It was previously known as Pseudomonas maltophilia and Xanthamonas maltophilia Objectionable status S. maltophilia is one of the most commonly isolated bacteria from pharmaceutical water systems. In hospitals, S. maltophilia has been associated with antibiotic resistance. S. maltophilia frequently colonizes breathing tubes such as endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes, the respiratory tract and urinary catheters. Habitat S. maltophilia is ubiquitous in aqueous environments, soil and plants. In addition, S. maltophilia can exist in nearly any liquid-filled cavity in the human body, including the circulatory system. Other features S. maltophilia are slightly smaller (0.7–1.8 × 0.4–0.7 µm) than other members of the genus. Coloionies may be yelloe ot greenish yellow. They are motile due to polar flagella and grow well on MacConkey agar producing pigmented colonies. S. maltophilia are catalasepositive, oxidase-negative (which distinguishes them from most other members of the genus) and have a positive reaction for extracellular DNase. Microbial Limits Test (Fact Sheet Pack 1). S. maltophilia also is studied for the use of bio-pesticides. Identification S. maltophilia is a Gram-negative aerobic rod-shape bacterium and motile with a few polar flagella. It can be identified Version 01 • Page 1 of 2 • November 2014 Pharmig, T5 The Maltings, Roydon Road, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire, SG12 8HG One of the expectations of GMP regulators is that microbiology laboratories are knowledgeable about the main objectionable microorganisms that could be found in pharmaceutical products or in the manufacturing environment. The identification, characterisation and interpretation of these microorganisms can be challenging. To act as a training aid and information resource, Pharmig have produced eight new fact sheets (Fact Sheet Pack 2). Seven of the fact sheets profile some of the most important objectionable microorganisms (together with Geobacillus stearothermophilus, used for biological indicators). An eighth fact sheet provides useful information about risk assessing objectionable microbes. The fact sheets use colour photographs illustrating growth on agar and by Gram-stain. These are supported by facts relating to the organism’s profile and methods for identification. The sheets are presented in a pack and together provide a unique, informative and colourful guide to an important area of quality control microbiology. Also available are a set of fact sheets outlining the specified microorganisms relating to the pharmacopeial Microbial Limits Test (Fact Sheet Pack 1). Member price £30 Non Member price £50 6 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology PHARMIG 22ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE 26TH & 27TH NOVEMBER 2014 BOOKING FORM BOOK BY THE 8th OCTOBER & A SECOND DELEGATE CAN ATTEND AT A 50% DISCOUNT (both bookings must be made at the same time) 1st Delegate First Name: Surname: Job Title: Surname: Job Title: 2nd Delegate First Name: Address : Tel: Fax: Email: Discussion Session A B C D Attending gala dinner (included in fee) 1st Delegate: 2nd Delegate: Special dietary requirements Please tick 2 sessions you wish to attend. CONFERENCE FEES Conference fees are detailed below and include lunches, Conference gala dinner & dance, refreshments and Conference documentation. Conference fees do not include accommodation, which must be booked and paid for directly with the hotel. NB: Fees must be paid by October 26th 2014 in order to guarantee a place(s) at the Conference. PHARMIG MEMBER FEESNON MEMBER FEES Delegate £695 / @ 890Delegate£995 / @ 1266 Bed & Breakfast £105 Bed & Breakfast £105 Discounted rates are available for NHS and non-profit making organisations NHS Member Fees £350 Non NHS Member Fees £450 *Euro fee is higher to cover conversion rates Cheques should be made payable to ‘Pharmig’ and attached to this form for a confirmed place or fax / email this booking form to +44 (0) 1920 871 156 / [email protected] for a provisional place. Cheque for £ sterling / @ euro to cover delegate fee(s) enclosed Cheque for £ sterling / @ euro to follow Total of £ sterling / @ euro transferred electronically Please supply invoice F.A.O.: Please quote purchase order number: I wish to pay by credit card (Pharmig will contact you for details) CANCELLATION POLICY Written cancellation will be accepted up to 30 days prior to the event, and all cancellations will incur a fee. No refunds are available 15 working days before the start date and full course fees will be due for delegates who fail to attend. Substitutions may be made at any time, preferably in writing to Maxine Moorey. ACCOMMODATION To book your accommodation at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel at the rate of £105 pp B&B please contact the hotel directly on: Tel: 0115 973 9393 Please state you are booking for the Pharmig Conference November 2014 to ensure you receive the discounted rate NOTE: Rooms get booked up very quickly – early booking is recommended Maxine Moorey Pharmig T5 The Maltings Roydon Road Stanstead Abbotts Hertfordshire, SG12 8HG HOTEL INFORMATION Nottingham Belfry Hotel, Mellors Way, Off Woodhouse Way, Nottingham, NG8 6PY The Nottingham Belfry Hotel is a four star hotel is located close to jct 26 of the M1. It has excellent conference facilities and also has a Reflections Spa and Leisure Club. Tel: +44 (0) 1920 871 999 Fax: +44 (0) 1920 871 156 Email: [email protected] 22nd Annual Event Latest updates and hot topics in Microbiology 7 Pharmig T5 The Maltings Roydon Road Stanstead Abbotts Hertfordshire SG12 8HG United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 1920 871 999 Fax: +44 (0) 1920 871 156 Email: [email protected] Web: www.pharmig.org.uk
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